单词 | right outside | ||||||
释义 | right outside
例句释义: 右脚外刃,右翼,汽车站 1. I wish Stamford were in California. Imagine a beach right outside the office. Seriously, I'm sorry to hear you're leaving. 我希望斯坦福德就在加利福尼亚。想象一下吧,办公室外面就是海滩,那该有多棒。不过说真的,知道你们要走,我很难过。 www.bing.com 2. He leaves me to wash myself, tells me that I should not be afraid; he'll be right outside the door. 他让我自己洗澡,告诉我说我不应该害怕,他马上就在门外。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Right outside of the door, I saw an Asian sitting on a box, smoking and leaving ashes everywhere. 就在门外面,我看到一个亚洲人坐在箱子上抽着烟,烟灰弄得满地都是。 bjgdfz.com 4. "Next time, don't start something like that right outside Cowley's window, " said Doyle, as he walked past, bottles clinking in a bag. “下次,别象在考雷的窗外那样开始,”道尔说,他走过去,袋里的瓶子叮叮当当响起来。 i.cn.yahoo.com 5. We were driving fast in the highway and I saw a hag staring at me right outside the window. 车开得飞快,一个老太婆趴在窗外看著我。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Since the incident involving the two cars happened right outside my window, I had a ringside seat. 由于两辆小汽车相撞的事故就发生在我的窗外,所以我目击到了一切。 word.hcbus.com 7. Indeed, there was a firefight on Sunday right outside the hotel in Benghazi where foreign journalists are staying. 事实上,外国记者所驻班加西旅馆的外围已经发生交火。 www.bing.com 8. This hotel's best and possibly only recommending feature is the fact there is a metro stop right outside the front door. 酒店很好,可能唯一值得推荐的地方是就在前门外面有一个地铁站。 www.taskcn.com 9. A few employees were huddled right outside of the building afraid to enter. 一些员工聚在楼外不敢进去。 gb.cri.cn 10. As I sat down to work today, I saw a van driving by, right outside the window. 今天当我坐下来开始工作,我从右窗户边看见一辆货车驶过。 www.bing.com 1. We walked everywhere but there was also a Tram stop right outside the hotel which went to all the main attractions. 我们去哪里都是步行,不过有轨电车车站就在酒店外面,从这里坐车可以到达所有主要的旅游景点。 weike.taskcn.com 2. This is Jesus about to ascend into heaven, talking to his disciples, right outside Jerusalem in the suburbs of Jerusalem. 讲的是耶稣即将上升天堂,与他的门徒的对话,就在耶路撒冷郊外。 open.163.com 3. I wish Stamford were in California. Imagine a beach right outside the office. 我希望斯坦福德就在加利福尼亚。想像一下吧,办公室外面就是海滩,那该多棒。 www.tingroom.com 4. You are right outside of working hours of overtime work to see how? 你对工作时间以外的超时工作怎么看? zhishi.sohu.com 5. She wasn't ever nervous of cows and used to give them water right outside her house when the river had dried up. 她从来不怕牛,河水干涸的时候,她还曾经在家门外给它们喂水。 www.bing.com 6. We have an infinity pool right outside our bungalow, and it looks like the water vanishes into the horizon. 我们住的平房外面有座无边际泳池,水面看起来就像是消失在地平线一般。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Right outside the Saab museum, a giant black cast iron steam engine stands as a monument to this unsentimental approach. 就在萨博博物馆的门外,伫立着一个巨大的铸铁蒸汽引擎诉说着这近乎不近人情的制度。 www.bing.com 8. Nigel Marven leads his crew on this expedition right outside the door. 奈吉尔?马文带领他的队员就在门外探险。 www.tingroom.com 9. Jump backward while you gouge, bandage when you are just right outside of his melee range. 当你凿击的时候跳后,绷带当你正好再攻击范围以外。 bbs.ngacn.cc 10. Fortunately , right outside my door was a corridor light that cast a glow into my room . 幸运的是,正好在我的房间门边上有一盏走廊灯,灯光可以投射到房间内。 www.noforget.com 1. But at least it's right outside our door. 但还好它就在我们的门外。 bbs.enfamily.cn 2. The plane came from Dakhla and was heading towards Kinitra, a town right outside Morocco's capital Rabat. 这架飞机来自达赫拉,前往Kinitra,就在摩洛哥首都拉巴特以外。 www.hxen.com 3. From the happiness of seeing her grandparents to the horror of having a major gun battle raging right outside her house. 从看见她爷爷奶奶的喜悦到目击自家房子外头发生枪战的惊恐。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. Of course I saw them. I saw koalas in the zoo. There were kangaroos in the forest right outside our school . 当然看到过。考拉是在动物园看到的。袋鼠在我们学校的树林里就有。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We believe that the blast was right outside the gate of Taji, we're heading to that location now. 我们认为爆炸就在Taji的门外发生,我们现在前往那个地方。 www.ted.com 6. Another photo shows a camel caravan right outside Beijing's old city walls, the start of the Silk Road. 另一张照片展示了就在丝绸之路的起点——北京老城墙之外的一个骆驼车队。 www.qdtranslation.com 7. Oh, you can easily hail a cab right outside the terminal. But I'd suggest taking the limousine. It's a lot cheaper and almost as fast. 哦,你可以很容易在机场外叫到出租车。不过我建议你乘机场交通车。它便宜很多,也差不多一样快。 epaper.gxnews.com.cn 8. The pond right outside of the Administration building bubbled softly. 行政办公楼外面的池塘缓缓地冒着气泡。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I saved your life yesterday, right outside the door. 昨天在门外又救你了一命 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Today, I took a trip to Wal-Mart. There's a car wash that they conveniently built right outside of this Wal-Mart. 今天我去沃尔玛,看到他们在门外设了一个便民洗车房,于是回去之前我决定去洗洗车。 www.bucter.com 1. Yesterday I managed to get away with parking right outside the theatre in a "no parking" zone. 昨晚,我把车停在了剧院外“禁止停车”的地方,却逃脱了罚款。 www.carreviews.cn 2. The police caught a Peeping Tom right outside their house. 警察在屋外把偷窥狂逮个正着。 tr.hjenglish.com 3. Air pollution is a global issue but it's also lurking right outside your door. 空气污染是一个全球问题,但又是与每个人息息相关的问题——只要你出门就不得不面对。 www.bing.com 4. State of fear, an explosion right outside my door. 国家的恐惧,一个我的门外面爆炸。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 5. The footsteps came closer and then, right outside her door, the voice yelled "Fire! " 脚步声越来越近,接着,就在她的门口,传来一声“起火啦!” www.putclub.com 6. No, no, no. I'm gonna be right outside the door. 别怕,我就在门口 www.tingroom.com 7. Right outside the brick house, on the right corner, there is an informal architecture which Mr. Guo had used as kitchen. 出砖木屋门的右拐角有一个临时性建筑,是郭先生生前用过的厨房。 www.bing.com 8. If you call my office, there are two girls out doors that serve me so well. And right outside my office door is Maria Fury. 你致电我的办公室,那里有两位女士,都是我的好下属,在我办公室门外的是傅玛莉。 hourofpower.org.hk 9. But right outside the bull pen gate, the group was stopped by a uniformed security guard. 可就在投手练习区的大门外,他们被一个身穿制服的保安员挡住了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. More often than not, it's happening in abundance right outside our doors. 其实多半时候,它们就在我们的门外活生生地进行着。 www.bing.com 1. Then, two weeks later, he came back all by himself. He was waiting right outside our basement door. 然而,两周之后,他自己回来了,就安静地等在我家地下室的门口。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Did you hurry through washing the dishes and miss what was going on in the yard right outside the kitchen window? 你是否因为手脚不停地洗盘子而忽视了厨房窗外后院里发生的一切? www.bing.com 3. Jack: I don't mind walking, Mona. . . We turn right outside the hotel, Leo? 杰克:我倒是不在意走路过去,蒙纳…出了酒店向右拐对吗,利奥? www.tingclass.com 4. So you take a right outside the hotel, here, and it' s a couple of blocks down. 所以你出宾馆后右转,就在这里,下去几个街区就到了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Well, just right outside of the doubles line. 就在双打区外面阿。 post.baidu.com 6. The major was assaulted by a protestor right outside the city hall. 市长就在市政厅外被一名示威者给袭击了。 hi.baidu.com 7. I could see me and Yi again, drinking milk right outside the bakery, me leaning on his shoulder, his arms around me. 我又看到了我和毅,在那家店外面喝着牛奶,我把头靠在他肩膀上,他的臂揽着我。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Imagine a beach right outside the office. 想象一下吧,办公室外面就是海滩,那该有多棒。 www.ebigear.com 9. That's right outside you ain't shit, you porno-induced zombie! 这是正确的以外你是不拉屎,你色情诱导的僵尸! zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 10. she went right outside and started washing my car. 她甚至跑出去帮我洗车 www.tingroom.com 1. The waves of the North Pacific crash right outside the windows. 北太平洋的海浪就在窗外澎湃。 www.bing.com 2. People who support President Mohamed Morsi and people who are against him, fighting right outside the presidential palace. 支持及反对总统穆罕默德·莫里斯的人们在总统府外爆发斗争。 www.bing.com 3. Mrs. Beady : No, I mean right outside. 比迪夫人:不,我是说就在外面。 www.zjjyzx.com:8080 4. Location - Close to Ported'Oleans metro and has connection to three bus lines 28, 38, 68 right outside the hotel. 地点——邻近奥尔良地铁站。从酒店出来的右边,可乘坐28,38,68这三路公交车。 weike.taskcn.com 5. Has just hit ground right outside the Mark Twain Chilli Cook-Off! 刚刚坠落地面,就在马克吐温市场美食节现场外面。 www.lovenglish.com 6. Turn right outside the hotel. 出酒店向右转 www.kekenet.com 7. When you have a party right outside everyone's front door, the number of seats, bottles and helping hands expands to fit the situation. 如果你在大家的家门口办派对,座椅、瓶子与帮忙人手会逐渐增多,自然也就有了派对的气氛。 www.ftchinese.com 8. There's a taxi stand right outside the baggage claim area. 在领取行李区外面就有一个招呼站。 bbs.lintun.com 9. The taxi stand is right outside the harbor. 出租车站就在海港外边。 dalian-yantai.100ye.com 10. This is the river right outside of the STAR RIVER. 这是星河湾外面的河。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I'm right outside my room. 就在我房间外头。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. With guards right outside the room, we furtively destroyed evidence in our possession by swallowing notes and damaging videotapes. 在屋子外面有警卫,我们通过偷偷的吞咽便纸和破坏录像带来销毁我们所掌握的证据。 www.bing.com 3. I'll be that guy, right outside the circle. 我会学那个人站在外面 www.bing.com 4. We have a whole team right outside. 我们外面有整队人马 www.putclub.com 5. That's right: outside the store. 这是正确的:在商店门口。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Bella: Edward doesn't live in town. Technically. He's right outside. 贝拉:爱德华不住在镇上。严格来讲的话。他就在外面。 blog.163.com 7. But the collision occurred right outside the den at 1: 54 p. m. and the ensuing blast left 17 people dead, including Hu. 但是车辆冲撞实际于下午1点54发生在赌窝外,随后发生的爆炸导致17人死亡,包括胡。 www.ourtra.com 8. She is right outside playing. I'll go and get her. 她就在外面玩儿呢。我去把她叫过来。 1home.hainan.net 9. Last year we set up a bird feeder right outside our livingroom window. 去年我们在起居室窗边放了一个鸟儿的喂食器。 www.bing.com 10. Barranquilla native @allyfar also posted on twitter several pictures of the same storm right outside her house 当地民众@allyfar也在Twitter上张贴几张从住家看到的雨后景象 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. its a real war right outside your front door i tell ya 它是一场真正的战争,我告诉你它就在你家大门外 wenwen.soso.com 2. Standing here right outside your door 站在你的门外 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Now i'm right outside your door 现在我就在你门外 wenwen.soso.com |
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