单词 | set to work |
释义 |
例句释义: 动工,开始工作,着手工作,开始做 1. For a long time I brooded over the idea of making a canoe of the trunk of a tree, as the Indians do, and at last set to work at the task. 很长一段时间我反复思量的制作了一个树干独木舟的想法,作为印度人,最后设置工作任务。 www.youeredu.com 2. Give him a mechanical job to do, from mending the hinges of a gate to sharpening tools, and he would set to work eagerly. 倘若让他干点儿机械活,从修门的合叶到磨农具,他都干劲。 yyyyw.com 3. I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I'll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. 我希望这是许多中的其中一次,在我们开始着手把《破晓》搬上大荧幕时,我能向你们汇报。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Arrived in Oakland, with his snug pay-day in his pocket, he took up his old room at Bernard Higginbotham's and set to work. 兜里装了一笔可观的工资他来到奥克兰,在伯纳德·希金波坦商店那间老房间住了下来,开始了工作。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Natasha, too, suddenly set to work with the ardour that was characteristic of her in all she did. 娜塔莎以自己特有的爱管闲事的热情,突然也真干了起来。 novel.tingroom.com 6. MS-DOS required you to type in arcane commands, so Microsoft set to work on making a new OS with a more accessible user interface. MS-DOS要求键入生涩难懂的指令,所以微软着手研发新的具有更为简易操作界面的操作系统。 www.bing.com 7. So he set to work with is little hatchet, and, as the tree was a very small one, it did not take long to lay it low. 于是乔治用他的小斧子砍了起来。因为这棵树很小,所以他没用多长时间就把它砍倒了。 www.for68.com 8. Anna put up patiently with all her aunt's whims, gradually set to work on her sister's education. 安娜耐心地忍受她姨母的一切怪脾气,按部就班地安排她妹妹的教育。 www.jukuu.com 9. Our interest had been awakened by previous accounts of these people, and as they surrounded us I set to work to collect a vocabulary. 这些人早先的经历引起了我们的兴趣,因为他们围着我们,我就开始收集词汇。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States set to work to help wildfire victims in Southern California through their hardship. 美国慈济志工组队帮助南加州野火灾民渡过困难。 www.newdaai.tv 1. And he gave a large sum of money to the swindlers, in advance, that they should set to work without any loss of time. 于是他预先给了这两个骗子一大笔钱,要他们毫不耽误地立即开工。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Toldo will soon begin a new career as he is set to work for Inter Milan as an ambassador for the Inter Campus activities. 托尔多即将开始一个新的职业生涯,因为他是国际米兰设置工作作为一项跨校园的活动大使。 bbs.zhibo8.com 3. Chambers, who lives in Chesterfield, England, set to work on the Hobbit hole in the evenings after her boys went to bed. 钱伯斯,谁在切斯特菲尔德,英国就开始工作,在晚上哈比洞,男孩的生活之后,她去睡觉。 www.bugutang.com 4. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. 牢记这一点,我就开始工作,偶尔出去,像任何更改或做一些物理题。 wenwen.soso.com 5. American historians set to work as European archives were opened to discover the causes of the war. 当欧洲档案公开时,美国历史学工作者着手去发现战争的原因。 www.jukuu.com 6. Tom Thumb set to work at once to carve the ham. It was a beautiful shiny yellow, streaked with red. 汤姆大拇马上动手去切火腿。火腿黄澄澄的,闪闪发亮,还带着红条纹。 www.xiexingcun.com 7. Like a huge, many-legged monster, the regiment set to work preparing its food and lodging for the night. 这个团队就像一头巨大的、多脚的动物,他们开始为自己营造窝穴和准备食物了。 www.88home.net 8. I was in Cincinnati, and I set to work to map out a new career. 我开始在辛辛那提努力地工作,准备开创一个崭新的人生。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As soon as the old man passed away, they set to work with spades and ploughs and turned up the soil over and over. 于是,父亲一过世,他们就拿起铁锹和耕犁,把葡萄园里的土翻了一遍又一遍。 www.enteacher.cn 10. Without a word, she returned, spit-threaded the needle like a pro, and set to work sewing up my strap. 没说一句话,她又回来了,象老手地向线头唾沫,然后用心地缝好了我的吊带。 gz.focus.cn 1. My boss goes into his office, and I set to work playing solitaire on my computer. 我老板回到他的办公室,然后我开始在电脑上努力接龙。 www.bing.com 2. One of them was knocked down at once, and several of the savages set to work to cut him up. 其中一人被撞倒在一次,并着手削减了他数番。 www.youeredu.com 3. The old woman, when this news reached her, wept for as long as she could spare time, and then set to work again. 老太太,当这个消息传到她时,她哭了,只要能腾出时间,然后再着手。 www.cqwx.net 4. I had been there little more than a week when I set to work in earnest. 我在那还不到一个星期就开始认真工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. This was duly rejected and my new design was accepted. Overjoyed, I set to work immediately. 他的方案理所当然地遭到了否决,而我的新方案通过了。我欣喜若狂,马上投入了工作。 www.zftrans.com 6. Then he set to work laying siege to her with letters. 然后他通过写信,向她发动了猛烈地追求攻势。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. To test the technology, I set to work on a collection of about 4, 000 images and was pleasantly surprised by the results. 为了检测这种技术,我着手对一个大约有4000张相片的图片库进行整理,结果让我感到惊喜。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Former propagandists for the Japanese were set to work manufacturing North Korean myths. 从前为日本人效劳的鼓吹者,现在被用来制造朝鲜的神话。 www.ecocn.org 9. They set to work skimming oily water and treating the slick with chemical dispersants. 他们已开始在污染海面撇去油污,并撒放化学油分散剂处理浮油。 www.ecocn.org 10. The mouse set to work at once, biting with his sharp little teeth at the heavy ropes that held the lion. 老鼠马上开始工作,用他又尖又小的牙齿咬断缚住狮子的大绳。 www.ebigear.com 1. Nizam and his brother Kamal set to work on plans, phone calls, press releases, and posters. 尼扎姆和他的哥哥卡马尔开始张罗,订计划、打电话、发布新闻和张贴海报等。 www.america.gov 2. The English have given themselves a shock. They must now set to work making their society better. They have no choice. 英国人让自己吃了一惊。他们现在必须开始改善他们的社会。别无选择。 club.topsage.com 3. So he set to work to pound and compound fresh materials for a new experiment. 于是,帕里希开始为自己的新实验准备原料和添加剂。 shop.qidian.com 4. When Natasha set to work, she found two boxes standing open in the hall: one packed almost full of china, the other full of rugs . 当娜塔莎开始干的时候,大厅里有两只敞开的大木箱:一只几乎装满了瓷器,另一只装了地毯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Today, at long last set to work getting a book, have a good sense of achievement ah ha ha! 今天终于把作品集打成一本书了,哈哈好有成就感啊! blog.sina.com.cn 6. He set to work making a bicycle out of bamboo. 他开始着手做一辆竹制自行车。 www.ell.com.cn 7. NARRATOR: The tailors took over a room in the palace and set to work at once. 说故事者:裁缝师在宫殿中遍及一个房间占据而且设定立刻工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Engineers set to work on plans to transfer water from the Yangtze to the dry north and the dwindling Yellow river. 工程师们开始制定规划,将长江之水引入干旱的北部及逐渐干涸的黄河。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I made up my mind to this and set to work, not, I must confess, without some repugnance. 我决定不走了,而是开始工作直到还清这笔债。 www.zftrans.com 10. Then I assembled the component data and set to work, checking in with Banks only occasionally. 我收集好相关数据开始工作,偶尔向班克斯确认一下。 www.bing.com 1. Having come to a decision, we immediately set to work. 作出决定后。我们立即开始了工作。 www.dearedu.com 2. After the diners have ordered, the robots in the kitchen set to work cooking. 顾客点单后,厨房里的机器人就开始烹饪了。 www.putclub.com 3. Finally, you have despair all over again when you get the stuff home and set to work with the Allen key. 最后,当你把这些东西拿回家,用艾伦内六角扳手开始工作时,你会再度陷于绝望。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Back at squadron headquarters, the six unloaded the supplies in a big industrial kitchen and set to work. 回到空军中队总部后,六人将必需品卸到一间大型工业厨房内,然后开始工作。 www.shinewrite.com 5. "Bring me some ghee, " Ganesh said, and after Gold Teeth had done so, he set to work. “给我酥油”,甘南士说道。在金牙姑姑一起都准备停当之后,他开始做法事。 www.bing.com 6. Software developers set to work on multi touch applications. 软件开发人员着手开发多触摸应用软件。 www.jvcxp.com 7. Everywhere you look, from business to science to government, teams of people are set to work solving problems. 随处可见,从商业到科学到政府,成队的人从事解决问题的工作。 www.bing.com 8. He handed the two swindlers a rich earnest that they should set to work. 他给了那两个骗子一大笔定金,让他们马上开始工作。 www.bing.com 9. We tuck Rachel into the bed with Christiane. She promptly falls asleep, and then we set to work. 我们把拉舍尔抱到克丽丝汀的床上,让她安然睡下,就出去干起活。 www.bing.com 10. On receiving the assignment from the Dean, he immediately set to work. 接受了院长分配给他的任务后,他立即着手工作。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Sony agreed to establish a new line of cameras, and, usingtheprototype, Pace set to work. 索尼同意建一条新的生产线,不过需要有原型。佩斯着手研发。 www.yingyu.com 2. It might therefore be the case that in iteration 2, you would set to work implementing their recommendations. 因此,您在第二次迭代中就应该开始执行他们的建议。 www.ibm.com 3. So she set to work , and very soon finished off the cake. 因此她设定工作,和非常很快完成走开蛋糕。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. He can try to fish; but to do this he needs either a hook and line, or a net, and he must set to work on these. 他或许想去抓鱼,为此,他需要鱼钩鱼线,或渔网,而且必须事先准备好这些工具。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This problem will likely occur if your browser is set to Work Offline. 如果您的浏览器设置为“脱机工作”,也会发生此问题。 support.microsoft.com 6. On his return form Europe, Lester set to work. 莱斯特一从欧洲回来就着手工作。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. They were set to work early, hence many of the accidents. 他们很早就被送去工作,所以有很多事故。 www.ecocn.org 8. Bethune, who was very tired on his arrival, set to work at once. 白求恩大夫到达时虽然很累了,但他还是马上着手工作。 word.hcbus.com 9. For six weeks, Piechowski was set to work carrying corpses after executions. 有六个星期,佩特罗夫斯基都被分派运送处决后的尸体。 www.bing.com 10. So the Alfreds coaxed the department to release that data, and then they set to work crunching it. 所以阿尔佛雷德哄诱劳动部发布了这些数据,然后他们开始着手加工它。 dongxi.net 1. He set to work to draft his statement to the magistrate . 他着手给大法官起草证词。 dict.veduchina.com 2. The Chamberlain showed the two weavers to a large airy room and they set to work. 侍从将二个织布者展示给一个大的空气房间看,而且他们开始工作。 www.vicn.net 3. When at last all these obstacles were overcome, the small team set to work. 当最后所有的这些障碍被克服的时候,小的队设定工作。 www.wswin.com 4. They set to work with a will. 他们起劲地工作起来。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. They set to work and drilled enough pump wells to irrigate more land. 他们开始大干起来,打了足够的水泵井来灌溉更多的土地。 www.hotdic.com 6. That light was actually set to work only on the chair! 这个灯只作用在椅子上 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The repairman set to work on the television. 维修工人开始修理电视机。 dict.tingroom.com 8. She rolled [turned] up her sleeves and set to work. 她卷起袖子大干起来。 9. Keys: 1. On receiving the assignment, we immediately set to work. 一接到任务,我们立即开始了工作。 www.nmhrjy.com 10. We set to work with a will. 我们开始起劲的干活。 www.wwenglish.com 1. The coffee break is over; it's about time you set to work. 喝咖啡休息时间已过,你该正式开始工作了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. What did the Man do but fix it intothe axe head, and soon set to work cutting down tree after tree. 这个人所做的竟是把树枝装在斧头上作为手柄,然后开始一棵接一棵的把树砍倒。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. But Nasser deposed Naguib in 1954 and set to work building the system that the Egyptian revolutionaries have just brought to its knees. 但是纳赛尔在1954年曾罢免纳吉布,并开始建立起这套埃及革命者刚刚将其踩在脚下的制度。 www.bing.com 4. She got her gloves off and set to work at once. 她脱下手套,立刻干了起来。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 5. The medical team set to work as soon as they arrived. 医疗队一到就立即开始工作。 www.hotdic.com 6. He rolled up his sleeves and set to work. 他卷起袖子干了起来。 www.hotdic.com 7. he set to work to correct his defects. 他开始努力纠正他的缺点。 bbs.hp009.com 8. On arriving there, we all set to work. 我们一到那儿,就开始干起来。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Harriman set to work in a characteristic style . 哈里曼以自己特有的风格开始工作。 www.bing.com 10. On arriving there, we set to work. 我们一到那儿就开始工作。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. He set to work with real goodwill. 他认真努力地干了起来。 www.jukuu.com 2. As soon as the lights were out, these untiring nibblers set to work . 灯火一熄,这些不知疲倦的爱咬东西的家伙就开始闹将起来。 www.jukuu.com 3. Am I to set to work? 要着手工作吗? wenku.baidu.com 4. They set to work as soon as they arrived. 他们一抵达就开始工作。 dict.hjenglish.com 5. We went out to buy more wood, and he set to work at once. 我们又出去买了更多的木料,他马上就开工了。 www.bing.com 6. He set to work heartily. 他热忱地着手工作。 www.b2b99.com 7. The machine is set to work. 机器已装配好,可以开始工作了。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. In order to steal - er, claim - a spot next to Brad Pitt, one must have a great set to work with. 为了偷,声称——一个地方布拉德·皮特,你必须有一个伟大的准备工作。 www.bing.com 9. They set to work as soon as the plan was made. 计划制定好了以后,他们马上就开始工作。 wenku.baidu.com 10. On his return from Europe, he set to work in earnest. 他一从欧洲回来,就开始认真工作。 k8edu.com 1. The holes were already dug , and they set to work . 那些坑已经挖好了,于是他们开始干活儿。 www.bing.com 2. All joking apart, we should set to work immediately. 说正经的,我们得立即开始工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. We can set to work with a light heart. 我们可以轻松地开始工作。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The young men are set to work at a fixed routine, and only occasionally even see the president as he passes in and out of the characters; 这些年轻人都设置为工作在一个固定的套路,只是偶尔甚至可以看到美国总统,他经过中和人物进行; zhidao.baidu.com 5. high time we set to work if we want to finish the task today. 如果我们想今天完成任务,现在得开始工作了。 www.yuloo.com 6. Having enough data in hand, we can set to work. 手头有足够的资料我们可以开始工作了。 www.hjenglish.com 7. he set to work in earnest. 他从欧洲一回来,就开始认真工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We can set to work now if you wish. 要是你愿意,我们可以马上干起来。 www.jukuu.com 9. he set to work very early every day. 他每天很早就开始工作。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Unlike frescoes, the ground applied to walls was dry when Tang painters set to work. (The nature of this ground is still not known. ) 与湿壁画不同的是,唐代画工创作时在墙上打的画底是干燥的(该画底特性至今仍无人知晓)。 www.ecocn.org 1. pitch in: to set to work energetically 拼命于起来,开始大干特干 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Having enough data in hand, we can set to work. ? ? set about 动手干,认真开始干手头有足够的资料我们可以开始工作了。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Haskins set to work and in a couple of hours brought a sheet of typewritten paper to the desk; 哈斯金斯开始写作,几个小时后带来一张打好字的纸,放在桌上。 www.360doc.com |
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