单词 | seems |
释义 | seems是seem的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:seems 现在分词:seeming 过去式:seemed 例句释义: 似乎,好像,好像是,看来好像,装模作样的人,看起来,似乎是,看上去 1. What seems to be more evidence of real estate professionals do not need too much investment in knowledge, seems to be a very simple matter. 似乎有什么更多的证据,房地产专业人士并不需要太多的投资知识,似乎是一个非常简单的事。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Those of us who have what seems to be a Non-HIV form of AIDS should certainly think twice before donating blood. 我们这些有什么谁似乎是一个非病毒形式的艾滋病当然应该三思而后献血。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This process is called "boundary extension, " and it seems to be going on all the time. 此过程称为“边界扩展”,而且一直进行着。 bbs.putclub.com 4. The IMF does offer a bit of more heartening news: The global wipeout , finally seems to be receding. IMF没有提供更多的令人振作的消息,全球经济的失败,最后看来似乎要回到原处。 dict.kekenet.com 5. but it seems to be already well-established that dreams have once and for all left the world of unreality for the world of the laboratory. 但是有一点已经得到了很好地证明——梦已经彻底离开了非现实世界,进入了实验室。 blog.163.com 6. So many years after her death, this humble creature she could help to restore a little sanity in a world that seems to have run short of it. 在死去许多年之后,这个卑微的生灵或许可以帮助我们在这个快要失去理智的世界里找回一点点清醒。 www.bing.com 7. My mind seems to be able to cope and the information is stored away neatly. 我的大脑有能力应对,而信息也很干净的储存了起来。 www.bing.com 8. The bank, it seems, should be placing bigger bets with the public subsidy it gets in the form of its too-important-to-fail guarantee. 看起来,巴克莱在“太重要而不能倒掉”的理由下获得的公共补贴,似乎应该更多地拿去冒险。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The team have found that blocking the action of a gene seems to make healthy cells immune to even very large doses of radiation. 这个研究小组发现,阻断一种基因可以使健康细胞对放疗产生免疫力,即使对于大剂量的放疗也同样有效。 www.bing.com 10. And if our product IS as close to theirs as Geoff seems to think. 如果我们和他们的产品确实像杰弗所想的那样相仿。 www.jukuu.com 1. Somehow this too seems to me to be out of place; a team that had been Canadian suddenly becoming Nationals in Washington. 本是加拿大的球队突然间却变成了华盛顿国民队,不管怎样,这在我看来也是不合时宜的。 www.bing.com 2. And this growth in fund size seems to translate into a deterioration of investment returns. 而这种基金规模的增长,似乎会转化为投资收益的下降。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He seems to have turned northward toward Galilee then circled back across Jordan once more. 祂似乎走往北面的加利利,然后再环绕约旦河走了一周。 www.seewant.org 4. To my surprise, John seems to be very unsatisfied with his wife. I think they are well-off. 约翰对他的妻子不满,这可真奇怪。我还以为他们是恩爱夫妻了。 www.kekenet.com 5. The rise seems to show that people who dropped out of the labour market when prospects looked bleak are now willing to rejoin it. 这一增长似乎说明因认为前途无望而退出劳动力市场的人现在又开始重新进入了。 www.ecocn.org 6. But the respect of deliberation and engagement seems to me a more adequate, more suitable ideal for a pluralist society. 但是,跟相互漠视相比,这种商议、交流带来的尊重,在我看来,更适合一个多元社会。 www.justing.com.cn 7. It seems that this holiday season isn't just a time for making merry, but for handing out surveys as well. 似乎这个圣诞假期并不仅仅适合结婚,也适合做调查研究。 www.cngba.com 8. But as president, Mr. Obama seems to be indicating that he plans to move quickly to work with Israel and the Palestinians toward peace. 但是就任总统后,奥巴马似乎计划尽快与以色列,巴勒斯坦人合作,促进以巴和平。 www.voanews.cn 9. In Beijing, it seems to take forever to get anywhere as you weave your way through congested streets. 在北京,你得在拥挤的街道穿梭,好像根本就没有法子到达目的地。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And the Sunshine State seems to take its summer reading seriously: Florida was the only state to have three cities in the top 20. 而阳光州看起来把暑期阅读看起很认真:佛罗里达州是前20名中唯一一个有三个城市的州。 www.hxen.com 1. It seems to me the wobble is becoming more pronounced, a bit like the toy weeble wobble. 就我看来,地球的震动变得越来越明显了,有点像一个不倒翁一样。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. If you try different tactics and nothing seems to work, you may want to consider a medical check-up for irritable bowel syndrome. 如果你尝试不同的战术,好像没去上班,你可能想考虑进行体检,肠易激综合症。 www.bing.com 3. After the devastating earthquake and its aftermath, it seems as though even high fashion is searching for a warm embrace. 经历了那场毁灭性的地震以及随之而来的灾难后,似乎就连高端时装界也在寻找一个温暖的拥抱。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Just as in 2001, however, the outlook for the euro area seems to be deteriorating a lot faster than the optimists had expected. 然而,正如2001年,欧元区经济前景恶化的速度似乎比乐观主义者所期待的要快得多。 www.bing.com 5. It seems to me that so many people, particularly women, have forgotten how trying those first couple of weeks really are. 我觉得很多人,尤其是女人,都遗忘了要自己来经历一下生完宝宝之后的这些日子。 www.bing.com 6. high and crowned with coils of razor wire; the wind seems to blow every stray plastic bag in the Holy Land into its cold shadows. 风吹动着圣地里的塑料袋,似乎要将圣地置于他冰冷的阴影之中。 www.bing.com 7. There is a challenge inherent in her pictures, and an invitation: Here is what I don't have, she seems to be saying. 她的照片中存在一种固有的挑战,一种怂恿:她好像在说,这就是我没有的。 www.bing.com 8. Every time a Facebook or Twitter executive burps within earshot of the media, the question of a public offering seems to emerge. 不管facebook和twitter有什么小小的动静都会引起媒体极大地关注,这一次的动静是关于——首次公开募股。 www.bing.com 9. It seems as if all I was fit for is to cook and sew and get you ready to go off. 看上去我只配替你烧饭,缝补衣服,帮你收拾行李上路。 www.jukuu.com 10. Jeff: There seems to be so much Xmas history. 杰夫:看起来圣诞节的历史很多。 www.bing.com 1. A trend in web design that has been popular for a while, and still seems to be gaining momentum, is the use of big background images. 有一项web设计趋势已经流行一段时间了,但似乎势头依然不减,这便是使用大背景图像。 www.bing.com 2. All this seems to tell us the situation was not so, government intervention in the economy and may be necessary. 这一切似乎告诉我们情况没有那么遭,政府对经济的干预必要而且可能。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. We have been having some issues with our connection to the internet this afternoon. It seems to be working now. 今天下午我们与互联网的连接出了些问题,现在应该正常了。 www.equn.com 4. He's on his way to being one of the best centers in the game, but 2012 seems more realistic than 2010. 他正在成长为球场上最好的中锋,但是2012年的奥运会比2010年的世锦赛看起来更适合拜纳姆。 zhangchangwen711.blog.163.com 5. What's unusual about the electronics payment suit is that it seems to be a fairly blatant case of China ignoring its WTO obligations. 这起电子支付诉讼的不同之处在于,中国似乎明显无视自己对世贸组织的义务。 c.wsj.com 6. It seems to be a short step from believing that every event has a cause to believing that every disaster is our fault. 好像是很短的一步,从相信所有的事情都有原因到相信所有的灾害都是我们的错误。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The logic of the crisis seems to call for an intervention, not at step 4, but at step 2: the financial system needs more capital. 看来危机的过程需要介入的部位不在第四阶段,而在第二阶段:金融体系需要更多的资本金。 www.bing.com 8. Vancouver seems to have become its new centre, thanks to its importance as a hub for the production and export of marijuana. 由于温哥华是生产和输出大麻的集散地,看起来它正成为新的帮派中心。 www.ecocn.org 9. allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect. 在他们看来,如果不花一定时间来处理某件事的话,则这件事就好像是无足轻重的,不值得给予适当的重视。 www.jukuu.com 10. Mom and dad left, lie down on the bed to sleep outside, I do not know how, the sky seems intent on and I oppose, rain, is I can't sleep. 爸爸妈妈走后,外边躺到床上睡觉,不知如何了,天空好像故意和我作对,下起了雨,是我不敢睡觉。 www.education-ask.com 1. All this still seems well short of what many generals think is needed for an effective counter-insurgency campaign. 一切看起来都很好,除了非常缺乏许多将军们认为必要的有效的饭叛乱运动。 www.ecocn.org 2. The trouble is that the only alternative to a heart attack seems to be slow suffocation. 问题是,除了心脏病发作之外,仅有的另一个选择是缓慢窒息。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Everyone in the office seems to be extravagant with paper. 好像办公室里的每个人都在浪费纸张。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You are very resilient souls and it seems remarkable to us that you have such a strong sense of survival. 你们都是非常有弹性的灵魂,以我们的角度看是不可思议的,你们已经拥有了一种强烈的生存感受。 blog.163.com 5. It seems to me that the secret of winning in rugby is teamwork. 我看打赢橄榄球的秘诀在于团队合作。 dict.ebigear.com 6. The nuclear energy issue seems to have been the deciding theme that concerned everyone. 核能为题似乎已经成为每个人担心的决定性的话题。 www.voanews.com.cn 7. But most of the photos depict a woman who seems to be in her early twenties - which definitely is not the average age of any nationality. 但大多数照片都描绘的是20岁出头的女性,这绝非某个国家民众的平均年龄。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. There seems to be a problem with your login session; this action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking. 似乎在您登录时发生问题,作为一项防范性措施,该动作已经被取消。 en.wikinews.org 9. The bottom line seems to be that after two or three years, hard disk failure in laptops is pretty common, at least based on my small sample. 似乎结论是笔记本硬盘在两或三年后,出问题是相当常见的,至少根据我的例子来看是这样。 www.kuenglish.info 10. With his hard line, Mr Sarkozy seems to be behind a ban, although he will now await the outcome of the parliamentary mission. 持强硬路线的萨科奇先生似乎似乎不久后就会签署这一禁令,尽管目前他仍在等候议会的结果。 www.bing.com 1. At this point it seems as if the mini stasis is pointless. 基于这点,看起来小型停滞期是无意义的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The patent right of patent law has always been a monopoly right from the beginning, so that patent law and monopoly law seems "conflict" . 专利法所设定的专利权从一开始就是一种垄断性的权利,在这个意义上,专利法与反垄断法似乎是冲突的。 www.showxiu.com 3. I certainly hope that the three refinements will continue to anchor expectation firmly. This seems to have been the case for the past year. 过去一年,三项优化措施似乎已能稳住市场预期,我当然希望这情况会继续下去。 www.info.gov.hk 4. She seems to spend heR life trying to cultivate heR career. 她的一生似乎都在成就其事业。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing seems impossible. 不断地思考未来,不断地想着多做事,会达到一种无所不能的精神状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It seems to me that you often have to work outdoors . 听起来,你的工作是经常在户外进行吗?。 www.bing.com 7. But so long as struggle hard , one of today seems to be dream that can't be realized forever, can unquestionably turn into a fact tomorrow! 但是只要努力奋斗,今天的一个看似永远无法实现的梦想,明天一定能变成事实! hi.baidu.com 8. Note that the Sun rises, then seems to drop below the horizon, then reappears to set. 注意太阳升起,之后貌似掉到地平线以下,然后再一次升起。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Like all things Arnold and Maria, the arrangement is far from conventional, but it seems to work. 像阿诺和马丽的所有事一样,一切的安排和布局都打破惯例,但是它们看上去都不错。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The team at Crew seems to have deviated very little from the Arnage design formula if the little bits we see are anything to go by. 该小组在乘员似乎已经偏离很少从雅致的设计公式,如果没有位,我们看到的东西去了。 usa.315che.com 1. If he seems to have no time to waste, no wonder. He does not only have a huge company to run, but he is also reshaping it. 如果他看似分秒必争,这也在情理之中:他不仅要运作一巨型公司,现阶段还在重塑这个公司。 www.bing.com 2. I shrug, because it seems to me that when you run an institution, the institutionalisation of the inmates is a wholly desirable outcome. 我耸了耸肩,因为在我看来当你运作一个宅院儿的时候,室友变宅正是你想要的结果。 www.bing.com 3. In that scenario, the state just might achieve the grand bargain that seems to be eluding the rest of the country. 在这种情况下,为了躲避其他州的质疑,加州似乎只能履行共和党的协议。 www.ecocn.org 4. Marrying him seems best of all: the legal contract, in most jurisdictions, protects you against this sort of behaviour. 看起来嫁给他是最好的选择:在大多数法域中,法律合同都将针对遗弃行为给你提供保护。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Already, the number of deaths seems to be stabilizing, perhaps indicating that the first wave of this influenza has peaked. 目前,死亡人数似乎趋于稳定,这可能暗示这一波流感已经达到顶峰。 www.bbs.yeeu.org 6. The same mechanism for malignant transformation seems to be operative in other human lymphoid and myeloid malignancies. 其他的人淋巴和骨髓恶性肿瘤中似乎也存在同样的恶性转化机制。 word.hcbus.com 7. Ominously for Beijing, the value of the RMB may be one of the few things the fractious American political class seems to agree on. 对于北京来说很不利的是,人民币价值是乖张的美国政界一致认为应该改变的少数问题之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And, of course, personal choice. However, this map of London seems to indicate that geography is a major factor in fan loyalty. 从下面这张伦敦球迷分布图可以看出:在伦敦,决定球迷对球队忠诚的主要因素还是地域。 www.bing.com 9. This student seems to have spent too much effort on this piece of writing. 这个学生似乎在这篇文章上花的工夫太大了。 www.hstc.edu.cn 10. Your_ attentiveness and consideration makes me more sensible of my own neglect. Fanny's interest seems in safer hands with you than with me. 你对她这么关心体贴,使我越发感到自己照顾不周。由你来关照范妮,看来比我要稳妥些。 novel.tingroom.com 1. Comparison of the effects of nuclear test airbursts with the flattened pattern of the Tunguska forest seems to confirm this suggestion. 将空中核子试爆效应对照通古斯卡森林被夷平的样子,似乎可以证实这种说法。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 2. It seems to me that this has something to do with what you said before. 在我看来这跟你之前说的一点关系都没有。 bbs.24en.com 3. China seems to be seeking a balance in which the renminbi appreciates against the dollar, but only modestly. 中国似乎正在寻找一种平衡:让人民币对美元升值,但只是以很小的幅度。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Steven seems to think his wife is beautiful. It all goes to show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 史蒂文似乎认为他的妻子很美。这就叫做情人眼里出西施嘛。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Later they heard that the Chinese alligator seems to be to supplement the energy in the sun, later on the only full strength activities. 后来听说它们说扬子鳄好像是在晒太阳来补充能量,等一会精力充分了才有力气活动。 www.bing.com 6. Creating all this rubbish seems a bit irresponsible for a country seeking to be a great space-faring nation. 造成这一切的垃圾对于谋求成为一个伟大的航天国家的国家而言似乎有点不负责任。 www.ecocn.org 7. Given this behavior, it seems more secure to ask for some sort of authentication as part of accepting a deposit slip. 考虑到这种行为,接受存款单的同时还要求某种验证似乎更安全些。 www.ibm.com 8. Also, some shorter people possess a rare genetic mutation, known as the "Methuselah gene, " that seems to extend their life spans. 但是恰恰是一些个子不高的人会有很少见的基因突变,也就是“高寿基因”,它可以延长寿命。 www.bing.com 9. This is the first known life form that seems to be able to swap out one of life's fundamental building blocks with another element. 这是首个已知的生命形态,其看似能替换构成出生命的基本要素。 www.bing.com 10. Take your Persian cat to your veterinarian if the cat is squinting, the eye looks red or the cat seems to be in discomfort. 以您为您的兽医波斯猫如果猫是眯眼,眼睛看着红色或猫似乎在不适。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental. 因此,辣椒素引发哺乳动物的痛觉感受似乎纯属偶然。 www.bing.com 2. Mr Troedsson said the response of the Chinese authorities to the health risks "seems to have been appropriate" . 韩卓升表示,中国政府对于健康风险“似乎做出了适当的”反应。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In fact, cosmological redshifts can happen even when there seems to be no relative motion at all, as the following thought experiment shows. 事实上,宇宙学的红移,在没有相对运动的情况下也是存在的,就如同下面的思想实验(ThoughtExperiment)所显示的。(待续…) www.bing.com 4. The mutual confidence required to make such a system work seems to have evaporated. 让这样一个体系正常运作所必需的相互信心,似乎已蒸发了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster. 当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。 www.neworiental.org 6. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality. 伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I used to wonder why they come out to travel at all since everything foreign seems to make them so miserable. 我常常奇怪,既然一切外国的事物都使他们难受,他们为什么要出国旅游呢? www.ebigear.com 8. Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。 www.ecally.com 9. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 10. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 1. Given this behavior, it seems more secure to ask for some sort of authentication as part of accepting a deposit slip. 考虑到这种行为,接受存款单的同时还要求某种验证似乎更安全些。 www.ibm.com 2. Also, some shorter people possess a rare genetic mutation, known as the "Methuselah gene, " that seems to extend their life spans. 但是恰恰是一些个子不高的人会有很少见的基因突变,也就是“高寿基因”,它可以延长寿命。 www.bing.com 3. This is the first known life form that seems to be able to swap out one of life's fundamental building blocks with another element. 这是首个已知的生命形态,其看似能替换构成出生命的基本要素。 www.bing.com 4. Take your Persian cat to your veterinarian if the cat is squinting, the eye looks red or the cat seems to be in discomfort. 以您为您的兽医波斯猫如果猫是眯眼,眼睛看着红色或猫似乎在不适。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "There are city centres around the world in which no one seems to be a full-time resident, " he notes. 他指出:“在全球有些城市的中心,似乎没有人是常驻居民。” www.ftchinese.com 6. In a huge sideways jumps called a grand jete, a skillful ballet dancer seems to float fro an impossible length of time. 在一种大幅度的侧身跳跃动作(小跳)中,一个技艺精湛的芭蕾舞演员好像在空中可以停上一段让人难以置信的时间。 www.b2cedu.com 7. The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental. 因此,辣椒素引发哺乳动物的痛觉感受似乎纯属偶然。 www.bing.com 8. Mr Troedsson said the response of the Chinese authorities to the health risks "seems to have been appropriate" . 韩卓升表示,中国政府对于健康风险“似乎做出了适当的”反应。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In fact, cosmological redshifts can happen even when there seems to be no relative motion at all, as the following thought experiment shows. 事实上,宇宙学的红移,在没有相对运动的情况下也是存在的,就如同下面的思想实验(ThoughtExperiment)所显示的。(待续…) www.bing.com 10. The mutual confidence required to make such a system work seems to have evaporated. 让这样一个体系正常运作所必需的相互信心,似乎已蒸发了。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Take your Persian cat to your veterinarian if the cat is squinting, the eye looks red or the cat seems to be in discomfort. 以您为您的兽医波斯猫如果猫是眯眼,眼睛看着红色或猫似乎在不适。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "There are city centres around the world in which no one seems to be a full-time resident, " he notes. 他指出:“在全球有些城市的中心,似乎没有人是常驻居民。” www.ftchinese.com 3. In a huge sideways jumps called a grand jete, a skillful ballet dancer seems to float fro an impossible length of time. 在一种大幅度的侧身跳跃动作(小跳)中,一个技艺精湛的芭蕾舞演员好像在空中可以停上一段让人难以置信的时间。 www.b2cedu.com 4. How time flies! It seems as if it was only yesterday when you got off the planes. And now you are leaving us. I'm really sorry. 时间过的真快,我感觉就像你昨天刚刚才下飞机一样,真遗憾,你现在就要离开我们了。 www.bing.com 5. The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental. 因此,辣椒素引发哺乳动物的痛觉感受似乎纯属偶然。 www.bing.com 6. Mr Troedsson said the response of the Chinese authorities to the health risks "seems to have been appropriate" . 韩卓升表示,中国政府对于健康风险“似乎做出了适当的”反应。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In fact, cosmological redshifts can happen even when there seems to be no relative motion at all, as the following thought experiment shows. 事实上,宇宙学的红移,在没有相对运动的情况下也是存在的,就如同下面的思想实验(ThoughtExperiment)所显示的。(待续…) www.bing.com 8. The mutual confidence required to make such a system work seems to have evaporated. 让这样一个体系正常运作所必需的相互信心,似乎已蒸发了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster. 当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。 www.neworiental.org 10. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality. 伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. How time flies! It seems as if it was only yesterday when you got off the planes. And now you are leaving us. I'm really sorry. 时间过的真快,我感觉就像你昨天刚刚才下飞机一样,真遗憾,你现在就要离开我们了。 www.bing.com 2. Some sites are just very rich, even after using the techniques described above, performance seems as if it can be increased even more. 一些网站非常丰富,即使使用上述的技术后,性能似乎还可以增加更多。 www.bing.com 3. The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental. 因此,辣椒素引发哺乳动物的痛觉感受似乎纯属偶然。 www.bing.com 4. Mr Troedsson said the response of the Chinese authorities to the health risks "seems to have been appropriate" . 韩卓升表示,中国政府对于健康风险“似乎做出了适当的”反应。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In fact, cosmological redshifts can happen even when there seems to be no relative motion at all, as the following thought experiment shows. 事实上,宇宙学的红移,在没有相对运动的情况下也是存在的,就如同下面的思想实验(ThoughtExperiment)所显示的。(待续…) www.bing.com 6. The mutual confidence required to make such a system work seems to have evaporated. 让这样一个体系正常运作所必需的相互信心,似乎已蒸发了。 www.ftchinese.com 7. While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster. 当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。 www.neworiental.org 8. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality. 伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I used to wonder why they come out to travel at all since everything foreign seems to make them so miserable. 我常常奇怪,既然一切外国的事物都使他们难受,他们为什么要出国旅游呢? www.ebigear.com 10. Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。 www.ecally.com 1. The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental. 因此,辣椒素引发哺乳动物的痛觉感受似乎纯属偶然。 www.bing.com 2. Mr Troedsson said the response of the Chinese authorities to the health risks "seems to have been appropriate" . 韩卓升表示,中国政府对于健康风险“似乎做出了适当的”反应。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In fact, cosmological redshifts can happen even when there seems to be no relative motion at all, as the following thought experiment shows. 事实上,宇宙学的红移,在没有相对运动的情况下也是存在的,就如同下面的思想实验(ThoughtExperiment)所显示的。(待续…) www.bing.com 4. The mutual confidence required to make such a system work seems to have evaporated. 让这样一个体系正常运作所必需的相互信心,似乎已蒸发了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster. 当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。 www.neworiental.org 6. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality. 伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I used to wonder why they come out to travel at all since everything foreign seems to make them so miserable. 我常常奇怪,既然一切外国的事物都使他们难受,他们为什么要出国旅游呢? www.ebigear.com 8. Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。 www.ecally.com 9. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 10. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 1. In fact, cosmological redshifts can happen even when there seems to be no relative motion at all, as the following thought experiment shows. 事实上,宇宙学的红移,在没有相对运动的情况下也是存在的,就如同下面的思想实验(ThoughtExperiment)所显示的。(待续…) www.bing.com 2. The mutual confidence required to make such a system work seems to have evaporated. 让这样一个体系正常运作所必需的相互信心,似乎已蒸发了。 www.ftchinese.com 3. While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster. 当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。 www.neworiental.org 4. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality. 伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I used to wonder why they come out to travel at all since everything foreign seems to make them so miserable. 我常常奇怪,既然一切外国的事物都使他们难受,他们为什么要出国旅游呢? www.ebigear.com 6. Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。 www.ecally.com 7. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 8. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 9. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 10. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 1. While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster. 当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。 www.neworiental.org 2. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality. 伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I used to wonder why they come out to travel at all since everything foreign seems to make them so miserable. 我常常奇怪,既然一切外国的事物都使他们难受,他们为什么要出国旅游呢? www.ebigear.com 4. Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。 www.ecally.com 5. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 6. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 7. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 8. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 9. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 10. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 1. I used to wonder why they come out to travel at all since everything foreign seems to make them so miserable. 我常常奇怪,既然一切外国的事物都使他们难受,他们为什么要出国旅游呢? www.ebigear.com 2. Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。 www.ecally.com 3. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 4. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 5. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 6. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 7. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 8. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 9. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. The idea perpetrated by Western leaders that we are on the side of the angels seems to me a dangerous fantasy. 主意藉着西方领袖做,我们在天使的边上似乎我一个危险的幻想。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 1. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 2. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 3. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 4. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 5. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 6. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 7. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. The idea perpetrated by Western leaders that we are on the side of the angels seems to me a dangerous fantasy. 主意藉着西方领袖做,我们在天使的边上似乎我一个危险的幻想。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 9. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 这个问题似乎成了苏联和美国之间的不和的根源。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 10. Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf. 这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。 open.163.com 1. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 2. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 3. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 4. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 5. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. The idea perpetrated by Western leaders that we are on the side of the angels seems to me a dangerous fantasy. 主意藉着西方领袖做,我们在天使的边上似乎我一个危险的幻想。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 7. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 这个问题似乎成了苏联和美国之间的不和的根源。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 8. Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf. 这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。 open.163.com 9. Yet the idea that this shrill little dinosaur can survive indefinitely in a world ruled by and for mammals seems even more far-fetched. 然而,那种认为这只尖叫的小恐龙能够在哺乳动物主宰的世界里无限期存活下去的观点,似乎显得更加不切实际。 www.ftchinese.com 10. 'Women metabolise alcohol in a different way and alcohol seems to have more toxic effects on the brain and also on the body, ' she said. 她说,女性经过不同于男性的代谢途径代谢酒精,而且酒精对女性的脑部及机体都会产生更大的毒性作用。 www.microcard2u.com 1. While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster. 当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。 www.neworiental.org 2. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality. 伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I used to wonder why they come out to travel at all since everything foreign seems to make them so miserable. 我常常奇怪,既然一切外国的事物都使他们难受,他们为什么要出国旅游呢? www.ebigear.com 4. Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。 www.ecally.com 5. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 6. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 7. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 8. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 9. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 10. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 1. I used to wonder why they come out to travel at all since everything foreign seems to make them so miserable. 我常常奇怪,既然一切外国的事物都使他们难受,他们为什么要出国旅游呢? www.ebigear.com 2. Ongoing research and case studies in many countries confirm that there seems to be no end to it's benefits. 正在进行的研究和案例研究,在许多国家确认,似乎没有结束它的好处。 www.ecally.com 3. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 4. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 5. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 6. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 7. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 8. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 9. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. The idea perpetrated by Western leaders that we are on the side of the angels seems to me a dangerous fantasy. 主意藉着西方领袖做,我们在天使的边上似乎我一个危险的幻想。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 1. In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide. 易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 www.bing.com 2. Is the most popular "blessing" monogram article in New Year ornament, this year's design seems to be and has a dissimilarity formerly. 作为新年装饰品中最受欢迎的“福”字饰品,今年的设计显得和以往有所不同。 www.0734.coolline.cn 3. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 4. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 5. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 6. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 7. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. The idea perpetrated by Western leaders that we are on the side of the angels seems to me a dangerous fantasy. 主意藉着西方领袖做,我们在天使的边上似乎我一个危险的幻想。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 9. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 这个问题似乎成了苏联和美国之间的不和的根源。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 10. Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf. 这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。 open.163.com 1. And it seems to be growing: In the first half of this year, the company processed $1. 3 billion in digital goods payments, Thompson said. 同时,这似乎是日益增长的:在上半年,汤普生说道,公司在数字商品付款中已经处理1.3十亿美元。 www.aitrans.net 2. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and, to a lesser degree, severe major depression. 这似乎是与双极和抑郁情况,在较小的程度,严重抑郁症。 blog.hinews.cn 3. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 4. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 5. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. The idea perpetrated by Western leaders that we are on the side of the angels seems to me a dangerous fantasy. 主意藉着西方领袖做,我们在天使的边上似乎我一个危险的幻想。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 7. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 这个问题似乎成了苏联和美国之间的不和的根源。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 8. Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf. 这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。 open.163.com 9. Yet the idea that this shrill little dinosaur can survive indefinitely in a world ruled by and for mammals seems even more far-fetched. 然而,那种认为这只尖叫的小恐龙能够在哺乳动物主宰的世界里无限期存活下去的观点,似乎显得更加不切实际。 www.ftchinese.com 10. 'Women metabolise alcohol in a different way and alcohol seems to have more toxic effects on the brain and also on the body, ' she said. 她说,女性经过不同于男性的代谢途径代谢酒精,而且酒精对女性的脑部及机体都会产生更大的毒性作用。 www.microcard2u.com 1. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Such seems to be the lament of foreign insurance companies operating in China. 更斯的那句话:那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代,似乎是对在华外资保险公司发出的悲叹。 c.wsj.com 2. The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。 www.tianyayidu.com 3. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 4. The idea perpetrated by Western leaders that we are on the side of the angels seems to me a dangerous fantasy. 主意藉着西方领袖做,我们在天使的边上似乎我一个危险的幻想。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 5. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 这个问题似乎成了苏联和美国之间的不和的根源。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 6. Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf. 这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。 open.163.com 7. Yet the idea that this shrill little dinosaur can survive indefinitely in a world ruled by and for mammals seems even more far-fetched. 然而,那种认为这只尖叫的小恐龙能够在哺乳动物主宰的世界里无限期存活下去的观点,似乎显得更加不切实际。 www.ftchinese.com 8. 'Women metabolise alcohol in a different way and alcohol seems to have more toxic effects on the brain and also on the body, ' she said. 她说,女性经过不同于男性的代谢途径代谢酒精,而且酒精对女性的脑部及机体都会产生更大的毒性作用。 www.microcard2u.com 9. If that seems a little much, try taking it easy for about an hour or so before you plan on going to bed. 如果这貌似长了点儿,试试上床前一个小时左右就开始放松。 www.bing.com 10. Manuel Almunia has none of the command that Lehmann exuded, and seems to spread unease in the defence. 阿穆尼亚身上没有莱曼的指挥能力,还在后防线散布不安情绪。 www.bing.com 1. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 2. The idea perpetrated by Western leaders that we are on the side of the angels seems to me a dangerous fantasy. 主意藉着西方领袖做,我们在天使的边上似乎我一个危险的幻想。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 3. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 这个问题似乎成了苏联和美国之间的不和的根源。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 4. Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf. 这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。 open.163.com 5. Yet the idea that this shrill little dinosaur can survive indefinitely in a world ruled by and for mammals seems even more far-fetched. 然而,那种认为这只尖叫的小恐龙能够在哺乳动物主宰的世界里无限期存活下去的观点,似乎显得更加不切实际。 www.ftchinese.com 6. 'Women metabolise alcohol in a different way and alcohol seems to have more toxic effects on the brain and also on the body, ' she said. 她说,女性经过不同于男性的代谢途径代谢酒精,而且酒精对女性的脑部及机体都会产生更大的毒性作用。 www.microcard2u.com 7. If that seems a little much, try taking it easy for about an hour or so before you plan on going to bed. 如果这貌似长了点儿,试试上床前一个小时左右就开始放松。 www.bing.com 8. Manuel Almunia has none of the command that Lehmann exuded, and seems to spread unease in the defence. 阿穆尼亚身上没有莱曼的指挥能力,还在后防线散布不安情绪。 www.bing.com 9. Wind setdowns are a result of a strong wind that never seems to stop. 风沉降现象是一股强风不停运动的结果。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. I realize it seems odd to say that of events characterized by panic, a credit crunch, slowing growth and falling stock markets. 我知道,在特点为恐慌、信贷紧缩、增长放缓和股市下跌的情况之下,这么说很显得很莫名其妙。 www.bing.com 1. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA. 这个问题似乎成了苏联和美国之间的不和的根源。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf. 这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。 open.163.com 3. Yet the idea that this shrill little dinosaur can survive indefinitely in a world ruled by and for mammals seems even more far-fetched. 然而,那种认为这只尖叫的小恐龙能够在哺乳动物主宰的世界里无限期存活下去的观点,似乎显得更加不切实际。 www.ftchinese.com 4. 'Women metabolise alcohol in a different way and alcohol seems to have more toxic effects on the brain and also on the body, ' she said. 她说,女性经过不同于男性的代谢途径代谢酒精,而且酒精对女性的脑部及机体都会产生更大的毒性作用。 www.microcard2u.com 5. If that seems a little much, try taking it easy for about an hour or so before you plan on going to bed. 如果这貌似长了点儿,试试上床前一个小时左右就开始放松。 www.bing.com 6. Manuel Almunia has none of the command that Lehmann exuded, and seems to spread unease in the defence. 阿穆尼亚身上没有莱曼的指挥能力,还在后防线散布不安情绪。 www.bing.com 7. Wind setdowns are a result of a strong wind that never seems to stop. 风沉降现象是一股强风不停运动的结果。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. I realize it seems odd to say that of events characterized by panic, a credit crunch, slowing growth and falling stock markets. 我知道,在特点为恐慌、信贷紧缩、增长放缓和股市下跌的情况之下,这么说很显得很莫名其妙。 www.bing.com 9. In the current languages, BPEL seems to be leading the race and thus an ideal candidate for building e-business dialogues. 在当前的语言中,BPEL似乎在领导着潮流,因而是构建电子商务对话的理想候选者。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The new image seems to help people approach, rather than avoid, the idea of healthy eating. 新图像似乎帮助人们倾向接受而不是回避健康饮食观念。 www.bing.com |
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