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IDM slap and tickle (informal) (情人之间的)拥抱亲吻enthusiastic kissing and cuddling between lovers a slap in the face 一记耳光;侮辱;打击an action that seems to be intended as a deliberate insult to sb a slap on the wrist (informal) 警告;轻微的惩罚a warning or mild punishment 例句释义: 拍,拍打声,类似拍打的声音,啪的一声放下,啪地击打,猛然,径直,恰好,正好,极好的,掴掌,拍击 1. "I don't care how you do it, just bring me his heart" yelled his wife, slapping the water angrily with her tail. “我不在乎你怎么做,他只是把我的心”大叫他的妻子,拍打着她的尾水气愤地说。 www.youeredu.com 2. "Hey, " your stepfather says, lightly slapping your cheek. "What's the matter with you? Blacking out again? " “嘿,”你的继父说,轻轻地拍着你的脸颊。“你怎么啦?又昏厥了吗?” career.51youcai.com 3. as if he had something in mind to do, and slapping the dust off his clothes picked up his yellow canvas bag. 红脸后生胸有成竹地站了起来,拍拍身上的尘土,握紧了黄帆布包。 www.jukuu.com 4. The harsh slapping sound came out of the jungle and was followed by another discharge. 从林里突然响起了那种刺耳的响声,紧接着又是一响。 www.jukuu.com 5. She rose to her feet, slapping aside the hands of her unworthy escorts and climbing out of the boat unaided. 她将那些毫无用处的护卫的手推开,无需别人搀扶,抬腿便登上岸渚。 bbs.bfclan.net 6. There was no noise but the water slapping the side of the boat. 四周一片寂静,只有水波拍打在船侧的轻响。 hi.baidu.com 7. Fight double-vision and two ears horizontally, the beard on both sides, tail slapping ground up, two forelegs, ready to voldemort leaping. 争斗时瞳孔放大,两耳平伸,胡须向两边竖起,尾巴拍打地面,两前肢伏地,随时准备跃起。 ww.mf08s.com 8. I begged him to stay with me and when he said he wouldn't, I just flew off the handle , slapping his face, and kicking his backside. 我求他留下,但他不同意。于是我就急了,打了他的脸,还踢了他屁股一下。 beckroi.blog.163.com 9. Ziro reared up in feigned shock, then settled down again with a noise like slapping a wet stone. 齐罗故作震惊地挺身而起,又重新落下,发出一声拍打湿石头似的声音。 starwarsfans.cn 10. Slapping my hands away, she said, "I was only dating you to get my self-confidence up, I'm good now. " 可是,她一把就把我的手打到一边,并且说,“姐和你约会只是为了找回自信,现在已经不需要你了。” www.tianya.cn 1. The woman was notorious for slapping on somebody's face for she had done it to quite a few people. 这女人打人耳光出了名,好多人吃过她的耳光。 www.bing.com 2. Today, I accidentally set my hair on fire while lighting a cigarette. I panicked and put it out by slapping myself in the face. FML. 今天我点烟的时候不小心点着了头发。我慌忙扑火的时候一巴掌打在自己脸上。FML。 www.bucter.com 3. One minute you're relaxing on the deck with a drink, the next you're jumping around slapping your ankles, yelling for the insect repellent. 前一分钟你还正在甲板上休息品茶,接着跳起来拍打脚踝,大声喊着要驱蚊剂。 www.examda.com 4. We preach free trade to the poor while shutting their own goods out of our markets, or slapping prohibitive tariffs on them. 我们对穷国宣讲自由贸易,然而却不准他们的商品进入我们的市场,或对他们征收惩罚性关税。 www.bing.com 5. He said one philanthropist felt that slapping her name on a large gift during times of crisis would seem 'unseemly and gauche. ' 他说一位慈善家在危机时刻把她的名字贴在一个大礼物上看起来不体面和愚蠢的。 bbs.kekenet.com 6. We learn by watching the river flow, missing the boat, daydreaming, shutting down for the night, slapping cold water on the needy. 我们通过观察河水流动来学习,却错失良机,整天在做白日梦。 www.looooker.com 7. shouted an old jailer, slapping the red-haired woman on her bare, fat back, so that it sounded through the corridor. 男看守大声喝道,他啪地一声朝红头发女人肥胖的光脊背上打了一巴掌,声音响得整个走廊里都听得见。 novel.tingroom.com 8. Second, the news is slapping investors out of their silly belief that emerging markets deserve risk premiums barely above developed ones. 其次,这个消息对于投资者是一种当头棒喝——他们此前愚蠢地认为,新兴市场应享受几乎等同于发达国家的风险溢价水平。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Together they had stood guard more than one cold and rainy night, their feet in the mud, the wind slapping their faces. 在寒冷阴雨的夜晚,他们不知有多少次一起站岗,脚泡在烂泥里,风拍打着他们的脸庞。 10. Mother said at the top of her voice, slapping me in the face heavily. 母亲说,她的声音,拍打在脸上,我最重。 wenwen.soso.com 1. "Sit fast, when you dance, " said he, addressing the shoes, and slapping the soles with his hand. 士兵惊呼,然后他对着鞋子说“跳起舞来的时候可要”士兵,然后用手拍了拍鞋底。 www.bing.com 2. At that moment my slapping him on the face doesn't wake up as well, hence picking his coat is deeply well ventilated. 当下我打了他几个巴掌也不醒来,于是扒下他的大衣透透气。 www.mcncc.com 3. More importantly, shunning Chuck Norris in whatever format is like challenging Superman to a duel by slapping him with Kyrptonite gloves. 更加重要的是,无论以什么形式规避查克·诺理斯就像挑战超人去决斗,用Kyrptonite手套打超人耳光。 www.bing.com 4. Well these people survived all of that and more, slapping Death in the face and telling it to go make them a sandwich. 这些人从那些危险中存活下来,拍打着跟前的死神告诉他快快给咱们做个三明治来。 www.bing.com 5. S. ambassador to China, said he backs the Senate bill even though he warns that "slapping penalties" on China could ignite a trade war. 但他警告称此“类似于耳光的对华惩罚”将有可能引起一场贸易战。 www.bing.com 6. He was slapping his tambourine against his maroon wide-wale corduroys , a flap of shaggy brown hair lapping at his face, his eyes closed. 他正闭着眼睛,向自己身上穿的酱紫色粗条灯芯绒衣服上拍打手鼓,一缕褐色的头发不羁地搭在脸上,随着节奏上下抖动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I'm waiting for him to get a technical by hanging on the rim, then swinging , then slapping the backboard. 我心理预备好有朝一日他会因为「吊在篮框上,还摆一摆身体,拍两拍篮板」被裁判吹技术犯规。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Today, I told my boyfriend how happy I was with him. He responded by pulling down his pants and slapping his ass. 今天我跟我男朋友说,跟他在一起我很快乐。 www.bing.com 9. Clicking on other avatars lets you see their profile, and also initiate actions. . . like choking , slapping, kissing and much more. 点击别的虚拟形象可以查看他们的资料,也可以引起一些动作,比如掐一下,拍一下,或者吻一下等好多的动作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Pomona's only answer was to bend double over her work, slapping tar on the trunks till Vertumnus went away. 对此波蒙娜仅有的反应是,把腰弯得更低,使劲拍打树干上的沥青直到维特姆诺斯离开。 es.bab.la 1. As I had foreseen, slapping her on the back did not help. 正如我所预见的,拍打她的背部没效果。 www.douban.com 2. So far, his most dramatic moves on trade have involved slapping tariffs on Chinese tire imports and, just last week, steel pipes. 到目前为止,奥巴马最引人瞩目的贸易决策包括向中国产轮胎征收惩罚性关税以及两周前再向中国产钢管“开刀”。 c.wsj.com 3. The couple screamed at each other and then came the unmistakable sound of an open palm slapping skin -- once, twice and a third time. 他们朝对方尖叫,之后传来的则是很清楚的手掌甩打在皮肤上的声音——一下,两下,三下。 kk.dongxi.net 4. It was sometimes after this misadventure that the business of stoning a rat, beating a cat, and slapping Geeta everyday started. 有时候时是在倒了这样的霉后,我才干起拿石子儿砸耗子、打猫子和每天扇吉塔耳光这种勾当的。 qinxlth.blog.163.com 5. And there was Captain Washington, upon a slapping stallion. 还有那首领华盛顿,骑着一匹高头骏马, jeffinxmu.xmublog.com 6. "Like living in a Three Stooges episode, " he says, comparing the string of bad news to Moe repeatedly slapping Larry in the face. “就像在《活宝三人组》中一样,”他说。他把一系列的坏消息和More连续打Larry巴掌相比。 www.bing.com 7. It was during this campaign that the unfortunate "slapping incident" involving General Patton took place. 在此次战役中,巴顿将军曾发生一件不幸的掌掴事件。 it.bab.la 8. Spitting on the ground in front of me is akin to slapping me in the face. 在我面前吐口水就像赏我一巴掌一样。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. It has not followed countries from Brazil to Thailand by slapping on new capital controls. 印度没有像其它国家——从巴西到泰国——那样,实施新的资本管制措施。 www.ftchinese.com 10. From where we were, the sound of the creek, the gurgle and slapping talk of the creek, was blocked off by rocks. 从我们那里,那溪流的声音,那咯咯声响跟那快速拍打声在议论着那溪流,但被那些石头堵住。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. That night, back at the White House, he stood with his aides at the door of the solarium up on the third floor, slapping out high fives. 那天晚上回到白宫的时候他站著举起的助手在日光浴室的门在三楼拟定出高五岁的儿童。 www.bing.com 2. Therein lies the reason for the dredging of my childhood and slapping a gasping memory on a page before you. 而这,也就是我在这里深深挖掘我的童年,并将那一段喘息着的记忆甩在你面前的原因。 www.bing.com 3. Happily slapping a little monster: cute melody and naughty tempo to indicate spirited relaxation and joyful sense. 开心打小怪物:可爱的旋律,俏皮的节奏,表现出轻松自在,愉悦的心情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Andrew Cuomo, New York's hyperactive attorney-general, entered the fray, slapping subpoenas on the firm and muttering about possible fraud. 纽约高度活跃的总检察长安德鲁?科莫,也加入这场争吵,对这家公司发出传票,并私下讨论隐藏的诡诈。 www.ecocn.org 5. His brand openly examines its entire manufacturing process, rather than just slapping an 'organic clothing' label on the products. 他的公司公开检查了整个生产过程,而不是仅仅在服装上贴上一个‘有机服装’的标签。 www.silkcapital.com 6. The next thing I remembered was someone slapping my face and pulling me up from the floor. 我记得的下一个事情是什么人给了我脸上一耳光,然后把我从地上拖起来。 www.jysls.com 7. Does life keep slapping you in the face from the same direction? In other words, is there someone or something that's causing you problems? 生活是否会始终从同一方面来打击你吗?换句话说,是什么人或什么事引发了你的问题? www.bing.com 8. It is wrapping itself around her legs and slapping against her plump little tummy encased in its white, poppy-splattered costume. 墨角藻环绕着她的小腿并不断碰触着她那包裹在白色罂粟花纹衣服里圆鼓鼓的肚子。 www.bing.com 9. Unlike his back-slapping father, he still bore traces of the Jesuit seminary where he had once studied to become a priest. 和他称兄道弟的父亲不同,他依然遵循Jesuit神学院得轨迹,他曾在该神学院学习准备去做神父。 www.ecocn.org 10. It would punish China for keeping its currency undervalued by slapping tariffs on Chinese goods. 该法案将会由于中国坚持低估其货币而对中国商品处以惩罚性关税。 www.bing.com 1. Handsome students in the acting classes are on out the lawn practicing slapping each others faces again and again. 上表演课的学生们正在草地上对戏,一遍又一遍。 www.theautoindex.com 2. I really felt like slapping her! lol I seriously would have done that though if my mum hadn't been there. 这真让我想给她颜色看,如果我的妈妈没在那里的话,我可能真的会那样做! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Verona's authorities are slapping a ban on Romeos leaving written love notes near a balcony made famous by Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. 维罗纳当局正在拟定一项禁令,禁止“罗密欧”们在一个因莎士比亚的名作《罗密欧和朱丽叶》而闻名的阳台附近写下“爱情宣言”。 learning.sohu.com 4. He is right to warn people that carelessly slapping strings together and hoping they are well formed is a dangerous course. 警告人们简单的堆砌字符串,期望它成为结构良好的XML的做法是危险的,这一点上他是正确的。 www.ibm.com 5. He told of slapping his generous mother when he was crazy with greed for money. 他讲述了自己因对钱的贪欲而发疯,打了宽宏大量的母亲。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. What an insidious quid pro quo arrangement for all parties involved in this club of mutually congratulatory back-slapping! 对于这个相互祝贺的俱乐部中的每一方而言这是个多么狡猾的公平的安排啊! www.tianyayidu.com 7. At other times he would admit to slapping Tina occasionally. 然而,其它时候他会承认有时会打蒂娜的耳光。 www.ecocn.org 8. Yet, the political and economic implication behind s all these mockeries deserve an attention of slapping on the face as their best reward. 但这背后隐藏的政治经济方面的卑鄙意图,值得赏给他们一个大耳光。 blog.163.com 9. Organisers have allocated 45 seconds for a performance of traditional Bavarian thigh-slapping and brass music, which they say is not enough. 主办单位分配45秒,让他们表演传统的巴伐利亚击腿与铜管音乐,他们认为不够。 www.bing.com 10. And I don't know what made me do this, but I just started knee-slapping laughing, and I couldn't stop. 然后我当时自己都不知道我为什么这么做,我就开始放声大笑,笑得都不行了,停都停不下来。 www.bing.com 1. The next thing I know, this freaked out, stewardess is slapping me awake. 接下来我只知道,空姐正赏我巴掌,想把我打醒。 www.kekenet.com 2. Men in tight leather shorts, slapping their thighs, leap around to the sound of brass music and Alpine horns. 穿着紧身皮短裤的男子拍击他们的大腿,随着铜管音乐与阿尔卑斯号角四处跳跃。 tr.bab.la 3. Slapping China with punitive tariffs is more likely to trigger a trade war than restore millions of middle-class jobs. 对中国实施惩罚性关税极有可能引发贸易战,而不会恢复上百万的中产阶级就业岗位。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. "But the company that is slapping their name on them will have bought them in bulk. " “但那些在商品上打上自己标识的企业是批发进来的。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Are you dead? (Slapping slightly on his face) Come on. Open your eyes, please! I've got to meet my doom if you are dead. 不,你这家伙别这样,求求你把眼睛睁开,你知道,你要是死了我就得去坐牢的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Among them: keeping each other informed of measures to bail out banks, including slapping sanctions on the chiefs of failed banks. 这其中有:及时相互通知救助银行的措施,包括对倒闭银行的负责人进行惩罚。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 7. Feel the awesome new rock tunes slapping through your speakers in countless levels of alien assault! 觉得可怕的新摇滚曲调,掌掴通过您的发言者在无数的各级外来攻击! xtdownload.com 8. Is life slapping you in the face every time you turn around? Don't stand there and turn the other cheek. 是否当你每次转身时生活都会当面打击你?不要只是站在那儿也不反抗。 www.bing.com 9. He threw a party for the team as a post championship back slapping. 他为球队召开了一个酒会,庆祝获得冠军。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Noise in general becomes more striking, with waves slapping more determinedly at our sides. 各种声响会更加惊心动魄,海浪拍打着船舷也更有力。 www.bing.com 1. After meeting with Kim spring beauty, finally know why that, he could not help runaway slapping down reports each other. 美菁与立春见面后,终于晓得他当日逃婚的缘由,忍不住掌掴对方。 tv.360mp3.com 2. My boyfriend then kept hitting my stomach making slapping noises going, "OINK OINK. " 男朋友就拍着我肚子说:噗噜噜噜(反正就是猪叫啦)。 www.bucter.com 3. They sat upright and began slapping the water with their front legs and splashing themselves. 它们坐立起来开始用前腿拍水并向自己身上溅水。 www.yappr.cn 4. But police confiscated his unlicensed cart, slapping and insulting him. 但是警察没收了他的没有营业执照的小车,殴打并且辱骂了他。 www.ecocn.org 5. " shouted Beaver, slapping the ground hard with his big, flat tail. " You've got wings. 喊海狸,打耳光与他的大,平尾地努力。 www.youeredu.com 6. As soon as the business of slapping Geeta was in full swing, my mental sickness reached new heights. 我扇吉塔耳光一扇到高潮,我精神上的毛病就到了一个新的高度。 qinxlth.blog.163.com 7. After the race, Terry was all smiles and back-slapping 12 . 赛后,特里一直微笑,对我特别亲密。 www.chinaedu.com 8. 'most consecutive times slapping your rotund friend in the face'! 连续拍打朋友的胖乎乎的脸次数最多的 www.hxen.com 9. "You make patrol, you make patrol! " he shouted gleefully, slapping my ass again and again. “你们是来巡逻的,你们是来巡逻的!”他愉快地喊道,一下又一下地打我的屁股。 www.bing.com 10. Slapping the father on the back and saying "you're a lucky man" is hint enough. 拍拍父亲的背,说一句“你是个幸运的男人”就暗示意味十足了。 www.ecocn.org 1. Or slapping sanctions on Robert Mugabe, with no African present? 对罗伯特?穆加贝施加制裁,却没有非洲人出席; www.ecocn.org 2. Physical Mode: slapping the table, throwing dishes, slapping face, kicking and fist-fighting. 肢体式的生气:搥椅拍桌、摔碗丢盘、耳光巴掌、拳打脚踢。 www.yimaneili.net 3. Russia's government made matters worse by slapping a ban on wheat exports from mid-August. 俄政府颁布禁令自八月中旬起禁止小麦出口,使得事态更加恶化。 www.bing.com 4. So it's not about slapping skins any more on a technology. 所以它不再是为科技做表皮。 www.ted.com 5. People are clapping, slapping their thighs, stomping the floor. 人们鼓掌,拍着大腿,跺着地板。 www.bing.com 6. "Hello, Wilson, old man, " said Tom, slapping him jovially on the shoulder. "How's business? " “哈罗,威尔逊,你这家伙,”汤姆说,一面嘻嘻哈哈地拍拍他的肩膀,“生意怎么样?” blog.hjenglish.com 7. Her husband has been slapping her around, but she's afraid to go to the police. 她丈夫不断地打她,但她不敢报警。 8. I felt my tie being loosened, my collar unbuttoned, hands slapping my face. 我感到领带被拉松了,领扣被解开了,脸被人抽打着。 www.ebigear.com 9. Peters hopes any E. T. visitors to Earth will result in them slapping us on the hands. 彼得斯希望任何来到地球上的外星人都将和我们击掌相迎。 www.bing.com 10. I am not talking about child abuse as in slapping around, canning or brutally scolding. 我不是在说像被暴打,捆绑或辱骂那样的虐待儿童。 home.gounahaozi.org 1. Chandler: Well, I didn't do anything. I didn't want to be the guy who has a problem with his boss slapping his bottom. 钱德勒:哦,我什么都没做。我不想成为那种对老板拍屁股都有意见的人。 www.newchannel.org 2. Heelless slippers were slapping on the stones. 无跟拖鞋在石头上啪啪作响。 dict.hjenglish.com 3. You're in the soup frankly because of course your teacher is just kind of slapping his knee and guffawing while reading it. 然后你就囧了,说实话,你的老师读到这样的错误时会拍腿大笑,边读边狂笑。 open.163.com 4. Youth violence includes aggressive behaviors such as verbal abuse, bullying, hitting, slapping, or fist fighting. 青少年暴力包括像口头谩骂,抢劫,殴打,甩耳光,或互相殴打等攻击性行为。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 5. His impudence provoked her into slapping his face. 他的无礼惹得她给了他一记耳光。 dict.hjenglish.com 6. Oh. and you wanna offer me the privilege of slapping on a thong and shaking my ass in your camera? 而你想我帮你特别演出拍屁股、玩皮鞭、扭屎忽的动作? www.tingroom.com 7. Established IT firms are slapping the new label on old gear. 现有的IT公司也在旧瓶装新酒使用这个概念。 www.bing.com 8. Biology teacher is sacked for slapping a school boy. 生物老师因為打一个小男孩而被解雇了。 9. who has a problem with his boss slapping his bottom. 对上司拍屁股有意见的人 www.bing.com 10. Father guffawed, slapping me on the back. 父亲拍着我的背大笑。 tieba.baidu.com 1. People start getting up. Ross grabs Carol's doll to hold it upside down like a football, slapping it with his other hand. 大家开始起身。罗斯抓住卡萝尔的洋娃娃,就像抓住球一样倒提着,另一只手拍打着。 image.hjbbs.com 2. He then heard slapping sounds. 接着他听到了抽打的声音。 www.bing.com 3. Wrist-slapping sanctions would do little to change the actions of desperate rulers. 象征性的制裁将无助于改变不顾一切的统治者的行动。 www.ecocn.org 4. Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground? 或听过雨水拍打地面的声音呢? www.bing.com 5. Mr Obama says he favours open trade, but he has taken some steps backwards, such as slapping tariffs on Chinese tyres. 奥巴马说他偏爱开放式贸易,但他自己却已在倒行逆施,例如对中国轮胎大量提高关税。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. We didn't do that by slapping a Twitter button onto the webpage. 我们并不是随意的把推特的按钮放到网页上。 www.bing.com 7. Seeing work as just something to do to get by is like slapping yourself in the face. 把工作视为勉强维持生计就好像在打你自己的脸。 www.bing.com 8. An additional one in six favors slapping a 50 percent tax on bonuses exceeding $400, 000. 另外有六分之一的民众赞同奖金总数超过400,000美金,应该加收50%的税。 www.bing.com 9. Are you patting me on the back or slapping me on the wrist ? 你是在夸我,还是在骂我? cet.hjenglish.com 10. Slapping her buttocks without checking if she's into a little dominance play 不清楚她是否愿意扮演被支配的角色就抽打她的屁股 blog.donews.com 1. Sticking their tail out of the water, swinging it around and then slapping it on the water's surface 在遭遇危险时,它们会把尾巴伸出水面,转一转再拍向水面 edu.sina.com.cn 2. He goaded Veila into slapping him hard across the face; 他刺激韦拉用力扇他耳光; www.starwarschina.com 3. He responded by pulling down his pants and slapping his ass. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. FML 他的反应是脱掉裤子拍了拍自己的屁股——呃,我真的不知道那代表什么意思。 www.bing.com 4. Tough enough when your departure is full of back-slapping and bonhomie; 当你的离去充满了赞许和友好时,你的演讲已经够难了; www.youmars.com 5. A Study on the Combustion Noise and Piston Slapping Noise of DI Diesel Engines 直喷式柴油机燃烧噪声和活塞拍击噪声的探讨 service.ilib.cn 6. slapping a restriction on China's surging textile imports 指的就是美国对大量涌入的中国纺织品施加限制。 gb.cri.cn 7. Analyzing Imperial Student's Image in the Three Volumes of Words, Two Volumes of Slapping 三言二拍中的监生形象探析 ilib.cn 8. Police question Blair's wife for "slapping" boy 英国首相夫人“袭击”少年遭警方调查 big5.chinabroadcast.cn 9. he starts slapping the student in the face 他开始煽学生的脸 baike.soso.com 10. The continual noise in the classroom provoked him into slapping his notebook down on the desk 教室里不断发出声音,他气得将笔记本狠狠地扔在桌子上。 dict.netat.net |
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