单词 | sales-tax |
释义 |
复数:sales taxes 例句释义: 营业税,销售税 1. Admittedly, as an online outfit Amazon does not pay sales tax in American states where it has no physical presence. 必须承认,作为在线零售的亚马逊由于并没有实体店,所以它无需缴纳营业税。 www.bing.com 2. Amazon's experimental "Fresh" grocery program is now active in Seattle, where the company already collects sales tax. 亚马逊实验性的“新鲜”菜篮子工程已经在开始征税的西雅图启动。 www.bing.com 3. The report criticises member states' attempts to combat fraud with a "reverse charge" mechanism, which turns VAT into a form of sales tax. 报告对某些成员国试图利用“逆向收费”(reversecharge)机制(将增值税转变为一种销售税)打击欺诈的做法提出了批评。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Old lady: I'd like to buy this red bra. Can you tell how much the sales tax is? 老夫人:我要买这个红色的胸罩。能告诉我要加多少税吗? bbs.enfamily.cn 5. Finally, I had to threaten not to allow my own sales-tax bill to pass if the testing wasn't passed along with it. 最后,我不得不威胁说,如果教师考试议案不能与我自己提出的销售税议案一起通过的话,我宁愿不让后者被通过。 www.bing.com 6. Texas has no personal-income or capital-gains taxes, instead relying heavily on the sales tax, the property tax and various business taxes. 德克萨斯州不征收个人所得税也不征收资本增值税,而是严重依靠销售税,财产税和各式各样的营业税收。 www.ecocn.org 7. computer software patents and the right to use non-patent technology transfer is not to collect sales tax, value-added tax should be levied. 对以存储介质为载体,但不记载计算机程序及其有关文档的非计算机技术成果和技术秘密的转让收入征收营业税。 www.showxiu.com 8. The speaker explained that casino gambling would help the city's finances, so a proposed sales tax increase would not be necessary. 演讲者解释说赌场赌博会有助于城市的经济,就不再需要增加销售税。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. These two gigs add up to the biggest annual sales-tax earner for the city, Christmas included. 这两大节日加起来为该市带来年度最大的销售税收益,超过圣诞节。 www.ecocn.org 10. Mr Cain's rivals do worry, though, that his scheme will introduce a new federal revenue stream, in the form of a sales tax. 然而,Cain先生的对手真正担心的是,他的计划会给联邦带来新的财政收入,以销售税的形式。 www.bing.com 1. By the last day of the session, we had it all: the standards, the teacher-testing law, and an increase in the sales tax. 会议最后一天,我们的议案都通过了:教育标准、教师考试法和销售税的增加。 www.bing.com 2. Be aware that the "sales tax" on an item is not included in the displayed price but applied by the store clerk when you buy the item. 在你购买商品时“营业税”是不计入商品的标价的,但营业员有责任将此信息告诉你。 dict.bioon.com 3. If anything, he appears keener on discussing an increase in sales tax from its current 5 per cent than either of his predecessors. 如果说有什么不同的话,他似乎比自己的两位前任更热衷于探讨上调目前5%的销售税问题。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Chetty's team confirmed this with a survey: shoppers knew of the existence of the sales tax and most of them knew its level. 柴提的团队通过一项调查对此进行了确认,即购物者清楚销售税的存在,并且大部分人了解其税率水平。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Meanwhile, efforts to make it easier to buy land, cut the large public deficit or introduce a new sales tax have been allowed to drift. 同时,使土地买卖更加便利、大幅削减公共赤字、引进新的销售税等努力政府也不再关注。 www.ecocn.org 6. A repeat in 2010 was always going to be hard, especially with a car-sales tax cut partially reversed. 2010年再创佳绩始终是很难的,特别是在汽车购置税减半措施部分取消之后。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Imposition of a national sales tax is a very live option sitting atop the Obama Administration's policy table. 征收全国营业税现在已成为奥巴马政府的首选政策。 www.bing.com 8. Mr. Kan has previously said Japan's rising social welfare expenses and its soaring national debt make a sales tax increase inevitable. 菅直人此前表示,日本社会福利花费上涨,国债激增,使得消费税调涨难以避免。 www.voanews.com.cn 9. At issue is whether states can force out-of-state merchants to collect sales tax on purchases by in-state residents. This fight is national. 争论的焦点在于,州政府是否有权向州以外的商家征收,州内居民消费时的销售税。这场斗争是国家级的。 www.bing.com 10. 'The sales tax change hit us substantially, ' he said. 他表示,销售税上调对我们打击很大。 cn.wsj.com 1. Higher rebate makes pharmaceutical industry is not widespread yield increased profits, not much more than sales tax anomaly. 高额的回扣使得医药行业普遍存在增产不增利,多销不多税的反常现象。 taskcn.cnhubei.com 2. Voters in Oregon, for example, have rejected a state sales tax nine times since the 1930s; the state is now one of only five without one. 例如,俄勒冈州的选民自19世纪30年代以来已九次否决征收消费税提案;俄勒冈州是目前全美仅有的五个不征收消费税的州之一。 www.ecocn.org 3. The state has scrapped some taxes, like a sales tax on manufacturing equipment, and takes a hard line against any new ones. 该州还废除了一些行业的税收,比如生产设备营业税,此外还对那些新兴行业采取了严格措施。 www.ecocn.org 4. Maine, as part of its efforts to broaden its revenue base, extended its sales tax to car repairs, dog grooming and dry cleaning. 作为增加基础收入的一部分,缅因州在汽车维修、宠物狗装饰和干洗领域增加了消费税。 www.ecocn.org 5. The relational version of this example does not feature a Web service or sales tax calculation. 此示例的关系版本没有Web服务或销售税计算。 www.ibm.com 6. Those incentives were subsidies for rural buyers and a two-year reduction in the sales tax on new family vehicles. 这些刺激政策包括对农村买车人提供补贴和减免新家庭用车头两年的购车税。 dongxi.net 7. State law may require sales tax to be charged on the pre-discounted price if the product is subject to sales tax. 国家法律所要求的前折扣价收取的销售税,如果该产品是缴纳营业税。 www.freemerce.com 8. On top of that, they pay sales tax and the tobacco industry pays profit tax. 除此之外,他们还缴纳销售税,而烟草业支付利润税。 www.tobaccochina.com 9. By comparison the provincial portion of the Harmonized Sales Tax rate in Ontario is only 8%. 比较起来,在安大略省合并销售税省的部分是只有8%。 www.bing.com 10. The difference between the two types lies in whether permitting the sales tax to offset capital asserts income tax. 这两类增值税的区别就在于是否允许销项税额抵扣固定资产的进项税额。 m.baidu.com 1. Voters in each region will decide by referendum whether to approve a one-cent increase in the sales-tax to pay for those regional projects. 每一个地区的选民将通过全民公决决定是否批准在营业税上增加一美分以支付那些地区的项目费用。 www.ecocn.org 2. The government is committed to cutting spending and is only now walking away from a proposal to double sales tax to 10 per cent. 政府承诺将削减支出,且刚刚放弃将销售税提高一倍至10%的提议。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Memphis scores points for not having a state income tax, but the sales tax is an onerous 9. 3%, one of the highest in the country. 孟菲斯因不用缴纳州级所得税而得了一些分数,但是该州的营业税却高达9.3%,负担够重的了,这个税率也是美国最高的城市之一。 www.bing.com 4. But low business taxes and the lack of a provincial sales tax make overall operating costs lower than in Ontario. 但营业税较低和没有省一级的销售税,使这里的企业整体经营成本低于安大略省。 www.24en.com 5. A recent cut in the car-sales tax and a three-year plan to spend $124 billion on revamping health care are steps in the right direction. 中国政府近期下调了汽车销售税,并计划未来三年投入1,240亿美元大力发展医疗,这些都是正确的举措。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Bezos thinks that by then the federal government will uniformly set nationwide standards for the collection of online sales tax. 贝佐斯认为到那时联邦政府会同意对网上营业税的征收制定全国性标准。 www.bing.com 7. On Xinhua Bookstore sales tax exemption or refund should be issued on the special tax for dot construction and establishment. 对新华书店免征或退还的增值税税款应专项用于发行网点建设和信息系统建设。 www.bing.com 8. The sales tax varies from price to price of any item you buy. 销售税随你所购物品的价格而变。 b.qzone.qq.com 9. This year's sales growth was driven in large part by a halving of the sales tax on autos with smaller engine sizes. 今年汽车销量的增长主要是受到小排量汽车购置税减半征收的推动。 c.wsj.com 10. Since sales tax affects individuals directly, salaries tax concessions are considered appropriate. 既然销售税是直接影响个人的支出,所以在薪俸税中作出让步是比较适合。 www.ericli.org 1. Critics of the sales tax lost no time to expose its various weaknesses and sounded warnings on its far reaching implications. 而抨击销售税的人士,亦立即指出这税项的多种弱点和它的深远影响提出警告。 www.ericli.org 2. It also gives states the power to levy an additional sales tax on goods and services already taxed by the federal government. 它同样会授权州治政府一定的权力来征收联邦政府税收之后的商品与服务的附加营业税。 www.ecocn.org 3. Furthermore, businesses were not required to charge sales tax in states where they did not have a physical presence. 此外,若商家在本州没有实体店面则无需缴纳销售税。 www.i21st.cn 4. The sales tax is only one reason for such differences in price. 销售税只是这种价格差别的一个原因。 www.ecocn.org 5. As services are not, for the most part, subject to sales tax, revenue flows will not keep pace with growth. 由于大多数的服务业并不需要缴纳销售税,财政收入的增幅将无法与经济增长的速度达成一致。 www.ecocn.org 6. If the sales tax weren't increased, prices in all stores and restaurants would be lower. 如果销售税不增加,所有商店和饭店的价格就会更低。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. The liability for the sales tax is incurred at the time the sale in made . 营业税的负债在销售时就产生了。 zuofa.net 8. The government has already raised sales tax, but cuts on services like welfare and a rise in the retirement age are yet to come. 政府已经提高销售税,但是减少服务就像福利事业和提高退休年龄仍然没有到来。 www.aitrans.net 9. pairs of nurseries, kindergartens to provide access to parenting services, income, exempt from sales tax. 对托儿所、幼儿园提供养育服务取得的收入,免征营业税。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. policies on housing including deed tax reduction and sales tax cancellation for buying house with unexpired term of five years. 沈阳市政府正酝酿出台房税新政,其中包括购房减免契税,以及对购买未满5年的住房交易免缴营业税。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 1. Given an array of prices, I'd like to generate a sales-tax table with each price and its associated tax. 给定一组价格,我想要生成一个含有价格和它相应的税金的销售-税金表。 www.ibm.com 2. it relies instead on passenger revenue and a 1% sales tax in the two counties it serves. 相反,它依靠的是客运收入与所服务两个县的百分之一的营业税收入。 www.ecocn.org 3. Import restraints are equivalent to a sales tax and often apply to necessities. 进口限制相当于销售税,而且往往是针对必需品。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Consumers have reined in spending, eroding sales-tax receipts, while job losses have cut income-tax collections. 消费者减少了开支,打击了消费税收入,而失业则造成了收入所得税减少。 www.bing.com 5. It has abolished sales tax on computers and in last week's budget ended the sales tax on new mobile phones. 该国取消了购买电脑的销售税,并且在上周的预算中停止了对新移动电话交易征收的销售税。 www.ecocn.org 6. Japan's lower house of parliament has approved Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's controversial plan to double sales tax. 日本议会众议院通过了首相野田佳彦加倍征收营业税的计划。 www.enread.com 7. Influence of Construction Contract on "Sales Tax" for Construction Enterprise. 浅析建造合同下对施工企业“应交营业税”的影响。 www.ilib.cn 8. in addition , sarft has offered digital tv carriers in second and third tier cities exemptions from sales tax as an incentive. 广电总局亦已向二三线城市的数码网络营运商提供销售税减免,以鼓励政策的推行。 www.ichacha.net 9. Blair is promising not to increase income tax or sales tax on food, children's clothes or books. 等等。新闻中说布莱尔承诺不会提高所得税或者食品,儿童服装和图书等的营业税。 english.cri.cn 10. Sales tax varies with the prices of what you buy. 销售税随着你所购物品的价格而变 wenku.baidu.com 1. Washington state, ruled by Democrats, has a sales tax but no income tax, and thus cannot aim taxes at the rich alone. 由民主党所领导的华盛顿特区,只征收消费税而不征收收入税,因此增税不能够只针对富人。 www.ecocn.org 2. I will be personally liable to pay Bevilles Pty Ltd the amount of sales tax payable in respect of these goods. 我本人应支付给伯维尔斯股份公司购买上述物品的销售税税款。 dict.bioon.com 3. The dry cleaning environmental surcharge is in addition to the state and local retailers' sales tax. 干洗环境附加费是在除了国家和地方零售商的销售税。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 4. if a sales tax is superimposed over the existing income tax , total avoidance will become much more difficult. 所以,如果香港增加一个徵收销售税的制度,则逃税者欲完全避免承担付税的责任,便会变得非常困难。 www.ichacha.net 5. This month, it halved the sales-tax rate on smaller cars to 5% for the rest of 2009, and cut retail prices for gasoline and diesel. 政府上个月宣布,2009年底前小型汽车消费税率减半征收(至5%),并下调了汽油和柴油的零售价。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In Greece, the value-added tax (a national sales tax) was increased four percentage points; the normal retirement age is also being raised. 希腊的增值税(国家销售税)提高了4个百分点;而正常的退休年龄也被推迟。 www.bing.com 7. High unemployment has contributed to low sales-tax receipts, which make up almost two-thirds of tax revenue. 高失业率导致销售税减少,后者在全州总税收收入中约占三分之二的比例。 www.ecocn.org 8. The worst expression of India's fiscal fragmentation is the central sales tax (CST), which is set by the centre but collected by the states. 印度财政不统一的最糟表现是中央营业税,它由中央设定但却由邦来收取。 www.ecocn.org 9. And so when you add the shipping fees in relative to the sales tax of the local merchant, prices start looking perhaps a little bit closer. 并且当你加入运费和消费税一比较,价格看上去还是比较接近的。 www.bing.com 10. How to Treat Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Levied Along with Sales Tax with the Amount of Sales Tax Checked as the Tax Basis? 以查处的营业税税额为计税依据附征的城市维护建设税如何处理? service.ilib.cn 1. The new governor was accused of chicanery after raising sales tax despite his campaign promise of tax cuts. 这位新的统治者尽管在竞选时保证会减税,但却提升营业税,为此被起诉有欺骗行为。 www.putclub.com 2. That takes a price as a parameter, adds sales tax to it, and returns the price plus the tax. 添加销售税并返回价格和销售税的加和。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. He wants to abolish income tax and replace it with a sales tax. 比如,他希望用消费税代替个人所得税。 www.bing.com 4. Higher unemployment means lower income tax revenue, and empty stores mean less cash from sales tax. 失业率的上升意味着收入所得税的减少,而各大店铺门可罗雀则导致消费税入库大减。 www.hicoo.net 5. Sales Tax - Items picked up or shipped to an address in these states are subject to the following sales tax. 消费税-提取或托运货物至这写州的地址应承担如下的消费税。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Buyers in the U. S. and UK must also pay a sales tax on the premium. 在美国和英国购买艺术品还需要支付销售税。 c.wsj.com 7. It includes a temporary rise in income tax from 28% to 30% for the s, a new 2% sales tax and a tax on telephones. 预算计划将最高收入人群的个人所得税暂时由28%提高至30%;增加2%的销售税;同时开始征收电话使用税。 www.ecocn.org 8. It would do whatever it could to make the sales tax-free unless all available loopholes get nailed shut. 它会尽一切可能使得出售交易免于税收,除非现存的所有漏洞被结结实实地堵住。 www.fortunechina.com 9. to provide services to students to obtain work-study income, exempt from sales tax. 对学生勤工俭学提供劳务取得的收入,免征营业税。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The city, which imports 50% more Swiss watches than the U. S. by dollar value, doesn't charge any sales tax. 若以美元价值来计算,香港进口的瑞士手表比美国进口的还要多50%。 c.wsj.com 1. That includes rental for three days, insurance and sales tax, plus an added fee for gasoline. 那包含了租三天的车、保险和印花税,加上油钱。 www.enmajor.com 2. There are taxes applied to vacationers in hotels. And so it's not just as simple as what the local sales tax is, clearly. 假日旅馆也同样收税,而且不同于本地的消费税那么简单明了。 www.bing.com 3. That trend could exacerbate debt problems by affecting sales tax and other revenues governments need to close gaping budget deficits. 这一趋势可能会影响销售税和其他各种政府用来减小预算赤字的收入,进而加剧债务问题。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The sales tax, for instance, applies only to goods, even though California has become a service economy. 比如,虽然腺癌加州经济已经以服务业为主,但是加州的销售税依然是只针对货物。 www.ecocn.org 5. (9)Also discussed was a revenue-raising proposal to hike the sales tax. . . 也讨论了增加销售税的提高税收建议….(这里倒装是由于主语较长) www.ebigear.com 6. This number takes into account refunds, chargebacks, and sales tax. 这个数字顾及到退款和销售税。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. China leads the world with her silk products. 3. Sales tax varies with the prices of the goods you have bought. 2中国以其丝绸产品领先于世界。3销售税随你所购物品的价格而变。 www.qeto.com 8. On your next trip to America, don't forget about sales tax! 下次造访美国,别忘了那儿有徵收销售税哦! hi.baidu.com 9. Retrieve sales tax information from WAREHOUSE. 从WAREHOUSE检索销售税。 www.ibm.com 10. Its auto market has been spurred since the government reduced by half the sales tax on small vehicles. 这是因为政府将小型机车销售税减半,刺激了汽车市场。 www.ecocn.org 1. She has mused about replacing income tax with a national sales tax. 她甚至还思量着以销售税取代所得税。 www.ecocn.org 2. Also discussed was a revenue-rasising proposal to hide the sales tax. 也讨论了旨在增加销售税的提高税收建议。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. And cities in the West, South and Southeast typically rely more on sales-tax revenue. 至于西部、南部及东南部的城市,销售税是其主要的财政入项。 www.ecocn.org 4. We adjusted policies for the sales tax on vehicle purchases. 调整汽车消费税政策。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Tax manifestos and sales tax refunds are not available for these orders. 税务宣言和销售退税对于上述两类订单不适用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Some states use income tax in addition to sales tax to raise their revenues. The state tax laws are diverse and confusing. 一些州利用收入所得税外加销售税的办法来提高税收,各州的税收法规五花八门,令人费解。 www.ebigear.com 7. For example, you might need to calculate sales tax on an order, or calculate the total value of the order itself. 例如,您可能需要根据某个订单计算销售税,或者计算订单本身的总值。 office.microsoft.com 8. High sales tax inhibits the domestic market from growing. 高额的货物税阻碍了国内市场的成长。 www.bing.com 9. Under Dutch law, girls should be charging 19 per cent sales tax on each transaction. 按照荷兰法律,性服务者每完成一笔“交易”,应缴纳19%的营业税。 gb.cri.cn 10. The price includes a 27% import duty and a 17% sales tax. 价格包括27%的进口税和17%的销售税。 cn.wsj.com 1. Thirteen states exempt clothing from sales tax. 13个州都免除服装的销售税。 www.bing.com 2. When purchasing invoice for the first time, you need to fill out "Assessment Form on Sales Tax Invoice Application" . 初次购领发票,请填写《营业税发票使用鉴定表》。 tr.bab.la 3. Sales tax varies from the price of the goods you buy. 销售税随你所购的物品的价格而变。 www.chinazk.com 4. This figure includes the sales tax. Some states use income tax in addition to sales tax to raise their revenues. 有些州除了征收所得税,还要加征销售税,以提高州政府每年的收入。 3g.unisk.cn 5. On Sept. 7, Amazon finally compromised in California, agreeing to start collecting sales tax in the state by November 2012. 9月3日,亚马逊终于在加利福尼亚妥协,同意从2012年11月开始在州中征收营业税。 www.bing.com 6. Key to the LDP claim is a proposal to raise the sales tax in 2011, if the economy recovers. 自民党有一个很关键的主张,即若经济复苏,应在2011年提高销售税。 cn.reuters.com 7. Perhaps, the government should on the one hand broaden the tax base by collecting sales tax and educate the public on the other. 也许政府一方面应扩大税基,征收销售税及教育市民另一方。 www.bobooo.com 8. Car sales, for instance, have been booming (up by 72. 5% in October) because of a cut in sales tax on new vehicles. 以汽车销售为例,由于新型车辆营业税的降低,汽车销售量激增(十月份增长了72.5%)。 www.ecocn.org 9. Sales tax on revenues and employee withholdings may sit in your account temporarily but will ultimately be owed to the government. 你的帐目里包含了营业税和员工扣税,这些最后都要上交政府。 www.bing.com 10. C In American, people pay sales tax on many items that they buy. 在美国,很多商品是要付销售税的。 www.hxen.com 1. Mr Fox's proposed sales tax was enormously unpopular. 福克斯先生曾提议的营业税普遍不受欢迎。 www.ecocn.org 2. China's central government last January halved the sales tax on smaller-engine vehicles, which saw sales surge in 2009 as a result. 中国政府去年1月将小排量车购置税减半,2009年销量因而飙升。 c.wsj.com 3. Similarly, in most states whenever you purchase something, like clothing or a car, you are required to pay sales tax. 同样,在大多数国家只要您购买的东西,比如衣物或汽车,您需要支付销售税。 www.lwdx123.com 4. All fares are net fares. Sales Tax, Airport Tax and other charges not included. 以上价格为净价,不包含销售税,机场税以及其他附加费用。 www.xiadoc.com 5. Beside sales tax, some states also levy income tax. 某些州除了征收销售税还征收所得税。 www.tianya.cn 6. tax by 1% sales tax levied by the pay that transferring Party. 城市维护建设税则按营业税的1%征收,由出让方缴纳。 www.showxiu.com 7. Some states charge income tax in addition to a sales tax. 某些州除了征收销售税还征收收入所得税 wenku.baidu.com 8. According to state tax records, marijuana sales generate between $58 million and $105 million in annual sales-tax revenue. 据州税务记录,每年的大麻销售税在5800万和1亿500万之间。 www.bing.com 9. All this was despite a heavy sales tax that suppressed demand for wine in Hong Kong. 尽管当时香港对酒征收严厉的营业税以压制需求,嘉柏国际依旧坚持储酒。 www.bdza.cn 10. Sales Tax A tax that is imposed on the sale price of a retail good or services. 对零售货品或服务销售价格征收的税项 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. Sales tax is a touchy subject for Amazon. 交易税对于亚马逊来说是相当敏感的话题。 www.bing.com 2. WITH the approval of 80% of its voters, Oakland last month became the first city in America to exact a sales tax on cannabis. 经80%的选民同意,从上月开始奥克兰成为美国第一个对大麻征收营业税的城市。 club.topsage.com 3. Our prices are exclusive of sales tax. 我们的价格不包括销售税。 www.pp39.com 4. Should you pay a sales tax when you buy something? 你购买东西时要交销售税吗? blog.donews.com 5. The state dose not has a sales tax or income tax. 国家不会有销售税或所得税。 bbs.putclub.com 6. A sales tax is a tax on the freedom of purchase. 销售税是对购物的自由征税。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Some states use income tax in addition to sales tax to raise their revenues. 还有些州为了增加收入,既征收销售税又征收个人所得税。 www.tingclass.net 8. Formal customs clearance value is 30% income tax 16% sales tax. 正式的海关清关费用为30%所得税 16%的营业税 wenwen.soso.com 9. no capital gains tax , no vat or sales tax. 没有资本增值税、增值税或销售税。 www.ichacha.net 10. I buy the FT Weekend every Saturday, for $2. 17 including California sales tax. 每周六我会花2.17美元(其中包括加州的消费税)买份《金融时报-周末版》。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The Domenici-Rivlin report suggests a 6. 5% "debt-reduction sales tax" . Domenici-Rivlin报告建议6.5%的“降低债务销售税”。 www.bing.com 2. But most other advanced countries do have a VAT, which is in effect a national sales tax. 但是大多数其它发达国家采用增值税,它实际是相当于一种全国性的营业税。 www.bing.com 3. The budget is designed to indicate major categories of revenue sources such as personal income tax , ad valorem sales tax and business tax . 预算的制定要显示出各类主要税收,如个人所得税,从价税和营业税等。 www.jukuu.com 4. It costs $20, and then there's the sales tax to pay. 它值20美元,而且另外要付减价税 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In addition to an income tax some states charge a sales tax. 除了收入所得税之外,有些州还要收购物税。 b.qzone.qq.com 6. corn starch, alcohol sales tax rebate of 5%. 玉米淀粉、酒精的增值税出口退税率提高到5%。 www.bing.com 7. I asked the legislature to raise the sales tax half a cent and the corporate income tax half a percent to pay for them. 为了这些计划,我要求州议会将销售税提高5美分,将公司收入税提高0. www.bing.com 8. The government had hoped to raise that ratio by broadening its sales tax, which is riddled with exemptions. 政府打算过去曾希望通过拓宽销售税来提高税收(占国内生产总值)的比率。销售税被各式各样的免税行为打得满是窟窿。 www.ecocn.org 9. Biodiesel blends of 11 percent or higher and 85 percent ethanol blends (E-85) are exempt from state sales tax. 11%或更高比例的生物柴油混合燃料以及85%的乙醇混合燃料(E-85)可以免交所在州的销售税。 www.asaimchina.org 10. Hainan : general sales tax shelter how to apply? 海南:销售普通住房如何申请免税? dict.kekenet.com 1. Sales Tax is calculated according to 5% of Sales Turnover. 消费税是根据营业额的5%计算的。 www.gotoread.com 2. Figure out sales tax in your head. 在自己的头脑中算一下营业税。 xuping723723.blog.163.com 3. Why doesn't Amazon charge you sales tax? 为什么亚马逊不用你纳税呢? www.bing.com 4. Mr Cain's 9-9-9 plan would cut corporate and personal income taxes to 9% and make up the revenue with a sales tax. 凯因的9-9-9计划将会把企业和个人所得税率降至9%,所减少的收入由一项消费税弥补。 www.ecocn.org 5. But even if the state extends its sales tax to services as well as goods, it will need to reconsider what it can afford to provide. 但即使密歇根在销售税的基础上增加服务税和商品税,该州仍需重新考虑还有能力提供多少资金。 www.ecocn.org 6. Key: 1. Some states charge an income tax in addition to sales tax. 汉译英:1某些洲除了征收销售税还征收收入所得税。 www.qeto.com 7. Domestic sales tax reached 256. 78 billion yuan, a rise of 16. 4% and equivalent to 104% of the target. 国内消费税2567.8亿元,增长16.4%,完成预算的104%。 www.hjenglish.com 8. For example, the new sales tax finesses its election commitment to block the extension of VAT to food and medicines. 例如,新的销售税巧妙地迎合了卡尔德龙之前的竞选承诺,没有将增值税延伸到食品和药品上。 www.ecocn.org 9. Japan elected a new prime minister, Naoto Kan, who is a fiscal conservative and has floated the idea of raising the national sales tax. 日本选出了新首相菅直人,而他正是属于财政保守路线,且先前曾提及调高消费税的构想。 cn.reuters.com 10. Fuel-efficient cars in China attract 1% sales tax and sports utility vehicles, 40%. 节能汽车在中国拉动了1%的消费税,而SUV拉动了40%。 www.bing.com 1. Not only does Alaska not have a income tax, there's also no sales tax in Alaska. 阿拉斯加不仅没有收入所得税,也没有消费税。 www.elanso.com 2. there is no value - added or sales tax or capital gains tax . only income sourced in hong kong is taxable. 香港并不徵收增值税、销售税或资本增值税,只有在香港赚取的收入才须课税。 www.ichacha.net 3. Why Not Have a Higher Sales Tax? 为什么不调高营业税呢? www.bing.com 4. Compared with mainland China's 35 per cent import tax and 17 per cent VAT, Hong Kong has no import or sales tax. 在中国内地需交纳35%的进口税和17%的增值税,但在香港不用缴纳进口税和营业税。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It said a sales tax would help Hong Kong to lower the amount of government reserves needed to cushion any economic downturn. 国际货币基金组织表示,征收销售税可帮助香港降低缓冲经济低迷所需的政府储备总量。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I've been to Delaware! No sales tax. Good one, sir. 我去过达拉威尔!那里不用交营业税.很不错的地方,先生 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Hong Kong, where sales tax is zero, has become "the shopping centre of the world for luxury goods" , Schuppisser says. Schuppisser说,由于香港没有销售税,香港成为了世界奢侈品的购物中心。 www.bing.com 8. Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Reducing the Sales Tax Rate of Finance and Insurance 财政部、国家税务总局关于降低金融保险业营业税税率的通知 www.chinalawedu.com 9. The sales tax varies from price to price of any goods you buy 销售税随你的所购物品的价格而变 wenku.baidu.com 10. the overall cost of the carpet including sales tax and fitting 地毯的总值,包括营业税及附件在内。 www.jukuu.com 1. Sales-tax revenues are falling, as are projections for the property tax; and expenses are projected to rise 消费税额在减少,正如对物业税的预测;开销被计划提升 club.topsage.com 2. part of the plastic, ceramics, glass products, part of the aquatic products, turning tools and other merchandise sales tax rebate to 13%; 部分塑料、陶瓷、玻璃制品,部分水产品,车削工具等商品的增值税出口退税率提高到13%; www.bing.com 3. Sales Sales Discount Cost of Sales Selling Expenses Sales Tax and Other Extra Sales Profits 主营业务收入销售折扣和折让主营业务成本营业费用主营业务税金及附加销售利润 wenku.baidu.com 4. fully levy a sales tax on cigarettes on the basis of an authorized tax valuation 对卷烟全面推行核定计税价格征收消费税办法 www.ebigear.com 5. Cost of service Sales tax Consumption tax Resources tax 服务成本营业税消费税资源税 wenku.baidu.com 6. The notification requirement: since 1 June the same year, television transmitting equipment, sewing machines, sales tax rebate to 17%; 通知规定:自当年6月1日起,电视用发送设备、缝纫机等商品的增值税出口退税率提高到17%; www.bing.com 7. A Comparative Static Analysis of Impacts of Sales Tax, Income Tax and Mixed Tax on Economy 销售税、所得税及混合税税收经济影响的比较静态分析 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Study of Sales Tax Policy in the Process of Railways Regrouping 铁路重组过程中新成立的公司营业税政策研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Increased sales tax rate and user charges and fees or levy local sales and income taxes 提高销售税率和收费标准或征收地方销售税和所得税 ccer.pku.edu.cn 10. Further perfecting value-added tax, consuming tax and sales tax 进一步完善增值税、消费税、营业税势在必行 ilib.cn 1. Tax in Toronto and other cities comparable: 8% of the provincial taxes (provincial sales tax); 税务在多伦多市和别的都会平分秋色:8%的省税(provincialsalestax); www.bbslyc.cn 2. On tax planning scheme of sales tax of construction enterprise 施工企业营业税税收筹划方案解析 service.ilib.cn 3. A Background Analysis for Sales Tax Policies Adjusted 营业税政策调整的背景 www.ilib.cn 4. However, they don't pay sales tax on food at the grocery store, 然而,杂货店的食物就不需交销售税, www.hxen.com 5. Refund Sales Tax to Tourists and Exporters 向旅客和出口商退还销售税 www.ericli.org 6. The Effects of Sales Tax on Housing Estate Price 房地产营业税对稳定住房价格的作用研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Action codes of sales tax rate 销售税率的活动代码 www.dba-oracle.org 8. If there is a sales tax of eight percent in that state, 如果该州的销售税率为8%, www.hxen.com 9. Excise tax vs sales tax 见特许权税与销售税 bbs.kaoyan.com 10. Sales Tax and Use Tax 销售税及使用税 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Other states have a sales tax, 有些州征收销售税, www.hxen.com |
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