单词 | slaughtering |
释义 | slaughtering是slaughter的现在分词
第三人称单数:slaughters 现在分词:slaughtering 过去式:slaughtered v. kill,murder,massacre,slay,butcher n. killing,carnage,butchery 例句释义: 屠宰,屠杀,残杀,大减价,大贱卖,猛烈抨击,屠宰业,宰杀脱毛,宰杀动物 1. Even if the plot is vacant (see: Bad Boys II) or if he's slaughtering history (see: Pearl Harbor) there is always plenty of action. 即使影片情节空洞(见《坏男孩2》),或者屠杀历史(见《珍珠港》),动作场面总是不会少的。 www.ebigear.com 2. Good hygienic slaughtering practices reduce contamination of carcasses by faeces, but do not guarantee the absence of EHEC from products. 良好的卫生屠宰规范能够减少粪便对屠体的污染,但是不能保证制品不带有出血性大肠杆菌。 www.who.int 3. Scientists have used animal cells to create an artificial form of meat without the need for the rearing and slaughtering of livestock. 在没有饲养和宰杀牲畜的前提下,科学家们利用动物细胞创造了一种人造肉的类型。 www.bing.com 4. Khomeini's regime responded with remarkable brutality, slaughtering thousands of the organization's members. 霍梅尼政权残忍的镇压游行,屠杀了几千名组织成员。 www.bing.com 5. Both the child and his brother had direct exposure to diseased chickens during slaughtering. 该男童及其哥哥曾在屠宰期间直接接触病鸡。 www.who.int 6. The policy of slaughtering animals to stop the disease spread proved to be a failure. 屠宰动物来阻止疾病传播的策略最终失败了。 news.koolearn.com 7. After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another. 灭尽住西珥山的人之后,他们又彼此自相击杀。 www.ebigear.com 8. This struck Mila as very odd; how can slaughtering an animal even if it is raised free range be an act of dignity or love? 这给Mila带来震惊因为它是如此古怪:屠杀动物,即使它是自由放养,怎么会被归列为一种尊严或爱的行为呢? dwbbs.qiudao.net 9. Investigation revealed that the case had close contact with dead poultry and was involved in slaughtering sick birds. 调查显示,病人与死禽有过密切接触,并曾参与宰杀过病禽。 www.who.int 10. Vegetarianism or to reduce meat-eating are actually very much helpful in reducing the pain of animals during slaughtering process. 素食或者减少肉食对于减少屠宰过程中造成的动物痛苦很有作用。 www.chinadialogue.net 1. The prevailing slaughtering system has a strong influences on the quality of export canned beef. 现行的屠宰方法对出口牛肉罐头影响很大。 www.chemyq.com 2. When I first started slaughtering the time (for cattle body structure does not understand), he saw only the entire head of cattle. 当初我刚开始宰牛的时候,(对于牛体的结构还不了解),看见的只是整头的牛。 wenwen.soso.com 3. By the invention, the slaughtering performance of the sheep can be greatly improved. 采用本发明后能大幅改善绵羊的屠宰性能; ip.com 4. A family member in the case's household works as a caterer, frequently processing poultry product, including slaughtering. 该病例的一名家庭成员从事餐饮服务工作,经常处理家禽产品,包括家禽宰杀。 www.who.int 5. The practice of slaughtering and eating infected birds, whether diseased or already dead, must be stopped, FAO and WHO warn. 粮农组织和世卫组织警告,必须制止屠宰和食用受感染禽鸟(无论病禽和死禽)的做法。 www.who.int 6. reducing the risk of animal-to-human transmission as a result of unsafe animal husbandry and slaughtering practices. 减少因不安全畜牧业和宰杀做法而造成从动物到人的传播风险。 www.who.int 7. The company is breeding, slaughtering, sale as one, Main Shaanxi Qinchuan fattening beef. 本公司系养殖、屠宰、销售为一体,主营陕西秦川育肥牛肉。 www.tonke.cn 8. EXPLOSIVE-CHARGE SLAUGHTERING EQUIPMENT. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 装填火药的屠宰设备.一般规则 www.mapeng.net 9. His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing, and slaughtering his own people. 他仍在监禁、折磨和屠杀本国人民,此时他声称进行对话和改革无非是虚伪的空话。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. Transport and slaughtering of livestock and collection of livestock and poultry products should take into consideration of animal welfare. 畜禽运输、屠宰与畜禽产品收集时应考虑动物福祉。 www.dictall.com 1. If slaughtering is to BE done outdoors use straw to cover the area where the carcass will BE skinned and eviscerated. 如果屠宰在室外进行,则要用稻草覆盖肉尸被去皮和取出内脏的地方。 dict.ebigear.com 2. The United States was founded on the slaughtering of indigenous population and the slave system. 美国是从奴隶社会发展起来的,是从灭绝土著人和奴隶制中发展起来的。 www.360doc.com 3. I stopped slaughtering the pine cones instantly as I heard a noise rustling through the trees. 停下来狠狠把脚下一颗松球碾个粉碎,这时,我突然听见了树林间的沙沙声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. When he passed the pig shed, he saw the staffs binding a pig for slaughtering in the kitchen. 当他经过猪舍时,看见工人正将一头猪绑住,准备送到厨房去宰杀。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A quietly spoken young Uighur woman in Shanxi Lane confirms she saw her fellow Uighurs slaughtering Han people outside her window. 山西巷的一名年轻的维吾尔女孩用平静的语调证实,她看到她的同胞维吾尔人在窗外屠宰汉人。 www.tryjohn.com 6. A: You'll collect loot as a reward for slaughtering the forces of the Burning Hells. 答:你要通过屠杀燃烧地狱的势力来获取物品。 bbs.cndiii.com 7. The company occupies 300 acres of which consists of three kinds of farms, a hatchery , a feed mill and a broiler slaughtering plants. 公司占地300多亩,下设三个种鸡场、一处孵化场、一处饲料厂和一处肉鸡屠宰加工厂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Most often, carcasses or meat are contaminated by Campylobacter from faeces during slaughtering. 多数情况下,动物的尸体或者肉在宰杀时受到粪便中弯曲杆菌的污染。 www.who.int 9. Suitable for slaughtering sword, sickle, kitchen with conventional rj grinding tool etc. 适用于屠宰刀、镰刀、厨用刀具等常规刃具的研磨。 www.metalnews.cn 10. But now he has put hiring plans on hold and is looking for new machinery to make slaughtering more efficient. 但他现在已经冻结招聘计划,正在寻找提高屠宰效率的新设备。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Over 1000 private sector people participated in hands-on training on slaughtering, meat cutting, further processing and marketing. 超过1000名来自私营部门的人员参加了屠宰、肉的切割、深加工和市场营销方面的实践培训。 www.fao.org 2. Our old enemies , whom we once chased on sea and land, do now range at pleasure , robbing and slaughtering and burning . 过去被我们从海陆两路追击的旧敌,现在又到处抢掠,杀人放火,为所欲为了。 www.bing.com 3. Then the man Introduced hImself: "I'm Zhang FeI and my lIvelIhood Is sellIng wIne and slaughterIng hogs. " 并自报姓名说:“我叫张飞,靠卖酒杀猪为生。” dict.ebigear.com 4. Split-half plane, as the slaughtering of live pigs, has an important research value. 劈半机作为生猪劈半的关键设备,具有重要的研究价值。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Known for raping and utterly slaughtering his opponents, you do not want to meet him. 众所周知强奸和完全屠宰他的对手,你不想与他会面。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. SLAUGHTERING EQUIPMENTS. PENS FOR CATTLE STUNNING. SAFETY DEVICES INTEGRATED. 屠宰设备.箱.综合安合装置 www.mapeng.net 7. Mr. Reese doesn't enjoy slaughtering his birds, which he sells under the label Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch. 里斯不喜欢宰杀自己养的火鸡。他卖出的火鸡贴的都是好牧人养鸡场(GoodShepherdPoultryRanch)的标签。 cn.wsj.com 8. By today's standard, of course, slaughtering whales is considered barbaric. 当然,以今天的标准来看,屠杀鲸鱼会被认为是残暴的。 www.bing.com 9. He developed symptoms on 10 May some days after slaughtering poultry for a wedding. 他在为一次婚礼屠宰家禽后几天于5月10日出现症状。 www.who.int 10. The utility model is used as corollary equipment in an automatic production line for slaughtering large livestock. 适用于作屠宰大牲畜的自动生产线配套设备。 ip.com 1. Growing these rare breeds and slaughtering them for food keeps their imperiled DNA alive. 喂养这些稀有品种以及屠宰它们食用都使这些濒危的DNA得以存活于世。 www.bing.com 2. They first attacked a school athletics gathering, slaughtering over 100 Japanese, and then raided police outposts. 他们首先袭击了一所学校的运动会,屠杀了100多位日本人并袭击了警察部队。 xiaozu.renren.com 3. Caption : Spilled guts: After being cleaned, this 10-meter Baird's beaked whale receives a long incision to prepare for slaughtering. 描述:溢出的内脏:洗净之后,这头10米的贝尔德突吻鲸被划开一条长口子准备屠宰。 www.cnnas.com 4. The first is a story mode focusing on Turner's efforts to find those responsible for slaughtering his village. 第一种是故事模式,主要讲述特纳向那些毁灭了他的家乡的坏蛋们的复仇之旅。 www.bing.com 5. Certain cultural habits, such as purchasing live birds at local markets and slaughtering at home, also involve moments of intensive contact. 某些文化传统,如在当地市场购买活禽,然后在家中进行宰杀,也会带来密切接触。 www.fao.org 6. But instead , there is joy and gladness, slaughtering of cattle and killing of sheep, eating of meat and drinking of wine! 谁知,人倒欢喜快乐,宰牛杀羊,吃肉喝酒,说:我们吃喝吧! blog.sina.com.cn 7. Slaughtering, defeathering or butchering infected, sick or dead birds can put people at risk. 宰杀、拔毛或准备食用受染、患病或死亡的禽类可使人们处于危险中。 www.who.int 8. After comparing various options, he decided to learn the art of dragon slaughtering. 他曾经反复的比较,决心去学屠龙之技。 www.elanso.com 9. In rural settings slaughtering can be done in basic small-scale facilities. 农村的屠宰主要在小型屠宰场。 www.fao.org 10. Yet there are people who justify slaughtering innocent people in the name of Islam and in the name of Allah. 但是有些人为那些借伊斯兰和阿拉的名义屠杀无辜的行为寻找依据。 www.voanews.com.cn 1. Production of cooking the key: because of puffer fish is a special ingredients, slaughtering and processing time must master. 烹饪制作关键:因河豚是一种特殊食材,宰杀和加工时间一定掌握。 baike.baidu.com 2. LECTER They were slaughtering the spring lambs? 他们在屠宰春天的羊羔? bbs.96963.com 3. They were slaughtering the spring lambs ? 他们在屠宰春羔?。 www.bing.com 4. The scientists that made this cute little creature ended up slaughtering it and eating it afterwards. 创造出这可爱小东西的科学家们最后把它屠宰了随后吃了它。 www.ted.com 5. and the blood splashing into the gullies below. This is what slaughtering an animal for meat means. 这就是为了吃肉而屠杀一头动物所蕴含的意义。 www.bing.com 6. I have never seen a faster and more effective way of slaughtering. 我之前从未见过这样一个快速而高效的屠宰方式。 www.24en.com 7. And the revolters have gone deep into slaughtering, Though I am a chastisement to them all. 悖逆的人肆行杀戮,罪孽极深,我却惩治他们众人。 www.71630.com 8. The general technical conditions for animal slaughtering 畜类屠宰加工通用技术条件 www.zftrans.com 9. Table4 The measurement result of enterobacter count in main working procedures and worker's hands of slaughtering and cutting line 表4屠宰分割线上主要工具和工人手的大肠菌数 www.foodmate.net 10. Treatment of Slaughtering Wastewater by Hydrolysis-Acidification and Biological Adsorption-Regeneration and Contact Oxidation Process 水解酸化-生物吸附再生-接触氧化工艺处理屠宰废水 ilib.cn 1. Secondly, the sledgehammer culling effect, might as well use the slaughtering of chickens knife; 第二,牛刀杀鸡的效果并不好,还不如用杀鸡刀; www.bing.com 2. Table3 The measurement result of bacteria total count in main working procedures and worker's hand of slaughtering and cutting line 表3屠宰分割线上主要工具和工人手的细菌总数 www.foodmate.net 3. The Management of Chinese Slaughtering Must Measure up to the International Standard As Soon As Possible 我国畜禽屠宰管理必须尽快同国际接轨 www.ilib.cn 4. Table1 The measurement result of bacteria total count in main working procedures of slaughtering and cutting line 表1屠宰分割线主要工序中胴体表面细菌总数 www.foodmate.net 5. Industry: Construction Machinery Parts; Crane; Hydro unit; Solar Generator; Gas equipment; Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; 所属行业:工程机械配件;起重机;水力发电机组;太阳能发电机组;沼气设备;屠宰及肉类初加工设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Industry: Eggs; Livestock, aquaculture machinery; Other meat; Other livestock; Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; 所属行业:禽蛋;畜牧、养殖业机械;其他肉类;其他牲畜;屠宰及肉类初加工设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 7. Industry: Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; Decoration machinery; Carpenter for tools; Gardening Tools; 所属行业:屠宰及肉类初加工设备;装修机械;匠作工具;园艺工具;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 8. Industry: Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; Livestock, aquaculture machinery; 所属行业:屠宰及肉类初加工设备;畜牧、养殖业机械;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. A Pig Case of Hypertrophic Hepatocirrhosis Found in Slaughtering Inspection 屠宰检疫中猪肥大性肝硬变一例 service.ilib.cn 10. The Artificially Imposed Factors Influencing the Pork Hygiene Quality During the Slaughtering Process and the Counter Measures 屠宰过程中影响猪肉卫生质量的人为因素及对策 www.ilib.cn 1. Industry: Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; Refrigeration Equipment; 所属行业:屠宰及肉类初加工设备;制冷设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Sanitary inspection and regulation of slaughtering and packing establishments; rejection of adulterated meat or meat food products 屠宰和包装场所的卫生检查和管理;掺假肉类食品的拒绝 www.foodmate.net 3. Influence of sulfonamide derivatives on production performance and slaughtering properties in broiler 磺胺类衍生物对肉仔鸡生产与屠宰性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. Application of Overseas Electric Stimulation Technology in Sheep Slaughtering Processing 国外电刺激技术在羊屠宰加工中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. A case of Swine Lymphosarcoma Detected in Slaughtering Inspection 屠宰检疫中检出猪淋巴肉瘤一例 service.ilib.cn 6. Treating Slaughtering Wastewater with the Process of Oil Separation and Sedimentation-Preaeration-Contact Oxidation-Floatation 隔油沉淀-预曝调节-接触氧化-气浮工艺处理屠宰加工废水 www.ilib.cn 7. Industry: Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; Orange, orange, grapefruit; 所属行业:屠宰及肉类初加工设备;柑桔、橙、柚;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 8. Industry: Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; Food and beverage processing equipment; 所属行业:屠宰及肉类初加工设备;食品、饮料加工设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Pathological Observation of Pig Lungs During Swine Slaughtering Inspection and Clinical Diagnoses and Farm Visits in Shanghai 上海市生猪屠宰检疫和门诊出诊中猪肺脏的病理性观察 service.ilib.cn 10. Industry: Pneumatic Tools; Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; Shear type pneumatic tools; 所属行业:气动工具;屠宰及肉类初加工设备;剪切类气动工具;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. equipment for meat industry . explosive charge . slaughtering equipment testing 屠宰业用设备火药的填充.屠宰设备的检验 www.ichacha.net 2. Industry: Meat; Special breeding animals; Slaughtering and meat processing equipment early; 所属行业:肉类;特种养殖动物;屠宰及肉类初加工设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. Standardization of the Law Enforcement in Slaughtering Swine Quarantine in View of Two Cases 从两起案件看生猪屠宰检疫执法的规范性 www.ilib.cn 4. Differences and Linkages between Slaughtering Quarantine and Meat Quality Inspection 浅谈屠宰检疫与肉品品质检验的区别与联系 www.ilib.cn 5. Expression of interest invited for poultry slaughtering and processing plant 邀请就家禽屠宰及加工厂提交意向书 www.info.gov.hk 6. Influence of slaughtering and meat product processing industry on the environment and the countermeasures to pollution 肉类屠宰加工行业对环境的主要影响及污染防治对策 service.ilib.cn 7. Industrialized Slaughtering: Assurance for Meat Products Safety 工厂化屠宰是肉类食品安全卫生的可靠保证 service.ilib.cn 8. Necessity of Strict Environmental Management in Waste Water from Slaughtering Livestock 严格牲畜屠宰废水的环境管理势在必行 www.ilib.cn 9. The Optimal Slaughtering time of Livestock and Poultry 肉用畜禽最佳出栏屠宰期 www.ilib.cn 10. Factors Influencing the Pig Scalding Process During Automated Slaughtering 机械化屠宰中生猪煺毛效果的影响因素浅析 www.ilib.cn 1. Safety Disposal of Carcasses or Meat from Ill Animals Detected During Animal Slaughtering Inspection 屠宰检验检出病畜肉的无害化处理 www.ilib.cn 2. Veterinary Hygiene Inspection of Rabbit Slaughtering and Processing 家兔屠宰加工的兽医卫生检验 www.ilib.cn 3. Surveillance Report of Antibodies to Classical Swine Fever in Slaughtering Pigs and Piglets in Markets in Baise Area 百色市屠宰猪和市场销售仔猪猪瘟抗体监测报告 www.ilib.cn 4. Anti-slaughtering Leaders: Reinterpretation of Relive Ceremony of Liao Dynasty 反屠王:对辽代再生仪的重新解读 www.ilib.cn 5. Intensified Fattening and Slaughtering Experiment of Jinnan Cattle 晋南牛强度肥育试验及屠宰测定 www.ilib.cn 6. Quarantine Inspection Protocol of Sichuan Province for Slaughtering Pigs 四川省生猪屠宰检疫规程 ilib.cn 7. Detection and Treatment of Common Tumors of Livestock and Poultry in Slaughtering Quarantine 屠宰检疫中畜禽常见肿瘤的检验与处理 www.ilib.cn 8. Effects of Lysine Transgenic Rice on Broiler's Slaughtering and Blood Biochemical Indicators 赖氨酸转基因稻谷对肉仔鸡屠宰及血液生化指标的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Experiment of Slaughtering High Quality Beef Cattle and Meat Quality Investigation 优质肉牛屠宰试验及肉品质研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Inspection of Toxic Animal Slaughtering and Evaluation of the Meat Hygiene 中毒畜禽屠宰检验与肉品卫生评价 service.ilib.cn 1. Studies on Slaughtering Performances and Anatomy Structures of Ostrich 鸵鸟屠宰性能测定及解剖结构研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Inspection Law 家禽屠宰商业控制和家禽检查法 www.shac.cn 3. Assumption on the Modification of Pig Slaughtering Quarantine Methods 改进生猪屠宰检疫方式的设想 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on Depilation of Pork Trotter and Hog Face through the Slaughtering Process 屠宰过程中猪蹄、头脱毛技术的研究 service.ilib.cn 5. Treatment of Livestock Slaughtering Wastewater with Process of DWZ Contact Oxidation 用DWZ接触氧化处理工艺处理屠宰废水 www.ilib.cn 6. Ventilation of Poultry Slaughtering and Processing Plants 家禽屠宰加工厂的通风 service.ilib.cn 7. Problems in Slaughtering Swine Quarantine Inspection and the Counter Measures 生猪屠宰检疫存在的问题及对策 8. Experimental Report on Slaughtering Performance of Simmental Crossbreds 西杂肉牛屠宰试验报告 www.ilib.cn 9. Six Key Points to Strengthen the Supervising Management for Pig Slaughtering Houses 强化生猪屠宰厂的监督管理须严把六关 www.ilib.cn 10. Sanitation Control for Slaughtering and Processing 屠宰加工的卫生控制 eng.cnca.gov.cn 1. Tumor Prevalence Detected in Pig Slaughtering Inspection 猪屠宰检疫中肿瘤的检出情况 www.ilib.cn 2. Effect of Freezing at Different Time Post Slaughtering on Pork Water-holding Capacity and Structure 宰后不同时间冻结对猪肉保水性和组织结构的影响 service.ilib.cn 3. Study on poultry depilation during slaughtering process 屠宰过程中禽类脱毛技术的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Identification of Common Disease and Testing Key of Pork after Slaughtering 猪的宰后检验要点及常见病判定 www.ilib.cn 5. Cause and Influence on Formation of Prohibition of Slaughtering and Fishing 屠钓之禁形成的原因及影响 service.ilib.cn 6. An Investigation Report of Stress Reactions of Slaughtering Pigs in High and Cold Areas 高寒地区待宰生猪应激反应的调查报告 www.ilib.cn 7. Special Conditions for Slaughtering Plant 屠宰厂的特殊条件 eng.cnca.gov.cn 8. Fattening and Slaughtering Experiment of Crossbreds of Piedmontese and Yellow Cattle 皮黄杂交改良牛育肥及屠宰试验 service.ilib.cn 9. An Elementary Introduction to the Service in Slaughtering Machine Industry 浅谈屠宰机械行业的诚信服务 service.ilib.cn 10. Development of poultry slaughtering and processing plant underway 政府将筹划设立家禽屠宰及加工厂 www.info.gov.hk 1. Illegal poultry slaughtering factory smashed in Yuen Long 食环署捣破非法家禽屠宰场 www.info.gov.hk 2. Report on Slaughtering Measurements of BMY Tropical Beef Breed BMY热带肉牛屠宰测定报告 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Code for product quality inspection for cattle or sheep in slaughtering 牛羊屠宰产品品质检验规程 blog.globalimporter.net 4. Cause Analysis of Bleeding Failure in Swine Slaughtering 生猪屠宰中放血不良产生因素的分析 service.ilib.cn 5. Slaughtering and Processing Beef Cattle and Mutton Sheep 肉牛肉羊屠宰加工 www.qianxi.cn 6. Some Mistakes on the Investment of Slaughtering Project 屠宰工程投资立项的几种误区 www.ilib.cn 7. A Report on Slaughtering Pigs Heavily Infestated with Cysticercus tenuicollis 屠宰猪细颈囊尾蚴严重寄生的报道 service.ilib.cn 8. Code for product quality inspection for pig in slaughtering 生猪屠宰产品品质检验规程 blog.globalimporter.net 9. The operating procedures of pig-slaughtering 生猪屠宰操作规程 www.zftrans.com 10. Main Contents of Quality Inspection of Pork in Pig Slaughtering 谈生猪屠宰产品品质检验主要内容 www.ilib.cn 1. Code for design of cattle and sheep slaughtering and cutting rooms 牛羊屠宰与分割车间设计规范 www.cecs.org.cn 2. Slaughtering House and Inspection of Meat in Hongkong 香港的屠宰场和肉品检验 www.ilib.cn 3. A Discussion on Pig Slaughtering Industry in Tianjing 从天津的生猪屠宰业说开去 www.ilib.cn 4. Pollution and control of microorganisms in the process of pig slaughtering 生猪屠宰过程中的微生物污染及控制 service.ilib.cn 5. introducing a system of central slaughtering 引入中央屠宰制度 www.crazyenglish.org 6. Analysis to a transformation and the development trend in pig slaughtering and meat product processing industry in our country 我国生猪屠宰和肉制品加工行业变革与发展趋势分析 www.ilib.cn |
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