单词 | shell variable | ||||
释义 | shell variable
例句释义: 环境变数,壳变数 1. Tcsh provides the built-in shell variable watch, which makes it easy to view who is logging in and out of the system. tcsh提供了内置shell变量watch,可以通过它查看正在使用系统的用户。 www.ibm.com 2. Tcsh defines a shell variable rmstar; when turned on, it provides the user with a prompt that requests confirmation of the user's action. tcsh定义了一个shell变量rmstar;如果打开这个变量,在用户执行操作时会显示提示,要求用户确认操作。 www.ibm.com 3. The script in Listing 24 provides an example of these shell variable declaration methods. 清单24中的脚本给出这些shell变量声明方法的示例。 www.ibm.com 4. Tcsh defines the prompt built-in shell variable, which you can use to customize shell prompts. tcsh定义了prompt内置shell变量,可以通过这个变量定制shell提示。 www.ibm.com 5. The shell variable printexitvalue is a useful feature of tcsh that immensely aids script debugging. shell变量printexitvalue是一个很有用的tcsh特性,它对脚本调试非常有帮助。 www.ibm.com 6. We use the echo command to accomplish this and save the character in the shell variable 'ht'. 我们使用echo命令实现这点并将字符保存到shell变量‘ht’中。 www.ibm.com 7. To prevent this from happening, always keep the noclobber shell variable turned on. 为了防止发生这种情况,应该一直打开shell变量noclobber。 www.ibm.com 8. The former command sets a shell variable named $MYVARIABLE. 前一个命令设置了名为$MYVARIABLE的Shell变量。 www.ibm.com 9. The output would be captured into a shell variable and used by subsequent commands in the shell script that called the "mkewuid" function 然后,把输出赋值给一个shell变量,供shell脚本中的后续命令使?? www.ibm.com 10. Create a shell variable to contain the user name required by the AT&T download site 创建一个shell变量,其中包含AT&T下载网站所需的用户名 www.ibm.com 1. Create a shell variable called CC whose value is the full path file name to the gcc binary 创建一个shell变量CC,它的值是gcc二进制代码的完整路径文件名 www.ibm.com 2. Create a shell variable called URL whose value is the URL to the AT&T download Website 创建一个shell变量URL,它的值是AT&T下载网站的URL www.ibm.com |
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