单词 | sheng |
释义 |
例句释义: 盛语,升,笙,盛琛皓 1. 'Foreign investors seem to be more bullish on this stock, ' said Nan Sheng, a banking analyst in Shanghai for UOB Kayhian. 大华继显有限公司(UOBKayhian)驻上海的银行分析师NanSheng说,“外国投资者似乎对这只股票更有信心”。 cn.wsj.com 2. I now have to find the Guanghua Bridge, I Afraid of you hungry, burning up in the Tang Sheng Vacuum Flask, on the out. 我现在已经找到光华桥了,我怕你肚子饿,煲好了汤盛在保温瓶里就出来了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. Mei-sheng to an agreement still up in the flood story and never want to leave so that we moved so far. 尾生为了一个约定在洪水大涨时仍不肯离开的故事让我们感动至今。 enwaimao.cn 4. Sheng into the porcelain barrel or basin, Cigang months (the next container to be a smooth pad), stored in a cool well-ventilated place. 盛入瓷桶或盆内、瓷缸内(盛器下要垫平稳),存放在阴凉通风处。 www.qiyeku.com 5. I hardly spoke with Wong Sheng when we were in ZMC. My memory of him was blurred. 当我们还在中医学院读书时,我几乎没和王胜说过话,对他的记忆已经变得很模糊。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. One day a scholar named Wang Sheng in Taiyuan met, on his way out, a beautiful girl. He brought her back to be kept in his study. 太原王生,早晨出门遇见一位年轻漂亮的女子,便把她带回家,藏在书房。 www.ebigear.com 7. Mr Sheng, the minister, gave a terse interview (in Chinese) to state television on his way to the scene, saying nothing about human error. 铁道部部长盛光祖在赶往现场的途中,给国家电视台做了一个简短的发言。他表示,没有人为过失。 www.ecocn.org 8. Among this lonely body, Wang yan sheng was one of the editors having the critical influence. 在这个寂寞的群体里,王燕生是其中起决定性作用的编辑者之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He gave only his surname, Sheng, because he said some of those involved had received threatening phone calls urging them to stop protesting. 他只给出了他的姓氏盛,因为一些参与者已经受到威胁电话让他们不要抗议。 dongxi.net 10. We barely sit down in anger Ma Sheng, then the newspaper connected with the shop, then prepared to put the moon cake and eat moon cakes! 我们在愤骂声中勉强坐下后,便把报纸连接铺在一起,那时准备用来放月饼和吃月饼的! wenwen.soso.com 1. Sheng, jiaxing textile polyester raw material markets a week between the two places overall prices continued to fall. 盛泽、嘉兴两地轻纺原料市场一周内涤丝整体行情继续下跌。 www.texclo.net 2. We have talked at length with Comrade Kang Sheng and asked him to hurry to your place by the 12th to confer with you. 我们已和康生同志谈了许多,请他于十二日赶到你们处,和你们会商。 es.bab.la 3. I would have no problem being called a 'sheng nu'. In fact I would proudly accept the name, in whatever language, like a badge of honor. 我也有条件成为一名”剩女“。事实上,我会很乐意接受这个称呼,不管用怎样的语言,这都象一个荣誉徽章。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If I had done meal, not the rice Sheng Hao, to coax him to eat, he would rather go hungry abdomen a few days, will never speak to you. 我若是做好了饭菜,不把饭盛好,哄他来吃的话,他宁可饿几天肚子,也绝对不会搭理你。 www.bing.com 5. no packing transit, there must be easy to lift, a moderate amount of sheng. 无包装的半成品中转,必须有便于搬抬,盛量适中的盛具。 www.517hb.com 6. ugh! Chih-sheng, did you see that horse brush past Su-su's head, and almost knock her OVER and trample on her? 喔,喔,喔,——芝生,你看见马头从素的头顶擦过,险一些踏倒了她么? dict.ebigear.com 7. The river is as ferocious beasts in the roar, a deafening Hou Sheng, as if the entire valley in fibrillation. 而河水却象凶猛的野兽在咆哮,发出震耳欲聋的吼声,仿佛整个峡谷在颤动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The Dragon brings upon the essence of life, in the form of its celestial breath, known to many as sheng chi. 龙产生生命的要素,以它天上呼吸的形式,多数知道到例如shengchi。 www.chinaufo.com 9. However, Lin Sheng Xiang, the lead vocalist and composer, and lyricist Zhong Yongfeng continued to collaborate and compose songs. 然而,主唱兼作曲的林生祥与词作家钟永丰的合作并未中断。 ts.hjenglish.com 10. Mr Sheng points out a sporty red Ford compact, with a Mickey Mouse steering wheel and Hello Kitty seat covers, standing out starkly. 盛峰指着一辆花哨的红色福特(Ford)小型车——方向盘套是米老鼠的,座套是HelloKitty的,显得非常扎眼。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It was fortunate for Kang Sheng that he died 9 months earlier than Mao Zedong, so that he could keep a fine reputation in his living years. 而康生最幸运的是,他比毛泽东早九个月过逝,因此在有生之年得以保全住自己声望。 www.cetd.com.tw 2. He was about to give vent to his fury, when the butler, Kao Sheng, came in with a message that made his heart miss a beat. 他狂怒到几乎要开口大骂,可是当差高升走上来又说了一句叫人心跳的话。 home.hjenglish.com 3. It was conducted by his harridan wife Jiang Qing and plotted by his favorite ideologist, security specialist and pimp, Kang Sheng. 它是由他的妻子江青和harridan了他最喜欢的思想家,安全专家和皮条客,康生策划。 www.englishtang.com 4. The thick large, thick, stupid, thick bottom bowl, a bowl of stew on the Sheng, tangy flavor, eat all that ordinary life all taste. 那种厚实的大碗,粗粗的,笨笨的,厚底的碗,盛上一碗大烩菜,扑鼻的浓香,吃的全是平凡生活的诸般滋味。 www.bing.com 5. He sighed, with mouth energetically to peck at a few, the screens down nothing, his mouth Daoba confused Sheng Teng. 他叹了一口气,用小嘴使劲地啄了几下,纱窗倒没什么,倒把他的嘴弄得生疼。 daziranys.com.cn 6. Talking about the recent blocks after another factory, installation Sheng As if enumerating . 说起近来一座座拔地而起的工厂,安家盛如数家珍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The classic Le Sheng that transmits in the CD machine of barroom, make we as if place oneself Yu Gu's old Europe! 酒吧间的CD机里传来的古典乐声,使我们仿佛置身于古老的欧洲! dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Every time I pick a full back of a strawberry , the mother must wash the strawberries Sheng a crock, and that is only let a good night. 每逢我摘了满满一竹篓草莓回来,母亲总要洗净一个瓦罐把草莓盛起来,说是放过了夜才好吃的。 www.bing.com 9. In contemporary slang, single women over the age of 27 are known as sheng nu or "leftovers. " 在现在流行的俚语词汇中,年龄大于27岁的女士被称为“剩女”,意思是“剩下的东西”。 www.bing.com 10. Sheng writes in an afterword to a new edition of her novel, published this year. 盛可以在今年新版的后记中写到。 www.3us.com 1. Sales at the Laiwu Sheng Yuan Building Materials Co. have plunged 50 percent from a year earlier, said general manager Wang Jian. 总经理吴健WangJian说,莱芜的胜源建筑材料公司LaiwuShengYuanBuildingMaterialsCo.的销售已经从一年以前下降了50%。 www.bing.com 2. Shao Xiao Bo polyester products into both sheng, jiaxing quote has no degree of upward in the market. 绍萧地区涤丝产品进入盛泽、嘉兴两地市场上报价也有不程度的上调。 texclo.net 3. Made by an acclaimed Taiwanese director, Wei Te-sheng, with John Woo, a Hollywood force, as producer, the film has already broken records. 本片由久负盛名的台湾导演魏德圣执导,力邀好莱坞影人吴宇森担任制片,自上映伊始就已经开创了票房新纪录。 club.topsage.com 4. Pan Sheng-Chun: "maybe this is the case, you will receive your 70%, the rest of the money taken out to you, if you say you went. " 潘声春:“说不定是这样的,给你发70%的,其余的钱给你扣掉,如果你今天说都你就走了。” blog.bandao.cn 5. In the mornings, Mrs. Wang, still in her pajamas, would dash to a street stall to pick up sheng jian (fried buns) for breakfast. 早晨,王先生会出门买香烟,而她的妻子则会穿着睡衣跑到街摊去买生煎包做早餐。 dongxi.net 6. On the Malaysian Sheng Zhai Qi treasurer said that if the rent is not high, they are happy to return to the front door. 月盛斋的马国琦掌柜说,如果租金不高,他们还是乐意回前门。 bbs.d9it.com 7. It was the secret stealth International Electromagnetic Sciences Zhejiang University Dr. Sheng Chen Hong who was found! 它隐身的秘密被浙江大学国际电磁科学院陈红胜博士等人发现了! bbs.d9it.com 8. Beijing-Hong Sheng, with Cheung Founder Technology Co. , Ltd. is a product of a series of agents (CDP), Acting entire product line is now. 北京宏晟同祥科技有限公司是作为方正系列产品的一级代理商(CDP),代理全线方正系列产品。 www.tonke.cn 9. Sheng Jian, of course, with the lion head is Dayao favorite snack one of the two, the addition of Yao Ming has a soft spot for what food? 当然生煎与狮子头只是大姚喜爱的两种小吃之一,除此之外姚明还对哪些美食情有独钟? www.hicoo.net 10. As long as the heart is the distance, Jiang Sheng quest will certainly reach the other side of hope. 只要心向远方,求索的桨声就一定会到达希望的彼岸。 www.tradeask.com 1. The Zheng Zhen Duo valuation to that book is extremely high , thinks that it is "a volume of big books that Sheng Shui does not leave out" . 郑振铎对该书的评价极高,认为它是“一部盛水不漏的大著作”。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Fu Sheng in violation of the relevant agreement, the company has the right to repurchase their shares of 1 yuan. 如傅盛先生违反相关约定,公司有权以1元回购其股权。 bbs.admin5.com 3. He stared at her, Ya Sheng: "Block late in the end what is going on? " 他盯着她,哑声问:“座晚到底发生什么事?” bookapp.book.qq.com 4. the sheng - fu , jeff , is dying . it is kinda sad to think in this way . but i cannot help it. 在美国的徐盛夫,杰夫,正在死去中。。。。。。。。这样子想好像很悲伤,可是我不能停止我的脑袋。 www.ichacha.net 5. Han Sheng: Excuse me, I would like to book an air ticket from Bei Jing to Shang Hai this Friday. Discussion[Chinese]汉生:你好,我想预订一张周五从北京到上海的机票。 www.podcastdirectory.com 6. Tea is a very good man, just like a cup of good tea, fragrance, fragrance, a taste, Sheng Jin throat, lip Fresh Gear. 茶叶是个非常出色的男人,就像一杯上好的香茗,馥郁、芬芳,浅尝一口,生津润喉,唇齿留香。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. and for not, weariness hydrophobic poly, love parting, five Yun sheng, born from the desire, not out of everyone. 而求不得、厌憎聚、爱别离、五蕴盛,则由欲而生,人人皆无法脱离。 guizhou.guopei.teacher.com.cn 8. and then pour a little oil, pour the small celery and carrots, stir fry for half a minute Sheng out. 再倒入少许油,倒入芹菜丁和胡萝卜丁,翻炒半分钟盛出。 baike.baidu.com 9. Their works , written with an intention of imitating or copying Wu Sheng Xi Qu in its themes , discourses , styles and intonations . 他们所拟作品,在题意语词、篇制结构、口吻声调等方面都有意袭用或模仿吴声西曲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Sheng Ji will decline, move in circles, heaven and earth to. Since ancient times, no one can escape this law, Shi Chong is no exception. 盛极必衰,循环往复,天地至道。自古没有人可以逃过这样的规律,石崇当然也不会例外。 www.bing.com 1. Military students of the performing style coordinated, Hu Hu Sheng - wei, a high-spirited show up, the hard work of the spirit of the times. 同学们表演的军体拳协调一致、虎虎生威,展现了昂扬向上、顽强拼搏的时代精神。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Top: Silver-haired Lu Chuan-sheng, head of the Jung Hsin Choir, has dedicated 20 years of his life to musical education. 上图:荣星儿童合唱团的团长吕泉生,二十馀年来,一直专精致力于音乐教育工作。那一头银发,就是为此熬白的。 www.showxiu.com 3. I submit to you, turn off the heat, the steak Sheng Jin your plate. 我顺从你,关火,将牛排盛进你的盘子里。 www.bing.com 4. Bi Sheng is also the production of wooden movable type as early as the beginning, later fired mud to use movable type. 毕升最早开始也是制作木活字,后来才改用烧制的泥活字。 jztu.5d6d.com 5. We would like to invite you to select a resident of Lo Sheng to participate on this panel. 因此,我们诚挚邀请乐生院推举出一个居民参与这个论坛。 blog.roodo.com 6. Yet, Sheng Hong said that China's pollution-intensive means of production and competition for resources violate this precept. 但是,ShengHong(盛洪)认为,中国的高污染的生产方式以及对自然资源的掠夺违背了这一理念。 www.bing.com 7. The jacking cylinder is one of the key equipment used in Sheng-li #2 drilling platform. 前言:“胜利二号”的顶升油缸是平台的关键设备。 www.chemyq.com 8. Enclosed please find my resume and doctoral thesis. You could refer to my tutor Sheng Shangmin regarding my character and research. 随函附上我的简历和博士论文复印件,您还可从我的导师盛尚明博士那里了解我的品行和学习科研情况。 dict.bioon.com 9. PVC used in the Edge to be provided by Shanghai Sheng crown, hot-melt adhesives for Henkel Germany. 所使用的PVC封边条为上海冠盛提供、热熔胶为德国汉高。 www.showxiu.com 10. In a cheeky response to the mocking title, women have launched "sheng nu" social clubs across the country. 作为对此含有嘲讽意味称呼的回应,全国各地的单身女子纷纷成立了“剩女”社交俱乐部。 dongxi.net 1. During Northern Song Dynasty more than 900 years ago, Bi Sheng invented movable-type printing after years of experimenting. 到了900多年前的北宋时期,平民发明家毕升,经过反复试验,发明了活字印刷术。 www.999chinese.com 2. The latter is only loaded containers Sheng life will not change the quality of life. 后者只是装盛生活的容器,不会改变生活的质量。 wenwen.soso.com 3. It was a sheng shi, an age of prosperity. 这是一个“盛世”,一个繁荣的时代。 www.ecocn.org 4. Tai Sheng Hui suo Hotel Provide enthusiasm for you thoughtful, professional fast service, make your trip perfect. 泰盛会所酒店为您提供热情周到,专业快捷服务,使您的旅行尽善尽美。 www.lvyou114.com 5. qiao sheng, if you're on the Paid and Pending list above, the next step is to verify your PIN # on the following page. 乔生,如果您的付费和待上述清单,下一步是验证您的PIN#在下列网页。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Jia Sheng spirit of "customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term cooperative relationship. 青岛嘉晟涂附磨具有限公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。 qdbaijiasheng.qqkkaa.com 7. Sheng Minamata said Tokyo Electric Power will replace operating level, continue to deal with the accident, compensation for affected people. 胜俣还说,东电将更换运营层,继续事故处理,赔偿受害民众。 www.englishtang.com 8. In summer, do not complain Xunfeng impermanence Chan Sheng-ming, do not hate mosquitoes disturbing sleep every night. 在夏天,不要埋怨熏风无常蝉声鸣,也无须讨厌蚊子夜夜扰清梦。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Ms. Sheng knows her characters intimately, having grown up with women like them in a village in the southern province of Hunan. 盛女士对笔下的女性人物非常熟悉,因为同她们一样她有过在中国南方湖南省农村生活的经历。 dongxi.net 10. Wen-Sheng Media is a professional design business book, published within the enterprise design, the design team design journals. 文胜传媒是一家专业从事企业画册设计、企业内刊设计、期刊杂志设计的设计团队。 www.ctjtv.com.cn 1. I said in heart, Sir Wang yan sheng, taking leave in peace! 我在心里说,王燕生老师,您走好! blog.sina.com.cn 2. "Like pomelos, while those of her best friend, Li Sijiang, are like tangerines, " Ms. Sheng said. “她的乳房就像一对柚子,而其最要好的朋友李思江的乳房则像一对橘子,”盛女士分析道。 dongxi.net 3. If boiled too-sheng, there is no lysis proteins do not digest absorption. 如果煮太生,没有不溶解蛋白质消化吸收。 www.qiyeku.com 4. chen ' s two alleged accomplices , kao tien - min and lin chen - sheng , committed suicide in two earlier clashes with police. 陈的两个共犯,高天明和林春生,在两个警方先前的攻坚中自杀。 www.ichacha.net 5. Miss Wang glanced shyly at Zhang Sheng from behind the curtain of her door. 王小姐羞涩地从门帘后面看了张生一眼。 www.2jiaoan.com 6. Once upon a time, long ago, there lived a boy, Xiao Sheng, who was both hard-working and good-natured. 从前,很久以前,这里住着一个男孩,小胜,他既勤奋而且性情非常好。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Mr. Sheng said in an interview with state-run media last month that high-speed trains will begin operating at lower speeds come July. 盛光祖上个月接受国家官方媒体采访时说,高铁列车将从7月开始以较低速运行。 c.wsj.com 8. Civilization in Sheng joke Wanrong County, Shanxi Province, two people in the quarrel: "Why do not you unreasonable? " 以盛笑话文明的山西万荣县,两个人在争吵:“你为什么不讲理?” zhidao.baidu.com 9. Bi Sheng (? -c. 1051), born in Hubei Province, was the inventor of movable-type printing of the Northern Song Dynasty. 毕升(?-约1051),古蕲州(今湖北英山县)人,北宋时期活字印刷术的发明者。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. During the weekend, Sheng two cities of jiaxing polyester market maintained in weak trend, trading volume compared with the Friday drop. 双休日期间,盛泽嘉兴两市涤丝行情维持弱市走势,交易量与周五相比有所回落。 www.texclo.net 1. Doctors believe Song Sheng, of Jinhu, eastern China, may be suffering from a rare genetic condition that means his body cannot cool itself. 医生们都相信,这个来自中国东部金湖的小朋友宋胜,患上了一种罕见的基因病,该病使得小宋胜的身体不能正常散热。 www.hjenglish.com 2. This image, quite "Wu Sheng, " the wind. 此种形象,颇有“武圣”之风。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. See the Buddhist holy places, and far to see iron temple, incense quite sheng. Run! 看到佛家圣地了,远远看见铁林寺,香火蛮盛的。 www.dota123.com 4. "I played the radio, sang and talked to her, even tickled her, but nothing worked. " he told the Liao Sheng Evening Post. 「我播放收音机、唱歌及对她说话,甚至搔她的痒,但都没效。」他告诉「辽沈晚报」。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Ping Sheng and this relationship with the Qusheng is broken when the word and if the word relationship. 而此平声与去声的关系当是破字与如字的关系。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. Chongqing, China Sheng Jieke technology have a way to bid farewell to all the children want online! 中国重庆圣杰科技有办法让所有的孩子主动告别网游! blog.sina.com.cn 7. Three years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi (1664) Huguang divided, as Sheng Yuan. 清康熙三年(1664年)湖广分治,作为省垣。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Foreign sales to sheng, jiaxing polyester variety between market price generally moves down the center of gravity. 外地产销往盛泽、嘉兴两地市场涤丝品种价格重心普遍下移。 www.texclo.net 9. British Far Eastern policy of the United Kingdom are the changes in status in the world to decline by Sheng display. 英国远东政策的变化是英国世界地位由盛转衰的显示器。 www.13191.com 10. Sheng out of the pumpkin can be placed in the asparagus. 盛出的南瓜摆在芦笋上即可。 baike.baidu.com 1. Its electric beauty, the product of Feng, Heritage of Sheng, folk customs are the thick widely read by generations breweries . 它的湖光之美,物产之丰,文物之盛,民风之厚被历代文人墨客广为传诵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Han Sheng: There is subway station around the theater. But it's a little troublesome. 汉生:剧场附近倒是有地铁站,就是有点麻烦。 www.podcastdirectory.com 3. Sheng Ye is an outstanding representative of the modern and contemporary children's poetry. 圣野是现代和当代童诗的杰出代表。 lib.cqvip.com 4. I sheng then the weak , I cross the wide sea , I frighten the thief , and I grow on a tree . 我战胜了虚弱,我跨过了广阔的海,我打败了小偷,我对树有兴趣。 bbs.24en.com 5. "Fundraising, as a key overhang in the banking sector in recent months, is subsiding, " said Sheng Nan, an analyst with UOB Kay Hian. “筹资,作为最近几个月笼罩在银行业头上的一个主要问题,正在消退,”新加坡大华银行继显证券的分析师ShengNan表示。 cn.reuters.com 6. These bear witness to the growth of Chang-sheng, an old comrade lifeful with face-to-business confidence and shaken'stevens. 这些见证昌升成长的老同志,脸上绽放着对企业的信心与热望。 www.bing.com 7. on fermentation bottle, gauze, juice machine, juice containers, etc. experiments Sheng cleaning and disinfection of utensils. 在发酵瓶,纱布,果汁机,果汁容器等实验,盛用具的清洁和消毒。 www.qiyeku.com 8. Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan, LU Sheng came to the capital for the important exam, In the evening he came to a hotel lodging. 唐朝开元年间,卢生去京城赶考,傍晚来到一家旅店投宿。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Zhang Jing-sheng, was a thinker being ignored by most researchers on the history of Chinese modern aesthetics. 张竞生是一位在中国现代美学史上为大多数研究者所忽视的思想家。 www.dictall.com 10. One day down, the palm has long been an excellent thin flexible nylon Isla's Sheng Teng, is even more red palm prints left behind a Road. 一天下来,手心早已被弹性极好的细细的尼龙丝拉的生疼,通红的手心上更是留下一道道印痕。 www.tradeask.com 1. But Chang Sheng in concept in different creatures live together, dependent life style, nature, cognitive and rational understanding. 而昌升在理念中强调不同的生物生活在一起,互相依存的生活方式,体现了对自然的悟性认知和理性追求。 www.bing.com 2. "We will help them apply for subsistence allowances, " said Yu Sheng, the head of a local government. “我们将帮助他申请生活补助”余盛,当地政府领导说。 www.bing.com 3. Hou Sheng is tidying up his old clothes and hat and then goes straight to the seat where the Prince should be seated. 侯生整理一下他的破旧衣帽,径直走上车去坐在公子的上座。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Sheng imitation leather will prevail on the market, and line call it the image of a "wet coating" . 盛泽市场上仿皮革面料便盛行起来,林泰形象的称呼它为“湿法涂层”。 www.texclo.net 5. Chen Kun plays Wang Sheng, a general whose army recently overrun the camp of a group of barbarians. 陈姜昆扮演焚化往生咒符的军队,普通淹没了营中最近一群野蛮人。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. grape seed plain cyanine vegetable , water-solubility pearl powder , motherwort , Wei Sheng Su E , different yellow soybean ketone etc. 葡萄籽原花青素、水溶性珍珠粉、益母草、维生素E、大豆异黄酮等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Books Reviews and Academical Criticism is a collection of academical essays and reviews produced by Yang Yu Sheng, a young scholar. 《学术批评丛稿》是青年学者杨玉圣同志的一部兼有学术论文和学术评论的论文集,文集自始至终贯穿着实话实说的实事求是精神。 www.dictall.com 8. Previous studies stress on the similarity of Jin Sheng-tans novel theory of narrative angle to the west narrative theory. 以往的研究多侧重于揭示金圣叹的小说叙事角度论与西方叙事学之间的相通之处。 www.dictall.com 9. In addition, most percussion appear to be rhythm-based accompaniment of the main melody(Jingyun tune, Sheng pipe music). 另外,打击乐器多作为主旋律(经韵曲调、笙管音乐)的节奏型伴奏。 www.fabiao.net 10. This time, the prosecution of Fu Sheng, is the last ditch. 这一次起诉傅盛,实属不得已而为之。 bbs.admin5.com 1. West Peng Ding-sheng that the patriarchal family in the Qin and Han era of slavery, which is China's unique form of slavery. 西鹏定生认为秦汉时代是家长式家内奴隶制,这是中国特有的奴隶制形态。 jztu.5d6d.com 2. But Mr Sheng's order should be enforced and should signal a more measured approach to high-speed rail. 但盛光祖的命令应该得到落实,并传递出一种以更慎重态度对待高铁的信号。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Shanghai Sheng Yi Precision Machinery Ltd. has won the title of the outstanding private enterprises in Shanghai. 上海盛益精密机械有限公司曾荣获上海市优秀民营企业称号。 www.haoqiantu.cn 4. Mei Sheng and about women, not women to three days, the flood event, the last column of Health have died. 尾生与女子约,女子三日不至,遇大水,尾生抱柱而死。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Under the influence of these factors, Sheng 50 index to a retaliatory rally trend has emerged. 在上述因素的影响下,盛泽50指数从而出现了报复性的反弹走势。 www.cpubbs.com 6. In the " new" Princess huanzhu plays five elder brother, and the little swallow actor Li Sheng chorus " romantic" vicissitudes of life. 在《新还珠格格》中饰演五阿哥,与小燕子的饰演者李晟合唱《沧桑的浪漫》。 www.sozhishi.com 7. Together with his retirement on the pavement were Sheng Zhai, small intestine, Chen dozen centuries old, Beijing snack. 跟他一起退了铺面的还有月盛斋、小肠陈等十几家北京百年老号小吃。 bbs.d9it.com 8. The main reason why they made Nan Xi Sheng Qiang belong to Ye yang tune-patterns is the despising attitude towards folk dramas. 对民间戏曲的鄙视态度正是他们将明代中后叶出现的南戏声腔归入弋阳腔一脉的主要原因。 www.chinesefolklore.org.cn 9. Add some green beans in the porridge or single-use mungbean soup, a refreshing thirst quencher, detoxification, Sheng Jin diuretic effect. 在煮粥时加些绿豆或单用绿豆煮汤,有消暑止渴,清热解毒,生津利尿等作用。 www.citynoon.com 10. Investigations soon traced the chemical to an emulsifier produced by Yu Sheng Chemical, an additive company in Taiwan. 调查很快就查到这种化学品是台湾一家添加剂公司宥晟化工公司生产的一种乳化剂。 www.hxen.com 1. Wen-Sheng media studio creative win market success depends on details for the purpose. 文胜传媒工作室以创意赢得市场,以细节决定成败为宗旨。 www.99inf.com 2. In Rong-Sheng Li lay dying, he told his son tells the story of a sealed three decades, and uttered a shaking secret. 在李荣生弥留之际,他向儿子讲述了一段封存了三十年的故事,并说出了一个惊天的秘密。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 3. Bi Sheng was invented and used business card printing and membership card making as a world-class Hall of Fame. 毕升后因发明活字制卡和会员卡制作术成为世界级名人。 www.bing.com 4. Those are the poetry cultivator Wang yan sheng the most precious memories leaving to us. 这就是诗歌耕耘者王燕生留给我们的最为珍贵的记忆。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "I did a simple search for minister Sheng and was astonished to find him wearing many more watches, " Mr Wu told the Financial Times. 丹尼尔向英国《金融时报》表示:“我只是简单地在网上搜索了一下盛光祖,结果惊奇地发现,他还有其它多款名表。” www.chinaacc.com 6. Investigators traced the chemical to an emulsifier produced by Yu Sheng Chemical, an additive company in Taiwan. 调查人员调查出这种化学物是由台湾一家添加剂公司——昱伸公司制造的一种乳化剂。 www.hxen.com 7. sheng ling art center ? ? sheng ling gallery , located on the elegant , tranquil gaoyou road , xu hui district , shanghai. 圣菱艺术中心?《圣菱画廊》座落在幽雅、宁静的徐汇区高邮路。 www.ichacha.net 8. Short - term market may continue to maintain the pattern of Pan Sheng, Shanghai Composite Index near the 2100 -point pressure. 短线大盘可能继续维持盘升的格局,不过上证指数2100点附近有压力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. not the same with turtle meat, food, eating on the same people Yin Sheng Yang and edema diarrhea. 不宜与鳖肉同食,同食令人阴盛阳虚,水肿泄泻。 www.qiyeku.com 10. To emphasize the referent as a province, one says Hainan Sheng ( "Hainan Province" ). 为了强调指涉作为一个省,一个说,海南盛(“海南省”)。 wenwen.soso.com 1. To emphasize the referent as a province, one says Hainan Sheng ( "Hainan Province" ). 为了强调指涉作为一个省,一个说,海南盛(“海南省”)。 wenwen.soso.com 2. "The workers are coming back, " says Mr Wang, whose own plant, Sheng Da Steel, is idled due to technical problems. 王全胜表示:“工人们要回来了。”由于技术问题,他自己的盛达钢铁公司(ShengDaSteel)还没有复产。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Finally, Chang-sheng, Deputy General Manager Yang Ming-Chang Sheng on job and fourth generation product simply describes. 最后,昌升董事、副总经理杨明对昌升的基本概况和第四代产品做了简单介绍。 www.bing.com 4. Penholder due to ease of use, quickly swept the world, is still not bad-sheng. 笔筒因使用方便,很快就风靡天下,至今仍盛而不衰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Fill in and blood, Qi Sheng Jin, wide stomach, through constipation. 补中和血、益气生津、宽肠胃、通便秘。 wenwen.soso.com 6. "Our ratio is 50-50, " said Sheng, looking the part of a Hollywood producer in black suit, open-neck black shirt and black Gucci loafers. “我们的出资比率为50-50,”盛说,其穿着好莱坞制片人一贯的黑色西服,开领黑色车山和黑色古奇便鞋。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 7. Grilled raw shell abalone, abalone with abalone shell Sheng, winter bamboo shoots, ham slices paste steaming shower. 扒原壳鲍鱼,用鲍鱼壳盛鲍鱼、冬笋、火腿片,淋糊蒸制。 sites.google.com 8. No matter either as a poetry editor or a poet from the sphere of human spirit, Wang yan sheng has not departed. 从人类精神的层面上讲,无论作为诗歌编辑,还是作为诗人,王燕生都没有离去。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Mr Sheng said it showed that the economy was "shifting from fast growth driven by policy to healthy development" . 盛来运表示,这表明经济增长“继续由前期政策刺激的偏快增长向自主增长有序转变”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Weifang Sheng the Shi inscription ocean welcome you throughout the arrival! ! ! 潍坊晟仕铭洋始终欢迎您的到来!!! www.fenleibaba.com 1. China's toy market can be particularly rough for toy makers, said Bi Sheng, chief executive of online shoe company Letao. com. . 网上鞋城乐淘网(Letao.com)首席执行长毕胜说,中国的玩具市场对玩具制造商来说特别艰难。 c.wsj.com 2. Although Lu Xun Zhao Shu-Li and Gao Xiao-Sheng are representatives of the rural themes, their writings are quite different from each other. 鲁迅、赵树理和高晓声都是农村题材创作的代表,然而三大作家的创作都带有明显的时代特点。 www.dictall.com 3. China's railway minister, Sheng Guangzu, was reported to have rushed to the scene. 据报道,中国铁道部部长盛光祖已迅速赶往事故现场。 www.bing.com 4. Address: Chang Sheng Road Changshan Overseas Chinese Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province. 地址:福建漳州常山经济开发区长盛路。 www.cs-police.com 5. Shea butter -- now the stuff of drugstore moisturizers -- comes from the nut of the karite tree of West Africa. 乳木脂——现在放在药店作为增湿剂贩卖的东西——是由sheng非洲西部的卡利特树上的坚果萃取而来。 www.bing.com 6. Pan-sheng plate, spring onion leaves gracefully in the fish section and ginger, sprinkle with salt uniform, doused with soy sauce. 泛生板,葱叶优雅的鱼节,姜,撒上盐均匀,浇上用酱油。 www.qiyeku.com 7. Zhong he sheng is an assorted vegetable salad coming in a glass bowl. Zhonghesheng是一道盛在一个玻璃碗中的水果蔬菜沙拉。 usjoyful.com 8. Long Zhang XI: "bad quotes, sales would have been difficult to move, Sheng are basically the situation now. " 张龙喜:“行情不好,销售就很难动了,现在盛泽基本上都是这样的状况。” blog.bandao.cn 9. Kidnapped Argus, Xu Sheng treasure 6 months pregnant, causing pain, as a result of suspension, so he almost died. 被绑架的阿古斯,旭晟珍惜怀孕6个月,造成痛苦,作为悬挂的结果,所以他几乎死了。 www.oddshift.com 10. Chih-sheng, do you know that smart young fellow In the white flannel that dashed In a moment ago? 芝生,刚才跑进来的那个穿白色西装的漂亮男子,你认识么? dict.ebigear.com 1. Today, the ancient land of Aura Tongxiang remains the same, bright Sheng Xi, Tongxiang children are creating a brilliant tomorrow. 如今,古老的桐乡大地灵气依旧,璀璨胜昔,桐乡儿女正创造着光辉的明天。 www.elycn.com 2. The Bi Sheng couple was not barbarian people, nor descendents of Uigur merchants or Manicheist monks. 毕升夫妇并非胡族,也不是粟胡商人和回鹘摩尼师的后裔; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Ying Sheng Hardware Furniture Factory is a collection of furniture accessories research. 瀛盛五金家具厂是一家集家具配件科研。 www.21004.com 4. Often hotly reduces the body cold and heat, cannot throw on cloud Sheng Hanmian makes up Liu. 往往热减身寒热,不可就云盛寒面投补刘。 www.tijianzhinan.com 5. Chong Sheng Hall designs elegant and possesses Southern architectural features. 崇圣堂设计格调高雅,具有南方建筑特色。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Wan Sheng Rice Firm is an old and famous rice shop, founded in early 1911. 万盛米行是一间老字号米铺,始建于民国初年。 www.slideshare.net 7. Chapter Three focuses on the shuang sheng, an important compensation method of alliteration translation. 第三章主要讨论了头韵汉译的重要补偿方式—双声。 www.boshuo.net 8. Wan De sheng Electronics Equipment Co. , Ltd. is the invigation of your future lead-free craft. 万德盛电子设备有限公司是您未来无铅工艺的领航者! www.bing.com 9. Gengxian Sheng told reporters that at present, Chengdu Shuangliu Airport has made it clear: "Whatever. " 耿先生告诉记者,目前,成都双流飞机场已明确表态:“不管”。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 10. Therefore, by any reason, it is a false idea to apply "Zheng sheng" scale or Qing-shang scale to the series produced by Wu-yang bone-flutes. 因此,无论用何种理由以“正声”和清商音阶去套析骨笛吹奏的音列,那都是一种难以确立的错误认识。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. "This will offer more safety, " Mr Sheng was quoted as saying in People's Daily, the official Communist party mouthpiece. 先生引用人民日报——中共官方杂志——上的内容说,这回提供更多的安全。 www.douban.com 2. Development Zone Party committee secretary, director of the CMC said Sheng Cheng pan. 开发区党工委书记、管委会主任盛成皿表示。 zj.cnqr.org 3. The heat of midsummer vegetation Sheng, Jie Tong Gate where to find love. 仲夏炎炎草木盛,杰门何处觅情通。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Man Qingchun Sheng glass cup, with brightly coloured rope pulling, proceed without hesitation to go forward. 盛满青春的琉璃杯,用花花绿绿的绳子牵着,义无反顾地向前走。 www.bing.com 5. It also enriches the data for study of the Bi Sheng tomb stele. 其发现丰富了“毕升墓碑”深入研究的实物资料。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Kang, he vilified as "treason" to Sheng informers are pursuing the "culprits for granted, " Liang, JING Yuan-shan. 他诬蔑康有为为“叛逆”,向盛宣怀密告正在追捕中的“奉旨要犯”梁启超、经元善。 jztu.5d6d.com 7. An-Shih Rebellion is an important event in our history, the Tang Dynasty by the Sheng and the turning point of failure. 安史之乱是我国历史一次重要事件,是唐朝由盛而衰的转折点。 cn.qikan.com 8. The deified dog, instigated by Erlang Shen, stole away the magic lotus lantern and had San Sheng Mu weighed down under the Huashan Mountain. 哮天犬受二郎神的指使将“宝莲灯”盗走并捉拿三圣母,将她压在华山下。 dict.ebigear.com 9. "Analects of Confucius" in the "theory" should read as Ping Sheng, as early as the conclusion. 《论语》中的“论”须读为平声,早为定论。 jztu.5d6d.com 10. Part four emphasize on the native literature's aesthetic style. Firstly show that Sheng finds beauty from nature. 第四部分着重研究其乡土文学所体现出来的美学风格,第一小节指出沈从文既在自然中追求美,又视自然为美。 www.juhe8.com 1. The sheng is the instrument that inspired the invention of the accordion and harmonica. 笙为手风琴和口琴的诞生带来了灵感。 www.bing.com 2. However, Yeh Sheng-mao tipped off to choose the way of documents to Chen Shui-bian, also own copies of the end of stay. 不过,叶盛茂选择通风报信的方式,把公文交给陈水扁,自己还影印留底。 www.hicoo.net 3. Yeh Sheng-mao was his hatchet man, his accomplice, and a traitor to our entire justice system. 叶盛茂则是他的鹰犬、共犯,更是全体司法人员的叛徒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It was the first time 62-year-old Sheng faced the media after taking office at the railway ministry. 这是62岁的盛上任铁道部长后第一次正式面对媒体。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 5. Created its own brand, unique operating Road, a domestic IT industry is the banner of Heng-sheng from the 1992 business has been the target. 创立自有品牌,独特经营之道,成为国内IT业界的旗帜是恒升从1992年创业以来一直的目标。 www.tonke.cn 6. Instrument: Sheng, Dragon DA-GU, tell Guitar, Conga , Tibetan Bowls, Ethnic Percussion. 配器:笙,龙鼓,民谣钢弦吉他,康加鼓,颂钵,民族打击乐组。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Ms. Sheng said that publishers initially refused to touch her book because of that passage. 盛可以说就因为这段文字,出版商最初拒绝了她的书稿。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 8. Sheng proactive outreach person to believe that the Tiandaochouqin Guxun, and always maintain a young and progressive heart. 积极进取的盛展人相信天道酬勤的古训,永葆一颗年轻向上的心。 www.tonke.cn 9. "Strangled Jiang Sheng, the pace slowed down, from side to bypass, and not to enter the flock, " Ma said Guan. “勒住缰绳,放慢脚步,从旁边绕过去,不要进入羊群”马倌说道。 fengshangsj.blog.sohu.com 10. Significance of inflatable rectal CT in the diagnosis and clinical staging of rectal cancer LI Wei, LIU Ke-sheng, CUI Gen. 目的探讨直肠内充气CT在直肠癌诊断和临床分期中的意义。 www.zgsyz.com 1. Sheng says the government considers China's economy to be "running well, " and moving in the anticipated direction. 他说,中国政府认为经济“运作良好”,在朝既定方向发展。 www.bing.com 2. Now at Nankai University I became editor of the Hsueh-sheng Lien-ho Hui Pao (Students'Union Paper), which helped cover some expenses. 这时在南开大学我成了《学生联合会报》的编辑,这帮助机解决了一些开支〉。 jpkc.xafy.edu.cn 3. Yang Sheng, 22, a marketing major at Shenzhen University, is one of them. 杨盛,22岁,就读于深圳大学市场营销专业。 www.i21st.cn 4. Xu-sheng is willing to join with old and new friends in the international market to co-develop and go hand in hand! 旭升愿与新老朋友一起在国际手套市场上共同开拓,携手前进。 www.chemyq.com 5. "Teaching is for the sake of no needing teaching" is the core of Ye Sheng-tao's reading teaching approach. “教是为了达到不需要教”是叶圣陶阅读教学思想的核心。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Sheng fall in two cities of jiaxing nylon filament FDY offer the same, and this weeks little nylon turnover. 盛泽嘉兴两市锦纶丝FDY报价同样下调,而且这一周锦纶成交量不大。 www.texclo.net 7. These enterprises in Xiamen, Tianwei, Huaihai Commercial Group, Zu Sheng trade is the Pudong Airport, Hongqiao Airport of "old faces. " 这些企业中,厦门天威、淮海商业集团、祖生贸易都是浦东机场、虹桥机场的“老面孔”。 www.hnjpw.com 8. Sheng's bowl adding milk egg yolk oil, mix thoroughly, add walnuts to fine block and Zoysia celery, stirring evenly. 盛蛋黄的碗里加入鲜奶油,调匀,加入核桃块和细叶芹菜细末,搅拌均匀。 sites.google.com 9. Lewis Carroll is absolutely a humorous story teller, liking the Chinese actor of Xiang Sheng. He does not laugh, but makes people laugh. 刘易斯。卡罗尔绝对是一个不苟言笑的逗乐者,类似于中国的相声演员,自己不笑逗得大家笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Frontier City is a classic in which Sheng Congwen expresses his ideas of the ideal human nature. 沈从文认为人性的美好状态应该是自然属性与社会属性的和谐统一。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. A linear business card printing and membership card making, the first is the Northern Song dynasty for thousand Bi Sheng. 活字制卡和会员卡制作术,其首创者是北宋平民毕升。 www.bing.com 2. Furthermore, ZHANG Jing-sheng's esthetics thought also has dualism and inconsistency. 此外,张竞生的美学思想还具有双重性和矛盾性。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Sheng Minamata also revealed that Tokyo Electric Power president also intends to resign water. 胜俣同时透露,东电社长清水也有意引咎辞职。 www.englishtang.com 4. also working with youth literature, Shi Tie-sheng, who maintain close contact with literature. 还同文学青年史铁生等人保持密切的文学接触。 www.cutpic.cn 5. This 6 wordings - "Bao-Du-Feng, Jin-Sheng-Long" is in possession of the treasurer Feng's name. 这“爆肚冯,金生隆”六字中便藏有冯掌柜的名字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Half Sheng into the soup plate, half in the post-Sheng Shaonei and scallops Stir into soup plates, sprinkle with garlic Serve eyebrows. 一半盛入汤盘,一半在勺内与干贝搅匀后盛入汤盘,撒上眉毛蒜即成。 sites.google.com 7. Here is the old Beijing has one of the three major commercial district, at the Sheng-ming. 这里曾是老北京三大商业区之一,始于明盛于清。 bbs.d9it.com 8. Bushido has fascinated the Oghren, the final choice and Sheng-Yuan, together with the modern military culture, fight to the death. 已经为武士道深深着迷的欧格仁,最终选择了与胜元一起,与现代军事文明,决一死战。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. Yu chaired by a General Assembly, Zhang Jian read a recognition decision, Wangming Sheng made an important speech. 大会由张宇主持,张国建宣读了表彰决定,王明胜作了重要讲话。 www.123wzdq.com.cn 10. This is a page about postal code of "An Sheng Xiang , Liangping County, Chongqing City, China" , with area information and online map. 这是关于“中国大陆重庆市梁平县安胜乡”邮政编码的网页,以及详细地区信息和在线地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. Mei-sheng: A high degree of political consciousness of the intellectuals. 尾生:一个有高度政治觉悟的知识分子。 wenda.tianya.cn 2. On Gongger grassland, I found Wang yan sheng's hair almost had been white. 在贡格尔草原上,我发现王燕生的头发几乎全白了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Alice Sheng's products all use high-quality cotton products are exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, China and other places. 雅丽盛的产品一律选用优质棉布,产品远销欧美,东南亚,中国境内等地。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Yet Ms. Sheng's technique of writing through, and about, women's bodies, is unusually intimate and direct. 然而,盛女士的叙事笔法通过女性的身体刻画显得异常深入而直接。 dongxi.net 5. and up to now there is no evidence showing the existence of "Zheng sheng" scale or Qingshang scale at that time. 而且,迄今为止没有任何证据可以证明当时已有“正声”音阶和清商音阶的存在。 www.dictall.com 6. Vice-Chairman and Secretary-General of NPC Standing Committee Sheng Huaren and other officials attended the meetings. 全国人大常委会副委员长兼秘书长盛华仁等参加了上述会见。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. SHENZHEN SHENG DICKEN ELECTRICITY SAVING TECHNOLOGY CO. , LTD. 深圳盛德勤节能科技有限公司。 www.dickenhitech.com 8. In order to further understand the concept of Chang-sheng, they compile some imagerization philosophy. 为进一步理解昌升理念,他们还编有一些形象化的哲理。 www.bing.com 9. Wei Sheng decoration company double the floor, racks selling consumer market. 双玮晟装饰公司经营的地板、晾衣架畅销消费者市场。 www.f557.com 10. OBJECTIVE: To provide some references for the use of micro-ecological preparation(Ding-Jun-Sheng). 前言:目的:旨在为微生态制剂(定君生)的应用提供一定的参考。 www.chemyq.com 1. That Fan Zhongyan taught in Sheng Tian Fu in 1027 should be regarded as a major event for the Northern Song Academy Education in history. 范仲淹于天圣六年(1027)掌教应天府书院,应看作是北宋书院教育史上的一件大事。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Observe of the Curative Effect to Cattle and House Rheumatism by "DU HUO JI SHENG SOUP" “独活寄生汤”治疗牛马风湿症的疗效观察 www.ilib.cn 3. This is because, jujube sweet, eat easily lead to moisture accumulation Sheng Tan Health and wet in the body, edema aggravated symptoms. 这是因为,红枣甜,多吃容易导致水分积累盛獭嗯健康和身体潮湿,水肿加重症状。 www.qiyeku.com 4. " Zhao Sheng 's song" to ": " but the imperial edict, instrument parent word, is a business book. 宋赵升《朝野类要·文书》:“但是圣旨父字,皆为制书。” blog.bandao.cn 5. single thread, silk thread and tear film complex series of lines and nets, ribbons, Cai Sheng, clothes line and other products. 单丝线,复丝线和撕裂膜线等系列以及网,丝带,彩绳,晾衣绳等产品。 baike.baidu.com 6. Xu Sheng, said: They will conduct DNA identification, Air Jordan Heels, the relationship between Guizhou and realize return to their homes. 旭晟,说:他们将进行DNA鉴定,贵州之间的关系,实现返回家园。 www.oddshift.com 7. Guan Sheng , General Manager of Huanggang Branch . He is certified Land Valuer, Real Estate Appraiser . 关胜,黄冈分公司总经理,土地估价师,房地产估价师。 www.bing.com 8. Mainly makes the cosmetics proxy, is alive the luxuriant general merchandise, Zhenhua, hundred Sheng Duyou own brand! 主要做化妆品代理,在世茂百货,振华,百盛都有自己的品牌! www.fenleimama.com 9. The major accompanied instruments are banhu, sheng, flute, suona horn, gong and drum etc. 主要伴奏乐器是板胡、笙、笛、唢呐以及锣、鼓等打击乐。 www.hygmc.com 10. And Chang Sheng primary chatkan talk sense upheavals of the simplicity and moving self-confidence. 与昌升的基层管理者谈话,感受的是扑面而来的质朴和让你感动的自信。 www.bing.com 1. And more pathological mechanism of liver, spleen, kidney disorders three dirty yin and yang, Yin Yang Sheng is most closely connected. 病理机制多与肝、脾、肾三脏阴阳失调,阴虚阳盛关系最为密切。 943g.com 2. In the past, both Dan and Sheng roles were played by male actors, but now they also can be played by female. 在过去,京剧中的角色只能由男性扮演,而现在,无论是男人还是女人,都可以登台演出了。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Cooking fire in the Chung-Sheng Lin is a very dangerous thing, but now rarely met. 在林中生火做饭是一件很危险的事,不过现在很少能见到了。 www.qqzhi.com 4. Wei Sheng decoration company sells two-floor, racks full range, price is reasonable. 双玮晟装饰公司经销的地板、晾衣架品种齐全、价格合理。 www.f557.com 5. This is online map of the address "Cheng Sheng Jie Cheng Feng Zhuang , Ranghulu District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省大庆市让胡路区乘胜街乘风庄”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. Hao Sheng adhere to people-oriented, customer-focused service culture. 昊盛公司坚持以人为本,以客为尊的服务精神。 www.applas.com.cn 7. Sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha and Mount Emei shengdeng make long-sheng does not decline. 日出、云海、佛光、圣灯使峨眉山久盛不衰。 wenwen.soso.com 8. This is online map of the address "Fu Sheng Zhuang Xiang , Zhuozi County, Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市卓资县福生庄乡”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. Crystal Breeze curtain moving onwards, full frame Qiang Sheng Xiang a hospital. 水晶帘动微风起,满架蔷盛一院香。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Shao Sheng two years (1095), were banished to Yuanyou party state (now Hubei Shiyan Northeast). 绍圣二年(1095),以元祐党籍贬居均州(今湖北十堰东北)。 1zitong.com 1. This is online map of the address "Sheng Chang Zhen Feng Hua Cun , Jixian County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省双鸭山市集贤县升昌镇丰华村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Luo Yang Zhen Yang Sheng , Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省韶关市乳源瑶族自治县洛阳镇阳升”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Cheng Gao Zi Zhen Cheng Sheng Jie , Xiangfang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区成高子镇成胜街”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. BEIJING JIU LONG SHENG MICROBIAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CO. , LTD. 北京九隆升微生物资源开发有限公司。 www.jls999.com 5. COMPANY NAME: GUANGXI WUZHOU GANG SHENG TANG HEALTH CARE FOODSTUFFS CO. , LTD. 公司名称:广西梧州市港圣堂保健食品有限公司。 www.gangshengtang.com 6. This is online map of the address "Nan Chun Lu Zhen De Jie Mao Sheng Xiang , Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省潮州市湘桥区南春路振德街茂盛巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Cai Tian Lu Chang Cheng Sheng Shi Jia Yuan , Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市福田区彩田路长城盛世家园”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Zhong Shan Dong Lu Long Sheng Xiang , Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省石家庄市正定县中山东路隆盛巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Xiao Heng Shan Kuang Hong Sheng Jie , Hengshan District, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省鸡西市恒山区小恒山矿红升街”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Long Gang Jie Dao Ban Chang Sheng Jie , Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道办长盛街”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Bei Xing Zhen Hong Sheng Cun , Kailu County, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区通辽市开鲁县北兴镇宏盛村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. Houci nature in the mountains of Nanjing Lung Poon Hu Ju-sheng, in the history of this also remains under the splendid culture. Dr. 自然界厚赐于南京龙蟠虎踞的山川形胜,历史在此又遗存下灿烂的文化。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This is online map of the address "Shang Sheng Xiang Yong An Cun , Tiefeng District, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市铁锋区上升乡永安村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. This is online map of the address "Chang Sheng Xiang Hong Guang Cun , Kedong County, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市克东县昌盛乡宏光村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Xia Si Xia Er Chun Sheng Xiang Yi Heng , Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省潮州市湘桥区厦寺厦二春盛巷一横”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Xian Cheng Zhen Xin Lian Cun He Sheng Nei , Chaonan District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省汕头市潮南区仙城镇新联村和盛内”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Fen Jiang Nan Lu Sheng Tang Jie Wu Xiang , Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省佛山市禅城区汾江南路圣堂街五巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Sheng Tang Zhen Kuang Long Cun Kuang Xing Cun , Enping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省江门市恩平市圣堂镇圹龙村圹兴村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Yong Sheng Zhen Yong Sheng Chang She Qu , Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国四川省成都市温江区永盛镇永盛场社区”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Xiao Zhou Cun Nan Sheng Shi San Xiang , Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省广州市海珠区小洲村南胜十三巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com |
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