单词 | rice-production | ||||||
释义 | rice-production
例句释义: 水稻产品,水稻生产,稻米生产 1. But there will still 'definitely' be a decrease in rice production as summers become hotter, he said. 但随着夏季气温越来越高,大米产量肯定会下降。 www.ebigear.com 2. Because Burma is part of Asia's greatest rice-producing area, "the storm compounds the problem of lost rice production, " she said. 她说,由于缅甸是亚洲最大的稻米产区之一,“这场风暴使稻米减产问题雪上加霜”。 www.america.gov 3. working through the price system, causes a re-allocation of resources- land and labor- out of rice production and into carrot production. 消费者需求通价体系,而使资源(劳动)再配,即资源将稻转移萝卜。 ec.mydict.com 4. Another graph on rice production from 1878 to 1980 shows the point in the 1960s when Japan's rice production began to decline. 另一幅日本大米产量曲线图(从1878年至1980年)显示,日本的大米产量在20世纪60年代开始减少。 dongxi.net 5. EUI Chinese Scientists Fully Annotated EUI Genes Which were Known as "the Fourth Genetic Element in Hybrid Rice Production" 中国科学家破译被称为“杂交水稻第四遗传要素”的 service.ilib.cn 6. The company has a reliable and growing base of raw materials, and set up a green quality rice production cooperatives. 公司拥有可靠的原料种植基地,并成立了绿优米生产专业合作社。 baike.baidu.com 7. However six provinces affected by the internal level, without much of an impact in rice production areas. 不过六省内部受灾程度不一,早稻产区未受过大影响。 www.texclo.net 8. The FAO expects about a two percent increase in rice production in 2011 but a slight decline in wheat production. 联合国粮农组织预期,2011年的大米生产大约会增加百分之二。但是小麦产量会减少一些。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Cambodia and Vietnam are concerned the dam, one of 11 planned for the Mekong, could affect fish stocks and rice production. 柬埔寨和越南都很关注这座大坝的情况,计划将大坝的十一分之一建在湄公河上,这将会影响到鱼群的数量和水稻的生产。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. The thermo-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) lines play a crucial role in two-line hybrid rice production. 温敏型雄性不育(TGMS)材料对两系杂交水稻的生产起到很重要作用。 www.ricedata.cn 1. Heilongjiang province is a main area of rice production in northern part and rice blast is the main rice production constraint. 黑龙江省是北方粳稻主产区,但长期以来一直受到稻瘟病的威胁。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Rice production duly expanded, greatly facilitated , it was thought, by subsidized credit. 曾经有一种观点,补贴信贷会极大地促进大米生产,使其充分发展。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The Rice Institute's Zeigler says rice production is not keeping pace with demand from surging Asian populations. 水稻研究所的齐格勒对此表示大米产出赶不上亚洲飞快增长的人口的需求。 www.ecocn.org 4. Fertilizer and water management status in rice production in Jianghan plain, Hubei province was investigated by using questionnaires. 采用进村入户问卷方法,详尽调查并分析了江汉平原水稻肥水管理中存在的主要问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The exterior costs of rice production was as high as 4. 洞庭湖区水稻生产的外部成本高达4。 www.dictall.com 6. Of the 15 initial filings last week, only one, rice-production company Grand Farm Inc. , hailed from China, Ipreo said in a research note. Ipreo在一份研究报告里说,上周申请上市的15家公司中,只有一家来自中国,即稻米生产企业天下农庄(GrandFarmInc.)。 c.wsj.com 7. The paper introduces the technological procedure and principle of instant rice production and offers the process parameter. 介绍了方便米饭生产的工艺流程及其原理,同时给出了各工段的工艺参数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Because of its role in food security, income generation and political stability, rice production is subject to much government intervention. 因为稻米在食物安全,收入来源和政治上的安定里占的角色,它的生产便受制各国政府极大的干涉。 afic.org 9. Improvement of chilling tolerance in rice may significantly increase rice production. 提高水稻的耐冷性将极大的提高水稻的产量。 www.ricedata.cn 10. Al and Fe toxicity is a major disadvantageous factor on acidic soils that causes the reduction of rice production. 铝毒、铁毒是导致酸性土壤稻作区水稻减产的主要非生物胁迫因子。 www.keyanjijin.cn 1. Local rice production fell after the countries reduced farm supports and import taxes under free market reforms. 当地大米生产在国家在自由市场改革下减少农业支持和进口税后,一落千丈。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Poyang lake region, a main rice-production area of Jiangxi province, is mainly a double cropping rice region. 鄱阳湖区是江西主要的水稻产区,以双季稻为主。 zgnyqx.ieda.org.cn 3. A decline in rice production means that more people will slip into poverty and hunger, the researchers said. 研究人员称,大米产量的减少意味着有更多的人跌入贫穷和饥饿的深渊。 www.bing.com 4. Today, rice production takes place only in the Lower Valley of the Nile River. 今天,只有在“尼罗河下游流域”进行稻谷生产。 www.fao.org 5. Rice production to adjust for the paste, multi-storey flat in the bamboo steamer with steamed. 制作时把大米粉调节为糊状,平铺在多层竹蒸笼内,旺火蒸熟。 www.chinese.cn 6. The low availability of phosphorus in soils is a major yield-limiting factor in rice production. 土壤中有效磷缺乏是制约水稻生产的主要因素之一。 www.cajs.net.cn 7. The Mekong River provides fertile, irrigated fields for rice production. 湄公河为水稻种植生产提供了肥沃的可灌溉土地。 www.bing.com 8. The application of biogas slurry soaking seed on early rice production was conducted. 进行了沼液浸种在早稻生产中的应用试验。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Drought has become the major abiotic stress in rice production, seriously affecting rice yield and quality. 干旱造成水稻的减产可超过其它因素所造成减产的总和,严重制约着水稻的产量。 www.fabiao.net 10. Green food rice production should strictly guarantee "three keys" 绿色食品水稻生产要严把“三关” www.ilib.cn 1. Therefore it was assumed that one of the reasons of plateauing of rice production was due to nutrient imbalance. 由此推测限制水稻生产的原因之一就是养分不平衡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. High temperature harm at rice florescence was a big problem to rice production in the Yangtze River basin. 长江流域的水稻花期高温危害已成为生产中的一个重大问题。 www.dictall.com 3. This year's upsurge in rice production is due to the new method of cultivation. 这—年稻米产量的上升是由于新栽培方法。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. The fish culture in paddy field may markedly increase rice production. 在稻田中养殖鱼类会大大提高大米的产量。 www.chinadialogue.net 5. However recent wobbles in rice production have reversed a long-term trend of falling prices. 但是近来粮食产量很不稳定,粮价也一反长期下降的趋势。 www.bing.com 6. Rice production is another major source of greenhouse gas emissions. 稻米生产是温室气体排放的另一个主要来源。 www.fao.org 7. This made China a worldwide leader in rice production. 这使中国的稻米产量位于世界领先地位。 www.tingroom.com 8. Rice production was probably introduced into Egypt in the 7th Century. 稻谷生产可能是在第七世纪引进埃及的。 www.fao.org 9. This kind of migrations northward and southward, landing and endangering processes brings to the greatest loss of rice production in China. 褐飞虱每年的这种周期性的南北迁飞、降落给我国水稻生产造成了极大的损失。 www.fabiao.net 10. Finally, the prospects of utilizing Gaoguang A in the three line hybrid rice production were discussed. 最后对高光A在三系杂交水稻生产中的应用前景作了讨论。 www.ricesci.cn 1. The results indicated that foreign germplasm resources played important roles in the rice production in China. 结果表明,国外稻种资源对中国水稻单产起到促进作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. Rice production and quality depend on the development of the floral organ. 水稻是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,其花器官的发育结果直接影响稻谷产量和稻米品质。 www.fabiao.net 3. In recent years, rice production has resumed growth in china, but the supply-demand relationship remains tense. 近年来,我国稻谷生产出现恢复性增长,但是供求关系依然紧张。 lib.cqvip.com 4. As a result of Yuan Longping's discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47. 5 percent in the 1990's. 由于袁隆平的发现,中国的水稻产量在20世纪90年代增长了47。 www.kekenet.com 5. The designs draw more than 100, 000 tourists annually to Inakadate, a town of 9, 000 where rice production is the dominant industry. 这些创作每年能吸引10多万游客到田舍馆村旅游,田舍馆村人口9千人,主要产业是水稻。 www.bing.com 6. The loss of arable land to housing, roads and other infrastructure has also reduced the world's rice production. 耕地被用来建房、修路和进行其它基础设施建设,这也减少了世界大米产量。 www.voanews.cn 7. that is roughly half the amount the EU devotes to subsidising rice production. 大概是欧盟给水稻产品补贴金额的一半。 www.ecocn.org 8. Therefore, the rice production occupies a decisive position in our country agriculture and the national economy. 因此,水稻生产在我国农业及国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. He's right: It's about 0. 3% of total Chinese rice production last year. 他说的对:这只相当于去年中国水稻产量的约0. c.wsj.com 10. A Study of Development Direction of Rice Production in Northeastern Region after Join WTO 加入WTO后东北地区水稻生产发展方向研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Current Situation, Problem and Development Thought of Good-quality Rice Production in Hubei 湖北省优质水稻生产现状与发展思路 ilib.cn 2. Existing State of Rice Production Mechanization and Development Trend in Heilongjiang Reclamation Region 黑龙江垦区水稻生产机械化现状及发展趋势 www.ilib.com.cn 3. Current Situation and Development Countermeasure of the Rice Production Mechanization in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省水稻生产机械化现状及发展对策 www.ilib.cn 4. Investigation of Hot Temperature Disaster in Rice Production and its Controlling Countermeasure 中稻遭遇高温热害情况调查及避灾应对措施 www.ilib.cn 5. Exploration into the counteracts to security application of male lines in two-line hybrid rice production 两系杂交水稻不育系应用的安全性对策探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Application of a Fertilizing Model by Nitrogen Controlling Measuring in Rice Production 氮调法计量施肥模式在水稻生产中的应用 ilib.cn 7. Effective Techniques of Good - quality Rice Production Combined with Aquaculture in Rice Field 稻田优质高效立体种养配套技术 www.ilib.cn 8. Benefit Analysis of a Sino-Japanese Cooperated Project on Wholly Mechanized Rice Production 中日水稻生产全程机械化合作项目效益分析 service.ilib.cn 9. Theory of Technology Integration for Green Rice Production and Its Application 绿色稻米生产技术集成理论与运用成效 www.ilib.cn 10. Filtration Solution for Fertilizer Uses in the Program of Good - quality Rice Production in Yangzhou 扬州市优质水稻基地建设项目实施区水稻施肥方案筛选 www.ilib.cn 1. Current status of double cropping rice production in LuJiang county and its developmental strategies 庐江县双季稻生产现状及发展对策 ilib.cn 2. An outline of the status quo of rice production and its future development countermeasures 略述稻米生产现状及未来发展对策 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Influence of Cold Weather Harm to Rice Production and Its Countermeasure in Heilongjiang Province 低温冷害对黑龙江水稻生产的影响及防御对策 service.ilib.cn 4. Primary Exploring for the Complete Mechanization of Rice Production in Heilongjiang Reclamation Areas 黑龙江省垦区水稻生产全程机械化初探 www.ilib.cn 5. Cultural Techniques of Good-quality Japonica Rice in Hongze Lake Rice Production Areas 洪泽湖稻区优质粳稻高效精确定量栽培技术 www.ilib.cn 6. Problems in high quality rice production on saline-alkali soil in western Jilin province and measures on its development 西部盐碱地优质水稻生产存在的问题与发展对策 www.ilib.cn 7. Relations between Phytohormone and Rice Yield and Its Application to Rice Production 植物激素与水稻产量的关系及其在生产上的应用 service.ilib.cn 8. Developing Rice Production is an Effective Measure for Reforming Low-yield Land in Sanjiang Plain 以发展水稻生产改造三江平原低产田 www.ilib.cn 9. Applying the Optimized Three Factors and Five Levels Design to Establish Mathematic Fertilizer Models for Rice Production 应用三因素五水平最优设计建立水稻施肥模型的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Probe into suitable planting density of rice production in the system of rice intensification 水稻强化栽培适宜栽植密度探讨 www.ilib.cn 1. Environmental cost of rice production in Dongting Lake area of Hunan Province 湖南洞庭湖区水稻生产的环境成本评估 service.ilib.cn 2. A Trial on Application of Soil - Testing and Fertilizer - Applying Prescription Technique in Paddy Rice Production 测土配方施肥技术在水稻上的应用效果试验 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of Mechanized Curtain Technology of Sunlight Greenhouse in Main Paddy Rice Production Region 论日光温室卷帘机械化技术在水稻主产区的应用 service.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of economic efficiency of integrated techniques for late-rice production catching up with early-rice in Guangxi 广西晚稻赶早稻综合开发技术经济效益分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on Effective Techniques of Environment-Friendly Rice Production Combined with Raising Duck in Rice Field 稻鸭共育无公害高效益技术研究成果与应用 ilib.cn 6. Practice and Consideration of the Complete Mechanization of Rice Production 水稻生产全程机械化模式的思考与实践 www.ilib.cn 7. Mechanized operation integrated techniques for rice production and application in cold region 寒地稻作机械化作业集成技术及应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Sea Level Rise Affecting the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: Water Elevation in the Flood Season and Implications for rice Production 海平面上升影响越南湄公河三角洲:在洪水季节水位上和水稻产量的影响 edu.cma.gov.cn 9. Enlightenment of Rice Production Development in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省水稻生产发展的启示 10. Zhangjiagang Imports Nutritious Rice Production Line from Switzerland 张家港从瑞士引进营养稻米生产线 gbcode.tdctrade.com 1. Research on Application of Techniques of Combination Rice Cultivation With Duck Bred in Rice Field for Safe Rice Production 稻米无公害化生产的稻鸭共育技术应用推广效果研究 ilib.cn 2. Current Status of Fine Quality Rice Production in Mudanjiang Area and Its Strategy 牡丹江地区水稻优质米生产现状及对策 ilib.cn 3. Research on the Application Techniques of Pesticide and Nitrogen Application in the Non-polluted Rice Production 无公害水稻生产的农药和氮肥使用技术及其安全性 www.ilib.cn 4. Preliminary report of applied effectiveness of frequency-vibrancy moth-killing lamp in rice production 频振式杀虫灯在水稻生产的应用效果初报 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on the Construction of Rice Production Mechanization in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省水稻生产全程机械化建设途径研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Local conditions and fertility properties of typical paddy soils of several rice production areas in Hunan Province 湖南省高产稻区稻田土壤的立地条件与肥力特性 www.ilib.cn 7. Status and Development Countermeasures of Japonica Rice Production in Jiangsu Province 江苏粳稻生产现状及发展对策 service.ilib.cn 8. Question and countermeasure about green rice production in Heilongjiang province 黑龙江省绿色水稻生产存在的问题及对策 ilib.cn 9. Influence of Meteorological Disaster on Paddy Rice Production in Southeast Guizhou Province 黔东南州气象灾害对水稻生产影响的研究及对策 www.ilib.cn 10. Rice industrialization: selling innovation of rice production 米业产业化经营:米业产品的营销创新 www.ilib.cn 1. Rice industrialization: selling innovation of rice production 米业产业化经营:米业产品的营销创新 www.ilib.cn 2. Present Situation And Developing Countermeasures to Rice Production in Tianchang City 天长市水稻生产现状及其发展对策 ilib.cn 3. The rice production present situation and technical countermeasures of Hubei Province 湖北省水稻生产现状及技术对策 ilib.cn 4. A Study on Spatial Distribution of Agro-meteorological Disaster Risk of Late Rice Production in Zhejiang Province 浙江省晚稻生产的农业气象灾害风险分布 www.ilib.cn 5. Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation for Rice Production Base in Liaozhong County 辽中县水稻生产基地环境质量监测与评价 www.ilib.cn 6. Supervision and Evaluation of Environmental Quality in Annual Rice Production Base in Mountain Area 高山茭白基地农业环境质量监测与评价 service.ilib.cn 7. Rice Production and Developmental Strategy of the Philippines 菲律宾水稻生产及其发展战略研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Current situation of quality rice production in Changwu and industry development envisage 常武优质水稻生产现状及产业发展设想 ilib.cn 9. Problems and Countermeasures for Sustainable Rice Production 水稻生产中的农田生态问题与可持续发展对策 service.ilib.cn 10. Techniques of diseases, insect pests and weeds control and their efficacy in bio-rational rice production 无公害水稻生产的病虫草调控技术及其效应的研究 scholar.ilib.cn 1. A Preliminary Exploration of the Input- Output Technology in Rice Production 水稻栽培投入产出方法初探 www.ilib.cn 2. The brief analysis synergize way in the paddy rice production about the mechanization of agriculture technology and agronomy 浅析农机化技术与农艺在水稻生产中的增效途径 www.ilib.cn 3. Current situation and development countermeasure on rice production in Xinyang city 信阳市水稻生产现状与发展对策 ilib.cn 4. Probe into rice production potential in Zhejiang province and corresponding Sci-Tech strategy 浙江省水稻生产潜力及科技对策探讨 www.ilib.cn 5. Technical summary of mid-season rice production test at Wuyishan demonstrative site in Fujian province 福建省中稻生产试验武夷山示范点技术总结 scholar.ilib.cn 6. To Develop actively good quality rice production, complete the change of "amount" and "quality" stably 积极发展优质稻米生产稳步实现“量”与“质”的转变 www.ilib.cn 7. Exploring for the Complete Mechanization of Rice Production Process 水稻生产全程机械化的研究探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. Current Status of Rice Production and Adjustment of Agricultural Production Frame in Wuwei County 无为县水稻生产现状及农业结构调整思路探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Situation, problems and countermeasures of medium rice production in the east of Zhejiang Province 浙东沿海单季中晚稻生产现状、问题和对策 www.ilib.cn 10. The Application of the Mechanized Light Cultivation to Rice Production 水稻机械化水直播轻简栽培技术应用 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Falling Agro-machinery and Agronomy Together to Elevate Rice Production Intensive Level 农机农艺紧密结合着力提高水稻集约化经营水平 service.ilib.cn 2. Strengthening the construction of hybridized rice production base 加强杂交水稻种子生产基地建设 ilib.cn 3. Gradual Impacts of Climate Change on Rice Production and Adaptation Strategies in Southern China 气候变化对中国南方水稻生产的阶段性影响及适应性对策 www.ilib.cn 4. Utilizing Rationally Limited Water Resource for Ensuring Sustained and Healthy Development of Rice Production 保证水稻持续健康发展用好用活有限的水资源 service.ilib.cn 5. A Brief Discourse on Mechanization of Rice Production and Industrialization of Top Quality Rice 刍议水稻生产机械化与优质稻米产业化 www.ilib.cn 6. The Present Rice Production Situation in Hezhou and the Corresponding Countermeasures of Development 贺州市水稻生产现状及发展对策 ilib.cn 7. Application of the Protection Net Against Insects in Rice Production 防虫网在水稻生产中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Developing Super - high - yielding Rice for Enhancing Rice Production 发展超级稻提高水稻综合生产能力 www.ilib.cn 9. Guidelines for identification of field constraints to rice production 稻米生产田间限制因素识别指南 book.cepiec.com.cn 10. Demonstration Analysis on Comparative Predominance of Rice Production of China 中国粳稻生产比较优势的实证分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on the facts of influencing the fine - quality rice production in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省优质稻米生产障碍因子的研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Effects of Nutrient Recycling on Soil Fertility and Sustainable Rice Production 稻田系统养分循环利用对土壤肥力和可持续生产力的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. A brief discourse on the major factors and countermeasures on hindering of development of rice production mechanization 浅议制约水稻生产机械化发展的主要因素及对策 ilib.cn 4. Ecological Evaluation of Base Area for High Quality Rice Production in Liaoning Province 辽宁省水稻优质米生产基地生态环境质量评价研究 ilib.cn 5. Preliminary Research on the Application of Non-tillage Technique in Rice Production 中稻免耕栽培技术应用初探 www.ilib.cn 6. Flowering Period Prediction and Adjustment in Hybrid Rice Production 杂交水稻制种花期预测及调节 service.ilib.cn 7. Establishment and Validation of Simulation Model for Rice Production 水稻生长模拟模型的组建与验证 www.ilib.cn 8. General Conditions, Experience of Rice Production in Northeast China 东北三省水稻生产概况、经验及启示 www.ilib.cn 9. Effect of a special fertilizer - Maifanshi on rice production and ecology 麦饭石肥对水稻的增产作用及生态效应 www.ilib.cn 10. Influence of climatic factors on safety of rice production in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省影响水稻安全生产的气象要素 service.ilib.cn 1. Discussion on Effective Saving Water Techniques in Upland Rice Production 浅谈早稻节水、高效生产管理技术 www.ilib.cn 2. Pests Control Techniques During High-quality and Non-pollution Rice Production 优质稻无公害生产病虫防治技术 www.ilib.cn 3. The Constraints and Strategy of Rice Production System in Europe 欧洲水稻生产系统及其发展策略 www.ilib.cn 4. Influence of Different Treatments after Lodging at Full Heading Time on Rice Production 水稻齐穗期倒伏后各种处理对产量的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. The Current Situation and Prospect on the Rice Production in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省水稻生产现状及前景展望 www.ilib.cn 6. Studies on the model of rice production technology of non-pollution of farm chemicals in the rice field along 豫北沿黄稻区无农药污染水稻模式化生产技术研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Rice production situation after grain policy reform for farmer and the way increasing their profit in Zhejiang Province 浙江省粮改后种粮大户生产现状及增加效益的途径 service.ilib.cn 8. Thinking over Strengthen Base Instruction of Hybrid Rice Production 关于加强杂交稻制种基地建设的思考 service.ilib.cn 9. Soil selection and fertilizer management in quality rice production 优质稻米生产中土肥选择及其调优技术 www.ilib.cn 10. Optimizing Current Cultivating Methods of Rice Production and Introduction to New Techniques 优化目前我国水稻生产的四项特色栽培方式及技术介绍 www.ilib.cn 1. Experiment on Deep Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Rice Production 水稻氮肥深施比较试验 www.ilib.cn 2. Current Situation and Development Trends of Rice Production in Australia 澳大利亚水稻生产现状与发展趋势 ilib.cn 3. Current status of high quality green rice production and countermeasures 绿色优质水稻生产发展现状与对策 ilib.cn 4. Key Problems of Cultural Techniques of No-tillage and Throwing Seedling in Rice Production 水稻免耕抛秧栽培在生产中应注意的关键问题 ilib.cn 5. Analysis of Limited Factor of Rice Production in Red Soil Area and Yield-increasing Technique 鄂东南红壤区水稻生产的障碍因素分析与增产技术 service.ilib.cn 6. Status and Countermeasures of Rice Production in Zhejiang Province 浙江水稻生产的现状与对策 ilib.cn 7. Major Factors Contributing to the Exterior Costs of Rice Production in Wetland 湿地水稻生产外部成本的主要成因案例研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Different Growth Period Adjust Technique of Hybrid Rice Production 杂交水稻制种不同生育期花期调节技术 www.ilib.cn 9. Effects of different ameliorations on rice production and heavy metals uptake by rice grown on soil contaminated by heavy metals 不同改良剂对重金属污染农田水稻产量和重金属吸收的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. Reason of High Temperature Damage to Rice Production and Countermeasure 水稻高温热害成因及相应的对策 service.ilib.cn 1. Effects of different application dosage of herbicide on rice production 不同除草剂用量对水稻生产的影响研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Studies on layout of round-shaped rice production bases in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省商品粮粳稻基地建设布局研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Effect of Implementing New State Standard of Rice to Paddy Rice Production in Reclamation Region 执行新的稻谷国家标准对垦区水稻生产的影响 ilib.cn 4. Revelations from Seeing about Rice Production in Philippines 菲律宾水稻生产考察启示 service.ilib.cn 5. Economic Benefit Evaluation of Input and Output of High-quality Rice Production 优质水稻生产投入与产出的经济效益评价 service.ilib.cn 6. Comprehensive Prevention and Cure of Rice Blast of Hybrid Rice Production in Spring 杂交水稻春制稻瘟病的综合防治 www.ilib.cn 7. Effects of Rice Seed Soaked with Remains from Marsh Cas Pool on Rice Seedling and Rice Production 沼液浸种对水稻秧苗和产量影响效果试验 www.ilib.cn 8. Push the Paddy Field Mechanization Forward and Raise Rice Production Level 推进水田机械化提高水稻生产水平 www.ilib.cn 9. Distribution of High Temperature and Stratagem of Rice Production in Hunan 湖南省高温的时空分布与水稻生产的利用对策 ilib.cn 10. Existing Problems and Strategies of Rice Production in Zhangye Region 张掖地区水稻生产中存在的问题及对策 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis on Rice Production in Heilongjiang Reclamation Region in 2002 and Development Measures 黑龙江垦区2002年水稻生产分析及发展对策 www.ilib.cn 2. A Comparative Analysis of Input and Economical Benefit in Rice Production 水稻生产投入与产出经济效益比较分析 ilib.cn 3. Thoughts on the Key Techniques for Industry Promotion of Rice Production in Anhui 关于安徽水稻产业提升几项关键技术问题的思考 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of Main Causes for Reduction of Late Rice Production in Guangxi in 2002 and Suggestions for Countermeasures 2002年广西晚稻减产的主要成因分析及对策建议 www.ilib.cn 5. The thinking of development strategic on rice production of crab field in Taizhou 关于泰州市蟹田稻米产业化发展战略的思考 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on Rice Production and Market Tactics in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省水稻生产及市场对策研究 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Occurrence of Infertile Panicles in Hybrid Rice Production 杂交水稻穗而不实现象初探 www.ilib.cn 8. Female Parent Water Culture Technique of Hybrid Rice Production 杂交水稻制种母本水直播技术 www.ichacha.net 9. Agricultural mechanization system of rice production of Japan and proposal for China 日本水稻生产机械化系统分析及对中国农业机械化发展的建议 ilib.cn 10. The Technique on Good Quality Rice Production, Process and Store in Hokkaido 日本北海道优质稻米生产、加工及贮藏技术概述 service.ilib.cn 1. Integrated technique model of rice production on saline-alkali land 苏打盐碱地水稻开发综合技术模式 www.ilib.cn 2. A Brief Report on Rice Production and the Experimental Production of Hybrid Rice in Myanmar 缅甸的水稻生产与杂交稻试种简况 www.ilib.cn 3. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Chinese Japonica Rice Production 我国粳稻生产成本收益分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Female Direct Seeding Technique of Hybrid Rice Production 杂交水稻制种母本直播技术要点 service.ilib.cn 5. The Technique Standard of Mechanization in the Whole Rice Production 水稻生产全程机械化的技术标准 service.ilib.cn 6. Effect of Flood Disasters on Rice Production and Countermeasures 江西省洪涝灾害对水稻生产的影响及防御对策 service.ilib.cn 7. Utilization of Potash Fertilizer in Rice Production 水稻生产中钾肥的营养与施用 www.ilib.cn 8. Technique rules of mechanization of rice production 水稻生产全程机械化的技术规程 service.ilib.cn 9. Current status and rice production development in ChaoHu city 巢湖市发展水稻生产现状与建议 www.ilib.cn 10. A knowledge model for selection of suitable variety in rice production 水稻栽培适宜品种选择的知识模型 service.ilib.cn 1. by using integrated biological control, halving pesticide quantities by 50 percent and obtaining a 15 percent increase in rice production; 通过采用生物综合防治,将杀虫剂用量减少50%并实现水稻增产15%; www.fao.org 2. Application of Dry Raise Rice Seedlings in Hybrid Rice Production 旱育秧在杂交水稻制种上的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Relationship of Plant hormones and Rice Production 植物激素与水稻产量的关系 service.ilib.cn 4. The Status Quo of Rice Production in the Philippines and the Countermeasures 菲律宾水稻生产的现状及对策 www.ilib.cn 5. Suggestions on the green food rice production in Jilin province 对我省绿色食品水稻生产的几点建议 ilib.cn 6. Current status and prospects of upland rice production 旱稻生产现状分析及发展策略 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on Effect of Chelated Fertilizer of Humic Acid on Rice Production 腐殖酸螯合肥在水稻生产上的效应分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Effect of Fertilizer use in the Second Budding Forcing Stage on Regeneration Rice Production 促芽肥施用量对再生稻产量的影响 service.ilib.cn 9. Integrated Farming of Rice Field and Green Rice Production 水田立体开发与绿色稻米生产 ilib.cn 10. The situation and countermeasures of super rice production in Guilin City 桂林市超级稻生产现状与发展对策 www.ilib.cn 1. Harms and Control Measures of Saline-Alkali to Rice Production 盐碱对水稻生产的危害及防治措施 www.ilib.cn 2. Techniques of Green Organic Rice Production 绿色有机水稻生产技术要点 www.ilib.cn 3. Development of new kind of rice production and small type of rice miller 新型米制品开发与微型碾米机的研制 www.ilib.cn 4. Discussion On Technique of Green Rice Production 绿色食品稻米生产技术探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 5. The spatial variation characteristic analysis of rice production in Zhejiang province based on GIS 基于GIS的浙江省水稻产量空间变化特征分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Investigation on development of rice production in Fengyang county 凤阳县水稻产业发展情况调查研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Effect of rice production on sustaining economic development in the South of China 论水稻生产在我国南方经济发达地区可持续发展中的不可替代作用 service.ilib.cn 8. Issues of Grain Cd Uptake and the Potential Health Risk of Rice Production Sector of China 中国水稻生产中Cd吸收及其健康风险的有关问题 www.ilib.cn 9. Research on Automatic Rice Production Line 自动米饭生产线的研制 service.ilib.cn 10. Discussion on the no harm rice production technique 刍议无公害水稻生产技术 www.ilib.cn 1. The water crisis and the utilization of water-saving bio-techniques in rice production 我国水资源短缺状况和水稻生物技术节水措施的利用 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Effect of Weeding in Rice Field on Enhancing Rice Production 耘田对提高水稻产量的作用研究 service.ilib.cn 3. Analysis of situation of rice production in Acheng 阿城市水稻生产形势分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Idea of Green High Quality Rice Production 绿色优质稻米生产的思考 ilib.cn 5. Initial report of research on effects of Yunda-120 applying to the rice production 云大-120在水稻生产上应用效果研究初报 www.ilib.cn 6. Thinking on rice production in Chengde region 对承德水稻生产的思考 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis of Rice Production Progress in Liaoning Province since 1949 1949年以来辽宁省水稻发展形势的分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Deffirent Plant Category in Hybrid Rice Production Field and Roguing 杂交水稻制种田的杂株类型与去杂 www.ilib.cn 9. Agriculture Multi - dimension Pollution in Rice Production and Its Control in China 我国水稻生产中的立体污染及防治 ilib.cn 10. Review of direct-seeding methods in rice production in Korea 韩国直播稻栽培技术概况 service.ilib.cn 1. An Investigation of the Countermeasures of the Development of Excellent Quality Rice Production in Guangxi 广西发展优质稻米生产的对策探讨 ilib.cn 2. Study and Application of NANO in Rice Production 农用活水源在早稻生产上的应用效果 www.ilib.cn 3. Economic Issues in Rice Production 水稻产业经济问题的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Class and Character of Main Paddy Rice Production system in the World 世界主要水稻生产系统分类及特征 service.ilib.cn 5. Survey of Rice Production in Pakistan 巴基斯坦的水稻生产概况 service.ilib.cn 6. An Analysis on Farmer's Use of High-yielding Cultural Techniques in Rice Production 农户采用水稻高产栽培技术的行为分析 service.ilib.cn 7. Measure of Raising the Level of Rice Production in Mountain Area 提高山区水稻生产水平的措施 ilib.cn 8. The Development Trends of Clean White Rice Production Equipment Abroad 国外免淘米生产装置发展动态 www.ilib.cn 9. Current States, Problems and Strategies of Japonica Rice Production and Processing in China 我国食用粳米生产加工现状、问题与对策 service.ilib.cn 10. Paddy Rice Production in Laos 老挝的水稻生产现状 service.ilib.cn 1. The Rice Production and Ecosystem in the World 全球水稻生产与稻作生态系统概况 www.ilib.cn 2. Prospect and countermeasures for the organic rice production in China 浅谈我国有机稻米生产发展前景与对策 ilib.cn 3. Current status and development strategy for good grain quality rice production in China 我国优质稻米开发现状与发展 ilib.cn 4. Empirical analysis of the difference of rice production costs in China 中国水稻生产成本地区性差异成因的实证分析 service.ilib.cn 5. New Characteristics of Rice Production and Quality Improvement in China 中国水稻生产新特点与稻米品质改良 www.ilib.cn 6. How Does the Macroeconomic Policy Influence on Rice Production in China: An Analysis 宏观政策对我国水稻生产发展的影响分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Status and Development strategy of Organic Rice Production in China 我国有机稻米生产现状及发展对策研究 ilib.cn 8. The Contributing Factors in Fluctuation of Rice Production in China 中国水稻生产波动及其成因分析 service.ilib.cn 9. Promoting High Quality Rice Production Depending Science and Technology 依靠科技促进我国优质大米生产 service.ilib.cn 10. How to develop rice production in the environment of WTO 面对WTO如何发展水稻生产 www.ilib.cn 1. Influences of Science and Technology Advancement on Development of Chinese Rice Production and Scientific Strategy 科技进步对我国水稻生产发展的影响与对策 ilib.cn 2. Rice varietal improvement and rice production in China 中国水稻品种改良以及对水稻生产的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Thrust and Practice of Super High-Yielding Rice Production in China 中国稻作超高产的追求与实践 www.ilib.cn 4. The Actuality and Prospect of Instant Rice Production in China 我国方便米饭的生产现状和研究前景 service.ilib.cn 5. Analysis of Rice Production Change and Supply and Demand in China 中国稻谷生产变化与供需平衡分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Food Safety and Rice Production in China 中国粮食安全和水稻生产 ilib.cn 7. Present Situations, Problems and Enlightenments of Rice Production and Consumption in Japan 日本水稻生产和消费现状、问题与启示 www.ilib.cn 8. Analysis of Status of Our Country's Rice Production and Trade 我国水稻生产和贸易现状分析 www.ilib.com.cn |
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