单词 | saic | ||||||||
释义 | saic
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 全部 1. SAIC can afford its patient entry strategy because despite being a new company in many ways, it has no shortage of resources. 这是因为,尽管在很多方面它只能算是一个新的公司,但资源并不缺乏。 www.ecocn.org 2. "They have had a somewhat sobering experience of trying to do that, " he said, pointing to SAIC's experience with Ssangyong. 他说:“他们在此方面已有了一次经历,从某种程度上说,这次经历发人深省。”他指的是上汽对双龙的收购。 www.ftchinese.com 3. of the total investment and registered capital of the difference between SAIC will be part of the commission, through loans to help resolve. 总投资与注册资本的差额部分将由上汽集团通过委托贷款等方式帮助解决。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Both auto makers have said the terms of their collaboration have not changed, but SAIC's 51% holding gives it the rank of majority owner. 通用汽车和上汽都表示,合作的条件没有变化,但上汽持有的51%股权使其成为持有多数股权的控股方。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Future plans with SAIC could extend to other countries where the companies have complimentary needs, he said. 他说,今后与上汽的合作计划可能扩展到其他双方拥有互补性需要的国家。 cn.wsj.com 6. The GM chief said the company has 11 joint ventures in China with two of its primary local partners, SAIC Motor Corp. and FAW Group Corp. 阿克森说,通用在中国与当地两大合作伙伴上海汽车集团股份有限公司和中国第一汽车集团公司建有11个合资企业。 cn.wsj.com 7. The Secretary shall record such appointment or removal of a director in the Company's books and register the same with the SAIC. 董事会秘书应将委派董事或撤换董事的事宜在公司的记事簿中记录,并且向工商局登记。 test.binvor.com 8. SAIC Motor Corp. , China's largest car maker by sales volume, said its first-half net profit more than quadrupled from a year earlier. 中国销量最大的汽车生产商上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAICMotorCorp.)说,今年上半年净利润同比增长了三倍以上。 c.wsj.com 9. Upon receipt of approval from the Examination and Approval Authority , the Company shall register the change in ownership with the SAIC . 收到审批机关对转让的批准后,合营公司应在工商局登记股东变更事宜。 www.bing.com 10. Shanghai GM, GM's joint venture with Chinese carmaker SAIC Motor, says vehicle sales jumped more than 50% from a year earlier in May. 上海通用——通用汽车公司与上海汽车集团股份有限公司的合资公司,5月的汽车销售额同比增长超过了50%。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Years ago, government-owned SAIC was the junior partner with GM, relying on the U. S. company for technology, engineering and capital. 多年前,政府控股的上海汽车是通用汽车较小规模的合作者,并依赖后者的技术、工程和资本。 chinese.wsj.com 2. SAIC said then that it would work with all parties to help "normalise" Ssangyong's operations. 上汽当时称,它将与所有有关方面合作,帮助实现双龙运营的“正常化”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. "Business License Issuance Date" means the date the Business License is issued to the Company by the SAIC. “营业执照颁发日”指由工商行政管理局向合营公司颁发营业执照的日期。 bbs.translators.com.cn 4. Back in 1997, GM decided to plow more than $1 billion into a 50-50 joint venture with SAIC to make Buicks. 早在1997年,通用汽车就曾决定投资逾10亿美元,与上汽成立各占一半股权的合资公司,生产别克(Buick)汽车。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Years ago, SAIC was the junior partner with GM, relying on the U. S. company for technology, engineering and capital. 上汽和GM在1997年在中国的一个投资中是合作伙伴,制造别克、卡迪拉克和雪佛兰汽车。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. "Business License" means the first business license of the Company issued by the SAIC. “营业执照”指由工商行政管理局颁发的合营公司的第一份营业执照。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. GM on Monday launched such a brand, the Baojun, or "treasured horse" , with partners SAIC and Wuling. 通用汽车本周一与合作伙伴上汽(SAIC)和五菱发布了一个针对中国市场的品牌——“宝骏”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. With a 51% shareholding, SAIC will have the right to approve budgets and senior appointments. 上汽集团凭借51%的股份将有权批准预算以及任命高层管理人员。 www.ecocn.org 9. Already, SAIC has grown into a powerhouse at home, in part through learning from GM. 上汽在中国国内已成长为一个实力雄厚的企业,其中部分得益于它向通用汽车的讨教。 c.wsj.com 10. In a country in which carmakers are establishing themselves and fighting foreign brands for market share, SAIC touts its British ties. 中国汽车制造商正纷纷努力站稳脚跟,与外国品牌争夺市场份额,在这种背景下,上汽大力宣传其与英国的关系。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A final decision on the SAIC stake could come within a few days. 上汽投资的最终决定将会在几天内做出。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. GM, one of the first global auto makers to enter China, has built cars with SAIC there since the late 1990s. 通用汽车是首批进入中国的全球汽车厂商之一。自上世纪90年代末以来,该公司一直与上汽合资在华生产汽车。 cn.wsj.com 3. Upon such approval, the Company shall register the increase or reduction with the SAIC. 经批准后,合营公司将增资或减资事宜在工商局登记。 test.binvor.com 4. The joint ventures also mean that SAIC already has a strong relationship with car dealers throughout China. 与通用和大众的合资也意味着上汽公司已经与全中国的汽车经销商建立了密切联系。 www.bing.com 5. "GM doesn't have to work in India with SAIC, but it has chosen to, " he said. “通用汽车不是非得在印度与上汽合作,但它选择了这样做,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 6. EADS, meanwhile, has enlisted U. S. consulting company SAIC as a subcontractor in its bid for the architect's job. 与此同时,EADS还聘请美国咨询公司SAIC作为分包商实行其Architect的工作。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. Last week SAIC said that putting Ssangyong into receivership was the best option for the unit. 上汽集团上周表示,让双龙进入接管程序,对该部门来说是最佳出路。 www.ftchinese.com 8. GM will contribute its existing Indian factories and distribution network; SAIC will invest up to $350m in cash and other assets. 通用将分享其在印度的现有工厂以及销售网络;上汽将投入数额高达3.5亿美元现金及其他资产。 www.ecocn.org 9. Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) bought Ssangyong in South Korea and competed with Nanjing Auto over the entrails of Rover. 上海汽车工业(集团)总公司(SAIC,上汽)收购了韩国双龙汽车(SsangyongMotor),还曾与南京汽车(NanjingAuto)角逐罗孚的核心资产。 www.ftchinese.com 10. SAIC will also support Commander, Naval Installations Command management, organizational and business improvement efforts. SAIC也将支持指挥官,海军装配司令部的管理,组织和业务改进的工作。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. SAIC's debut model, the two-seater MG TF roadster, is expected to be delivered to UK showrooms in September. 上汽集团的首款MG车型是两座MGTF跑车,预计今年9月会出现在英国的展厅。 www.ftchinese.com 2. a joint venture of SAIC and General Motors of the U. S. that advertises its Buick model on the game. 上海通用是上汽和通用汽车(GeneralMotors)的合资企业,在开心网的游戏中为旗下的别克车做广告。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 3. With its SAIC partnership and other joint ventures, GM is China's largest vehicle manufacturer with around a 13% share of the market. 在与上汽及其它合作伙伴成立了多家合资企业后,通用汽车目前是中国最大的汽车制造商,市场份额约为13%。 chinese.wsj.com 4. SAIC Motor Corporation Ltd. , the biggest local auto maker by sales, warned of a profit decline of more than 50% on weaker sales. 中国销量最大的本土汽车生产商上海汽车集团股份有限公司发出预警说,销售疲弱将导致其利润下降50%以上。 www.bing.com 5. SAIC will help the command consolidate a number of related contracts and implement a shared-resources approach to workforce management. SAIC将帮助该司令部巩固众多的相关合同并在劳动力管理上运用资源共享的方法。 www.etiri.com.cn 6. Realizing the market potential, SAIC has moved its focus to taxi companies and is providing loans in Shenyang and Harbin . SAIC公司意识到这一潜在市场,已将重心转移到出租车公司上来,并向沈阳,哈尔滨地区提供贷款。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. SAIC and L. A. King have worked together on intermodal gate projects in the United States and in Europe. SAIC和L.A.King已经在美国和欧洲就联运出入口项目有过合作。 www2.navis.com 8. SAIC will also manage training logistics, administrative support, sustainment activities, and cost data analysis. SAIC同时还将负责培训活动的后勤,行政支持,和成本数据分析等。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. SAIC has spent two years changing the styling, upgrading the chassis and designing a new interior. 上汽公司耗时两年,对原车式样和底盘了改造和升级,并设计了新的内饰。 www.ttxyy.com 10. SAIC and GM have made a breakthrough in unprecedented innovative cooperation. 和GM突破常规,创新联合,开创先例 wenku.baidu.com 1. SAIC will also provide equipment support services to include installation, repair, configuration, and upgrades. SAIC公司将提供设备支援服务,包括安装维修、配置和升级。 www.etiri.com.cn 2. Science Applications International Corp. will support the Army's Topographic Engineering Center under a two-year, $24 million contract. 根据一份为期两年,价值2400万美元的合同,科学应用国际公司(SAIC)将会对美国陆军的地理工程中心进行支持。 www.etiri.com.cn 3. But he added that as the car was based on a relatively old model, SAIC would have to quickly upgrade the design and engineering. 但他补充道,由于该车是以一个相当老旧的车型为基础研发出来的,上海汽车必须迅速对设计和工艺进行升级。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It also makes minivans, pickup trucks and the Spark compact car in a three-way tie-up with SAIC and Liuzhou Wuling Automobile. 它还与上汽和柳州五菱三方合作生产小型货车、敞蓬小型载货卡车和紧凑型轿车。 blog.163.com 5. Defense contractor SAIC (SAI) reported that first-quarter earnings exceeded expectations, the unit will be expected to rise today. 国防承包商SAIC(SAI)报告称第一财季盈利超出预期,预计今天该股将会攀升。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The rest is owned by a local company in southern China where SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co. is based. 上汽是通用汽车在华主要合资伙伴。剩余的股权由上汽通用五菱总部所在的南方城市当地一家公司所有。 www.bing.com 7. Simplo has an initial understanding to work on passenger cars with saic, the big state automaker there. 新普有一个初步了解,客车与上汽,几大国有汽车制造商那里。 wenda.sohu.com 8. But SAIC's deal with GM to sell cheap cars and mini commercial vehicles to India could be different. 然而,上汽与通用汽车达成的向印度销售廉价汽车和小型商用汽车的交易,可能会有所不同。 www.hxen.com 9. GM also has two additional plants run by a separate, three-way venture GM jointly operates with SAIC and Wuling. 通用汽车在中国还有两家汽车工厂,由通用汽车、上海汽车以及五菱汽车联合组建的三方合资企业负责运营。 www.bing.com 10. Under the contract, SAIC will furnish program management, engineering, logistics and financial management services. 根据合同,SAIC将为海军提供项目管理,工程,后勤和财务管理服务。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. Local automakers, from SAIC Motor to Dongfeng Motor Group Co, have pledged massive investments in greener vehicles. 像上汽和东风汽车这样的本地制造商都已承诺会对环保型汽车进行大量投入。 www.bing.com 2. Under the contract, SAIC will provide installation, logistics and maintenance support for the CREW systems, the officials said. 根据合同,SAIC公司将为CREW项目提供系统安装、后勤和维修等技术支持。 www.etiri.com.cn 3. Those worried about technology transfer to China should remember GM operates two joint ventures with SAIC already. 那些担心向中国转让技术的人应该想想,通用汽车已经与上汽开设有两家合资企业了。 c.wsj.com 4. GM and Volkswagen, SAIC's other foreign joint- venture partner, both reported unexpectedly strong vehicle sales in the first quarter. 通用汽车与上汽的另一家外国合资伙伴大众汽车(Volkswagen)今年第一季度的汽车销售都意外的强劲。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In China, with its joint-venture partner, SAIC, GM now has 12% of a market that will soon surpass America's. 在中国,通用与其合资伙伴SAIC一起,现已拥有了12%的市场份额,将很快超过美国。 www.ecocn.org 6. SAIC worked with Boeing on the Future Combat Systems before the U. S. Army canceled portions of the complex program. 在美国陆军取消了复杂的程序的一部分之前,SAIC和波音公司在未来战斗系统上进行了合作。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. Under the contract, SAIC will design and develop emergency responder curriculum, and provide qualified instructors to teach each course. 根据合同,SAIC将负责设计和制定应急反应的课程,并提供合格的教员讲授每门课程。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. The market leader, SAIC, is only listed in the A-share market, which is off-limits to many foreigners. 市场领先者上汽集团(SAIC)仅在A股上市,而许多外国投资者都无法投资A股市场。 www.ftchinese.com 9. With that stake, SAIC would own less than 1% of GM. 购买这些股份,上汽集团将持股通用汽车不到1%。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The contract also calls for additional IT services at the center until follow-on contracts are awarded. 该合同还要求SAIC提供额外的IT科技服务,直至后续合同被签订。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. GM's is a three-way joint venture alongside Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation and SAIC subsidiary, Wuling, launched in November 2002. 通用汽车与上海汽车工业(集团)总公司和五菱集团在2002年11月成立了三方合作的合资公司。 chinese.wsj.com 2. At the Shanghai show, SAIC demonstrated its own fuel-cell hybrid car. 在上海车展上,上海汽车工业公司展示了自己的燃料电池汽车。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Some observers interpret it as the price for getting SAIC's help in India. 一些观察家把这解释为通用在印度市场获取上汽帮助的代价。 www.ecocn.org 4. SAIC's foray into the hybrid market comes as China encourages its auto industry to shift to electric vehicles and other new-energy cars. 上汽进军混合动力车市场之际正值中国鼓励本土汽车业转向电动汽车和其他新能源汽车。 www.bing.com 5. GM and SAIC on Wednesday said they signed an agreement for joint development of power trains, small displacement engines and transmissions. 通用汽车和上汽周三说,双方已就联合研发动力技术、小排量发动机和变速器签署了协议。 www.qeto.com 6. Two years later, NAC merged with SAIC and the MG marque was once again reborn. 两年后,南京汽车集团被上汽集团收购,MG这个品牌再次获得新生。 www.bing.com 7. In those places, GM could benefit from SAIC's know how in designing and building small vehicles for emerging markets. 在这些地区,通用汽车有望从上汽为新兴市场开发的小型汽车的设计和生产经验中受益。 chinese.wsj.com 8. "SAIC" means the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of China or the relevant local Administration for Industry and Commerce. “工商局”指中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局或相关的地方工商行政管理局。 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. GM's relationship with SAIC has begun to reach beyond China. 通用汽车与上汽的合作关系开始延伸至中国以外的国家。 cn.wsj.com 10. SAIC bought about $500 million of shares for a GM stake of close to 1%. 上海汽车购买了通用汽车约5亿美元的股票,获得后者近1%的股权。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The most high-profile direct investment in Detroit was by China's SAIC Motors, which paid $500m last month for a 1 per cent stake in GM. 中国的上汽(SAICMotors)上月斥资5亿美元,购得通用汽车1%股份,这是中方对底特律最令人瞩目的直接投资。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Sales rose after it began offering discounts in May for low-end minivans made by joint venture SAIC-GM-Wuling. 它的合资公司上汽通用五菱5月份开始对低端面包车打折促销带来了销量增长。 www.bing.com 3. "Our current priority is obviously to capture domestic market growth, " SAIC says. 上海汽车表示:“很明显,我们当前的首要任务是抓住国内市场的增长。” www.ftchinese.com 4. The Korean employees also attacked SAIC over technology transfer issues. 韩方员工还就技术转让问题对上汽进行了抨击。 www.ftchinese.com 5. GM is making Buick, Chevrolet and Cadillac models at its flagship China venture with SAIC Motor Corp. 通用与上汽集团合资生产的别克、雪佛兰和凯迪拉克车型是其主打产品。 blog.163.com 6. Because of his experience, he is likely to take the lead in developing SAIC's first export models. 因为他的经验,他很有可能领导发展SAIC的首个出口车型。 www.ecocn.org 7. Assuming the launch of the Roewe 750 goes well, SAIC has plans of staggering, possibly foolhardy, ambition. 假如荣威750上市一切顺利,上汽公司便要开始实施惊人的宏图大计,不过可能并非明智之举。 www3.060s.com 8. to organize law publicity and training and guide legal governance in the SAIC institutions. 组织法制宣传培训,指导本系统法制工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. GM and SAIC already have made less ambitious forays abroad together. 通用汽车和上汽在联手进军海外市场方面已经有过不那么雄心勃勃的尝试。 chinese.wsj.com 10. SAIC received the award under the Army's Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command Omnibus Contract. 根据陆军模拟、训练和仪器的指挥统括合同,SAIC接受了此项订单。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. SAIC 's actions in the coming year will determine its reputation for years to come, he thinks. 他认为,来年上汽公司的举措对其未来几年的声誉将产生决定性的影响。 www.ecocn.org 2. Since 2002, GM and SAIC helped Wuling improve what were spartan workhorse vehicles used primarily by farmers and small shop owners. 自2002年以来,通用汽车和上海汽车帮助柳州五菱改进了这种原本主要是农民和小店主驾驶的工艺简陋的农用车。 cn.wsj.com 3. Its job is to assimilate European car styling trends and apply them to Saic's models. 该设计中心的职能是吸收欧洲汽车款式设计潮流,再应用于上汽的车型。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Article 23 The SAIC and the MOFCOM are responsible for the interpretation of the Provisions. 第二十三条本规定由国家工商行政管理总局和商务部负责解释。 www.bing.com 5. GM and SAIC also plan to bring to India the ultra-cheap micro-cars, minivans and pickups they make with another Chinese firm, Wuling. 通用与上汽还计划同中国另一家汽车制造商五菱汽车(Wuling)一起生产极其廉价的微型轿车,小型货车以及皮卡,并将它们推向印度市场。 www.ecocn.org 6. India is a test case of SAIC's ambition for overseas expansion, and it may further expand into South East Asia when the time is right. 印度对上海汽车是海外扩张战略的一个测试,时机合适时,它或会进一步扩张进东南亚市场。 cn.reuters.com 7. Please visit our web site to find out more about these projects for information on SAIC's transportation technologies and solutions. 请存取我们的网站,查找有关这些项目的更多信息以及有关SAIC的运输技术和解决方案的信息。 www2.navis.com 8. Mr Riley has tried to revoke 32 other MG trademarks held by Nanjing Automotive Corporation, which merged with SAIC in 2007. 赖利试图让南京汽车(NanjingAutomobileCorporation)拥有的另外32项MG商标权失效。南汽于2007年与上汽合并。 www.ftchinese.com 9. After all, SIH is the cooperation result among SAIC, IVECO and Hongyan. 毕竟,新红岩是上汽、依维柯、红岩三方合作的结晶体。 www.cnautotime.com 10. SAIC of San Diego ranks No. 5 on Washington Technology's Top 100 list of the largest federal government prime contractors. 在华盛顿技术所提供的“联邦政府主合同商100强”中,科学应用国际公司排名第5。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. Article 24 The responsibility to interpret the present Provisions shall remain with the SAIC and the Ministry of Commerce. 第二十四条本规定由国家工商行政管理总局和商务部负责解释。 www.sh360.net 2. Already, GM has 10 joint ventures with SAIC and the pair plans to jointly develop all-electric vehicles and components. 通用汽车已经与上汽成立了10家合资企业,双方计划携手开发全电动汽车和部件。 chinese.wsj.com 3. SAIC went to Detroit in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2008 to scoop up automotive engineers who had been made redundant. 2008年,在全球金融危机之后,上汽曾远赴底特律招聘被裁掉的汽车工程师。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Nanjing Auto's parent will also get a stake of just under 5 per cent in SAIC Motor. 南京汽车的母公司将获得上海汽车略低于5%的股份。 www.ftchinese.com 5. SAIC's interest was first reported by Reuters news service. 路透社(Reuters)最初对上汽的兴趣予以了报导。 chinese.wsj.com 6. "But it can survive as a niche market player unless Mahindra repeats SAIC's [mistakes]. " “不过只要马辛德拉不重复上汽的错误,就能作为一家利基市场企业生存下来。” www.ftchinese.com 7. It also operates a car manufacturing venture in Shanghai with SAIC, China's largest auto maker. 通用还拥有一家与上海汽车合资的汽车制造公司。 cn.reuters.com 8. MG Rover went into administration with the loss of 6, 000 jobs after long-running rescue talks with SAIC failed. 在MG罗孚(MGRover)与上汽旷日持久的拯救谈判破裂之后,MG罗孚裁员6000人,进入破产管理程序。 www.ftchinese.com 9. At present, Baosteel has become FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC-standard parts, such as special steel company of the designated manufacturers. 目前,宝钢公司已成为一汽、东风、上汽等公司特殊标准件用钢的指定厂家。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The other primary partner in the venture is SAIC Motor Corp. 合资企业的另一个主要合作方是上海汽车,持有50%的股权。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Annual inspection report of SAIC of the past three years (if any). 最近三年的工商年检报告(如有)。 wenku.baidu.com 2. SAIC purchased a 51 per cent stake in Ssangyong in 2004, the first overseas takeover by a Chinese carmaker. 上汽2004年收购了双龙汽车51%的股份,这是中国汽车制造企业的首笔海外收购。 www.ftchinese.com 3. SAIC company marked the introduction of American GI's online eddy current instrument, such as sorting. 上汽标公司引进美国G.I公司的在线涡流分选仪等。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In addition, in the field of new energy automobiles, SAIC strategically plans to manufacture EV by the end of 2012. 另外,在新能源汽车领域,按照上海汽车的战略计划,将在2012年底推出纯电动汽车。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Ask about a seat for SAIC on the GM board and you get the same answer. 如果想问上汽公司能否在通用汽车董事会上占据一席之地,你会得到同样的答案。 www.fortunechina.com 6. SAIC could not be contacted last night. 昨晚未能联系到上汽相关人士。 www.ftchinese.com 7. SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co. 上海汽车集团股份有限公司乘用车公司 wenku.baidu.com 8. By now, SAIC Expo New Energy Vehicles have ? 截至目前,园区内的各类新能源车 wenku.baidu.com 9. GM, which now holds 34 percent of SAIC-GM-Wuling, has been seeking to raise its stake in the venture. 通用正寻求提高在该项目中占有的股份份额,其现在占有上汽通用五菱34%的股份。 blog.163.com 10. In turn, I am sure more Chinese companies like SAIC will come to Birmingham to seek a win-win partnership. 我也相信,会有更多的像上汽这样的中国企业来到伯明翰寻找合作机会,实现互利双赢。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. SAIC recruited former Rover engineers to work with Chinese engineers to design the car, partly in the UK and partly in China. 上汽聘请了曾在罗孚(Rover)供职的工程师与中国同行,分别在中英两地共同设计。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Mr Maoyuan said that SAIC "will watch GM's IPO closely, and think carefully if we should purchase the shares or not" . 胡茂元表示,上汽“将密切关注通用IPO,并认真考虑是否应参与认购”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Shanghai Auto or SAIC, NAC's regional rival, bought South Korean producer Ssongyang in 2005. 南京汽车的国内竞争对手上海汽车(SAIC)于2005年收购了韩国汽车生产商双龙(Ssongyang)。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Separately, SAIC bought about a 1% share of GM through the company's initial public offering last year. 另外,去年上汽通过通用汽车的首次公开募股(IPO)买进了通用汽车约1%的股权。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Beijing Auto Exhibition will launch E1 and Roewe750 by SAIC, which are electric and hybrid car. 本届北京车展,上汽纯电动概念车E1和荣威750中混混合动力轿车将闪亮登场。 www.cnautotime.com 6. SAIC has already made an entry and manufacturers such as JAC and Beiqi Foton are working out the modalities of starting operations. 上汽集团已经进入印度,像江淮汽车和北汽福田那样的制造商正在制定开展业务的模式。 www.santaihu.com 7. GM declined to comment about SAIC. 通用汽车拒绝就上汽置评。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Walk in the street, vehicles on the road is the east or the FAW, or SAIC? 走在大街上,马路上的汽车是一汽的还是东风的、抑或上汽的? word.hcbus.com 9. It is the important year for SAIC new energy industrialization in 2010. 2010年,是上汽新能源汽车产业化的关键一年。 www.cnautotime.com 10. The Roewe 750 saloon has been well received, and at the Shanghai show SAIC displayed a prototype of the Roewe W2, a mid-market family car. 荣威750豪华轿车的市场反应良好,而且在上海车展上SAIC展示了荣威W2的样车,是一款中档家庭用车。 www.ecocn.org 1. An SAIC stake would likely be small. 上汽的持股将可能只是一小部分。 chinese.wsj.com 2. GM holds an option to buy the 1% share, which it plans to exercise after SAIC completes a restructuring, Mr. Akerson said. 阿克森说,通用汽车拥有买入这1%股权的期权,该公司计划在上汽完成重组后行使这项期权。 cn.wsj.com 3. SAIC is GM's main carmaking partner in China, where the Detroit carmaker now sells more vehicles than the US. 上汽是通用在中国的主要合作伙伴。这家底特律汽车制造商在华销量已超过美国。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We have a relationship with SAIC and one with Chery on engines that could become a car alliance. 我们与上汽有合作,与奇瑞在引擎方面也有合作,这可能会变成一个汽车联盟。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Currently SAIC has more than 240 dealers for its own brands in China's first and second tier cities. 目前,SAIC已经有用240多家经销商,在中国一线和二线城市销售自有品牌。 www.transcn.org 6. In China, GM capitalized on SAIC's dealer network and its knowledge of the local market. 在中国,通用汽车利用上汽的经销商网络及对本土市场的了解而获利。 chinese.wsj.com 7. SAIC is a general source of spare parts under the car and decorating Beauty Shop, Volkswagen car of the special annex Distributed in China. 我们是上汽集团零部件总汇下属汽车装潢美容中心,德国大众车系专用附件中国总代理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Iveco manufactures in China under a joint venture with state-owned SAIC. 依维柯与国有企业上汽(SAIC)组建了一家合资企业,在中国生产汽车。 www.ftchinese.com 9. China's largest auto maker, SAIC Motor Corp. , is on track to buy around $500 million in GM shares, pending Chinese government approval. 中国最大汽车生产商上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAICMotorCorp.)按计划将购买约5亿美元的通用汽车股票,就等中国政府的批准。 c.wsj.com 10. GM and SAIC also have a joint venture in India. 此外,通用汽车和上海汽车集团在印度也有一个合资公司。 chinese.wsj.com 1. One danger for GM is that SAIC is starting to introduce new vehicles under its own brands, such as Roewe, outside the SGM joint venture. 通用面临着一个危险,SAI正开始推介如荣威(Roewe)等自主品牌的新车型,在SGM这个合资公司之外运作。 www.ecocn.org 2. SAIC also makes MG own-brand cars after acquiring brands and technology from MG Rover. 从MG罗孚(MGRover)收购了品牌和技术后,上汽还制造MG自有品牌的汽车。 www.ftchinese.com 3. SAIC Motor, China's biggest listed carmaker, gained 1. 1 per cent to Rmb14. 76. 中国最大的上市汽车制造商上海汽车(SAICMotor)上涨1.1%,收于每股人民币14.76元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. GM and SAIC are teaming to expand in India, for example. 比如,通用汽车和上汽正联手扩大在印度的业务。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Notification issued by SAIC of Name Registration of the company to be established by the customer (original) 工商局签发的待成立公司的企业名称预先核准通知书(原件) www.banking.hsbc.com.cn 6. He noted the GM-SAIC joint venture last year began exporting Chevy Sail compacts designed and made in China to Chile and Peru. 他指出,通用和上汽的合资企业去年开始向智利和秘鲁出口在中国设计生产的雪佛兰(Chevy)赛欧(Sail)紧凑型汽车。 cn.wsj.com 7. The only corporate pavilion to win the "Best Public Building Award" by the Architectural Society of Shanghai SAIC 唯一获得上海建筑学会“公共建筑优秀奖”的企业馆 wenku.baidu.com 8. The Vertical Setting of Regulatory Power --A Case Study of Electricity, Banking, SAIC and Pharmaceuticals 监管权的纵向配置--来自电力、金融、工商和药品监管的案例研究 www.ilib.cn 9. To administer the personnel affairs and department establishments of the SAIC and directly affiliated institutions; 负责局机关和直属单位人事、机构编制管理; www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. in accordance with the relevant requirements of SAIC, is responsible for dealer brand management and reporting management; 按照国家工商总局相关要求,负责经销商品牌经营申报管理; www.tiaona.com 1. to undertake and coordinate comprehensive investigations and researches of the SAIC; 承担综合性调研,并协调全局的调研工作; www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. SAIC last year sold 75, 000 Roewe cars, up from the 26, 000 in 2008. 上汽集团去年销售了7.5万辆荣威汽车,较2008年的2.6万辆有所增加。 c.wsj.com 3. MOFTEC and SAIC, Changes in Equity Interest of Investors in Foreign Investment Enterprises Several Provisions 外商投资企业投资者股权变更的若干规定 blog.sina.com.cn 4. to formulate and implement education and training programs for the SAIC institutions; 研究拟定工商行政管理系统教育培训规划并组织实施; www.prcgov.org 5. SAIC was responsible for anti-unfair competition, including the protection of trade secrets; 国家工商行政管理局负责反不正当竞争,包括商业秘密的保护; www.zftrans.com 6. SAIC Motor New Energy Vehicles Development Dr. Chendong Huang Deputy General Manager New Energy Vehicle Division 上汽新能源汽车发展情况 wenku.baidu.com 7. Review the formulation of policies on IP management, enhance the level of national IP management. (SIPO, SAIC, NCAC) 研究制定加强知识产权管理的相关政策文件,促进提高我国知识产权整体管理水平。(知识产权局、工商总局、版权局) www.en84.com 8. to administer the fiscal affairs and state-owned assets of the SAIC; 负责局机关财务和国有资产管理工作; www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Cultural innovation: the power of development of SAIC 文化创新:上汽持续发展的不竭动力 www.ilib.cn 10. Competing Product Analysis Center of SAIC 集团的竞争产品的分析中心 www.saea.com.cn 1. Information Analysis Center of SAIC 集团的情报分析中心 www.saea.com.cn 2. Light-Weight Design Of SAIC Mini Electric Vehicle 上海汽车纯电动汽车轻量化设计 wenku.baidu.com 3. Advanced Development Guide of SAIC 集团超前开发的引导者 www.saea.com.cn 4. SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co. Cabin Zone 高速能量吸收上海汽车集团股份有限公司乘用车公司 wenku.baidu.com 5. Get the Order of Shanghai Expo 2010, Supply 400 Units of Electrical Powertrains and Li-ion Batteries to SAIC 获得2010年上海世博会订单,提供400多套动力总成系统的锂电池系统 wenku.baidu.com 6. It appears that the Chinese car makers SAIC and Dongfeng have plans to acquire the Big 3 似乎中国上汽和东风集团有收购美国汽车三巨头的打算。 www.bing.com |
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