单词 | rosettes |
释义 | rosettes是rosette的复数
复数:rosettes n. rosette 例句释义: 玫瑰花结,蔷薇花饰,圆花饰,圆花窗,接线盒,莲座叶,玫瑰形饰物 1. Boots went completely out of style in favor of these new elegant heels, now elaborately decorated with ribbons, rosettes or buckles. 如今还用缎带,圆花饰和扣子精心装饰,这些时新的高雅的后跟让靴子彻底过时。 www.bing.com 2. Herbs perennial, densely glandular hairy throughout, with sterile basal rosettes and a few flowering stems. 多年生草本,浓密腺毛各处,具不育的基生莲座丛和几花茎。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. The surface is decorated with rosettes and 18 tiny pockets of the same soft leather. 其表面有玫瑰花型和18个相同软皮革制成的小口袋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The leaves, which may be simple or compound, are usually alternate, occasionally opposite or whorled, and often in basal rosettes . 叶为单叶或者是复叶,通常是互生,也有对生或轮生的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Decoration: He could do the simplest rosettes and bindings, or he could do the most elaborate, but it was always just right in the context. 装饰:他可以做最简单的蔷薇结和装订,或他可以做最精细的,但是它总是在上下文是仅仅正确地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Caudex several branched, ultimate branches terminated in rosettes and covered with leaves or petiolar remains of previous years. Caudex几分开,在插座里结束并且为第二年的叶子或者petiolar残余所覆盖的最后的树枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Caudex slender, often many branched, ultimate branches terminated in rosettes, covered with leaf remains of previous years. 纤巧的Caudex,经常,多分枝,最后分支在插座内结束,为叶第二年的残余所覆盖。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Caudex many branched, ultimate branches terminated in rosettes and covered with papery leaf remains of previous years. 在插座里结束并且为第二年的似纸的叶残余所覆盖的Caudex多分枝,最后的树枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Caudex few to many branched, ultimate branches terminated in rosettes and covered with leaves of previous years. Caudex少数到多数分开,在插座里结束并且为第二年的叶子所覆盖的最后的树枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. The researchers aim to develop a drug to 'break up' rosettes in the blood of children with severe malaria. 这组科学家打算开发一种药物“打破”重症疟疾儿童血液中的花结。 www.scidev.net 1. Plants forming leafy rosettes; seed surface with conspicuous longitudinal ridges of flattened fused papillae; NE China. 植株形成多叶的莲座丛;与明显纵脊一起表面扁平乳突;中国东北。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. The 'flowers' are actually double rosettes composed of masses of green bracts that give the young blooms their distinctive colour. 这“花朵”其实是两重由许多绿色苞片组成的花托,赋予初开的花朵不凡的绿色。 www.bing.com 3. low-growing alpine plant cultivated for its dark glossy green leaves in basal rosettes and showy solitary bell-shaped blue flowers. 矮生的高山植物,因其基生、平滑的墨绿色叶子和单生、钟状的蓝色花而常被栽培。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Flowering stems and petioles pubescent, glabrescent; plants with leaf rosettes at anthesis. 花茎和叶柄短柔毛,后脱落;植株具叶莲座丛在花期。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. succulent plants having rosettes of leaves usually with hemp-like fiber and spikes of showy flowers; chiefly Africa. 有莲座状叶子的肉质植物有像大麻的纤维和美丽的穗状花序;主要在非洲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Leaves alternate, often crowded into sessile rosettes, less often spaced along stems. 进无梗莲座丛,较少的通常的叶互生,通常密集隔开沿茎。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Decorate with whipped cream rosettes and garnish the cherries and chocolate hearts. 表面用奶油挤花,然后放上樱桃和心形巧克力装饰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Herbs perennial, robust, erect, sprouting from caudex or with leafy basal rosettes. 多年生草本,粗壮,直立,从茎基或具使多叶的基生莲座丛生长。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Plants without basal leaf rosettes, often ephemeral; petals rotate. 没有基部的叶莲座丛的植株,通常短暂;花瓣辐状。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Flowering stems and petioles white villous, hairs basally enlarged; plants without leaf rosettes at anthesis. 花茎和叶柄白色长柔毛,毛扩大;没有叶莲座丛在花期的植株。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. Caudex simple or few to many branched, ultimate branches terminated in rosettes. 茎基单一或者少数到多数分开,最后的分部在插座里结束。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Herbs perennial, with short-stalked leafy basal rosettes. 多年生草本,具短茎的多叶的基生莲座丛。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. stolons rooting at ends and producing dense rosettes of leaves and flowers. 匍匐茎根在末端和生产紧密的莲座状的叶和花的。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Herbs, shrubs, or trees, usually with dense rosettes of very fleshy leaves. 草本,灌木,或乔木,通常具非常肉质的紧密的莲座丛叶。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Shoots tightly packed, with leaf rosettes superimposed into columns, usually without intervals, 2--3 mm in diam. Leaves sessile, dimorphic. 嫩枝满满包装,具叶莲座丛叠加进柱状,没有间隔,叶无柄2-3毫米直径通常,二形。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. With the leaves arranged in basal rosettes, the stem very short or lacking. 具有莲座状排列的叶,茎干极短或无。 cvh.ibcas.ac.cn 7. Herbs perennial. Rhizomes woody, producing 1 to several leaf rosettes. 多年生草本根状茎木质,生产的1到数个叶莲座丛。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Shoots much branched, with leaf rosettes. 嫩枝多分枝,具叶莲座丛。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Plants throughout densely appressed tomentose; plants with leafy rosettes; petals 8-16 mm. 在整个被绒毛浓密贴伏的植株;植株具多叶的莲座丛;花瓣8-16毫米。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Leaf rosettes more than 1. 5 cm in diam. ; inner leaves distinctly longer than outer. 叶莲座丛1.5厘米直径的超过;内部叶清楚长于外部的。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. Most jaguars are tan or orange with distinctive black spots, dubbed " rosettes " because they are shaped like roses. 大多数美洲虎为棕色或者橙色,有特征性的玫瑰花形状的黑斑点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Herbs perennial. Leaf rosettes 1. 5--5. 5 cm in diam. , with remains of old leaves at base, solitary or several in dense mats. 多年生草本叶莲座丛1.5-5.5厘米直径,老叶在基部,在紧密的垫席里的单生或数个的具残余。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. No elderly gentlemen wearing pale leather gloves and rosettes in their lapels, for example. 老绅士已经不戴著浅色皮手套或在衣领上别著蔷薇花了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Inflorescences usually numerous, arising from different leaf rosettes, corymbose, main axis slender; 通常花序多数,生于不同叶莲座丛,,纤细的主轴; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Basal rosettes well developed at flowering time, larger rosette leaves usually more than twice as long as leaves of flowering stems; 在花时间或发育不良,具不比花茎的更大的叶无的基生莲座丛; www.flora.ac.cn 6. juvenile leaves crowded in terminal rosettes; 幼叶聚集为顶生的莲座丛; www.flora.ac.cn 7. Basal leaves in subsessile rosettes, spiral or decussate, mostly alternate; 基生叶在近无柄莲座丛内,螺旋形或,多数交替; www.flora.ac.cn 8. Basal leaves in 1 or more erect rosettes; 在1或更多直立莲座丛的基生叶; www.flora.ac.cn 9. Herbs perennial. Leaves forming rosettes, 1. 5--2. 5 cm in diam. Petiole narrowly winged, usually shorter than leaf blade; 多年生草本叶形成莲座丛,1.5-2.5厘米直径叶柄狭翅,通常短于叶片; www.flora.ac.cn 10. Basal leaves in 2-5 erect rosettes; 在2-5直立莲座丛的基生叶; www.flora.ac.cn |
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