单词 | sales department |
释义 | 例句释义: 销售部门,营业部,业务部,门市部 1. He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。 www.hotdic.com 2. sales department decided to take full advantage of this year's Fair to increase sales on the U. S. market. 销售部决定充分利用今年的广交会来增加对美国市场的销售量。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Hi, I couldn't help but overhear. . . you were talking about this new development with the sales department. . . 你好,我无意中听到了…你们正在讨论销售部门的某个最新进展情况… www.ef.com.cn 4. Lala suddenly remember that her manager told to her Afa will come to sales department this afternoon he might get there already. 拉拉猛然想起经理说过,阿发下午会来业务部,没准这会儿人已经到了。 www.bing.com 5. Besides, the authorized representative from Sales department is on behalf of the company to sign off the contract with the company's client. 原件由销售部备存,并由销售部门授权人代表公司与顾客签订合同。 img3.zhubajie.com 6. For other big companies(large enterprises), Sales Management Systems can be used for efficiency improvement in their Sales Department. 对于一些大型非销售类型的企业,在其专有的销售部门也可使用此系统,提高他们销售业务的工作效率。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. To give feed back to Technical and Sales Department of the long term operational performance of the transformers supplied by competitors. 向技术和销售部门反馈公司竞争对手变压器产品的长期运行情况。 www.epjob88.com 8. Could you connect me with the head of the sales department, please? 我想会的。你想改和业务部的其他人通话吗? www.showxiu.com 9. The account manager must also be and able to support sales department effectively when required. 在需要时,客户经理同时要有能力高效的支持销售部门的工作。 www.lietou.com 10. This position is set up to be in charge of the PC Team in Sales department. 该职位将负责销售部下属的患者关爱团队。 www.yjbys.com 1. The Company consists of four departments: HR&Admin Department, R&D Department, Operation Department and Sales Department. 公司由四个部门构成:管理部,研究和开发部,生产部,销售部。 www.kuaiyilin.com 2. After I graduated, I spent two years as an assistant in the foreign sales department in a computer company. 毕业后,我在一间计算机公司的国外业务部门担任助理两年。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Rubber Magnetic Department: Production Department, Technology Department, Quality Department, Sales Department, Management Department. 橡胶磁事业部:生产部,技术部,品质部,经营部,管理部。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To provide basic guidelines for interpersonal and interdepartmental courtesy and conduct as a representative of the Sales Department. 作为销售代表,为对内和对外的工作的联络和开展提供基本的指引。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This is Mr. Suzuki from the Bank of Chiyoda . Could you connect me to the sales department ? 我是千代田银行的铃木。可以帮我接一下销售部吗? oldepaper.zgkqw.com 6. At least 2 years sales department management experience. Experience in automobile industry is preferably. 至少2年销售部经理的工作经验,有在汽车行业里的工作经验优先考虑。 www.saichr.com 7. I know you want to be transferred to the sales department. I'll put a bug in the boss's ear for you . 我知道你想调到销售部去,我替你往老板耳朵里吹吹风。 www.bing.com 8. We sent an e-mail to your Sales Department a week ago asking about the goods we had ordered. 一周前你方销售部发来电子邮件,询问我方是否需要购买该产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Connect me with the Sales Department , please . 请给我接销售部。 www.bing.com 10. The company's sales department is watching the market for the opportunity to launch new products. 公司的销售部门正关注市场情况,看有否机会推出他们的新产品。 www.5000zk.com 1. The next day, Lala started to work at sales department. 第二天,拉拉开始在业务部上班。 www.bing.com 2. During the halting period, the approval of insurance companies' branch companies and sales department will go on as normal. 在暂停批设营销服务部期间,保险公司中心支公司、支公司、营业部的审批正常进行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Specific co-operation please contact the Company domestic sales department. 具体合作事宜请与本公司国内销售部联系。 www.b2easy.com 4. The tag receives a production order from an external client application (such as a software module used in the company's sales department). 标记从外部客户机应用程序(比如公司的销售部门使用的软件模式)接收生产指令。 www.ibm.com 5. Mr. Wu was transferred to the Sales Department last week. Miss Chen took over his job. I'll put you through to her. 吴先生上星期已被调到营业部。陈小姐接替了他的职位。我替你把电话接给她。 www.5xue.com 6. He was in the sales department, had a motorbike and a glamorous past living in Paris. 他在销售部,有一辆摩托车,曾享受过迷人的巴黎生活。 dongxi.net 7. For instance, say that Database A stores the sales data in a table structure that works well for the sales department. 例如,假设数据库A在适用于销售部门的表结构中存储销售数据。 office.microsoft.com 8. Their daughter works in the company's sales department and their son works in the island's salt mine. 他们的女儿在公司的销售部工作,而他们的儿子则在岛上的盐矿上班。 www.ecocn.org 9. Provide technical support to sales department when necessary, try to accomplish technical analysis with QA department. 为销售部门提供必要的技术资料,与QA部门一起完成必要的技术分析。 www.baijob.com 10. His firm attached him to the sales department of the business. 他的公司派他到营业部工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. u Support sales department to prepare technical documentation (technical specifications, test reports, etc. ) for different project. 协助销售部门为不同项目准备技术文件(技术规格、测时报告等)。 www.yjbys.com 2. Additionally, Sales Department Support and occasional trade show and customer travel will be required on an as needed basis. 另外,当需要时,该职位还需要支持销售部门、偶尔的交易展示和出差到客户处。 so.jobems.com 3. If it is necessary, Technical department will assess the moulding tools together with Sales department and Production department. 必要时技术部可会同营销部.生产部等对模具进行评估 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Sade's beauty, though, is not simply a matter for the gawkers and the sales department; there are very few faces like hers. 然而,沙黛的美貌并不简单地只是属于看客们和广告营销部门的话题,她的面容举世少有。 www.bing.com 5. We have to set up a miniature sales department for the period of the exhibition. 在展会期间我们必须成立一个微型销售部。 www.kekenet.com 6. Member can be factory, retailers, importers and from various branches of national public sales department. 成员可以是零售商、工厂、进口商和来自各部门个国家的公众买卖部门。 www.cnqr.org 7. d. Determine whether performance information includes the accurate and timely presentation of expenses to sales department management. d确定业绩信息是否包括将开支准确、及时地提交销售部门管理人员。 www.examw.com 8. Collect competitors' information and feedback to Sales Department and Marketing Department. Submit effective analysis and action plan. 搜集整理竞争对手信息,反馈至销售部及市场部。并提供有效分析及行动方案。 www.jobui.com 9. We're confident we've come up with a big seller this time, so if it doesn't do well, it will be the sales department's fault. 我们确信这次我开发了畅销品,所以如果卖得不好那是销售部门的责任。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Ensures that all sales and marketing efforts provide optimum profit returns. Administers the operations of the Sales department. 确保销售和市场的部门努力获得最佳成效.负责销售部门的管理及运营。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It consists of five sections: CEO office, sales department, finance department, personnel department and logistics department. 部门包括总经办,业务部,财务部,人事部,储运部。 job.guolairen.com 2. The remaining amount is spent into administrative department but especially, majority, in sales department and important marketing. 余额花费入行政部门,但是特别是,多数,在销售部和重要行销。 wiki.shine-it.net 3. This policy requires concealing the payment information in the sales department and revealing it in the accounts department. 该策略要求不透露销售部门的支付信息而向会计部门提供该信息。 www.ibm.com 4. Nd-Fe-B Department: Production Department, Technology Department, Quality Department, Sales Department. 钕铁硼事业部:生产部,技术部,品质部,经营部。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In a landmark building on the left before the computer sales department, a number of steel and fire extinguishers piled on the ground. 在粤海大厦左边的某电脑销售部门前,地上堆了许多钢管和灭火器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Our sales department will be expanding and I would like to offer you an assistant manager position. 我们销售部门即将要拓展,而我想要请你当助理经理。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. Even being ill, he is still the bond of our company, especially in the sales department. 尽管他有病在身,但他仍然是我们公司尤其是销售部的顶梁柱。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Do sales personnel and their managers have similar perceptions regarding sales department organizational fair-ness? 是否销售人员和销售管理者对销售部门的公正性都有著相似的看法? www.chinayarn.com 9. To work closely with Sales Department to develop new items to promote, Also must be concerned with Food & Beverage costs. 紧密与销售部合作,推销新的特式,同时关注餐饮成本。 job.veryeast.cn 10. Engineers had a meeting with the sales department for the new product features. 工程师和销售部就产品的新特性开了个会。 www.kuenglish.info 1. regardless of you later is engaged in the sales department, look both books about marketing. 无论你以后是不是从事销售部门,都看一下关于营销的书籍。 www.aixxs.cn 2. Job Description: assisting the vice sales president to complete the daily work of the sales department. 职责说明:协助销售副总裁完成销售部门日常事务工作。 www.lanhr.com 3. I have been talking to old man Johnson from the sales department. His speeches always motivate me to sell more. 我一直在跟销售部的老头约翰逊谈话,他的演讲总是激励着我提高我的销售业绩。 www.bing.com 4. Sales Department: responsible for customer communication and the treatment of transport interruptions. 7销售部:负责与客户沟通相关事项及运输中断的处置。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. However, which are included in my business scope in sales department of such a big enterprise? 可是,在如许地一家年夜公司地发卖部,自己地营业范围到底包罗哪些方面呢? www.sh-rf.com 6. Prepares and administers the hotel Sales Department budget on a monthly basis. 制定并控制销售部的每月预算。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Method, which extracts the information needed by the sales department, and displays the received XML file on the console. 方法来担任出版商这一角色,抽取销售部门所需的信息,并在控制台上显示收到的XML文件。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Our company possesses of mines, processing factory, research and development department and sales department. 公司自身拥有矿山、加工厂、研发部门和销售部门。 www.ciamiecn.com 9. Mike: No, I already passed the HR interview. Today is with the head of the sales department. 迈克:不是。我已经通过人力资源部的面试了。今天是和销售部的头儿们谈。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Please transfer me to the sales department. B: Just one moment please. 请帮我转接到业务部门。请您稍等一会。 1. Work Location: Beijing Main Responsibilities Include: - Assist in admin work of Sales Department. 工作地点:北京主要职责:-协助进行销售部门的行政事务性工作。 www.guolaisou.com 2. Please connect with Sales Department for the price of Group or conference . All major Credit Cards are current . 团体会议价格与营销部联系。接受主要的信用卡。 www.bing.com 3. Jack works in rhe sales department. He's learned a lot about electrical engineering because he has to understand some technical terms. 杰克在销售部工作,由于他必须理解一些技术名词,所以关于电力工程,他已经学会了很多。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Business development department, sales department. 商务开发部,销售部。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Develop and maintain interior communication with sales department, production department and other relative department. 发展和维护采购部、销售部和生产部、物流以及其他组织的相关职能部门的内部沟通渠道。 www.hrbole.com 6. Welding And Cutting Equipment Sales Department (individual) can provide customers with general tax invoice. 佛山市禅城区日方中焊割设备经营部(个体户)可为客户提供普通国税票。 www.showxiu.com 7. He is currently working in Marketing & Sales Department, is responsible for offshore wind energy market development & project management. 目前工作在市场开发部,负责海上风能的市场开发和项目管理。 english.stec.net 8. I got plenty of praise for my analysis report from the sales department but in the end they ignored my suggestions. 销售部对我的分析报告称赞有加,可到最后的时候他们却对我的建议置之不理。 www.xianzai.cn 9. Responsible in all secretarial and office administrative work of the Sales Department. 负责销售部所有秘书和办公行政方面的工作。 www.chhkjob.com 10. NO10, 6. I may have been promoted to vice president, but I'll always remember my colleagues in the sales department. 我尽管已升为副董事长,但我会永远记得我在业务部的同事。 msnking.com 1. We've decided to take on a new secretary in the Sales Department. 我们决定聘用一名销售部秘书。 www.unsv.com 2. This resultant file is then completely encrypted using the sales department's secret key, thus resulting in a super-encrypted XML file. 接着,通过使用销售部门的秘钥对这个结果文件完成加密,这就产生了超级加密的XML文件。 www.ibm.com 3. Every time a salesperson at online trading site Alibaba signs up an important new account, the entire sales department cheers in triumph. 每当在线贸易网站阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的销售人员签下一位重要的新客户时,整个销售部门都会发出胜利的欢呼。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Also we set up the sales department, factory and office in Guangdong that convenient for clients to order and other business. 并设立广东公司经营部、分厂、办事处、方便客户开发订货需求。 www.piju.com.cn 5. Organize project kick off meetings and coordinate between Sales Department and Systems Department. 组织工程启动会,协调销售部和系统部。 jobs.zhaopin.com 6. Our sales department will carefully choose the product mix to be placed in the showroom according to each individual local situation. 我们的销售部门会根据不同的店面以及当地市场消费的具体情况,为您认真地挑选家具组合。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He was the sales manager who oversaw the sales department. 他以前是业务经理管理业务部门。 www.360abc.net 8. Our sales department can provide information regarding the selected ECU manufacturers. 我们的销售部门可以提供资料,就选定的ECU的制造商。 dajiao.net 9. printing documents and making table cards for CCMC meeting organized by the Sales Department. 比如销售部CCMC会议中资料文档的打印,座位牌的制作; wenda.tianya.cn 10. When dispute or refusal on payment takes place, timely contact with the travel agency concerned and the sales department. 遇有争议和未收回的款项及时与旅行社和营销部联系解决。 bbs.6eat.com 1. Also led workers to the packing and sales department studying. learn more about the harmfulness of intertexture quality is poor. 还带领职工到包装车间及销售部门参观学习.了解编织袋质量差的危害性。 www.bing.com 2. Confirm the account record with sales department monthly. Control the receivable account bad debts. 每月与销售部做好销售对帐工作,公司应收款坏帐的控制。 www.showxiu.com 3. To the Sales department, a member is a subscriber and all dependents if that subscriber is eligible for renewal. 对于销售部门,成员是订户和他们抚养的所有家属(如果订户需要续签合同的话)。 www.ibm.com 4. If a real end user isn't available, someone from your marketing (not your sales) department -- a user surrogate, if you will -- can be used. 如果没有真正的最终用户,如果愿意,还可以使用市场营销(不是销售)部门中的人员(用户代表)。 www.ibm.com 5. In this case, the whole XML document is decrypted by the sales department and the payment information is disclosed. 在这种情况下,销售部门对整个XML文档解密,这就泄露了支付信息。 www.ibm.com 6. Prepare costed BOM quoted to sales department after approval by Sourcing manager and General Manager. 准备成本BOM并经采购开发经理和总经理批准后报给销售部。 www.showxiu.com 7. Prepare technical presentation for our products, both to customer and sales department. 协助业务部沟通产品技术信息。 www.568rc.com 8. About us: Founded in 2008, as the factory sales department, our company specializes in providing hotel linens . 公司简介:成立于2008年,作为工厂的销售部门,我们公司专门提供酒店床上用品。 china.alibaba.com 9. Rolf is a user in the sales department. Rolf has a portable computer and frequently travels to customer locations. Rolf是销售部门的一名用户,它有一台便携式计算机并且经常出差到客户那里。 www.examw.com 10. He was seconded to the Sales Department for two years. 她被临时调派到销售部去工作两年。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Rolf is a user in the sales department. Rolf has a portable computer and frequently travels to customer locations. Rolf是销售部门的一名用户,它有一台便携式计算机并且经常出差到客户那里。 www.examw.com 2. He was seconded to the Sales Department for two years. 她被临时调派到销售部去工作两年。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Rita: It looks like they're short on employees in the Sales Department. You're the most experienced here, so we'd like to transfer you. 瑞塔︰业务部好像缺人手。妳是这里最有经验的,所以我们想把妳调过去。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Good afternoon, Mr. Brown. My name is Mrs. Anderson, manager of the sales department. 布朗先生.下午好!我是安德森女士.销售部的经理。 www.bing.com 5. The sales department consists of the advertising section and the after-sales section. 销售部由广告科和售后服务科构成。 llang.net.cn 6. Graduated from Jiangsu Commerce School, majoring in Marketing, now I work at Sales Department. 我毕业于江苏商业学校市场营销专业,我现在在销售部门工作。 bbs.earthdown.com 7. Full-time after-sales service team, under the sales department, the user can put the timely response to service requests. 专职的售后服务队伍,隶属于销售部门,可对用户提出的服务要求做出及时响应。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. executive manager of the sales department of Microsoft Company. 微软公司销售部执行经理。 www.txjunshi.com 9. Lead ongoing technical service and support to AGRU customers, sales representatives and sales department when needed. 领导正在进行的技术服务并且对AGRU的客户,经销商和销售部进行必要的支持。 www.jobcn.com 10. Handling of overbooked situations and to liaise with Sales Department on the Walk List whenever necessary. 处理超额预定的情况,必要时与销售部联络沟通。 9djob.com 1. Handling of overbooked situations and to liaise with Sales Department on the Walk List whenever necessary. 处理超额预定的情况,必要时与销售部联络沟通。 9djob.com 2. There are two workshops, a sales department, an accounting department and a research center in our company. 我们公司设有两个车间、一个销售部、一个会计科和一个研发中心。 www.kekenet.com 3. To review credit term requested by sales department and to verify the document required in giving credit to customer. 复核销售部门申请给客户的信用条款及核实信用客户信用申请的资料。 www.021so.com 4. How will our company orders be communicated from the Sales department to the Production Floor? 我司下给贵司的订单是如何从业务部门传达到生产部门的? bbs.fobshanghai.com 5. General Manager said you would be head of the Sales Department. 总经理说你将被选为销售部经理。 www.bing.com 6. Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. My name is Mrs. Robert, manager of the sales department. 史密斯先生。下午好!我是罗伯茨女士。销售部的经理。 www.bing.com 7. Because we are a fast growing company we need to strengthen our sales department to continue our expansion on the Asia Market. 我们是一快速成长的公司,目前已经准备好在亚洲市场继续扩张前进的脚步。 www.alsox.com 8. Details please contact the sales department where technicians. 详细情况请咨询所在营业部的技术人员。 www.g36.com.cn 9. This article takes Customer Development(Sales) department of company C as study object. 在中国的C公司其目标是占据第一的市场份额。 www.boshuo.net 10. Manage the selling process, lead sales department to finish sales plan and achieve the target. 管理公司的销售运作,带领销售队伍完成公司的销售计划和销售目标。 www.0571so.com 1. I know several people. I know Mr. Lee quite well. He's the head of the sales department. 我认识几个人。我跟李先生相当熟,他是销售部门的主管。 www.ebigear.com 2. Provide monthly reports of AR 30 days overdue for sales department, coordinate with sales person to visit customers with bad credit. 每月提供销售部超30天应收帐款分析报告,并协调销售选择性拜访付款情况不佳的客户。 www.gdrc.com 3. Discount in hotel every department before contact to hotel sales department. 与酒店销售部取得联系,在酒店各场所消费均可获得不同程度的优惠。 wenwen.soso.com 4. To manage the after sales department and lead the subordinates to complete various tasks. 组织和管理好本部门的经营工作。带领本部门员工努力完成各项工作任务。 www.gao8dou.com 5. Make the overall strategic plan for the sales department, set sales targets, and enhance the market share. 制定销售部门整体销售战略规划,制定销售目标,提高公司市场占有率; jobs.zhaopin.com 6. He was recently appointed manager of the sales department. 他最近被任命为销售部门的经理。 www.tingclass.net 7. Besides the sales of steel, Sales Department also collects the waste, therefore there are many trivial accounts. 门市部除钢铁销售之外,同时收集废品,因此细碎的账目较多。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Communication with sales department for sales order status. 与销售沟通,随时告知订单状况。 www.newhr.net 9. Be responsible for cost estimation and quotation to sales department. 负责成本初步核算并向销售部提供报价。 www.jobtone.cn 10. The boss is already furious with all the lossed the sales department has incurred. 老板已经为营业部门所造成的损失在生气。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The boss is already furious with all the lossed the sales department has incurred. 老板已经为营业部门所造成的损失在生气。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. More profit will be gained by affiliating the department with the sales department. 把这个部门和销售部联合起来会带来更大的利润。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. According to introduction of manager of sales department, the huge discount on hotel and airplane attracted many tourists. 据营业部经理介绍,目前机票、宾馆等折扣很大,这吸引了更多出游者。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 4. Jack acts as an agent for the sales department. 杰克为销售部做代理。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Bid for the project cooperatively with JV and sales department. 与合资公司和销售部门合作赢得后续的项目。 www.boleme.cn 6. The Sales Department is made up of the Advertising Section and After-sales Section. 销售部由广告和售后服务两大块组成。 wp365.com 7. This afternoon, our sales department will confer on price again with client. 今天下午我们的营业会再次跟客户商谈价钱。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. People involved : All employees in Sales Department. 参与人员:营业部门员工 wenku.baidu.com 9. I'll think over your suggestion and discuss it with my sales department. 我会考虑你的建议,并且月销售部讨论一下。 www.qeto.com 10. Once approved, the product description is sent to the sales department's EIS. 一旦该描述被批准,产品描述就会被发送给销售部门的EIS。 www.ibm.com 1. Once approved, the product description is sent to the sales department's EIS. 一旦该描述被批准,产品描述就会被发送给销售部门的EIS。 www.ibm.com 2. Assist sales department to input the sales data into the MYOB program. 协助销售部门将销售信息录入智管系统。 www.jobuu.com 3. Assist and support routine jobs consigned by Sales Department. 协助并支持销售部门的日常工作; blog.163.com 4. Coordinates liaison between sales department and other sales related units. 协调发展销售部门和其他有关部门的工作; bbs.eetop.cn 5. The sales department set up a new system for processing their orders. 销售部门成立了一个新的订单处理系统。 wordnet.sparke.cn 6. Ten employees are being transferred from the sales department. 十名雇员已调离销售部。 www.kekenet.com 7. Communicate with production function and sales department in time. 确保与生产部和销售部门的及时的沟通。 www.alsox.com 8. The after-sales department follows a boat throughout its service life. 售后服务部门跟进船只整个服务过程中的问题。 gatefanyi.com 9. Support translation job for Sales Department. 支持销售部文件材料翻译。 jobs.zhaopin.com 10. My name is Mrs. Anderson, manager of the sales department. 人是安德森女士,出售部的经理。 www.va1314.com 1. Out: Not being your own best marketing and sales department. 错误的做法:没有成为自己最好的销售部门。 gb.cri.cn 2. Let's assume a request for organization data comes from the sales department. 让我们假设针对组织数据的请求来自于销售部门。 www.ibm.com 3. Now I'm working in the sales department of this company. 我现在在这家公司的销售部工作。 smartcat1981.bokee.com 4. You need to give a presentation of your product, and the sales department will make a decision. 你要提案介绍自己的商品,然后销售部门会决定。 www.fgs.org.tw:81 5. Unmarried men are not wanted in the Sales Department , not even widowers. 销售部不要未婚男士,甚至连丧偶的也不要。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Hello. Overseas Sales Department. 喂,海外营业部。 www.360doc.com 7. Afa was left already when Lala went back to sales department. 拉拉回到业务部,阿发已经走了。 www.bing.com 8. Now I'm the manager of a sales department. 如今我是一个营业部的主任。 insuns.com 9. ABC Trading Company, Overseas Sales Department. Can I help you? ABC贸易公司海外销售部。我能为你作些什麽吗? ygwts.lingd.net 10. ACB Trading Company, Overseas Sales Department. Can I help you? ACB公司海外销售部。我能为你做些什么吗? dict.ebigear.com 1. ACB Trading Company, Overseas Sales Department. Can I help you? ACB公司海外销售部。我能为你做些什么吗? dict.ebigear.com 2. Technical support for sales department and other departments. 给销售部和其它部门提供技术支持; www.job001.cn 3. Co-work with operations department and Sales department to deliver secon-to-none lab testing service 5. 合作与业务部门和销售部门的工作提供塞康无与伦比的实验室测试服务5。 bbs.labscn.com 4. The business will be under the management of Mr Cheng who has been for many years with this company in charge of their sales department. 该项业务由…程先生管理,他主管此公司的销售部已有多年。 www.8875.org 5. The others colleagues of the sales department are young guys aged from 25 to 30, and everyone smart and intelligent. 业务部其余的几位同事,都是些25岁至3岁不等的年轻人,个个聪明活跃。 www.bing.com 6. The sales department acknowledged my order form. 售部表示收到了我的订货单。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Do you need multiple representatives from the sales department or can one of them report back to their team. 你需要各种各样的销售部参与者吗?或者任何他们中一个向你汇报他们队的工作。 www.lwtxw.com 8. Could you put me through to your Sales department? 你可以帮我转接到销售部吗? www.51dh.net 9. Tom works there, in charge of the sales department. 汤姆在那工作,负责销售部。 www.ycssyzx.com 10. with the sales department to collect event report data. 与销售部搜集赛事报告资料。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. with the sales department to collect event report data. 与销售部搜集赛事报告资料。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. For example, a PBX or IP PBX might be configured to have 10 extension numbers for the sales department. 例如,PBX或IPPBX可能配置为销售部门有10个分机号码。 technet.microsoft.com 3. First, it's a pleasure to welcome Mr. Peter Smith from Sales Department. 首先,很高兴得欢迎来自销售部的彼得史密斯先生。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. He was promoted to chief of the overseas sales department last year, so he's up to date with the European market. 他去年被提升为海外销售部主管,因此他知道最新的欧洲市场信息。 dict.ebigear.com 5. To check the situation of the invoice with Sales Department. 与销售部核对发票的开具情况及发票退回的相关情况。 job.tzstudent.com 6. The sales department clinched the deal finally. 销售部最终能赢得此项交易。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. The operator will connect you with our sales department. 接线员会与你接通我们的销售部。 blog.cersp.com 8. The sales department makes an accurate forecast of sale. 销售部门做了一项准确的销售预测。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The new employee was attached to the sales department. 新来雇员被派在销售部工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Help to build the Retail Dealers database for Moen Sales Department. 协助建立摩恩销售部零售经销商数据库。 www.51rencai.com 1. Help to build the Retail Dealers database for Moen Sales Department. 协助建立摩恩销售部零售经销商数据库。 www.51rencai.com 2. This year Mr. Liu in Sales Department smashes the sale record. 今年销售部的刘先生打破了销售记录。 www.xici.net 3. Add an Eastern Sales department to the database. 将EasternSales部门添加到数据库。 www.ianywhere.com 4. Help to build the Retail Dealers database for Sales Department. 协助建立销售部零售经销商数据库。 www.lietou.com 5. A: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you? 下午好,销售部,我能帮你忙吗?。 www.ttxyy.com 6. A couple of positions in sales department are open. 销售部有几个空缺。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Chen from the domestic sales department. 国内销售部陈家从。 www.b2easy.com 8. I didn't have a clue what a sales department was about in a five-star hotel. That was the first day I set my foot in a five-star hotel. 因为我当时完全不知道一个五星级饭店的销售部要做什么。那是我第一次走进一家五星级饭店。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If in need, please contact our Sales Department. 如有需要,请与我们的销售员联络。 keychampion.com 10. attached to the sales department. 新来的雇员被派在销售部工作。 www.dreye.com.cn 1. attached to the sales department. 新来的雇员被派在销售部工作。 www.dreye.com.cn 2. Could you also send the copy to the sales department? 你能再把这份复印伯送去销售部门吗 www.putclub.com 3. After some discussion of this, Mr Ma's eyes begin darting about: he can hear mobile phones going off in the sales department. 就这一话题进行一番讨论后,马云的眼睛瞥了一下:他可以听到销售部门的手机在响。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Wedonk sets After-sales Department and Sales Department. 威东科设有卖后办事脖巴发卖部。 job.mookcon.com 5. Some managers say that the sales department is the most important. 有些经理说销售部门是最重要的。 www.bing.com 6. If possible, I wish to work in sales department. 如果可能的话,我希望在销售部工作。 www.kekenet.com 7. They added more help to the sales department. 他们给予了销售部门更多的帮助 www.putclub.com 8. We don`t really like it-but don`t tell management. Now, over here is the sales department. 我们不是很喜欢--不过别跟管理部的人说.这便是业务部。 www.bing.com 9. Manage the warehouse and prepare all kinds of inventory reports requested by sales department and finance department. 管理整个仓库,准备所有的销售部,财务部要求的报表。 www.rencai8.com 10. Control costs in the sales department. 控制销售部门成本。 www.lietou.com 1. I will think about your suggestion, and discuss it with the sales department. 我会考虑您的建议,和销售部讨论一下。 www.hxen.com 2. I'm on the market research side. I'm on the Sales Department. 我是搞计算机的。我搞市场调研。我在销售部工作。 www.8875.org 3. Is that Industry Bristol, please? May I speak to Mr. Marcus of the Sales Department, please? 请问是必法妥制药公司吗﹖可不可以请销售部的马克斯先生听电话﹖ www.wuzhiren.com 4. No. I've just started work for IBM. I'm in the Sales Department. 对。我刚来IBM工作,在销售部。 www.hxen.com 5. Hello, Sales Department. May I help you? 你好,这里是销售部.我能帮忙吗? www.ebigear.com 6. That day when Lala came back from a long business trip, she rushed into sales department's office. 这天拉拉出了个长差,兴冲冲地回到业务部,一进门就发现阿发正在和自己的经理谈话。 www.bing.com 7. A: I'm going to offer you a position in our sales department. 我要提供我们业务部的一个职位给你。 www.ebigear.com 8. Our sales department is too small. 我们销售部的规模太小了。 www.bing.com 9. He may need to negotiate with other departments such as sales department to achieve the balance between product performance and profit. 并且需要与其它部门譬如销售部门就在产品性能和产品利润间需达成平衡的内容进行商谈。 www.hunt007.com 10. Based on production plan and status, notify Sales department about confirmed delivery time and produced quantity. 根据生产计划、进度,通知销售部门订单的实际交货时间、实际交货数量等信息。 www.jobems.com 1. Miss Nancy, please notify the Sales Department that I will have a meeting this afternoon to study the matter. 南希小姐,请通知销售部,今天下午我们要召开一个会研究这件事。 iphone.unisk.cn 2. There are several Americans in the sales department. A在销售部有好几个美国人。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. two new hires in the sales department. 销售部的两个新雇员 zhidao.baidu.com 4. She works in the sales department. 她在销售部工作 wenku.baidu.com 5. He has charge of the sales department. 他负责掌管销售部。 test.2u4u.com.cn 6. To issue credit alert to sales department in order to ensure sales order are processed smoothly. 向销售部门发出信用预警提醒以确保促销售订单处理的顺利。 www.021so.com 7. Sales Department, may I help you? 这里是销售部,我能帮忙吗? www.hotdic.com 8. Betty: Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking. 贝蒂:喂,业务部,我是贝蒂_菲尔兹。 www.24en.com 9. Jessica: Hello, David. I am Jessica. I am new employee for sales department. 杰西卡:哈啰,大卫。我是杰西卡。我是新进的业务部员工。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Provide information on products and technology to Marketing Department, Sales Department and specific customers on a regular basis. 定期向市场部、销售部以及特定客户传播公司产品、技术相关信息。 1. I'm tansfering your call to the sales department. 我把电话转给营业部。 www.bing.com 2. Could you wait until I talk to our Sales Department? 你可以等我和业务部谈一下吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. We're interviewing for the job in the Sales Department. 我们正在为销售部的招聘进行面试。 english.31931.cn 4. There are two nutcases in the sales department. 销售部确实有两个疯子。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Contact us to our sales department for Exclusive Range of . 请联系我们的销售部门,获得详细产品范围。 china.makepolo.com 6. We have an opening in the sales department. 我们业务部门有个空缺。 www.hxen.com 7. I am XXX, working in domestic ticket sales department. 大家好,我是国内机票业务部的XXX。 emuch.net 8. He's in the sales department. 他在销售部上班。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. For example, a sales department can have templates for sales reports, standard documents, budgets, and presentations. 例如,销售部门可以有销售报表、标准文档、预算和演示文稿的模板。 office.microsoft.com 10. And this is Mr. Wang. He is in charge of sales department. This is Miss Huang. She is in charge of business with clients. 还有,这是王先生。他负责销售部。这是黄小姐,她负责客户业务。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Two days later Afa called to sales department for urging Lala go to Huaduo factory immediately. 过了两天,阿发打电话到业务部,催促拉拉立马去花都厂子上班。 www.bing.com 2. I prefer to work in the sales department. 我宁愿在销售部工作。 ja.hotwen.com 3. Did you meet the new girl in our sales department. 你见过我们销售部新来的女孩了吗? www.51test.net 4. Do you happen to know Mr. Johnson in the Sales Department? 您认识销售部的约翰逊先生吗? www.hxen.com 5. I work in the sales department. 我在销售部工作。 wenku.baidu.com 6. For example, you may want to answer the question "Who manages the Sales department? " 例如,您可能要回答[谁管理销售部门?]这样的问题。 www.ianywhere.com 7. In addition, Google also expressed its willingness to maintain its sales department and mobile phone market in China. How do you comment? 另外,谷歌还有意维持其在中国的销售机构和手机市场,中方对此有何回应? www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. Are you going to the sales department? 你不是要到销售处去吗?。 www.hotdic.com 9. Beth: I have always wanted to work in our sales department. 贝丝:我总想到我们的销售部门去工作。 www.bing.com 10. The job of the sales department, on the other hand is to sell an existing product. 另一方面,销售部门的工作是销售现有产品。 www.ibm.com 1. This company is the Japanese biggest food Trading company, has the subsidiary company and the retail sales department in Japan's chief city. 本公司是日本最大的食品贸易公司,在日本的主要城市都有分公司与门市部。 wenwen.soso.com 2. When I was promoted to the director of sales department, I got along quite well with the staff members; I like interacting with them. 当我被提拔为销售部经理时,我跟职员们处得很好,我喜欢跟他们在一起。 www.hotdic.com 3. Sales Department, to stay in Hong Kong, in order to factories in the Mainland, the cost is low, the two aspects of the light. 营业部留在香港,经营便利,工厂在内地,成本低,沾了两方面的光。 www.bing.com 4. Boss, I would like to quit the duty of sales department's manager . this is my resignation. 老板,我想辞去销售部经理的职务。这是我的辞职信。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. Since early 2011, the wind power-market sales first, industrial protective paint sales department in first; 2011年初至今,风电市场销量第一,工业防护漆部销量排名第一; zhidao.baidu.com 6. Help the General Manager in establishing sales department and sales system and the compilation and promotion of workflows; 协助总经理建立销售部门及销售制度及流程的编写和推行; www.mmvtranslation.com 7. General Affairs Department Sales Department International Department Public Relations Department Planning Department 业务部人力资源部总务部销售部国际部公共关系部企划部 wenku.baidu.com 8. He used to be product manager before switching to sales department 在转到销售部前,他曾经做过产品经理 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Sales Department Public Relation Department Reservation Department Concierge Department Front Office Department 酒店设备酒店部门设置销售部公关部预订部礼宾部前厅部 wenku.baidu.com 10. Cooperate with sales department to work out market development strategy, extend market scope and increase company's influence in the market; 配合销售部门,制定和执行市场拓展策略,扩大产品销售范围和公司在业内的影响力; www.rohde-schwarz.com.cn 1. second category is the sales department, the accounting unit by the "brand value" of the projected assessment; 第二类是由销售部门、会计单位所作“品牌值”的推算评估; www.xiami360.com 2. To generate business in racking systems To build up a sales department To set up sales offices within China 拓展货架系统的业务。建立销售部门。在中国各地建立销售网点 www.sc.sh.cn 3. Be responsible for after-sales technical support services and complete technical project design supporting to sales department; 负责产品的售后技术支持服务,配合支援销售部完成技术方案设计; huaxiaoil.com 4. Urumqi Shuimogou Zhenjiang Decoration Materials Adornment Sales Department 乌市水磨沟区振江装饰材料销售部 www.urumqifair.com 5. Modify new products according with new product modification notice issued by sales department under product engineer's instruction; 在产品工程师指导下,根据销售部发出的《新产品修改通知》进行新产品的修改; www.jobui.com 6. Support smooth operation of Sales department and build effective communication with other related functions; 支持销售部门的顺畅运行,并与其他相关部门建立有效的沟通联系; www.jobui.com 7. Engage in coordinating settlement and management of accounts receivable with Cluster Sales Department and agents 负责与本分区销售部和代理公司协调赊销帐款的结算及管理 fs.sozw.com 8. comb Sauna and massage center Business centre Telephone operator Assistant manager Sales department 商务中心总机大堂副理销售部 wenku.baidu.com 9. Analysis of the creation process of the bid-winning scenario--on YangtzeRiver Pharmaceutical Group, Beijing Branch Sales department building 中小型建筑投标方案的创作过程分析--扬子江药业集团北京分公司营销大楼方案设计 www.ilib.cn 10. Participating in quotation process with Finance, Engineering and Sales department 与财务、工程和销售一起协作做好产品的可行性研究 www.hrbole.com |
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