单词 | same application |
释义 | 例句释义: 同一应用程序 1. After you have the instance, you can call methods on it as if it were in the same application domain. 有了实例后,可以调用该实例的方法,就好像它在同一个应用程序域中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. In general, an application compiled with one of these options will be faster than the same application compiled with an earlier compiler. 通常,用下列选项之一编译的应用程序将比用以前的编译器编译的同一个应用程序快。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Experiment with using SQL and XML data binding in the same application to understand how the same sort of mapping paradigm is used for both. 在同一个应用程序中使用SQL和XML数据绑定,两者采用了同样的映射范型。 www.ibm.com 4. All you have to do is set the appropriate values in preferences; then you are ready to run the same application on a device. 所要做的事情就是在偏好中设置适当的值;然后准备在设备上运行同一个应用程序。 www.ibm.com 5. Concurrent deployment of different applications to the same application server or to the same application server cluster. 向相同的应用程序服务器或相同的应用程序服务器群集并发部署不同的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. Clustering, as the name suggests, refers to a logical collection of application server instances running the same application. 集群化,顾名思义,是指运行相同应用的应用服务器实例的逻辑集合。 www.ibm.com 7. Running the same application with a memory tool results in a report of an array-bounds violation on the fourth line. 使用内存工具运行相同应用程序会在第四行产生一个数组边界违规的报告。 www.ibm.com 8. Essentially, it is the same application running in two modes which are controlled by a flag in an XML configuration file. 本质上,这是同一个应用程序,只不过在XML配置文件中的一个标志控制下以两种模式运行。 www.ibm.com 9. The application will contain a message-driven enterprise bean (MDB) connected to a JMS queue defined within the same application server. 应用程序包含消息驱动的企业bean(MDB),后者与相同应用服务器中定义的JMS队列相连。 www.ibm.com 10. Stow may also be used to perform multiple installations of the same application. Stow还可用于执行同一应用程序的多次安装。 www.ibm.com 1. Use the same application used to display the PDF document to open linked PDF documents. 用PDF阅读器应用程序打开:使用本阅读器打开链接的PDF文件。 zh.pingju.org 2. This results in the nasty fact that you may have two different projects that are touching the same application. 这样导致如此不堪的事实:您的两个截然不同的项目可能设计到同一个应用软件。 www.ibm.com 3. The assembly file must be located in the same application directory as the Web. Config file that defines the assembly file. 程序集文件必须与定义它的Web.config文件位于同一个应用程序目录中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Typically, you will not use all of these events within the same application for validation purposes. 通常,不会在同一应用程序中使用所有这些事件进行验证操作。例如,经常可能只需要处理。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Note that executing the same application against the above data model took 16 seconds to execute (after the data had been reorganized). 注意,针对以上数据模型执行相同的应用程序花费了16秒(在数据被重组以后)。 www.ibm.com 6. The same application could be structured to run in a non-grid environment. 同一个应用程序还可以改变其结构,在非网格环境中运行。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Different assemblies running within the same application domain always have distinct isolated stores. 在同一应用程序域内运行的不同程序集始终具有各自的独立存储区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Multiple versions of classes can be loaded simultaneously in the same application using standard OSGi mechanisms. 使用标准OSGi机制,可以同时在同一个应用程序中加载多个类版本。 www.ibm.com 9. We concluded with deployment of the same application to a private instance running on a single laptop. 最后,我们将此应用部署到运行在一台桌面电脑上运行的私有云实例之上。 www.infoq.com 10. The assemblies for these segments are not required to be in the same application domain. 这些管线段的程序集不需要在同一应用程序域中。 1. By default, all components of the same application run in the same process and most applications should not change this. 默认情况下,同一个应用程序内的所有组件都是运行在同一个进程中的,大部分应用程序也不会去改变它。 www.cnblogs.com 2. Modules can be installed on the same application server or dispersed among several application servers. 这些模块可以安装在相同的应用服务器上或分布在多个应用服务器中。 www.ibm.com 3. The same application configuration scheme devised previously still controls the business rule behavior. 以前设计的相同的应用程序配置模式仍然控制着业务规则行为。 www.ibm.com 4. These artifacts need not be deployed using same J2EE EAR file nor be part of the same application, as defined in WebSphere configuration. 这些构件不需要使用相同的J2EEEAR文件或作为同一个应用程序的部分进行部署,与WebSphere配置中的定义一样。 www.ibm.com 5. This property is useful in disambiguating different instances of the settings wrapper class in the same application domain . 在消除同一个应用程序域中的设置包装类的不同实例间的歧义时,此属性非常有用。 www.bing.com 6. There may be multiple offerings of the same application available and you may want to control which are used in particular circumstances. 同一应用程序可能有多个可用形式,您可能需要控制在特定情形中使用哪个应用程序。 www.ibm.com 7. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application. 对于同一应用的不同执行过程中,返回值不必保持一致。 www.96pc.com 8. This memory is shared between the agents that are working for the same application. 工作于同一应用程序的代理程序将共享该内存。 www.ibm.com 9. Multiple add-ins are loaded into the same application domain in an external process. 多个外接程序加载到外部进程中的同一应用程序域。 10. Alternatively, multiple ASP. NET applications can use the same membership information by specifying the same application name. 或者,通过指定相同的应用程序名称,多个ASP.NET应用程序还可以使用相同的成员资格信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. However, the second developer works on a class file for a different Web service on the same application. 但是,第二个开发人员使用的是相同应用程序上不同Web服务的类文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The behavior is slightly different depending on the operating system and whether the balloon tip is from another, or the same, application. 行为会因操作系统的不同以及气球提示是来自其他应用程序,还是来自同一应用程序而稍有不同。 3. Cloning (duplication) of objects with Control-Drag within the same application window. 在同一应用程序窗口中通过使用“Ctrl-拖动”来克隆(复制)对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. It's common for this to occur when two browsers or instances of the same application are open simultaneously. 当同一个应用软件的两个浏览器或者图例同时打开时,通常会发生这样的情况。 www.ibm.com 5. This adds the process ID to the log file name, so that each run of the same application creates a new log file with a different name. 这样可将进程ID添加到日志文件名中,从而在每次运行同一应用程序时,都会创建一个具有不同名称的新日志文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. You can load multiple add-ins into the same application domain, which enables the add-ins to share resources and security contexts. 可以将多个外接程序加载到同一应用程序域中,从而使外接程序可以共享资源和安全上下文。 7. Attempts to migrate previous user-scoped settings from a previous version of the same application. 尝试从相同应用程序的早期版本迁移以前的用户范围设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. This information from the target. xml file shows that both requests should be routed to the same application. 这个来自target.xml文件的信息显示这两个请求都应该被路由到同一个应用程序。 www.ibm.com 9. Will multiple versions of the same application run concurrently, or does a new version supersede an older version? 同一应用程序的多个版本是否可以同时运行,或者新版本是否会取代旧版本? www.ibm.com 10. The add-in must be in the same application domain as the host. 增益集必须位在主应用程式的相同应用程式定义域中。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Note that for this example, you will deploy the service provider and client on to the same application server. 请注意,对于此示例,我们将服务提供者和客户机部署到相同的应用服务器上。 www.ibm.com 2. Note: The second and third applications described are virtually the same application, hence the lower budget. The budget is negotiable. 注意:第二个和第三个应用描述几乎是相同的应用程序,因此较低的预算。预算面议。 www.bing.com 3. Returns the value of the specified settings property for the previous version of the same application. 返回同一应用程序早期版本的指定设置属性的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. This eliminates the potential conflict that may occur from deploying the same application to multiple customers. 这将消除向多个客户部署同一应用程序时可能发生的潜在冲突。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Consider a scenario where multiple frames in a frameset all access the same application. 考虑下面一种情况,其中一个框架集中的多个框架都访问同一应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The behavior is slightly different depending on whether the balloon tip is from another, or the same, application. 行为会因气球提示是来自其他应用程序,还是来自同一应用程序而稍有不同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. So, whenever possible, run the ASP. NET pages and their associated components together in the same application. 所以,如果可能的话,请尽量在同一个应用程序中一起运行ASP.NET页及其相关组件。 blog.163.com 8. Is a set of application servers running the same application. 是运行着相同应用程序的一组应用程序服务器。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Application global memory is shared between all agents working for the same application. 所有工作于同一应用程序的代理程序将共享应用程序全局内存。 www.ibm.com 10. The same application is changed to pass data via START TRANSID API using CHANNEL option as shown in Figure 12. 对该应用程序进行更改,以使用CHANNEL选项通过STARTTRANSIDAPI传递数据,如图12所示。 www.ibm.com 1. GVD works with native and cross-debuggers and can handle several languages in the same debugging session and the same application. 它本地工作,交叉调试并且能在相同调试部分和相同应用中处理几种语言。 osl.bsw.net.cn 2. It basically enables the same application model used on desktop machines to be used on devices. 它使得桌面计算机上使用的应用程序模型在设备上也能使用。 www.ibm.com 3. This key is useful if you want to run the same application but have separate logs. 如果要运行同一应用程序但获取不同的日志文件,则此项很有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. This means you can be confident in your ability to repeatedly set up the same application environment whenever it is necessary. 这意味着,您完全能够在必要时反复设置相同的应用程序环境。 www.ibm.com 5. It allows the JSP page's servlet and any Web components contained in the same application to share information. 它允许JSP页面的servlet与包括在同一应用程序中的任何Web组件共享信息。 www.ibm.com 6. Mono even has a Windows Forms implementation that translates to GTK, so the same application can run unmodified on both implementations. Mono甚至有一个使用GTK实现的WindowsForms,这样应用程序无须修改就可以运行在两个实现上。 www.infoq.com 7. Either they must write for just one OS, or create many versions of the same application. 他们或者仅为一个操作系统编写应用程序,或者为同样一个应用程序开发多个版本。 www.cnw.com.cn 8. Specifies that the assembly cannot execute with other versions if they are running in the same application domain. 指定该程序集不能与运行在相同应用程序域中的其他版本一起执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. All pages that point to the same configuration file are created in the same application domain. 所有指向同一配置文件的页在同一应用程序域中创建。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. J2EE components that use the resource adapter may co-reside with the adapter on the same application server or operate remotely. 使用资源适配器的J2EE组件可以与同一应用服务器上的适配器共存或进行远程操作。 www.ibm.com 1. Hence, you should not rely on finding assemblies in the same application domain through late-bound mechanisms. 因此,不应通过后绑定机制查找相同应用程序中的程序集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The same application can use device filters to detect when it is running on a Web-enabled cell phone. 应用程序可使用设备筛选器检测它自己何时运行在支持Web的移动电话上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. For example, a user can edit a spreadsheet while another thread is recalculating other parts of the spreadsheet within the same application. 例如,在另一个线程正在重新计算同一应用程序中的电子表格的其他部分时,用户可以编辑该电子表格。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Are other vendors parts used in the same application? 是否有其它供应商的产品在同一情况下使用? wenku.baidu.com 5. So, what happens when several shared objects are loaded into the same application space and the table of contents gets too big? 因此,当几个共享对象都要加载到相同的应用程序空间并且目录表太大时又该如何呢? www.ibm.com 6. Objects in the same application domain communicate directly. 同一应用程序域中的对象直接通信。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Support to encrypt outgoing messages, and then only people using the same application and the right password can view the messages. 加密传出消息:即将离任的支持加密的邮件,然后只有人使用相同的应用程序和正确的密码可以查看邮件。 bbs.imobile.com.cn 8. All the DB2 agents belonging to the same application group communicate using the application group shared memory. 属于相同应用程序组的所有DB2代理都使用应用程序组共享内存进行通信。 www.ibm.com 9. Listing 2 shows the same application data as the sample in Listing 1 SOAP, but with WS-Addressing information included. 清单2显示了与清单1SOAP示例相同的应用程序数据,但其中包括WS-Addressing信息。 www.ibm.com 10. The assembly cannot execute with other versions if they are executing in the same application domain. 该程序集无法与其他版本在相同的应用程序域中一起执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. After the fork, Process A might continue running the same application. 在分叉之后,进程A可能会继续运行同一个应用程序。 www.ibm.com 2. The second version is a stand-alone version of the same application. 第二个版本是同一应用程序的独立版本。 www.ibm.com 3. Defines one or more properties that belong to the same application settings property group. 派生,用于定义属于同一应用程序设置属性组的一个或多个属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The add-in runs in the same application domain as the host. 外接程序与宿主运行在同一应用程序域中。 5. Let's look at the same application with the server client fusion methodology. 我们来看看使用服务器和客户端融合方法的情况,用同一个样例应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. Besides, you can get another BOC RMB Credit Card at the same application. 此外,现更可同时申请中银人民币信用卡。 www.sino-land.com 7. JDBC and SQLJ can interoperate in the same application. JDBC和SQLJ可以在同一个应用程序中互操作。 www.ibm.com 8. Figure 10 shows the same application using channels and containers to pass data. 图10显示使用管道和容器来传递数据的相同应用程序。 www.ibm.com 9. The PortletContext API enables the storing of attributes that other portlets in the same application can also access. PortletContextAPI允许存储同一应用程序中其他Portlet也可以访问的属性。 www.ibm.com 10. Provides an overview of how to use COM objects and. NET Framework objects in the same application. 概述如何在同一个应用程序中使用COM对象和.NETFramework对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Listing 11 shows the logic branch when the same application has the focus through multiple input reads. 清单11显示了当同一个应用程序在多次输入读取中都拥有焦点时的逻辑分支。 www.ibm.com 2. We ended up with duplicating the same application for each release, as Figure 5 shows. 对于每一个版本我们以复制相同的程序结束,如图5所示。 www.ibm.com 3. They can also establish report parameters to reduce data variability between users and laboratories for the same application. 他们还可以建立报告参数,以便减少用户和实验室之间的数据差异。 yiqi.ebioe.com 4. In some cases, the same application is run in the cloud environment. 有些情况下,同一个应用程序在云环境中运行。 www.ibm.com 5. For example, you can't isolate the same COM component from two different Class Library projects that are part of the same application. 例如,不能从作为同一应用程序的组成部分的两个不同“类库”项目隔离同一COM组件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Running that same application today in Amazon's cloud costs about $1, 500 a month. 今天在亚马逊的云系统中运营一个同样的应用只花费每月一千五百美元。 www.bing.com 7. where a member of the Patent Reexamination Board who has taken part in the examination of the same application. 专利复审委员会成员曾参与原申请的审查的。 www.hotdic.com 8. For example, using XML to communicate between a servlet and an EJB in the same application is a bad idea. 例如,在同一个应用程序中的servlet和EJB之间使用XML就是一个坏想法。 www.ibm.com 9. SQL Server loads assemblies belonging to the same owner in the same application domain. SQLServer将属于相同所有者的程序集加载到相同的应用程序域中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Application scoped datasource: This is used by one or more modules of the same application. 应用程序范围的数据源:它用于同一个应用程序的一个或多个模块。 www.ibm.com 1. The ReportViewer controls and SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services can be used together in the same application. 可以在同一应用程序中将ReportViewer控件和SQLServer2005报表服务一起使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Alternatively, multiple ASP. NET applications can share a profile data source by specifying the same application name. 或者,多个ASP.NET应用程序可通过指定相同的应用程序名称来共享配置文件数据源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If the settings properties of the wrapper are intended to be shared across all instances of the wrapper in the same application, then 如果打算在同一个应用程序的所有包装实例中共享包装的设置属性,则在所有的实例中 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Each panel will show a version of the same application featuring the same user experience but employing different databases at the back end 每个面板都将显示同一应用程序的一个版本,提供相同的用户体验,但在后端使用不同的数据库 www-128.ibm.com 5. Specifies whether an assembly supports side-by-side execution on the same computer, in the same process, or in the same application domain 指定程序集是否支持在同一台计算机上、同一进程中或同一应用程序域中并行执行 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This level allows administrators and developers to correlate applications in the same application domain 此级别允许管理员和开发人员关联同一应用程序域中的各应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The same application unit in main delivery models and cover models illustrate the differences; 同一申请单元中主送型号产品与覆盖型号产品的差异说明; www.cnqr.org 8. Getting Control Information from the Source Page in the Same Application 从同一个应用程序的源页中获取控件信息 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. op_merge: Merges sample files belonging to the same application op_merge:合并属于同一个应用程序的采样文件 www.ibm.com 10. Forgetting that multiple people might be using the same application at the same time 忘掉了可能多人在同时使用同一个应用 17zm.net 1. Redirecting to Another Page in the Same Application 重定向到相同应用程序中的另一页 msdn.microsoft.com 2. Listing 2 shows a code example for the include flow control mechanism, using the same application variable 清单2给出了同样使用变量application的include流控制的代码示例。 www.ibm.com 3. Using wsadmin to install the same application 使用wsadmin安装同一应用程序 www.ibm.com 4. To get the values of controls from the source page in the same application 从同一个应用程序的源页中获取控件值 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Same application on a desktop and in the cloud 同一应用程序在桌面中和在云应用程序中 www.ibm.com 6. Having the same application for all; uniform: 对所有的都同样适用的;统一的: zhidao.baidu.com 7. Article 3 An applicant may claim one or multiple priorities in Taiwan region in the same application; 第三条申请人可以在一件申请中要求一项或者多项台湾地区优先权; en.pkulaw.cn 8. Code: Redirecting to Another Page in the Same Application (Visual Basic) 代码:重定向到同一应用程序中的其他页(VisualBasic) msdn.microsoft.com |
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