单词 | scsi -2 |
释义 |
例句释义: 硬盘 1. An integer enumeration indicating whether or not the SCSI controller provides redundancy or protection against device failures . 表示SCSI控制器是否在设备出现故障时提供重复或保护的整数枚举。 www.bing.com 2. In addition, if it's a SCSI drive, make sure you know its SCSI ID number. 除此之外,如果它是一个小型电脑标准介面磁盘,确定你知道它的小型电脑标准介面身份证编号。 bbs.chinaunix.net 3. Generally, on a SCSI bus, only a few disks can be operated at maximum speed, although Ultra-wide and Ultra-2 buses can handle more. 一般在SCSI总线上只有少数几个磁盘可以最大速度运行,但Ultra-wide和Ultra-2总线可以处理更多磁盘。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. All the disks that are visible on the AIX client partition have to be virtual disks (exported from VIOS using virtual SCSI). 在AIX客户机分区上可以看到的所有磁盘必须都是虚拟磁盘(使用虚拟SCSI从VIOS导出)。 www.ibm.com 5. VIO SCSI disks configured in the global partition can be exported to a WPAR for use as a data disk or as the rootvg for the WPAR. 在全局分区中配置的VIOSCSI磁盘可以导出到WPAR,作为WPAR的数据磁盘或rootvg。 www.ibm.com 6. The virtual SCSI disks can be the entire physical disks, or only a portion and look like actual disks to the client partitions. 虚拟SCSI磁盘可能是整个物理磁盘,也可能是其中的一部分,并且对于客户端分区来说,看起来就如同实际的磁盘。 www.ibm.com 7. If SCSI disks will be employed, patching SAN drivers is an easier task, but there can be a higher likelihood of hardware failures. 如果使用SCSI磁盘,那么可以很容易找到SAN驱动程序,但是出现硬件故障的风险也会更高。 www.ibm.com 8. In a storage area, a LUN often represents a SCSI disk on which a host can perform a read and write operation. 在存储区域中,LUN通常表示一个主机能够执行读写操作的SCSI磁盘。 www.ibm.com 9. A resource conflict exists between the boot controller and another controller in the system or between SCSI devices . 启动控制器与系统中的另一个控制器之间存在资源冲突,或者SCSI设备之间存在资源冲突。 www.bing.com 10. You don't need to waste time trying to track down video drivers or SCSI drivers. 您不必将时间浪费在尝试寻找显卡驱动程序或SCSI驱动程序上。 www.ibm.com 1. In a described implementation, the host and server act as SCSI initiator and target and communicate over a Fibre Channel connection. 在描述的实现中,该主机和服务器充当SCSI启动器和目标,并且在光纤信道连接上进行通信。 www.patent114.com 2. The SCSI subsystem is one of these block device drivers. SCSI子系统是这种块设备驱动器之一。 www.ibm.com 3. The SCSI tape driver also exports an sr_init_command that turns a request into a SCSI CD-ROM read or write request. SCSI磁带驱动器还会导出sr_init_command,以将请求转换成SCSICD-ROM读或写请求。 www.ibm.com 4. There is no downside to using the SCSI emulation on a CD-ROM; it will work just the same; only the name will change. 在CD-ROM上使用SCSI仿真没有什么不利之处;它同样能工作;只是名称会改变。 www.ibm.com 5. Drives whose native transfer rate exceeds 50 percent of the SCSI bus speed must be on a dedicated SCSI bus to avoid loss in performance. 本机传输速率超过SCSI总线速度的50%的驱动器必须在专用SCSI总线上,以避免降低性能。 www.kuenglish.info 6. reserve : This command is issued by a host bus adapter to obtain or maintain ownership of a SCSI device. reserve(占用):这个命令由总线适配器发送用以获得或保留对SCSI设备的所有权。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. SCSI devices under Linux are often named to help the user identify the device. Linux中的SCSI设备的命名方式能够帮助用户识别设备。 www.ibm.com 8. The virtual SCSI client and virtual SCSI server adapter mappings have to be the same on both CECs. 在两个CEC上,虚拟SCSI客户机和虚拟SCSI服务器适配器映射必须是相同的。 www.ibm.com 9. All SCSI commands should begin with an operation code as the first byte. This indicates what operation it represents. 所有SCSI命令都要以操作代码的第一个字节为开端,以表明它所代表的操作。 www.ibm.com 10. The work the BIOS did is mostly ignored; the operating system, once it loads a SCSI driver, will do its own scan of the SCSI bus. BIOS所做的工作大部分会被忽略掉,操作系统一旦加载SCSI驱动程序之后,就会自行扫描SCSI总线。 www.ibm.com 1. Press Y to switch mode to SCSI, press any other key to disable both channels. 按Y键将模式切换至SCSI,按其它任意键禁用两个通道。 supportapj.dell.com 2. Not unlike other major subsystems in the Linux kernel, the SCSI subsystem exists as a layered architecture with three distinct layers. 与Linux内核中的其他主流子系统不同,SCSI子系统是一种分层的架构,共分为三层。 www.ibm.com 3. I disabled SCSI detection by adding knoppix no scsi to the boot command, and that took care of it. 我在boot命令中增加了knoppixnoscsi来禁用SCSI检测,解决了这个问题。 www.ibm.com 4. Like most, my camera identifies itself as an external hard disk connected over the USB bus, using the SCSI transport. 跟大多数相机一样,我的相机标识自己为一个通过USB总线来连接通过SCSI传输的外部硬盘。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. During the communication between a host and storage, a host generally acts as a SCSI initiator. 在主机和存储介质进行通信期间,主机通常充当SCSI启动程序。 www.ibm.com 6. The CD-ROM driver is another block device and provides a similar set of functions to the SCSI disk driver. CD-ROM驱动器是另一种块设备并为SCSI磁盘驱动器提供类似的函数集。 www.ibm.com 7. This creates a new tape device and adds it into a vector called scsi_tapes. 该函数会创建一种新磁带设备并将其添加到称为scsi_tapes的向量。 www.ibm.com 8. The following list of commands are the additional SCSI protocol features that will be used when disks are in a clustered environment. 下面列举的命令是在磁盘集群环境下将会用到的SCSI协议。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. For instance, the BIOS on an old Alpha system I use has support for Symbios Logic '875 SCSI controller chips. 例如,我使用的一个老式Alpha系统可以支持SymbiosLogic的875SCSI控制器芯片。 www.ibm.com 10. Booting from the boot floppy is supported only for Atari and VME with a SCSI floppy drive on VME at this time. 从软盘引导的方法目前只支持Atari以及VMEVME有一个SCSI软驱。 debian.fr 1. In such a case, the SCSI bus will be the performance-limiting factor. 在这种情况下,SCSI总线将成为限制性能的因素。 www.ibm.com 2. SCSI is most commonly used for hard disks and tape drives, but it can be used for a range of other devices, such as scanners, CDs, and DVDs. SCSI通常用在硬盘和磁带设备上,但是也可以用于许多其他设备,比如扫描仪、CD和DVD驱动器。 www.ibm.com 3. Ideal for PCI-X-based Intel architecture based servers and workstations implementing Adaptec SCSI on motherboard solution. 基于PCI-X的Intel架构服务器和工作站,部署主板上的AdaptecSCSI。 www.adaptec.com 4. This is the expected behaviour for disks and any other SCSI device that only accepts fixed block sizes. 对于磁盘和只接受固定块大小的任何其他SCSI设备,这属于预期行为。 e-support.hp.com.cn 5. Devices that use a Small Computer System Interface(SCSI), such as a CD ROM, hard disk, and scanner, can be daisy chained to one SCSI port. 像CDROM、硬盘和扫描器这样的采用一种小型计算机系统接口(SCSI)的设备可被菊链到一个SCSI端口上。 it.sohu.com 6. The mid level also provides SCSI command queuing between the upper and lower levels. 中间层还提供了较高层和较低层间的SCSI命令排队。 www.ibm.com 7. The defender continually renews its reservation to the quorum by requesting a SCSI reserve be placed on the LUN every three seconds. 防守节点通过每3秒申请LUN上的SCSI占用持续地更新对Quorum盘的所有权。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As with linear mode, you can combine block devices from various sources (such as IDE and SCSI drives) into a single volume with no problems. 就像线性模式一样,您完全可以用RAID-0将来自各种驱动器(诸如IDE和SCSI驱动器)的块设备组合为单个卷。 www.ibm.com 9. This user-space package contains a variety of utilities for sending SCSI commands and parsing their responses. 这个用户空间包包括多种实用工具,可用来发送SCSI命令和解析这些命令的响应。 www.ibm.com 10. External disk arrays are not affected by failover clustering and can synchronize the cache correctly , even across a SCSI bus . 外部磁盘阵列不受故障转移群集的影响,甚至能通过SCSI总线使高速缓存正确地同步。 www.bing.com 1. Virtual storage using a virtual SCSI adapter and storage in a different partition. 使用虚拟SCSI适配器的虚拟存储器和不同分区中的存储器。 www.ibm.com 2. Ensure that SCSI bus termination is installed only at each end of the bus. 确保SCSI总线终结器只安装在该总线的两端。 e-support.hp.com.cn 3. Simple examples are a SCSI disk connected to two SCSI controllers on the same computer or a disk connected to two Fibre Channel ports. 例如,一个SCSI磁盘连接同一计算机上两个SCSI控制器,或者一个磁盘连接两个FibreChannel端口。 www.ibm.com 4. Number of tape devices that share a small computer system interface (SCSI) bus . 共享一个小型计算机系统接口(SCSI)总线的磁带设备数。 www.bing.com 5. Whether to display drives and mountable volumes from internal hard drives (non-SCSI optical drives are always shown). 是否显示硬盘(非SCSI光驱总是显示)的驱动器和可挂载卷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The implementation of OSD target has two key technologies: first, it extended SCSI protocol to support OSD command. 实现了OSD目标器的两个关键技术:其一,扩展SCSI协议使其支持OSD设备。 www.fabiao.net 7. The SCSI subsystem itself has gone through many changes over the years, and the changes aren't done yet. SCSI子系统本身在过去若干年中经历了很多变化,而且这些变化还在继续。 www.ibm.com 8. In computer storage, the SCSI initiator is the endpoint that initiates a SCSI session, meaning it sends a SCSI command. 在计算机存储中,SCSI启动程序是启动SCSI会话的端点,这意味着它会发送SCSI命令。 www.ibm.com 9. The storage often acts as a SCSI target that receives and processes SCSI commands. 存储介质通常充当SCSI目标,它接收和处理SCSI命令。 www.ibm.com 10. While the protocols over which SCSI is transported have changed over the years, the SCSI command set retains many of its original elements. SCSI传输所采用的协议已经时过境迁,SCSI命令却保持了最初的元素。 www.ibm.com 1. The Linux kernel initializes devices like SCSI cards and other hardware devices that are built into the kernel. Linux内核初始化了诸如SCSI卡之类的设备,以及其它内核中内置的硬件设备。 www-128.ibm.com 2. The Adaptec SCSI RAID 2020ZCR card provides an affordable, high performance solution to businesses requiring data protection. AdaptecSCSIRAID2020ZCR卡为企业提供了一种价格低廉、性能优越的数据保护解决方案。 www.adaptec.com 3. Only hosts via host bus adapters and storage controllers, i. e. HSZ50 and HSZ70, may be connected directly to a SCSI hub. 只有通过主机总线适配器和存储控制器的主机(即HSZ50和HSZ70)才能够直接连接到SCSI集线器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. SCSI disk controllers from many different manufacturers are supported. 大部分厂商生产的SCSI磁盘控制器都能获得支持。 debian.fr 5. SBC defines the command set extensions to facilitate operation of SCSI direct-access block devices. SBC定义命令集扩展,以方便操作SCSI直接访问块设备。 www.ibm.com 6. In traditional storage systems, this API is the SCSI protocol; but in the cloud, these protocols are evolving. 在传统的存储系统中,这个API是SCSI协议;但是在云环境中,这些协议在演化。 www.ibm.com 7. After the list is obtained, the cluster service attempts to scan all of the devices on the shared SCSI bus to find matching disk signatures. 获取列表后,集群服务会试着扫描共享SCSI总线上的所有设备来寻找匹配的磁盘签名。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. End-to-end data protection is also on the way for SCSI, coming out of the T10's new data integrity standard. 针对SCSI的端到端数据保护也在开发中,它源于T10的新数据完整性标准。 www.ibm.com 9. Your active and passive nodes access Exchange data stored in shared SCSI, Fibre Channel, or iSCSI arrays. 主动和被动节点将访问存储在共享SCSI、光纤通道或iSCSI阵列中的Exchange数据。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Fibre channel is widely considered to be more reliable than the alternative, called SCSI, although it's more expensive, Mr. Chokshi said. 乔克斯说,光纤通道被普遍视为比小型电脑系统界面(SCSI)更可靠,不过也更昂贵。 c.wsj.com 1. Low-level driver registration and error handling are provided by the SCSI mid level. 低层驱动器注册和错误处理都由SCSI中间层提供。 www.ibm.com 2. With these parameters, the SCSI command could be sent to the target device. 有了这些参数之后,就可以将SCSI命令发送到目标设备。 www.ibm.com 3. Internal storage using SCSI adapters and drives dedicated to the partition. 专用于分区的使用SCSI适配器和驱动器的内部存储器。 www.ibm.com 4. You'll need to edit two text files to configure the system to use the ide-scsi driver. 您需要编辑两个文本文件来配置系统,让它使用ide-scsi驱动程序。 www.ibm.com 5. The first three numbers for each item refer to SCSI bus, device ID, and LUN (Logical Unit Number), respectively. 每一项的前三个数字分别指SCSI总线、设备标识和LUN(逻辑单元号,LogicalUnitNumber)。 www.ibm.com 6. SPC defines behaviors that are common to all SCSI device models. SPC定义对所有SCSI设备模型通用的行为。 www.ibm.com 7. For truly blistering performance, you can set up a bunch of SCSI or FC-AL drives in a RAID-0 array. 为了真正增强性能,您可以在RAID-0阵列中安装一组SCSI或FC-AL驱动器。 www.ibm.com 8. Certain variants of SCSI-2 can operate at higher clock speeds or transmit more bits in parallel, resulting in even higher throughput. SCSI-2的某些版本可以更高的时钟速度工作或以并行方式传递更多的位,从而达到更高的吞吐率。 www2.ccw.com.cn 9. Which will leave autodetection on, but which will disable SCSI disconnects. 可打开自动侦测,但却禁止了SCSI断开。 debian.fr 10. There are also major improvements that have been made on SCSI support. 对SCSI的支持也有了重大的改进。 www.ibm.com 1. Fibre connections are SCSI devices that are hosted on a Fibre Channel bus, instead of on a SCSI bus. 光纤连接是驻留在光纤通道总线而不是SCSI总线上的SCSI设备。 technet.microsoft.com 2. If you are using virtual SCSI adapters to serve disk resources, map those disks at this time from your SAN (if applicable). 如果使用虚拟SCSI适配器提供磁盘资源,现在就从SAN映射这些磁盘(如果适用的话)。 www.ibm.com 3. The virtual target devices and virtual SCSI adapters are created on the target system. 在目标系统上创建虚拟目标设备和虚拟SCSI适配器。 www.ibm.com 4. Seven seconds after the SCSI reset requested, the challenger tries to reserve the quorum disk. SCSI重置申请后7秒,挑战节点试图占用Quorum盘。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. CD-ROM For most standard SCSI or IDE CD-ROMs, the standard drivers should work without problems. 光盘大部分来说标准的小型电脑标准介面或IDE光盘,标准的驱动器应该没有问题工作。 bbs.chinaunix.net 6. All virtual SCSI disks must be mapped to whole LUNs on the SAN. 所有虚拟SCSI磁盘都必须映射到SAN上的整个LUN。 www.ibm.com 7. Figure 2 shows where the SCSI subsystem fits within the Linux kernel. 图2显示了SCSI子系统在Linux内核中的位置。 www.ibm.com 8. The program works both with hard disks (including SCSI and RAID) and removable media. 该软件适用于硬盘(包括SCSI和RAID)和可移动媒体宣传。 www.jisuxz.com 9. SCSI A standard parallel interface for rapid data transmission. 小计算机系统接口(SCSI)一种快速数据传输用标准并行接口。 www2.ccw.com.cn 10. SCSI also provides special commands to access enclosure services (such as current sensing and temperature within a storage enclosure). SCSI也提供了专门的命令以访问箱体服务(比如存储箱体内部当前的传感和温度)。 www.ibm.com 1. In particular, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 provides the scsi-target-utils package (based on the tgt project) for setting up a iSCSI target. 尤其是,RedHatEnterpriseLinux5提供了一个用于设置iSCSI目标的scsi-target-utils包(基于tgt项目)。 www.ibm.com 2. The output from the SCSI target would then be copied to the user space buffers when the command is finished. 当这个命令完成时,SCSI目标的输出将被复制到用户空间缓冲区。 www.ibm.com 3. I booted the CD using vmware (check Resources for link) and configured my virtual PC to have a single SCSI disk, sda. 我使用vmware(请查阅参考资料,获取链接)来引导这张CD,并将我的虚拟PC配置成包含一个SCSI磁盘,sda。 www.ibm.com 4. This hardware failure could be caused by a failure in the SCSI card or in the operating system. 此硬件故障可能是由SCSI卡或操作系统中的故障造成的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. See Resources for the storage subsystems validated with SCSI-3 persistent reserve. 请查阅参考资料关于使用SCSI-3持久化存储验证存储子系统的信息。 www.ibm.com 6. Thankfully, there is a patch available for 2. 4 kernels that causes the SCSI bus to be scanned on startup (see Resources for more details). 令人感到高兴的是,对于导致SCSI总线在启动时被扫描的2.4内核有可用的修补程序(有关更多详细信息,请参阅参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 7. Each member connects to the shared storage using SCSI or Fibre Channel. 每个成员都使用SCSI或光纤通道连接共享存储。 technet.microsoft.com 8. The mail databases were spread across two IBM EXP arrays (direct connect SCSI), configured as RAID 0 on each server. 邮件数据库分布于两个IBMEXP阵列(直连SCSI),阵列在每个服务器上都配置为RAID0。 www.ibm.com 9. Figure 4 shows that the LPAR is configured with virtual Ethernet and virtual SCSI adapters. 图4显示这个LPAR配置了虚拟以太网和虚拟SCSI适配器。 www.ibm.com 10. Create the virtual target device that maps the virtual SCSI device to the logical volume (see Listing 6). 创建虚拟目标设备,用于将SCSI设备映射到逻辑卷(请参见清单6)。 www.ibm.com 1. SATA storage sub-system connected through SCSI or fibre channel. 通过SCSI或光纤通道连接SATA存储子系统。 www.westerndigital.com 2. The Cluster service only uses the SCSI protocol to manage disks on the shared bus. 集群服务仅仅使用SCSI协议来管理共享总线上的磁盘。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The card has a 68-pin internal connector and a 68-pin VHDCI external connector for Ultra320 SCSI (LVD) hard disks drives. 此卡携带一个68针内部接头和一个68针的VHDCI外部接头,用于连接Ultra320SCSI(LVD)硬盘。 www.adaptec.com 4. It uses the standard SCSI command set for interacting with SAS End devices. 它使用标准的SCSI命令集与SAS端设备交互。 www.ibm.com 5. status: SCSI status byte as defined by the SCSI standard. status:由SCSI标准定义的SCSI状态字节。 www.ibm.com 6. Collection of tools for SCSI hardware management. SCSI硬件管理工具集。 qref.sourceforge.net 7. Represent the first and second partitions of the first SCSI disk drive in your system. 表示系统里第一个SCSI磁碟的第一个及第二个分割区。 debian.fr 8. The lower level contains the largest amount of code because it accounts for the variations of SCSI adapter types. 较低层包含大量代码,原因是它要负责处理各种不同的SCSI适配器类型。 www.ibm.com 9. Devices like scanners or SCSI adapters use this transfer type. 像扫描仪或者SCSI适配器这样的设备使用这种传输类型。 www.ibm.com 10. The upper level of the SCSI subsystem represents the highest-level interface from the kernel (the device level). SCSI子系统的较高层代表的是内核(设备级)最高级别的接口。 www.ibm.com 1. Set the utility so that the SCSI ID of the CD drive is first on the list. Save your changes. 通过这个工具软件修改设置,让光盘驱动器的SCSIID排在列表的首位。 debian.fr 2. As your computer starts, press the keys to enter the SCSI setup utility. 当您的计算机启动时,可以按下某些键进入SCSI的设置软件。 debian.fr 3. The Adaptec SCSI Card 39320A-R is designed for maximum configuration flexibility and ease of use. Adaptec39320A-RSCSI卡的设计具有最高的配置灵活性和使用方便性。 www.adaptec.com 4. cmdp: A pointer to the SCSI command to be executed. cmdp:指向将要执行的SCSI命令的指针。 www.ibm.com 5. In this case, the Linux SCSI stack is used to manage, read, and write data on the target LUNs. 在这种情况下,可以使用LinuxSCSI栈来管理、读取和写入目标LUN上的数据。 www.ibm.com 6. The SCSI Host Adapter must be configured for address 7, which is the factory default setting. SCSI主机适配器的祰刂繁匦肷柚梦?7,也就是默认的出厂设置。 e-support.hp.com.cn 7. SCSI shared storage is connected to the two nodes. 两个节点都连接有SCSI磁盘存储。 www.bing.com 8. The storage access protocol is the SCSI block command set. 存储访问协议就是SCSI块命令集。 www.ibm.com 9. Often, the boot ROM for a SCSI controller takes a fairly long time to scan for devices. 通常,SCSI控制器的引导ROM要花费相当长的时间来扫描设备。 www.ibm.com 10. An object-based storage prototype system based on T10 SCSI OSD standard was designed, which involves object-based storage device and client. 实现了一个符合T10SCSIOSD标准的对象存储原型系统,包括对象存储设备和客户端。 www.fabiao.net 1. It also manages SCSI-specific error recovery. 它也负责管理特定于SCSI的错误恢复。 www.ibm.com 2. That leaves just the ignored devices for ide-scsi to control. 剩下的设备才由ide-scsi来管理。 qref.sourceforge.net 3. Knoppix's knowledge includes not only a wide range of graphics cards and mice, but also sound cards, modems, and USB and SCSI devices. Knoppix不仅可以识别各种图形卡和鼠标,而且还可以识别各种声卡、调制解调器及USB和SCSI设备。 www.ibm.com 4. For more information on SCSI support, please see the MSDN ARC Path article reference in the References section. 有关SCSI支持的详细信息,请参阅“参考资料”部分中的MSDNARC路径文章参考。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. For RAID environments I need SCSI data integrity. 在RAID的作业环境,我需要完整的SCSI数据。 wdc.com 6. All SCSI commands should also contain a control byte. 并且所有SCSI命令都要包含一个控制字节。 www.ibm.com 7. Using the SCSI protocol, drive control commands and data are sent to the drives. 利用SCSI协议,驱动控制命令和数据被送到驱动器。 www2.ccw.com.cn 8. The SCSI-2 standard began in 1985 and resulted in a faster data rate (10MHz) and a wider bus (16 bits). SCSI-2标准出现于1985年,它的出现使数据速率更快(10MHz),总线也更宽(16位)。 www.ibm.com 9. The upper level accepts requests from above (such as the VFS) and converts them into SCSI requests. 较高层接受来自上层(比如VFS)的请求并将其转换成SCSI请求。 www.ibm.com 10. We used ECKD devices because they were readily available whereas an FCP SCSI environment was not. 之所以使用ECKD设备,是因为它们可以立即使用,而FCPSCSI环境则不能。 www.ibm.com 1. Let others shake down SANs, the latest-generation SCSI, gigaether storage, and other offerings. 让别人先试用SAN、最新一代的SCSI、gigaether存储器和其它产品吧。 www.ibm.com 2. The SCSI then dispatches data in priority order. 然后SCSI以优先级顺序发送数据。 www2.ccw.com.cn 3. A SCSI configuration error has been detected for library. 为库已检测出一个SCSI配置错误。 www.fan6.net 4. The target usually provides the initiators one or more logical unit numbers (LUN). SCSI目标通常为启动程序提供一个或多个逻辑单元号(LUN)。 www.ibm.com 5. Using the HMC, create two virtual SCSI adapters on each LPAR that use the VIO to access the SAN. 使用HMC,在每个使用VIO访问SAN的LPAR上创建两个虚拟SCSI适配器。 www.ibm.com 6. Determine the vhost id of the virtual SCSI device (see Listing 5). 确定该虚拟SCSI设备的vhostID(请参见清单5)。 www.ibm.com 7. Whether to display drives and mountable volumes from SCSI drives. 是否显示SCSI驱动器的驱动器和可挂载卷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In Figure 2, you can see how different applications communicate with SCSI devices. 在图2中,您可以看到不同的应用程序如何与SCSI设备通信。 www.ibm.com 9. This driver allows user applications to send SCSI commands to devices (such as format, mode sense, or diagnostic commands). 该驱动器允许用户应用程序向设备发送SCSI命令(比如格式化、模式感知或诊断命令)。 www.ibm.com 10. With a Linux generic driver interface, you can build applications that can send more kinds of SCSI commands to SCSI devices. 通过Linux通用驱动器接口,您可以构建能够向SCSI设备发送更多SCSI命令的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 1. At the lowest level is a collection of drivers called the SCSI low-level drivers. 在最低层的是一组驱动器,称为SCSI低层驱动器。 www.ibm.com 2. Ultra320 SCSI technology is compatible with Ultra160, Ultra2, Ultra Wide and all other previous-generation SCSI devices. Ultra320SCSI技术与Ultra160、Ultra2、UltraWide以及所有其它的早期SCSI设备完全兼容。 www.adaptec.com 3. The process of sending the SCSI command here is quite simple. 发送SCSI命令的步骤非常简单。 www.ibm.com 4. The OSD initiator implements the OSD T-10 standard SCSI command set. OSD启动器实现OSDT-10标准SCSI命令集。 www.ibm.com 5. cmd_len: The length in bytes of cmdp that points to the SCSI command. cmd_len:指向SCSI命令的cmdp的字节长度。 www.ibm.com 6. Again, using DLPAR, we assigned a new virtual SCSI server adapter (vhost) to hvio11 and hvio12. 同样地,使用DLPAR,我们为hvio11和hvio12分配了一个新的虚拟SCSI服务器适配器(vhost)。 www.ibm.com 7. Never place a tape drive on the same SCSI bus as disks or a CD-ROM drive. 永远不要将磁带机与磁盘或CD-ROM驱动器放置在同一个SCSI总线上。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Two virtual SCSI server adapters (vhost0 and vhost1) are created on the VIOS lpar. 在VIOSLPAR上创建两个虚拟SCSI服务器适配器(vhost0和vhost1)。 www.ibm.com 9. SCSI, often called parallel SCSI, is based on bus technology. SCSI(常常称为并行SCSI)基于总线技术。 www.ibm.com 10. The first SCSI standard, called SCSI-1, was created by Shugart Associates around 1979. 第一种SCSI标准称为SCSI-1,是由ShugartAssociates在1979年前后创建的。 www.ibm.com 1. Many high-speed tape drives perform better if they have a dedicated SCSI bus for each tape drive used. 许多高速磁带机如果对每个所使用的磁带机有专用SCSI总线,将运行得更好。 technet.microsoft.com 2. There, you can find Web service front ends, file-based front ends, and even more traditional front ends (such as Internet SCSI, or iSCSI). 在那里您可以找到Web服务前端、基于文件的前端,甚至更多传统前端(比如InternetSCSI或iSCSI)。 www.ibm.com 3. The mid level also manages higher-level recovery such as requesting an HBA (LLD) or SCSI device reset. 中间层还可管理较高层恢复,比如请求HBA(LLD)或SCSI设备重置。 www.ibm.com 4. This will return a long list; look for ide-scsi. 这条命令将返回一个长列表;请查找ide-scsi。 www.ibm.com 5. The development of SCSI-3 began in 1993 and is actually a collection of standards defining protocols, command sets, and signaling methods. SCSI-3的开发开始于1993年,现已成为了一组标准集,可以定义协议、命令集和信令方法。 www.ibm.com 6. If your computer starts from an IDE, EIDE, or ESDI hard drive, replace the scsi(0) with multi(0). 如果您的计算机从IDE、EIDE或ESDI硬盘驱动器启动,请用multi(0)替换scsi(0)。 support.microsoft.com 7. This error is caused by a SCSI shared drive that is not partitioned properly. 此错误是由于SCSI共享驱动器未正确分区而引起的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Anything on SCSI bus 0 can be shortened to 1, 0, leaving off the first 0. SCSI总线0上的设备都可以缩写为1,0,即省去头一个0。 www.ibm.com 9. Various controllers, such as IDE and SCSI, are also supported. 支持各种控制器,比如IDE和SCSI控制器。 www.ibm.com 10. You should use a non-IP heartbeating, like RS232 or target mode SSA or target mode SCSI. 您应使用一个非IP的心跳,如RS232或目标模式SSA或目标模式SCSI。 www.ibm.com 1. For example, on one of my test systems it got stuck doing SCSI detection. 例如,我的一个测试系统在检测SCSI的时候挂起了。 www.ibm.com 2. This new RAID architecture can not only provide high speed interface for the host, but also can support high speed SCSI storage device. 这种磁盘阵列既可以向主机提供高速接口,又可以支持高速的SCSI存储设备。 www.lw23.com 3. A new logical unit number is not detected when a logical unit number is removed from a storage device on a SCSI disk array 当从SCSI磁盘阵列上的存储设备中删除逻辑单元号时,未检测到新的逻辑单元号 support.microsoft.com 4. As of this writing, if you're installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a VMWare machine, emulated SCSI drives don't work; 当这写作,如果你正在一个VMWare机器,被效法小型电脑标准介面磁盘上安装红帽企业Linux之时不工作; bbs.chinaunix.net 5. Open the SCSI generic device file (such as sg1) to get the file descriptor of SCSI device. 打开SCSI通用设备文件(比如sg1)获取SCSI设备的文件描述符。 www.ibm.com 6. Up to six fixed Ultra320 SCSI or IDE drives (one-inch height) or SATA drives 多达6个固定的Ultra320SCSI、IDE驱动器(1英寸高)或SATA驱动器 www.intel.com 7. Computer stops responding when a SCSI miniport driver issues a ScsiPortNotification(BusChangeDetected) call SCSI微型端口驱动程序发出ScsiPortNotification(BusChangeDetected)调用时计算机停止响应 support.microsoft.com 8. Series Port SCSI Synchronous Asynchronous Timing Ethernet Internet 定时串行口小型机系统接口同步异步 wenku.baidu.com 9. The following table illustrates the main differences in properties between SAS and SCSI interfaces 下表说明SAS和SCSI接口之间的主要差异 www.ibm.com 10. If you have Debian GNU Linux on a SCSI disk and MacOS on an IDE disk this may not work and you will have to enter OpenFirmware and set the 如果您将DebianGNULinux放在SCSI磁盘,而MacOS位于IDE磁盘,这也许不工作,而您不得不进入OpenFirmware并设置 debian.fr 1. SCSI hard discs are not usually used in personal computers SCSI硬盘通常不用于个人电脑(工作站),而在服务 www.okla.seagate.com 2. A firmware upgrade causes the SCSI device to be removed and redetected 固件升级导致移除或重新检测SCSI设备 support.microsoft.com 3. Includes support of USB, PC Card (formerly PCMCIA) and SCSI interfaces along with the, 包括USB、计算机卡(以前为PCMCIA)和SCSI接口支持,以及通过它们连接的存储设备, www.okla.seagate.com 4. Design and Implementation of High Speed SCSI Drive Recording Device 高速SCSI磁盘记录仪的设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 5. Design and Implementation of Redundant SCSI Path Device Driver 冗余SCSI路径驱动程序的设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 6. interface, small computer system (SCSI) 小型电脑系统接口 www.hjenglish.com 7. The following command does a full backup of Linux with all ext2 and ext3 file systems to a SCSI tape device 下面的命令执行一个完全Linux备份,它把所有ext2和ext3文件系统备份到一个SCSI磁带设备。 www.ibm.com 8. One shared external SCSI hard drive (twin tail disk) 一个共享的外部SCSI磁盘驱动器(双硬盘)。 www.ibm.com 9. The following SCSI drivers are supported in the default kernel 下列SCSI驱动被默认内核支持 debian.fr 10. You are about to add the following SCSI device 系统告之,你增加了下面的SCSI设备 easyphp.cn 1. First partition of the first SCSI hard disk 在第一块SCSI硬碟上的第一个分割区 debian.fr 2. when this error occurs , the scsi bus resets 发生这项错误时,scsi汇流排会重设。 www.ichacha.net 3. In my case, the emulated FireWire SCSI bus in question is 在我的例子中,讨论的仿真FireWireSCSI总线是 www-128.ibm.com 4. You may receive a Stop error in the Scsiport. Sys file during SCSI miniport initialization on a computer that is running Windows 在运行Windows的计算机上的SCSI微型端口初始化期间,在Scsiport.sys文件中可能收到停止错误 support.microsoft.com 5. No scanner device at SCSI address 在SCSI地址处没有扫描仪设备 angel.w15.5tom.cn 6. this is why a raid - 0 array of ide disks can outperform the fastest scsi or fc - al drive on the market 这就是ide磁盘的raid-0阵列优于市面上最快的scsi或fc-al驱动器的原因。 www.ichacha.net 7. SCSI - System Can't See It 系统不能看到它 www.bing.com 8. Is the SCSI bus to be booted from, this is, 是启动的SCSI总线, debian.fr 9. 6 data disks using RAID 0 SCSI controller 数据磁盘,使用RAID0SCSI控制器 www.ibm.com 10. You receive a "Stop 0x000000CA" error when you use two SCSI storage devices on a Windows Server 2003-based computer 当您使用基于WindowsServer2003计算机上两SCSI存储设备收到“Stop0x000000CA”错误 support.microsoft.com 1. A cluster node failover does not work when you use SCSI-3-compliant persistent reservations in Windows Server 2003 SP1 WindowsServer2003SP1中使用SCSI3兼容永久保留时群集故障转移节点不工作 support.microsoft.com 2. This is their homemade disk box which contains 10 9G SCSI drives. Also see the picture below: 这是自制的硬盘盒,可以容纳10块9G的SCSI硬盘。也可以看一下下面的图片: www.bing.com |
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