单词 | above-average |
释义 | 例句释义: 异乎寻常的,高于平均水平,平均以上,超过平均水平 1. France is one of the countries where blogging has had an above-average acceptance, so they decided to use a blog. 法国是博客的接受度达到一半以上的国家之一,因此他们决定使用博客。 www.bing.com 2. At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average. 尸检时,可发现心脏重量大大超过平均重量。 word.hcbus.com 3. In fact, it's very easy to be seen as "above average" if you know what women are looking for, and you know how to deliver. 实际上,如果你知道女人们在寻找什么,而且知道如何去表达它,想看起来“平均以上”非常容易。 www.cnpua.info 4. We seem to be programmed to believe we will have above average children and relationships that are superior to most other people's. 我们似乎既定的去相信我们将超出大多数其他人能够拥有超过平均水平的子女和人际关系。 www.bing.com 5. She's going to have to prove herself to me that she's ABOVE AVERAGE. 她将不得不证明自己对我说,她的高于平均水平。 paoxue.com 6. Bunches are compact and not suited to rain-prone locations, although crop recovery from early frost tends to be above-average. 白比诺的枝条紧凑,不适宜多雨的地区种植,但从早霜地区种植来看,产量高于平均水平。 blog.hi.mop.com 7. Life in middle school might be busy, but I still study diligently, and my marks are above average in class and in my grade. 初中的生活很繁忙,但我依然刻苦努力地学习,成绩在班里和年级里处于中上水平。 blog.163.com 8. This was despite the fact that other parts of the country were struggling economically and had above-average jobless rates. 尽管事实上,本国的其他城市还在为经济而挣扎以及面临过高的失业率。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even the children who had above-average self-control as preschoolers, could have benefited from more self-control training. 即使有些小孩他们拥有高于一般的自制力,像那些学前班的孩子,仍然能够通过自律能力的培养而获益。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. The children in her class are all above average. 她班上的学生都很优秀。 www.bing.com 1. For a tablet, it is well above average, but don't turn it up all the way, otherwise it will begin to distort near the top end. 对于一个平板电脑来说,它已经远超出了平均水平,但是不要开到最大,否则在高音部分会失真。 www.bing.com 2. But whereas one more year of above-average profits growth is possible, three or four more are hard to imagine. 但是,如果说一年以上的高于平均水平的利润增长是可能的话,那么三到四年的情况则很难让人想象。 www.ecocn.org 3. Here we run into a problem of asset classes: the limited number of categories of assets from which investors can seek above-average returns. 这里,我们遇到一个与资产类别相关的问题:投资者借以追求回报率高于平均水平的资产类别有限。 www.america.gov 4. Be able to read and understand English documents. With above average command of English knowledge both written and oral. 能够阅读并理解英文文件,英语的写和说的能力要求中上水平。 job.01hr.com 5. Uruguay is the only Latin American country where would-be teachers have above-average school grades. 乌拉圭是拉美拉区准老师在校成绩达到平均以上的唯一国家。 ecocn.org 6. I know Yao needs somebody else to pass the ball, but with a good (above average) PG, champs are achievable. 我知道姚明需要别人传球给他,但是只要有了一个不错的(高于平均水平)的后卫,冠军就有可能拿到。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Mentally he has no problems at all, he has an above average reading age and is very good with computers. 他智力上毫无问题,他阅读年龄高于平均水平,十分擅长计算机。 www.transcn.org 8. The arrival of the first hurricane in June is in keeping with the National Hurricane Center's prediction of an above-average storm season. 6月迎来了首个飓风,这与美国国家飓风中心的今年风暴季节将比往常活跃的预测一致。 www.bing.com 9. Last week, BoC and China Construction Bank (also above average) got the green light to raise as much as Rmb135bn between them. 上周,中行和中国建设银行(CCB)(资本比率也高于平均水平)获准总共融资1350亿元人民币。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The full set of commitments, decisions, and actions required for a firm to create value and earn above-average returns. 完整的承诺,决定和行动要求,对于一个公司来说,创造价值,中等收入的回报。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Take for instance the recent report issued only last week that revealed New York City had an above average rate of unsafe sexual behavior. 就拿最近发行的报道来说,上周有报道披露纽约市的不安全的性行为的比率高于平均值。 www.elanso.com 2. Though the U. S. got an above-average score of 74, it did not break the top 10. 即使美国得分为74,超过平均分,但还是没能够突破前10。 www.suiniyi.com 3. Despite its low pollution levels and alternative energy scores, the state is only above average in policy initiatives. 尽管污染少,新能源得分高,在政策首创上仅高于平均水平。 www.bing.com 4. But insiders had come to like the wildly above-average profits they were making and so made sure the trade barriers stayed in place. 但是安哥拉的内幕人士对他们所制造出的大量超常利润爱不释手,因此他们总会确保贸易壁垒卡在一个合适的地方。 www.bing.com 5. On the spot market is one of the above average index as the iron ore on the monthly pricing. 即以上一个月现货市场的铁矿石指数平均价作为这个月的月度定价。 www.51wufengguan.cn 6. Jobs at multinationals tend to pay above-average wages and, for decades, sustained the American middle class. 跨国企业工作岗位的工资往往高于企业平均水平,数十年来一直是美国中产阶级的支柱。 c.wsj.com 7. Well, the high rate of population growth translates into above-average job growth through a couple of channels. 是这样的,较高的人口增长率通过若干个渠道转化成超过平均水平的就业增长。 www.bing.com 8. The UK is then ranked at the head of an above-average group including the Netherlands, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland. 英国是教育水平位于平均线以上的国家中排名最靠前的,其他教育水平中上的国家还包括荷兰、新西兰、加拿大和爱尔兰。 www.putclub.com 9. Rooms are slightly above average, but the landscape around the hotel is great. 房间略都在水准之上,且酒店周围的景色也很美。 weike.taskcn.com 10. Dr Su said Widjaja was a "very good student" whose grades had slipped recently, but he was still considered above average. 苏校长说Widjaja是一名非常优秀的学生,近期学习成绩有所下滑,但仍然在中等偏上。 www.ycxyz.com 1. Three out of four iPhone users are men with above-average incomes, and iPhone users spend heavily on entertainment. 四个iphone用户里就有三个男性,而且都是收入高于平均线的成年人。 www.bing.com 2. A small number of private-equity groups consistently earn above-average returns, whereas the rest do far less well. 少数私募股本集团持续收获高于平均水平的回报率,然而其他集团则要逊色得多。 www.ecocn.org 3. Honest, responsible, reasonable, enjoying life, caring for relationship, healthy, above-average appearance, stable and above-average income. 真诚,有责任心,讲道理,热爱生活,看重相互之间的关系,健康,良好的外表,稳定而良好的收入。 diary.jiayuan.com 4. In Lake Woebegone it seems all the women are pretty, all the men are handsome, and all the kids are well above average. 所有的女人都被湖水映得美丽,男人变的英俊,就连孩子也看上去比一般的聪明。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Special Forces soldiers are defined by their above -average gear and the fact that they typically get the toughest assignments . 特种兵不同之处在于他们更高级的装备,并且接受到的都是最艰险的任务。 www.bing.com 6. they improved the quality from mediocre to above average; he would make a poor spy. 他们将质量从普通水平提高到一般质量以上;他侦察失败。 www.hotdic.com 7. As part of our marketing mix, we'll label the product as a premium item with above-average quality. 作为我们营销组合的一部分,我们要使这一产品成为高品质的象征。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. In fact, if I'm comparing myself to others, my overall purity would probably rate above average. 其实,如果与其他人相比,整体上,我的纯净度也许高于平均水平。 www.bing.com 9. Jim Knight, Britain's schools minister, said: "We're well above average, but we know we need to do more to be truly world class. " 英国主管学校事务的官员吉姆-奈特(JimKnight)表示:“我们远在平均水平之上,但我们知道,我们需要付出更多努力,才能达到真正的世界级水平。” www.ftchinese.com 10. Men with higher testosterone levels in the morning went on to make above-average profits during the day. 早晨睾丸激素水平较高的男性,当天会获得超过平均水平的利润。 www.ftchinese.com 1. above-average operating performance that generally peaks at the time of issue. 高于平均水平的经营业绩,在发行时一般的山峰。 wenwen.soso.com 2. If you wanted to picture how a typical genius might develop, you'd take a girl who possessed a slightly above average verbal ability. 如果你想想象一个典型的天才是怎样发展的,你可以看看比普通言语能力稍高的一位女孩的表现。 www.longkao.com 3. All of these groups continue to have above-average birth rates. 所有这些族群出生率将继续维持在平均以上。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 4. Although prices have been dropping over the past few days, they are still way above average. 虽然价格在过去几天已经降下来了,但仍然比平均价高很多。 www.bing.com 5. But physicians are even more likely to kill themselves, with a suicide rate nearly 100% above average. 但是医生的自杀率更高,相比平均值要高出1倍。 www.bing.com 6. Growth Stock Shares in a company whose earnings are expected to grow at an above average rate relative to the market. 增长股票一家盈利增长预期高于市场平均增长率的公司的股票。 sh.netsh.com 7. They were all above average. 成绩都在平均分以上。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. Customer satisfaction surveys show shoppers are happier, enabling management to exact above-average rent increases at renovated stores. 顾客满意度调查显示,购物者比以前更开心了,这让管理层得以在新装修的店面收取高于平均水平的租金涨幅。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Meanwhile, compared with others in the European Union, Danes remain above-average emitters of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. 而与此同时,与欧盟其它国家相比,丹麦排放的温室气体二氧化碳仍然超过平均值。 pinqing10.blog.163.com 10. If I'm mocking you, it means I think you're above average . 如果我耻笑了你,那说明我认为你高于一般水准。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Everyone agrees that Mark Pauline 's pranks are above average, even for an individualist's town like San Francisco. 即便在旧金山这个人人个性十足的地方,大家也都承认他的恶作剧水平不一般。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Perhaps they are chasing a chimera: they all wish to be above-average performers. 也许他们追求一种幻想:他们都希望比工作者的评价水平要高。 www.ecocn.org 3. The trim girl with an above-average IQ of 113 "was bright, very beautiful and clinically healthy, " the physician and toxicologist recalls. 这个纤细的小姑娘IQ值有113,超过平均水平,“她聪明漂亮,临床诊断也很健康,”医生和毒理学家回忆说。 www.bing.com 4. The vast majority of the immigrant seniors on welfare come from middle-class families with above-average household incomes. 绝大多数享受社会福利的老年移民来自中产家庭,收入高于平均家庭收入。 lizixye.blog.163.com 5. Monday's two-year notes and Tuesday's five-year debt from indirect bidders which include foreign central banks have came in above-average. 周一的两年期公债标售和周二的五年期公债标售获得的包括海外央行的间接投标高于均值。 cn.reuters.com 6. The Luxembourg Youth Hostel Association is a network of 10 hostels, the vast majority with an overall rating way above average. 卢森堡青年旅舍协会拥有10家青年旅舍,绝大部分的综合评分都远超平均水平。 www.yhachina.com 7. Oil prices keep sliding as the north-east of the US continues to enjoy above-average temperatures. 油价不断下滑的东北美继续享有高于平均气温。 www.2getnews.com 8. After all, we humans are incapable of anticipating all our future needs -- and we claim to be above average in the looking-ahead department. 毕竟我们人类不可能预期一切未来的需要——我们自称预测未来的专长高于平均水平。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This weekend he said that my bathroom is above average in cleanliness. 这个周末,他说我的卫生间干净程度超过一般。 i.cn.yahoo.com 10. To maximize the chance of getting such discounts, students should apply to colleges where their academic credentials are above average. 为最大化得到这些“折扣”的机会,学生们应尽可能向学术造诣位于中等之上的学校申请入学。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 1. The LRB 125 is in the 40-tonne class and is particularly notable for its compact construction, flexibility and above-average performance. LRB125为40吨级,因其紧凑的结构、灵活性和良好的性能而闻名。 www.liebherr.com 2. Hence, an important task of the political system is to select those with above average ability. 因此,一个政治体制的重要任务就是选择那些具有超出平均水平的政治精英。 dongxi.net 3. Venture capital investments generally are higher risk investments but offer the potential for above-average returns. 通常风险资本投资是风险较高的投资,但可能提供超出平均水平的回报。 www.7781.org 4. Would you rate this book as excellent, above average, average, below average, or poor? 你认为这本书很好,中等以上,中等,中等以下,还是很差?。 www.juyy.net 5. Like other populations, however, serial killers range in intelligence from borderline to above average levels. 其实,和普通人一样,连环杀手的智商也是高低不等。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. with above-average narcissism and self-regard even for a young actress. 她的自恋狂与自视也高于平均。 www.tingclass.net 7. Studies show that most people think they're above average in fairness, luck, popularity, investing ability, and many other traits. 有研究表明,大多数人认为自己在公平、运气、欢迎度、投资本领及许多其它特质上高于平常人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Height Above Average Terrain (HAAT) is a measure of an antenna's height above average terrain. 手持式天线阵列测试平台(HAAT)是用天线来作地域平均高度的测量。 wiki.mycreative.com.cn 9. Once you finally get this technique down, it becomes quite addictive for those select few controllers that gain above average skills. 一旦你得到了这个技巧,对于那些高水平的管制员会觉得它非常过瘾。 www.jukuu.com 10. If it weren't for people like you, nobody else would have an above average IQ. 如果没有象你那样的人,其他人的智商不会高于平均水平 wenwen.soso.com 1. Germany, at 3%, will be slightly below average. The U. S. and the United Kingdom will be slightly above average at 5%. 其中,德国为3%,将会略低于平均水平,而美国和英国为5%,略高于平均水平。 www.bing.com 2. Areas with above-average temperatures appear in red and orange, and areas with below-average temperatures appear in shades of blue. 气温超过平均值的区域显示为红色和橙色,低于平均气温的地区则显示为蓝色。 www.bing.com 3. You will need to have developed your programming skills to an above average level before considering the task. 在考虑这个任务的时候,你必须要把你的编程技能培养到一个高于平均水平的程度。 www.bing.com 4. The underlying assumption is that companies are capable of delivering consistently rising, above-average earnings. 人们这么做的潜在假设是,企业能够实现始终不断增长、高于平均水平的利润。 www.ftchinese.com 5. What you can do to instantly be seen as "ABOVE average" and, most importantly, ATTRACTIVE. 你怎样才能立刻脱颖而出,并且具有吸引力。 qudashan.com 6. Tennessee, Kentucky and Oklahoma also were notably above average in their reported lack of sleep. 田纳西州、肯塔基州和俄克拉荷马州所报告的睡眠不足率也明显高于全国水平。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. In return we offer a excellent salary, company bonus scheme and above average contribution towards the SIP housing fund. 作为回报,我们将为你提供丰厚的薪资、奖金,并且由公司缴交平均水平以上的园区住房公积金。 www.boleme.cn 8. It is said that 90% of frosh expect to be above average in their class. You are to provide a reality check. 这表明90%的新生期望自己在班上处于中上水平,请你提供一个例子来检查。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Our students are typically planning to attend a competitive college or university and rank well above average . 我们的学生正在很有特色地计划参与学院竞赛或大学竞赛,一般地说安排得很好。 www.19lou.com 10. He is as tall as me, and a little fat. His score is just above average in class. 他和我差不多高,有点胖,成绩在班级里居中上。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 1. In Africa, Saudi Arabia and Yemen RVF outbreaks are closely associated with periods of above-average rainfall. 在非洲,沙特阿拉伯和也门的裂谷热与高于平均水平的降雨期有密切关联。 www.who.int 2. Prepare a list of accomplishments, as well as other ways your performance has been above average. 罗列出你的突出业绩,以及其他的优异表现。 bbs.51ielts.com 3. It is quite understandable that some observers see the risk of overheating when the price of housing rises at an above-average pace. 在许多国家房地产价格的升速超过了平均水平之后,一些观察家认为,房地产市场有过热的风险,这也是很容易理解的。 4. Most of these cities benefited in the past from the above-average growth of employment. 这些“热点”地区中的大部分城市都曾受益于高于平均水平的就业增长率。 5. Psychologists say phobias often take root when people are in their late 20s and typically affect those with above-average intelligence. 心理学家们说,恐惧症通常在人们快30岁时确立,而且一般来说影响的会是智商高于常人的人群。 c.wsj.com 6. The healthiest competition occurs when average people win by putting above average effort. 最良性的竞争是普通人做出超常的努力而胜出。 www.jsfans.net 7. The adjectives extraordinary and supreme tell us that a masterpiece is a work that goes beyond the normal, or even above-average, product. 形容词杰出和极度告诉我们,杰作是一项远不同于一般,或者高于普通水平的产品。 www.ibm.com 8. corn, maize and soya are all well above average 1990s prices and rice is at a 10-year high. 玉米,玉蜀黍和黄豆也都高于1990年代的均价,米的价格达到了十年来的新高。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 9. If you want to be above average, you must push yourself to do more than required. 如果你想高出一般水平,你必须推动自己做超出要求的部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In addition, we offer a creative work environment, flexible holidays, work hours, and an above-average salary. 另外,我们的创新的工作环境,灵活的休假日,工作时间和优渥的薪资更是你不可多得的机会!还等什么呢?。 shanghai.baicai.com 1. So, A stock market FUND abundant to restrain inland A stock market from could develop above average. 这样,A股市场资金充裕与否就制约了内地A股市场能否超常发展。 dict.ebigear.com 2. The 2007 Atlantic hurricane season should have above-average activity, a top hurricane researcher said Friday. 2007大西洋飓风季节应高于平均活动,一个星期五顶飓风研究员说。 www.2getnews.com 3. Temperatures have been above average. 气温一直比平均温度高。 4. I've received several emails from people asking me about their English and almost all of them write above average. 我收到过数封电子邮件,他们问我他们的英语水平如何并且大多数人写作水平在中等偏上。 www.bing.com 5. The US's 340. 7m barrels of crude inventories are well above average for this time of year. 美国目前的原油库存为3.407亿桶,远远超出往年这一季节的平均水平。 www.ftchinese.com 6. So this car seat was actually an above-average car seat from Consumer Reports, and did quite well. 从消费者评分来看,这个汽车座椅其实高于一般水平,所以也表现很好。 www.ted.com 7. Above-average demand for equipment to pack medical, pharmaceutical, and personal care products is also projected through 2009. 高于平均水平的需求,设备,包医疗,制药和个人护理产品还预计,到2009年。 bzxw.512121.com 8. "But I also think average and even above average people will be paid less. " “但我也认为,中等、甚至中等偏上人才的薪酬将会降低。” www.ftchinese.com 9. So we have above average skills and a natural fuel that helps us go the distance when we consistently do what we love to do. 因此,当我们坚持做喜欢做的事情时,我们有以上几个一般的技能和天然燃料。 www.elanso.com 10. Now everyone believes three things: They are above average drivers, they have a great sense of humor, and they work well independently. 现在所有人相信三样东西。他们是驾龄长的司机,有幽默感的人,和能独立完成工作的人。 dongxi.net 1. If you're an above average student, you can certainly handle an above average schedule. 如果你是个相对优秀的学生的话,那么你就肯定能够解决课程表的问题。 www.bing.com 2. My grades were above average, and since I was quiet by nature, the teachers didn't notice that I was having difficulties. 我的成绩中等偏上一点。由于我本性不爱说话,老师们并没有发现我学习有什么困难。 www.fzfanyi.com 3. President Obama's IQ, incidentally, is well above average - but then so was Bush's. 顺带再说一句,Obama的IQ值远高于平均数——不过Bush的IQ也一样很高。 www.bing.com 4. Shares of Intel (INTC) moved higher Friday above average volume. 英特尔(INTC)股价周五走高,成交量高于平均水平。 www.eryuanqiquan.com 5. The cost of living is well above average, too. 生活花费已超过平均水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A man six feet tall is above average stature in this part of the world. 一个六英尺高的男人已经高于这一地区的平均身高了。 1home.hainan.net 7. Employees in every major field there from sales to construction raked in above-average wages in 2010. 无论是销售还是建筑,该都市区2010年所有主要行业的工资都高于美国平均工资。 c.wsj.com 8. The Weather Channel reported 43 tornadoes. Storm surge across the Gulf ranged from 10 feet to 25 feet above average levels. 天气频道报道了43个龙卷风。超过平均水平的风暴经过海湾涌过来,范围从10英尺到25英尺。 www.bing.com 9. Yet not all companies can be above average. 然而,并非所有企业都能超出平均水平。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Equally, the simulations assume that the above-average growth rates of the 2004-06 period will continue indefinitely, which is unrealistic. 同样的,这个模拟测试假定在2004-06年间超过平均增长率的数据将会继续它的模糊性,现在它是不切实际的。 boboan79.blog.163.com 1. They improved the quality from mediocre to above average. 他们将质量从普通升级到高于平均值的水平。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The resulting four all saw above-average economic growth. 这导致四个州均产生了高于平均水平的经济增长。 bbs.cnesa.net 3. Most of the myopia prevention teaching behaviors fell between "often do" and "always do" , which was also above average. 研究对象的学童近视预防教学行为大部分介于「经常做到」至「总是做到」之间。 www.teps.com.cn 4. above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent. 超出平均尺寸、号码、数量、大小或范围的。 www.jukuu.com 5. He has above average intelligence, so he does well in his class. 他的才智高于一般,所以在班上的表现很好。 www.ebigear.com 6. Meanwhile, the percentage of students who said their emotional health was above average fell to 52 percent. It was 64 percent in 1985. 同时,认为自己的情绪健康状况高于平均水平的比例为52%,相比于1985年的64%有所下降。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The temperature is above average this winter. 今年冬天的气温超过平均温度。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. C: it's got an above-average battery life. It lasts up tp 12 hours and can be charged in 30 minutes. 比一般电池寿命长,大概可以支撑12个小时,而且只需要充电30分钟就可以。 bbs.exam8.com 9. The temperature has been above average recently. 近来气温高于往常。 book.learning.sohu.com 10. Indeed, of the 34 states with above-average increases in the number of gay couples, 21 voted for Mr Bush in 2004. 事实上,在34个同性伴侣增长数量超过平均水平的州里面,有21个州在2004年投了布什的票。 www.ecocn.org 1. They exhibit an above-average concern for each other's safety and well-being in OoP. 在《凤凰社》中他们表现出了对对方的安全和健康的一种平静地关怀。 www.hoolee8.com 2. Shoe size, slightly above average. 鞋码比平均数略小 group.mtime.com 3. Ford's Mercury and Ford nameplates scored above average, but the Lincoln brand finished in 27th place with 129 problems. 福特的水星(Mercury)和福特(Ford)品牌得分高于平均水平,不过林肯(Lincoln)品牌有129个问题,位居第27。 www.bing.com 4. Your monthly salary is well above average. 你每月的工资大大超出了平均水平。 wenku.baidu.com 5. This is just one example of what psychologists call a "self-serving bias" or the "above average" effect. 这只是心理学家所说的“自我偏见”或者“超过平均”效应中的一个例子。 www.elanso.com 6. Healthy subjects with normal or above average eyesight were tested in 11 of the 12 trials. 这12个有对照组的试验中的11个,其受试者是视力正常的健康成人。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. The students' scores on Britain's national science exams are well above average, too. 学生们在全英科学考试的成绩也大大高出平均分数。 www.bing.com 8. Today's real rate, in other words, is above average. 换句话说,目前的实际利率高于均值。 chinese.wsj.com 9. A 2005 German study concluded that people who take above-average risks have a higher-than-average index of life satisfaction. 2005年德国人的一项研究断定,冒险程度在平均以上者,其生活满意度指数也高于平均水平。 www.bing.com 10. Please check my records and you will find it' s above average every time -- which is quite good actually. 您可以检查我以前的记录,记录情况还是不错的,每次都优于平均水平。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. In states where smoking was well above average, the average state cigarette tax was $0. 66 a pack. 在烟民比例高于全国平均水平的州,每包香烟的税率为0.66美元; gb.cri.cn 2. The most lucrative careers, such as law, medicine, technology and finance, all require above-average mental skills. 最有利可图的行业,例如法律,医药,技术和金融,所有这些都需要超常的心智。 www.ecocn.org 3. Most of them were above average. I spent a lot of time on my studies. 大部份的成绩都是中上,我花了很多时间读书。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Or if you are already an above average reader, set100 pages an hour and plunge in. 或者你觉得自己的速度在平均值之上,设定每小时100页内容试试吧。 www.bing.com 5. Studies in Britain and America have found they have IQs 14 points above average. 英国和美国的研究发现,他们比长相普通的人智商高出14分 www.bing.com 6. my IQ score is slightly above average. 我的智商是中等偏上水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He is an above average student. 他是中等以上的学生。 www.hotdic.com 8. Mary's school work is well above average. 玛丽的学习成绩在平均水准以上。 blog.ddedu.com.cn 9. They should be above-average height -- taller than 1. 6 meters. 她们身高必须高于平均水平——超过1.6米。 www.common-talk.com 10. His income is above average. 翻译他的收入高于平均水平。 www.eol.cn 1. Tom's work at school is above average. 汤姆在校的学习高出平均水平。短语 wenku.baidu.com 2. They believe they can attract well-off Chinese students with above average grades to Taiwan. 他们相信可吸引经济和成绩中上的陆生来台就读。 mag.nownews.com 3. A score of 110, where Firefox and Chrome users are, is above average, while the 120 ranking of Opera or Camino users is considered superior. 火狐和谷歌浏览器用户平均智商为110,高于正常智商水平,而欧普拉或卡米诺浏览器用户得分120,堪称高智商。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. His grade is above average. 他的成绩属于中等偏上水平。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. The rice crop this year is 15 percent above average. 今年的稻米产量高于往年平均产量的百分之十五。 coffeejp.com 6. Statistics show that a large percentage struggle economically and they have above-average rates of unintended pregnancies. 数据显示她们绝大多数在经济上捉襟见肘,而且非意愿怀孕的比例高于平均水平。 www.bing.com 7. More students (71%) than ever before rated their academic abilities as "above average" or in "the highest 10%. " Î与以往相比,有更多的学生(71%)认为自己的学术能力“高于平均水平”或是“位居最强的前10%内” www.bing.com 8. But being of above-average looks boosted pay by 5 to 10 per cent. 但如果长相不凡,工资则会增长5%至10%。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. They are above average B. 平均在B以上。 en.eol.cn 10. That broke the previous record of 1. 19 degrees F above average set in 1998. 这超出先前1998年的最高平均温度1.19华氏度。 www.bing.com 1. By 2006, they said, two-thirds of the students had above-average scores, 30 percent more than in 1982. 据研究人员介绍,截至2006年,三分之二学生的得分超过平均分,比1982年多30%。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. Kobe is also well above average, but his career WP48 of 0. 202 falls short of McGrady's mark. 科比也高于平均水平,但他的职业WP48数据只有0.202,远低于麦迪。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We might, for example, frame someone's performance as marginal as opposed to above average or good. 例如,将人的表现用语言描述成“合格”、“中等”或“良好”。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Finally, he is also an above average low post and one on one defender. 而且,他的低位防守和一对一防守也是高于平均水平的。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Shark-related fatalities for last year were also above average, with six deaths reported. 同时,去年由鲨鱼攻击造成的死亡人数达到了六人,超过了平均水平。 www.bing.com 6. All 48 of those states had above average temperatures last year, but some set their own superlatives. 所有的48个州高于去年同期的平均气温,但一些州已经设定他们自己的最高级。 www.bing.com 7. I recently had a friend who was told she had an above-average level of cholesterol after a health check up. 一段时间之前,我的一个朋友接到体检结果后,得知自己的胆固醇高于正常水平。 www.suluku.com 8. Only a few scattered regions of the globe are predicted to have above-average chances of drought (yellow colors. ) 图表显示仅有少数零星地区出现旱情的可能高于平均水平(黄色区域),包括美国西北部、巴西南部及中国西南部地区。 www.bing.com 9. Still, each of the four newcomers was given a 60-square-meter unit, "which was way above average at that time" . 不过,新来的这四个人还是每人分到了六十平米的单元,“远超当时的平均水平。” www.bing.com 10. Full set of commitments, decisions and actions required for a firm to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above average returns 一家公司想要获取竞争力和超额利润而采用的一整套约定、决策和行动 wenku.baidu.com 1. How were your scores at College? They were all excellent (They were all above average) 你在学院的学分怎么样?很优秀(超过平均水平)。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Above-average special professional income of authors , inventors, performing artists , production associates and sportspersons 作者、投资者、表演艺术家、生产协会和体育工作者的特殊职业的超乎常规的收入 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Skills required: Computer literate, knowledgeable in shopping mall operations, above average verbal and written communication skills 技能要求:计算机操作、商场操作知识、良好的口头及书面交流能力 job.dgol.cn 4. She must speak english above average. 她必须能说流利的英语。 www.job592.com 5. A firm's direct and indirect competitors The competitive dynamics expected to impact a firm's efforts to generate above-average returns 企业直接和间接的竞争者竞争动态理论影响企业为了得到超额利润的预期。润的预期。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Strategic idea of the Develops above Average about TV Media in the Undeveloped Regional 经济欠发达区域电视传媒超常发展的战略构想 www.ilib.cn 7. Good inter-personal skills with above average English communication skills; 良好的沟通能力,良好英语说写能力; www.haoqiantu.cn 8. On the Present Situation of How Medium-Sized and Small Cities Undertake above Average Competitions 对中小城市承办高水平赛事现状的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. The Thinking that Causes Above Average Increased by the Tax Revenue 由税收超常增长引发的思考 www.ilib.cn 10. Excellent Good Above Average Average Below Average 非常出色好高于平均平均低于平均 zhidao.baidu.com 1. antenna height above average terrain 平均地表面上天线高度 ts.hjenglish.com 2. Results included the following: (1) the mean self-care behavior score was 3. 74, which is above average; 研究结果发现:(1)成人气喘自我照顾行为平均得分为3.74分,属中上程度; www.ceps.com.tw |
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