单词 | Shane |
释义 | 例句释义: 女子名,男子名,原野奇侠,尚恩,肖恩 1. Soon after Shane's mother contacted him about I. O. U. and found he had been desperately trying to get in contact with them. 此后不久,当沙恩的妈妈找他商谈“i.o.u”的事宜时,却发现他一直在想和男孩儿们联络。 huii.cn 2. I'll talk to you guys later, Shane P. S. One of my Chinese friends has alerted me that there is some controversy about this blog. 回见,肖恩另:我的一个中国朋友告诉我有人质疑这个博客的真实性。 blog.titan24.com 3. Shane How much can Tibetan get when their precious natural resource is milked out? 榨取了西藏宝贵的自然资源之后,藏民到底能获益多少? www.chinadialogue.net 4. After skiing the beginner hills all day, Shane decided to finish up by trying an expert slope called Trudy's Schuss. 在初学者坡道滑了一整天之后,沙恩决定以试滑一段名为特鲁迪高速直线的专家坡道作为一天的结束。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Sometimes I couldn't bear to be in Shane's room. I felt as if I were going to explode or go insane. 有时候我无法呆在沙恩的病房里,我感觉自己似乎快要爆炸,快要急疯了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Call it a coming attraction, because to know any more, you'll have to wait until Shane Salerno is good and ready to tell you. 之所以称之为潜在的诱惑,因为想知道得更多,你将不得不等到ShaneSalerno大发善心、愿意告诉你之时。 hr.2500sz.com 7. Shane is having a really good game to this point. We need some of the others to step up and join him. 巴蒂尔到现在为止,打的很不错,我们需要其他球员振作起来帮助他。 bbs.zol.com.cn 8. He said he and Shane Bauer were forced to live in a world of lies and false hopes. 他说,他和ShaneBauer被迫生活在一个充满谎言和虚假的希望的世界。 www.remword.cn 9. There is no doubt that if Shane Battier were there instead of AB, that ball would be in Yao's hands. 如果传球的不是小布而是巴蒂尔的话,这一传毫无疑问就能将球交给姚明。 club.learning.sohu.com 10. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. 而沙恩却显得异常平静,他最后一次摸了摸那只老狗。我不知是否沙恩明白将发生什么事。 un-pallas.spaces.live.com 1. This reminds me of something Shane Claiborne said in an interview with Krista Tippett on NPR's "Speaking of Faith" a few years ago. 这使我想起我的东西谢恩克莱伯恩在接受采访说:克丽斯塔蒂皮特NPR的“信仰说起”几年前。 www.bing.com 2. Shane Dabiri - It's taken us 4 years to develop and I could continue to talk to you about it for the next 4 years. 魔兽世界花费了我们4年的心血来开发,我可以在接下来的4年内继续谈论魔兽世界。 bbs.ngacn.cc 3. Shane is one of the 200 kids in a Payatas community who gets a free meal through a charity-sponsored feeding program. Shane是巴亚达社区,200个能从慈善赞助食物供给项目获得一顿饭的孩子中的一个。 home.gounahaozi.org 4. CPC party member! That's what Shane is like: Go wherever the party and people want you to be, Totally selfless! 一个中国共产党党员!这就是巴蒂尔的样子:革命的板砖,哪里需要哪里搬啊。只为他人不为自己! club.sohu.com 5. Shane Dabiri - Once we have achieved our primary goals of server stability and general gameplay balance, we will be ready to go live. 一旦我们达到了测试服务器稳定性和总体游戏平衡的主要目标,我们就准备发布。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. Luther, Rafer, Shane, and Juwan have all been known to go off for 20 every once in a while , but none of them qualify as star-level talent. 海德,斯通,巴蒂尔和霍华德都有那么一两次拿过20分,但是没有一个人可以达到明星球员的级别。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Does Shane's wife tend to side with her mother or her husband? 夏安的妻子会站在她丈夫那边还是会站在她妈妈那边? www.bing.com 8. But at least in the show (which is taking it's own liberties), you see people (like Shane) covering their mouths when all hell broke loose. 不过至少在在剧集里(他们有他们的自由),你看见人们(如夏恩),在一切失控时闭上了自己的嘴。 www.bing.com 9. shane and juwon need to get out of the game by the 9 minute mark. it's nice to give them their minutes, but lets rest for tomorrow. 巴蒂尔和霍华德最后9分钟的时候都应该下场。很高兴可以看到他们再打几分钟,但是他们得为明天的比赛好好休息。 club.sohu.com 10. Except when he left Shane Battier wide open for a three in the corner. . . which happened quite often. 除了他把巴蒂尔放空而在底角形成空位三分的时候…这可经常发生。 www.tianya.cn 1. For a more academic study of ghosts in England read Shane McCorristine's recent book, "Spectres of the Self" . 关于英国鬼魂的更多学术研究请拜读谢恩?麦克里斯汀的近作《自我幽灵》。 www.ecocn.org 2. "We're open as to what the options might be, " Scaled president Doug Shane told Aviation Week, an industry trade publication. “我们向公众公开这项产品,而且就应如此。”复合材料公司的总裁道·沙恩告诉航空业杂志《航空周刊》。 www.bing.com 3. I remember the bench was up on their feet when Shane made that save. He's such a nice player to have in your team. 我记得在巴蒂尔做出那个扑救的时候,替补席都站起来了。能有他这么一个好球员在球队真好。 club.sohu.com 4. Oliver Murphy, the last surviving member of the founding group of eight is featured on the stamp alongside Shane Barker, a young IWA member. 奥利弗墨菲,最后幸存的八组的创始成员一起为特色的谢恩巴克,一个年轻的国际水协会成员邮票。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. During that meeting, we were interrupted several times because Shane had to sign off on a quality check for an order. 在那次会议中,由于夏安要签署一大堆订单和文件,会议被打断了好几次。 www.bing.com 6. The CEO also tended to consult only a few people, notably Mr. Lane and strategy chief Shane Robison, these people said. 这些人士还说,李艾科往往只找少数几个人商量事情,尤其是雷恩和战略负责人罗比森(ShaneRobison)。 chinese.wsj.com 7. One-year-old Shane resolutely holds out a plastic bowl as the giant pots of rice and chicken soup are opened. 一岁的Shane毅然捧出了一个塑料碗,因为大盆米饭和鸡汤就要开锅了。 home.gounahaozi.org 8. They won ten thousand dollars, but Shane had to be rushed to the hospital to have his ankle looked at. 虽然他们赢得了一万块奖金,但夏恩得赶紧到医院给医生看看脚踝才行。 www.hjenglish.com 9. But as Dr Shane is at pains to stress, researchers like him are by no means genetic fatalists. 但是DrShane博士煞费苦心的强调,像他一样的研究人员绝不是基因宿命论者。 www.ecocn.org 10. Despite the turkey with trimmings, astronaut Robert "Shane" Kimbrough said he still missed being with his family on the holiday. 尽管与同事们共享了火鸡大餐,但宇航员罗伯特?尚?金姆博洛说他还是很想与家人共度感恩节。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Sure, forward Shane Battier does all the little things, but the acclaim he receives is unprecedented by a role player. 对,巴蒂尔做的都是小事,但是作为一个角色球员获得的称赞是前所未有的。 tieba.baidu.com 2. But sometimes, it all comes down to Shane, the ball, and one final shot. 但肖恩有时需要独自肩负一切,包括手中的篮球和那最后一投。 twentyfirst.englishbaby.com 3. Due to his low level of fitness, most of Shane's energy was coming from the limited carbohydrate stores in his liver and muscles. 由于他如此逊的体能,贤哥所有的能量来自储存在肝脏和肌肉中的醣。 www.douban.com 4. In games that close, the Houston Rockets often give the ball to Shane Battier, because when they do, they tend to win. 在比赛即将结束之时,休斯顿火箭队的队员经常将球交到肖恩·巴蒂尔手中,而这也意味着他们将走向胜利。 twentyfirst.englishbaby.com 5. Marilyn, Shane and I talked after the meeting, and we all felt that we were on the right rack. 马瑞利,夏安和我在会议过后又聊了几句,我们都觉得我们所讨论的问题是正确的。 www.bing.com 6. Scott Shane, one reporter who participated in the meeting, described "an undertone of suppressed outrage and frustration. " 据与会的斯科特·肖恩回忆,看得出与会者是在尽量克制自己的暴怒情绪。 www.bing.com 7. As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. 但我们开始安排时,Ron和Lisa告诉,他们想说让六岁的Shane看到全过程会比较好。 www.bing.com 8. Houston's Shane Battier got into a minor shoving match with Bryant while chasing a loose ball. 火箭队的肖恩-巴蒂尔在和科比争抢一个快出界的球时被推了一下。 post.soso.com 9. While Shane Battier will be off the team, there are signs that, the defensive players all the absence of the preseason is a fact. 巴蒂尔虽然也将随队出征,但种种迹象表明,这位防守悍将缺席全部季前赛已成事实。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. T-mac needs to attack the basket, and looks for opportunities to dish to Shane at the corner or Rafer at top of the key. 解决的方法很简单:麦蒂需要攻击篮框,然后寻找机会给底线的巴蒂尔或者弧顶的斯通。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 1. Shane is supposed to be our 3rd option, and he is really doing that right now. Good step up for Shane. 巴蒂尔可以成为我们的第三选择,他正在做他该做的,巴蒂尔能站出来不错。 www.tianya.cn 2. Great work, Shane. I knew you'd figure it out. 干得好雪恩我就知道你能猜出来 www.tingroom.com 3. Shane Dabiri - Out of our early goals, we will be looking to do additional load testing of the servers and test patch distribution. 除了我们早先的目的外,我们希望进行额外的服务器负荷测试,测试补丁发布。 bbs.ngacn.cc 4. Shane-All (Chorus)If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die, I'd spend the end with you. 肖恩-所有(合唱)如果世界要停止旋转旋转缓慢下降到死,我会花结束与您联系。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 5. Shane slammed into a tree and rolled off the sled. 沙恩砰的一声撞上一棵树,从雪橇上滚落下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. These awe-inspiring shots of lightning are the work of American lightning chaser, Shane Kirk. 下面这些令人敬畏的闪电照片是美国闪电追逐者夏恩·柯克(ShaneKirk)的作品。 www.bing.com 7. I thought she dumped him for Shane Oman. 我感觉是她为了谢恩·阿曼而一脚蹬了他 www.tingroom.com 8. Artest and McGrady, Sheehan - Shane Battier can play multiple positions, which let the Rockets line-up full of flexibility. 阿泰斯特和麦迪、希恩-巴蒂尔都能打多个位置,这让火箭的阵容充满了弹性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. DESCRIPTION Scott Shane, "The Great Recession's Effect on Entrepreneurship, " Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. 斯科特·谢恩,“大萧条对创业的影响”,克利夫兰联邦储备银行。 www.bing.com 10. Barkley is an idiot, the 3's we were taking were most WIDE open. I mean Shane, Luther, Rafer, jeez, how wide open do u want to be ? 巴克利是个白痴,我们投的三分大多数都是很大的空档。我的意思是巴蒂尔,海德和斯通,哎,要多大的空档你们才投得进啊? club.sohu.com 1. Shane Read is assistant United States attorney in Dallas, Texas, and author of the book Winning at Trial. 沙恩?里德(ShaneRead)是得克萨斯州达拉斯的联邦助理检察官,著有《胜诉》(WinningatTrial)一书。 www.america.gov 2. Watching guys like Shane Battier play without the ball. 无球队员的作用。向巴蒂尔那样的团队球员致敬吧。 www.bing.com 3. Shane! Come over here! Take one of these! 雪恩!过来这边!拿着这个! www.tingroom.com 4. And if I had listened, if I had come home when you said, Shane wouldn't be dead now. 如果我听你的话,如果我按时回来,沙恩就不会死。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Now Yao Ming and Rafer Alston have been fully recovered, but Shane Battier and McGrady's injury still feels very worrying. 现在阿尔斯通和姚明都已经完全恢复健康,但麦蒂和巴蒂尔的伤情依然让人感觉甚为堪忧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. What the heck of that? What did Hill mean he helped raised Shane? Any idea BattiersBaby? or anyone eles on board ? 希尔说的是什么意思,他帮助巴蒂尔成长?谁知道这方面的情况?。 ttnba.com 7. Shane Teehan, a New Zealander who was afinalistfortheRoryPeck award in London in 1996, has another opinion. 沙恩·蒂恩,一位新西兰人,1996年在伦敦参加角逐罗里·佩克奖金的决赛者,有着不同的看法。 www.bing.com 8. Shane Wolfe (Diesel) is a tough-as-nails Navy SEAL who has controlled military operations in every corner of the globe. 谢恩沃尔夫(柴油)是一个恶棍-当做-钉子已经在地球的每个角落中控制军事的操作的海军印章。 z808.com 9. Yi returned with 8: 54 left in the first half and was promptly called for goaltending when he leaped high to swat Shane Battier's shot. 易传回在上半场左8:54,并迅速跃升为干扰球时,他高到斯瓦特巴蒂尔的拍摄要求。 wenwen.soso.com 10. With plenty more talent and inspiration to burn, Shane's no budget productions will continue to both entertain and also inspire viewers. 相信潜力无限灵感多多的Shane的低成本制作,将会继续给观众以娱乐和启迪。 www.bing.com 1. Again, we were not aggressive at all, Tracy, Shane, Rafer end Bobby did fall in love with those 3s and jumpers. I missed our agressivness. 其次,我们根本没有攻击性,麦蒂,巴蒂尔,阿尔斯通和鲍比-杰克逊爱上了3分和跳投,我开始想念我们球队的那股闯劲了。 www.bing.com 2. "It's high time Iran put an end to this, showed compassion and let them come home, " said Cindy Hickey, Shane Bauer's mother. ShaneBaue的母亲CindyHickey说:“现在该是伊朗解决此事,表现怜悯并让他们回家的时候”。 www.bing.com 3. We have KL, he is a true PG and actually Shane is not a bad passer and has a huge bball IQ. He should be our PG. 我们有洛瑞,正真的组织后卫,另外,事实上巴蒂尔也是不错的传球者,且有极高的篮球智商,他才应该是我们的后卫。 big5.cri.cn 4. Talk about is warming up, super, Tsai Yu-Shuang Niu Guotou hateful and said: "talk about Shane? " 谈得正热乎,超级可恶的蔡雨爽扭过头来说:“谈啥呢?” gotofob.cn 5. After a few meetings, Shane joined Gnomon as our new, and current, resident artist. 经过几次见面,Shane加入了Gnomon成为我们新的驻留艺术家。 mayajc.com 6. After meeting with Marilyn and her son-in-law, Shane, I felt confident that I could help. 在我和马瑞利和她的女婿夏安见面后,我更佳自信我可以帮助到他们。 www.bing.com 7. About midway across, Shane stepped on an eel. The eels hissed and bit his ankle. 夏恩跑到一半左右踩到了一只电鳗,结果那只电鳗发出嘶嘶声,然后咬了他的脚踝。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Mrs Baxter, 41, and her engineer husband Shane, 37, had been trying for 18 months for a family when they underwent fertility treatment. 41岁的巴克斯特夫人和他37岁做工程师的丈夫沙恩,在接受生育治疗后已经努力了18个月。 www.bing.com 9. Host: what do you think of Manny Pacquiao and shane Mosley's fight? 主持人:你对帕奎奥与莫斯利之战有什么看法呢? www.qjhm.net 10. Shane Battier plays outstanding position defense and excellent team defense. 巴蒂尔擅长卡位防守和团队防守。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 1. Hickey learned of her son Shane Bauer's engagement to Shourd. Hickey得知她的儿子ShaneBauer和Shourd订婚了。 video.2u4u.com.cn 2. Shane Dabiri: Our plans for continued content release will give casual and hardcore gamers alike more and exciting adventures to go on. 我们计划不断开放内容,同时给予休闲玩家和狂热玩家更多更刺激的冒险。 bbs.ngacn.cc 3. As Shane Claiborne says, "Giving is much more contagious than hoarding. " 就如沙恩克莱伯恩所说:“给予比囤积更有感染力。” www.bing.com 4. Shane fell into the water. Eliza stopped running, "Come on, Shane, " she shouted. 夏恩掉到水里,伊莉莎跑到一半也停了下来,大叫道:“快点,夏恩。” www.71096.com 5. Eric Schmitt and Scott Shane contributed reporting from Washington. EricSchmitt和ScottShane自华盛顿对本文有报道贡献。 cn.nytimes.com 6. It would of been karma for Shane cheating against Oscar and God only knows who else. 希恩骗了霍亚,老天知道他还骗了谁,他会有报应的。 www.boxingcn.net 7. Nicky, Kian, Shane and Mark will continue to give Westlife and their fans all their very best. 然而尼基、奇恩、尚恩和马克等四人,依旧答应未来要持续给与歌迷,最好的演出表现。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 8. Rockets forward Shane Battier has guarded everyone from Ray Allen to Dirk Nowitzki . 火箭前锋肖恩?巴蒂尔已经防守过从雷?阿伦到德克?诺维司机的每一个人。 www.bing.com 9. Rafer is the player of the game according to me. Props to Bobby Jackson, Shane, and Luis too. 依照我来说,整场的最佳球员是阿尔斯通,也顶一下鲍比-杰克逊,巴蒂尔和路易斯-斯科拉。 www.bing.com 10. I would go with the 2009 welterweight version of Sugar Shane over the weight-drained 1999 welterweight version of Tito. 因此,我将2009年次中量级版的莫斯利----排在1999年体重缩水的次中量级版提托之前。 www.qjhm.net 1. Shane is damn good tonight, he knows what to do when Yao and T-mac are both not on the court. 当姚明和麦迪都不在的时候,巴蒂尔知道自己应该做什么,他今天晚上确实很优秀。 bbs.tiexue.net 2. Shane is considering marrying off his daughter this year. 谢恩正在考虑让他的女儿今年出嫁。 cz2010.qlteacher.com 3. Shane's eyes lit up. Offers like that from his 14-year-old sister didn't come very often. 沙恩两眼放光,他14岁的姐姐可不常发出这样的邀请。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In a recent book*, Dr Shane proffers a review of the field. 在近来的一本书中,Shane博士对这个领域做了一个回顾。 www.ecocn.org 5. Wake up Shane. . . WAKE UP! You'r not in Memphis anymore, I promise! 醒醒吧,巴蒂尔…醒过来!你现在已经不在孟菲斯了,我保证! club.sohu.com 6. The tests showed people who didn't sleep at all had lower immunity, says Dr. Shane. 结果显示不睡觉的人身体免疫力低下,谢恩博士说。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. I'm not saying its gonna happen, but with Adleman, there's a chance Bonzi will be getting a lot of time in Shane's shoes. 我不是说这种情况一定会发生,但是有了阿德尔曼,威尔斯就有机会分享巴蒂尔的上场时间。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 8. I just hope when Shane is back, the offense of the starting lineup will be better. 我只是希望,当巴蒂尔回来时,首发阵容的进攻会变得更加的好。 www.bing.com 9. Shane Battier gingerly placed his 30-year-old feet in a tub of ice water, exhaled and smiled. 肖恩-巴蒂尔小心翼翼的把他三十岁的双脚放进冰水盆中,松了一口气,而且笑容满面。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 10. host: That means all for random drug testing like you have done with Shane Mosely in that fight. 主持人:那是不是必须得像与莫斯利比赛那样,进行随机药检呢? www.quanji.net 1. Basically, it 3D-ices a roaming section of your desktop, based on color intensity. Written by Shane Smit. 它基本上是根据色彩强度,把您的桌面它经过的部分变成三维立体的。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Christmas, the second since Shane's death, was a quiet day. 沙恩离开后的第二个圣诞节,那天非常平静。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Shane is very cool-headed, so not only does he make a good go-to guy when the stakes are high, he's also a strong leader for his team. 肖恩头脑非常冷静,所以他不仅可以在比赛的关键时刻挺身而出,而且还具有极强的团队领导能力。 twentyfirst.englishbaby.com 4. When he missed, Shane's father booed . 夏恩一漏接,他父亲就大声嘘他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. ChronicleSports: Welcome to today's live commentary. Rockets forward Shane Battier will be on to take your questions at 3 p. m. 欢迎参与今天的直播互动。火箭前锋巴蒂尔将会在下午三点开始回答你们的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It was Shane, Robert, and Jane from Team Wolf Pack. 那是狼群小队的谢恩,罗伯特和简。 www.tianya.cn 7. The doctor says you've healed up real good, Shane. 医生说你恢复得很好,雪恩 www.kekenet.com 8. 'All these tragedies are just too recent, ' said Shane Harvey, general counsel for Massey. Massey的总顾问哈维(ShaneHarvey)说,所有这些悲剧才刚刚发生。 c.wsj.com 9. Unsung hero: According to John Hollinger's player efficiency ratings, Shane Battier is the 45th best small forward in the league right now. 无名英雄:根据约翰·郝凌格的球员效率指数,巴蒂尔目前在联盟小前锋中排名第45位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I just realized that I hardly look at Shane's stat line during a game, why bother? 我刚刚意识到我几乎不怎么看巴蒂尔的赛后数据,为什么要关心那些? club.sohu.com 1. Today, I attended the grand opening for Shane's art gallery. 今天,我参加了Shane的艺术画廊的开业典礼,非常的隆重。 www.bing.com 2. Excuse me. Lieutenant Shane Wolfe. 对不起,我是雪恩沃尔夫上尉 www.kekenet.com 3. Shane is a quirky, soft-spoken guy with long red hair. Shane是个一头长长红发,古怪,谈吐温和的家伙。 www.bing.com 4. That's what we met up with Shane to talk about after a recent practice. 最近,肖恩在训练后接受了我们的采访,并谈论了这个话题。 twentyfirst.englishbaby.com 5. He told Shane that they were going to learn about good sportsmanship. 他告诉夏恩他们要来学学何谓良好的运动家精神。 tr.bab.la 6. Houston made another run, climbing to within 81-76 on a three-pointer by Shane Battier. 火箭掀起另一个攻击浪潮,巴蒂尔的一个三分使得比分变为81-76。 www.kobechina.com.cn 7. Why do you want to be a franchisor of Shane English? 您为何想成为夏恩英语学院的加盟者? www.shane.com.cn 8. It's now sitting as an incubator within Shane's organization [Office of Strategy and Technology]. 它已经成为Shane那边战略与技术办公室的一个孵化器。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Shane and Rafer for their GREAT perimeter defense on Manu and Tony. 巴蒂尔和斯通在外线防守曼努和帕克的时候太棒了。 www.tianya.cn 10. Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal were arrested in 2009 after crossing the border from Iraq. 这两人是巴蒂尔鲍尔和乔什法塔勒,他们在2009年从伊拉克越过边境进入伊朗被捕。 www.ecocn.org 1. "I think we're a hungry team, " Shane Battier said. “我想我们依然很饥渴,”巴蒂尔说道。 www.ttnba.com 2. Cotto proved against Shane Mosley and Zab Judah that he can handle a very quick opponent. 对阵莫斯利和朱达,证明了库托能够应付速度极快的对手。 bbs.quanji.net 3. He hadn't even turned around yet when Shane fouled him. 巴蒂尔犯规时,科比还没转身。 en4ch.blog.tianya.cn 4. On January 30, 1991, my son Shane's 12th birthday, I took my two children to a restaurant to celebrate. 1991年1月30日,我儿子沙恩的12岁生日,我带着我的两个孩子去饭店庆祝。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They tried to establish Shane as that guy this game and it failed miserably. 他们在这场比赛中试着让巴蒂尔成为这样的角色,但失败的很惨。 www.nba100.com 6. Shane Battier: To be the best, you have to beat the best. You never call anyone out nor duck them. you play whoever's in front of you. 巴蒂尔:要成为最好的球员,你必须打败最好的球员。你不能挑对手,也不能回避对手。你需要和面前任何敌人交手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And forward Shane Battier: "To beat Dallas, you have to play a mistake-free game. " 小前锋肖恩·巴蒂尔说道:“要击败达拉斯,你得在比赛中没有失误才行。” blog.sina.com.cn 8. My daughter, Nichole, apologized to Shane because she didn't have a gift. 我的女儿尼科尔向沙恩道歉,因为她没有准备礼物。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. On the third day the doctors told me we should turn off the life-support equipment. Shane's kidneys had shut down. His body wasn't working. 第三天,医生告诉我,生命维持设备要撤下了,因为沙恩的肾脏已经衰竭,机体已无活力。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Iran said earlier this month it was charging Shane Bauer, 27, Sarah Shourd, 31, and Josh Fattal, 27, with espionage. 伊朗方面在本月早些时候宣布,27岁的谢恩鲍尔,31岁的莎拉Shourd以及27岁的JoshFatta被指控在其境内进行间谍活动。 www.bing.com 1. Good job shane. thats what we gott you here for. 好的,巴蒂尔,这就是我们让你来这里的原因。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Even in Game 1, he elbowed Shane. 即便在第一场,他就肘击过肖恩。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Josh, Shane and Sarah were arrested for illegal entry near the Iraq border and have been in a Tehran prison since July 2009, 16 May 2010. 乔希,巴蒂尔和萨拉因涉嫌靠近伊拉克边境非法入境,并已在德黑兰的监狱自2009年7月,2010年5月16日。 bbs.5i5i.cn 4. Shane Gray: So am I! 肖恩.格雷:我也是这样的! www.xici.net 5. Shane cant even knock down a open 3! ! ! i dont know what else i can say, we are done! ! ! 巴蒂连个空位三分都扔不进,我真不知道该说什么了,我们完了!! bbs.uibe.edu.cn 6. Shane: Oh man, this is terrible! 噢男人!这真是令人讨厌! bbs.westlife.cn 7. Then drums gongs, afternoon wide open, the top three with all of the new Chin Section palace Shane. 接着鼓乐齐鸣,午门大开,新科三甲率全体进士入宫谢恩。 www.readnovel.com 8. I like Nicky and Shane most. Bryan is quite good, but what a pity that he left the group! 我最喜欢尼基和尚恩。布莱恩也很好,可惜他离队了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. katherine_moennig: ILaughLoveLive, I do think that at some point Shane will have a substantial relationship with someone. 我认为在某些部分Shane的确将会和某人维持重要的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Shane is the key. He was with them last year, and they won all 4 games against rockets. And he is with us this year! 巴蒂尔是关键先生。他去年在他们阵中,然后他们赢了所有4场对火箭的比赛,但是他今天在我们这里! club.sohu.com 1. Study of Energy Level Ratio WeighingHeat-Electricity Shane on Cogeneration 热电联产中能级比加权热电分摊法 www.ilib.cn 2. shane You've made me think I've got this feeling for you 你已使我有了对你这样的感受 zhidao.baidu.com 3. But today I realized Shane's weirdness is just the side-effect of being an artistic genius. MMT 不过今天我意识到古里古怪不过是天才人物的副作用,Shane是个艺术天才! www.bing.com 4. Shane: You're like a storm against the window 你像敲打着窗户的风暴 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Shane: I guess I'm holding on to my faith 我想我还在坚持自己的信念 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The report's author, Scott Shane, writes: 这份报告的作者,斯科特·谢恩,写道: www.bing.com |
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