单词 | rss reader | ||||||||||||||
释义 | rss reader
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 阅读器,阅读软体,阅读软件 1. I usually start NewsRack, my RSS reader of choice, two or three times a day to read the latest news over lunch or on the train. 午餐期间,或是在地铁上,我会使用我的RSS阅读器NewsRack阅读最新的新闻,一天两到三次。 www.bing.com 2. The RSS consumer subscribes to an RSS feed by entering the feed's address into a given RSS reader application. RSS客户通过在给定的RSS阅读器应用程序中输入提要的地址来订阅RSS提要。 www.ibm.com 3. Personally, I prefer picking and choosing among multiple tracking tools and pulling them together into a "dashboard" by using an RSS reader. 就我个人而言,但我宁可在多样的追踪工具中挑挑拣拣,通过订阅把他们放在一张“仪表盘”上。 www.bing.com 4. Streamy is a mix between an RSS reader, a social media aggregator, and a real-time search engine. Streamy是RSS阅读器、社会化媒体聚合器和实时搜索引擎的混合体。 www.bing.com 5. When you get a few spare minutes, you can simply flick over to your RSS reader and read what's new. 当你有空闲时间时,你可以简单地点开你的RSS阅读器,阅读最新消息。 www.bing.com 6. This article walks through the construction of an Ajax-based RSS reader using both XMLHTTP and tags as the transport mechanisms. 本文详细介绍了基于Ajax的RSS阅读器的构造方法,我们使用XMLHTTP和标记作为传输机制。 www.ibm.com 7. Users can subscribe to it with RSS reader to see the document list. 用户可以订阅“RSS源”,并使用RSS阅读器查看文档列表。 office.microsoft.com 8. A delightfully designed RSS reader, The Early Edition is a newspaper in the palm of your hand. 一个兴高采烈地设计RSS阅读器,早期版是在你的手掌报纸。 www.acpp.com.cn 9. Perfect for the casual RSS reader (if such a person exists) who hates staring at lists. 而对憎恨紧盯目录的那些临时的RSS阅读者来说,简直就是完美的。 www.bing.com 10. You can now use the RSS format in your favorite RSS reader to be warned about new available translations matching your language preferences. 你可以用RSS格式在你钟爱的RSS阅读器中得到提示新提供的符合你的语言优势的翻译。 www.cucumis.org 1. This database includes the form dispForm, which displays the Journal entry within the RSS reader when a user selects an entry to view. 这个数据库包括窗体dispForm,当用户选择一个要查看的项时,该窗体在RSS阅读器中显示Journal记录。 www.ibm.com 2. An RSS reader then picks up the change and creates a passive message indicating new content. RSS阅读器随后获取此更改并创建一条指示新内容的被动的消息。 www.ibm.com 3. Google has finally added the long-awaited search box to their popular web-based RSS reader. 8Google终于在自家的颇受欢迎的RSS阅读器上添加了搜索框。 www.bing.com 4. My view is that, there is only one way out for RSS Reader, that is, be the supporting role of the mighty media. 在我看来,RSS阅读器的出路只有一条,就是成为强势媒体的配角。 www.elanso.com 5. The upside of using an RSS reader is that you can zip through a lot of content very fast. It's a very good way of organizing your reading. 使用Rss的好处是你能很快地浏览大量信息。这是一个组织你的阅读的很好方法。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Without a dozen or more unread items in your email or RSS reader, you'll feel less bombarded by information. 邮箱里少了些你根本不去读的邮件或RSS,会让你轻松很多。 www.bing.com 7. And that's precisely why Twitter users have kept me from having to rely on my RSS reader for news. 这也是为什么twitter用户和我保持联系,并依赖我的RSS阅读器获取新闻。 www.bing.com 8. Chrome also has an inbuilt RSS reader and just like Firefox you can access feeds through the bookmarks folder. Chrome也有内置的RSS阅读器,就像Firefox一样,你可以通过书签访问RSSfeeds。 www.bing.com 9. On my blog, I have a lot of material in the side bars that doesn't show up in an RSS reader or in Feedblitz. 在我的博客上的边栏有许多从RSS阅读器上或者用Feedblitz时不会显示出的内容。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. You can use Outlook as an RSS reader to receive periodic feeds of content from several sources in your Mailbox. 可以使用Outlook作为RSS阅读器来从邮箱中的几个来源定期接收内容源。 office.microsoft.com 1. However, you cannot categorize documents by the status of approval process in RSS reader. 不过,在RSS阅读器中不能按审批流程的状态为文档分类。 office.microsoft.com 2. To receive those feeds, students need to register for a free RSS reader, or aggregator. 要得到那些资料,学生们需要登记为免费RSS用户或管理员。 www.lingyuan.ccoo.cn 3. On the positive side, the RSS reader does allow users to import and export OPML files and even import Live Bookmarks from Firefox. 值得肯定的地方是,RSS阅读器也允许用户导入和导出OPML文件,甚至是从Firefox中导入实时书签(LiveBookmarks)。 www.bing.com 4. Using an RSS "reader" , one can list the websites they want to follow and when content is updated it appears in the reader. 你可以在RSS“阅读器”中跟踪一系列网页,部分更新会出现在RSS“阅读器”中。 www.bing.com 5. Twitter has quickly become my ideal replacement for the RSS reader. Twitter非常快速的变成我的RSSreader理想代替品。 www.bing.com 6. It is designed for people who prefer to consume RSS feeds via non-traditional methods (i. e. , not via an RSS reader). 它是被设计用来为那些使用非传统方式(比如通过RSSReader)来阅读RSSFeed的人服务的。 blog.163.com 7. In order to upgrade its advertisement value, RSS Reader as a new medium must become part of the media. 要提升广告价值,RSS阅读器这样一个新的媒介必须要成为媒体。 www.elanso.com 8. Ever skip a headline in your RSS reader because you don't feel like investigating whether it's worth your time? 你是否曾经在RSS阅读器跳过一个内容,你不想研究它是否值得花时间去阅读? www.bing.com 9. It does exactly what an RSS reader should do - gives you the info you want without interrupting your browsing. 但这正是一个RSS阅读器应该做的——让你得到想要的信息在不打扰你的浏览。 www.bing.com 10. Figure 5 displays an image of what the feed looks like in an RSS reader. 图5显示了RSS阅读器中提要的图像。 www.ibm.com 1. A RSS reader gathers your news for you. 一个RSS阅读器可以为你收集新闻。 bbs.31896.net 2. So when you clicked the link in your RSS reader that bought you here, you made a GET request. 所以当你在你的RSS阅读器里点击链接,打开网页的时候,你就是在做一个get请求。 www.bing.com 3. So, ditch that RSS reader and start using Twitter for all your news consumption. 所以丢弃RSSreader吧,开始使用Twitter来获取你关注的新闻热点。 www.bing.com 4. I really wanted to cheat here because I use the Sage plugin and it's fantastic, but I've stuck to Firefox's inbuilt RSS reader. 这里我真的想做一下弊,因为我使用了Sage插件,它太神奇了,但我还是坚持用Firefox的内置RSS阅读器。 www.bing.com 5. But you can combine Craigslist search feeds using your RSS reader. 但你能适应RSS阅读器将Craigslist的搜索feeds整合在一起。 www.bing.com 6. You have a full tab strip and a "hub" page open towards the left of the strip. Perhaps its your RSS reader, or a news site like Google News. 你有一个完整的标签栏和一个靠近左边打开的“焦点”页面,它可能是你的RSS阅读器,或者是像Google新闻组一样的页面。 hi.baidu.com 7. Hit the subscribe button and you can keep track of new mentions in your RSS reader. 点击提交按钮你就能追踪到近期RSS种子里的内容。 www.bing.com 8. How RSS Reader looks will differ depending on phone. 手机上的RSS阅读器看起来会不同。 www.bing.com 9. A similar flaw in Google's RSS reader was spotted last month. 上月,谷歌RSS阅读器也发现了类似的缺陷。 www.ftchinese.com 10. zhuaxia: online rss reader similar to rojo (profile). zhuaxia抓虾:类似于rojo的在线rss阅读器 www.bing.com 1. My plans to build a generic RSS reader in just the page were dashed. 我打算在该页面中构建一个通用RSS阅读器的计划落空了。 www.ibm.com 2. Instead of arguing about RSS reader's future, I will instead focus on Twitter's and Facebook's future. 代替关于RSS阅读器的前途的争论,我反而关注微博客和美国社交网站的前途。 www.bing.com 3. 3 new utilities: RSS Reader, Dicer, Scorer. 3新工具:RSS阅读器,切酶,射手。 www.xjttt.com 4. Using a browser equipped with an RSS reader 使用附设RSS阅读软件的浏览器 www.gov.hk 5. Winner of Best RSS Reader: Firefox 最佳的RSS阅读器:Firefox www.bing.com |
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