单词 | shamed into | ||
释义 | shamed into是shame into的过去式
例句释义: 全部 1. I love the voluptuousness, the harmlessness, the juicy, life-sustaining properties and I am no longer going to be shamed into hiding. 我喜欢艳丽的、温和的、多汁的、维持生命的品性,我再也不会感到羞愧而藏匿。 www.bing.com 2. The idea is basically to publicise the plight of this helpless child so much that the authorities will be shamed into action. 我的概念是要将这个如此无助的小孩悲惨际遇公诸大众,狱方将会引以为耻而采取行动。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. The sequence of events creates the impression that by accident or design the president was in the end shamed into speaking his mind. 事态的发展给人这样一种印象:不管是偶然还是刻意,奥巴马最终羞于表态。 www.bing.com 4. There he at once resumed his true shape and ravished her, so that she was shamed into marrying him. 宙斯立刻现出真形并强奸了她。她在羞惭无奈下便嫁给了他。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Going to war this time, he must be shamed into anger, he I will certainly take outlet, so this time I was dead. 这回打了败仗,他一定恼羞成怒,他一定会拿我出气,所以我这一次是死定了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 6. shamed into working [out of his bad habits]. 他感到很不好意思便开始工作[改掉了他的坏毛病]。 www.nciku.com.tw 7. But this week it was shamed into signing a unanimous statement deploring the Zimbabwean government's violence. 但这周却羞耻的表达了一个要对津巴布韦政府暴力行为表示悲痛的无异议意见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. If the Guinean deal is done, it would suggest China respects human rights only when shamed into doing so. 但是如果此次和几内亚的协议达成,则表明中国政府只有在遭受谴责的情况下才会尊重人权。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Officials should be shamed into stopping their friends from stealing or wasting water. 官员出于羞耻而阻止他们的朋友盗取和浪费水。 www.ecocn.org 10. Roxon told parliament the opposition was "shamed into backing the bill, but really opposed it with every fiber of their body" . 洛克森告诉国会,反对党因为“感到羞愧而支持这项提案,但实际上,他们身体的每个神经都在反对这项提案。” www.tobaccochina.com 1. Like a scolded child, the reason is that asset managers have been shamed into silence. 其原因是,资产经理人如同挨骂的小孩,因羞愧而陷入沉默。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Were the Russians shamed into ending their invasion sooner? 俄罗斯人有没有因羞愧而快点结束入侵呢? blog.163.com 3. The boy was shamed into returning the money. 男孩感到羞耻而退还了钱。 test.2u4u.com.cn 4. Germany, which has promised a piffling euro 12 billion ($15 billion), may be shamed into spending more. 德国之前承诺的区区120亿欧元(合150亿美元)的投入相形见绌,有可能会有进一步的计划。 www.ecocn.org 5. Don't expect Apple to change their stance until they are shamed into doing it. 别期盼苹果会良心发现,改变立场了。 dongxi.net 6. My friend, who has been shamed into confining her mess to one corner of the closet, copes by mocking her spouse -- gently -- to his face. 我的朋友羞愧得无地自容,只好把自己的一堆东西放到衣柜的角落里。不过,她有时会当着丈夫的面温柔地模仿他,拿他开玩笑。 c.wsj.com |
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