单词 | sea breeze |
释义 |
复数:sea breezes 例句释义: 海风,海洋微风,浦风,海陆风 1. Listen to the sea breeze with you, listen to you laugh loudly when the spoondrift rush to your instep. . . 和你一起听海风,听浪花冲到你脚背上时,你开心的大叫; blog.sina.com.cn 2. because it grieved her to have done harm to a little being that was as wild as the sea-breeze, or as wild as Pearl herself. 因为她伤害了一个如海风或者说和珠儿她本人一样狂野的小家伙,很为此伤心。 www.hjenglish.com 3. One evening a sea breeze was causing a window on a campus dormitory to crash repeatedly as the clasp on it had been broken. 一天晚上胶粘带,一阵海风使校园宿舍的一扇窗子碰来碰去胶粘带,响个不停,因为上面的钩子坏了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Those children are at a distance from the castle of sand, seem to find when shadow, just the kind of memories was missing sea breeze eau. 望着远处那些孩子正用沙堆起城堡,似乎找到小时候的影子,只是那种回忆的思念被海风吹淡。 www.bing.com 5. Let the sea breeze sway five millenniums, each drop of teardrops as if said your dignity. 让海风吹拂了五千年,每一滴泪珠仿佛都说出你的尊严。 www.dota123.com 6. the memories all came back to me like a gush of sea breeze just as if it was yesterday. 就似海边的浪风,从我深深的脑海带回来了许多的回忆。 www.pkblogs.com 7. If the sea breeze blow away your voice, willing to reach out to lunch, a collage of your dreams. 若海风吹散你的歌声,午饭愿伸出双手拼贴你的梦想。 www.0791seo.org 8. Desktop themes old driftwood, white shells, colorful starfish echoed, as if to smell the fresh sea breeze. 主题桌面上陈旧的浮木,洁白的贝壳,鲜艳的海星相互呼应,仿佛能闻到清新的海风。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The basic reason is the same for a sea breeze as for a monsoon -- difference in heating between the land and sea . 形成海风的基本原因与形成季风的相同—--都是由海陆加热差异造成。 www.bing.com 10. The sun kisses your skin with glowing warmth. The light sea breeze plays with your hair. 日益暖和的太阳亲吻着你的肌肤,轻柔的海风戏弄着你的头发。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 1. Hot air rises over the land and cooler air from the sea takes its place , thus forming a sea breeze . 陆地的热空气上升,海上来的较冷的空气取代它的位置,因此形成海风。 www.bing.com 2. Cool the liquid corner are Sese exudation, under the soothing sea breeze instantly condensed into a small pearl drop crystal face. 眼角有涩涩凉凉的液体排泄,在海风安慰下刹时固结成晶莹晶莹的小珠滑落面貌。 jstshirt.com 3. With his lover's hand, walking in a quiet corridor, feeling the sea breeze and appreciate the beautiful view of the sea is great enjoyment. 携着爱人的手,漫步在安静的长廊上,沐浴着海风,欣赏着美丽的海景是一种莫大的享受。 hi.baidu.com 4. proposes Jiangsu to fully use the resources superiority, constructs along the sea breeze can the industrial belt. 建议江苏充分利用风能资源优势,建设沿海风能产业带。 5. In the yacht, with friends celebrate the wedding ceremony, let the sea breeze blows the white gown, this moment will be eternity. 在船上和数十挚爱亲朋共庆结婚典礼。,同享海天一色。在海中让海风吹起洁白的婚纱,这一刻将会化为永恒。 blog.whnews.cn 6. In particular, Huidong Peninsula in the Gulf, and sometimes the sea breeze blowing cold, but why Huian shirt woman, but it gets shorter? 尤其是在惠东半岛的海湾,有时刮起海风特别冷,可是为什么惠安女的上衣却越做越短呢? wenda.tianya.cn 7. When it is strong offshore, dynamic and thermal effects are both important for the occurrence of the sea breeze. 当近地层天气尺度系统风场为较强的离岸风时,动力和热力作用对于海风的发生发展均起作用。 www.marinejournal.cn 8. sea breeze through the trees, blowing in the face, and still can feel the taste of the sea. 海风穿过树林,刮在脸上,依然能感觉到海的味道。 www.baihuoyw.com 9. The sea brought fresh, slightly salty flavor of the sea breeze, breathe deeply, Shuang pulmonary heart. 大海送来了清新的、略带咸腥味的海风,深深地吸一口,顿觉清心爽肺。 www.enwaimao.cn 10. The sea breeze blows cool in summer, winter, cold winds will not . . . you can walk in the soft sandy beach, walked the waves. 夏天可以吹到凉凉的海风,冬天的海风也不会很冷…可以漫步在软软的沙滩上,踩着海浪。 www.dota123.com 1. in comparison, when the synoptic-scale wind is stronger offshore the vertical circulation of the sea breeze can keep shorter. 当近地层天气尺度系统风为较强的离岸风时,海风的垂直环流圈维持时间短。 www.marinejournal.cn 2. The messy changes for the early hours of the morning, the sea breeze and go with. 世事散乱的更迭,都暂且随着清晨的海风而去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You could not say a word in Japanese, but you followed him and crooned freely, facing the sea breeze. 你不懂半句日文,也跟著老人在海风中乱哼乱唱。 mypaper3.pchome.com.tw 4. Nightfall on the Golden beach, holding your hands while feeling the soft sea breeze, and, leaving behind the footprints of blessedness . . . 金沙滩傍晚,执子之手,感受温柔的海风,留下幸福的脚印… dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Interaction between an Inland Urban Heat Island and a Sea-Breeze Flow: A Laboratory Study. 内地城市热岛和海洋微风的相互作用。 edu.cma.gov.cn 6. A sea breeze is a local wind caused by local differences in heat and air pressure between the land and the ocean. 海风是本地风,是陆地和海洋之间的冷热和气压的地区差异引起的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The vertical fringed lines retain sea breeze. It swings naturally following the pace of walk, increasing the romantic feelings. 垂缀的流苏线条,把海风留在身边,随着走动而自然摆动的效果,让浪漫感大增。 blog.jianghu.taobao.com 8. Interestingly, it reveals an undulating top for the sea breeze. 有趣的是,海风顶层出现波浪的形状。 www.weather.gov.hk 9. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. 其冷海风和新鲜的海洋空气你一定会觉得神清气爽。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. While sea breeze usually causes a headwind gain to an aircraft, some aircraft did experience a headwind loss. 一般来说,海风是引致飞机的逆风增加的,但一些飞机却遇上逆风减少。 www.weather.gov.hk 1. Walking barefoot on the beach, feeling the blowing sea breeze, watching the coming beautiful handsome guy. 赤脚走在海滩,感受迎面吹来的海风,看着迎面走来的帅哥美女。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Recently, the sea breeze blowing like to go the beach. 最近很想去海边吹海风。 alive.tom.com 3. Due to the northeast sea breeze blowing from the state's temperature is moderate. 由于有来自东北方的海风吹拂,该州的气温颇为适中。 www.jinhuchun.com 4. Sea breeze, strong red as Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) 2012 in early spring vacation series of ladies ' brilliant stroke. 海边的清风之中,浓烈的红成为伊夫圣罗兰(YSL)2012早春度假系列女装中精彩的一笔。 www.texclo.net 5. The red dotted line indicates the sea breeze front. 红色虚线显示海风锋的位置。 www.hko.gov.hk 6. The sea breeze strokes you, the sea water kisses you, the sand beach surrounds you. . The Sanya people welcome you! 海风抚摸您、海水亲吻您、沙滩包围您……三亚人民欢迎您! www.bolaa.com 7. Soft sand gently stroked ? wanton sea breeze blowing in every body hair. 柔软的细沙轻轻地抚摸着脚丫,海风肆意地吹动身上的每一根毛发。 www.baihuoyw.com 8. Traditional Hawaiian Louvered glass windows allow the sea breeze and ocean surf to fill the room and lull you to sleep. 传统的夏威夷百叶玻璃窗让海风和海涛充满房间,伴您安静入梦。 quancai.com 9. A Madras is made with vodka, orange juice and cranberry, while a Sea Breeze made with vodka, grapefruit and cranberry juice. 前者的配方是伏特加、橙汁和杨梅汁,而后者是伏特加、西柚汁和杨梅汁。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 10. How to describe Sanya Marriott? Resort? Spa? or Blue sky and sea breeze? It's hard to tell, acturally, Everthing is fun. 怎么形容三亚的万豪呢?度假、温泉还是蓝天、海韵?很难说清。每件事都快乐。 baike.soso.com 1. I walk in the seashore, is blowing the warm sea breeze, feeling specially HIGH. 走在海边,吹的是温暖的海风,感觉特别高。海水似乎特别深蓝色的远至近的阳光下。 www.au-steps.com 2. And tender shoots flicker in the sea breeze. 海风吹拂嫩芽轻摇。 www.dwfarmlife.com 3. The sea breeze gently blowing you, The waves gently rocking you, How hard the young sailor. 海风你轻轻地吹,海浪你轻轻地摇,年轻的水兵多么辛劳。 www.dota123.com 4. The white clouds floating in the clear sky and gentle sea breeze make him home-sick. 蓝天上漂浮的白云和轻柔的海风使他想起了家。 www.for68.com 5. Pena-Hernandez craved the tropical fruits of Puerto Rico and the cool sea breeze. 佩纳·赫尔南德斯渴望热带水果和清凉的海风。 www.bing.com 6. Sea breeze develops under fine and light wind conditions. 海风是在天晴及微风的情况下发展的。 www.weather.gov.hk 7. You lay on the mottled wall breathing, the roaring sea breeze blowing through the window. 粉刷的墙壁斑驳掉漆,你伏在上头喘息,窗口吹来海风呼呼作响。 mypaper3.pchome.com.tw 8. To our regrets, the sea breeze dies away towards evening. 遗憾的是,到傍晚的时候海风就渐渐平息了。 www.e-say.com.cn 9. The brisk sea breeze endowed them serious thought: the universe and life and death, beginning and ending. 凛冽的海风赋予他们深刻严肃的思想:宇宙与生死,开始与终结。 sswwii.blog.163.com 10. The sea breeze blows to kiss and brings about one and other wave. 海风吹拂,掀起一层又一层海浪。 www.bazx.net.cn 1. Sea breeze often causes low clouds in coastal area in summer and autumn, and it is beneficial to sea fog landing. 夏秋季海风常在沿海地区造成低云天气,并有利于海雾登陆; www.cnak.net 2. Land-sea breeze is an important factor for diurnal variation of precipitation and it can restrict the emergence of high temperature. 海陆风效应是产生降水日变化的重要因子,并可制约高温天气的出现。 www.cnak.net 3. "His dream is our nightmare, " said Al Turk, president of Temple Beth Abraham, on Sea Breeze Avenue, opposite the park. “他的美梦是我们的噩梦,”阿图克说到。阿图克是坦普尔·贝斯·亚伯拉罕公司的总裁,他的公司就在与公园一墙之隔的海风大道。 www.bing.com 4. A sea breeze ventilated the rooms. 海风使房间空气新鲜。 breaking.livid.cn 5. Bridge view Bihai Sands, oncoming sea breeze, which belongs to the Fiat had been in Hawaii and never belong to Shanghai. 极目碧海金沙,海风迎面而来,这其中的快意以前一直属于夏威夷而从未属于过上海。 baobao.zhishi.sohu.com 6. It's very cool at this time. And this sea breeze feels really comfortable. 这个时候凉快,海风吹得也很舒服。 www.nciku.com.tw 7. Even under the threat of sea breeze, watching people go there are still many. 即使受到海风的威胁,去那观看的人仍然很多。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. I want to go to France and the local tourism by the sea breeze is blowing, I feel very happy. 我最想去法国和靠海的地方旅游,我觉得吹海风是很愉快的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. At sunset, I like to take a stroll along the coast, with the refreshing sea breeze touching my face. 在太阳落山时,我喜欢漫步在海岸边,感受轻轻的海风吹拂着我的脸庞。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. The sun had just set, the sea breeze was rustling and tumbling in the woods, and ruffling the grey surface of the anchorage; 太阳刚刚落下去,海风飒飒地掠过树林,吹动着锚地灰色的水面; www.2abc8.com 1. Relationship between the Vertical Velocity Skewness and Kurtosis Observed during Sea-Breeze Convection 海风对流期间观测到的垂直速度偏斜度与峭度间的关系 www.zzdnyy.com 2. He felt listless until the sea breeze exhilarated him and steadied his nerves 他感到无精打采,直至海风重振他的精神,使他平静下来 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Scaling of the Sea-Breeze Strength with Observations in the Netherlands 用荷兰观测进行的海风强度分级 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. The effects of basic flow and topography on the development of the sea breeze over a complex coastal environment 基本流场和地形学对复杂的海岸环境上的海风发展的影响 edu.cma.gov.cn 5. When the synoptic-scale wind in the boundary is offshore the sea breeze cannot push in land too far; 当近地层天气尺度系统风为离岸风时,海风向内陆地区推进距离较近。 www.marinejournal.cn 6. Temperature And Wind Velocity Oscillations Along a Gentle Slope During Sea-Breeze Events 海风事件期间沿平缓坡的温度和风速变动 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. Sitting on the beach, watching the sea breeze blowing; 坐在沙滩上看大海,吹海风; zhidao.baidu.com 8. Deep Freeze and Sea Breeze: Changing Land and Weather in Florida 低温和海风:佛罗里达地表与气候变化 www.bing.com 9. The Rhythm of the Sea Breeze 海风的旋律 zys.10mb.cn 10. Invited by the Sea Breeze 海风的邀请 zys.10mb.cn 1. Doppler Radar Echo Features of Sea Breeze Front in Bohai Bay 渤海湾海风锋雷达回波特征分析 service.ilib.cn 2. Her hair is blowing in a sea breeze 海风吹着她的发她的发 www.bing.com 3. Improved sea breeze monitoring with the third weather buoy 第三个气象浮标加强了海风的监测 www.weather.gov.hk 4. Sea breeze whisper in my ear, telling me the dream of old captain 海风在我耳边倾诉着老船长的梦想 www.booso.com 5. I am the sea breeze in a Ruyan; 我是海风中的一只乳燕; zhidao.baidu.com 6. And I like to lie on the beach feeling, bask in the sun, sea breeze blowing, very beautiful 我喜欢躺在沙滩上的感觉,晒着太阳,吹着海风,非常美妙 zhidao.baidu.com |
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