单词 | revere |
释义 |
第三人称单数:reveres 现在分词:revering 过去式:revered 例句释义: 尊敬,崇敬,里维尔,敬畏,尊崇,瑞维尔 1. Break Point The point of a controlled turn, roll, or flare usually relating to lapels, shawl collars, revere collars, and notched collars. 通常与翻领,青果领,西装领连在一起的,控制翻折的点。 2. Both men were from a similar economic and social background, yet it is Revere who raised the militia and later had a poem written about him. 而且两个人(Revere和Dawes)都有相似的经济地位和社会背景,然而后来是PaulRevere召集起了民兵,并且被人们在诗歌里称颂传唱。 www.bing.com 3. Fiend, whose talisman was that fatal symbol, wouldst thou leave nothing, whether in youth or AGE, for this poor sinner to revere? 啊,用那个致命的象征为护符的恶魔,你无论在青年人还是老年人身上,难道不肯给这个可怜的罪人留下一点值得祟敬的东西吗?。 dict.ebigear.com 4. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. 但向你们敬畏我名的人,必有公义的日头出现。其光线(原文作翅膀)有医治之能。 www.ebigear.com 5. They revere marriage as a social institution, so the respect of gays for it should be a cause for celebration, not disgust. 他们视婚姻为一种社会习俗而予以尊重,那么对同性恋者的尊重也应成为庆贺的理由,而不是反感的原因。 www.ecocn.org 6. Our biological teacher tells us to revere every form of life, no matter how insignificant it may appear to be. 生物老师教导我们要尊重每一种生命形式,无论它看上去是多么的渺小。 www.itreviews.cn 7. 2But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. 2But为你们敬畏我的名字,必有公义的日头升起,将上升翅膀)有医治之能。 www.ebigear.com 8. Revere Silver Shop made at least 90 different kinds of products everything from spoons to parts for sword to a chain for a pet squirrel. 里维尔银店制作至少90种不同的产品,从一把剑的一个零件到一只宠物鼠的一条链子应有尽有。 www.bing.com 9. The brutal aliens greatly revere combat and pain, thus the warrior caste is believed by many to be the most favored of the gods. 这个野蛮的外星种族极度崇拜战斗和痛苦,因此许多人相信战士种姓是最受神青睐的。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Toward morning Revere saw two lights in the tower. The British must be coming by sea! 黎明前,里威尔看到了塔里的两个灯光,英国人从海上来了! www.jukuu.com 1. Hui Ang meant "the Lord. " This was like how we revere Jesus Christ as "the Lord. " 意思说「主」啦,就像我们称呼耶稣基督为「主」。 www.ebigear.com 2. Evangelical Christians, a large and powerful constituency, still revere Israel as ordained by God to hold sway over the Holy Land. 福音派基督教徒,一个强大的选民团体,仍然坚信以色列是受上帝的指派对圣地进行统治。 www.ecocn.org 3. With the way of insisting individuality, to understand and revere the world. 以坚持个性的方式,来理解敬畏世界的精神。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Once hostilities began, Revere once again joined the artillery, serving without note until the disastrous expedition to Castine, Maine. 发生冲突后,里维尔再度加入部队,这一段没有历史记载,只知道他服役时间直到开往缅因州卡斯廷的灾难性远征。 www.bing.com 5. A girl wears several hats in the town of Humahuaca in northern Argentina, where people revere the traditions of their rugged ancestors. 阿根廷北部的乌玛华卡镇(Humahuaca),一个女孩头顶着几顶牛仔帽。这里的人们很敬重祖先的传统。 www.bing.com 6. From the beginning, Revere participated in public affairs. 里维尔一直都有参加公共事务。 www.bing.com 7. We revere speciality as form of communication. In our work, we deserve respect recognition; In our work, we enjoy happy gain laurels. 专业是我们尊崇的沟通方式,我们在工作中受到尊重和肯定,我们也在工作中享受快乐、获得荣誉。 www.729.com 8. You cannot preserve what you do not revere. 你不会保存你不尊敬的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Scientologists believe that Hubbard discovered the fundamental truths of existence, and they revere him as "the source" of the religion. 山达基相信哈伯德发现了关于存在的最根本的真相,他们尊他为这个宗教的“创始者”。 www.bing.com 10. The researchers already knew that in the airline industry, customers and employees revere Southwest Airlines. 研究人员们早已获悉:西南航空公司在航空业倍受顾客与员工的尊崇; manage.org.cn 1. It is the same with aesthetics. The only thing people revere right now is money, and this has a huge effect. 人现在对审美也是,现在唯一有敬畏的可能是钱,对钱是又敬又畏,这个影响是非常大的。 www.cecholding.com 2. People flock here in their thousands each day to feel the emperor's presence and revere his memory. 成千上万的人们每天群集在此感受这位帝王的存在和敬畏他的记忆。 www.miltt.com 3. They will never seek to wear the crown of fame or aggrandizement; neither will they revere themselves or seek to be revered. 他们永不会寻求戴上荣誉或夸大的冠冕,也不会尊崇他们自己或寻求被尊敬。 leo2208.blog.163.com 4. That we go ahead now is that English levies , allows me to talk about the English teacher that we revere all of a sudden so please. 现在我们上的是英语课,那么请允许我谈论一下我们尊敬的英语老师。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The airforce says it has a serious need for new planes to revere aircraft in middle flight ( mid-flight ). 空军说非常需要能够中程为飞机加油的新加油机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Transformation is definitely my plan after coming Beijing. Firstly, I revere contemporary art atmosphere in Beijing. 转型肯定是到北京以后才做的打算,北京当代艺术的氛围首先令我对它产生一种敬畏。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Paul Revere will make a signal with his light to warn if the British are coming by land or sea. 如果英军从陆地或海上进犯,保罗?瑞维勒就会用灯光发信号提醒我们。 www.bing.com 8. Inside Nancy Barile's high school classroom in Revere, Massachusetts, students focus intently on writing their own suspense stories. 在南西。巴瑞尔于麻萨诸塞州瑞威尔市的高中课堂上,学生都聚精会神地撰写自己的悬疑小说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, Men of Athens, I observe that in every way you very much revere your deities. 22保罗站在亚略巴古当中,说,诸位,雅典人哪,我看你们凡事都很敬畏鬼神。 dict.ebigear.com 10. I wanted to become a Panl Revere of autumn, awakening the countryside to its wonder. 我愿成为秋天忠诚的信徒,让乡村田野每一个角落的人们了解它的奇妙。 www.ebigear.com 1. Commissioned a second lieutenant, Revere participated during 1756 in the failed expedition against Crown Point. 他还作为二等兵参加了1756年失败的克朗波因特远征。 www.bing.com 2. That would be dreadful, I absolutely revere him. 那会是很可怕的,我绝对敬仰他。 www.bing.com 3. You who fear the Lord , praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel! 你们敬畏耶和华的人,要赞美他。雅各的后裔,都要荣耀他。以色列的后裔,都要惧怕他。 www.ebigear.com 4. People came to the memorial to revere the memory of the great leader. 人们来到纪念馆崇敬地纪念这位伟大的领袖。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. the black South Africans revere their ancestors. They particularly taboo being impolite to their ancestors. 南非黑人非常敬仰自己的祖先,他们特别忌讳外人对自己的祖先言行失敬。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. revere drew himself up a little at that , lime noticed , but his voice was pleasant. 莱奇注意到,里维尔一听这话,身子就略为绷直一些,但声音还是挺和气的。 www.ichacha.net 7. In Yi culture , they revere the black color, tiger is their totem and spiders can protect them from evil spirits . 在彝族的文化里,他们崇尚黑色,图腾是老虎,而蜘蛛是保护神。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Up front, there is a custom Revere London front bumper that gives the appearance that the vehicle is sitting lower to the ground. 行动前,有一个自定义维尔伦敦前保险杠,使车辆外观坐在降低到地面。 usa.315che.com 9. "Ordinary people" are real Americans: they worship God, revere America and love their families. “普通百姓”是所谓的“真正的美国人”:他们崇敬上帝,尊重国家并且关爱家庭。 club.topsage.com 10. "Here in Russia we revere our security structures, " the owner, Armen Manucharyan, says. 其主人马努查扬说:“在俄罗斯这里,我们敬畏安全局”。 www.bing.com 1. Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. 在白发的人面前,你要站起来;也要尊敬老人,又要敬畏你的神。 www.ebigear.com 2. OK, that was 200 years ago, but Francis there WHDH tells us Revere's work is back in the headlines. 好吧,那是200年前的事情了,但WHDH的弗朗西斯告诉我们里维尔的杰作再次登上了报纸的头版头条。 www.kekenet.com 3. They are a people who revere excellence and strive to achieve it in all things. 他们是一群追寻卓越并倾尽一切努力去达到目标的人群。 gl.ali213.net 4. Paul Revere, in fact, was a flatware craftsman. 事实上,保罗·里维尔是一个餐具工匠。 www.bing.com 5. She looks thin, never seen she fight, but her dignity makes other cats revere. 她虽然身轻体瘦,也从没见过她打架,那份不怒自威的高贵气质却令所有的猫敬畏。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But after doing some research they say they think Paul Revere actually made the Jewels. 但在做了一些研究后,他们称他们认为这些珠宝是出自保罗·里维尔之手。 www.bing.com 7. However, they have deep spiritual ties to the moon, and they revere the mighty moon-spirit Luna as one of their greatest totems. 然而,他们与月亮有很深的精神联系,他们尊敬强大的月之精灵露娜,把露娜作为他们最强大的图腾之一。 www.17k.com 8. Many people were confused by the drawing of Caesar Rodney, which bore a striking resemblance to Paul Revere. 许多人感到困惑的凯撒罗德尼,这三者的惊人的相似之处保罗里维尔绘图。 www.bugutang.com 9. the third is specific meaning: express " fear or revere or peep at, hatred, despise , cool detachment " etc. 三是具体义,表示“畏惧、敬畏、窥视、愤恨、蔑视、冷眼”等。 www.dictall.com 10. If we translated Sanskrit into Chinese, we would revere Sakyamuni Buddha as "Lord Sakyamuni. " 如果从梵文翻译成中文的话,我们也称呼释迦牟尼为「主释迦牟尼」。 www.ebigear.com 1. expose, uncover, evidence revere vt. 展现;揭露 www.tingroom.com 2. and at the ancient monastery on Mount Sinai, where Muslim Bedouins revere St Catherine. 西奈山上古老的修道院,同样也是游牧的阿拉伯人膜拜圣凯瑟琳的场所。 www.ecocn.org 3. The Indians found that proposition revolting because they believed the proper way to revere one's parents was to consume their corpses. 印度人发现命题的厌恶,因为他们认为适当的方式来尊崇一个人的父母是要消耗他们的尸体。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In my tradition we revere the masters for being even kinder than the buddhas themselves. 在我的传承教派中,我们尊敬上师更甚于佛陀。 bbs.jcedu.org 5. The current record holder is a 4-foot diameter pizza offered by Paul Revere's Pizza in Iowa. 目前的吉尼斯纪录保持者是由爱荷华州保尔·里维尔比萨店制作的一块直径达4英尺的比萨。 www.ebigear.com 6. Re-enactors detest a development that threatens the ground they revere. 战斗模拟者讨厌发展威胁到他们所崇敬的土地。 www.ecocn.org 7. When we revere "the true God . . . the living God, the eternal King, " we stop fearing scarecrows . 当我们敬畏的「是真神,是活神,是永远的王」,我们便不再惧怕威吓人之物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Hallow vt. To respect or honor greatly; revere. 崇敬,尊敬,极端恭敬。 bbs.putclub.com 9. Hour after hour that night, Paul Revere waited and watched by the side of the river. 一小时一小时,那天晚上,保罗里维尔等待和关注的对岸。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. how are you going to be able to revere that first dawn? 你又是否会去瞻仰那黎明的曙光? zhidao.baidu.com 1. The Hindu people of this 500 year-old city, revere the Hanuman languars. 有500年历史的焦特布尔市的印度教居民崇敬哈努曼叶猴。 video.2u4u.com.cn 2. Now, like him, they had to revere and defend it. 现在,像伯德一样,他们也要尊重和维护它。 www.ecocn.org 3. We must revere the Three Treasures to show the depths of our respect, then, Dharma can enter our minds. 对三宝要起恭敬的心,表示内心的尊重,才能将法放入心中。 marksheu.wordpress.com 4. So we must respect and revere Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. This is called the Fields of Reverence. 所以我们对佛法僧一定要起尊重敬爱的心,所以这叫做「敬田」。 marksheu.wordpress.com 5. The quotation is more likely based on (although not taken verbatim from) the later famous poem "Paul Revere's Ride. " 这个引语更可能是根据(虽然不是一字不差的出自)后来的著名的诗篇《保罗·瑞维尔骑马来》。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Revere became a Freemason in 1760, and soon joined two more overtly political groups--the Sons of Liberty and the North End Caucus. 1760年里维尔加入共济会,很快又加入了两个更公开的政治组织,自由之子和北方终结团。 www.bing.com 7. It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere. 将愚人从他们所崇敬的锁链上解放出来是很困难的。 bbs.putclub.com 8. to make every effort to revere God. 尽我们所能地崇敬神。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Frankly, I'm baffled as to why we still revere Hemingway. 坦白地说,我很迷惑,为什么我们仍然尊敬海明威。 bbs.24en.com 10. I revere Her. I honor and praise Her. I will love Her forever. 我尊敬她,以她为荣,赞美她,我将永远爱她。 sm2000.org 1. The Inca empire revere the sun, and so do we. And the cold plateau , the sun represent the nature and our hope. 印加帝国敬畏太阳,族人也崇拜它,寒冷的高原上,太阳是一切大自然的象征和希望。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. However, they have deep spiritual ties to the moon, and they revere the high. 然而,他们与月亮有很深的精神联系,他们尊敬强大的月之精灵露娜,把露娜作为他们。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 3. Take good care of the environment, protect the earth, revere the nature. 爱护环境,保护地球,对大自然常怀敬畏之心 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Have you ever read his poem about Paul Revere's midnight ride on August 18, 1775? 你有没有读过他那首有关保罗.里维尔(PaulRevere)于1775年8月18日午夜快骑的诗呢? www.24en.com 5. we will unceasingly seek to quicken the sense of public duty, we will revere and obey the city's laws; 我们将不断地增强公共责任感,尊敬并遵守该城市的法律; auto.sohu.com 6. On Foundation of The Revere-ancient Theory of Chinese Ancient Rhetoric 论中国古代修辞学崇古理论的思想基础 service.ilib.cn 7. We have learned to celebrate, even revere, the wireless gadgets we carry around and the inventors who bring them to us; 我们开始去庆祝,甚至尊崇我们身边的移动设备和它们的发明者; www.bing.com 8. yes , so the people respect and revere huang di , looking on him as the common ancestor 是的,所以人们景仰黄帝,把他看成是共同的祖先。 www.ichacha.net 9. Simple Adaptive Control for Constant Tension of Double Stand Revere Cold-Rolling Mill 双机架可逆冷轧机恒张力简单自适应控制 ilib.cn 10. Modern Annotation of Confucius'Revere Ethic Theory 孔子敬畏伦理思想的当代诠释 www.ilib.cn 1. Here had eight th wise cloths to revere Tanpa to take the toy in childhood the small yurt; 这里有八世哲布尊丹巴小时候作为玩具的小蒙古包; img3.zhubajie.com 2. Revere suggests awe coupled with profound honor: Revere暗指带有最深切敬重的敬畏: zhidao.baidu.com 3. Reveresuggests awe coupled with profound honor: Revere 暗指带有最深切敬重的敬畏 www.canadabusiness.cn 4. revere virtue, human life, the church's teaching 崇尚美德﹑尊重人的生命﹑崇奉教义* blog.hjenglish.com 5. We worship, adore, honor, revere 我们崇拜,爱慕,敬重,敬畏 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A Psalm of Life, The Village Blacksmith, Paul and Revere's Ride 《生活的赞美诗》、《乡村铁匠》和《保罗.里维尔骑马来》 zhidao.baidu.com |
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