单词 | shelve | ||||||||||
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第三人称单数:shelves 现在分词:shelving 过去式:shelved v. put on hold,defer,abandon,cancel,drop shelve 显示所有例句
例句释义: 搁置,把…放在架子上,倾斜,成斜坡,束之高阁,解雇,不予考虑 1. At the moment anybody in a regular job who has an idea for a new company has a very strong incentive to shelve his idea and stay put. 这样任何有想法要建立新公司的人,如果他有份正式的工作,他一定会搁置想法,原地不动。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Shelve your pending changes when you are not ready to or cannot check in a set of pending changes. 在您未准备好或者无法签入一组挂起的更改时,可以搁置挂起的更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. And she will have to shelve any presidential aspirations of her own that she may still harbour. 而且她将不得不搁置可能仍存在于心中的、当总统的愿望。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But when they moved to Chicago so he could take a job on the Sun-Times, his managing editor ordered her to shelve her ambitions. 但当他们为了她丈夫到《芝加哥太阳报(Sun-Times)》工作而搬到芝加哥时,她丈夫的执行总编命令她收敛自己的野心。 www.youfind.com.cn 5. We may shelve the difficulties for a while, but they cannot be put by indefinitely. 我们可以暂时不考虑这些困难,但要永远回避是不可能的。 www.bing.com 6. Career issues or practical problems sometimes require you to shelve certain aspects of your private or romantic life for a short while. 职业问题或者现实中的问题有时需要你暂时搁置下你的私人或者感情生活。 www.douban.com 7. Already, economists say Russia will have to shelve its plan for a large sovereign-wealth fund that will invest in foreign companies. 经济学家说,俄罗斯已经不得不搁置组建一家大型主权财富基金投资海外公司的计划。 www.ebigear.com 8. Defer, postpone, shelve, stay, suspend The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to put off until a later time" 这些动词共有的主要的意思是“延迟直至稍晚一点儿的时间” ctg60.blogchina.com 9. It is still possible that new developments could lead Google to shift tack or shelve plans for the storage offering in the coming months. 未来几个月中,谷歌仍可能会根据新的进展来调整或搁置这项存储服务计划。 www.ebigear.com 10. In a similar manner, they shelve the TRUTH about electricity for the same reason. 以近似的方式,他们为同一个原因控制着关于电性的真相。 www.bing.com 1. I really bought this expecting to shelve it with all my other unusable cosmetics. I was amazed how soothing this was for my skin! 我买了这个产品时也确实有想过会跟其他所有没用的化妆品放在了一起。 www.ym0539.com 2. Even something as simple as where to shelve it in a bookstore depended on having a category to print on the back cover. 最简单的就是放在书店货柜上的书也要根据印在书本底面的目录分类摆放。 www.hjenglish.com 3. And I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about how organizations go about deciding what to make and what to shelve. 我自己从来没见过大家讨论公司该如何决定要生产什么或者上市什么。 www.bing.com 4. If, while builders anxiously wait for the rains to end, aid falls unexpectedly short, the easy option is to shelve the plans. 如果,当建筑工人们急不可耐的等待雨季的结束,援助又出人意料的减少了,最简单的做法是搁置这个计划。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A genuinely penitent company would shelve its bid unless and until its executives are exonerated of the charges of criminal activity. 一家真正悔过的公司会搁置交易,直到其管理层洗脱刑事指控。 www.ftchinese.com 6. First, we've decided to shelve all the changes to neural re maps we had planned. 首先,我们已经决定暂时搁置所有更改,我们原来的计划神经重新映射。 bbs.eve-online.com.cn 7. Chief Executive Tom Albanese has stressed that "no decision has been made to shelve any projects in Australia. " 力拓执行长艾博年曾强调,“没有搁置任何澳洲项目的决定”。 cn.reuters.com 8. They shelve such devices because their own wealth is dependent upon the economy generated from such substances. 他们搁置这些技术是因为他们自己的财富依赖于从这些资源中产生的经济体系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. After a sneak preview of the film they decided to shelve it. 该影片在试映后,他们决定把它搁置起来。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Pack, unpack, load, receive and store equipment, materials and supplies for use in the District; shelve, arrange and label stock. 在指定区域打包,拆包,装载,接收并贮存设备,材料及后勤物质,安排材料上货架,整理及贴标签。 www.jobui.com 1. The news follows last week's decision by Chinese department store chain Maoye International to shelve a $905m flotation. 此前,中国百货店连锁运营商茂业国际(MaoyeInternational)上周作出决定,搁置其规模9.05亿美元的上市计划。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The command interactively prompts you to persist or shelve each diff. 这个命令以交互方式提示您确定是保留还是搁置各个差异。 www.ibm.com 3. In the Shelve - Source Files dialog box, select the files and folders to shelve, and then click OK to complete the shelve operation. 在“搁置-源文件”对话框中,选择要搁置的文件和文件夹,然后单击“确定”以完成搁置操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. If you want to annotate a shelf, provide the -m option again, as shown in Listing 5. 如果希望给shelve加注释,可以提供-m选项,见清单5。 www.ibm.com 5. To use the shelve command you must be a shelveset owner, or have the Administer shelved changes permission set to Allow. 若要使用shelve命令,您必须是搁置集的所有者或者将“管理搁置的更改”权限设置为“允许”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Berkshire is in the business of making easy predictions ? If a deal looks too hard, the partners simply shelve it. Berkshire的工作是做简单的预测,如果一个交易太难搞懂,我们会把它搁置一边。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A shelve action can also be used to share your code with another user for code review. 搁置操作还可以用来与另一个用户共享代码,以便进行代码评审。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Analysts believe some developers may choose to shelve new launches rather than lower prices. 分析师认为,一些开发商也许会选择暂停新盘发售,而不是降价。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Then you should build your application to make sure that it compiles before you shelve or check it in. 随后,您应生成应用程序,以确保在搁置或签入之前对其进行编译。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. M&S has had to shelve a plan to run lorries on bio fuels because of worries that they are not as green as they seem. M&S不得不实行向卡车提供生化燃料的计划,因为公司担心不这么操作就会有背与绝对环保的概念。 english.xv88.net 1. Then you need to build your application to ensure that it compiles before you shelve it or check it in. 然后您需要生成应用程序,以确保在搁置或签入之前对其进行编译。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. In Source Control Explorer, right-click the file or folder, and then click Shelve Pending Changes. 在“源代码管理资源管理器”中,右击该文件或文件夹,再单击“搁置挂起的更改”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The following procedure, describes a shelve action which lets you set aside the pending changes in your workspace temporarily. 下面的过程描述了一个搁置操作,该操作可使您临时取消工作区中挂起的更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Wu says that in making the deal both China and Japan have agreed to shelve their differences. 伍大伟表示,中日双方在达成协定的过程中同意搁置彼此之间的分歧。 ept-cn.com 5. In approving AT&T's 2006 acquisition of Bell South, the FCC made AT&T agree to shelve plans for a fast lane for 30 months. 在2006年批准AT&T收购南方贝尔时,FCC迫使AT&T同意搁置快速通道计划30个月。 www.bing.com 6. In the Pending Changes window, click the Source Files icon, and then select the files you want to shelve. 在“挂起的更改”窗口中,单击“源文件”图标,然后选择要搁置的文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. It's time to shelve antiquated balance-of-power strategies and end China's free riding on our global security system. 如今是时候搁置陈旧的势力平衡策略、停止让中国免费乘坐我们的全球安全体系便车了。 www.stnn.cc 8. We had to shelve the new building plan due to lack of funding. 由于缺乏资金,我们不得不把建新楼的计划搁置起来。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. But since Ma's victory on March 22, China has signaled willingness to "shelve differences" and restart dialogue. 但自马英九在3月22日获胜以来,大陆就发出愿意搁置分歧重启对话的信号。 www.stnn.cc 10. Nonetheless, it is a right decision to shelve the scheme for the time being. 两害取其轻,暂时搁置这个计划的决定仍是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Nitze, who was present, urged Reagan to accept the one Soviet condition: in effect, shelve the "Star Wars" missile-defence plan. 当时在场的尼采极力主张里根接受苏联的一个条件:实质上就是暂时搁置“星战”导弹防卫计划。 www.ecocn.org 2. To set aside the changes, run bzr shelve. 为了搁置这些更改,运行bzrshelve。 www.ibm.com 3. The output of a shelve operation is a shelveset. 搁置操作的输出为搁置集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. He also persuaded District Council 37 to shelve pay increases for its municipal workers. 他也同时说服区议会37个人搁置为市政工作人员加薪的决议。 www.ecocn.org 5. A shelveset is the output of a shelve operation. 搁置集是搁置操作的输出。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. No permissions are required to perform the shelve task. 对于执行搁置任务,则没有权限要求。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. He mentioned his entrepreneurial aspirations as early as August 2008, but had to shelve them because of the financial crisis. 早在2008年8月,他就提到过他的创业梦想,但是由于金融危机,他不得不将其搁置起来。 www.bing.com 8. They often shelve it with bottom-feeding tabloids and the Racing Post. 因此经常被和垫底的小报与赛马邮报撂在一边。 www.ecocn.org 9. Shelve - Source Files dialog box appears. “搁置-源文件”对话框。 technet.microsoft.com 10. The shelve option is also available in Source Control Explorer. 源代码管理资源管理器中也提供搁置选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Ha uh 7 shelve the Yalu River in Harbin, Fa rolling now the record Ga coffee motor vehicles Dingguaguapin additional burden. 妎呵鸭绿江7搁置哈尔滨市砝轧即日记录在案旮咖机动车辆顶呱呱姘额外负担。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The product of the shelve operation is a. 搁置集是搁置操作的结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Operate pre- scavenging in furnace about 20 seconds, and then turn hand lever right 45 degree to "fire" shelve location. 进行20秒左右炉膛“预扫风”,然后再将手柄向右转45度至“点火”档位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. To postpone consideration of (a piece of legislation, for example); shelve. 推迟对(比如,一项法案)的考虑;搁置 wenwen.soso.com 5. On using heavy oil , put the transfer switch 2K to heavy oil shelve. 当使用重油时,将转换开关2K扳到重油档。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Identifies the files or folders to shelve. 标识要搁置的文件或文件夹。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Be sure to shelve reduced-sodium soy sauce here, too. 也一定要把钠盐含量减少的酱油搁置在这里。 www.bing.com 8. Before you shelve your changes, you should perform a Get Latest operation. 在搁置更改之前,您应执行获取最新版本操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Type a comment in the Comment box, and then click Shelve. 在“注释”框中键入注释,然后单击“搁置”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You can also use bzr shelve --list to see the list of shelves you have available (see Listing 6). 还可以使用bzrshelve--list列出可用的shelve(见清单6)。 www.ibm.com 1. In the Shelve - Source Files dialog box, type a name in the Shelveset name box. 在“搁置-源文件”对话框中,在“搁置集名称”框中键入一个名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Huge street protests forced the government to shelve it indefinitely. 大规模的街头游行迫使香港政府无限期搁置此议案。 www.bing.com 3. You can also use a shelve action to share your code with another user for code review. 您还可以使用搁置操作与其他用户共享代码,以便进行代码评审。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. In the Comment box, type Testing my shelveset and then click Shelve. 在“注释”框中键入Testingmyshelveset,然后单击“搁置”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. I shelve books in the library, sometimes it gets monotonous, but the pay is not bad. 我在图书馆把书整理上架,有时候,这个工作很无聊,但是薪水还不错。 joejoewu.blogchina.com 6. I'll have to shelve my plan. 我的计划得暂时搁浅。 www.8875.org 7. Demonstrates how to conduct a shelve operation. 演示如何进行搁置操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Stock prices in China have tumbled by more than 50 per cent this year, forcing countless potential issuers to shelve plans to list. 中国股价今年的跌幅已在50%以上,无数潜在的新股发行者都被迫搁置其上市计划。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Eleven, twelve, he has books to shelve . 十二,他在往书架上放书。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Pending the final settlement, we can shelve disputes for joint development. 在争议解决前,可以搁置争议,共同开发。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Can you please shelve these books? 你能帮忙放好这些书吗? 22eng.com 2. Then, we will show you how to shelve the books and read the call numbers according to the LC Classification System. 那麽,我们会告诉你怎样以国会图书馆分类法,按书号排书。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We should seek common ground and shelve differences and live in harmony on the basis of mutual respect and equality. 坚持相互尊重,平等相待,求同存异,和睦相处。 www.kouyi.org 4. You can also delete a shelveset using the shelve command. 也可以使用shelve命令删除搁置集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. If you like, classes for shelve, XML, flat-file, and cPickleare available. 如果愿意,shelve、XML、flat-file和cPickle的类都已经具备。 www.ibm.com 6. Since he was going abroad to study , he had to shelve his marriage plans. 要出国留学,婚事只好搁置不提。 www.hxen.com 7. bench counter delay nourishment postpone put off shelf shelve 拖延,搁置 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Beijing Stable Shelve Manufacturing Co. , Ltd 北京思特博货架制造有限公司 wenku.baidu.com 9. Shelve Folders and Files in Team Foundation Source Control 搁置TeamFoundation源代码管理中的文件夹和文件 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. To shelve pending changes from the Pending Changes window 从“挂起的更改”窗口搁置挂起的更改 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. shelve disputes and carry out joint development 搁置争议、共同开发 www.en84.com 2. To shelve folders and files from Source Control Explorer 从源代码管理资源管理器搁置文件夹和文件 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. To shelve folders and files from Solution Explorer 从解决方案资源管理器搁置文件夹和文件 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. shelve the final phase of the Black Point plant 搁置黑角发电厂工程的最后阶段 www.crazyenglish.org 5. To shelve pending changes from the command line 从命令行搁置挂起的更改 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. To shelve folders and files in version control 搁置版本控制中的文件夹和文件 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Fast shelve test(pluck torsion) 速压(拉、扭)试验 wenku.baidu.com 8. There are primarily five shelve scenarios 主要有以下五种搁置方案 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. how to shelve digital files at grass - roots units 浅谈基层单位数字档案归档工作 www.ichacha.net |
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