单词 | samurai |
释义 |
复数:samurais 例句释义: 武士,侍,日本武士,七武士 1. He took on a man he refers to as "the Last Samurai" , Kazuhiko Takeshima. 他挑选了他称为“最后的武士”的竹岛一彦。 www.ecocn.org 2. As you'd expect from a title like that, there will be a samurai group, numerous katanas and an evil Lord in need of a killing. 就如你看到片名时期待的那样,影片中会有一个武士团,许多武士刀和一个需要被除掉的邪恶藩主。 www.bing.com 3. Japanese samurai gives us a strong and brave feeling, as if they fear nothing at all. 日本武士给我们的感觉很坚强,勇敢,好像他们无所畏惧。 www.en2cn.net 4. In it her mother wishes to see Fujiki (Sanada of Twilight Samurai fame) one more time beneath the wishing cherry tree. 在信中,她的妈妈希望自己能够再与藤木先生在许愿樱花树下见一次面。 tieba.baidu.com 5. I'm a Western samurai, if I kiss you just because you let me to, how can I keep my image? 我怎么说也是个西洋武士,你叫我亲我就亲,那我的形象不是全毁了! zhidao.baidu.com 6. If Japan decided to rearm the it would cut thru China like a hot Samurai sword thru butter, even with a tenth of the population. 如果日本再次掀起武装起来,会把中国攻破像一把炽热的武士刀切黄油,尽管日本只有世界第十的人口。 ltaaa.com 7. But like the traditional samurai hairstyle (shaved pate and topknot), such attitudes are looking increasingly out of date. 但是就像传统武士的发型(脑袋四周剃得精光,只有头顶留着顶髻)一般,这种看法看起来越来越过时了。 www.ecocn.org 8. THE SAMURAI'S LIFE WAS LIKE THE CHERRY BIOSSOM'S, BEAUTIFUL AN BRIEF. FOR HIM, AS FOR THE FLOWER, DEATH FOLLOWED NATURALLY, GLORIOUSLY. 武士的一生如同盛开的樱花,美丽而短暂。而在武士的心中,死不过如花凋谢,自然而光荣。 bbs.54man.org 9. Did not a Japanese samurai always have a bandage around his head? 日本武士不是常常裹块白布在头上吗? www.17k.com 10. Seiji Miyaguchi, who played the taciturn samurai Kyuzo, had not touched a sword at all before this movie. 扮演沉默寡言的武士久藏的宫口精二在拍摄本片之前从未碰过剑。 www.bing.com 1. England, " to the samurai and began an explanation but Omi impatiently cut him short and rapped out a flurry of words. " 他向武士尾见说着,“英国人,英格兰,”还想接着解释,可是尾见很不耐烦地打断他,又发出一连串的快速询问。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Yet dramatic change came anyway, led by a younger clique of samurai with a vision of a modern, industrial Japan. 然而,在希望实现现代化和工业化的年轻武士领导下,日本还是发生了惊天动地的巨变。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In fact, there was one skilled umbrella maker who all the Samurai relied on for their Sword Handle Umbrellas. 一个技术高超的伞制造者为武士制造了剑一样的伞。 www.wujinggou.com 4. To be fair, the Nikkei almost got there at twice the clip as the Dow before bouncing like a samurai's severed head. 但公平地说,日经指数飙升至顶峰的时间几乎比道琼斯指数快了一倍,然后才像掉落的武士人头那样落地反弹。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Joking that he's a samurai, he vows to save his town with its crippled power plant, its poisoned rice paddies and terrified survivors. 他开玩笑地说他是一名武士,他发誓要拯救他的乡镇,还有那破败的工厂,污染的水稻田和恐慌的幸存者。 www.bing.com 6. The young women seem to adore the codes of loyalty and friendship by which the samurai lived. 年轻的女孩子们非常崇拜武士道精神和那些曾经活着的武士之间的友谊。 www.bing.com 7. Some disenfranchised samurai, especially Christian ones, found themselves in places like the Philippinesand Siam. 一些失去了地位的武士,特别是基督徒,在菲律宾和暹罗寻找容身之地。 www.xilu.com 8. Warrior bands total collapse, in the upper opening with a disability into capitalists, the lower samurai to become laborers. 武士阶彻底瓦解,中上层开士演化成资本家,下层武士成为劳动者。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. In 1954, the film "Seven Samurai" directed by Akira Kurosawa is known as the pinnacle of the Japanese entertainment film. 1954年,黑泽明拍摄的《七武士》被称为日本娱乐片的顶峰之作。 www.en2cn.net 10. Vader's flared out helmet is no longer a samurai look but now a more Prussian spiked helmet. 维德怒气冲冲的头盔,不再象是一个日本武士的头盔样式,而是一个更象普鲁士人带穗的头盔。 www.elanso.com 1. This legendary samurai epic stars Sonny Chiba as one of the two sons of the recently deceased instructor of the Shogun. 在这部讲述武士传说的影片中,千叶真一饰演刚过世的幕府将军之子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The Last Samurai, forever, to flee into a landscape. 最后的武士,永存,成了一道远走的风景。 en.cnxianzai.com 3. Introduction: Flying Dragon In the Sky , FABULOUS samurai to save mankind , and waged a long fight . 飞在天,神勇的武士为拯救人类,与展开了一场生死决斗。 www.bing.com 4. But by 1638 thousands of the peasants and their samurai mercenaries had been slaughtered. 但是在1638年之前,数千农民和他们的佣兵武士都被屠戮。 www.bing.com 5. Nobuhide was a skilled warrior, and spent much of his time fighting the samurai of Mikawa and Mino. 信秀是一个熟练的战士,并花了他的大部分时间战斗三河和美浓的武士。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. For centuries, the code of the Samurai has lain in the ruins of a hidden Bushido Temple in the mountains of central Japan. 封建时代的日本武士秘笈藏在日本中部的山上隐蔽而且破旧的武士道庙里已经几个世纪了。 java.moffy.com 7. In an attempt to destroy said lord, the samurai (yes, there are 13) transform an innocent mountain village into an intricate death trap. 为了杀死所说的藩主,武士们(没错,就是13个)把一个纯朴的山村变成一个错综复杂的危险地带。 www.bing.com 8. A wrasse cleans the skin of a wrought iron butterflyfish, whose black-and-white motif reminds Japanese of a samurai's kimono pattern. 一条濑鱼清理着一条锻铁蝴蝶鱼的皮肤。蝴蝶鱼的黑白花纹令日本人想到武士和服上的图案。 www.bing.com 9. One photo showed a Japanese officer, his samurai sword raised high, about to decapitate a bound and kneeling Chinese prisoner. 其中一张照片拍的是一个日本军官高高地举着他那把武士军刀,正准备向一个跪在地上,浑身遭捆绑的中国囚犯砍去。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The wrapping custom goes back about 600 years to a time when samurai were helping to define social etiquette. 这种规矩可以追溯到约600年前武士社会的礼法「折形」。 web-jpn.org 1. The samurai tradition views suicide as noble (though perhaps out of self-interest, since captured warriors were treated gruesomely). 此外,武士向来都把自杀看作高尚的行为(或许武士是出于利己主义,因为一旦成为俘虏则会受到虐待)。 www.ecocn.org 2. A samurai who was known for his nobility and honesty, went to visit a Zen monk to ask for advice. 一个武士因他的高贵和诚实而被众人皆知,他去拜访一位禅僧欲寻得忠告。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. There was the honorable seppuku of samurai and the cowardly cyanide of Nazis. 另外还有日本武士们视为荣耀的切腹自杀,以及胆怯的纳粹用氰化物来结束生命。 www.bing.com 4. If the attack does not kill the Samurai's enemy, her defenses are greatly weakened: Resistances suffer and Resist Spells suffer. 如果没能杀死敌人,武士的防御能力将极大的削弱:包括物防和魔防。 dict.bioon.com 5. The global economic crisis is like a Samurai movie, quips Dennis Meadows co-author of the 1970s eco-doom report, 'Limits to Growth. ' 丹尼斯·梅多斯曾在1970年代与人合著的末日经济报告——《增长的极限》中打趣说,全球经济危机就好比武士电影。 www.bing.com 6. He collects antique Samurai swords, has owned a pet cobra and speaks with a high-flown Massachusetts Brahmin accent. 他收藏古董武士刀,豢养眼镜蛇,讲一口夸张的麻省娑罗门英语。 dongxi.net 7. Clearly, a mix of Japanese samurai Fochan way - to say the least violent hold contradictory attitudes. 显而易见,佛禅混合了日本的武士之道——至少可以说对暴力持矛盾的态度。 www.cutpic.cn 8. Set during the golden age of Samurai warfare, Shogun 2 brings to life the most turbulent period of Japanese history. 战争期间,日本武士的黄金时代集,将军2带来生活中的日本历史上最动荡的时期。 www.clanlong.com 9. The samurai began practicing sumo as a form of training. 日本武士开始练习相扑来当作训练的一种形式。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. This year's creation is a football field-size picture of a samurai battling a warrior monk. 在今年的稻田作品中,一块足球场大小的面积里呈现了一名武士与一名武僧打斗的场面。 www.bing.com 1. Hans Zimmer wrote the music for Gladiator, The Last Samurai, Black Rain, Batman Begins and The Thin Red Line. HansZimmer曾经为角斗士,最后的武士,黑雨,蝙蝠侠前传和红色警戒但当过配乐。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Samurai could also be ordered by their daimyo (feudal lords) to commit seppuku. 而大名(封建制度下的大领主)也会让其手下的武士切腹自杀来谢罪。 www.bing.com 3. With his samurai hair style, tribal tats, and self-aggrandizing stories, Coach has become the celebrity du jour of the water cooler set. 拉风的武士发型,为了自我宣传精心编制的故事,教练因此今日最有特色的名人。 tieba.baidu.com 4. To avoid becoming disorganized and forgetting your vision, follow the secret of the samurai. 要想不变得紊乱,不忘记自己的梦想,就学习武士的秘诀吧。 www.bing.com 5. The display is called "Samurai. Art of War" . 展览的名称是“武士”,“兵法”。 www.bing.com 6. The image of seven samurais stands for the seven aspects of the spirit of samurai, and these seven aspects are the bushido. 七个武士形象代表了武士精神的七个方面,他们的总和就是武士道。 www.en2cn.net 7. So let's cross over to Market Samurai and take a look at how this works in the real world. 现在,就让我们转移视线到市场武士上吧,看看它在现实中是如何工作的。 wenku.baidu.com 8. And we believed that only in the Self-Defense Force was the real Japan, the real Japanese, the true spirit of the samurai, preserved. 我们相信,只有自卫队中才保留了真正的日本、日本人、以及武士道精神。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A team of younger, zealous reformers, dubbed "the seven samurai" by one diplomat, was brought in to overhaul the economy. 一个年轻,热情,被一外交官戏称为“七大武士”的改革队伍,领命着手经济改革。 club.topsage.com 10. seppuku or hara-kiri , Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment, practiced by members of the samurai class. 切腹,亦称「腹切」,日本封建社会武士阶级(武士)采用的剖腹的自杀方式。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Japanese swords are renowned FOR their hardness and extreme sharpness; they were the weapons of the samurai. 日本人的军刀因其坚硬和极端锋利而闻名,是日本武士的武器。 dict.ebigear.com 2. s very talented at swordsmanship. The name of samurai spirit and bushido is popular even at where he lives, which is the countryside. 武士地名称和武士道精神非常受欢迎,即使在他地生命,这是农村地区。 www.xiaotieba.com 3. the embarrassing solemn antics of The Last Samurai. 和《最后的武士》里面那尴尬的肃穆怪异。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Hardcover samurai fighting game on the small production very attractive fighting. 精装武士格斗小游戏简介制作非常精美的格斗。 4455.cc 5. The days of xenophobic samurai, killing non-Japanese Christians to preserve the purity of Nipponese culture, are long gone. 虽然,为保证日本文化的纯洁性而屠杀非日本籍基督教徒的仇外武士时代已一去不复返。 www.ecocn.org 6. That's good if you're a Samurai, but perhaps not so grand if you are a peasant toiling in their paddy fields. 如果你是一名武士,这当然很好,但如果是一位在他们的稻田中劳作的农夫,感觉却未必美妙。 www.bing.com 7. It's like a thousand samurai warriors stabbing their swords into my spine. 就像有数千个日本武士用他们的剑在往我的脊骨里刺 www.tingclass.net 8. In a Samurai film's inevitable finale, sword wielding hero and villain clash in a flurry of steel. 之后,挥舞长剑的英雄与恶棍不可避免的白刃相见,杀作一团; www.bing.com 9. Samurai Jack is a far more stylized, design-driven show, while Star Wars: Clone Wars is much more realistic. 《武士杰克》更程式化,是一出着重于画面的节目,而《星球大战:克隆战争》却更写实。 www.2v2.org.cn 10. Wang divided into three groups: a group of middle-centered to the Buddha, Bodhisattva Seven Samurai threat. 横分三组:中间一组以佛为中心,七菩萨胁侍。 blog.163.com 1. No doubt this boy or his parents thought this character translates as "samurai, " but the character actually means "hemorrhoid" in English. hanzismatter.blogspot.com显然这位男孩或他的父母认为这个汉字的意思是“武士”,而实际上它是‘痔疮’的‘痔’。 www.bing.com 2. But the remaining samurai continued with the plan, which involved eating healthy food and exercising. 不过其他人仍坚持完成了这一健康饮食与锻炼相结合的减肥计划。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Repeated viewings of "The Seven Samurai" reveal visual patterns. ‘七武士’不断重复的拍摄角度表露出一种视觉模型。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He married the daughter of a samurai, spoke Japanese and spent the last 15 years of his life in Japan. 他娶了一位武士的女儿,用日语交谈,并在日本度过了生命中最后15年的时光。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Taking pictures with Samurai style, with Odawara Castle for the background. 以小田原城为背景,拍摄武士形象的照片。 www.kanagawa-kankou.or.jp 6. The list below consists of the stages of battle during the samurai period. Which is the correct order of the events? 以下的列表包括日本武士战斗期间的各个阶段。哪一个选项是事件发生的正确顺序? zhidao.baidu.com 7. At the risk of sounding corny, whatever happened to the days of the samurai? 在探空老生常谈的风险,无论发生在武士的日子? tieba.baidu.com 8. That bureaucrat was played by Takashi Shimura--who, incredibly, also plays Kambei, the leader of the seven samurai. 这个官僚的扮演者志村乔,很难相信就是岛田勘兵卫-‘七武士’首领的扮演者。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In response, young samurai from feudal Domains historically hostile to the Tokugawa regime took up arms against the government. 而年轻的武士阶级「侍」对幕府的统治一向不满,他们揭竿而起反抗政府。 dict.ebigear.com 10. It is a little known fact that Samurai also carried umbrellas. 基本没有什么史籍提到古代武士也会带伞! bbs.mosh.cn 1. Following eviction from paradise the next morning, I went back to the old samurai quarters. 次早从梦中醒来,我又去了武士旧居。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This time, the samurai hurry about pushing them back. 这次,那名武士急忙上前把他们推回去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. They said there's a samurai around here famous for his swordplay. Where's he? 听说这一带有一个人的刀很快,不知道他在不在。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. With [Obi-Wan Kenobi], for a European feel I went for a more traditional knight, rather then the Asian samurai robes. 设计欧比-旺·克诺比的时候,为适合欧洲人的观念,我更多地借鉴了传统欧洲骑士元素,而不是亚洲日本武士长袍。 www.elanso.com 5. However, SocGen postponed a planned samurai bond sale following the Moody's report, according to two people familiar with the deal. 然后,据两位知情人士透露,在穆迪报告之后,兴业银行推迟了一项事先安排好的武士债券销售计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Rather than accept defeat in battle, samurai would often kill themselves. 日本武士宁愿自杀也不愿接受在战场上的失败。 tieba.baidu.com 7. So much so many dressed in uniform, equipped with lumbar samurai sword so that surprised me. 那么多那么多身着戎装,腰配宝剑的武士让我吃惊。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Many Westerns after 1960 were heavily influenced by the Japanese samurai films of Akira Kurosawa. 1960年以来的许多西部片都受到黑泽明的日本武士片的大力影响。 www.bing.com 9. This is not a mobile phone fighting game, Samurai Shodown with the same name, this is a movement fighting the pass of the game! 这不是一款格斗手机游戏,这只是跟侍魂同名的一款动作打斗过关游戏! www.fishjava.com 10. it is our fierce desire that you revive as true men, as true samurai, that has driven us to this action. 我们热切期望你们作为真正的男人、真正的武士复苏。因此,我们才展开了此次行动。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The brutal samurai who beheaded peasants to test their blades were yet to come. 那些砍下农民头颅来试刀的野蛮武士还没有出现。 www.ecocn.org 2. While you control a face-up "Six Samurai" monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. 当你场上有一只名字带有“六武众”的怪兽的时候,这张卡可以从手卡特殊召唤。 bbs.newwise.com 3. In Kyoto, where there were fewer samurai, it is filleted along the belly. 京都的武士很少,因此那里是从鱼肚片开鳗鱼。 www.bing.com 4. With forelimbs longer than some automobiles, he's got weapons to rival a samurai sword. 有了这比一些汽车还长的前肢,它具备了足以匹敌日本战刀一样的武器。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Even today it makes samurai swords using time-honoured techniques. 即使今天它仍然用时间-荣耀技术制造武士刀。 blog.163.com 6. Samurai Mind Training for Modern American Warriors. 美国当代士兵开始武士道精神训练。 www.17tx.com 7. Winter, 1877. What does it mean to be a Samurai? 1877年冬天。成为武士代表什么?。 engxue.com 8. Similarly, many Japanese samurai warriors in the past had quoted aspects of this particular famous phrase by Sun Tzu. 过去日本有很多武士,也特别喜欢引用孙子的这个讲法。 www.hotdic.com 9. Characters of "Seven Samurai" have deep meanings. 《七武士》的人物设置蕴含深意。 www.en2cn.net 10. During the Edo period (1603-1868), the tea ceremony provided respite for the samurai warrior. 在江户时代(1603-1868),茶道可让武士们得到暂时的休息。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Characters of "Seven Samurai" have deep meanings. 《七武士》的人物设置蕴含深意。 www.en2cn.net 2. During the Edo period (1603-1868), the tea ceremony provided respite for the samurai warrior. 在江户时代(1603-1868),茶道可让武士们得到暂时的休息。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Yonbanchi B&B is housed in a building from the Edo period (1603-1867), once owned by a samurai who guarded the temple next door. 四番地B&B身处一栋江户时期(1603-1867)的建筑内,曾经的拥有者是一名保护旁边寺院的武士。 www.bing.com 4. Japan - The Samurai spirit never dies! Victory for Japan! 武士精神永存!日本为胜利而战! www.kekenet.com 5. But it is worth making the attempt. Seneca and the samurai would surely approve. 但努力尝试还是值得的。塞内加和武士们肯定会同意这一点。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Samurai women could only commit the act with permission. 而女性武士只有得到许可后才能切腹自杀。 www.bing.com 7. Hearn, who married a local samurai's daughter, took Japanese citizenship and died in Tokyo in 1904. 赫恩娶了当地武士的女儿,并获得了日本国籍,于1904年在东京逝世。 willsteed.spaces.live.com 8. Such fine pieces were meant only for the samurai class. 这种精致的陶器只供武士阶层使用。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Samurai warriors are the unique unit for the Japanese, and they're tough. 厉害的日本武士是日本的特殊军事单位。 www3.eastgame.net 10. Samurai: Remove all boss cards from the selection area. 武士:删除所有的老板卡的选择范围。 bbs.tgbus.com 1. Her most recent book is a novel, "The Courtesan and the Samurai. " 她最近的一部书是一部小说:《名妓与武士》。 www.bing.com 2. At the same time, Japan's parents that day will be at home to place dolls, but it samurai are dressed, look terrible. 同时,日本的父母这一天也会在家里放置玩偶,但却都是武士装扮,样子很可怕。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. So then you took levels in the Master Samurai prestige class. 所以你接着进阶了几级“武士头领”。 www.anetcity.com 4. One week later, the samurai boy approaches the cat and talks to him. 一周后,年轻武士走向那只猫说道—— bbs.cool66.net 5. Her latest book is a novel, "The Courtesan and the Samurai. " 她最新著作是一本小说,书名为《高等妓女和武士》。 kk.dongxi.net 6. Rebuilding and reforming is the real Samurai challenge we're awaiting. 重建和改革才是我们正在等待的真正武士挑战。 www.ecocn.org 7. Tsunetomo Yamamoto, an 18th century samurai, offered a similar prescription. 在18世纪,武士山本常朝(TsunetomoYamamoto)给出了类似的处方。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It would suit a famous samurai like you. 这绝对适合像你这么著名的武士。 c.wapok.com 9. Miyamoto Musashi: Samurai juvenile who got to die to stop it? They can not hear ah! 宫本武藏:谁能阻止得了少年武士赴死呢?他们听不到啊! apps.hi.baidu.com 10. All Date units have a charge bonus, and their fearsome no-dachi samurai, with two-handed swords, are cheap to recruit and maintain. 所有的伊达部队都具有冲锋加成,可怕的野太刀武士携带双手剑,征募和俸禄的费用却相当低廉。 www.slieny.com 1. The choice of colors is inspired from the samurai. 颜色的选择的灵感也是来自武士道。 www.en2cn.net 2. They are well-drilled, but lack the skill and dedication of samurai. 他们训练有素,但是缺乏战斗技巧和武士道精神。 www.dashuye.com 3. Japan : Light up your samurai spirit! 小日本还要点燃武士精神 bbs.gter.net 4. The inn was established in 1890 by a former samurai. 1890年,一名前日本武士在此修建了这家客栈。 gb.cri.cn 5. End the fight samurai market, not you die I live. 末路武士的厮杀场,不是你死就是我活。 4455.cc 6. Alonix seven samurai Taoist priest with no way anti-ah! 高球名人七个武士道士,没有出路反啊! tieba.baidu.com 7. The Seven Samurai to the rescue? 七武士的拯救? www.ecocn.org 8. One of the samurai who is seen walking through the town was played by a young Tatsuya Nakadai. 穿过小镇的那个浪人武士是由年轻的仲代达矢扮演的。 www.bing.com 9. In this tutorial, we will build an entire 3D samurai chamber entirely within After Effects. 在本教程中,我们将完全建立在一个完整的三维效果后武士室。 www.cgfriend.org 10. Samurai Bond A yen denominated bond that is issued in Tokyo by a non-Japanese company. 武士债券由日本以外公司在东京发行的日元债券。 sh.netsh.com 1. Light up you samurai spirit! 燃烧武士的激情! www.tt.zj.cn 2. I must do the honorable thing according to the legend of my samurai brethren. 我必须依照我的武士同胞的传奇,行光荣之事。 www.joyen.net 3. Samurai listened to this words, after the HeiXue princess went to the forest. 武士听了这话之后,就把黑雪公主带到森林里去了。 zhishi.sohu.com 4. In most other countries the rich were less fecund: the Japanese samurai produced little more than one son per father, for example. 多数其他国家富人则没有如此多产。比如,日本武士阶级之中,平均每个父亲仅有略多于1个子嗣。 www.ecocn.org 5. And in September in Saitama, the Samurai Blue defeated North Korea 1-0. 今年9月在日本崎玉,日本“蓝武士”1比0击败了朝鲜。 cn.wsj.com 6. Are you a warrior? Killer? Slicin shit like a samurai. 你是一个勇士吗?杀手?还是像塞穆赖一样散发着臭味。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Because that is the job and the nature of the samurai. 不是。而是因为,这是武士的职责和本质。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Amanda: You know how in those samurai movies 你知道在那些日本电影中的武士 www.kekenet.com 9. Japan in the Age of the Samurai: History and Film 武士时代的日本:历史与影片 www.myoops.org 10. Browse more free The Last Samurai pictures from our gallery 从我们的图库浏览更多免费最后的武士图片 www.mm52.com 1. a samurai in a storm over the sand into the glare 风暴中有一个武士站在强光中的沙滩上 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Trends Among the Samurai and the Common People 武士和民众的动向 je-kaleidoscope.jp 3. Way of the Samurai Online (working title) 侍道在线(暂定名)历史动作冒险 bbs.gviva.net 4. Kamakura, Home of the Samurai(Japan) 武士家园(日本) blog.sina.com.cn 5. Samurai: Way of the Warrior HD 日本武士:勇士之路 blog.sina.com.cn 6. b. Samurai shout their reasons for fighting 武士喊出他们打仗的原因 zhidao.baidu.com 7. d. Lord gives samurai swords, horses, and land 首领给武士刀,马,和土地 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Secrets of the Samurai Sword 武士刀的秘密 hot.yikuai.com 9. Samurai The Code of the Warrior 日本武士 shop33554714.taobao.com 10. Samurai of the Pale Curtain 灰幕武士 www.pro-cardgame.com 1. Samurai Jack - The Amulet of Time 日本武士杰克-时间之护身符 gba.188001.com 2. Samurai: The world of the warrior 日本的武士:战士世界 bibf.cnpbook.com 3. The Rise of the Warrior Class and the Development of Samurai Society 武士的抬头及武家社会的展开 je-kaleidoscope.jp |
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