单词 | row | ||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:rows 现在分词:rowing 过去式:rowed row 显示所有例句
例句释义: 一行,争吵,纠纷,严重分歧,吵架,划船送,列,排,一列 1. The bank's minutes made it clear that the decision to raise rates in December for an unprecedented third month in a row was finely balanced. 澳大利亚央行的会议记录清楚显示,12月决定加息(前所未有的连续第三个月加息)时,支持者和反对者旗鼓相当。 www.ftchinese.com 2. She was the first day, sitting in the front row, to those who pursue the vision of a relentless back of the head. 她每天到得最早,坐在前排,给那些追寻的目光一个无情的后脑勺。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. One small hopeful sign from today's sentencing was that the fate of the two journalists was not publicly linked to the nuclear row. 但是从今天判决中可以看出一点希望的迹象,即这两名记者的命运并未公开与核战部队挂钩,美国也将尽力将两者分离。 www.bing.com 4. Each field is laid out on its own row with a label and a message to display error messages for the field. 每个域都各在一行中,还会有一个标签和消息用于显示该域的错误消息。 www.ibm.com 5. If it is in a database, each row describes a user and each column contains an attribute of that user. 如果这些信息在数据库中,则每一行描述一个用户,而每一列则包含该用户的一个属性。 www.ibm.com 6. "That's the place they got jumped, " Jack said, pointing out a damaged row of Optera trees at the bottom of the slope. “那就是他们被伏击的地方,”杰克指着斜坡底部一行排列不完整的奥普特拉树木说。 bbs.rtucn.com 7. He looked at the boy, who sat facing him from a front-row desk, his elbows splayed out for a steadier aim. 他看着那男孩,他坐在前排的一张课桌上,面对自己,为坐得稳当,他把双肘向外撑开。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It was bold of her to row up the river. 她很大胆敢向上游划船。 java1.66wz.net 9. She walked in and sat down in the middle of the front row. 她走来坐在了前排的中间。 www.hxen.com 10. "Every woman in the front row was a child sitting next to a fat old man, " one insider laughed afterwords. “每一个女人在前排还是个孩子坐在旁边的一个胖老头,”一位内部人士笑了后记。 www.citynoon.com 1. Q. You lost eight points in a row at the beginning of the match. Could you talk about how nervous you were. 比赛开始的时候,你连丢八分。你当时有多紧张? ts.hjenglish.com 2. Comments are fields in the source or target row to which you can add comments or questions for your own or someone else's review. 注释是为方便您自己或他人审查可在原文或译文行中添加注释或疑问的字段。 hk.netsh.com 3. It was a few days before the Fourth of July, and a grey, scrawny Italian child was setting torpedoes in a row along the railroad track. 距离七月四日还有几天,于是看见一个满身灰尘、瘦骨嶙峋的意大利小孩在沿着铁路轨道放了一排信号雷管。 babel.2u4u.com.cn 4. If you retrieve the value by means of the table's row index or column index, you will not be able to set the return value. 如果您通过表的行索引或列索引检索值,将无法设置返回值。 technet.microsoft.com 5. An example would be to hold the bottom of a row movement for a two count. 比如划船达到最底端时,保持该动作2秒。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It may be difficult to get out of a row after first entering, when the crowd is pushing around. 进去以后当人群前挤后拥的时候想从队列里出来是件困难的事。 www.bing.com 7. GM said potential damage to the second-row safety belts could make it appear as if the latch were properly secured when it was not. 通用汽车表示,潜在的危害在于第二排安全带,安全带可能在没锁的时候,却看起来好像是锁着好好的。 www.bing.com 8. Otherwise he would be in danger of becoming the second Republican president in a row to see his administration destroyed by Iraq. 否则,成为共和党第二位继任总统对于他来说将无异于置身险境,他将亲眼目睹自己的政府因为没有正确处理伊拉克问题而毁于一旦。 www.ecocn.org 9. I chose an empty seat in the last row and sat down. In a few minutes, the teacher walked into the room and all the conversation stopped. 我在最后一排选了一个空位坐下来,几分钟后,老师走进了教室,而所有的谈话就停下来了。 emuch.net 10. Her hair did look a little strange, Sophie thought, peeping out of her alcove, as if Jane had wound it round a row of powers . 她的头发看起来有点奇怪,苏菲从她的凹室往外面偷看,想着,就好象简曾经用一排夹火棍试图使它们卷曲一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. However, a browser can only download a graphic in JPEG format linearly, from the top row to the bottom row. 但是,浏览器只能从顶行到底行线性地下载JPEG格式的图形。 office.microsoft.com 2. I got a bit heavier and started to enjoy life a lot more from the front row of my living room with my good friend. . . BEER. 我胖了很多,开始享受和好朋友——啤酒在卧室前排的美好时光。 www.elanso.com 3. In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. 有一家出售布丁的商店,每年圣诞节期间都把许多这类美味的食品摆成一排供顾客选购。 www.zftrans.com 4. If the total row count is supplied by the source data object, the FormView control will request only a single row at a time for each page. 如果源数据对象提供了总行数,则对于每一页,FormView控件将一次只请求一行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. See will overtake, was the heavenly queen mother pulled out of gold zan row, his feet immediately appear a surfy tian he. 眼看就要追上,却被王母娘娘拔下的金簪一划,他脚下立刻出现了一条波涛汹涌的天河。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. When Gloria dozed off in the front pew of her Spring Hill, Florida, church for the fourth Sunday in a row, she was mortified. 当格洛瑞亚在弗罗里达春山区教堂参加封斋日礼拜时,在前排打起了瞌睡,因此感到挺囧的。 www.bing.com 7. His Serbian opponent seized on the opening as he took five points in a row to hold four match points at 6-2. 萨尔维亚人抓住了这个机会连拿四分,比分来到6-2,他手握四个赛点。 www.bing.com 8. but now, with time to think, he went over them one by one, as though laying out a row of instruments on a table. 如今,思考的时间给了他,他便把这些途径逐个想一番,仿佛在桌上把些个工具一字摆摆开。 www.jukuu.com 9. Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the row selected for editing in a GridView control. 获取对TableItemStyle对象的引用,使用该对象可以设置GridView控件中为进行编辑而选中的行的外观。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Leader: (1) Row of dots used to lead the eye across a page. (2) A length of blank paper or magnetic tape used FOR loading purposes. 引点,(2)引纸:(2)引导视线横过纸面的小点。(2)用来引导纸卷或磁带进入机内装置的空白部份。 dict.ebigear.com 1. I didn't arrive early enough, so I ended up with a terrible seat- all the way up in the front row! 上次我到得不够早,结果坐了一个很差的位子-最前排! shouji.ebigear.com 2. BABS, one of the two nurses, led me to the end of the row of pens. There, in the very end, I saw Sadie sitting in the corner. 她们中一位叫巴布斯的看护把我领到围栏的尽头。在那里,我见到了蹲在角落里的萨蒂。 dict.ebigear.com 3. They have got all their ducks in a row in terms of how the company should be structured. 在应如何整合公司方面,他们已一切安排妥当。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. The United States had no intention of backing down in its bitter row over farm subsidies. 美国无意就激烈争吵的农产品补贴问题做出让步。 wenku.baidu.com 5. We set the options of the editor to be that of the current row, and let the parent do the actual formatting of this information. 我们将此编辑器的选项设为当前行的选项,并让父类来实际进行此信息的格式化。 www.ibm.com 6. If I start complaining about schoolwork, I quickly recite, Education is the door to freedom ten times in a row. 如果我开始抱怨作业太多我就连续十次地狂背教育是通向自由之门。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy. 但那是不可能的,因为就在第一排,蜷坐在椅子里的,是一个叫特迪的小男孩。 www.ebigear.com 8. The APPLY operator allows you to invoke a table- valued function for each row returned by an outer table expression of a query . 使用APPLY运算符可以为实现查询操作的外部表表达式返回的每个行调用表值函数。 www.bing.com 9. Kratos looks to the other side of the ship to see a row of undead archers striking down ship men that are trying to take cover. 克瑞托斯看到另外一边的一条船,那上面的一些不死怪物将那些试图寻找掩护的船员们一一射死。 bazaarnet.cn 10. He is capable of intense concentration, and has finished off eight upperclassmen in a row during one of his club practices. 他可以精神高度集中,曾在一次俱乐部练习中击败八位高年级选手。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. You know what, I'd like to sing on the stage for the rest of my life with you in the first row. 我想用一生的时间在舞台上唱歌,而你就坐在第一排。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Chinese - funded real estate stocks due to over the past few trading days up in a row and suffered profit - taking. 中资房地产股则因过去几个交易日的连续上涨而遭遇获利回吐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. She was so fat, she was the front row in her high school graduation picture. 她太胖了,高中毕业照片上她自己就占了整个前排。 www.soudoc.com 4. They do meet in one point and that the solution, but maybe you can see that this row picture is getting a little hard see. 它们相交于一点,这且是方程的解,但是或许你能看到,这张坐标图看出来有点难度。 www.putclub.com 5. Row-lock cavity wall is a load-bearing structure and is often used in parts of south China, especially remote rural areas. 空斗墙作为一种承重结构,在南方部分地区,特别是偏远农村地区较为常见。 www.13191.com 6. If the data has not been correctly partitioned for each user, one user can delete a row when another user is trying to update the same row. 如果数据尚未针对各个用户进行正确分区,则当一位用户试图更新行时,另一位用户可能删除此行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. It's just a dirt wasteland, so ugly that Wynn planted a row of trees so his hotel guests wouldn't stare at it from their windows. 实在太丑陋了,以至于温恩酒店不得不种了一排树,这样客人就不会从窗户里面看到外面的情况。 www.bing.com 8. a 75 - year - old man in the front row stood up and said , " wedding cake . " 前排一位75岁的老人站了起来,说道:“结婚蛋糕。” www.ichacha.net 9. A large cargo plane crashed and broke apart close to a row of houses while trying to abort a takeoff Sunday at Brussels Airport. 星期天在布鲁塞尔飞机场,一家货运飞机在由于意外状况停止起飞时碰撞并撞裂了一排房子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It is not necessary to plant a whole row of cucumbers, tomatoes etc. , in this manner; just a few plants each is enough. 用這種方法種上一整排黃瓜,西紅柿等是不必要的,每種植物有幾株就足夠了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. While it's normal to turn nauseous when faced with such a beast, you can only call in sick so many days in a row. 在遇到这样的难题时,通常会令人感到非常厌恶,您只能在连续几天的时间里声称自己生病了进行逃避。 www.ibm.com 2. This originally is piece very common matter, the pendant lamp is like a clock to put one rock and in the sky row an unseen arc. 这本来是件很平常的事,吊灯像钟摆一样晃动,在空中划出看不见的圆弧。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. For the second year in a row, New Zealand came out on top, followed by Singapore and then the United States. 新西兰连续两年都名列前茅,其后是新加坡,再后面是美国。 web.worldbank.org 4. The Malaysia-Indonesia maritime border row was one of the numerous border disputes in the region. 马来西亚与印尼的海上边界纠纷只是本地区数不清的边界纠纷之一。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. Ross : And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword. 罗斯:有连续三天它比我先拿到报纸,然后就在填字游戏那部分上面撒尿。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If the total row count is supplied by the source data object, the GridView control will request only a page of rows at a time. 如果源数据对象提供了总行数,则GridView控件一次只请求一页行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Used to determine how the array values are applied to the corresponding values in an existing row. 用于确定如何将数组值应用到现有行中的对应值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Take out a piece of A in A letters along the diagonal nail row, by a concave-convex feeling. 拿出一张A在A的字母上顺着斜线用指甲一划,就由凹凸感了。 444mu.com 9. I must keep the water out of the boat , ' I thought , 'but I can row a little in the smooth places . ' “一定不能让水进来,”我想。“但是在水流平静的地方可以划上几下。” www.chinaedu.com 10. Who was going to win the French presidential election in a few weeks, she wondered aloud to several seat mates in the front row. 坐在观众席前排,她与身边的几个人交流着谁将在几周后赢得法国总统大选。 cn.nytimes.com 1. When he was on death row, he said to me he couldn't live with his children knowing he had committed such a crime. 他在死囚牢房里告诉我,他无法忍受自己的孩子们知道他犯下了如此罪行。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Displays summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. 使用它在“甘特图”视图顶部的摘要任务栏,在单行上显示关于完整项目的摘要信息。 office.microsoft.com 3. Instantly they all sat in a row, brought out their pipes, and began to laugh among themselves as if they had not a care in the world. 他们立即生成行拿出烟斗,又说又笑,似乎对世界上一切都毫不在意。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The determinant of an array which has as a row a linear combination of two or more other rows is zero. 当一个方阵的某一行是另两行或几行的线性组合时,其行列式为零。 www.bing.com 5. The ROW data type can be equated to a table definition: It defines multiple columns that are grouped together into a tuple. ROW数据类型可以等同于一个表定义:它定义可以组成一个元组的多个列。 www.ibm.com 6. The conversation pauses as we eat, and I scan the office, taking in a collection of Russian dolls and a row of ceramic Dutch houses. 我们吃东西时,谈话会暂停片刻。我环顾了一下这间办公室,看到一套俄罗斯娃娃,一排陶制荷兰小屋。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He sat in the front row, with his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 他坐在前排,半张着嘴,伸长脖子惟恐听漏一字。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. But with just that handkerchief of a mizzen, and stays' I and working jib, we might as well have been trying to row her to the canal. 可是凭着这后桅上的手帕一点大的帆,支索帆和船首三角帆,我们本来可以设法把它划到巴拿马运河的。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 9. They stopped and stood in a row, and stared up at the kittens. They had very small eyes and looked surprised. 他们停下来站成一列,往上盯着小猫们看。他们的眼睛很小并且看起来一副很讶异的样子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A little bit of tiredness from flying two days in a row, but still the whole day floated well and it was simply a great start for me. 连续两天的飞行后我有一点累,但是一天的进度都顺利完成,对我而言,这绝对是一个完美的开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Sitting in the front row is Mark Thallander. Mark is one of the greatest organists you could hear . 戴马可坐在这里前排,马可是你听过最好的风琴手之一。 www.bing.com 2. Stores historical information about the partitions to which a specified row in a published table used to belong. 存储有关发布表中指定行过去所属的分区的历史信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Prince William and his wife Catherine arrived in the gritty Skid Row area on the last day of their North American tour. 威廉王子和他的妻子凯瑟琳在北美旅游的最后一天抵达贫民区。 www.258en.com 4. This time I thought I'd organise myself for once in my life and I got a very good seat right in the middle of a row in the stalls. 我想这次我该让自己在人生当中有一次发愤图强的作为,而且我取得了位于整排摊位中间的一个极佳的好位置。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. DO NOT worry about justifying and aligning the output of each matrix. All entries in a row should be separated by whitespace. 不要刻意的使矩阵对齐输出,行中的每个元素用空格隔开即可。 www.phpfans.net 6. BIRT processes the items, going from left to right and proceeding one a row at a time toward the bottom right. BIRT会处理项目,从左至右,一次处理一行直到右下方。 www.ibm.com 7. To see rows that have been inserted or updated in a given time range, create or alter the table to contain a row change timestamp column. 要查看给定时间范围内执行了插入或更新操作的行,需要创建或修改表以包含一个行修改时间戳列。 www.ibm.com 8. Lobster prices in Australia have fallen by half to less than A$25 a kilogram from A$50 since the trade row began, he said. 特雷罗根说,自从贸易纠纷出现以来,澳大利亚国内的龙虾价格已下降一半,从每公斤50澳元降至不到25澳元。 c.wsj.com 9. Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers. 对于含有两个或更多个逻辑级别的行标头和列标头的数据表,应该使用标记来关联数据单元格和标头单元格。 hi.baidu.com 10. The Mole was quiet for a minute or two. But he wanted to row very much indeed. He was sure that he could row as well as Rat. 鼹鼠安静了一两分钟,但是他确实非常想划船,他相信他能划得像水鼠那样好。 www.okread.net 1. He had a row with his wife and just walked out on her. 他和妻子吵架後就把她抛弃了。 www.jukuu.com 2. Once I even badgered him with six texts in a row, and the fact that he did not respond only made me want him more. 我甚至曾经连续地发了六条短信缠着他,而他却没有回应,这只让我更想得到他。 www.bing.com 3. Jong Eun sits in the front row of the group photo, with a military officer between him and his father. 金正云坐在第一排,和他父亲隔着一位军官。 www.bing.com 4. But, as fancy as it may seem, blogging is not an easy task. At least blogging for money, constantly, for several years in a row. 这看起来好像很风光,实际上写博客并不是简单的任务,至少要连续写上好几年,才能赚钱。 www.bing.com 5. I liked to row around the great cozy couch, now almost submerged, and pretend it was an island in a lake. 我喜欢划到那张舒适的长沙发椅的四周转悠,如今它差不多浸在了水下,我把它设想成一座湖心岛。 www.24en.com 6. I have had a front row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit. 我非常了解他的候选资格,我目睹了他的实力和决心,他的风度和毅力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. one the other side where the old bucket was carried. there was a joyous row of wild flowers, leading all the way to the garden. 而在旧的桶被挑着的那一侧,有一排赏心悦目的野花,沿着小路一直延伸到花田。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. In the front row, I see my mother, she is smiling at me. . . It is a nice feeling to be on stage and able to chant. 我看到母亲在前排对着我微笑……能够登上舞台而且能够唱歌的感觉真的很好。 www.bing.com 9. and whenever he drew near the boat, we asked him if he would row, striking a few strokes to slide her away from him. 当他又游近时,我们又打几桨,把船划开,如此反复好几次。 leimingg.spaces.live.com 10. But the race is long and starting on the front row is always very important, so let's try to have a good race tomorrow. 但是正赛还很漫长而能在第一排起步一直是非常重要的,所以让我们努力能够在明天拥有一场非常棒的比赛。 ferrari-china.com 1. In the front row, I see my mother, she is smiling at me. . . It is a nice feeling to be on stage and able to chant. 我看到母亲在前排对着我微笑……能够登上舞台而且能够唱歌的感觉真的很好。 www.bing.com 2. and whenever he drew near the boat, we asked him if he would row, striking a few strokes to slide her away from him. 当他又游近时,我们又打几桨,把船划开,如此反复好几次。 leimingg.spaces.live.com 3. But the race is long and starting on the front row is always very important, so let's try to have a good race tomorrow. 但是正赛还很漫长而能在第一排起步一直是非常重要的,所以让我们努力能够在明天拥有一场非常棒的比赛。 ferrari-china.com 4. That's four clean sheets in a row now and 12 points. Everybody who has got any favour towards Liverpool will be very happy at the moment. 我们四场比赛拿了12分并且一球未失。无论谁只要对利物浦有所好感的话,此刻一定会非常开心。 www.ept-team.com 5. As you explore the creation of horizontal lists with CSS, you'll notice at least two methods for arranging a group of items into one row. 当你在研究用CSS来创造水平列表时,会发现至少有两种方法将列表项安排在同一行里。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. set if the column contains a persistent row identifier that cannot be written to , and has no meaningful value except to identity the row. 如果列包含无法写入的不变的行标识符,并且除了标识行外没有其他有意义的值,则设置该值。 www.ichacha.net 7. We don't have that problem this season, although I wish we did. But [trying to win four titles in a row] is still a great challenge for us. 本赛季我们不用打世俱杯,虽然我其实很想去~。但要拿联赛还是难度很大的。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 8. she said, flinging the score to the other end of the room. 'Would anybody believe that I simply can't play eight sharps in a row? ' 她一面说,一面把乐谱扔到了房间的另一头,“为什么我就不会接连弹八个高半音呢?” www.hotdic.com 9. 'Jeremy was sitting in the front row and he kept turning around to sneak looks at me, ' she says. 她说:“杰米里坐在前排,他不时转过头来偷偷看我” www.bing.com 10. In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer. 在一家电影院里,一名观众在演出期间站了起来,沿着他那排位子走到休息室去了。 gb.cri.cn 1. This event is often used to perform a task after a row is selected in the control. 此事件通常用于在该控件中选定某行之后执行某项任务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Within the body of a subquery, it is often necessary to refer to the value of a column in the active row of the main query. 在子查询的正文中,通常需要引用主查询的活动行中的列的值。 www.ianywhere.com 3. Pausing, Ben Carson turned to his mother who was sitting in the front row. 本?卡森停顿片刻,朝坐在前排的母亲望去。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. But as the picture was being set up, a boy in the back row turned to girl sitting next to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. 不过在拍好的照片中我们可以看到,坐在最后排的小男孩转向他旁边的女同学,在她的脸颊上亲了一口。 www.bing.com 5. Pores infarction after row of hair follicles do not get the grease out, piled up to form a small acne, acne is one such attack. 毛孔梗塞以后,毛囊外面的油脂排不进去,越积越多就形成一个个小痘痘,青春痘就是这样发作的。 99mrw.5d6d.com 6. This generally means that the values for the elements and attributes of that row are brought along as well. 一般来讲,这意味着此行的元素和属性的值也随之被插入。 www.ibm.com 7. You can't wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week. 你不能在连续的两天内穿同一件背心,你一个礼拜只能梳一次马尾辫。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. With the read lock in place, any other transaction is still free to read that row, but none can delete or alter it. 放置了这个读锁定后,任何其他事务仍可以读取该行,但都不能删除或变更该行。 www.ianywhere.com 9. At least 13 people died in a sectarian row when Coptic Christians protested against the burning of a church on the outskirts of Cairo. 至少13人死于了一场宗教冲突,当时因开罗郊区一所教堂被烧毁,埃及基督教徒正在进行抗议。 www.ecocn.org 10. As you may have noticed, the statement adds a top row that contains the total of all the orders issued by all customers. 您可能已经注意到了,该语句添加一个顶行,其中包含由所有客户发出的全部定单的合计。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Americans, relieved to be getting out of Iraq, and caught up in a national row about health care, are paying little attention to the place. 美国人,刚从伊拉克脱身,才松口气,又沉缅于一场有关医疗保健的全国性论战中,无暇关注此地。 www.ecocn.org 2. I went to the cinema the other day and in the front row was an old man and with him was his dog. 有一天,我去电影院看电影,坐在我前排的是一个老人和他的狗。 www.xici.net 3. Note that this assumes that key columns are never updated; once a row exists, it is immutably tied to its primary-key value. 注意,这假设从不更新键列;一旦一行存在了,它的主键值就不变了。 www.ibm.com 4. You'll be very comfortable, and I'll teach you to row and to swim. Soon you'll be as good a boatman as any of us. 你会很舒服的,我将教你划船,教你游泳,不久你就会和我们划得一样好。 www.okread.net 5. There was chaos in the ranks and someone began to kick up a row. The high officer almost lost his head and did not know how to deal with it. 队伍一片喧闹,很多人开始起哄,首长也手足无措,不知如何处理。可是很快,战士们安静下来,静的想是死了一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Her eyes were as blue as the sea, and teeth like an even row of pearls. 她的眼睛很蓝,像极了海水的颜色,而她的牙齿恰似排列整齐的珍珠。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. The little girl nodded and looked down at herself, at the jacket with its row of large buttons that designated her as a Seven. 这个小女孩点点头朝下看著她自己,看著满七岁时指派给她有著一排大扣子的外套。 www.easeparts.com 8. They did not agree about North Korea, or much else. But at least they avoided a row. 两国并未在朝鲜及很多其他问题上取得一致意见。但是,至少他们避免了争端。 blog.tianya.cn 9. Two years in a row with the best record, make it to the Finals and lose . . . you've got to be hungry enough to try to attain it now. 连续两年有最好的战绩,进入总决赛然后失利……现在你必须有足够的渴望去达到它。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A Compute Scalar operator is often used after a Constant Scan to add columns to a row produced by the Constant Scan operator. ComputeScalar运算符通常在ConstantScan之后使用,以将列添加到ConstantScan运算符生成的行中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. This property is commonly used to determine the state of a row before performing an operation . 此属性通常用于在执行某项操作之前确定某一行的状态。 www.bing.com 2. This event is often used to modify the contents of a row when the row is created. 此事件通常用于在创建行时修改行的内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have a pair of shoes for his birthday. 他停下脚步去看那些放在第一排的鞋子,感到自己很不体面。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Finally, it's just a matter of adding the new main title, an empty row for spacing, and a row with the column titles, as Listing 13 shows. 最后,只需添加新的主标题,一个用于调整间距的空行以及一个列标题行,如清单13所示。 www.ibm.com 5. To see two new moons in a row in the same sign, falling in the same house, is rare, but for one of them to be an eclipse is even rarer. 接连看到两个同样征兆的新月,落入同样的宫,非常少见,但更少见的是其中一个将会有日食。哇! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Best of all, the cutter is composed of a row of assembled rotary cutting discs and is protected by a plurality of protective covers. 该切刀最好由一排组件形式的旋转切割圆盘组成,由若干所述护盖加以保护。 ip.com 7. The possum flinched as if touched with a hot poker, and then made several effective broom-strokes in a row. 负鼠往后退缩,仿佛被一根烧红的拨火棍烫到了,然后用扫帚连续地扫了好几下。 www.bing.com 8. As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would fix him once and for all. 一个礼拜日,这家伙又开始打呼噜了,牧师决定修理他一下,以惩一儆百。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "There was a four-year-old in the front row and he couldn't stop asking questions, really good questions" Hurum remembers. “有一个坐在前排的四岁小娃娃,他不停的问问题,而且还是些非常有深度的问题,”胡拉姆回忆说。 www.bing.com 10. He says he'd have to row a good two miles to see trees lit up with the magical creatures of his younger days. 所以,P才不得不划了2里多地的船,去看那些被这种神奇的生物点亮了的树林。 www.bing.com 1. The side facing towards the ocean is the northern area, and a road with a row of condominiums and heavy traffic run by its side. 其中,面向大海的一面为南,它位于一排排列整齐的公寓之中;一侧为车流拥挤的公路。 www.dooland.com 2. World trade collapsed and, for five years in a row, there was no way out of the spider's web. 世界贸易体系崩溃,随后人们用了五年的时间也没能从崩溃之网中挣脱出来。 www.bing.com 3. All the tyres have to be bolted together: the front row is covered and reinforced with a 12 mm-thick rubber strap. 所有的轮胎都必须绑在一起:前排的轮胎用一条粗12毫米的橡胶带捆绑和加固。 f1.sports.sohu.com 4. In the mock-up, the bank was a simple spreadsheet, one row per day. 在模型中,银行只是一个简单的电子表格,每一行记录一天的交易。 www.ibm.com 5. Sat in the front row, his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 他坐在前排,口半张着,头往前倾,唯恐听漏一个字。 bbs.lintun.com 6. It had been a fine spring day when the Water Rat hab taken Mole for his first row on the river. 一个明丽的春日,水鼠带鼹鼠到河上划船。这是鼹鼠第一次坐船。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. While it shows the U. S. population is more than replacing itself, a healthy trend, the teen birth rate was up for a second year in a row. 虽然它显示了美国的人口超过取代本身,一个健康的趋势,青少年出生率上升的连续第二年。 forums.cweek.com.cn 8. The front deck might seem a frightening place for the rest of the town, but it was a front row seat for me. 上门前平台去可能会吓坏镇上其他人,但对我来说,那儿就像前排座位一样。 www.tingclass.com 9. If it is already selected, Access will assume you are trying to drag the row to a new location. 如果已经选中,则Access将假设您要尝试将该行拖动到新的位置。 office.microsoft.com 10. Having lost three times in a row, Noel was ready to pull the plug on his running career. 一连输了三回,诺亚就准备放弃他的职业跑步生涯了。 www.joyen.net 1. There has also been a row between the site's developer and its landowner over the terms of the lease. 这块地皮的开发商和地产所有人之间也因地产租赁合同条款产生了分歧。 www.bing.com 2. "Hold on, " said a young woman in the front row. "I'm a bio major and I've never seen this Divine Proportion in nature. " “等一下,”一名坐在前排的女生说,“我是生物专业的学生,我从来没有在自然界中见到黄金分割。” gb.cri.cn 3. We might be a bit closer (in Barcelona) but we are not suddenly going to jump from the seventh to the front row. 我们可能是位更接近(巴塞罗那),但我们不会突然要跳转到第七前排。 usa.315che.com 4. Tommy's at the end of the row, phone to his ear. Other side of the glass is BETH, near tears, fussing with a BABY on her lap. 汤米坐在一排的末端,话筒贴在耳边。有机玻璃的另一边是含着眼泪的贝斯,情绪激动,膝上搂着一个婴儿。 bbs.putclub.com 5. The scraping sound went along the whole row of windows until the lamps were burning as if at a funeral. 整排窗子都发出这种声音直到灯都亮了,一切好像葬礼。 www.bing.com 6. Remember, they've lost seven games in a row twice this year. Losing the next four and a total of six straight is not out of the question. 大家一定记得,湖人这个赛季有两个七连败,输掉下面的四场再弄个六连败对湖人来说也不是不可能。 ttnba.com 7. If you do not, the report displays the row number at the beginning of every group. 如果不这样做,报告就会在每个组的开头处显示行数。 www.ibm.com 8. Without a visual cue like this, it's likely to be unclear to the user which row is currently selected. 如果没有这样的可视化提示,用户很有可能会弄不清楚哪一行是当前选中的行。 www.ibm.com 9. Second, because there may not be a primary key over the table, the search condition of the query may be unable to uniquely identify the row. 第二,因为不是主键,查询条件可能不是表中的唯一性ID。 dingchaoqun12.blog.163.com 10. I think Felipe will be very hard to beat, he's been very quick all weekend, he's quick here all the time, he's on the front row. 我想菲利佩很难被击败,他整个周末都很快,他在这总是很快,他在第一排。 bbs.hellof1.com 1. There was an enormous row in the 1960s, when Charles De Gaulle's France vetoed British entry, which eventually took place in 1973. 上世纪六十年代,在夏尔·戴高乐领导下的法国否决英国加入(欧洲经济共同体)的要求引发了大规模的骚动,最终,英国在1973年加入了。 www.bing.com 2. She had just been for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. 她刚刚在河中划了一会船,给细浪罩上一层金网的太阳似乎也把她罩在网中了。 www.bing.com 3. A mathematician said the chance for same six numbers coming up twice in a row was one in four million, but he said coincidences do happen. 一位数学家表示,开出同样的六位数号码的几率为四百万分之一,但是他说,确实有可能出现巧合。 www.englishtang.com 4. As he walked along the row of seats and tables a striking woman in a trim burgundy suit followed him with her gaze. 沿着一排排的桌椅走进去,他分明感到有一道目光紧紧跟随着他。回过头,他看到了她---一名身着剪裁匀称的酒红色套装的女子,相当地引人注目。 www.elanso.com 5. Mr. Brown, are your children always kicking up a row like this? I cannot concentrate on my paper. 布朗先生,你的孩子们是不是总是这样子大吵大闹的?我不能集中精力写我的论文。 www.hxen.com 6. This event is often used to modify the contents of a row when the row is bound to data. 此事件通常用于在行绑定到数据时修改行的内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Commit to a productivity ritual and practice it for at least 30 days in a row, as it takes that long for a practice to become a habit. 积极培养高效率并坚持至少30天,长期坚持并养成习惯。 www.bing.com 8. She had just been back for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. 她刚从河上划船回来,水上那阳光织成的金色浪网仿佛还罩在她头上。 9. This method is called every time the system needs to understand how to build any single row of the table view. 每次调用此方法,系统都需要了解何如构建表视图的任何单行。 www.ibm.com 10. From her bedroom in her friends' lacy tin-roofed row house at the end of a shady street in Balmain, Danielle could see the water. 在朋友家位于Balmain街上那栋装点着锡制屋顶的连排宅子里,丹尼尔可以从她的卧室看到海。 www.bing.com 1. But when the smoke cleared for a moment, he was horrified to see, very close to the burning rick, a whole row of wheat-ricks. 可是当烟散开一点后,他吃惊地看到有一排麦垛就紧挨着燃烧着的干草垛。 okread.net 2. The front row has double-decked central holds the casket, should hold the casket the volume to be very big, is practical. 前排拥有双层中央扶手箱,该扶手箱的容积很大,非常实用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If the guy down the row at work buys a Mac Air, it counts. If Guy buys a Mac Air, it counts just as much (or possibly a bit more). 要是其中有人买了MacAir,肯定会对别人有点影响;如果是Guy买了MacAir,肯定也会有影响(很可能影响还大点)。 www.bing.com 4. It's the difference between tickets to the World Cup where you're sitting in the front row and a five-second view of it on TV. 和亚轨道飞行相比,就像是坐在前排现场看世界杯和在电视上看5分钟集锦的区别。 www.bing.com 5. It is no accident perhaps that the row has blown up in a year where definitions of identity are already in the news. 在居民身份的定义都能出现在新闻中的一年里,这场争议的激起可能就不是偶然了。 www.bing.com 6. Jumped to his four-row, strongly recommends that you choose to brave the sea to see the other side. 跳楼机分四排,强烈建议勇敢的你选择看海的那一边。 www.showxiu.com 7. Turning to Denny and letting go of his hand, I put my finger to my lips and stood up, leaving him sitting there in the front row. 我转向丹尼,放开他的手,把手指放在嘴唇上(示意他保持安静),站起来,让他自己继续坐在第一排。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. As he scanned the cavernous space, empty save for a few sleepy security guards, his gaze alighted on a row of automated teller machines. 他四下张望着空旷的大厅,那里除了几个昏昏欲睡的保安之外什么也没有,突然,他的目光落在一排自动取款机上。 cn.wsj.com 9. As I have to hit the books from Monday to Friday for five days in a row, there is no way for me to go shopping during the weekdays. 因为我从周一到周五整整五天都要读书,这就意味着我绝不会上课时间去购物的。 oral-english.com 10. Almost none of the graves had markers, and as the men moved back in time, from row to row, they became less certain of identities. 几乎没有一个坟墓有标记,而当男人们按时回来扫墓时,从一排到一排,越来越搞不清楚坟墓的主人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "The boat is relatively long and slender, making it easier to row, " Morrison says. "But if you make it too slender, it becomes unstable. " “这只划艇相对比较修长,这使它划起来更容易,”莫里森说,“但如果你让它变得过于修长,它就会变得不稳定。” www.bing.com 2. I ran up to the first row of police and begged them to let me pass. 我跑到第一排警察面前,恳求他们让我过去。 dongxi.net 3. And if you guess the first three finishers in a row, the Brass Monkey pays your bill up to NT$1500 (yes you can buy during the last lap)! 此外只要猜对前三名赛车手顺序,铜猴子就帮你买单!(额度最高NT$1500,比赛最后一圈仍可点单!) dictsearch.appspot.com 4. All the complex table row and cell creation code is replaced with a single set of the innerHTML of a tag on the page. 所有创建复杂表行和单元格的代码被替换为页面中标记的一组简单的innerHTML。 www.ibm.com 5. The cursor moves to the Name field in a row for the kind of member you want to add. 光标移动至用于要添加的那类成员的行中的“名称”字段。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. An hour earlier the doctor who had released Sean told him, "I'm not sure you'll be able to row" -- implying ever. 一个小时前,医生同意马宏升出院时曾告诉他,“我不确定你还能不能划船。” www.fortunechina.com 7. home avoid hotel like a corridor as with a row of several room to occur, or having an affair, and a rare phenomenon eloped and peace. 居家忌象宾馆饭店一样一条长廊连着一排数个房间,否则易发生外遇及私奔现象,难得平安。 www.hfbeier.com 8. A place was reserved for her in the front row. 在前排给她预留了座位。 www.ebigear.com 9. This can be a problem if two Subscribers were to use the same identity value for a newly inserted row. 这在两个订阅服务器对最近插入的行使用相同的标识值时会出问题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The United States said the row should not detract from any progress on the talks. 美国表示,此次边境冲突不应影响会谈所取得的进展。 cn.reuters.com 1. Which is why I'd presumed that this gift would be welcomed rather than the cause of a row. 所以我就觉得这份礼物他应该会喜欢的,没想到会让我们俩拌嘴。 www.bing.com 2. He is often remembered as "The Poet Laureate of Skid Row" . 人们常常将他称为“贫民窟的桂冠诗人”。 www.bing.com 3. Today we gaze out on to a silent river and a row of moored boats. 我们今天只看到一条寂静的河流,平底船在岸边被固定成一排。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But it's not so easy to hit your marks 100 times in a row while maintaining balance and proper knee height. 但是在命中你在一条线上的记号100次并不容易。 dongxi.net 5. It was the fifth month in a row that public construction, which makes up a third of total U. S. construction spending, made gains. 这是公共建筑支出连续第五个月增加.这部分支出占美国建筑支出总额的三分之一。 cn.reuters.com 6. Soon she went further in and found that there was a second row of coats hanging up behind the first one. 她往里挪动了一下身子,发现在第一排衣服的后面还挂着一排衣服,里面黑糊糊是。 www.netfm.com.cn 7. The rate was above that of the civilian population for the second year in a row. 这也是连续第二个年头超过平均人口自杀率。 www.bing.com 8. Shown across the top row of the wall display (although partially hidden) are a still image and two video feeds. 墙壁显示的顶行(虽然部分隐藏)是一幅静态图像和两个视频输入。 www.ibm.com 9. Now, a row were T-shirt, skirt, trousers, shawl and belt, caps, shoes, the last by lower right corner to see their design portfolio. 下边一排分别是上衣,裙装,裤子,纱巾和腰带,帽子,鞋,最后按右下角看自己设计的套装。 4455.cc 10. Back among the insects, Miller pulls out a drawer with row after row of ranks of iridescent blue Morpho butterflies to illustrate his point. 让我们回到昆虫中来,Miller拉开一个整齐排列着彩蓝色闪光蝶的抽屉来解释他的观点。 www.bing.com 1. "I'd have come myself, " he said. "But I didn't want a row with Mr. Higginbotham, and that is what would have surely happened. " “我本想自己去的,”他说,“但是我怕跟希金波坦先生闹得不愉快——肯定是会干起来的。” www.crazyenglish.org 2. Indexes do not require that the page free space be tracked , because the point at which to insert a new row is set by the index key values . 索引不要求跟踪页的可用空间,因为插入新行的点是由索引键值设置的。 www.bing.com 3. This also allowed him to have this record of winning the Golden Ball Award two years in a row. 这也让他创下连续两年都得到金球奖的记录。 times.hinet.net 4. Amid deteriorating conditions in Iraq, President Bush met with several of his top advisers for a second day in a row. 在伊拉克日益恶化的景况下,布什总统同他的几个高级顾问接连会见了两天。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Picture a typical corporate office with a desk , chairs , telephone and a row of file cabinents along the wall. 现在来描绘一个典型的公司办公室,室内有桌子、椅子、电话及靠墙的一排文件柜。 www.cnzer.cn 6. The SELECT clause produces one summary row for each group , displaying the name of each product and its in - stock average quantity . SELECT子句为每一组生成一个摘要行,并且显示每一产品的名称及其库存平均数量。 www.bing.com 7. The file is read into a byte array, and that array is then used to update the correct exhibit row in the database. 将文件读入一个字节数组,然后该数组用于更新数据库中正确的展示行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. close to the back step of one cabin , she found a short row of radishes and hunger assaulted her suddenly. 在一间下屋的后台阶旁边,她找到了一排白萝卜,便觉得一阵饥饿突然袭击她。 www.ichacha.net 9. Then they touch the first domino in the row, and all the other dominoes fall down in a chain reaction, one after another. 然后他们推倒第一个多米诺骨牌,所有的多米诺骨牌会因为连锁反应而倒下,一个接着一个。 www.showxiu.com 10. The EXISTS condition is TRUE if the subquery result contains at least one row, and FALSE if the subquery result does not contain any rows. 如果子查询结果至少包含一行,则EXISTS条件为TRUE;如果子查询结果一行也不包含,则条件为FALSE。 www.ianywhere.com 1. As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. 一个星期日当这个男人装前排打起呼噜时,这个牧师决定教他在布道的时候不要睡觉。 bbs.24en.com 2. The swim in the hands of Our goal is to connect the heart of the four in a row the same color. 在这款手游中我们的目标是连接四个心相同的颜色连胜。 www.fishjava.com 3. We've won four games in a row now. This is what we have to be doing more regularly because this is what Liverpool is all about. 我们已经连胜四场了,这正是我们应该保持的,因为这才是利物浦的真正水平。 www.ept-team.com 4. Monitors the total number of version store units created to store row versions since the instance was started. 监视自启动实例后创建用于存储行版本的版本存储区单元总数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Baidu search engine in the continuous optimization algorithm, the more valuable site will rose to the surface, go to the front row. 百度搜索引擎算法在不断优化,更有价值的站点一定会慢慢浮出水面,排到前面去。 www.82g.com.cn 6. The front lock cylinder is provided with double-row pin tumblers with V-shaped grooves symmetrically along the axis. 前锁芯上沿轴线对称设有带V形凹槽的双排弹子; ip.com 7. It displays one test run at a time; within the test run, each row represents the result of one individual test. 每次显示一个测试运行;在测试运行内,每行表示一个测试的结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The row will peter out soon, no doubt, though not before saving Dr Hawking a pretty penny in advertising costs for his book. 虽然这是在为霍金先生节省一大笔广告成本之后发生,但是毫无疑问,这种争吵会马上消退。 www.ecocn.org 9. His attempt to row across the Atlantic in a bath was a lost cause right from the start! 他用澡盆横渡大西洋的企图从一开始就是注定要失败的。 www.jukuu.com 10. NOTE In the case of a single, integrated table, this trigger is not needed at all; once a row is deleted, that's it. 注对于添加了空间列的源表,根本不需要这个触发器;一旦删除了一行,它就消失了。 www.ibm.com 1. Describes how SELECT statements always return a set of rows, but applications sometimes need to go through the result set one row at a time. 介绍SELECT语句如何始终返回行集,而应用程序有时需要逐行处理结果集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. At the end of a period in which the debt row left Washington all but paralysed, Congress broke up for the summer. 在这次让华盛顿陷入瘫痪的债务争端结束后,国会开始了夏季休会。 www.bing.com 3. This example shows the result of an update to a row in a table before the changes have been committed. 该示例显示对表行的更新在提交更改之前的结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. 2- Make the default number maybe 36, then it would not stay only two products in the last row, even though there are more products to see. 2设为默认的人数可能36,那么它不会留在最后一排只有两个产品,即使有更多的产品看到的。 www.bing.com 5. The last bit of code renders the total row. 代码的最后一位呈现总行数。 www.ibm.com 6. There would be a row for each person in the company, with corresponding values in the appropriate columns. 公司里的每个人有一行数据,其对应的值放在相应的列里。 lunwendaren.com 7. The generation associated with the last data change that could have changed whether the row belongs in a filtered publication. 与上次数据更改相关联的代(不论行是否属于已筛选发布,这些更改都可能已经发生)。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Though the deal was postponed at the last minute by a row with a regional Indian leader, it now looks set to go ahead. 由于和印度一位部落首领发生争执,这份协议在最后一刻遭推迟,不过现在看来,协议定会执行。 dongxi.net 9. Should a million dollars be sold to the man in the front row for his bundle of 2006-vintage toxic mortgage securities? 这100万美元是应该卖给前排拿着一堆2006年产的不良抵押贷款证券的那位男士呢? www.ftchinese.com 10. See the validation message alongside "User Name" row (in Hindi), as shown in Figure 5 (click here to see a larger image). 应该会看到“UserName”行旁边显示的验证消息(印度语),如图5所示(单击这里可以查看放大图)。 www.ibm.com 1. Indicates that the row is in an edit state, often the result of clicking an edit button for the row. 指示该行处于编辑状态,这通常是单击行的“编辑”按钮的结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. There was a low house behind a row of maples, with one wall blistered all over with gaudy advertisements. 一排枫树后面有一个平房,房子的一面墙上贴满了色彩俗艳的广告,由于层层覆盖而鼓了起来。 www.tdict.com 3. Ted seated himself in the front row. [翻译]泰德在前排落座。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 4. Next, an older man approached the podium, picked up a ceramic tea mug from the front row, and hurled it, missing Zhang. 在后来,一位老者靠近主席台,拿起第一排的桌子上的一个陶瓷茶杯投掷出去,没有打中张。 www.wyzxsx.com 5. That's right , send' em all down . I wanna see 'em lined up in a row, pretty as a chorus line. 很好,把它们都放下。我要把所有的香烟排成一排,就像一个合唱队。 www.bing.com 6. Were you in the front row? -. . . it was just an accident. -Were you in the front row? 你是在前排吗?-…只是一个事故而已。-你是在前排吗? qac.yappr.cn 7. In both a spreadsheet and a database table, each row is an item in the list and each column isa specific piece of data concerning that item. 在这两个电子表格和数据库表,每一行是列表中的一个项目,每列一个有关该项目的具体数据片。 fanrengu.net 8. Freshly washed gauzy cottons and light linens are spread out on my bed, waiting in a rainbow row for transfer to their attic hibernation. 刚洗的夏装----轻薄的棉布和亚麻布衣衫---堆满了我的床铺,就像五颜六色的彩虹,等待着去阁楼冬眠。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. This mentioned building was a simple block building, inserted into a narrow street of row houses. 这是一座插入一排狭窄街区平房的简单的块体建筑。 www.bing.com 10. At the end of each of your turns, Samael is considered to acquire or defeat the two cards furthest to the right in the Center row. 每回合完结时你的虚拟对手“萨麦尔”会获得或击败最右边的两张牌。 bbs.moyu8.com 1. As our family of four sat stiffly in a row, my younger brother and I stole glances at our parents for a clue as to what to do next. 我们一家四口挤在一张沙发上,我和弟弟偷偷瞟着父母,想知道下一步该怎样做。 www.zftrans.com 2. Determine in which partition a row with a particular partition key value resides, or where it would be inserted. 确定包含特定分区键值的行位于哪个分区中或将该行插入哪里。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Today he made his first public appearance since the row began. 今日是他在争论开始以来首次公开露面。 www.bing.com 4. As you drag the border for the table , row , column, or cell, the watermark displays the size of the element that you are resizing . 拖动表、行、列或单元格的边框时,水印显示所调整的元素的大小。 www.bing.com 5. Tell him to come by the boat basin this weekend. I'll row it down myself. 让他周末去船闸,我会亲手划过去 www.tingroom.com 6. When we in the Baidu search out a key results when, Baidu will appear at the bottom of the two row and the key word related words. 当我们在百度搜索出一个关键词结果的时候,百度底部会出现两行与该关键词相关的关键词。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If you were a religious professional , could you serve as chaplain to a prisoner, especially one on death row? 如果你是一个宗教人员,你会为一个犯人做牧师么,特别是为那些死刑犯? www.ok06.com 8. A podium again, the fifth in a row, this time courtesy of a hefty dose of luck, which maybe hasn't always been with us at other times. 又是一次领奖台,连续第五次,这次有许多运气的成分,这可能是我们其他时候一直都缺少的。 ferrari-china.com 9. For every complete row of 40 that has two or more mistakes (including missing digits) 0 points are awarded for that row. 如果一行中出现两处或以上的错误(包括漏掉数字)得0分。 www.juooo.com 10. Last year for instance, we could have created history by winning the league for the fourth time in a row. It had never been done. 比如去年,我们有机会创造连续四次夺取联赛冠军的历史,此前还没有人做到过。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When he struck the poor girl Nancy with his club, the people all down our row got up. There was a boot thrown at the stage. 当他用棍子击倒一个可怜的女孩南西的时候,前排的观众纷纷站起来,有人往舞台上扔靴子。 blog.tianya.cn 2. For two or more mistakes in the last row (including missing digits) 0 points are awarded for the last row. 如果最后出现两处或两处以上的错误,则判为0分。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The child was required to arrange his shoes in a neat row by his parents. 家长要求这个小孩把鞋放成整齐的一排。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Along each row put some pure incense as a memorial portion to represent the bread and to be an offering made to the Lord by fire. 又要把净乳香放在每行饼上,作为纪念,就是作为火祭献给耶和华。 www.ebigear.com 5. Gets a value that indicates whether the primary key columns of any row in the collection contain the values specified in the object array. 获取一个值,该值指示集合中任何行的主键列中是否包含在对象数组中指定的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The inspection group headed by Liu Liwei (in the middle of the front row) visit Huanglong Cave Idyllic Eco-square in Zhangjiajie. 刘力伟(前排中)一行考察张家界黄龙洞田园牧歌生态广场。 3us-old.enghunan.gov.cn 7. The honeymooning couple had been sitting in the front row of the plane. 当时这对度蜜月的小夫妻坐在飞机的前排。 www.transcn.org 8. The tube feet may appear like two antennas, while the other tube feet are arranged in a row around the rim at the bottom. 此管足可能会出现像两对天线,而其它管足都连续排列在底部的周围边缘。 home.gamer.com.tw 9. The following night, I had another dream. ? I continued to have dreams six nights in a row. 第二天晚上,我又做了一个梦,我连续六个晚上都做了梦。 answering-islam.org 10. The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry will sit in the front row. 伊丽莎白女王将在爱丁堡公爵、查尔斯王子、康沃尔公爵夫人及哈利王子的陪同下在前排就坐。 www.bing.com |
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