单词 | round for |
释义 | round for例句释义: 全部 1. It was me that went down to fetch all her things, and yours too: I've made a bundle of them that you can send round for. 所有她那些东西还是我到那儿往收拾的,甚至还有您的东西,我把它们另外包了一个小包,回头您可以叫人到这儿来取。 www.chinabaike.com 2. She looked round for Gerald, fearing he might be already there, he was incautious and eager. 她环视着寻找杰拉尔德,恐怕他已经到了,他是莽撞的,并且心急如焚。 dict.wenguo.com 3. The General looked round for a waiter. 'But we might as well have another drink. 将军四处张望,寻找服务生的踪影。“我们最好再喝一杯。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. Only one round for someone to exploit information you've given them and only one round for you to make a mistake. 各位玩家只有一次机会来分析你给出的信息,而你也只有一次机会犯错。 www.infoq.com 5. Both of these sides have tough games on Sunday, so this could prove to be a very favourable round for Juve. 两支队伍在下周日都有艰苦的比赛要打,因此这场比赛的胜利对尤文来说尤为宝贵。 www.juvefans.com 6. Do come round for a cup of tea tomorrow to let me apologize personally. 明天一定要来喝杯茶以接受我个人的歉意。 blog.woxie.com 7. Bill and Margaret have been going round for more than two years, but they still haven't decided whether to marry or not. 比尔和玛格丽特相处已两年多了,但他们还没有决定是否结婚。 www.bing.com 8. If the green-grocer had such a thing as a laurel wreath, I should send Billy round for it. 如果鲜货店有桂冠这种商品出售,我一定要叫毕利去买一顶来。 hi.baidu.com 9. and to be grateful at the end of each round for the opportunity to have played. 而当打完每一轮之后则要为能有机会打球而心存感激。 sports.enorth.com.cn 10. She never buys the first thing that she sees advertised; she always spends a little time shopping round for the best price. 她从不一看见做广告的东西就买;她总是花点时间多走几家商店买最便宜的。 www.1stenglish.com 1. As it appointed the ratings agencies and managers, it could shop round for those that were likely to be the most compliant. 由于投行指定评级机构和经理,它可以选择有望最顺从的机构。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But as for that mark, I'm not sure about it; I don't believe it was made by a nail after all; it's too big, too round, for that. 但是,我还是弄不清那个斑点到底是什么;我又想,它不像是钉子留下的痕迹。它太大、太圆了。 www.putclub.com 3. Smith's son is seriously ill and she can't afford her son's operation, so we're passing the hat round for her. 史密斯太太的儿子得了重病,她付不起手术费,所以我们帮她筹些钱。 www.hjenglish.com 4. All the children in the class whipped round for the disabled girl. 全班的孩子都为那个残疾姑娘捐款。 5. Friends come round for a midweek dinner and comment on how attentive we seem to each other. 有朋友来家里聚餐,他们说我们俩彼此体贴得很。 jbdzhuxi2010.blog.163.com 6. there was a shout , and all heads were turned round , for it was indeed borden ave. 接着,听见一声叫声,大家掉头一看,原来是身材魁梧的博尔德纳夫。 www.ichacha.net 7. Cotton Cotton is a white fluffy plant that has been used the world 'round for clothing and fabric for almost five thousand years. 棉花是一种白色绒状植物,近五千年来在全球范围内用于制衣和纺织。 spreadsheets.google.com 8. When I looked round for her, she was leaving the hall. 我回头看她时,她正离开大厅。 www.cqwzzx.com 9. But with 22 AC, he's just as willing to stand in the middle of a melee, swinging twice per round for 20 damage per hit. 但是由于22AC,他一样愿意在一阵混战的中间忍受,每在为每击中20个损害的周遭两次摇摆。 10. "Brains? " said the old woman, putting down her spoon and turning round for the first time. “智慧?”老太婆说,同时把勺子放下,第一次转过身来。 1. end up He came round for a coffee and we ended up in bed together. 他是来喝咖啡的,到后来我们却上了床。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Now the nuggets have made the playoffs the last 2 years but been bounced out of the first round for both seasons. 掘金队过去两年进入了季后赛但都在第一轮被淘汰了。 www.tianya.cn 3. He came round for a coffee and we ended up in bed together. 他过来喝了杯咖啡,然后我们一起入睡了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Celtic win second league title under O'Neill. Knocked out of third qualifying round for Champions League by Swiss side Basel. 年蝉联苏格兰超级联赛冠军,但在冠军联赛第三轮比赛中被瑞士巴塞尔队淘汰。 enzosoccer.blogchina.com 5. So many athletes train hard year-round for just a chance to compete at the O. 这么多的运动员一年到头辛苦训练,就是为了奥赛这一天。 www.jrgc.cn 6. In a bar with friends, haven't you noticed that sometimes somebody pays for your drink, and at other times you buy a round for everyone? 和朋友一起在酒吧里,你难道没有注意到,有时某人会请你喝酒,而有时候,你又会为每个人买单吗? www.ftchinese.com 7. I gazed round for a means of diverting her thoughts. 我向四下里呆望着,想办法岔开她的思想。 www.putclub.com 8. Too stupefied to be curious myself, I fastened my door and glanced round for the bed. 过于麻木的我忘记了好奇,我关上门就四下张望,急于寻找床的位置。 www.24en.com 9. Man voice however sounding is in spacious strokes, attention of solved to round for the ocarina son. 男子声音虽然听起来粗枝大叶,但体贴的替陶笛儿解了围。 www.sk211.com 10. Very well, let me have half a dozen. Come round for the money tomorrow. 好吧,给我半打,明天来收钱。 www.2008668.cn 1. He looked round for a chair and, since there wasn't one, he shared Mary's. 他四下里看了看,想找把椅子,没找着,就跟玛丽坐在一起。 w3.hevttc.edu.cn 2. Bipartisanship, they said, is more than inviting your opponents round for coffee and a chat. 他们说,两党合作不仅仅是邀请对手喝喝咖啡、聊聊天那么简单。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Janet and John have asked Me. to go round for the evening but I don't want to play gooseberry. 珍妮特和约翰请我晚上去,可我不愿作陪媪。 dict.ebigear.com 4. The same was going on a year ago in the first round for the Spurs. 对马刺来说相同的事情在一年前第一轮系列赛中也曾出现过。 www.chinaspurs.com 5. Basil grows all year round. For beginners, it's best to start out with herbs. 罗勒全年都可生长。对于初学者来说,最好先从种植草本植物开始。 www.bing.com 6. He looked round for his parents, but there were none there. 意思为他向周围看来找他父母,但那一个人也没有。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. She will marry and we pass the hat round for her. 她将要结婚,我们替她筹钱。(非“把帽子递给她”) res.hersp.com 8. I've no idea. He just asked me to come round for supper. 我不知道,他只是要我来吃晚餐。 9. A measured release of water from the dam, say the builders, should let local people grow crops all the year round for the first time. 建造方说到,在一份谨慎的报告中显示,大坝的蓄水将能使当地的居民第一次全年都能种植庄稼。 www.ecocn.org 10. 'Send round for it tomorrow morning, it's too late to get change now. ' 明天上午叫人来取吧,现在去兑钱时间太晚了。 www.bing.com 1. Serena: It's the other way round for me, Numbers only give me a headache. 瑟瑞娜:我正好相反,我对数字实在是觉得头痛。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 2. 'Of course, ' said Angel cheerfully, looking round for the mead. “当然不会,”安琪尔快活地说,回头去找蜜酒。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Anyway, Janet, come round for a meal sometimes. 不管怎么说,珍妮特偶尔一有空就过来吃顿饭。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. One more round for my fiends here ! Make it quick ! 再和我的弟兄们来一轮!动作利索点! www.bing.com 5. He just asked me to come round for supper. 他只是叫我过来吃晚饭。 edu.askuu.com 6. I looked round for a piece of paper. 我朝周围看,想找一张纸。 www.bing.com 7. That went away quick. Another round for you? 吃得真快再来一盘吗? www.tingroom.com 8. I'll come round for you about six o'clock, if that suits you. 假如你方便的话,我可以六点钟左右来接你。 www.lovliv.com 9. In the test you have to drive round for about half an hour and then answer a few questions. 在测试过程中你必须在大约半小时的周围驾驶然后回答一些问题。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 10. Got guests round for dinner? Now there's no need to pop to the kitchen for another bottle of wine. 有客人要来吃晚饭?现在不必冲到厨房去取酒了。 en.cnxianzai.com 1. Called round for the pastor ; sent round for the veterinarian . 寻找牧师;到某地找兽医。 www.bing.com 2. Why don't you come round for a meal one evening next week? 你下个星期找个晚上过来吃吨饭好吗? www.mdsx.net 3. Reports of the first round for the second round reported reports and runs. 连续报道有第一轮报道与第二轮报道之分。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The top two semifinalists each week move to the final round-for 8 total finalists. 每周的两名最佳半决赛选手可以进入最后的决赛,名额为8人。 www.elanso.com 5. Why don't you come round for a meal next Friday? 为什么你下星期五不过来吃顿饭呢? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Why don't you come round for a meal this Sunday? 这个星期天你何不到我家来吃餐饭? mysearch.100e.com 7. Why is the other way round for a put option? 为什么是另一方面为一个出售选择权? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. We have to postpone the final round for tomorrow. 我们只有把最后一轮的赛事延到明天举行。 www.ebigear.com 9. Netizen popularity rate exceeds 30% , surmounted the whole world in the round for the first time average popularity rate. 网民普及率超过30%,第一次全面超越了全球平均普及率。 pjprimer.com 10. The cancer society recommends adults take 1, 000 IU daily during fall and winter, or year round for those at risk of vitamin D deficiencies. 肿瘤协会建议在秋冬季成人每日服用1000IU,而对于有维生素D缺乏风险的人来说应常年保持每日服用1000IU。 news.dxy.cn 1. A. It sure will. Anyway, I have to take off. Remember to come round for dinner. 这当然了。不管怎样﹐现在我要走了。记得到时要来吃饭啊。 space.dianyuan.com 2. Objective: To further explore "when, what and how to apply ward round" for holistic nursing model. 前言:目的:在整体护理过程中对巡视病房的时间、内容、方式及作用进行进一步探索。 www.chemyq.com 3. Why not come round for a drink? 为什么不过来喝一杯呢? blog.hjenglish.com 4. I've invited the Smiths round for drinks next Friday. 我已邀请史密斯一家下周五来家中小酌。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Shoe alla da round' for da childs - seven pairs da shoe. 给孩子们每人一双鞋——七双。 www.enread.com 6. I haven't seen you for a long time . You must come round for dinner sometime. 好久不见了。什么时候你一定要来吃饭啊! wenku.baidu.com 7. We're having people round for dinner tonight. 我们今晚有客人来吃饭。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. This smell haunted round for hours. 这种气味好几个小时不散。 everyday.ewstudy.com 9. Come round for a meal! 过来吃顿饭吧! www.tingclass.net 10. We asked her round for dinner on the weekend. 我们在周末请她到家里来吃饭。 1. Could you come round for a drink next Saturday at about 6: 30 p. m? 请您下星期六下午6点半左右来我家共饮几杯。 ts.hjenglish.com 2. One of the stumbling blocks in the Doha round, for example, was "preference erosion" . 举例说明,阻碍多哈会议进程的一个绊脚石就是“优惠侵蚀”。 www.ecocn.org 3. In all, 150, 000 applications have so far been processed in the second round for about 850, 000 tickets. 总之,在85万第二轮售票中,迄今已经处理了15万公众的申请。 www.bing.com 4. The Spurs lost in the first round for the first time since 2000 vs. the Suns. 马刺自2000年对阵太阳以来第一次在季后赛第一轮出局。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Joel has a friend round for a sleepover. 乔尔的一个朋友到家里过夜。 www.bing.com 6. A bugle call came round for us to fall in. 军号声传来,要我们排队集合。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Would you like to come round for a meal on my birthday? 我生日的时候你愿意来吃饭吗? bbs.enfamily.cn 8. Come round for lunch and then we can discuss it at leisure. 有空过来吃午饭吧,我们可以慢慢讨论。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. And everyone said the world's turning round for you 每个人都说世界是围绕着你转动的 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I hit the bottom so fast that my head was spinning 'round for days, 情绪迅速跌落谷底,思绪在脑海中旋转很长时间 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I'm sure Sally came round for a nice little chat 相信萨莉只是顺道路过找你聊天 www.kekenet.com 2. Study on the Standard of Body Round for Female Bodybuilder 关于健美女子体围标准的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. come round for a drink 过来一起喝几杯 www.neworiental.org 4. He's been hanging round for days 他已经在附近晃悠好多天了 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I seen you 'round for a long long time 你已在我身边许久许久 zhidao.baidu.com |
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