单词 | about(2) |
释义 | about(2)例句释义: 全部 1. About two or three years ago, it was like the Wild West in the Flex community. 大约2、3年前Flex社区还是一片荒芜。 www.infoq.com 2. If Web 2. 0 was about creating data (a. k. a. user generated content), then the next generation of the Web is all about using that data. 如果Web2.0的本质是关于数据的生成(也就是用户生成内容),那么下一代网络则与数据的利用有关。 www.bing.com 3. The dam was completed less than two years ago despite concerns raised at the time about building it so close to a seismic fault line. 尽管当时这座大坝因过于靠近地震带而引起关注,但还是于2年前完工了。 www.ecocn.org 4. On the plane I saw a film and had a good meal. After about 2 hours' flight, the plane began to get lower. I got to Xi'an safely. 在飞机上我看了场片子,吃了一顿可口的饭。年夜约两小时后,飞机起头下降。我平安达到了西安; www.haosc.cn 5. 2. The angry customer complained about being overcharged at the store, asserting that this was the third time that he had been had. 那位气冲冲的顾客抱怨著他在那家店里被揩油,并声称这已经是他第三次受骗了。 6. Huang Dongmei suffered a lot from her job seeking but she at last found a position in a fan factory her salary was about 2 000 Yuan a month. 经历了无数艰辛后,黄冬梅终于在一家风扇厂找到了工作,每月工资2000元左右。 www.bing.com 7. The penalties ranged up to 100, 000 renminbi, or about $15, 400, but "we were able to talk them down to 20, 000, " he said. 罚金最高可达10万人民币(15,400美金),但“我们讨价还价到了2万,”关先生说。 www.bing.com 8. His freelance work brings him in about $20000 a year. 他做自由职业每年可赚2万元。 9. Officials said the program had not lost any money and had earned about $1. 2 billion in fees. 白宫官员成这项计划没有赔一毛钱相反却在税费方面赚了大约12亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. The moment of inertia about the x-axis is going to be obtained by integrating y squared times the mass element. 对于x轴的转动惯量,就可以由对y^2*质量元做积分得到。 open.163.com 1. To put this into perspective, I'm talking about hundreds of customer applications and of those, only 1-2% of the total required changes. 就这一点而言,在我讨论过的数以百计的客户应用程序中,只有其中的百分之一到百分之二需要更改。 www.ibm.com 2. But with a projected $2 billion budget deficit, state leaders need to forget about jackpot fantasies, at least for the moment. 国家领导人不得不忘掉,哪怕是暂时忘掉,赌博立法曾产生了2亿美元的预算赤字。 www.bing.com 3. The smallest of the three, privately held Chrysler, did not say how much it had lost, but an educated guess was about $2 billion. 三家中最小的私营性质的Chrysler,没有说自己损失多少,但比较靠谱的猜测是20亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 4. I would say it's about double the length of that stick that we have on the wall, and the stick is two meters long. 我会说大概是双倍的,墙上的棍子的长度,这棍子是2米长。 open.163.com 5. China has about $2. 4 trillion in foreign reserves overall, though it doesn't reveal how much of that is in euro-denominated assets. 中国共拥有约2.4万亿美元外汇储备,不过其中有多少欧元资产尚不清楚。 chinese.wsj.com 6. During about 2 hours' flight, I saw a film and had a delicious meal. Then the plane began to get lower and I got to Xi'an safely. 在飞机上我看了场电影,吃了一顿可口的饭。大约两小时后,飞机开始降落。我安全到达了西安; www.zuowenwang.net 7. I don't want to make a joke about this, but this certainly needs more compliance than taking two or three pills a day. 我并不想开玩笑,与一天吃2或3片药片相比,针灸需要更好的依从性。 news.dxy.cn 8. Until about 2 in the afternoon, his wife could rouse him, to talk to his friends from Apple. 直到下午2点,他妻子还能叫醒他,与他苹果的朋友谈了话。 www.bing.com 9. For the Beijing native, this city of 20 million is large enough to make it unlikely her family would ever hear about her sexual orientation. 对这个北京本地人来说,2千万人口的城市已经足够大了,她的家庭可能永远也不会知道她的性取向。 dongxi.net 10. Liverpool's No. 2 also spoke about how much he is enjoying working under new boss Hodgson. 利物浦2号也谈了他是多么享受在新教头老霍手下工作的感觉。 www.ept-team.com 1. Timeframe - Withing 2 weeks after building - possible continuing work with you and full help for you about this method. 时间段-在2周后建设-可能继续与您及您的鼎力帮助有关此方法。 www.bing.com 2. However, maybe 2 months later I started to get angry that he had ever put his hands on me and thought about getting back at him. 但是,大概两个月以后,我开始对于他把手放在我身上感到恼火并且开始想着要报复他。 www.bing.com 3. About a year ago, an industry standards group asked me to do a presentation on how XHTML 2 might be useful to publishers. 大约在一年以前,一个行业标准小组要我介绍一下XHTML2可能对发布者有哪些用处。 www.ibm.com 4. Complaints about this began to surface five or six years ago but have been growing much louder in the past two years. 五六年前,这方面的抱怨就初现端倪了,但过去的2年里,这种抱怨的声音只是越来越大。 www.bing.com 5. The question is, how much do they need to grow to keep abreast of the growth in the world's population of about 1. 2% a year? 问题是,要种多少才能跟得上世界人口每年1.2%的增长步伐? www.ecocn.org 6. During the day two or three small groups may join and move about together for a few hours or a few days. 白天,2个或者3个小组会汇合,然后一起迁移几个小时或几天。 www.bing.com 7. About 2pm he said he was going for a walk, and she went off to do some chores. 大概在下午2点他说他要出去走走,她走开去做一些杂事。 www.loveunix.net 8. The bodies, including that of a pregnant woman, were thrown on top of one another in a grave about 2 metres deep. 一名孕妇的尸体被投进了一个约2米深的坟坑,压在另一具尸体上面。 www.bing.com 9. I served about two years and then was advised by my uncle to join the U. S. Air Force, as it was becoming a separate service. 我在那儿大约服役了2年,然后我听从叔父的意见参加了美国空军部队,那是完全不同的服役。 www.bing.com 10. He said he would be back about 2 pm. 他说他将于下午二时回来。 bbs.wwenglish.org 1. Ticket revenue has continued to climb by about 2% this year, a modest figure, but a striking achievement in the midst of a recession. 门票收入今年继续增长约2%,虽然增幅不大,但在衰退之中已是一个惊人的成就。 www.bing.com 2. Back in Australia, the Trade Minister and I will be going on the road to state capitals to argue what China 2. 0 is all about. 回澳大利亚后,我和贸易部长会到各州的首府去,去讲讲中国二点零是怎么回事。今年下半年,我们还想来中国。 www.kouyi.org 3. and you know, about 2 years ago or maybe about just about a year ago. . . -Mm-hmm. . . -. . . I started getting acne really, really bad. 你知道吗,大约两年前或者大概一年前…唔…我开始长粉刺,很厉害。 www.yappr.cn 4. Under the pilot, residents from the wealthy city of about 8m will be able to invest up to $200m a year overseas. 根据试点方案,温州市民每年最多可在境外投资2亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 5. As the average home uses about $2, 400 worth of energy per year, the payback is often impressive. 由于美国住房一般每年消耗价值2,400美元的能源,做一次审计的回报常常是惊人的。 c.wsj.com 6. That fund could reach about $2 billion, said the people familiar with the matter. 知情人士说,特洛特创建的基金规模可能达到20亿美元左右。 www.bing.com 7. But this nice young man told me a sob story about needing money for a bus ticket to see his dying mother, so I gave him two dollars. 但是这个英俊而年轻的男人告诉我他需要钱买汽车票去见他濒死的妈妈,所以我给了他2美元。 bbs.24en.com 8. 2 "Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them--to the Israelites. " 2现在你要起来,和众百姓过这约旦河,往我所要赐给以色列人的地去。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. for the day (you might have already read about this on my site) . . . the top 1, 2, or 3 things that you really want to get done that day. 写下1-3件今天要做的最重要的事(MITs)(你可能已经在我的网站读过这个了)……这一天你真的想做的头等的三件事。 www.bing.com 10. I got this house at a very low price and sold it for a $20, 000 profit a week later. Talk about my easy money! 我以很便宜的价格买进了这座房子,一周后卖出就赚了2万美元,这钱赚得真容易啊! www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. This was one of those cases -- but remember, we're still only talking about two examples out of a set of 42 different documents. 这是那些案例里的其中之一----但是记住,我们还仅仅谈论了一系列42个不同文件中的2个例子而已。 angozj.com 2. I've done it for a week or two at a time, basically sleeping only about 2-4 hours a night, without any apparent ill-effects during the day. 我每周会有一到两次,每晚就睡2到4个小时,但对白天的工作却没有任何影响。 www.bing.com 3. He does about a dozen hospital jobs a week, and he says they normally involve a wait of two to three hours. 他一个星期里往医院跑了十几次,并说他们通常要等2到3个小时。 www.bing.com 4. The coding in Listing 2 might be handy in a few cases, where no re-use is needed, but what about the rest of the time? 在一些不需要重用的情况下,清单2中的代码编写起来可能很方便,但是对于其他情况呢? www.ibm.com 5. 'I'd been learning Korean for about two years, and my speaking level is now high, but I was really struggling with particular sounds. 我已经学了2年韩语了,我现在的口语水平也到一定水平了,但是以前某些音我要很努力去发也发不好。 www.hjenglish.com 6. For nearly 2 years he wandered about Greece and the Aegean Islands. This was the shaping time of his imagination. 将近两年当中,他漫游了希腊和爱琴海群岛。这是他的想象力形成的时期。 www.juyy.net 7. That might tack on about $2, 000 to the cost of changing to natural gas, bringing the total bill for a switch up to about $8, 000. 可能钉对约2,000元,以成本的不断变化,以天然气,使总数草案交换机最多可有大约八千元。 q.sohu.com 8. It's got to be serious if the New York Times puts a cover story of their February 17th Sunday magazine about play. 如果纽约时报在2月17号星期天的报纸上用封面故事报道玩耍,那一定是很严肃了。 www.ted.com 9. The simplest technique for learning more about the file object is to ask for help, as shown in Listing 2. 学习file对象的最简单方法就是阅读帮助,如清单2所示。 www.ibm.com 10. The tiger then began to evolve into a unique species toward the end of the Pliocene epoch, about 3. 2 million years ago. 而320万年前,老虎就以作为上世纪末独一无二的品种进行着演化。 www.bing.com 1. It stopped working about two or three times per hour, and when it was working it often showed me driving on the wrong street. 每小时它要罢工2小时或3小时,就算工作了,它也经常指引我驾车到错误的街道。 hi.baidu.com 2. I have stayed in Guangzhou for about two years and a half. And I gradually become fond of this busy, crowded and developed city. 而在广州已经生活2年半的我,已经渐渐喜欢上了这座忙碌、拥挤、繁华的城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Everything about this deal is big, even the $200 million in bank underwriting fees up for grabs for global investment banks. 中国农行此次手笔巨大,仅是发放给世界投资银行争相抢夺的承销费就达到了2亿美元。 dongxi.net 4. The cover of Hosni Mubarak's official biography showed him seated with toddling Mohamed, about 2, standing in front of him. 穆巴拉克的官方自传的封面是他与正在蹒跚学步的的孙子一起的照片,约两岁的孙子站在他前面,穆巴拉克扶住他坐在椅子上。 www.bing.com 5. So this is a game called " spot the science budgets . " This is the U. K. government spend . You see there , it's about 620 billion a year. 这是个游戏,叫做”找出科学预算来“。这是英国政府开支图。你看,一年一共是6千2百亿英镑。 www.bing.com 6. He would get about $2, 500 at Christmas and $5, 000 at Easter. 'And I was the low man on the totem pole, ' he said. 圣诞节纳希能拿到2,500美元,复活节是5,000美元,“而我在公司的级别是很低的,”纳希说。 www.bing.com 7. By the middle of October we set off for our journey across the continent : a journey of about a year, across more than 2, 500 miles. 在十月中旬的时候我们就启程作横跨大陆的旅行了。这是一次费时约一年的时间的旅行,行程超过2,500英里。 whyddd.blog.163.com 8. Some railmen calculate that this is equivalent to a subsidy of about $240m a year, on top of what Amtrak gets from the government. 一些铁路员工计算了下这笔费用相当于一年2.4亿美元的资助资金,与美铁从联邦政府得到的补贴接近。 www.24en.com 9. Mr. Jackson's estate has earned about $275 million over the past year, according to a person familiar with the matter. 知情人士说,杰克逊遗产管理公司去年获得了约2.75亿美元的收入。 c.wsj.com 10. Yahoo, in giving up on its own technology, will help reduce capital expenditure by about $200 million a year. 雅虎通过放弃自己的技术,每年可帮助减少2亿美元的资本开支。 www.ebigear.com 1. The most amazing fact about this inverted life pyramid is that only 2% of the nutritive matter ends up in swimming fish. 最令人惊异的事是这个反向倒转的生命金字塔里仅仅2%的营养物质在游动的鱼嘴里终结。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Chinese buyers can save about $2, 000 a year on petrol costs, GM says, plugging it into the wall at home at night to recharge. 通用汽车称,购买这款车的中国消费者每年可节省约2000美元的汽油费,夜里只需将汽车电池插入家中墙上的插座便能充电。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The February 2011 earthquake provided the final pulse of energy to calve off ice than had been about to break off anyway. 2011年2月这次地震的发生,是这处于消融中的冰川最终走向崩解的一个转折。 www.bing.com 4. A few days later at about 2: 00 in the afternoon, the busy part of my day, I was in my room typing and heard a commotion in the front. 几天以后,大约是下午两点钟,一天中我最忙的时候。我正在后面的屋子打点资料,突然听见前面一阵骚动。 en.eol.cn 5. On 2 May, the wind in the village was abnormally strong and by 3 pm, we were beginning to worry about the weather. 5月2日,我们在村里感觉到不寻常的大风,到下午3时,我们开始为天气感到忧虑。 www.oxfam.org.hk 6. I'm sure they'll think about what happened two years ago and I've read somewhere that some of them were still having nightmares about it. 我确信他们会想起2年前发生了什么,而且我也从一些地方读到他们中的一些人依然有心理阴影。 bbs.miqiu.com 7. The bank, with about $900 million in total assets, says just one of its 2, 300 home loans is in foreclosure. 拥有9亿美元总资产的克里夫顿储蓄银行表示,他们仅有2,300个房贷收不回来。 www.ecocn.org 8. But I would say, as I argued last time, that you should allow for at least about 2 percent uncertainty in each time. 但我上节课说过,你们至少要允许,每次2%的误差。 open.163.com 9. Little did Rose care about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself. (2)For a moment nothing happened. 罗丝并不关心她自己的安全,尽管她自己正处于极大的危险中。2。在一段时间内没有事情发生。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 10. To save the pension system, the French parliament is about to pass a law that forces workers to postpone retirement by two years. 为挽救退休金制度,法国议会打算通过一项法律要求工人的退休年龄推迟2年。 www.bing.com 1. The new moon March 15 could bring the kind of professional opportunities and talks you used to dream about in the two weeks that follow. 3月15的新月,会在接下来的2周内带来一直梦寐以求的事业上的机遇和谈判。 blog.163.com 2. Unit 2 of the nuclear fuel rods of about 2. 7 meters above the surface, exposing the length of the almost half of the nuclear fuel rods. 2号机组的核燃料棒露出水面约2.7米,露出长度差不多是核燃料棒的一半。 www.englishtang.com 3. Prior to the financial meltdown, job growth averaged about 1% a year over the last three years whereas now it's falling by 4. 2%. 在金融危机前,连续三年的工作机会增长超过1%,但现在下降了4. www.bing.com 4. About 1. 2 million miniature wells are etched into the surface of the chip and filled with beads holding the DNA strands to be sequenced. 在芯片的表面刻有大约有120万微格子并且布满了玻璃珠。这些玻璃珠上有着许多用来被探测的DNA链。 www.fanyitie.com 5. He said that "China's military budget continues a trend of double-digit increases and questions remain about China's strategic intentions. " 他说:“中国的军事预算保持2位数增长,而其战略动向仍然是一个疑问。” www.bing.com 6. In February 2003, has been desperate party want him to own up to the hands of a giant panda specimen about 1 m sold. 2003年2月,已经走投无路的当事人想通过他,把自己手中的一具高达1米左右的大熊猫标本卖出去。 www.englishtang.com 7. Normally I don't post on Wednesdays, but I wanted to tell you about two fun resources. 一般来说,我周三都是不发文章的,但是我想要跟你们说2个有意思的地儿。 www.bing.com 8. Mr Fukui told parliament that by February he "had begun to have doubts" about Mr Murakami. 福井告知议会,他在2月开始对村上产生了怀疑。 www.ecocn.org 9. Finally is there anything else you wish to say at this point about ARMA 2? 最后,关于《武装突袭2》,您还想在此向大家说些什么? www.samren.cn 10. About 2 billion people around the world have been infected, generally through the transmission of blood or other body fluids. 大约2十亿世界人民通过血液或其它体液传输被传染了,一般。 www.hbvhbv.com 1. About 2. 2m people had been granted residency in Chongqing, authorities there said, after new hukou policies introduced a year ago. 据重庆市政府表示,自一年前出台新户籍政策后,约220万人在重庆落了户口。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The final formula for the moment of inertia about the origin is the double integral of a region of r squared density dA. 关于原点的转动惯量,就是在区域上,求r^2*δ*dA的二重积分。 open.163.com 3. And at the wikimania conference the buzz was all about how Web 2. 0 is beginning to transform the language of the Internet. 在这个叫做“维基狂”的会议上,人们都在议论“网络2.0”如何开始互联网上语言的变换。 www.kekenet.com 4. We bashed about 15 hours into trying to do it when he was first changed to 2 minutes. 我们尝试了约15小时后试图做到这一点时,他第一次改为2分钟。 bbs.ngacn.cc 5. And then, over time, we were able to bring down the cost significantly to about two percent of what it used to be when we started out. 这样,一段时间后,我们就有能力将支出显著的降低到我们开始的2个百分点。 www.ted.com 6. Sorry, first of all in case you wonder what this is all about, b so let's say the components of our unit vector are two numbers, a and b. 首先,以防你们不知道这些是什么,给出这个单位向量的2个分量,a和。 open.163.com 7. But he has suffered from regular nightmares about being shot down in a plane when he was 2. 但是两岁时他就常做有关坐在一架飞机中被击落的恶梦。 www.forever.english.tw 8. Sugar Land resident Scott Jackson said he heard about the diet after his son Tyler was diagnosed with autism when he was 2. 糖果地的居民斯科特·杰克逊说,在他儿子两岁时被诊断为自闭症后他听说了这种食品。 www.bing.com 9. There was a debate 2 years ago about Rails and its lack of a built in templating language, and whether one should be introduced. 在两年前就有过一场争论,争论的焦点在于Rails框架及它缺乏内建模板语言的支持,还有是否要为Rails引入这样的模板语言。 www.infoq.com 10. But the component of the index covering businesses' expectations about the next six months tumbled to its lowest since February 1993. 而该指数中涉及企业对未来6个月预期的部分,则暴跌至自1993年2月以来的低点。 www.ftchinese.com 1. During this stopover, a six-pound lesser sandhill adds about a pound and a half of fat to its weight. 在中途停留期间,体重不到六磅(约2.72公斤)的沙丘鹤会增加约一磅半(约0.68公斤)的脂肪。 www.bing.com 2. To better understand what XI is all about, review Listing 2 which describes the regular expressions that interpret Listing 1. 为了更好地理解XI的一切,请查看清单2,它描述了解释清单1的正则表达式。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Is the underground spring surface to converge into, the surface area of about 27000 square meters, depth tracker zhang. 系地下泉水涌出地表汇集而成,水面面积约2.7万平方米,水深盈丈。 weifang.qite8.com 4. Has anyone else compared the 2 vehicles? If anyone wants to flame me for even thinking about the QX please do but let me know why. 有任何人比较了2车辆的速度吗?若有人要给我激情,甚至考虑QX请让我知道为什么。 bbs.fblife.com 5. Interviewer 2: I think people look for anything to talk about and that happened to be one of them, which. . . 我认为人们都在寻找一切可以谈论的谈资,而那恰巧成了其中一点,是…… www.joyen.net 6. "We went about two nautical miles off the coast, " he said. “我们到了离海岸约2海里的水域,”他说。 dongxi.net 7. The main building of the Beichuan Middle School, a seven-story structure, had been reduced to a pile of rubble about 2 meters high. 原本七层的北川中学主教学楼,已经成为了仅高两米的废墟堆。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Members typically paid $2, about a day's wage, to have yearly access to a doctor's care (minor surgery was frequently included in this fee). 比如成员只需支付大约相当于一天工资的2美元,便可享有一名医生的全年诊疗服务(小型手术还常常包含在这笔费用内)。 www.bing.com 9. Rider2: I know what the fare is for me, but what about my two sons? How much do I have to pay for them? 乘客2:我知道我的车费是多少,但我的两个孩子要多少?我得给他们付多少钱? lib.cqust.cn 10. If you were to dig down about 2. 2 miles, you might encounter Halicephalobus mephisto ( "Mephisto" ) and its other nematode relatives. 如果你向地下挖掘大约2.2英里(3.5公里),你就可能会遇到Halicephalobusmephisto(“魔鬼”,以下译为“魔鬼线虫”)和它的线虫类亲戚。 www.bing.com 1. "I said there would never be a Nexus 2, " Schmidt quipped. "Nothing about a Nexus S. " “我说过不会有Nexus2,”施密特打趣道,“也没有NexusS的消息。” www.bing.com 2. After visiting the Belvedere, it was already about 2pm, we still did not take the lunch, so we went to a restaurant directly. 参观完贝尔维蒂宫,已经是下午2点左右了,我们还没吃午餐,于是便直接前往餐馆就餐。 r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 3. Stay healthy: Watch your mouth: See a dentist or doctor about any sore in your mouth or on your lips that doesn't clear up in 2 weeks. 保持健康:观察你的嘴:如果口内或嘴唇上的任何溃疡两星期后未消除,请到牙医或医生处就诊。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Executives of Xinhua did not respond to questions sent last week by e-mail asking about their decision to lease the sign at 2 Times Square. 至于新华社为什么决定在纽约时报广场2号楼打广告,新华社行政人员并没有对这个我们在上周通过电邮发出的问题作出回应。 www.bing.com 5. We wasted 2 hours to talk with the manager about this thing . That rude women just keep saying " NO NO NO NO NO" . 我们浪费了两个小时与经理讨论此事,而那位粗暴的女士只是坚持说“不行,不行,不行,不行”。 weike.taskcn.com 6. One retired Egyptian diplomat, speaking unattributably, puts the size of his own country's internal-security apparatus at about 2m people. 一位退休的埃及外交官隐晦的说,他国家的内部安全机构在约2百万人中设有监控。 www.ecocn.org 7. I realized this for the first time about 2 years ago, when an employee came to me with a salary increase request. 我第一次意识到这个是在两年前,一个雇员来找我要求加薪。 www.bing.com 8. In January, Pandora first introduced 15-second audio commercials between songs that come up about two or three times per hour. 一月份的时候,潘朵拉在歌曲之间开始插入15秒的音频广告,广告每小时大致会出现2到3次。 www.bing.com 9. Within just a few months, more than 240 million were sold, netting Ken about $80 million. 仅仅在几个月时间内,他就卖出了2.3亿个玩具,这让肯哈德净资产达到了8万美元。 www.bing.com 10. However, if you think about it, this is the space in which Web 2. 0 really excels and has the most maturity in terms of its tool set. 然而,考虑一下可以发现,这正是Web2.0真正表现出众并在其工具集方面最成熟的领域。 www.ibm.com 1. However, the end of the human genome project, it is found that the gene encoding the protein of the total genome of about 2%. 但人类基因组计划结束后,人们发现编码蛋白质的基因只占总基因组的约2%。 www.chinavalue.net 2. Myth No. 2: China and India's engagement with Africa is all about natural resources. 谣言二:中印与非洲的交往都和自然资源相关 www.bing.com 3. Barclays was expecting about $2 billion, he said, adding "that was on the high side" of analyst estimates. Setia表示.巴克莱预计该数字约为20亿美元,他补充称,“公布的数据处在”分析师预估值的“高端”。 cn.reuters.com 4. That's significantly higher than the 27 percent who said the same about the Tea Party in a similar poll conducted in February. 这个数据,比在2月份进行的一次类似的调查中,对“茶党运动”持有相同观点的比例高27%。 www.bing.com 5. All that rapid growth over the past few weeks has catapulted your little passenger to about 2 inches in length by now. 在过去几周快速的生长后,现在你的小不点已经有两英寸长了。 www.bing.com 6. A baby made his way into the world this week in Indonesia at 19. 2 pounds (8. 7 kg) - about three times the weight of an average newborn. 本周在印度尼西亚出生了一个重达19.2磅(8.7公斤)的婴儿,其体重是普通新生儿的三倍。 french.2u4u.com.cn 7. It's hard to say. It depends on operation procedures and your recovery from the anaesthesia. I imagine that it will take about 2 hours. 这很难说。要看手术进展和您从麻醉中苏醒的情况。我估计大概2个小时左右吧。 wenku.baidu.com 8. In a future release it will provide all sorts of useful information about your server and your WordPress install, so hang on to it! 目前检查行为只能告诉你你的主机是否适用WordPress3.2,而以后的版本将会向用户提供更加实用的服务器以及WordPress安装的信息。敬请关注。 www.bing.com 9. This comes out to about 2 blogs in every second or approximately one-fifth of the number of new babies born everyday. 算起来就是每秒钟有2个博客,大约相当于每天新生婴儿总数的五分之一。 www.bing.com 10. Unfortunately, the major complaint about AW was that the "free-roam" element from Postal 2 was gone. 不幸地,那主要的诉苦有关AW是那“自由的-漫游”元素从邮政的2不见了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It was a week after his 87th birthday. [Talking about Cars 2] is what my dad would want. 这是一个星期后,他87岁生日。[关于车2谈]是我的爸爸希望。 www.englishtang.com 2. In about two years, Android created a platform that attracts application developers, service providers and hardware manufacturers. 在大约2年的时间里,Android平台吸引了应用开发者、服务提供商和硬件厂商。 dongxi.net 3. The one big misstep is a property-tax cap of about 2 percent a year that will severely hurt schools and services in poorer communities. 然而也有一项重大过失,那就是财产税每年上限额度为2%的规定将严重打击较贫困社区的学校及服务条件。 dongxi.net 4. About once a week. We played a game yesterday the score was two to one and we won. And what's your favorite winter sport? 大约一周一次。昨天我们比了一场赛比分是2比1,我们赢了。你冬天喜欢的运动是什么? www.ebigear.com 5. But these products are still among the least competitive and account for only about 2% of mortgages lent in recent months. 但是,这些产品对购房者影响不大,而且也只是在最近几个月减少了约2%的按揭贷款。 www.bing.com 6. College graduated or above; working experience about marketing, sales management and team management for at least 2 years. 大专以上学历,有2年以上市场营销、销售管理和团队管理工作经验; www.gao8dou.com 7. fire which broke out on a Turkish cargo ship, about 15 miles off the northern Croatian Adriatic resort of Rovinj on February 6, 2008. 2月6日,在克罗地亚北部旅游胜地伦尹15海里处,灭火直升机正在尽力扑灭一艘土耳其货轮上的大火。 dict.ebigear.com 8. I've been at the university for five months. 2 I've studied it for about a year. 我已经在大学学习四个月了。2我已经学习大约一年了。 www.tingroom.com 9. Hacking around they discovered that a sequence of about 2, 000 digits of any sort can be shanghaied into serving as roe for a possible fish. 通过到处乱闯他们发现,一系列大约2,000个各种形式的数码都能被拐走而变成某种可能的鱼的鱼卵。 www.showxiu.com 10. The historical center of London is now a relatively small area still known as the City, which covers only about 2. 6 sq km. 历史上的伦敦市中心现在只是一个较小的区域,仍被称之为伦敦城,面积只有2.6平方公里。 bbs.tradeidc.com 1. Set up a box about 2 inches behind your body. As you squat back, sit on the box so your upper thighs are parallel to the floor. 在你身后放置一约2英尺的箱子,当你下蹲时,坐在箱子上,以使你的大腿上半部与平面保持平行。 www.bing.com 2. There is an incentive to collude with other suppliers to boost prices, just as two prisoners have good reason to keep mum about their crime. 与其他供应商一起哄抬价格的动机,就像2个囚徒在他们的罪行方面都闭口不言。 www.ecocn.org 3. I've done it for about two years, and it hasn't hurt me a bit. In fact, it's helped me a lot. 我已经这样做了2年了,这并没有影响到我,并且,让我获得了很多帮助。 www.bing.com 4. To pay for this, he worked as a coordinator at a summer camp in Marseille, teaching Chinese, which brought him about $1, 000 in two months. 为了支付这笔费用,他在马赛一个夏令营中担任班主任,教授中文。这份工作在2个月内为他筹得了1000美元。 www.i21st.cn 5. Over the last 3000 years, global sea-level rose 0. 1 to 0. 2 millimetres a year - about a tenth the rate of rise in the last 100 years. 在过去的3000年里,全球海平面每年上升了0.1至0.2毫米,这是过去100年海平面上升速度的十分之一。 www.scidev.net 6. As of the end of February, 9. 5m had come back to the province. Of these, about 5 per cent (or 460, 000 people) had not found jobs. 今年的春节在1月底。到2月底,已有950万返回广东。在这些人中,约有5%(46万)还没有找到工作。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In a year, the average home uses about 20, 000 units (kilowatt hours) of energy via gas use. 在一年中,平均每个家庭耗费的燃气大约为2万个字(千瓦小时)。 www.bing.com 8. Posco said the two would not talk about merging , but the Korean company's shares rose 2. 04 per cent to Won325, 000 on such expectations . 浦项制铁称,双方不会讨论合并问题。但市场人士对双方合并的预期推动浦项制铁股价上涨2.04%,至325,000韩元。 www.bing.com 9. Based on patient surveys, one "quality of life" year is defined as about two years of life on dialysis. 基于病人调查,一个质量生命年被定义为约为2年的透析生命。 www.ecocn.org 10. The movie is a little over a 100 minutes long, but since it's about lawyers you can just round that up to 2 hours. 这部电影,片长略长于100分钟,但是鉴于本片探讨的是律师题材,你可以径自把它估算成2个点。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. With the bank's stock trading at about $30, JPMorgan stepped in with a $2 per share offer that was later raised to $10. 在该投资银行股票价格为30美元的情况下,摩根大通将其2美元的收购价格提升至10美元。 fthxit.blog.sohu.com 2. Even in ideal conditions an individual phytoplankton only lives for about a day or two. 即使在理想条件下,浮游植物的存活时间也只有1、2天。 www.bing.com 3. Freight traffic density has increased by an average 1. 3 per cent a year; passenger density by about 2. 4 per cent a year. 货运密度年均增长1.3%,客运密度每年大约增长2. www.ftchinese.com 4. BRANDIED excess water and microwave about 2 minutes, or made of fermented rice, eggs, fermented glutinous rice dumpling. 酒酿加水过量,微波2分钟左右即可,或制成酒酿蛋、酒酿汤圆。 99mrw.5d6d.com 5. He could'nt do much about the German's second goal - though it was ultimately not an issue as England went on to win 4-2 after extra time. 对于德国的第二个球,他无能为力——最终英格兰还是加时赛后4:2取得胜利。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He warned about the deeping deepening recession in a speech in Virginia on Thursday, less than 2 weeks before he takes office. 在离就职还有2周之际,本周四的弗吉尼亚的演说中,奥巴马警示了愈演愈烈的经济衰退。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The analysis showed that there was about 2% specific impulse loss if liquid water was drilled out of engine directly. 分析表明液态水直接排出发动机将导致约2%的比冲损失。 lib.cqvip.com 8. The average length of the relationship was about 2 years, and about 2 months had passed, on average, since the relationship ended. 他们失去的这段感情的平均长度在2年左右,而分手的时间平均在两个月左右。 www.bing.com 9. According to his numbers, the company may have sold about 3. 2 million iPads during the quarter, roughly in line with Apple's own estimates. 根据他的分析数字,苹果在第二季度卖出了大约320万台iPad,接近苹果自己的预期值。 www.bing.com 10. Now, people would apparently rather read about a 22-year-old English builder who scoffed two bags of watercress in under a minute. 现在的人们却明显地更乐于读读一个22岁的英国人在不到一分钟内吃掉2包豆瓣菜所创造的吉尼斯世界纪录。 www.ecolion.cn 1. By the time the community has reached a population of about ten or twelve thousand, a fairly well-differentiated structure is attained. 及至社区发展到大约1万至1.2万人口规模时,它就具备了比较细致的结构了。 2. Gold prices were up about 2%, as traders said the yellow metal is likely to breach the $1, 700 a troy ounce barrier in the near-term. 黄金价格上涨约2%,交易员说,短期内金价可能会突破每盎司1,700美元的关口。 chinese.wsj.com 3. With BlackRock now worth about $25bn, Mr Fink's stake gives him a new worth of at least $250m. 目前,黑岩价值约250亿美元,芬克持有的股权让他的最新身价至少达到2.5亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He predicted Japanese growth this year of about 2 per cent thanks to a pick-up in the second half. 他预计,由于下半年增长抬头,日本今年的经济增长率约为2%。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This was discovered by the Greek philosopher Plato about 2, 400 years ago. So these solids are collectively known as the Platonic Solids . 希腊哲学家柏拉图约在2,400年前已发现正多面体只有五种,因此这五种多面体便被统称为柏拉图方体。 www.bing.com 6. Stability assessment: Dynamic loads are the operators moving about the MC, and up to two (2) Collectors. 稳定性评估:动态负载是指操作者移动最多达到两个MC。(2)收集器。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. They wonder about her potential basketball skills with a seven-foot-six father and 6-2 mother, who was a centre for China. 他们想知道的是一个拥有七尺六寸父亲和六尺二寸母亲的孩子有多大的篮球潜能。 my.hoopchina.com 8. The initial phase of the project would be capable of delivering 2, 000 megawatts of wind energy - enough to power about 500, 000 homes. 此项目的初始阶段预计能传输2000兆瓦的电能,足够供50万个家庭使用。 www.bing.com 9. Only about 2 of every 10 watermelons sold in the United States have seeds. 在美国贩卖的西瓜中大概只有两成是有籽的。 www.bing.com 10. Apple has been bragging about how the iPad 2 is a "post-PC" device, but you still need to plug it into a computer to activate and sync it. 苹果一直在吹嘘iPad2是“后PC”时代产品。但是事实上你却仍然需要将它连接到电脑来激活和同步。 www.bing.com 1. Last month, in January, your work and living situations were in flux, so for February, the universe is about to give you a break. 上个月,1月,你的工作和生活充满了变化,所以在2月的时候,宇宙决定让你休息一下。 www.tianya.cn 2. Bradley classes encourage couples to practice tense-and-release exercises together; about 20, 000 couples a year attend. 布莱德利培训班鼓励夫妻一起做放松-紧张练习,每年约有2万人参加这种培训。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Meanwhile, authorities say urban families that qualify for government aid will get about $2 each, per month, for the next three months. 与此同时,中国政府说,每个符合政府救济标准的城市家庭都将在未来三个月内得到每月200美元的资助。 www.voanews.cn 4. One of our favorite parts of the annual Web 2. 0 Summit is Mary Meeker's rapid fire data deluge about the Internet economy. 在此次Web2.0年度峰会上我们最感兴趣的内容质疑就是玛丽·米克尔对网络经济的大量分析数据。 www.bing.com 5. Put the next 5 ingredients into the saucepan. Heat on medium for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly, until the brown sugar is dissolved. 剩下的五种材料放到平底锅搅拌,中火加热2分钟左右,直到红糖全部融化。 www.ebigear.com 6. The strength of the sun's magnetic field is typically only about twice as strong as Earth's field. 太阳的典型磁场强度只有地球磁场强度的2倍。 www.bing.com 7. We spoke with Google about the two-year anniversary milestone and the company's plans for future Chrome development. 我们和Google讨论了2周年的里程碑和公司对未来的开发计划。 www.bing.com 8. Yet oxygen gas did not begin to accumulate in the atmosphere until about 2 billion years ago. 但是大约在20亿年前,氧气才开始在大气层中积累。 9. In the United States, about 11 percent of adults have diabetes. Most have type 2 diabetes, the kind closely linked to obesity. 在美国大约有11%的糖尿病成人患者。绝大多数是2型糖尿病,该型和肥胖症关系较为密切。 www.dxy.cn 10. Each time I had two glasses and about four times during the day, each a few hours apart. 每次我都会喝2杯果汁,一天4次且间隔几小时。 www.elanso.com 1. Indigenous people comprise about a quarter of the Northern Territory's population, compared with 2% in Australia as a whole. 土著人约占北领地人口总数的四分之一,却仅占澳大利亚整体人口的2%。 www.ecocn.org 2. She treats her children badly, but her children know she is not so bad as she seems. 2. He has a lot of confidence about this issue. 她动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她是刀子嘴豆腐心。2对于此事他胸有成竹。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Two years ago, flying goods from Nanjing or Shanghai to Europe cost up to $4 a kilogramme; today it the price is about $2. 50. 两年前,从南京或上海空运货物至欧洲,每公斤运费高达4美元;如今的价格约为2.50美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. About 18% of those surveyed said they were very or somewhat satisfied, a small fraction of the public, but up from 7% in February. 约有18%的受调查者表示自己很满意或还算满意,这个比例不算高,但较今年2月上升了7%。 www.bing.com 5. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index is down about 25% this year, but it has gained about 2% so far this month. 基准的上证综合指数今年累计下跌约25%,但本月迄今已上涨2%。 chinese.wsj.com 6. At the end of February, Toyota had 17, 997 Priuses in dealer inventories in the U. S. , enough to last about a month. 截至2月底,丰田普瑞斯在美国经销商处有17,997辆库存,足以维持大约一个月。 c.wsj.com 7. So it starts out with zero ants, just the founding queen, and it grows to a size of about 10 or 12 thousand ants when the colony is five. 一开始没有蚂蚁,只是蚁后五年后,这个蚁群就壮大到1万或1万2千的蚂蚁。 www.ted.com 8. Chapter 2 is about analyzing and classifying the images of the Matchmaker, according to which the deep cultural implication is found out. 第二章重在分析归纳明清才子佳人小说中“媒妁”形象的类型,并深入挖掘其背后隐含的深层文化意蕴。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Beating about 40 million times a year, a person's heart will beat approximately 2. 5 billion times by the time of their 70th birthday. 按照一年4000万次计算,当一个人70岁时,他的心脏大概将跳动25亿次。 www.bing.com 10. Typically, the rate for such debt would be about one-quarter percentage point over the federal-funds rate, which is currently 2%, he says. 他说,这类借款的利率通常比联邦基金利率高出约25个基点,目前的联邦基金利率是2%。 www.bing.com 1. TEXT messaging is a wonderful business to be in: about 2. 5 trillion messages will have been sent from cellphones worldwide this year. 短信是一项非常出色的业务:今年以来已有约2.5万亿条短信从手机上发出。 www.bing.com 2. (The new Kindle is 8. 7 ounces; Gravity's Rainbow, about 2 pounds. ) The backlit screen tires your eyes and is lousy in sunlight. (新版Kindle重8.7盎司;一本《万有引力之虹》大约2磅)iPad的背光屏让你感觉眼睛疲劳,在阳光下显示也很差。 dongxi.net 3. In other words, I'm going to set it so that cos so it is hanging in there on its thumbs, just about to start sliding. 换句话说,我准备使,α正好等于2μ,the,cotangent,of,alpha,is,exactly,2,mu,它就挂在这里,正好要开始下滑。 open.163.com 4. So far, the first relief well is only about 1, 000 metres or so below the sea bed, and the second has only just been started. 迄今为止,第一口已打入海底下方1000米处,而第2个减压井才刚刚开工。 www.ecocn.org 5. Philae is one of many monuments built after the Macedonian warrior Alexander the Great took control of Egypt about 2, 300 years ago. 在大约2300年以前,马其顿的勇士亚历山大伟大的占领了埃及。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Song 7: 2 Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor, thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies. 歌7:2你的肚脐如圆杯,不缺调和的酒;你的腰如一堆麦子,周围有百合花。 home.godwithus.cn 7. But overall, the market didn't really seem to care. Financial stocks rallied into the close and ended the day down only about 2. 5%. 但总体来说,市场似乎并不在意他们的观点。金融股在收盘前反弹,全天仅下跌2.5%左右。 www.waiyulm.com 8. In fact, sometimes it seems as though Web 2. 0 is more about the data than about what you do with it. 实际上,有时候Web2.0看上去好像更关注于数据本身而不是对数据采取的操作。 www.ibm.com 9. A month ago, she said she would have forecast about 2 million tons of imports. 她说,如果是一个月前,她预测的进口量将会是200万吨左右。 chinese.wsj.com 10. It will spend about half of the 2. 1 trillion won budget on developing biosimilars and use the other half to build factories, he said. 他说,三星集团将花费2100万韩元投资中的一般用于开发生物仿制药,而另一半用于建设生产厂。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. So she reckons about $400m would be recoverable in her base case and about $250m in her downside case. 因此她的基本预测为,债权人可收回大约4亿美元,消极预测大约为2.5亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 2. You know I think about you and the composition of nest 1 2 port of people and happy families do! 你知道我是多想和你组成鸟窝1 2口人的幸福家庭吗! blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is mixed for about two hours with some common chemicals and then allowed to cool. Then it is left until most of the water dries up. 再和一些常见的化学制品混合约2小时,随后等待它冷却,直到大部分的水都消失殆尽为止。 www.unsv.com 4. Carbide boring bar as a result of good rigidity, its protruding steel boring bar length of about 1. 6 ~ 2 times. 硬质合金作为一个刚性好,镗杆的结果,其突出钢材约1.6镗杆长度?2倍。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Epilepsy increases a person's risk of premature death by about two to three times compared to the general population. 与一般人群相比,癫痫可使病人的过早死亡风险增加大约2至3倍。 www.who.int 6. We had stayed up with the revelers at the White House until about two-thirty in the morning, and we were tired but eager to mark this day. 我们和来白宫的客人一直欢庆到约凌晨2点半,虽然很累,但大家都渴望纪录下这一天。 www.bing.com 7. And, because college presidents last only about six years and I've already been on campus for two, perhaps I won't even be here. 因为大学校长的任期只六年,而我在这所学校已经待了2年,也许届时我已经不再这了。 www.bing.com 8. The total Huisman Group employs about 2, 000 employees pied over The Netherlands, China, Czech Republic, Brazil, USA and Singapore. 豪氏威马集团总共有近2,000名员工分布在荷兰、中国、捷克共和国、巴西、美国和新加坡。 www.kongrong.com 9. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, So Jehovah is round about his people From this time forth and for evermore . 2众山怎样围绕耶路撒冷、耶和华也照样围绕他的百姓、从今时直到永远。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A museum is dedicated to his life's work at an old mill that houses about 2, 000 of his vintage images. 一座旧磨坊被改造成展示他作品的博物馆,里面收藏了他的经典照片约2000张。 www.bing.com 1. Due to the long lunch break, businesses which close for this period typically reopen around 2PM or so and then stay open until about 7PM. 由于长期午休,企业关闭重开这一时期通常在下午2点左右,然后继续开放至晚上7时左右。 wenwen.soso.com 2. China has 420 million internet users and about 75 percent of the total already watch videos online at a preferred site, Youku's Koo said. 古永锵表示,中国目前拥有4.2亿网民,其中约75%将网络视频作为第一选择。 www.bing.com 3. modern people with telescopes, the North Peak of the brick tower height of about 2 m, cones, no one to turn. 今人用望远镜观测,北峰顶的砖塔高约2米,圆锥形,无门。 www.elycn.com 4. There were 20, 000 soldiers but they were surprisingly nervous about what reception the unarmed Haitians might have in store for them. 当时美军共有2万名士兵,但令人吃惊的是,他们却对手无寸铁的海地人商店中会有什么大感紧张。 dongxi.net 5. They were treated at the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit, and have been home for about 2 and a half weeks. 他们曾在医院的新生儿重症监护室接受看护,目前都已回到家中两周半了。 msn.v1.cn 6. Yeah, right. . . trying to sell ticket to 230 million people within a period of 3weeks and then come back and talk about service. . . 对啊,在三个星期内把票卖给2亿3千万的人们,然后回过头来再跟他们谈服务的事…… ltaaa.com 7. At about 2: 30pm they finished for the day and the cast were all driven back to the base in their cars. 在下午2:30左右他们完成了当天拍摄任务,所有的演员都乘坐自己的汽车回基地了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. That presents a challenge for a new president because the February deadline is only about two weeks after Inauguration Day. 这对总统是一个挑战,因为2月的最后期限离就职日只有2周。 www.bing.com 9. He said Kerala has about 2, 000 patients waiting for the medical board's nod for kidney transplantation. 他表示,喀拉拉邦有约二千名病人等候当局批准肾脏移植。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Web Analytics 2. 0 presents a new framework that will permanently change how you think about analytics. 网站分析2.0提出了一个新的框架,将永久地改变您对分析认为。 www.ccebook.cn 1. What does your doctor have to say about these risks? Talk with others on WebMD's Type 2 Diabetes Support Group message board. 你的医生应该对这些危险性说些什么?与大家在2型糖尿病互助小组留言板上讨论。 news.dxy.cn 2. But agriculture is now so mechanized that only about 2 percent of American workers make a living as farmers. 由于农业的机械化程度已经非常高了,以至于只有2%的美国工人会选择农民作为职业。 www.bing.com 3. I gave a speech about my design for 2 hours in the meeting. You know what, my boss was very impressed! 会上我就自己的设计发表了两个小时的讲话。你知道吗,我老板对我印象深刻极了! bbs.imelite.com.cn 4. If the test specimen is in the form of large crystals, reduce the particle size to about 2 mm by quickly crushing. 如果样品的是比较大的晶体,需要用高速粉碎机粉碎到约2mm左右的颗粒,方可进行检测。 www.docin.com 5. Table 2 shows the various workflow specifications and definitions that have come about in recent years. 表2显示了近年来产生的各种工作流规范和定义。 www.ibm.com 6. They found fans consumed about twice as much media in an average day as other young men. 他们发现,体育迷平均每天会花约2倍于其他年轻人的时间关注媒体。 www.ecocn.org 7. Subprime mortgages peaked at about 1% of the total in Australia and 2. 5% in Canada, compared with more than 14% in the United States. 次级抵押贷款在澳大利亚和加拿大的最高水平分别是1%和2.5%,而在美国则是超过14%。 blog.ecocn.org 8. There are about 2 million of these devices currently deployed, but many more are expected to be added in coming years. 目前已建置了约200万部这种设备,预计未来几年还会装设更多。 suyage.com:8080 9. Epsilon sends more than 40 billion emails a year for about 2, 500 companies around the world. Epsilon公司每年在世界范围内为约2500家公司发送超过400万封电子邮件。 www.bing.com 10. 2--However, the people's traditional impressions about lawyers have amendments by a large number of legal practices within a few years . 然而,近些年来大量律师的执业实践活动正在越来越多地修正人们的这一传统认识。 zhishi.sohu.com 1. Since then passengers have been gradually returning, recently rising 10% to about 2. 1 million a year. 从那以后,乘客逐渐多了起来,最近增长了10%,每年达到210万。 www.hjenglish.com 2. I have been doing translation on baidu. com for about 2 years now, and I do it only out of my interest in studying the languages. 我已经在百度做了大概两年的翻译,我完全是出自对学习语言的兴趣才给人们翻译的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Inasmuch as it takes about two months to obtain all travel documents, I am afraid to be allowed insufficient time for preparations. 由于获取所有旅行文件约需2个月,我恐怕没有足够时间来作准备工作。 www.tdict.com 4. If you want a bookmark, glue it down the spine about 2 inches between the mull and the head bands. 如果想要加一条书签,把它粘在缎带和纱布之间,留大约2英寸的长度。 www.360doc.com 5. Only about 407 light years from Earth, Rho Oph is one of the closest star-forming regions to us. 蛇夫座距离地球只有407光年远,它是距离我们最近的恒星2发源地之一。 www.bing.com 6. The company is now building a 500-metric ton plant that will take the company's capacity to about 2, 400 tons next year. 该公司正在建造一个500公吨的装置,将使其明年的生产能力达到2400吨。 www.bing.com 7. 'My monthly pension of 2, 000 yuan [about $300] almost does not cover my living costs, ' she said. 她说,我每个月2000元(300美元)的退休金几乎维持不了我的生活费。 c.wsj.com 8. They generally travel for about 2 miles from their breeding grounds, or even further if blown by the wind. 他们一般旅行大约200英里的滋生地,甚至更远的,如果被风吹散。 wf1504.blog.163.com 9. And as you saw just about a month ago, Watson from IBM beat the two champions in Jeopardy. 正如你们大约一个月前看到的,来自IBM的沃特森在“危险”中打败了2位冠军。 www.ted.com 10. Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers, with about an inch (2. 5 cm) of floss between them. 两只手的食指和大拇指分别捏紧牙线的一端,中间留出一英寸长(2.5厘米)。 www.bing.com 1. China burns over 2 billion tonnes of coal a year, and demand increases by about 10 percent each year, analysts say. 分析师表示,中国每年能源消耗约和20亿吨煤炭,需求亦每年增长约10%。 cn.reuters.com 2. I am personally part of the JPA 2 expert group and have been thinking about Java Persistence integration for a while. 我个人是JPA2专家组的成员,已经对JavaPersistence集成思索了一段时间。 www.infoq.com 3. Mr. Saldanha says about 2. 5% of his portfolio is now in frontier markets, up from zero about six months ago. 沙尔丹哈说,他的投资组合目前持有约2.5%的前沿市场仓位,而约半年前这个比例是零。 www.bing.com 4. ''Now the actual amount of radiation escaping into space is about two watts, not much more than you get from a cell phone, '' said Dr Drake. 德雷克说,“现在溜入太空的辐射实际数量约为2瓦特,并不比你从一部手机中接收到的多。” www.bing.com 5. Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. 恐龙,是在地球上一次最大规模灭绝事件(发生在约二叠纪-三叠纪的2.5亿年前)发生以后才出现的。 www.bing.com 6. This is a massive amount of damage seeing as it is able to do this damage about every two seconds. 这是一个强大的火力输出,因为看上去攻击间隔只有2秒。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Conducted in February, it polled more than 1, 000 respondents, about half of whom had more than five years of investment experience. 调查是在2月份展开的,受访者超过1000人,其中约一半拥有5年以上的投资经验。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If you're expecting a baby girl, her ovaries are beginning to form, and by week 18 will already hold about 2 million primitive eggs. 如果你期望是个女孩,她的卵巢正开始形成,到18周的时候已经有2百万左右的原始卵子了。 www.bing.com 9. If you happen to see the above error message about the symbol errno, your program has been linked with a version of glibc older than 2. 3. 如果你恰好遇到像上面这样的关于symbolerrno的错误信息,就说明你的程序被链接到了某个版本号低于2.3的glibc上。 blog.163.com 10. The company said it produced 2. 14 million tons of potassium chloride in 2009, up about 50, 000 tons from a year earlier. 该公司说,2009年其氯化钾产量为214万吨,较上年同期大概增加了五万吨。 c.wsj.com 1. People who wanted to enter the USA had to go through a number of nental and physical tests and about 2 million people were turned down. 想要进入美国的人都必须经过多次的智力测试和体格检查,大约有200万人不准入境。 www.jxenglish.com 2. Fortunately, you can read Part 2 of this series, which explained all about S3 uploads, so you shouldn't be surprised by any of it. 幸运的是,可以阅读本系列的第2部分,其中解释了有关S3上传的所有内容,因此您应当不会感到陌生。 www.ibm.com 3. According to a recent UN report, green energy will create about 20 million jobs over the next few decades. 根据最近一份联合国报告,环保能源将会在未来几十年里创造出2亿份工作。 www.elanso.com 4. Despite China's huge population, its net grain import currently accounts for only about two percent of its total consumption. 尽管中国有庞大的人口,但是目前粮食进口值占了总消费的2%。 www.putclub.com 5. In other words, it's no longer about whether your business is ranking for a certain search term at, say #2 in Google. 也就是说,问题不再仅仅是你的业务在某个特定条件下的搜索达到何种排名。比方说在Google排到第二。 www.bing.com 6. About 600, 000 migrants have left Libya since the conflict broke out in February. 自从这场冲突在2月爆发以来,大约有60万外国移民离开了利比亚。 www.hxen.com 7. Those were among the findings of a Pew Research Center survey of 2, 691 people about family issues released last week. 皮尤研究中心上周发布了对2691人关于家庭问题的一项调查的发现,以上是其中一些。 www.bing.com 8. Do you know anything about him? Yes. He's 2. 26 meters tall. 你了解他的一些事吗?是的,他2.26米高。 wenku.baidu.com 9. The surplus alone is enough to produce about 220 million one-ounce gold American Buffalo coins. That's in eight years. 单这八年内剩余的部分便足以制造约2.2亿枚一盎司的美国水牛金币。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The amount was enough to afford 2, 100 calories a day, leaving about a third of the budget for everything else. 这个数字够每天2100卡路里的消耗,预算的另外三分之一负责其他所有事情。 www.ecocn.org |
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