单词 | right balance | ||||
释义 | right balance
例句释义: 对的平衡点,适切的平衡点 1. There's going to be a massive culture clash and Google need to be very careful in finding the right balance between innovation and humility. 谷歌和摩托罗拉之间会有一个巨大的文化冲突,因此谷歌需要在创新和妥协上拿捏好分寸。 dongxi.net 2. Once you've created space in your life for the things you love, it's just a matter of finding the right balance between them. 一旦你为你自己所喜爱的东西创造了空间,就只是在这些中找到一个正确的平衡点的问题了。 www.bing.com 3. Finding the right balance of sequentiality and asynchrony is often a characteristic of efficient people and the same is true of programs. 在顺序和异步中寻找平衡是高效人士的特点,也是并发程序的关键。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Still, there's no need to ban him from hanging out with the bachelors if he's able to strike the right balance between his buddies and you. 当然,如果你的爱人有足够的能力平衡你和他的伙计之间的关系,禁止他与同性朋友的聚会,不是上选。 www.bing.com 5. Opdyke admittedly is still searching for the right balance in his own family, especially about spending decisions. 没错,奥迪克仍在寻求给自己孩子一种适当的权力,特别是在决定家庭开支方面。 chinese.wsj.com 6. I never seem to be able to strike the right balance between discipline and generosity. 我似乎总也掌握不好纪律和宽宏大量之间的平衡。 7. I camped on this spot for some time waiting for the right balance of light as the sun set. 我在这个位置上露营了一段时间,就为了在日落时候等到一个光线最好的时刻。 www.bing.com 8. Finding the right balance amount through a simple text search process is likely to be complicated. 想要通过一个简单的文本搜索过程找到实际余额,有可能会比较复杂。 www.ibm.com 9. In particular the combination of a continued fiscal stimulus and a credible commitment to consolidation struck the right balance. 尤其是混合了持续的财政刺激和扎实的巩固政策的应对方案,其中的平衡把握得非常好。 www.ecocn.org 10. Librarians in the field are actively trying to figure out the right balance. 实践中的图书馆员正在积极行动,试图实现平衡。 www.bing.com 1. "They need to strike the right balance between due process and a witch hunt, " said one hedge fund manager who asked not to be named. “他们需要在司法程序和政治迫害之间找到恰当的平衡,”一位不愿透露姓名的对冲基金经理表示。 www.ftchinese.com 2. One of the toughest issues to manage in a family is figuring out the right balance of power between parents and children. 里最难处理的棘手问题之一莫过于搞清楚如何拿捏父母与孩子之间的权力平衡问题。 c.wsj.com 3. Parents must find the right balance between love and punishment when raising the children. 父母亲养育小孩时,必须在爱与处罚之间找到平衡点。 tblog.kyvs.ks.edu.tw 4. In my sport, you've got to find the right balance in every movement, so I analyze exactly where I want my body to be placed at all times. 从我的动作中,你可以发现每次移动都很正确的平衡,所以在任何时间我都精确地分析想要让身体放置的地方。 www.rock-lizard.org 5. All this for a sole purpose: getting just the right balance of ripeness. 这所有的一切都只为获取成熟度理想的葡萄颗粒。 word.hcbus.com 6. But if regulators strike the right balance, m-banking may provide the next example of the mobile phone's transformational power. 不过只要监管部门掌握好这个平衡,手机银行将成为显示出手机强大改变能力的又一力证。 www.ecocn.org 7. Finding the right balance between these two types of goals will definitely prove to be a decision you will not regret. 找到这两个目标的平衡点,毫无疑问,将是你绝不会后悔的决定。 www.elanso.com 8. The trick is to find the right balance in your response so your child knows lying is wrong but will still come to you with the truth. 关键是你要找到一个恰当的平衡点,如此一来,孩子知道撒谎是不对的,但仍会告诉你实情。 www.elanso.com 9. The survey also reassures me that we are achieving the right balance of material across our different sections. 该调查也让我们放心地发现,我们正在不同部分之间实现材料的合适的平衡。 www.scidev.net 10. All that matters is that each week you get the right balance of activity, including aerobic, strength building, and flexibility exercise. 重要的是每周活动均衡,包括有氧运动,体型锻炼和柔韧灵活的锻炼。 www.bing.com 1. But no system was able to provide both simplicity and the right balance of thriftiness and reward for good patient care. 但是没有体制来提供既简易又节省的和为照顾好病人而得的奖金的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. None of the available Internet access services offer the right balance of cost, convenience, and speed. 可利用的网络进入服务都不提供费用、便利和速度正确的平衡。 blog.tianya.cn 3. If you don't have the right balance of protein and carbohydrates, then you could be hindering your gains. 如果你不能平衡蛋白质和碳水化合物的摄入量,就会破坏身体对这些营养物质的吸收利用。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The JDBC driver adheres to the JDBC specification and is designed to provide the right balance between predictability and flexibility. JDBC驱动程序遵守JDBC规范,用于在可预见性和灵活性之间达成适当的平衡。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In each of these cases, I had to strike the right balance between transparency and national security. 在上述每一种情况下,我都必须在透明度与国家安全之间寻求适当的平衡。 www.america.gov 6. But anyway, it was a very, very difficult day to find the right balance on the car and especially the right grip from the tyres. 但无论如何,确实是非常困难的一天,特别是找到好的平衡调教以及车子轮胎的抓地力。 ferrari-china.com 7. Sandberg argues the company has searched for the right balance on privacy. 桑德伯格认为,公司已搜寻了在隐私权问题上的平衡处理办法。 dongxi.net 8. Obama in now trying to find the right balance. 奥巴马正在寻找一个合适的平衡。 www.bing.com 9. In its report, the IMF said striking the right balance on fiscal policy represented the main challenge facing US economic officials. IMF在其报告中表示,在财政政策上达到恰当的平衡,是美国经济官员面对的主要挑战。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It's down to me to find the right balance and get these players to express the huge potential that they have. 我要找到平衡点,让这些球员爆发出他们所拥有的巨大潜力。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. Low fat milk: 1% or skimmed milk contains the right balance of protein and carbs to help muscles rebuild after vigorous exercise. 低脂牛奶:1%或脱脂牛奶含有适当的蛋白质和碳水化合物帮助剧烈运动后的肌肉重建。 www.hxen.com 2. He says "there is no perfect solution [for a business model]" but "finding the right balance is important" . 他表示,“(一个业务模式)没有完美的解决方案”,但“找到正确的平衡很重要”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. CMC Rescue Prusik Cord has the right balance of suppleness for reliable activation, but is not so soft that it wears out rapidly. CMC拯救Prusik绳索是正确的平衡易弯曲的可靠活动,不但是如此柔软它完全迅速。 www.rescue.com.hk 4. Find the right balance so you're politely persistent without crossing over to a pest. 找到正确的平衡点,这样你才能迈出礼貌的一步而不会触发个人忌讳。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Whatever the solution , China will continue to struggle to find the right balance to power the rising lifestyles of its people. 无论采取哪种解决方式,中国都将继续奋力寻求适当的平衡,为中国人日趋现代的生活方式提供能源。 tr.hjenglish.com 6. The right balance is somewhere in the middle, but for this proof of concept article, I uploaded single files to the Rational Asset Catalog. 这中间可以找到合适的平衡,但对于这篇概念证明性的文章,我将一个文件上传到RationalAssetCatalog。 www.ibm.com 7. Wenger - Subtlety can find the right balance Get the balance of your team right and the results usually follow. 正确保持球队的平衡,好成绩就会接踵而来。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. Someone diving gets a two-game ban but very bad tackles only get a three-game ban. You have to have the right balance. 有时候假摔被禁赛两场,但是一些糟糕的铲截只停赛三场,你必须对此要赏罚公平。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 9. During this time it's going to be important to find the right balance between practice, rest and recovery. 在这段时间中我要做的最重要的就是找到在练习,休息和恢复三者的平衡。 www.tennisace.cn 10. It is now all the more important to strike the right balance between sticking to the rules and necessary flexibility. 眼下,在坚守规则和保持必要的灵活性之间找到恰当的平衡点,则更为重要。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It's necessary to find right balance between the runners and technical players. 在体能型球员与技术型球员之间找到平衡是很有必要的。 www.bing.com 2. Striking the right balance between being a credible lender of last resort and an effective policy policeman is hard. 在成为可以信赖的最后贷款者和有效政策监督者之间寻求一种恰当的平衡并不容易。 www.ecocn.org 3. Knowing the right balance at the onset requires experience with use cases and historical teaming of individuals on the project. 一开始就了解正确的平横关系,需要拥有用例以及个人在项目中的历史支持组合方面的经验。 www.ibm.com 4. What is the right balance for one project may be different for the next one. 对一个项目最恰当的平衡可能对下一个是不同的。 www.ibm.com 5. It also requires wisdom to find the right balance, but once the teams I worked on took the leap, it was incredibly worthwhile. 还需要智慧来找到正确的平衡,但一旦我工作的团队开始起步,就是难以置信的值得。 www.ibm.com 6. They must also achieve the right balance between managing risk from the centre, while providing corporate outposts with autonomy. 它们还必须在集中管理风险与给予公司前哨自主权之间取得恰当的平衡。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Even if the right balance between these trade-offs can be found, new challenges arise when data is moved from one form to another. 即使能在这些取舍当中找到平衡,在不同形式之间转移资料时仍会出现新的挑战。 technet.microsoft.com 8. I was really frustrated and disappointed that I couldn't find the right balance of the car, but now we're in a much better position. 我对不能找到正确的赛车平衡而失望懊恼,点那是现在的我们处于一个更好的位置。 ferrari-china.com 9. Striking the right balance between systemic safety and economic vibrancy should be our goal. 寻求系统安全性与经济活力间的恰当平衡,应该成为我们的目标。 www.ftchinese.com 10. To my mind, earlier in the season I lost too much energy working defensively and needed to find the right balance. 我觉得,在赛季之初我在防守上消耗了我太多的体力,我需要找到其中的平衡点。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. One key challenge is striking the right balance in the pace of expansion and diversification of product and service offerings. 其中一个难点就是要在扩张速度和产品及服务的多样化之间找到平衡。 app.fortunechina.com 2. But not everyone who took our survey said their summers would be the right balance of busy and relaxing. 但并不是每个参与调查的学生都认为自己的暑假能够劳逸结合。 www.co-consult.com.cn 3. The most ideal and meaningful life is one with the right balance between material and personal wealth. 大多数理想中有意义的生活模式仅仅是一种从物质到个人财富最恰当地平衡。 www.elanso.com 4. So when I set out to create Plants vs. Zombies, I made sure it struck the right balance for me thematically. 所以我设计植物大战僵尸的时候就确保主题方面对我来说比较平衡。 www.hjenglish.com 5. To keep fine, smooth skin in autumn it's important to maintain the right balance between the skin's moisture and oil secretions. 要在秋冬时节保持肌肤滋润幼滑,首要注意维持肌肤水分与油分的平衡。 www.xici.net 6. The New Attack Submarine achieves the right balance of core military capabilities and affordability. 新的攻击型潜艇拥有平衡的性能和先进的核动力系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Policymakers have to find the right balance between flexibility and security. 政府当局必须在弹性变化和安全稳定之间取得适当的平衡。 www.bing.com 8. Shampoos usually contain a cocktail of surfactants, artfully combined to strike the right balance. 香波肯定含有多种表面活性剂复合配方,以便保持适当的平衡。 www.bing.com 9. But making them work on a large scale will involve striking the right balance between accuracy and practicality. 但要让它们大规模应用起来则需在准确性和实用性间取得一种合理的平衡。 www.ecocn.org 10. Analysts agree the challenge will be to strike the right balance when it comes to securitization oversight and rules. 分析师们都认同,市场所面临的挑战在于,证券化监管和法规推出时,如何保持恰当的平衡。 cn.reuters.com 1. Are regulators striking the right balance between safety and profitability? 监管者是否正在打破安全和盈利之间适当的平衡? space.yeeyan.org 2. And the style of the host , keeping the right balance created an outstanding quality program. 最后主持人恰到好处的平衡艺术造就了节目卓越的品质。 www.fabiao.net 3. Companies often have difficulty maintaining the right balance of freedom and control. 对于保持自由与监控之间的平衡,公司通常左右为难。 www.infoq.com 4. You need to find the right balance between creating many separate databases and creating all the schemas and tables in a single database. 但需要掌握创建许多单独的数据库和在单个数据库中创建所有模式和表之间的合理平衡。 www.ibm.com 5. It's crucial to strike the right balance between getting along with colleagues and maintaining your privacy . 在协调同事关系与保护个人隐私之间保持完美平衡,这点至关重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. What's the right balance between seeding short-term stimulus versus funding long-term projects? 短期经济刺激和长期计划怎样恰当地平衡? blog.163.com 7. Finding the right balance can take time, and indeed, one can continue to miss the mark as the market shifts and competition evolves. 找到合适的均价需要花些时间,事实上,随着市场变化以及竞争的升级,原有均价不断的失效。 www.bing.com 8. But finding the right balance between radical change and realism has proved elusive. 不过,在根本性的改造和现实情况间找到一个平衡还是被证明是无法实现的。 www.bing.com 9. The right balance of government support and independence may prove elusive. 维持政府支持和银行独立的平衡是必须面对的问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. Operators will also need to strike the right balance between subscription fees and payouts to content holders. 此外,业者能否在用户订阅收入和支付版权费用间抓出正确的平衡点,也是件伤脑筋的事。 cn.reuters.com 1. On the design front, it has been challenging to find the right balance between simplicity and judicious use of visual effects. 在开始设计的时候,在简洁和恰如其分地使用视觉效果之间作出正确的平衡是个巨大的挑战。 www.infoq.com 2. Finding the right balance between too many and too few builds was important on the ASDI project. 在ASDI项目中在过多和过少的构建版本之间找到一个平衡点是重要的。 www.ibm.com 3. Balanced: Player looks to strike the right balance between attack and defence. 平衡:根据场上情况选择进攻或是防守。 bbs.3dmgame.com 4. As your business grows, you need to keep the right balance between management control and entrepreneurial spirit. 由于公司的发展,你需要在管理控制和创业精神之间寻求正确的平衡。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. THE thorniest problem facing the health-care profession is how to strike the right balance between promoting health and curing illness. 对卫生医疗健康行业来说,最棘手的事情莫过于找到保健与医病之间的平衡点了。 www.ecocn.org 6. I often use a professional stylist I've worked with for years to get just the right balance. 我经常请一起工作多年的专业设计师进行恰当的协调。 www.bing.com 7. How then to strike the right balance between secrecy and transparency? 那么,怎样才能实现信息保密与企业透明化的完美平衡? www.ecocn.org 8. Find the right balance between effort and resignation. 在争取与放弃间寻求一个平衡。 imark.bokee.com 9. But striking the right balance in the fun factor is a worthwhile challenge. 所以,在乐趣点上找到一个最佳的平衡是一个值得尝试的挑战。 www.uplook.cn 10. As Apple's experience shows, finding the right balance is anything but easy. 苹果的经验表明,在这两者之间找到平衡很不容易。 www.bing.com 1. It's almost impossible to get the right balance. If you are too strict, kids might ignore you. If you are too lenient, they might go wild. 平衡自由度几乎是不可能的事情。如果你管的太严了,孩子可能不爱理你,但是太松了,他们又会变野了。 www.ebigear.com 2. They need to set the right balance between those two forces. 其实消费者只是需要在两个力之间设定一个正确的平衡点。 www.bing.com 3. Interacting with locals is a constant struggle to find the right balance. 为了达到适当的平衡,我们必须与当地人进行沟通,这需要长久的努力。 www.elanso.com 4. In the adult it will to keep going and find the right balance between too much and not enough limits. 在成年后,这些分歧还会存在并使他们在过多与不足之间找到平衡。 wowo.ttpet.com 5. Wireless banking is security sensitive and it's essential to find the right balance between speed and encryption. 无线银行对安全性的要求非常高,必须找到速度和加密之间正确的平衡点。 www.ibm.com 6. "Finding the right balance of usingTwitter, e-mail, and newsletters is important, " she notes. “寻找使用推特、邮件以及简讯之间适当的平衡是很重要的,”她指出。 www.bing.com 7. It is important that you learn from your doctor and dietitian the right balance of calcium you should eat. 重要的是,你从中学到了您的医生和营养师的正确平衡的钙你应该吃。 word.hcbus.com 8. But today, to get the right balance, they attach importance to depth. 但今天,获得正确平衡的同时,他们将更加重视地深入。 www.taody.com 9. STRIKING the right balance between life and work can be tricky. 生活与工作之间要达到适当平衡,是件棘手的事。 www.ecocn.org 10. Cultivate finding the right balance of stress in your life to keep you interested, but not feeling overwhelmed. 力争找到你生活中的平衡压力来使你保持振奋,而不是感觉压抑。 www.bing.com 1. Cultivate finding the right balance of stress in your life to keep you interested, but not feeling overwhelmed. 力争找到你生活中的平衡压力来使你保持振奋,而不是感觉压抑。 www.bing.com 2. Finding the right balance between work and play is necessary for a person who wants to lead a healthy life. 每个想过健康生活的人,都必须在工作和娱乐之间寻求适当的平衡。 wenku.baidu.com 3. And they say India has reached the right balance between forested and non-forested land. 印度也在有植被和无植被地区间达到了恰当的平衡。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. We must strike the right balance among development, reform and stability. 这就需要兼顾改革、发展和稳定。 www.putclub.com 5. A person living a balanced life can find just the right balance of "greatness" and "averageness" that will make them happy. 一个能保持生活平衡的人,是可以在“伟大”和“普通”之间找到平衡点的,这也可以让他保持快乐。 www.bing.com 6. You need to find the right balance between these two conflicting goals. 您需要在这两个矛盾的目标之间找到适当的平衡。 www.ibm.com 7. This article compare the pros and cons of simplistic design compared to eye candy, and how to find the right balance in your project. 本文辨证地分析了极简设计和美化设计的优劣,并教你如何在项目中找到平衡。 www.bing.com 8. Finding the right balance will be your aim this month. 找到正确的平衡将是你这个月的目标。 www.chinatarot.com 9. In a letter to Sir David Tweedie, the IASB's chairman, the commission said the rules "may not yet have struck the right balance" . 在一封给IASB主席DavidTweedie的信中欧委会称,这些规则“或许还没有找到正确的平衡点。” www.ecocn.org 10. I still am struggling to find the right balance for us. 我一直在努力地找到我们生活的平衡点。 www.bing.com 1. STRIKING the right balance between life and work can be STRIK. 把握好生活和工作之间的平衡可能是很微妙的一件事。 www.ecocn.org 2. It is important to find a right balance between operational efficiency, data security, infrastructure cost and business continuity. 在操作效率、数据安全、建设成本以及业务连续性方面找到一个平衡点十分重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Lastly, in competitive markets, if you are in the business of hiring and retaining brains, then you need to find a right balance. 最后,在一个竞争的市场环境中,你要想雇用而且留住高智商人群,那你就得好好拿捏拿捏了。 www.bing.com 4. At the same time, 55% said Mr. Obama will strike the right balance between flexibility and standing his ground. 另外,55%的人说,奥巴马将在灵活应对与坚守原则之间保持适当的平衡。 c.wsj.com 5. Strike the right balance and you would see its real magic. 搞好平衡,你将看到它带来的奇迹。 www.bing.com 6. Has the Chinese government struck the right balance with the Three Gorges Dam? Read about the controversy and decide for yourself. 中国政府是否在三峡大坝上找到了完美的平衡,看看这些有争议的问题,做出你自己的判断。 www.bing.com 7. The secret to light decorating is finding the right balance for the room. 灯饰装璜的秘诀在于找到合乎居室的平衡点。 www.elanso.com 8. It is important to eat the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. 保证食物中蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪比例的合适非常重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You are adept at seeing the right balance, the best way to make the world look and feel good. 你善于发现平衡点,找到让世界看上去更好感觉更舒服的方式。 www.douban.com 10. Only through finding the right balance and getting better and maintaining it can you be truly happy. 只有通过寻找这两者之间的平衡,使这种平衡达到更完美的状态并保持下去,你才可能真正获得快乐。 www.elanso.com 1. The issue at hand is to find the right balance in America's ties with Israel. 目前的问题就是在美国与以色列的关系中找到正确的平衡。 www.stnn.cc 2. In order to find the right balance it is important that all the engineers know what they're doing throughout the sprint. 为了找到正确的平衡,所有工程师都了解他们整个冲刺过程中在做的事情很重要。 www.infoq.com 3. Over the past two years, the goal of my administration has been to strike the right balance. 本届政府过去两年的目标就是实现这种恰当的平衡。 c.wsj.com 4. Have you found the right balance within your own family? 你在自己家里找到了父母与孩子之间的权力平衡了吗? chinese.wsj.com 5. This is because they contain just the right balance of ingredients to bring the skin back to good health. 这是因为其所含成分刚好能够促使肌肤恢复良好健康。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But what is clear is that we can strike the right balance. 但可以确定的是,我们可以掌握恰当的平衡。 c.wsj.com 7. One way to look at granularity is to find the right balance between capturing details in a model and details in the transformation 考虑粒度的一种方法是在模型中捕获细节和在转换中捕获细节之间寻找平衡 www.ibm.com 8. Economists developed models that gave politicians a neat way to find the right balance between the two factors; 经济学家发展了该模型,以便决策者能以一种平稳的方式找到失业与通货膨胀的平衡点。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Using of the Right Balance Theory in Judicial Practice of the Parallel Import 权利衡平理论在平行进口司法实践中的运用 www.ilib.cn 10. Strive for the right balance between eager and lazy loading strategies 争取在eager和lazy装载策略之间找到恰当的平衡点 www.infoq.com 1. Providing quality health care also means striking the right balance of services by 提供高品质医疗也意味着服务上的公平处理以 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He suggests that when it comes to governance, we need to find the right balance between process and agility 他建议,在考虑治理时,应在流程和机动性之间找到合适的平衡 www.infoq.com 3. The World Bank forest strategy: Striking the right balance 世界银行的林业战略:正确的方法 book.cnpeak.edu.cn 4. strike a right balance between these two roads 在这两条道路当中走出一条光明的路 www.yuloo.com |
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