单词 | see through |
释义 |
第三人称单数:sees through 现在分词:seeing through 过去式:saw through 过去分词:seen through 例句释义: 看穿,看透,识破,办好某事,看破,看穿某人,帮助渡过难关 1. Beside it, a broken tarmac road runs as far as the eye can see through fields of demolished houses and debris. 此外,一条被破坏的沥青公路延伸之处,眼睛所能看到的皆是成片被摧毁的房屋和残骸碎片。 www.bing.com 2. KB: Shh. Don't say anything, I'm trying to see through your eyes. I can't see. KB:嘘.不要说话.我正在试着通过你的眼睛看路呢.我看不到。 www.ted.com 3. ICBC is staying away from exotic products like derivatives because 'we are unable to see through the risks, ' Mr. Wu says. 吴斌说,工商银行没有涉足衍生品等奇特产品,因为我们无法看透风险。 c.wsj.com 4. Your range of vision does not permit you to see through the dark. 你的视觉范围不允许你看穿黑暗。 hi.baidu.com 5. Such guests to the hotel rooms will be able to see through the rear-projection TV kitchen operation of the process. 这样来酒店就餐的客人就能通过背投电视看到厨房的操作过程了。 www.zgchef.com 6. Ms Kamakahi's lawyers will presumably urge the courts to see through all this and treat it as price-fixing, pure and simple. Kamakahi的律师大概会要求法院明察秋毫,把定价当作操纵价格,只是纯粹和简单的行为,跟道德无关。 www.ecocn.org 7. I try to see through the disguise, But the clouds were there, Blocking out the sun (the sun). 我试图通过变相,但有云,阻隔太阳(太阳)。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 8. How did he do that? He knew the name of every kid and could easily see through all tricks. 他是如何做到的呢?他知道每一个孩子的名字,也能够轻易地看穿我们的小把戏。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This ability to see through closed eyelids and from different perspectives is often described by projectors and meditators. 投射者和冥想者经常描述这种穿透闭上的眼皮看的能力和从不同的角度看的能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. However, by my present professional knowledge, I cannot be able to see through it. 但以我现在的专业知识,还不足以看穿它。 www.italki.com 1. KB: Second sight is whereby a mind-control expert can see through somebody else's eyes. And I'm going to try that right now. KB:第二视觉是精神控制专家借助于别人的眼睛来看透东西.并且我现在打算试试。 www.ted.com 2. The IMAP protocol allows you to see through your email messages at the email server before you download them. 在你下载邮件时,IMAP协议允许你在邮件服务器上浏览邮件消息。 www.w3pop.com 3. The effect of being able to "see through these transparent materials to an object that remains out of reach" is one that intrigues Wang. 这件作品让王晋着迷的效果在于,它能让人“看到这些透明物质中无法企及的东西”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Namely to see through as it were, the persistent web of concepts and categories and linguistic labels to what is simply there. 也就是也透过它原来的样子去观察它,概念和,类别以及语言学上的标签,坚持不懈地表达,那是什么。 open.163.com 5. Death is like the phrase don't drunk, and stay, I can see through this time, but the end of the time have no you, and has what good? 死亡就像是酒后的别辞,从此置身事外,我可以看透这光阴,但光阴的尽头没有你,又有什么好? zhidao.baidu.com 6. You should have been able to see through him. You should always watch out on those sleeping dogs. They may attack you anytime. 你早就应该看透他,你应该时时小心那些坏人,他们随时会攻击你。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Blaine's previous stunts include being buried alive for a week in a see-through coffin and being encased in a block of ice for 63 hours. 布莱尼以前的特技表演包括躺在透明棺材里活埋一周,以及封在冰块中63个小时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. KB: Now, Kathryn, there was no way you could see through that blindfold, at all. KB:现在,kathryn,你从遮眼布中完全看不到任何东西,对吧。 www.ted.com 9. Daily from subtle small start, do not expect the brilliant magic, the trick to see through the vanity, carefully observe their own heart. 每天从细微的小处着手,不要奢望神奇的辉煌,看穿这些虚荣的把戏,仔细观察自己的心吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. You're intense and shrewdly realistic, able to see through people's hidden agendas in the blink of an eye. 你是极端的,精明的现实主义者,能够通过别人眨眼的一瞬间看穿对方的幕后动机。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The paint could be used to make interesting clothes and to help doctors see through the skin of a patient and thus be able to work better. 油漆能用于做有趣的衣裳和帮助医生把患者的皮肤进行下去和因而能更好工作。 ww.mf08s.com 2. It is no easy to see through a fair-weather friend. 看透假朋友的本质不是容易的。 www.360abc.com 3. Mom seemed to see through my mind, she told me that the other papers too thick wind prop it up. 妈妈好像看透了我的心思,她又告诉我因为其它纸太厚了风托不起来。 www.tradeask.com 4. and rage over this devious form of manipulation cannot surface in the child. because he does not see through the subterfuge. 这个孩子对这种阴险手段不会表现出怨恨和愤怒的感情…因为他没有看穿他们的花招。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Mrs. Hutchinson craned her neck to see through the crowd and found her husband and children standing near the front. 赫群森太太伸长脖子望过去,发现她的丈夫和孩子们都站在前排。 blog.5d.cn 6. Life do not need to see through something, with the space, with suspense, a subtle feeling that will more closely. 人生就需要点东西别看透,有了空间,有了悬念,那种微妙的感觉才会更加紧密。 www.bing.com 7. Its quick and easy rules require players to anticipate their opponent's moves and attempt to see through their bluffs . 它迅速、简单的规则需要玩家们预测对手的行动且试著去看穿对手的技俩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I'm going to work, and my punched-out eye sockets are two swollen-up black bagels around the little piss holes I have left to see through. 我每天还继续上班,我被打肿的眼窝就像是两个黑色的甜甜圈,中间只留了个尿道口给我看东西。 www.bing.com 9. He strained his eyes in the direction of the sound, but it was like trying to see through a blanket. 他极力朝那个方向望去,然而浓浓的夜色俨然一张毯子难以看穿。 www.ycu.jx.cn 10. He tried to win us over to his side, but succeeded in helping us to see through his trick. 他本想把我们争取到他那一边去,但结果却让我们看穿了他耍的花招。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It is certainly the highest state to be able to see through everything, take everything easy, and advance or retreat freely. 看得透、看得开、拿得起、放得下,当然是最高境界。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Where in the sprawl could I find the oddballs able to see through the glare and take advantage of the city's unmatched energy? 在这杂乱无章之地,我在哪里才找得到一个奇人可以告诉我如何看透这耀眼俗艳,汲取这城市无与伦比的能量呢? www.bing.com 3. A colleague has said he is back to his wife to see through county, I thought he was in the house so close. 有同事说他是回通县看老婆去,真让我想不到他的家就在这么近的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I pulled my boat near to the ship , then stood up to see through the cabin wind . 我拉住绳子往大船边靠,然后站起来从船舱的窗户往里看。 www.chinaedu.com 5. So, is the Republican leadership unable to see through childish logical fallacies? 那么,难道共和党领导人都没有能力看穿这些幼稚的逻辑谬误? www.bing.com 6. Hanfeng had asked, pretending that he did not understand and knowing that she could see through him. 瀚峰问道,假装不知道母亲其实已经看穿了自己。 www.bing.com 7. "In the Chinese market, people want luxury cars. . . luxury they see through their eyes and touch with their hands" , he said. “在中国市场,人们想要豪华汽车……他们能看得到、摸得着的那种豪华,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Manage rs must be able to train people to see through the value of things and how they can be turned into economic spin-offs. 经理人应当培训员工,让他们看清事物的价值,明白如何让其成为经济产物。 column.chinabyte.com 9. What may appear ahead may confuse and bewilder those who do not choose to see through it. 前方也许显露出一些混乱和迷惘,是那些完全没有选择去看破它的人。 yushenduihua.5d6d.com 10. I don't know, but I believe that what we need more than ever is to see through our own bullshit, as well as everyone else's. 我不知道,但是我相信我们所需要的是看穿自己和别人的谎言。 www.bing.com 1. Fluency in a second tongue gives you a chance to see through a different lens. 流利的第二门语言给人们提供了一个通过一个不同镜片看事物的机会。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. To see through this superstition, however, no way works better than by contrasting it with science. 然而要看透迷信,没有任何办法比把它与科学对比更好。 www.24en.com 3. He calls on us to stand in the other person's shoes; to see through their eyes; to understand their pain. 他呼吁我们设身处地为别人着想;以他们的视角看世界;理解他们的痛苦。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. What will count now is the spine to see through controversial investigations, however much fuss the grocers and the rest of them kick up. 现在重要的是要有勇气看穿有争议的调查,不管各超市和其他人怎么起哄。 my.putclub.com 5. I should have know. I was used for amusement. Couldn't see through the smog . It was all an illusion. 我早该知道,我只是个消遣品,看不清未来的方向,它只是个幻想。 www.bing.com 6. Creating refraction of what you see through the glass on a separate layer keeps your workflow clean. 创建折射你通过一个单独的层来制作,这样你的工作流程将保持清晰。 feedproxy.google.com 7. My solution was to ignore her. I knew a boy of Bryce's caliber. . . would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls. 我的对策就是无视她我知道聪明如布莱斯终有一天会识穿雪莉·斯图的浅薄 www.kekenet.com 8. This property tells the application which parts of the form you want to see through. 此属性告诉应用程序窗体中的哪些部分需要设置为透明。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. We are not primarily put on this earth to see through one another , but to see one another through . 我们活在世上,主要不是为了彼此看穿对方,而是为了互相克服困难。 www.bing.com 10. In the new "rational expectations models" , agents were given god-like features allowing them to see through the complexities of the world. 而在新的“理性预期模型”中,经济个体被赋予了神一般的特征,他们能够洞察这个复杂的世界。 www.ftchinese.com 1. When you see through their own achievements in his hands and a work of art, but also a joy unspeakable! 当你看到通过自己的双手而成就的一件艺术品,更是一种无法言表的快乐! zhishi.sohu.com 2. Because of your clear explanations, we are able to see through this complicated problem. 多亏你清楚的解释,我们才能弄清这个复杂的问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Our perceptions are limited and warped by the kind of lenses we see through, "the interpretive structure of our human brains. " 我们的感官有限,我们观察到的都被镜片扭曲了,这个镜片,就是我们人类大脑的诠释结构。 www.bing.com 4. How I wish he was not mature white sheets see through the so-called secular ideology was not able to wear filled lies. 多希望自己是张白纸没有成熟的思想看不透所谓的世俗拆不穿弥漫的谎言。 tieba.baidu.com 5. To clearly see through the crux of the problem, one has no choice but experience by oneself. 要如何看清楚问题的症结,就非得自己亲身体验不可。 www.cetd.com.tw 6. Mom seemed to see through my mind, came to me in all earnestness: to continue, again. 妈妈好像看穿了我的心思,走过来语重心长的对我说:继续,再来。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Although camel and horseback tours are now banned from the site, the structures are still difficult to see through the crowds and vendors. 虽然现在已禁止在此骑骆驼和骑马游览,嘈杂的人群和小贩还是让人无法看清其结构。 www.bing.com 8. Oh, my god no rainbow. I did see through the thick window, but I saw nothing but rain. 没有彩虹,透过急诊的巨大玻璃窗我没有看见。 spaces.msn.com 9. She seems to see through the rain. 她似乎看透了这一场雨。 www.bing.com 10. In most cases it is not true , as first sight is only physical attraction . One cannot see through the soul and mind of the other person . 在大多数情况下一见钟情都不是真实的,它只是肉体的吸引。一个人是看不透别人的心灵和思想的。 www.bing.com 1. I write to share what I see through my heart, my personal point of view and my own analysis. 我写这篇文章是为了分享我的真心所见、我的个人观点和我自己的分析。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Take a look at some of the amazing images of Earth as see through the International Space Station's windows. 以在地球的卓越影像看起来有些一看,通过国际空间站的窗口。 www.bugutang.com 3. Ultra-wideband (UWB) radar is already used to "see" through walls. 当前,超宽频雷达(UWB)已经被用来“透视”墙体。 www.bing.com 4. You see through your eyes the physical world and you also have the ability to see the spiritual world through your third eye. 你能用肉眼看见物质世界,那么你就能用第三眼看见精神世界。 www.bing.com 5. Suddenly, Galen and Rose heard a commotion in the Wood. They stopped and peered in, straining to see through the fog. 突然,加仑和萝丝听到林中有骚乱的声音,他们停下来望过去,努力想透过迷雾看清楚。 www.dreamkidland.cn 6. NPO training sessions offer participants global perspectives to see through NPO sectors over China and abroad. 非营利课程培训提供学员研究中国和海外非营利部门的全球视角。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. A press release from MIT announced a new radar technology, developed in their labs, which claims the ability to see through walls. 麻省理工学院在一份新闻公告种声称,其实验室开发的新雷达技术拥有穿墙透视的能力。 www.bing.com 8. I am afraid that you are able to see through me , am able to know I care you about as before so. 我怕你们会看穿我,会知道我依然那么在乎你们。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. more important, has the managerial skill to see through a complex military reform. 更重要的一点在于他有着完成一场复杂军事改革的管理才能。 www.ecocn.org 10. Chen Shi sometimes cuts and polishes to start a side servant girl and always feels to have no idea to entirely see through rich brocade. 沈氏偶尔琢磨起身边丫鬟来,总觉得没法子完全看透锦绣。 cnxp.tk 1. i leaned forward , straining to see through the barrier of light. 我向前探着身子,透过灯光的屏障极目张望。 www.ichacha.net 2. If your God exists, he's smart enough to see through your fake ID. 如果你的上帝存在,他的智慧应该足以认出你那张假门票。 www.bing.com 3. Yet I don't want people to see through me, to figure me out too easily. So I force myself to return early. 但我不愿让人懂得我,看得我太容易,所以我就驱遣我自己,很早的就回来了。 www.jukuu.com 4. Lying on the sunny days, comfortable enjoyment of life, like the dawn of the deep, yet timid see through your eyes. 躺在阳光的日子里,好想舒舒服服的享受的生活,喜欢黎明的深沉,却又胆怯看不穿你的眼睛。 www.puppetshows.cn 5. Is not far from the mountains on a foggy still not been staged from time to time people see through the snow in style. 只是不远处的雪山上,依旧不时上演着云里雾里不曾让人看透的风雪的风情。 enwaimao.cn 6. But Hudyma notes that temperatures are unseasonably warm, and Ukrainians have the discipline to see through this latest energy crisis. 但是,古德马指出,今年的天气反常的暖和,而且乌克兰人民能够通过自律来坚持度过这场最新的能源危机。 www.ebigear.com 7. Learned to see through, best posture, getting a target with perfect future. It isn't relying , stood by myself , it is really exist. 学会了看开,最佳的姿态,目标锁定完美的未来。不是在依赖,自己站起来,不是无可存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Excellent ! No one could see through this disguise . But I must be careful not to frighten her . 好极了!没有谁可以看出我的真面目。但我得小心,不要一开始就把她吓跑了。 www.bing.com 9. The Jia Yi after two days drives to see through high in the clouds the third inside racing bike is in sad cry, busy ask why reason. 两天后甲乙驾车经过云端看到跑车内的丙正在伤心哭泣,忙问何故。 www.qyweb.org 10. Magazines carry 30 rounds and it's see-through so you know when to turn and run. 它的弹匣容量为30发子弹,并且是透明的,这样你可以知道什么时候该转身逃跑。 xnwap.cn 1. Vermiculite is a material that can hold air, water and nutrients. Then cover the top of the pot with a see-through plastic bag. 蛭石是一种可以保持空气、水分和营养成分的物质。 www.bing.com 2. Skeptical reviewers did not see through this deception and gave their approval to their work. 多疑的书评人没有看穿这个骗局,对他们的工作表示赞同。 www.bing.com 3. People came to me for advice because I could see through the fog to help them develop a clear picture. 人们来向我寻求建议,因为我能够穿透云雾而给大家呈现出一副清晰的画面。 www.bing.com 4. However you are waking up, and no longer easily fooled and see through the devious workings of the Illuminati. 而且你们都在醒悟中,不再被简单的愚弄,看穿了来自光照派的歪理。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. 'It didn't do us too badly in Italy in 1990. I think the players are mature enough to see through this emotional debate. 在1990年,我们并没有受到太大的影响。我认为球员们已经足够成熟到不受媒体的影响。 page.renren.com 6. But you can see through the surface of the underlying thought-provoking stuff! 但是可以通过表面看到其背后的发人深思的东西! wenwen.soso.com 7. There is a win-win way out, but American and Chinese politicians both need to see through the haze of mutual recrimination to recognize it. 双赢的出路是存在的,但中美两国的政治家都需要洞穿相互指责的雾霭,方能意识到这一纾解之道。 dongxi.net 8. There are many who can only see through the tunnel of the body. 许多人仅仅能够看到身体的通道。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. You can find any group of files and see through the list and check out the number of words and lines in a group of files. 你可以找到任何一组文件,查看列表,查看一组文件中的字数和行数。 osl.bsw.net.cn 10. See through mount seats neatly inside the upper receiver handle and is cured with a knurled thumb nut. 整洁地把登上位子进行下去在上部接收器把柄里面和治疗与一枚隆起的拇指坚果。 www.showxiu.com 1. I'm still looking at this tree, through the window. What I see through the window is real. I guess someone is alone as they think. 我仍在透过窗户看着这棵树。透过窗户看到的一切都是真实的。我想人的孤傲都是本身想象出来的。 blog.9160.org 2. Learn how to be understanding, and develop the ability to see through your spouse's eyes. 学会理解,提高自己通过配偶的眼睛了解他(或她)的想法的能力。 www.bing.com 3. Others, like dark green, light yellow, blue and white are also free to see through. 别的,像墨绿色、淡黄色、青白色也是很思空见贯的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If you can't see through the investment concept and get to the heart of the process , then you probably shouldn't be investing in it . 如果你无法看透投资理念,并直入投资过程的核心,那么你可能根本不应该投资于它。 www.bing.com 5. This model was based on the ability of investors to see through one illusion and boosted by their willingness to believe in another. 作为这个模型的基础,投资者看清一个假象,他们的意愿将会推动对另外一个的信任。 www.bing.com 6. Don't say me is simple, also don't say I'm crazy. You can't understand my world. As you can't see through my dream. 不要说我简单,也不要说我疯狂。你看不懂我的世界。正如你看不透我的梦想。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The window is closing, but there is still a wide enough crack to see through for one more year. 大门正在关上,但是仍旧在未来的一年中仍旧能够看到希望。 www.kle100.cn 8. You can experience yourself as the other beings when you see through the delusion of being separated from them. 你可以通过其他事物体验自己,当你看清了你与他们的分离只是个幻觉。 www.ted.com 9. Being balanced in light and love simply means that you will see through the eyes of light and love. It bequeaths a greater vision. 在光和爱中保持平衡,仅仅意味着你将通过光与爱之眼来看。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Above the main server room is a suspended glass corridor and a round see-through meeting room. 主程序室上面是一个悬空的全玻璃透明会议室。 www.jfdaily.com 1. You can't see through the falling snow. The news said this was a serious warning. 在纷纷扬扬的雪花中你很难看清楚。新闻所说这是个严重警告。 bbs.enfamily.cn 2. This exciting victory is only one more achievement in a battle that we must see through until the end. 谨记,这个令人振奋的胜利仅仅是整场战役中的一个小小成就而已,行百里者半九十,我们必须坚持到最后。 www.bing.com 3. This Plastic Boat is explosion proof, collectable, and you can see through the bottom. 这种塑料船是防爆,收藏,你可以看到,通过底部。 bbs.3dmgame.com 4. A large windshield, overhead skylights and see-through A-pillars aid visibility while adding a spacious feel of the interior. 一块宽大的挡风玻璃,和头顶的天窗有助于可视度,还有增加了内部空间的感觉。 www.bing.com 5. That makes them a bit hard to shuffle but it ensure that you can't see through the cards, which is very important in the game. 不过这让洗牌变得很困难,但可以确保你看不到卡牌的另一面,这是游戏里的关键点。 dongxi.net 6. Could you see through the pith of my superman through my outward appearance? 能够透过我的外表看透我超人的本质? cnxp.tk 7. host: you are saying that he hurted you and embodied you or maybe the edge with glove, Could you see through this eye? 主持人:你说刘易斯是用拳套的边缘把你打伤,但是你的这只眼睛还能看到东西吗? www.qjhm.net 8. When people from the naive to think they see through the Red Dust, see through this society, it is thoughts and feelings in the course. 当人从幼稚无知,到自以为看透红尘,看透这个社会,那都是心路的历程。 blog.wtojob.com 9. Wei-Hua Jia classic Huahong Hill (Summer Rain) discerning, early in the morning to see through the non-Dengxianzhibei Baihu. 唯华家老爷华鸿山(夏雨)独具慧眼,一早识破伯虎非等闲之辈。 www.mvcen.cn 10. Finally, the windshield dried enough for O'Leary to see through. 挡风玻璃干了,终于使奥利里看得足够清楚。 www.bing.com 1. People will come to see through the propaganda. 人民将通过宣传明白这些。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He is not irrational idiots, not like the negative and see through Mundane Life those. 他不像是失去理智的白痴,也不像是看破红尘的消极主义者。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. 'Cause I'm on the outside, and I'm looking in. I can see through you, see your true colors. 因为我在外面,而我在窥视。我能看穿你,看到你的本色。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Astronomers use T-ray cameras to see through dust and clouds in space. 天文学家用T射线照相机透视了空间里面的灰尘和云层。 xkyn.com 5. The behaviour of bubble evolved from metal anode was researched during aluminum electrolysis in a two-compartment see-through quartz cell. 利用双室透明石英电解槽研究了铝电解金属阳极上气泡的析出行为。 www.csu.edu.cn 6. I can only "see" through my finger tips the outline of a face. 我只能通过我的指尖来“看”一张脸的轮廓。 www.24en.com 7. All our watches come with scratch-proof sapphire crystal and the see-through bottom is sapphire crystal as well. 我们所有的手表都配有防划蓝宝石水晶,透明的盘底也镶有蓝宝石水晶。 china.makepolo.com 8. They see through the appearance to be good at the nature of the search for turning point in the crisis. 他们善于透过现象看本质,于危机中寻想要转机。 www.kb120.com 9. I can see through the gate of that house the gardener digging the ground. 从一家门口,我看得见一个园丁在那里掘地。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Admissions people are very savvy and can see through the 'big-titled' recommendation with little substance. 招生官员有很高的领悟能力并且能看穿那些“大有来头”却没质的推荐信。 www.bing.com 1. Let alone I lie, life already so difficult, some matters do not see through an affair. 别说我说谎,人生已经如此地艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿。 www.dota123.com 2. Was it because people were too stupid to see through them? 是因为人们太愚蠢了无法看透他们的诡计? library.crtvu.edu.cn 3. See -through view pocket allowing you to customize your binder cover . 透明可视前插袋窗口可以让您自己设计文件夹封面。 www.bing.com 4. Others and I, true and fault, ups and downs. See through and put down, growing naturally and feel easy. (集体和声)人我是非,兴衰荣辱,看破放下,随缘自在。 yc.5sing.com 5. VOICE: That would eliminate objects we see through a microscope or telescope. 这就要删除那些我们通过显微镜或望远镜所能看到的物体。 www.ktwr.net 6. See through the many eyes of the dragonfly Hear the flowers bloom in early spring And see the lines of life untouched by time Upon the way. 看到蜻蜓的许多眼睛听到花朵在早春开放看到时间无法消亡的生命线在路途之上。 www.imboke.com 7. But other experts are optimistic about the two countries' future relations and suggest that young people see through the current conflicts. 但也有专家对未来两国的关系表现出乐观态度,并建议年轻人要理性看待当前两国间的纠纷。 www.i21st.cn 8. They cannot see through the trap set by the question, but besieged by fixed tendency for cognition. 他们困于认识的固定倾向,而不能识破题目布下的圈套。 www.elanso.com 9. Hotel 321 meters high total, in theory, visitors can see through the telescope around the Arab countries. 旅馆总高321米,理论上游客可以通过望远镜看到周围的阿拉伯国家。 www.qiyeku.com 10. There are thousands of cunning programmes, and it depends on people if they see through them and do not get controlled in this way. 有数以千计的欺骗程序,而它依赖人们,如果人们通过领会他们而不要这样被控制。 www.chinaufo.com 1. And the same manor as the western suburbs also have mountain golf, golf villas resources, I believe everyone will see through them value. 而如西郊高尔夫庄园一样同时拥有山、高尔夫资源的别墅,相信所有人都会看透其中价值。 www.chuncui.cn 2. The semi-transparent finish, fine chrome detailed rim and see-through rubber lid on the top, complement the design perfectly. 保温瓶上半透明的外漆,精美的镀铬框边,再加上上面透明的橡胶盖,与设计搭配,相得益彰。 www.elanso.com 3. It can measure light so sensitively as to see through the top paint surface and uncover the layers below. 这台照相机能够以极高的灵敏度测量到光,从而让研究者透过画面表层看到下面几层的样子。 www.bing.com 4. I'll come into your world See through your eyes I'll try to understand Before we lose what we have! 我将会进入你内心的世界,透过你深邃的眼睛,在我们失去所拥有的一切前,我要尽力去了解! inspirationgod.blogcn.com 5. Creating confusion is a tactic well used to distract you, whereas if you are sufficiently enlightened you will see through it. “创造混乱”是一个很好的战术让你们失去焦点,反之,如果你“充分的开明”你就可以识破它。 opi123.blog.163.com 6. If an object or substance is opaque, it's impossible to see through it. 如果一个物体或一种物质是不透明的,我们就不可能透过它看到东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. True friendship is see through the heart but not through the eyes. 真正的友谊是通过心灵而不是通过眼睛看到的。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. It's usually served in large see-through plastic containers with an extra-wide straw to sip these jumbo pearls. 它通常被装在透明的塑料杯里出售,外带一根用来吸食“大珍珠”的大好吸管。 www.ebigear.com 9. JACK ROGERS could barely see through the windshield of his bus. 杰克?罗杰斯几乎无法从大巴士的挡风玻璃看到外面。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I still remember the horrified gasps from the audience when the first model made her way down the runway in see-through splendor. 我仍然记住恐惧的喘气从观众当第一模型做了她的方式在跑道下看见通过辉煌。 www.6m.com 1. Sometimes we see through colored glasses and do not see the beauty of the soul. 有时候,我们带着有色眼镜看人,对灵魂的美丽熟视无睹。 spaces.msn.com 2. To let you see through the dense fog. 在迷雾中让你看透。 www.5f5y.com 3. To cultivate is to see through them with wisdom. 修行就是要有智能来看破这个。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To live alone is not so bad. You can see things more clearly and see through the illusion more clearly. 自己一个人生活还不错,可以把事情看得更透彻,可以更清楚地看透幻象。 sm2000.org 5. A limited partnership is not a legal person. This means that partners will be taxed on a see-through basis. 有限合伙人不是法人,这意味着合伙人将透明纳税。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Red Dust's how many stories going round and round edge is not due to see through. 红尘的几多故事,兜兜转转,缘因都是未能看透。 www.tradeask.com 7. You can actually see through his head. 你真的能看穿它的脑袋。 www.ted.com 8. Machine has Acryl see-through cover and is contained in a sound reduction room. 机器的外壳是透明的亚克力(树脂)并且放置在一个消音室内。 www.showxiu.com 9. See-through Lucite chairs and an airy chandelier don't cramp the style of the heavy oak Stickley table. 透过璐彩特椅子和一个通风吊灯使沉重的橡木斯蒂克利桌子的样式不抽筋了。 bbs.trends.com.cn 10. Otherwise, you will be able to see through one, it is also called the magic? 否则,让你一眼就能看透,那还叫魔术吗(问的意思)问号? www.hk02.cn 1. But it was until their mum Simms saw them playing that she discovered they could see through each other's eyes. 不过她们的妈妈席姆斯直到看到她们玩耍的情况时,才发现她们可以通过对方的眼睛看东西。 www.bing.com 2. But would she see through the bars of his plight and ache for him? 但是她会看出他的苦境而深深为他心痛吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Is there one person who can see through I try to be brave, to protect my fragile. 有没有一个人,能够看穿我的逞强,可以保护我的脆弱。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It's evident that see-through shirts are a no-no for men as well as women -- maybe more so for men. 很明显,那种透视的衣服对于男人和女人来说都是不合适的——对于男人可能就更加不合适。 www.bing.com 5. Too sexy: see-through lace, miniskirts, spaghetti straps, sheer sundresses, strappy stiletto sandals. 过分性感:透明的蕾丝花边,迷你裙,意大利皮带,透明的太阳裙,带状的高跟凉鞋。 www.cn-charcoal.com 6. Many years been like to pass by, she has been wanting to see through this person hard, but even guess also and have never guessed deeply. 就像过去的许多年,她一直想要努力看透这个人,却连猜也不曾猜透。 cosoft.org.cn 7. would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls. 总有一天能意识到雪利有多浅薄无知 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It is a festival to go from this world across to the dead world. Let us see through this comedy of sentient being and thereby enjoy it. 这是个节日来从这个世界前往那个死亡世界,让我们来观察这个有情众生的喜剧,从而来享受它。 open.163.com 9. I'm not such a fool but that I see through that trick. 我虽愚蠢,但还能识破那种诡计… shanxi2010.teacher.com.cn 10. Angie could not see through the fogged-up windows in her car. 因车窗起雾,安琪无法从车上清楚看见外面的车况。 www.tiantianbt.com 1. For Bess could see, through the casement, the road that he would ride. 从那扇百叶窗,贝丝可以看见,他会从那条路上回来 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "Ha, ha, " Pierre said, "we see through that. Why should the married get off? Their work's finished. You, of course, are married? " “哈,哈!”皮埃尔说道,“我们明白了。为什么已婚者就应逃脱?他们的事儿已经做完了。当然,你结婚了吧?” www.bing.com 3. "I have nothing intelligent to say, and this guy will see through me in about three seconds. " “我没什么至理名言跟大家说,这个家伙用3秒就能看穿我。” www.bing.com 4. Only a few people could see through the trick. 只有一些人能够看穿这骗术。 www.eeffee.com 5. Does the government have the will to see through its ambitious bail-out plan? 政府是否真有意愿实施规模如此庞大的救市计划? www.ecocn.org 6. if you eyes are covered with a cloth , you can ' t see through. 如果用一块布蒙住你的眼睛,你就看不透了。 www.ichacha.net 7. You can't see through a telescope unless it is adjusted correctly to your sight. 你不把望远镜校准好是看不见东西的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Why woman wear more and more transparent , while it's more hard for man to see through her minds? 为什么女人的衣服穿得越薄越透明,男人反而越看不透呢? www.bing.com 9. River the bridge in the mind a surprised: Very fierce woman, see through my way of approach unexpectedly! 江桥心里一惊:好厉害的女人,竟看穿我的门路! bbs.inzone.cn 10. Li Zhuang he let soldiers burned the blockhouse near eleven, but separated from Li Zhuang Matsui see through this account. 他让战士烧了李庄附近一一座炮楼,但松井识破此计不离李庄。 picclick.com 1. The inflatable, see- through spheres are common at amusement parks , malls and fairs in the US , Australia and Europe . 这种充气透明球体在美国、澳大利亚和欧洲的游乐园、大型购物中心和露天游乐场很常见。 www.bing.com 2. They soon had mockups of colorful, airy interfaces with see-through menus, soft edges, and round, organic buttons. 他们不久就造出了新的样机,拥有彩色轻巧的界面、直达按钮、柔角处理和圆形的有机按钮。 www.bing.com 3. Common psychology is the fundamental course of whole psychology, its importance can see through exam outline. 普通心理学是整个心理学的基础学科,其重要性通过考试大纲就可以看出来。 www.nwpu.net 4. They've been working in this extremely variable entertainment field for 10 years and it seems like they can see through the flow of it. 他们一直工作在这一极其变娱乐场10年,似乎可以看到他们的流动,通过它。 tieba.baidu.com 5. But in any case false, the total still people see through areas. 但无论如何造假,总还有让人识破的地方。 www.cutpic.cn 6. Says senior Supreme Court advocate Dushyant Dave: "The Supreme Court will see through this and take action. " 最高法院的资深辩护律师达斯伦·戴夫表示(DushyantDave):“最高法院将会彻查此事并有所行动。” www.bing.com 7. Dogs see through the appearance and smell to identify things, it is a "dog saw lower, " the crowds secret lies the key. 狗通过看外表和闻气味来辨别事物,这就是“狗眼看人低”之迷的关键秘密所在。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. I can see through you, see your true colors. 'Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me. 我能看穿你,看到你的本色。因为你的内心非常丑恶,像我一样丑恶。 www.yappr.cn 9. Lying on my bed I could see, through the uncurtained windows, the distant snowy peaks shimmering dimly in the starlight. 躺在床上,透过无帘的窗户,我可以看见遥远的雪峰,在星光中模糊地闪光。 www.bing.com 10. Tell me what you see through the microscope. 告诉我你透过这个显微镜所看到的东西。 www.bing.com 1. I want to protect vulnerable people, see through me try to be brave. Help me complete my vision on the palm of my love my life. 希望有个人可以保护我的脆弱,看穿我的逞强。助我完成自己的理想,把我放在手心疼爱我一辈子。 dict.wanyuwang.com 2. He knew Dumbledore would see through this at once, but Dumbledore asked no questions about the car. 他知道邓布利多一眼就会看穿,但邓布利多没有问汽车的问题。 www.kekenet.com 3. I cannot see through this opaque stone. 我看不透这块不透明的石头。 www.rsi.sg 4. Refraction pictorial look fine, complex, and to the naked eye cannot see through its internal structure. 折光图案外观精细、复杂,用肉眼无法看透其内部结构。 www.bing.com 5. It forces us to wrestle with these texts until we see through the author's eyes, understanding how these two accounts work together. 它迫使我们和这些经文过招,直到我们透过作者的眼来看这些经文,了解这两个记载如何分工合作。 www.hicoo.net 6. Then cover the top of the pot with a see-through plastic bag. Hold the bag in place with a rubber band. Place the pot in a warm area. 然后将花盆的顶部用一个透明的塑料袋覆用橡皮筋将塑料袋固定。盖,用橡皮筋将塑料袋固定。然后将花盆放在比较温暖的地方。放在比较温暖的地方。 wenku.baidu.com 7. When you can get quiet and note when you are projecting fear, you can make the adjustment to see through a different filter. 当你安静下来后,注意自己何时表现出害怕,你可以进行调节,通过另一层透镜来观看。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Said that people in the sea, who can see through, a hypocritical face hidden under what. 都说人心藏海,谁又能看得穿,一张张虚伪的脸孔底下隐藏着什么。 www.bing.com 9. Use the slider to see through the picture for better alignment. 使用滑块改变图片透明度找到合适的位置。 www.anzhiwo.com 10. Far out in the sea the water is very, very blue. You can see through it like glass. 在海洋的远处,水很蓝很蓝,你能象隔着玻璃一样,看透它。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And now we pass and just like glass I see through you, you see through me like I'm not there. 现在,我们通过就像玻璃我通过你看,你看我想我没有。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 2. 'Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me. I can see through you, see to the real you. -Very nice. 因为你的内心非常丑恶,像我一样丑恶。我能看穿你,看到真正的你。-非常好。 www.yappr.cn 3. Keep heating on some water in a hermetic see-through round container. 不停加热一个密封的装有适量水的球形透明材质的容器。 www.fqart.com 4. See through head mounted display (HMD) is a key component in the augmented reality (AR) system. 穿透式双通道头盔显示器(HMD)是增强现实系统中的关键部件。 www.dictall.com 5. The hole is a light to the naked eye can see through the small hole surface. 孔洞是指在光芒照射下用肉眼可以看得见的穿越纸背的小孔。 www.bing.com 6. WHY CHINA CANN'T SEE THROUGH THE GREAT CHEAT TO CHINA ? 中国为何不能识破这场针对中国的大骗局? wenku.baidu.com 7. s troubles on the 16 words: fit, take things too hard, see through, to be forgotten. 人的烦恼就16个字:放不下,想不开,看不透,忘不了。 blog.163.com 8. A "see-through" swimsuit that will eliminate tan lines has been developed by British designers. 英国设计师最近发明了一款“透视”泳衣,可在日晒后不留边痕。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Can a person that can see through me to be brave, to protect my fragile. 可不可以有一个人,能够看穿我的逞强,却可保护我的脆弱。 blog.ipart.cn 10. When you have interesting ideas to share state them and don't use a question, people will see through what you're doing and resent it. 当你有个很有意思的观点想和大家来分享,那么就直接来阐述它,不要通过问问题来引出,大家会在这一过程中看出你的把戏,会反感的。 www.infoq.com 1. Sometimes, you are not happy if you see through everything. 有时,你不是快乐如果看过了一切。 08translation.cn 2. Move out of the way, please, I can't see through you. 请借光,你挡着我就看不见了。 www.hxen.com 3. I could see through him, I knew he was a liar. 我能看穿他,他是一个骗子。 wske.spaces.live.com 4. Even now your media plays the fear card, but you are much wiser than before and see through their plans to keep us from meeting. 但是你们都更加的开明,比起过去都能更多的看穿他们的计划就是阻止我们之间的【会面】。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Since he has a charming appearance, Superman's body, but also the ability to see through people's minds, he really is the story behind? 既然他拥有迷人的外表、超人的身体,又有看透人心的本领,那他究竟是何方神圣? wenwen.soso.com 6. KB: No, just is there any way to see through it? KB:不是,通过它能看见东西吗? www.ted.com 7. Calibration of optical see-through head-mounted displays (OSTHMD) is a key issue in augmented reality domain. 光学透射头盔显示器(OSTHMD)标定是增强现实技术研究中一个具有挑战性的关键技术问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. See through clothes, the color of a man. 看透男人衣服的颜色。 www.xiami360.com 9. A controversial see-through glass pyramid-shaped structure was added by the architect I. M. Pei in the 1980s. 1980年代,建筑家贝聿铭增建一座倍受争议的透明玻璃金字塔型建筑。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. Analyzing these outcomes will help you see through the fear of failure and make a logical decision. 分析这些结果可以帮助你看透恐惧,并做出一个合理的决定。 www.foodmate.net 1. Today, I realized that the black leggings I wear quite often become see-through when I bend over. 今天我发现每次我弯腰的时候穿的黑丝就会变得相当透明。 www.bucter.com 2. And there's kind of the first exploded view, or see-through view. 这算是第一个爆炸性视图,或者说透视图。 www.ted.com 3. White out is a blizzard you just can't see through, driving in one, incredibly dangerous. 暴雪时你不能看穿白色茫茫,这为驾驶带来了令人难以置信的危险。 www.bing.com 4. And what will you pick to see through to completion? 你将会选择什么去完成? www.bing.com 5. he could barely see through the fogged window. 他勉强能够透过有雾的窗户看见。 www.bing.com 6. However if you are without a kind heart and thus without manners, people will see through your actions as fake unfortunately. 但是,如果你没有一颗善良的心,也因此丧失举止是,人们将看到通过诸如假很遗憾,您的行动。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The upshot is that infrared astronomy lets scientists see through regions that would be nearly opaque to our eyes. 结果是,红外天文学让科学家们看穿了这个对于我们的眼睛来说几乎是不透明的区域。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. You can now take liquids on board but are limited to the contents of one small see-through plastic bag and bottles no larger than 100 ml . 现在你可以携带液体登机了,但可带的东西有限,必须装在一个透明小塑料袋里,而且瓶子的容积不能超过100毫升。 www.bing.com 9. Position the patient's head so that you can see through the otoscope comfortably . 调整好病人头部的位置,以便你能更舒适看通过检耳镜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Your listeners will probably see through this, and your story will crash and burn. 您的听众非常有可能看穿,到时候您的故事就会支离破碎、了无价值。 www.bing.com 1. Yet here I AM again with more Glorious news, if only you could see through my eyes. . . 如今我再次带来更多辉煌的消息,但愿你们能通过我的眼睛看到这些… blog.sina.com.cn 2. Time waits for no man, however, I must slow my steps even stop them to think carefully where is my position and to see through to myself. 时间不等待人,然而,我必须减慢我的步甚而停下来他们小心地认为哪里我的位置和进行下去对我自己。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Eg. Do you think I don't see through that? 你认为我没有看清这一点吗? www.for68.com 4. "It isn't fair, you can't just leave me here. . . . " I can't see through the tears. “这不公平,你们不能只留我在这里……”透过眼泪,我什么也看不见。 www.bing.com 5. You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes . 把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后,你才能看见。 hi.baidu.com 6. The working class must see through these racist lies and defend the victims of oppression, not side with their masters. 工人阶级一定要识破这些谎言,捍卫种族主义压迫的受害者,而不是与他们的主人一边。 hi.baidu.com 7. Love is easy to suspect that the hallucinations that once were automatically see through smoke. 爱情是容易被怀疑的幻觉,一旦被识破就自动灰飞烟灭。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Also, another thing to note. The bathroom's doors are glass and almost see-through. 同样有意思的是,浴室是玻璃门,几乎是透明的。 weike.taskcn.com 9. Don't try to lie to me. I can see through your story. 别想骗我,我能看穿你。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Smart see- through side panel with Quick -released handle . 流行的透明侧面板设计具有快速短路手柄。 www.bing.com 1. You are so clear and I see through you, if I want I can guess you're every move! 哦,它的应变,马刺本打,打…你这么清楚,我看不透你,如果我想我能猜到你的一举一动! zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 2. Be open: people can see through a "virus" . 坦率一些:人们会看穿“病毒”的谎言。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The old, the autumn wind chill. The skyline, see through your eyes. 夕阳老去,秋风渐凉。望断了天涯,望穿了秋水。 www.bing.com 4. See Through the branches, there in the glade. . . 视线穿过枝杈,抵达那林间空地。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Experienced some people can see through something. 人们可以看到通过了一些东西。 www.0543love.com 6. He was so narrow - minded he could see through a keyhole with two eyes. 他眼光狭窄,竟然能够用两只眼睛透过一个钥匙孔来看。 www.jxenglish.com 7. They enable us to see through the past and to see into the future . 他们使我们能够透过现象看过去,看到走向未来。 wenwen.soso.com 8. We do not see through it. 我们看不穿它 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Within 30 to 40 years, two-hour commercial flights will link New York and Tokyo, with planes that "see" through fog, snow and dust. 在30-40年内,能够“看”透雾、雪、和尘埃的飞机从纽约到东京的商业飞机只需两个小时。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 10. Students are NOT dumb, they see through your charade right away. 学生不是蠢猪,他们都看透你的假装掩饰。 www.24en.com 1. "Every recruiter can see through that, " Greene says of faux flaws. Greene说这些人为捏造的缺点每个面试官都可以看穿。 ts.hjenglish.com 2. He could see through the windows a vista of green fields. 透过窗户他可以看到碧绿的田野风光。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Make sure your front door has a peephole at a level that everyone in the family can see through. 一定要让前门装一个家里人人都能够得着的窥视孔。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. See through the trick of pettifogging "Fu Hui" 识破诡辩的“附会”把戏 www.ilib.cn 5. There are other colours worn of the same see-through material, but they are the colours worn by people in need of healing. 也有人穿其他颜色但同样透明的料子,但是他们穿有颜色的衣服是出于治疗的目的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I can see through you, see to the real you. -You're beautiful. 我能看穿你,看到真正的你。-你如此美丽。 www.yappr.cn 7. Maybe you love you care about you just hide it so deep so deep deep lets a person cannot see through. 或许你爱或许你在乎只是你把它藏的太深太深深的让人无法看透。 www.shangganqq.com 8. In fact, people on the spectrum often see through such surface appearances to discover the real person. 事实上,他们常常会透过这些表面外观,发现真实的人。 www.bing.com 9. Oh, you bad egg, I can see through your intention. You intend to make me die? 大坏蛋,你的伎俩瞒不住我,想要搞死我啊? blog.163.com 10. A Living Barbie Doll In A See-Through Dress? 见到活的芭比娃娃了——裙子里面是什么内容? www.elanso.com |
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