单词 | sericulture |
释义 |
例句释义: 养蚕,养蚕业,蚕学,蚕桑学,蚕丝业 1. Our sericulture is in advance of that of other countries. 我国的养蚕业比其他国家先进。 www.hotdic.com 2. Weaver also Cecropin minutes from the sky to bring you and teach you, sericulture, silking, also produced by the silk-bright. 织女还把从天上带来的天蚕分给大家,并教大家养蚕,抽丝,织出又光又亮的绸缎。 wenwen.soso.com 3. With more number of farmers choosing cocoon production, it has resulted in educating farmers about sericulture output. 随着越来越多的农民选择了蚕茧生产,所以政府统一对农民进行了蚕桑生产的教育。 www.168tex.com 4. The Arabs, with their widening conquests, spread sericulture across the shores of the Mediterranean. 阿拉伯人凭借逐渐扩大的征服而把养蚕业传播到整个中海沿岸。 www.bing.com 5. Cocoon is a part of sericulture process or silk production and its output is silk fabric when processed. 蚕茧是蚕桑丝绸生产的一部分,当这个过程开始的时候,最终的产物就是丝绸织物。 www.168tex.com 6. The outcome of the sericulture is also the important expression about the relation which between the insects and the agricultural life. 桑蚕业的产生也是昆虫与农业生活的重要表现。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Jili's changing environment, with factories' dirtying the pure water so crucial to sericulture, also contributed to the industry's decline. 工厂污染了对养蚕至关重要的清水,这也导致了辑里制丝业的衰落。 dongxi.net 8. Jiangsu Suzhou embroidery origin fertile land, mild climate, sericulture development, rich silk, ancient town of Fairview. 苏绣产地江苏土地肥沃,气候温和,蚕桑发达,盛产丝绸,自古以来就是锦绣之乡。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Song Dynasty was a much more flourishing period for sericulture in history. 宋代是我国历史上蚕桑业较为发达的时期。 www.ilib.cn 10. Lei Zu married since the Yellow Emperor, the people delegated Lei Zu sericulture, silk reeling, spinning, tapestry. 自嫘祖嫁黄帝后,嫘祖授百姓养蚕、缫丝、纺纱、织锦。 blog.99ys.com 1. Sericulture and silk reeling, the wife of our ancestors in the world textile and apparel made outstanding contributions. 养蚕、缫丝、织绸是我国先民对世界纺织服装发展作出的杰出贡献。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. These technicians are vegetables, rice, potatoes, chief specialist fields of sericulture. 这些技术人员都是在蔬菜、水稻、马铃薯、蚕桑等领域的首席专家。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Introduction on Reorganization and changing the system of GuangDong serigene Sericulture Group Corp. Ltd. 广东丝源蚕业有限公司重组改制情况介绍。 www.ilib.cn 4. This enterprise has even gained the government's permission for sericulture in forbidden parts of the forest. 这项活动甚至得到了在该林区的禁区中从事养蚕业的政府许可。 web.worldbank.org 5. A picture from the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert, showing the different steps in sericulture and the manufacture of silk. 狄德罗和达朗贝尔的百科全书图片,显示了养蚕和丝绸生产的不同步骤。 www.youfind.com.cn 6. In recent years, Sichuan sericulture development during difficult times, in the twists and turns ahead. 近年来,四川蚕业在困难中发展,在曲折中前进。 www.dictall.com 7. Lei Zu was the first person to snag the Chinese sericulture, the respect for ancestral posterity Clothing Lei Zu God. 嫘祖是中国养蚕抽丝第一人,被制衣后人尊为祖神嫘祖。 blog.99ys.com 8. As a clan of being skilled in sericulture, Can Cong clan was named after silkworm. 蚕丛氏作为擅长养蚕制丝的部族,即以蚕而得名。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Though silk was exported to foreign countries in great amounts, sericulture remained a secret that the Chinese guarded carefully. 虽然大量丝绸出口到外国,但养蚕业仍然是中国人小心谨慎而保护的秘密。 www.bing.com 10. In some regions of China, have become the pillars of the local countryside of sericulture industry. 在我国的若干地区,养蚕已成为地方农村的支柱产业。 www.texclo.net 1. Chinese people are generally recognized as sericulture Lei progenitor of ancestor worship but Ma Wu Niang region, there are special reasons. 中国人一般均认嫘祖为养蚕的始祖,吴语地区却供奉马头娘,一定有特殊的原因。 www.cutpic.cn 2. silkworms and develop silk weaving. More than 3, 000 years ago, sericulture and silk weaving were already significantly developed. 中国是世界上最早发明养蚕和丝织的国家;早在3,000多年以前,蚕桑、丝织已相当发达。 www.jukuu.com 3. China is a major sericulture country and the homeland of silk. 中国是一个养蚕大国,也是丝绸之乡。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 4. The key to this paradox, Bell finds, is that women supplied most of the labor in sericulture. 夏明德发现这个悖论的关键是,女人是养蚕的主要劳动力。 www.bing.com 5. Speed up the development of sericulture in the practice of "Three represents" 实践“三个代表”加快丝绸发展 www.ilib.cn 6. The Shang dynasty saw the discovery of bronze and the practice of sericulture. 商朝时发现了青铜,开始学会养蚕。 www.hotdic.com 7. Luo Fu sericulture air heard, Shijun where five horses this year. 罗敷养蚕空耳闻,使君五马今何在。 maplereview.org 8. The use of disinfection kill Yin extensive role for drinking water, swimming pools, water purification, sericulture and so on. 利用其消毒杀茵作用广泛用于饮水、游泳池水净化、养蚕等方面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Compared to other domestic industries they could engage in, such as cotton weaving, sericulture brought superior returns. 相比于其他能从事的家庭产业,比如织布,养蚕能够获得较高的回报。 www.bing.com 10. More so, with the help of 7, 614 farmers, state sericulture activities have provided direct job opportunities to around 48, 700 people. 不仅如此,在7614名农民的帮助下,养蚕活动直接为国家提供了48700人的就业机会。 www.168tex.com 1. Following the crisis in Europe, the modernization of sericulture in Japan made it the world's foremost silk producer. 欧洲危机之后,日本养蚕业的现代化使其成为了世界上最重要的丝绸生产国。 www.bing.com 2. Sericulture and filature are two great ancient inventions of our country. 养蚕、缫丝是我国古代的伟大发明。 www.dictall.com 3. Birth of a highly efficient eco-sericulture demonstration garden resulting from county-university cooperation 县校科技合作催生高效生态蚕业示范园 www.ilib.cn 4. A preliminary study of the comparative advantage of China's sericulture industry 中国蚕业比较优势的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Significance and Countermeasures of Developing Sericulture Ecotourism in New Countryside Construction 在新农村建设中开发蚕桑产业生态旅游的意义及对策 www.cnki.com.cn 6. Founding sericulture producer association, establishing a new type of relationship between agricultural enterprises 创建蚕桑生产者协会确立新型的农企关系 service.ilib.cn 7. History, Present and Direction of Sericulture Development in Hebei Province 河北省蚕业发展的历史、现状及出路分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Microsatellite DNA Markers and its Application Prospects in Sericulture Research 微卫星标记技术及其在蚕学研究中的应用前景 www.ilib.cn 9. Investigation about changing regularity of the fluoride content in mulberry leaves during spring sericulture 春蚕期桑叶氟化物含量变化规律分析与研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The proseminar of mulberry germ plasm resource and breeding and sericulture comprehensive utilization be in Guangzhou 全国桑树种质资源及育种和蚕桑综合利用学术研讨会在广州召开 www.ilib.cn 1. Investigation About Changing Regularity of the Fluoride Content in Mulbery Leaves During Spring Sericulture 春蚕期桑叶含氟量变化规律分析研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on the Comprehensive Technological System and its Economic Effect for Large Scale Sericulture 大规模养蚕综合技术体系及其经济效果的研究 service.ilib.cn 3. Thinking of Development from a major Silkworm - Raising Province to a Sericulture Industry One 从蚕桑大省到蚕丝大省的发展思路 www.ilib.cn 4. Discussion on countermeasure of industrialization of scientific achievement in sericulture sector 浅议加快蚕业科技成果产业化的对策 www.ilib.cn 5. Acceleration of Information Technology in Sericulture Industry Development 信息技术对蚕桑产业发展的推动作用 www.ilib.cn 6. Reforming and Innovating to Open a New Era for the Modernization of Sericulture 改革创新开拓蚕业现代化新局面 service.ilib.cn 7. Engineering of "Sericulture Moving from East to West" and Guangdong Sericulture continuous development “东桑西移”工程与广东蚕业的可持续发展 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Thought of Design for Breeding Technique System for Edible and Medicinal Purpose in Sericulture 关于构建蚕桑药食用途育种技术体系的思考 www.ilib.cn 9. International Symposium on Sericulture and Biological Resource Sciences 国际蚕业与生物资源科学研讨会论文集 www.sricaas.com 10. Countermeasure of sericulture industrialization in Yunnan 云南蚕桑产业化分析及对策 service.ilib.cn 1. Probe into the applied combination technique of the large sericulture family 蚕桑大户实用组合技术初探 service.ilib.cn 2. Taken Good Opportunity to Realize the Sericulture and Silk Textile Industry crossover Development in Nanchong City 抓住机遇实现南充茧丝绸行业跨越式发展 www.ilib.cn 3. A strategical thinking over the creation a sericulture industry in Kaixian county 打造开县蚕桑产业的战略思考 www.ilib.cn 4. Egypt sericulture delegacy inspecting Guangdong province 埃及蚕业代表团来广东考察 service.ilib.cn 5. Raise the competitiveness of traditional sericulture industry with modern IT technology 采用现代信息技术提升传统蚕丝业的核心竞争力 www.ilib.cn 6. Current status of biological techniques application in sericulture research 蚕业科研中生物技术应用的现状 www.ilib.cn 7. Prediction on Guangxi Sericulture Market and Its Developing Plan 广西蚕桑市场预测及发展规划布局 www.ilib.cn 8. Developing Sericulture Northwards: A View on Sericulture Development in Chifeng of Inner-Mongolia 从内蒙古赤峰蚕业发展状况看南蚕北移 www.ilib.cn 9. Current situation and solution about the composite utilization of Guangdong sericulture resources 广东蚕业资源综合利用现状与对策 service.ilib.cn 10. Present Condition and Development Countermeasures of Ningxia's Sericulture 宁夏蚕桑产业现状及发展对策 service.ilib.cn 1. Improve the comprehensive benefits of owner-managed sericulture production 明确思路强化管理努力提高蚕桑业主经营的综合效益 www.ilib.cn 2. Restructuring the distribution of sericulture and improving the quality of silkworm cocoons 调整养蚕布局提高蚕茧质量 www.ilib.cn 3. Achievement of Guangdong sericulture in last 20 years and its development countermeasures 广东蚕丝业20年成就及发展对策 ilib.cn 4. Problems and Suggestions for Industrialization of Sericulture 蚕桑产业化问题及建议 www.ilib.cn 5. The Current Status and Development Countermeasures of Sericulture Industry in Guigang City 贵港市蚕桑业现状及其发展对策 service.ilib.cn 6. Properly contracting for Mulberry Field in Second Turn to Stabilize the Sericulture development 搞好桑地二轮承包稳定发展蚕桑生产 service.ilib.cn 7. Developing sericulture industry by building sericulture base 抓好基地建设振兴蚕桑产业 service.ilib.cn 8. Work summary of the Sericulture Demonstration Park in Chun'anguo Village of Hangzhou city 杭州市都市农业淳安郭村蚕桑示范园区建设实施总结 service.ilib.cn 9. What Opportunity and Challenge Shall We Face to for the Sericulture Industry Sin ce China has Entered the WTO 中国加入WTO,蚕丝业将带来怎样的机遇和挑战 ilib.cn 10. Counter Measure of Mulberry Plantation and Sericulture Development 濉溪县发展蚕桑经济的对策 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis about Sericulture Economy of Anhui Province and Countermeasures 安徽省蚕业经济分析与应对措施 www.ilib.cn 2. Conventional Sericulture in Knowledge Economy Society 知识经济社会中的传统蚕业 www.ilib.cn 3. Grasp the Opportunity of Entering the WTO and Promote Sichuan's Sericulture and Industry for sound Development 把握入世机遇促进四川茧丝绸业健康发展 ilib.cn 4. Erecting the best monitor center of sericulture production 扎扎实实,创一流蚕业产品检测中心 www.ilib.cn 5. Present Situation of Fluoride Pollution and The Measure of Sericulture Development in Fuling District 涪陵蚕区的氟化物污染现状与蚕业发展对策 www.ilib.cn 6. Development of sericulture is at every high step by system reformation 体制改革创新路蚕桑发展步步高 www.ilib.cn 7. Some problems deserving attention in the course of industrialization of sericulture 蚕业产业化进程中值得注意的几个问题 www.ilib.cn 8. The construction of demonstrating base of sericulture new ecological agriculture and the resources multiutilization 蚕桑新生态农业与蚕桑资源综合利用示范基地建设 www.ilib.cn 9. Development Strategy of Sericulture and Cocoon Reeling Technology 蚕丝技术发展战略 www.ilib.cn 10. Influence of Agricultural Climatic Resource on the product of Sericulture in Dabie Mountain Area 大别山区农业气候资源对蚕桑生产的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Based on the Specialized Cooperative Community Promoting the Sericulture Industrialized Development 以专业合作社为依托促进蚕桑产业化 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Labour- saved Comprehensive Technique of Sericulture 省力化养蚕综合技术示范 www.ilib.cn 3. Proposals for ecological sericulture construction in Hantai of Shaanxi 对陕西汉台发展生态蚕业的建议 www.ilib.cn 4. Measures of Shandong Sericulture under Market Economy Conditions 山东蚕丝业在市场经济下的应对措施 service.ilib.cn 5. On approaches to a rapid and highly efficient sericulture 快速高效蚕桑之路初探 www.ilib.cn 6. Current status and development strageties of comprehensive utilization of sericulture in Shandong 山东省蚕桑资源综合利用的现状与发展对策 www.ilib.cn 7. The State HuGuang Farm develop complexion of sericulture production 国营湖光农场发展蚕桑生产的情况 service.ilib.cn 8. Report memorandum on the symposium of sericulture economics and management 全国蚕业经济与经营学术讨论会纪要 www.ilib.cn 9. Analysis on Importance of Combining Production, Research and Education in the Sericulture Industrialization 浅论农科教结合在蚕业产业化中的作用 www.ilib.cn 10. Work summary of the Sericulture Demonstration Park in Zitong county 梓桐镇蚕桑示范园区实施总结 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis on Importance of Combining Production, Research and Education in the Sericulture Industrialization 浅论农科教结合在蚕业产业化中的作用 www.ilib.cn 2. Work summary of the Sericulture Demonstration Park in Zitong county 梓桐镇蚕桑示范园区实施总结 www.ilib.cn 3. Investigation on economic benefit and management mode of sericulture 蚕业经营模式与经济效益的调研 www.ilib.cn 4. Countermeasure on accelerating the sericulture development of RuYuan country 加快乳源蚕桑产业的发展与对策 www.ilib.cn 5. Construction of Ecological Sericulture Base Counties in the Loess Plateau 黄土高原生态蚕业基地县建设的探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. Development of Information Management System for Sericulture Industry 蚕桑产业信息管理系统的研究开发 service.ilib.cn 7. Origination of Yunnan sericulture and seed silkworm producing 云南蚕业起源与良种生产 service.ilib.cn 8. Survey and cogitation on industrialization development of sericulture in Quannan County 全南县蚕桑产业发展的调查与思考 www.ichacha.net 9. Development of a highly efficient eco-sericulture in Chun'an County 淳安县发展高效生态蚕业的思考 10. Fundamentals of Agriculture and Sericulture 《农业和养蚕业的基本原理》是对 www.bing.com 1. Fundamentals of Agriculture and Sericulture 《农业和养蚕业的基本原理》是对 www.bing.com 2. On the remolding the images of teachers of sericulture science in higher education reform 高等教育改革中蚕学专业教师重塑角色思考 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis on the results and Improving Measure of Sericulture Production 蚕桑产业的绩效分析及优化措施 www.ilib.cn 4. Improvement of service in sericulture base construction 抢抓机遇建基地强化服务创强镇 www.ilib.cn 5. With Hard Work and Giving Full Play Advantage to Enhance the Competition Ability of Sericulture Production 发挥优势扎实工作提高蚕桑业综合生产能力 www.ilib.cn 6. Advance in the Research on mechanization of sericulture production 蚕业生产机械化纵横谈 www.ilib.cn 7. A discussion of promoting the industrial operation of sericulture in Fuling 着力推进涪陵区蚕业产业化经营的探讨 8. Study and apply of labour-saved comprehensive technique of sericulture 省力化养蚕新技术的研究与推广应用 service.ilib.cn 9. Favourable Conditions for Shaanxi Sericulture Growth in the New Century 新世纪陕西蚕丝产业的发展优势 ilib.cn 10. Sericulture Culture and Sericulture Economy in the Modern Society 蚕文化与当代蚕业经济 www.ilib.cn 1. The updated situation of sericulture production and research in India 印度蚕业生产和科研发展近况 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Medical and Health-care Utilization of Sericulture Resources 蚕业资源的医药保健利用研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Effect of acceding to WTO on sericulture and its strategies 入世对我省茧丝绸行业的影响及对策研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Experience of sericulture integration in Brazil 巴西蚕业产业化的经验 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Research on The Present Distribution and Development of Sericulture Production in Zhejiang Province 浙江蚕桑生产布局现状和发展研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Countermeasure on sustainable development of sericulture in Jing County 泾县蚕桑持续发展的对策 service.ilib.cn 7. Analysis of the Sericulture by Farming Poems in Song Dynasty 从宋农事诗析宋代蚕桑业 www.ilib.cn 8. Steady development of sericulture, and income and production maintain in Fuling in the disaster year 涪陵蚕桑稳定发展大灾之年减产不减收 www.ilib.cn 9. Countermeasure on the sericulture development of Ruyuan country 乳源蚕业的发展与对策 ilib.com.cn 10. The Performance on Cocoon Market and the Sericulture Shift Among Regions 蚕茧市场管制与蚕业区域转移 www.ilib.cn 1. The Performance on Cocoon Market and the Sericulture Shift Among Regions 蚕茧市场管制与蚕业区域转移 www.ilib.cn 2. The development and prospect of sericulture industrial in the Hilly and Gully Region of the south part of Yulin City 榆林南部丘陵沟壑区蚕桑产业的发展前景 www.ilib.cn 3. The rise of sericulture enterprise owners and its significance for the development of sericulture in the suburbs 蚕桑业主的兴起给城郊农村发展蚕业的启示 4. The present status of sericulture in Shuifu County and measures for its promotion 水富县蚕桑产业的现状及发展对策 5. Review and discussion on the sericulture industry in Le'an County 对大起大落的乐安蚕业的回顾与探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis and Discussion about the Sericulture Industry in the West 关于我国西部蚕丝业的分析与探讨 service.ilib.cn 7. The current situation of sericulture in Wanzhou and some measures for its development 万州区蚕桑业现状及发展对策初探 www.ilib.cn 8. Rural Tourism Brand of Sericulture and Silk Culture 蚕桑丝绸文化的乡村旅游品牌——以陕西安康为例 www.ilib.cn 9. Thought for Development of Sericulture and Silk Textile Industry 遂宁市茧丝绸行业发展的思考 www.ilib.cn 10. Effect of Sericulture Technology on the Produce Level 论蚕业科学技术对蚕业生产水平的作用 www.ilib.cn 1. Effect of Sericulture Technology on the Produce Level 论蚕业科学技术对蚕业生产水平的作用 www.ilib.cn 2. The current status and future development of sericulture in Nanchong 南充蚕业的现状及发展对策 service.ilib.cn 3. Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China 中国传统桑蚕丝织技艺 wenwen.soso.com 4. Realizing Industrial Management Creating A Big Sericulture County in Northwest 实行产业化经营打造西北蚕桑大县 service.ilib.cn 5. On the way-out for the development of sericulture in Chengdu after access to WTO 面对WTO谈成都蚕业的发展出路 6. Congratulation to "Special Prize" in Silkworm Genome Research in China Awarded by Japanese Sericulture Institute 祝贺我国家蚕基因组研究获“日本蚕丝学会特别奖” www.ilib.cn 7. Fundamental Research Trends of Sericulture in the 21st Century 21世纪蚕业科学基础研究发展趋势 www.ilib.cn 8. Effect of acceding to WTO on sericulture in Anhui Province 加入WTO对我省蚕业生产的影响 service.ilib.cn 9. The development and consideration on Guangdong sericulture 广东蚕种业的发展与思考 www.ilib.cn 10. Newsletter of Sericulture and Tea 蚕桑茶叶通讯 beta.ilib.cn 1. Newsletter of Sericulture and Tea 蚕桑茶叶通讯 beta.ilib.cn 2. Some thoughts about how to readjust and develop sericulture industry 蚕业调整与发展思路 3. Scale managed and industrialization driven to accelerate the development of sericulture 规模化经营产业化带动加快蚕桑发展步伐 www.ilib.cn 4. Some thoughts over the development of sericulture in the Wujiang River Valley 浅谈乌江流域茧丝业发展思路 www.ilib.cn 5. Thoughts over the development of sericulture in Yubei District 关于对渝北蚕业产业化发展方向的思考 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis of and suggestions for the development of sericulture in Chongqing 重庆蚕业生产发展情况分析及建议 www.ilib.cn 7. Thought about the development of the sericulture of Yunnan 关于云南蚕丝业发展的思考 service.ilib.cn 8. Thought on the development of sericulture in SheYang County 关于加快射阳县蚕桑业发展的思考 www.ilib.cn 9. Well done all kinds of service jobs to promote development of sericulture 搞好各项服务工作促进蚕桑生产发展 www.ilib.cn 10. Zhejiang Mulberry Germplasm Resources and Their Contribution to The Development of Sericulture in China 浙江省桑树种质资源对我国蚕业的贡献 service.ilib.cn 1. Zhejiang Mulberry Germplasm Resources and Their Contribution to The Development of Sericulture in China 浙江省桑树种质资源对我国蚕业的贡献 service.ilib.cn 2. On the Hearths of Sericulture in China 论我国蚕丝业的多中心起源 www.ilib.cn 3. The Discussion on Intercommunion of Science and Technology with Culture in China Ancient Sericulture 浅论中国古时蚕业的科技文化交流 www.ilib.cn |
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