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例句释义: 死板的,僵硬的,固执的,僵化的,严格的,刚硬的,刚性的 1. The whole space is no longer rigid, a sense world window swiftly lays out with window not like window, wall not like wall. 和谐柔美的居室生活带来居住的快感与轻松,一切空间不再僵硬,窗非窗,墙非墙的感观世界即刻展现。 www.fangce.net 2. Soon discovered that moving a fixed screen is not easy to expand the space, the block also appears to be too rigid solid. 不久就发现固定的屏风不容易挪动扩充空间,太实的遮挡也显得死板。 shtsj.com 3. As a result, the gun-barrel feels as rigid as if it were cast in concrete. 这样一来,炮管在你感觉中僵硬得像是被浇铸在水泥里面一样。 dongxi.net 4. The innovative rigid tray is save and easy to use and can guarantee the hygiene of the packed product thus avoiding contamination. 创新的刚性托盘保存,易于使用,可以保证包装产品的卫生,从而避免污染。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 5. Of course we can assume that the moon surface is very rigid, the landing vehicle would not be able to leave traces of it. 我们当然可以假设月球表面十分坚硬,不足以让登陆车留下痕迹。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. As evidenced by Egyptian reliefs, early fans were of the rigid type, with a handle or stick attached to a rigid leaf or to feathers. 从埃及的浮雕可以推知,古扇全是硬扇型,有一柄或梗连接硬叶或羽毛。 chinafanyi.com 7. The authors suggest submitting to a rigid set of criteria before seeing any of the possibilities, and sticking to it. 作者建议在看到任何的可能性前提交一套严格的标准,并坚持执行。 www.ecocn.org 8. Some states' triage guidelines are rigid, with a single set of criteria intended to apply throughout the severe phase of a pandemic. 一些州的指导原则要求极其苛刻,遭遇严重疫病时只使用单一死板的标准来划分。 www.bing.com 9. A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation. 敷料,石膏模一个僵直的敷料,通常由纱布和熟石膏制成,用来固定一个由于骨折或脱臼而受伤的身体部位 dict.ebigear.com 10. The materials used for rigid beams must be able to withstand both compression and tension . 刚性梁用的材料都必须能够承受压缩和紧张。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Steel seems to be the best material, but not if it is welded to form a rigid structure. 钢似乎是最佳的建材,但一旦被焊接成僵硬的结构就不行了。 www.tingclass.com 2. A rigid national agreement may not be the best way to lure foreign investors like Total to Britain, or to save local jobs. 一项死板的全国协议可能不会是吸引外国投资者例如道达尔石油公司来英投资、进而提供更多本地就业机会的好方法。 www.ecocn.org 3. The basic theory of the method--that of a rigid inclusion in an elastic medium--has been developed by several investigators. 这种方法的基本理论--弹性介质中的刚性包体理论是由若干研究工作者发展的。 4. Mathur and Rani Rasmani began to ascribe the mental ailment of Sri Ramakrishna in part, at least, to his observance of rigid continence. 马图尔和拉妮罗曼妮开始把室利罗摩克里希纳的行为部分地归咎于精神病,至少他会有严格的自制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Compared to that of a flexible foundation, the slip surface of a rigid foundation is larger and deeper. 刚性基础地基的滑动面要比柔性基础更大、更深; www.ceps.com.tw 6. The enhancements to the S2000ES seem to be more in the way of manufacturing, with dual shield construction and a rigid beam chassis. 应该是从它的做工方面,它配备了双层结构防护,并拥有一个坚硬的底盘。 www.cnbeta.com 7. When an object squashes or stretches, it appears to be made of a pliable material, if it doesn't then it appears rigid. 当一个对象驮或延伸,似乎可以作出一个柔软材料,如果没有,然后似乎僵硬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Though he was a rigid disciplinarian with a heavy swing to his boot, all but one of his children adored him. 虽然他是一个刻板的循规蹈矩的人,并且具有很大的摇摆性,但除了他的一个孩子外,其余的都敬重他。 9. Compared to the rigid naming system in Europe, the way that Chinese name their children seems to be much more flexible. 相对欧美严格的取名制度,中国人的取名方法就灵活多了。 chinese.rutgers.edu 10. The Saturn hexagon seems to represent the strange rigid path of a jet stream, with each of the six sides being one Earth diameter in length. 土星上的六角形云团像是激流形成的固定图案,每条边的长度与地球的直径相当。 www.bing.com 1. The rigid-body guidance synthesis with different tasks can be realized by means of adjusting the length of frame linking rod. 通过调节连架杆的长度,可以实现不同任务的刚体导引综合。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. And yet, with its rigid currency policy, China is fighting the inflation battle with one hand tied behind its back. 然而,由于中国死板的汇率政策,中国在抗击通货膨胀的过程中被缚住了手脚。 c.wsj.com 3. He felt that his own rigid adherence to a plan was keeping him from growing, and yet he was afraid to break out and try something new. 亨利意识到他的刻板僵化使他不能够有所发展,但是他又害怕不按计划做事会有什么问题。 397565205.qzone.qq.com 4. The characteristic feature of all utopian plans from that of Plato down to that of Marx is the rigid petrification of all human conditions. 所有的乌托邦计画,从柏拉图的到马克斯的,其特徵都是要把一切人事情况严密地僵化。 www.douban.com 5. How much force will be applied to attached rigid bodies? 有多少力将影响附加的刚体? game.ceeger.com 6. "I begin to understand, " he said. There is constant competition within a rather rigid structure. “我开始了解了,”他说,在一个相当坚固的体系中有着持续的斗争。 word.hcbus.com 7. It seemed to me that there was more sorrow than anger in his rigid and contained countenance. 依我看来,他的表情似乎悲痛多于忿怒。 www.exams.cn 8. Such a trend can also be seen other parts of the world that have rigid labor markets, especially in Europe. 这种趋势在世界其他地区,特别是欧洲,也有发生。 www.bing.com 9. In a poor and unchanging sys tem, like China of old, the path to advancement tends to be very narrow, rigid and well-defined. 在中国过去一成不变的不完善体制下,进步的道路往往是很狭窄、僵化、教条的。 www.2r2y.com 10. The Communist Party of China's five-year plans used to be a chance to set rigid targets, with little thought given to sustainable reform. 中国执政党的五年规划在以前是制定刚性目标,几乎不考虑可持续的改革。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It is now apparent that overly centralized, excessively layered, and rigid organizational structures are not always effective or efficient. 过于集中、过度分层、刚性的组织结构现在很明显并不总是有效或高效的。 www.baike.com 2. For instance, you're not likely to hear: "Implementing XP means rigid work hours, so I won't be able to pick my daughter up from school. " 例如,你不可能听到:“使用XP意味着固定的工作时间,所以我不能到学校接我的女儿。” www.infoq.com 3. But do not fit yourself into a rigid mold that says you must hit the ball waist high or else you are not playing good tennis. 不过,把自己放入“必须击打腰部高度的球”这一硬性的模型中就不明智了,或者说你没有学好网球。 www.dono.com.cn 4. Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. 法律不应该是僵化或固定的。相反,他们应该灵活变通,考虑到不同的环境、时期和地点。 www.bing.com 5. There were times when emigration bottleneck was extremely rigid and nobody was allowed to leave the country out of his personal preference. 过去有过这种情况:移民限制极为严格,不允许任何人出于个人考虑而迁居他国。 yyx.scun.edu.cn 6. But it grew up in an era of rigid social structures, in which everyone was resigned to his or her place in the hierarchy. 但这个体制成长于僵硬的社会结构时代,在这个结构中,人人都从属于自己的社会地位。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Seen from a distance, the facade appears like a rigid volume, but dissolves into a network of structures and levels as you come closer. 从远处看去,建筑表皮是不变的风格,但是走进了它就是一系列结构和层次的网络叠加。 www.julemei.com 8. The peptidoglycan in gram-positive bacteria is often cross-linked in three dimensions, providing a very strong, rigid cell wall. 革兰阳性菌肽聚糖常交联成三维立体结构,使细胞壁十分坚韧。 basic.shsmu.edu.cn 9. Ardi's feet were rigid enough to allow her to walk upright some of the time, but she still had a grasping big toe for use in climbing trees. “阿蒂”的脚有足够力量支撑她不时直立行走一段时间,但她仍有一个善于攀爬的大脚趾。 www.bing.com 10. This is the simplest of the keyboard cases I tested. It's just a thin, rigid aluminum tray with a recessed keyboard in the bottom. 它是我试过的键盘套中最简单的一个,只是个薄薄的、坚固的铝合金托盘,底部暗藏着键盘。 cn.wsj.com 1. Do a backup each time when only a backup for different parts, rather than rigid heavy head start, very easy to save trouble. 每次在做备份时,只针对不同的部分做备份,而非死板的重头做起,相当省事方便。 www.jisuxz.com 2. The shape and dimensions of a rigid body should be considered investigating its motion. However, due to its unchanged shape. 由于研究对象是刚体,所以运动中要考虑其本身形状和尺寸大小,又由于刚体是几何形状不变体,所以研究它在空间的。 jpkc.qust.edu.cn 3. We had long ago given up the poignant Christmas services, but now, under pressure, we sat rigid in the front pew, fighting back tears. 我们很久没去做过那令人心碎的圣诞礼拜了,但现在,在孙女的强求之下,我们坐在前排长凳上,一动不动,努力控制着泪水。 dict.ebigear.com 4. The rigid Color and serious faces, as if to tell people that the unspeakable inner world . 呈现给观者。那些僵硬的色块,严肃的面孔,仿佛要告诉人们那不可言状内心世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Once I opened my eyes and saw Japhy sitting there rigid as a rock and I felt like laughing he looked so funny. 一次我睁开双眼看到贾菲坐落在那里僵硬得如石头一般,而我感到好像在笑,他太有趣了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This impression is magnified by his rigid demeanor and his baritone voice, which he deploys slowly, at low volume. 而凭借其僵硬的举止,以及低沉、节奏缓慢的男中音,上述印象(译者注:他是个外星人)被进一步放大了。 www.bing.com 7. How I with you, you will not say that I will not be able to wait for your volume, the fact am so, but also what will have well rigid? 我如何与你,你不会说,我将无法等待你的音量,这样一个事实感到非常,但也将有什么以及刚性? wenwen.soso.com 8. "The airlines are quite a rigid industry when trying to make any significant changes, " says Jacob. 在要做出任何重大的改变时,航空业都是一个严格的行业。 www.bing.com 9. She knows her idol not to know her, she know she is just a small, but love, what I can do, can only say that we too rigid. 她知道她的偶像不认识她、她知道她只是小小的一个、可是爱了、能怎么办、只能说我们太执着。 tieba.baidu.com 10. "Germany is one of the most rigid among the relatively advanced societies, " says Karl Ulrich Mayer, a sociologist at Yale University. 耶鲁大学的社会学家卡尔?乌尔里希?迈耶评论说:“德国是比较先进的社会中最刻板的一个”。 www.24en.com 1. Wage push and rigid labour laws across most of these vulnerable countries did not help either . 这些易受冲击的国家大多实行的加资举措和严格的劳动法也都于事无补。 www.bing.com 2. Do you mean to tell me that the British system is so rigid that there is no room for moving that date? 你们难道是想告诉我英国系统有那么严格,一点也不能通容? www.hoolee8.com 3. How Anne's more rigid requisitions might have been taken is of little consequence. 安妮那些更苛刻的要求会遇到何种反应,这已经无关紧要了。 novel.tingroom.com 4. If the sun were a rigid body, its magnetic field might resemble the earth's , with symmetrical field lines like a bar magnet's. 如果太阳是一颗固体星球,其磁场或许与地球磁场相似,像条状磁铁那样具有对称的磁力线。 it.bab.la 5. Examination of the respiratory passageways with an instrument known as a rigid bronchoscope . 用硬的支气管镜进行呼吸道的检查。 www.bing.com 6. They tend to be rigid and inflexible in their thinking and unwilling to see what's really happening until it's too late. 他们趋向于固执己见,不愿面对现实直到一切都已太迟。 www.bing.com 7. In the solution of indeterminate problems, it is usually necessary to assume that certain members or supports are rigid. 在解决不定问题时,通常必须假定某些机构或支点是刚性的。 8. However, the rigid training at my college should make up for my lack of working experience. 但我在学校所受过的严格训练,应该可以弥补我工作经验的缺乏。 www.169v.com 9. Actually lives does not need such senselessly rigid, any really has not been able to shear the shed. 其实生活并不需要这么无谓的执著,没有什么就真的不能割舍。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In fact, China's education system rigid like a huge invisible cage, for anyone wanting to break of it the cool flash of cold light. 事实上,中国大陆僵化的教育制度如同一座巨大的无形的牢笼,对于任何想要突破的它的人都闪现出冷冽的寒光。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Russell Smith's Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) is an open source physics engine with which you can simulate articulated rigid body dynamics. RussellSmith的OpenDynamicsEngine(ODE)是一个开源的物理引擎,使用它可以仿真铰接式固形体运动。 www.ibm.com 2. A surgical system having a console that receives a cassette with a rigid fluid channel formed into a rigid plastic component or housing. 本发明提供了一种手术盒体,其具有形成为刚塑性部件或壳体的刚性流体通路。 ip.com 3. Two came, tall women looming in their black, one of them thin and rigid, the other heavy, swaying with the planting of her feet. 走来了两个女人,一个瘦高僵直,另一个高大肥壮,她们身着黑衣,森森然地迈着步子摇曳着前行。 bbs.en8848.com.cn 4. Cement was lacking, of course, but, as in the case of certain Roman walls, without interfering with its rigid architecture. 墙上显然缺乏水泥,但正象某些罗马的墙壁,对建筑物本身的坚固朴实却丝毫无损。 www.ebigear.com 5. You stop seeing yourself as a slave to a set of rigid rules and begin seeing yourself as an artist making creative choices. 你不再看待自己是一系列陈腐规则的奴隶,而是做出有创造性决定的艺术家。 www.bing.com 6. And the lift sensor output signal was as a standard to compare the performance differences of rigid disc and flexible disc. 并以升力传感器的输出信号为标准来对比刚性阀瓣与柔性阀瓣的性能差异。 www.fabiao.net 7. In addition, the more coarse fibers, the more rigid, ruffled the surface of the fabric fibers easily tangles into a ball. 此外,更多的粗纤维,更坚固,竖起一球织物的纤维表面容易缠结。 www.qiyeku.com 8. All the ancient laws have prescribed Punitive Damages, but it is rigid to say that they are not the Punitive Damages we say in modern times. 中外古代法中都有惩罚性赔偿的规定,但这严格来说它们并不是我们所说的现代意义上的惩罚性赔偿。 www.fabiao.net 9. Many ultra-right individuals do take such a stance however, and using a church as a front for rigid beliefs is not new. 但许多极右的个人采取了这种姿态,利用教堂作为前沿阵地来传输僵化的信仰并不是什么新鲜事。 hi.baidu.com 10. They used to present only a limited range of courses and study programmes. They used to deliver lessons in a rigid and circumscribed way. 学校提供的科目和课程相对有限,授课方式比较单一呆板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. India retains rigid labour laws that make it almost impossible to fire an employee or to hire contract labour. 印度保留了其严格的劳动法,这使它几乎不可能解雇员工或雇佣合同工。 sh.focus.cn 2. filled with vascular sinuses and capable of becoming distended and rigid as the result of being filled with blood. (生理学)充满血管窦而且在充血时可以变大、变硬。 hotdic.com 3. he a little old-fashioned tenacious, but can actually not but let the human admire him to emotion rigid and single-minded. 他有点古板固执但是却又不得不让人佩服他对情感的执著与专一。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. This process subsequently identified that the dome was more structurally rigid than initially anticipated. 这个过程后来辨认圆顶比最初被期望更加结构地刚性的。 goabroad.wenda.sogou.com 5. "We used steel because if it works for that, it will work for less-rigid materials, " You says. “我们使用钢材料是因为这样一来模型对那些刚性不如钢的材料也能有效,”You说。 www.bing.com 6. They had come from some distance for the horse was sweating, and the dead body had been shaking all the way and it seemed to be quite rigid. 他们是从远方来的,因为马在冒汗,而尸体一直在摇来晃去,看起来相当僵硬。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 7. A few strands of light brown hair strayed out, suggesting that, while conservative, she was not rigid. 头上夹杂的几缕淡棕色头发暗示了她言行保守但不刻板僵化。 www.bing.com 8. In addition, layouts of main valve and pilot one are the same as original layouts of system, for there is no rigid conjunction between them. 此外,主阀与先导阀之间无刚性连接,其在主机上的布置亦同原系统的布局。 www.juhe8.com 9. We are trying to get rid of the over-rigid practices and adopt some general international practices. 我们设法消除一些死板的做法,采用国际上通用的贸易方式。 www.wwenglish.com 10. He was utterly rigid except for his hands, which were opening and closing spasmodically. 现在,他完全僵硬了,除了手掌时不时一开一合。 roninkang.tianyablog.com 1. It is why every soul is being given every encouragement to break out of the rigid set of beliefs that hold them back. 这也是为何每个灵魂在被给予每个鼓励的机会去冲破一直阻碍他们自身发展的死板严苛的信仰。 www.douban.com 2. Another reason for changing direction was that along the way we realized that the stick polyhedra we had built were not rigid. 转换研究方向的另一个原因是,我们后来发现合成的柱条多面体并不够坚固。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Rebuilding two struggling teams - those formerly known as Jaguar and Minardi - demands strategic vision and a rigid plan. 改造两只困境中的车队——前身是有名的捷豹和米纳尔迪——要求具有策略上的远见和严谨的计划。 f1.sports.sohu.com 4. Rigid adherence to these recommendations can only serve as an aid to the acceptance and understanding of taxonomic principles. 严格遵守这些辅则只会有助于领会和接受分类学原理。 www.kuenglish.info 5. They are made of a rigid material, like plastic, but some are made of leather or other soft materials. 矫正鞋垫通常由刚性材料,比如塑料、但也有些用皮革或其他柔软的材料做成的。 bbs.tnbz.com 6. For the rigid-body model, the fault has no internal deformation, thus the bed remain its length after rotation. 刚性旋转时,断块内部没有任何塑性变形,因此地层的长度没有变化。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. At the time, Flash was a newborn as an application programming tool and dvd authoring software was too heavy and rigid to be useful. 还是那个时候,Flash作为一款新生的应用程序编程工具和DVD认证软件用起来太繁杂和刻板了。 www.bing.com 8. Our manager is so rigid in his thinking, that he never listens to new ideas. 我们的经理在想法上是很如此顽固,一成不变的,他从不听从别人的意见。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Rigid structures are unable to adapt as quickly to a rapidly changing environment as a decentralized system. 在一个去中心化的系统里,僵化的组织结构无法像去中心化的系统那样快速地适应变化环境。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The energy-saving compressor consists of two compression cylinders. Two pistons are connected together by means of rigid connecting rod. 本节能压缩机是由左右两个压缩缸组成,两个活塞用刚性连杆连接在一起。 ip.com 1. This system has ensured individual liberty and a vibrant private sector, but it has now become polarised and ideologically rigid. 这种体制保障了个人自由和私营部门的活力,但它现在却变得两极分化、思想僵化。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Even those who have denied such a possibility, will in our opinion find it easier to accept than those with a set of rigid beliefs. 即使那些谁否认了这种可能性,将我们认为更容易比接受的一套严格的信仰者。 dwbbs.qiudao.net 3. Time management, especially for the more fluid work arrangements of many freelancers, doesn't have to be a rigid or time-consuming process. 时间管理,尤其是那些自由工作者的工作流程安排,没必要成为一个既严格又耗时的过程。 www.bing.com 4. As a consequence, formulae are obtained for determining the screw tensor in terms of the finite displacement data of the rigid body. 而且由此获得了以刚体有限位移数据来求这种螺旋张量的公式。 www.dictall.com 5. He was said to be very formal, rigid and hopelessly out of date. 据说他拘谨刻板,完全落后于时代。 www.yzcc.com 6. The continuous rigid frame bridge with high piers is built extensively due to its convenience construction as well as economy. 高墩大跨连续刚构桥因具有施工方便、经济适用等优点,得到了广泛的应用。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. The terms are closely related, but Machiavelli has no rigid definitions of what they imply. 这些术语联系非常紧密,不过马基雅维里对它们的意思并没有严格的定义。 www.bing.com 8. I think it's easy to over-specialize your software to a particular style and then quickly become seen as rigid. 我认为很容易使你的软件过度专业化,变成某一种特定的风格,然后便会很快地发现他们有多么的麻烦。 www.infoq.com 9. CharacterController allows you to easily do movement constrained by collisions without having to deal with a rigid body. 角色控制器允许你在受制于碰撞的情况下很容易的进行运动,而不用处理刚体。 game.ceeger.com 10. To-day, however, it is only the most rigid materialists who hold fast to this denial of a life-force or vital force. 时至今日,只有最顽固的唯物主义者仍在否认“生机力量”的存在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. From the point of fractionize product, rigid circuitry board order grows considerably, the order that drove whole PCB industry grows. 从细分产物来看,刚性线路板订单大幅增添,带动了整个PCB行业的订单增添。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Years ago, students were warned not to end a sentence with a preposition; time, of course, has softened that rigid decree. 多年前,老师警告学生不要以介词;当然时间已经淡化了这条僵硬的限制。 www.bing.com 3. Grandma's eyes had not changed since that young girl held her rigid pose for the photographer. 从那个照片里摆着僵硬姿势的年轻女子一直到现在,奶奶的眼睛都没变过。 www.elanso.com 4. However, if you examine the design he created, you are likely to find it rigid and a bit difficult to read and navigate. 但是,如果你对他创建的设计进行审查的话,可能会发现它有些死板僵硬,并且有些难于阅读和导航。 www.bing.com 5. And yet he is not a slave to technique, as Giorgio Armani sometimes seemed, with very rigid dresses. 而且他并不是技艺的奴隶,而乔治阿玛尼那些刻板的服装有时候会体现出这一感觉。 www.bing.com 6. In foundation vibration problems, the assumption of foundations being rigid is not always valid. 在基础振动分析中假设基础为刚性未必永远适用。 7. Cantilever is usually only the middle of the gap is closed rigid frame bridge. 通常悬臂梁中间间隙是闭合的既是刚架桥。 www.docin.com 8. On top of all that, silicon chips are hard and rigid, restricting their application in things like flexible display screens. 再加上,硅芯片既坚且硬,这使得它在某些场合下的应用受到限制,比如说能弯折的显示屏。 www.ecocn.org 9. You know our experts have to pass a rigid inspection before shipment. 你们很清楚,我方出口的商品在装运前都要经过严格检验。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Instead, it adds its own set of rigid rules, which its followers believe to be far superior to the original. 相反,它增加了一套自己的严格守则,被信徒认定远比其源起要高级得多。 www.bing.com 1. Political union, he now thinks, may even work against monetary union if it is founded on a model that would make economies more rigid. 他现在认为,如果政治联盟建立在可能僵化经济的模式上,甚至有可能损害货币联盟。 www.ecocn.org 2. A study of the vertical vibration of a flexible plate with rigid core resting on saturated ground is presented in this paper. 基于作者提出的饱和土弹性波动方程,研究了饱和地基上含刚核弹性圆板在竖向集中谐和力作用下的振动特性。 www.dictall.com 3. I could not believe that a woman with her educational background and her exposure to such societies could cling to such rigid notions. 我简直不敢相信一个有着如此教育背景和那样的社会环境的女子能坚持这种僵化的观念。 www.2muslim.com 4. I did not know, why I to you such rigid. 我不知道,为什麽我会对你这麽执著。 word.hcbus.com 5. The invention relates to a rigid and flexible block copolymer with biological compatibility and a preparation method thereof. 本发明为一种具生物相容性的刚柔嵌段共轭聚合物及其制备方法。 ip.com 6. Could this posture be construed as stubbornness born out of a rigid fidelity to an inflation-fighting mandate? 这一姿态可否理解为由于一味忠诚于抗通胀使命而产生的固执? www.ftchinese.com 7. Although it is rigid, and thus like a solid, the atoms are arranged in a random disordered fashion, characteristic of a liquid. 尽管它是刚性的,并且因而像固体,原子分布却是随意混乱的方式,有液体的特性。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He could barely read but lived a life of rigid self-discipline, and tried to instil the same values in his grandsons. 外祖父开辆货车四处送油,虽然不识几个大字,生活却严苛自律,并且设法把同样价值灌输给自己的外孙。 www.ecocn.org 9. To jump-start confidence, how about a simple solution: Three years out, institute a more rigid form of pay-go. 启动信心,这个简单方法怎么样:三年时间,设立更严格的现收现付方式。 www.bing.com 10. These minimum differences lead across the rigid thread tool to stresses in the system, which affect unfavorably the thread making process. 这些最小的区别,导致致密螺纹刀具给系统带来压力,不支持制造螺纹。 www.baisi.net 1. It was transparent, but had to be tremendously rigid to carry the high frequencies that light demanded. 它透明、却又异常坚固到足以负荷高频率的光波; www.bing.com 2. Let's say your quiz score reveals you're in a rigid friendship where you call all the shots and do none of the work. 假如说你的测试结果分数表明自己出于一成不变的友情中。什么事情都由你发号施令而却一点也不承担友情内的工作。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Music education should be to emotional involvement as the standard, not rigid and too much to teach students the theory. 音乐教育要以情感介入为标准,不能生硬地向学生传授过多的理论。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The method has been used on the PUR rigid foam as an example and the result is satisfied comparing with the data of the experiment. 以PUR发泡硬泡沫塑料为例,将此方法的计算结果与试验数据进行了比较。 www.chemyq.com 5. The heat aging properties of rigid PVC are studied by means of mechanical properties test, SEM and FT-IR. 采用力学性能测试、扫描电镜、红外光谱(FT-IR)等方法研究了硬质聚氯乙烯的热老化性能。 www.dictall.com 6. A perfectly rigid or in extensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member. 一个完全不弯曲或不可拉长的杆件可能存在不仅是一种教科书式的模型,一个真正的机器的构件。 www.docin.com 7. After 1952 Giacometti continued to concentrate on tall walking male and rigid female figures, with the latter being the most common subject. 1952年以后,贾克梅蒂继续集中精力创作瘦长的行走着的男子和体态僵硬的女子雕塑,后者是他最常用的主题。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Still others turn into statues, standing rigid and expressionless from beginning to end. 还有一些人变成了雕像,自始至终面无表情直挺挺地站着。 www.zftrans.com 9. Work tips: Capricorn can become too rigid. To be able to move with the winds of change, the Mountain Goat must bend and flex a little bit. 工作:魔羯有时会过分强硬。要知道,山羊也要随着风的变化弯弯腰。 dict.wenguo.com 10. It is well known that a rigid in-plane motion can be decomposed into a translation and a rotation around an origin. 众所周知,一个僵硬的平面运动可以分解成一个翻译和一个旋转的原产地。 www.syyxw.com 1. The green substrate is fired to form a porous rigid substrate and to form a wash coat at least partially coating the fiber material. 烘烧所述胚体基材,以形成多孔性刚硬基材以及形成至少部分涂覆所述纤维材料的底层。 ip.com 2. the frame rigid, smooth, safe, reliable, easy to operate. 整个机架刚性好,工作平稳、安全可靠、操作方便。 china.makepolo.com 3. A head for use with a toothbrush and method for forming the same, comprising an outer perimeter portion formed of a rigid material. 一种供与牙刷一起使用的牙刷头和用于形成牙刷头的方法,包括一个用刚性材料制成的外周边部分。 ip.com 4. Without creating those rigid standards we'll just be caught up In the whirlpool of computerization. 不制定这些严格的标准,我们就正会掉入电脑化的旋涡。 www.totoroclub.net 5. SMOKE PIPE. DETACHABLE OR NOT DETACHABLE, METALLIC, RIGID, COMPOUND SMOKE PIPES. CHARACTERISTICS CLASSIFICATION. TEST METHODS. 烟道.可或不可拆装的硬金属混合式烟道.特性分类.试验方法 www.mapeng.net 6. Heating is usually by heater cartridges, which are rigid, or by heating tubes, which are flexible. 热化通常是由加热器弹药筒,刚性,或由加热管,是灵活的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I entered into a long personal orthodox analysis but felt dissatisfied with the rigid and impersonal posture of the analyst. 我接受了一个长程的正统精神分析,但是对分析师僵硬、缺乏个人情感的状态感觉失望。 space.yoka.com 8. Without a simple method for continuous quality control, rigid standards of collecting, processing, and storage were essential precautions. 没有简单的、持续的质量控制方法,严格的采集、加工及储存标准都是必需的预防措施。 cbs.ausbio.com 9. Japanese companies are rigid in their recruitment policies to the point of moral exclusion. 日企有严格的招聘政策,简直到道德排他主义的程度,要求员工绝对忠诚。 www.bing.com 10. Violet tends to lock oneself or others into rigid behavior that can be judgmental and shame based in nature. 紫罗兰色趋向于使你自己和其他人困于刚性的行为,性质上以批判和羞耻为基础。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The limit is relative to the angle the two rigid bodies started the simulation out with. 这个限制是相对于两个刚体开始模拟时的角度。 game.ceeger.com 2. DIAPHRAGM A wide piston motion range is assured thanks to a cone made of highly rigid carbon fiber. 膜片宽活塞运动范围是有保证的高刚性碳纤维制成的圆锥感谢。 www.tubebbs.com 3. Considering the elastic deformation of the barrel, the AA gun is simplified into a multi-rigid body dynamic model. 同时考虑身管弹性变形,建立了火炮发射时的多刚体动力学模型。 www.dictall.com 4. Casting mass concrete of pile caps in long-span continuous rigid frame bridge is one of the key processes during bridge construction. 大跨连续刚构桥大体积混凝土承台浇注是桥梁施工的关键工序之一。 lib.cqvip.com 5. You know our exports have to pass a rigid inspection before they are shipped . 你们知道我们的出口商品在装运前必须通过严格的检验。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Like the event of the diver disabling his computer alarm, this accident highlights the need to follow rigid safety protocols. 类似的事件还有潜水员关掉了他的计算机警报,这一事故强调了遵守严格的安全协议的必要。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. Finally, people think spelling is mechanical, rigid and no major wisdom in it. As a result, they do not attach enough attention on spelling. 最后,人们认为单词拼写是机械死板的东西,没有大的智慧在其中,因为没有引起足够的重视。 www.zzzdao.com 8. The invention provides a vibration isolation mass rigid vibration isolation structure for a bulkhead of a ship. 本发明提供的是一种舰船舱壁阻振质量刚性隔振结构。 ip.com 9. In this concept, a crew member in the rear of the tanker controls a telescoping rigid boom into a receptacle on the receiver. 在这种概念里,加油机后方的一名机组成员控制一根可伸缩的硬管将其插入受油机的受油口。 jpkc2009.nudt.edu.cn 10. Existing scanning systems, which capture a print in two dimensions, require the pressing or rolling of a finger onto a rigid plane. 现有扫描系统捕获的是二维指纹,要求将手指按在一个坚硬的平面上,或在上面转动。 www.bing.com 1. It is possible to devise corresponding systematic procedures for rigid jointed frames. 推导出适合于钢架的类似步骤也是可能的。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Two homogenous rigid bodies with identical shapes, but made of different materials (different densities), have the same radius of gyration. 对于几何形状相同而材料不同(密度不同)的均质刚体,其回转半径是相同的。 jpkc.qust.edu.cn 3. With rebuilding came the rigid segregation of the post-Reconstruction era, shutting African Americans out of white Atlanta for decades. 随后的重建工程后,经改革的严格的种族隔离政策,把美国黑人关在了白色的亚特兰大之外数十年。 bbs.sssc.cn 4. China is disciplined and hardworking but is too rigid and lacks the personal freedom necessary to be creative, to create. 中国人高度自律,学习工作努力,但是他们太死板了,缺少个人自由的想法。 club.china.com 5. Stance e. G. They criticized him for his rigid stance on trade terms. 他们批评了他在贸易条件方面的僵硬态度。 bbs.bnulife.com 6. Our manager is rigid in his thinking, he never listens to new ideas. 我们的经理很固执,他从来不听新的观点。 joejoewu.blogchina.com 7. One, the imposition of a rigid constitutional ceiling on public debt, is likely to haunt future administrations for years to come. 其中之一,即对公共债务设置严格的宪法上限,可能会困扰未来政府很多年。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The choosing profession, I harbor an absolute sincerity the heart and to enterprise's rigid pursue, sincere recommends itself. 借此择业之际,我怀着一颗赤诚的心和对事业的执着追求,真诚的推荐自己。 www.yn518.com 9. By the same token, some freewheeling American doctors do not like KP's rigid systems or fixed (albeit generous) salaries. 出于同样的原因,一些美国医生随心所欲,不像KP有一成不变的系统和固定的薪水。 www.ecocn.org 10. While you're by no means rigid in your thinking, because you reflect seriously before making a decision, you tend to stick to it. 尽管你并不局限于自己的想法,但你还是习惯于在做出决定前仔细思考,并在事后坚决贯彻。 www.douban.com 1. Many additional problems that cannot be decomposed into rigid clusters are solved, without resorting to expensive algebraic solving methods. 许多不能被分解为刚性簇的问题得以解决,而不用求助于那些复杂的代数解决方法。 www.ceaj.org 2. Failure to do so could result in a rigid and inflexible service, which does not lend itself to supporting a changing business environment. 如果不能做到这一点,就将导致服务僵硬、不灵活,这对支持不断变化的业务环境没有益处。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Rigid and flexible plastics. Effect on the appearance contact with products used for storage and removal from storage. 硬、软塑料.储存和未储存产品接触时的表面状态 www.mapeng.net 4. The racket may be of any size, shape or weight but the blade shall be flat and rigid. 球拍的大小,形状和重量不限。但底板应平整、坚硬。 wenku.baidu.com 5. This method is usually recommended when grinding short rigid shafts. 这种方法通常在磨削较短刚性轴时推荐使用。 www.mapeng.net 6. The relationship between polhode and herpolhode of the instant center of a rigid body when it makes a plane parallel motion is presented. 给出了刚体在平面平行运动时,刚体瞬心的本体极迹与空间极迹间关系的一种证明方法。 www.dictall.com 7. A rigid code of honor and strict discipline are the hallmarks of any turian officer. 荣誉和严谨纪律性的刻板要求是任何一个图族指挥官的特征。 tgfcer.com 8. That contrasts with another potential approach: making the bridge structures large enough, and rigid enough, to resist movement. 这与另一种潜在的方法形成了对比:把这座大桥造的足够大,而且足够刚性以抵抗摇动。 www.bing.com 9. However, the core capability is "rigid" , if it is not overcome, the enterprise will lose its competitive advantage. 但由于核心能力存在“刚性”,如果不加以克服,企业就会失去原有的竞争优势。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. It's just as rigid and protective to your desirable gadget as the old materials. 它的刚性和原用材料一样,可以保护你的小型部件。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. While your attitude is by no means rigid, in several matters you're convinced you know the facts. 当你的态度,决不是僵化,你就是相信你知道事实的几个问题。 www.douban.com 2. A solid disk or a rigid circular ring connected by spokes to a hub, designed to turn around an axle passed through the center. 由辐条连于轮毂之上的实心圆盘或坚硬的圆环,被设计用以围绕穿过其中心的轴旋转 wenwen.soso.com 3. Intelligent parents, however, realize that the particular setting of each family is unique, and the can be on rigid general rules. 然而聪明的父母意识到每个家庭的背景各不相同,因此就不应该循规蹈矩。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The SMA series connectors for use with semi-rigid and flexible RF cables, are used for microwave applications requiring high performance. 与半硬和柔软射频电缆配用的SMA系列射频同轴连接器供要求高性能的微波应用场合用。 china.eceel.com 5. Management by means of mechanical rigid to flexible, adapted to the needs of reform, and promote the viability of enterprises to increase. 管理手段由机械死板转向灵活多变,适应了改革的需求,促进了企业生存力的提高。 dzh.mop.com 6. The CBS approach enables you to use dynamic business services to transform rigid business processes into more agile solutions. CBS方法使您能够使用动态业务服务将僵化的业务流程转换为更敏捷的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 7. The freshmen of our university is to receive the rigid military training at the end of this month. 我们大学的大一新生将在这个月底接受严格的军事训练。 www.kuenglish.info 8. You are not forced to describe it in a formal way that conforms to any rigid structure or process. 不应该强迫大家遵照某种严格的结构或过程描述问题。 www.infoq.com 9. It's certainly easier to know one set of rigid rules than to develop a fingertip-feel for the nuances of syntax, word choice and mechanics. 当然,记住一套严苛的语法规则,要比培养对于遣词造句、文法语用的精妙语感要简单得多。 www.bing.com 10. The flowchart with its performance, quality control measure and heat treatment process were investigated for DNV rigid multi-joint tie. 研究了DNV多节刚性拉杆的生产工艺流程及其实施过程、质量控制方法和热处理工艺。 lib.cqvip.com 1. PM Goh has said he is not concerned with Muslims becoming more religious, but rather, with them becoming more rigid in interpreting Islam. 吴总理说他关注的不是我们的回教徒越来越虔诚,而是他们是否越来越倾向于狭隘地诠释回教教义。 www.hotdic.com 2. Basic matters, like when she goes to bed, wakes up, dresses, and eats were put under the rigid schedule of institutional life. 一些基本生活问题,例如睡觉、起床、穿衣和吃饭时间都被安排在疗养院固定的院时间时间表上。 www.bing.com 3. A shallow, greenish light slanted down through a veil of fog and snow upon a treeless, deathly rigid landscape. 一道浅绿带灰黄的光,透过雾和雪的薄幕,斜射到没有一草一木、非常僵硬的原野上。 4. The rigid seniority system also discriminates against women: if they get off the ladder to have children, they cannot get back on. 这个僵化死板的尚老体系还歧视妇女:女人一旦退出职场回家生子,就别再想恢复原职。 www.ecocn.org 5. measuring the camber deformation of a dragonfly wing using projected comb fringe without hypothesizing that the wing is a rigid plate. 梳状条纹投影法,解决翅膀弓形变形测量问题,不需要以往的翅膀刚性平板或刚性条杆假设; www.keyanjijin.cn 6. Rigid labour and product markets, and membership of the euro, have imprisoned it in an economic-policy straitjacket. 其劳动力、产品市场苛刻严格,加上属于欧元区成员国,这一切都让该国陷入经济政策的枷锁中动弹不得。 www.ecocn.org 7. To provide the necessary lateral resistance , a rigid connection must be made between the vertical column and horizontal beam . 为了提供必要的横向阻力,一之间必须刚性连接的立柱和横梁的。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Compared with the rigid routine life of adults, childhood was full of magic, full of fantasy. 跟大人们一成不变的生活相比,童年是充满魔力和幻想的。 wenwen.soso.com 9. In Bingling Temple, murals of Ming Dignity are nothing but lines, and pictures are rigid, without and vitality. 炳灵寺明代壁画除了线条就只有线条了,整个画面显得呆板僵化,毫无生气。 www.lw23.com 10. Raised in a rigid authoritarian household, she was overly strict and often angry at his differences. 他在严厉独裁的家庭长大,母亲过于严苛,经常为他的异常而生气。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The man never looked at it, and the children with their mother sat rigid, nervous and unsmiling. 这个人从未看过这只鸽子,而孩子们和他们的母亲僵硬地、紧张地、不苟言笑地坐着。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 2. The ship in waves can produce six degrees of motion as well as any rigid body: heave, sway, surge, pitch, roll and yaw. 在波浪中航行的船舶像任何刚体一样可以产生6个自由度的运动分量:垂荡、横荡、纵荡、纵摇、横摇、艏摇。 www.13191.com 3. Divisions of the wage scale must be arbitrary and rigid. Running a "planned state" from central headquarters is clumsy, unfair, inefficient. 薪水标准的划分是武断而僵硬的。从总部运行一个“计划政府”是笨拙的,不公平的,效率低的。 www.tianyayidu.com 4. use rigid limit equilibrium method, such as the surface of four methods of foundation stability against sliding for a check. 运用刚性极限平衡法对坝基表层抗滑稳定性进行了验算。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Thus a flexible pavement can be most easily defined by contrasting it with a rigid Portland cement concrete pavement. 因此,与刚性路面相比,柔性路面显得更为灵活,更能适应复杂的情况。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The function of a mechanism is to transmit or transform motion from one rigid body to another as part of the action of a machine. 作为机器的一个组成部分,机构的作用是在刚体之间相互传递或转换运动。 www.docin.com 7. In the absence of downstream demand under the rigid support, cotton rebounded very difficult, continue down the road is still long. 在缺乏下游需求的刚性支撑下,棉花反弹甚难,继续下行之路依然漫长。 texclo.net 8. A rigid interpretation of that position can lead to the conclusion that worship is "works" and thus conflicts with the "faith alone" stand. 从字面上照抄原文,会导致这样的说法:礼拜是一个“表面工作”,将与“独自的信”背离。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He stood rigid for a moment, then opened his hand slowly and stared blankly at the coins in his hand. 他呆若木鸡地站了一会,然后缓慢地张开一只手掌,盲然地注视着手中的钱币。 10. All the rigid rule of his forebears, all the domination of an unjust social order, grip him. 父辈的严峻的法规,不公平的社会制度,把他牢牢地控制住了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Spain's rigid labour market must be reformed to reduce unemployment of 20% and also to help those on temporary contracts. 西班牙僵化的劳动力市场必须改革以降低高达20%的失业率,帮助临时工。 www.ecocn.org 2. He also struggled to leave his rigid scientific training behind. 他也抗争着把死板的科学课程丢在一边。 www.bing.com 3. Black members were less rigid: they were 10 times more likely to contact whites than whites were to contact blacks. 黑人不像他们那么死板,他们愿意与白天接触的比率是白天愿意与黑人接触的十倍。 www.bing.com 4. Formal and rigid impression of a symmetric elements are refined with the presence of the glass box at the entrance. 正式和僵硬的印象是对称元素与精致的玻璃盒子在入口处的存在。 dndci.com 5. This major unit must be strong and rigid enough to withstand any bending or distortion. 这个主要部件必须要足够稳固与结实,以抵抗任何弯曲与变形。 xiaozu.renren.com 6. hence, the shaft must be rigid enough to prevent overloading of the supporting bearings. 因此,轴应该有足够的刚度以防止支承轴承受力过大。 e.xinyuefei.com 7. At a rigid joint of a space frame, three resolution and three moment equations can be written. 在空间框架的一个刚性节点处,可以写出三个分力方程和三个力矩方程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Thus, China simultaneously practices tolerance of a market economy for economic development, and rigid socialism to sustain the regime. 这样,中国的做法同时包容了发展经济的市场经济以及维持政权的刚性社会主义。 www.stnn.cc 9. Thus the gyro package serves as a rigid angular space reference in the same manner as the stars appear in a stellar navigator. 这样,陀螺组合件用来作为稳定的空间度基准正如在星座导航器中的星座一样。 www.jukuu.com 10. Plastics. Rigid cellular materials in the form of expanded polystyrene sheets obtained by casting. Specifications. 塑料.合成橡胶和塑料微孔制品.硬聚苯乙烯泡沫材料模塑板.规范 www.mapeng.net 1. Patterns in Nature: Coral Rigid coral branches present the illusion of fluid movement in a turquoise sea near the Turks and Caicos Islands. 珊瑚在自然界的模式。刚硬的珊瑚分枝呈现流动性运动在一个青绿色海洋靠近土耳其和Caicos岛。 bbs.a0598.com 2. Is the state of the axial rotation of a rigid body at constant angular speed stable ? 刚体的匀角速定轴转动状态是平衡态吗?。 www.bing.com 3. What Portugal needs more than anything is an overhaul of its rigid labour market to foster greater competitiveness. 葡萄牙政府迫切需要的,是对促进更大竞争力的僵化的劳动市场的精细检查。 www.ecocn.org 4. Model features rigid keyboard shelf or a flush mount slide-out keyboard tray, and is available with a variety of optional equipment. 配有键盘架或键盘托盘,并且提供了多种可选的设备。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 5. The compliant surface (the springboard) is modeled by a rigid bar with a rotational spring on the hinged end and point mass on the tip. 弹性表面(跳板)由板端为等效质点,另一端为转动式弹簧之刚体所模拟。 www.etop.org.tw 6. Model features a rigid keyboard shelf, and is available with a variety of optional equipment. 产品采用了坚固的键盘架,并配有多种可选的设备。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. The complexity of tangential movements during impact is one of main characteristics for multi-rigid-body systems. 复杂的切向运动模式是多刚体碰撞和冲击问题的主要特征之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. He appeared at her side , breathing audibly , a moment after she reached the stop . She gazed ahead, rigid . 她到车站不一会儿,他便出现在她的身旁,听见他喘息的声音。她凝视着前方,表情严峻。 www.bing.com 9. the human spirit is such prosperous, explained fully the rigid demand as well as the investment home-buyer exist massively . 人气这么旺,充分说明了刚性需求以及投资性购房者大量存在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. From the late 50's, American society began to appear in a request to change the U. S. policy toward China rigid movement. 从50年代末开始,美国社会中开始出现了一种要求改变美国僵硬的对华政策的动向。 jztu.5d6d.com 1. A mechanism typically is designed to create a desired motion of a rigid body relative to a reference member. 建立一种机制通常是为了创造一个理想的运动,刚体与参考成员。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Fortunately, the same rigid 19 that governed the lives of these people do not apply in the 20 relaxed settings of today's dance. 幸运的是,同样的刚性19,管理这些人的生活并不适用于20轻松设置今天的舞蹈。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Fourth, the training system for teachers is simplistic and the train mode is rigid. Vacation training and post training are separated. 第四,教师教育体系单一、培养模式僵化,职前培养和职后培训相分离; www.fabiao.net 4. But the rigid nature of factory work and long hours have taken their toll on the Brazilian-Japanese community. 但是,工厂工作的艰辛以及长时间的劳作,也对巴西籍日本人社区造成了伤害。 www.ftchinese.com 5. High-capacity disk systems, capable of holding many gigabytes, consist of perhaps five to ten rigid disks mounted on a common spindle. 大容量磁盘系统,能够保持多字节,由或者五到十硬磁盘上常见的主轴。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The way of learning is not the recitation of knowledge and the rigid imitation of skills, but rather the cultivation of learning ability. 学习方法不是对知识的死记硬背和对技能的机械模仿,而是注重学习能力的培养。 gjzx.mof.gov.cn 7. However, the spirit of enterprise is not spontaneous, rigid, it is one of the sculpture, by situation to build. 然而,企业精神不是自发形成的、僵化不变的,它被人们所雕塑,被形势所构筑。 www.cnqr.org 8. If the floor is not sufficiently rigid to transform the loads, a horizontal bracing system must be provided between bents. 如果楼面没有足够的刚度去传递这些荷载。那么还必须在排架之间增加水平支撑系统。 www.jukuu.com 9. No-spherical rigid body that has anisotropic inertia is called no-spherical sphere of inertia. 具有“各向同性”的转动惯量的非球形刚体称为非球形惯量球。 www.juyy.net 10. While the rear bus end works as a rigid shear wall, the front cap part is weakly supported and it exhibit significantly smaller strength. 这是因为虽然巴士的尾部就像一面刚性墙一样坚固,但是前盖却没有强有力的支撑,因此能承受的力量明显减小。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Coker said that Sonoco will consolidate customer orders in the Company's other rigid paper packaging operations in the Ohio area. 库克说,索诺科公司将巩固公司的硬质纸包装等业务在俄亥俄地区的客户订单。 bzxw.512121.com 2. Each "air muscle" in the forearm behind the hand consists of a rubber tube covered in a rigid plastic mesh. 机械手后的前臂上的每一个“气动肌肉”都由包裹着硬质塑料网的橡皮管组成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Its major products include rigid axle, steering axle, tandem axletridem axles used for varies of wheeled vehicles. 公司主要产品包括各种轮式车辆用刚性桥、转向桥、贯通桥和三联桥。 www.08588.net 4. The connecting rod must be very strong and rigid and also as light as possible. 连杆必须具有足够的强度和刚度,并且要尽可能轻。 www.mapeng.net 5. The container base is a rigid base with the edges provided with convexes where the glass bell jar can be embedded for conjugating. 容器底座为刚性底座,其边缘设有可嵌入玻璃罩的凸起进行配合。 ip.com 6. Through rigid body relative rotation error, the kinematic parameter deviations contributing to the rotation error can be identified. 利用刚体相对转动误差识别出仅与转动相关的运动学参数误差; www.ceps.com.tw 7. The doubters will need their proof before they come out of their rigid mindsets, and the Light will break down their resistance. 怀疑者们在走出他们的僵硬心态之前会需要证据,而光将摧毁他们的抵抗。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In contrast to traditional designs, the dome consists of a clear rigid shell that closely follows the contours of the bird. 与传统的设计,穹顶由一个明确的刚性外壳,密切关注禽流轮廓。 bzxw.512121.com 9. Rigid training and strict discipline has turned them into a formidable fighting force. 严苛的训练和严格的军规把他们变成了一支令人望而生畏的武装力量。 www.kekenet.com 10. Each day was apportioned into a rigid schedule of workshops and readings and master classes on craft. 会议每天都有硬性安排,包括研讨会、阅读和写作技巧大师课。 www.bing.com 1. We are trying to get rid of the over-rigid pratices and adopt some general international pratices. 我们设法消除一些死板的做法,采用国际上通用的贸易 info.china.alibaba.com 2. Adoption curve, the curve of soft non-binding more people than the rigid line to relax, warm feel, with a flow of charm. 采用曲线,柔美无拘束的曲线比刚硬的直线更能给人放松,温馨感受,具有流动的韵味。 www.metalnews.cn 3. The style in the quotes above are far different from her rigid news reports. 上面的引述和他平日报导文章的刚猛风格可是大不相同。 4. And in this conclusion on the basis of a preliminary Danfeng County UGB exploration, and reached the "rigid" UGB and "flexibility" UGB. 并在此结论的基础上对丹凤县UGB进行了初步的探索,并得出了“刚性”UGB和“弹性”UGB。 www.boshuo.net 5. Because the company had a rigid, top-down decision-making process, low level managers often felt that their opinions were ignored. 由于该公司实行自上而下的僵化决策流程,低层经理经常感觉他们的意见遭到忽略。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This problem becomes further complicated when a flexible broom, in place of a rigid broom, is employed. 这个问题越来越复杂当一个柔韧的帚代替一个刚硬的帚被使用。 hi.baidu.com 7. There is a demand for rigid roll of hours, do not look to get a great amount, and gradually come. 还有就是摇的时分需求墨守成规,不要一下就到达很大的量,渐渐来。 99mrw.5d6d.com 8. Objective To present the results achieved in the treatment of ureteral calculi by rigid ureteroscopy with a pneumatic lithotripter. 目的探讨输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管结石的疗效。 www.bing.com 9. toy rattles containing rigid wires, sharp points, or small, loose objects that could become exposed and cause cuts or other injuries. 玩具摇铃含刚性线,尖角,或小,宽松的对象,可能会成为揭露和削减或造成其他伤害。 www.cnhuu.cn 10. Link A link is one of the rigid bodies or members joined together to form a kinematic chain. 一个杆件是一个严格的机构或其共同组成一个运动链。 www.docin.com |
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