单词 | semi- |
释义 |
adj. half,partial,quasi-,demi-,hemi- 例句释义: 半,部分,“半”,“部分”,一半,出现两次的,表示半,半的意思 1. Zhongguancun in the long semi-annual report security matters, the reporter found the Bank of China Beijing Branch of the shadow. 在中关村半年报长长的担保事项中,记者发现了中国银行北京分行的影子。 www.showxiu.com 2. A conservative semi-official figure is often accepted. 一般都同意这个保守的半官方数字。 3. She had been semi retired, with reduced work load, never been a big problem to others. 她曾经半退休,减少工作,并没有什麽大问题。 archives.muimusic.com 4. Semi-weak keys are pairs of keys that result in ciphers that are easy to break. 半弱密钥是产生的密码容易被破解的密钥对。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Giving credence to the first report, the semi-official Fars new agency confirmed the incident and said the attacker had been arrested. 伊朗半官方的Fars通讯社证实了这起事件,并称袭击者已被逮捕,这让Khabaronline起初的报道有了几分可信度。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Semi-solid forming of EMS is one of mature methods, and it has been used in industry. 半固态电磁搅拌法是半固态成形技术中较为成熟的方法之一,并已开始应用于工业生产中。 www.chemyq.com 7. Free speech was one of the semi-bright lights in Iraq, though it has come under more threat as time passes. 虽然随着时间的推移,言论自由正受到越来越多的威胁,但它仍是如今的伊拉克仅有的优点之一。 dongxi.net 8. Collaboration between semi-autonomous, interconnected business units is often difficult. 在半自治的相互联系的业务单位之间进行协作往往很困难。 www.ibm.com 9. He said: "It has been a great season for English clubs - Chelsea, Manchester United and now Liverpool in the semi-finals. " 他说:“这个赛季对英国球队来说是个好年头——切尔西,曼联,现在还有利物浦都打进了四强。” dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Carbide: Inorganic compound, any of a class of chemical compounds in which carbon is combined with a metal or semi metallic element. 碳化物:碳与金属或半金属元素化合而成的一类化合物的总称。 www.dictall.com 1. Just like the long march for China, rise from a semi-colony up to a modern independent country, with countless difficulties. 正如一百多年来中华民族从半殖民地社会向着现代化国家的复兴之路,多灾多难,历尽艰辛! blog.sina.com.cn 2. A few pillows or cushions under her shoulders and head will help to raise her to a semi-sitting position, which can aid delivery. 在她的肩膀和头部放几个枕头或靠垫能够帮助她保持半坐的姿势,这能帮助她生产。 www.bing.com 3. By taking cash out of the business, Neal was able to semi-retire but remain in control of daily business operations with her daughter. 通过公司套现,Neal进入了半退休状态,但仍然可以和女儿一起控制公司日常业务运营。 www.bing.com 4. "I don't like the rumours, " he said ahead of Thursday's Europa League semi-final against Atletico Madrid. “我不喜欢这些传闻,”贝尼特斯周四在同马德里竞技的欧联杯半决赛前表示。 www.juvechina.com 5. After accepting, the recruiter found a semi-nude photo of the candidate, prompting Mr. Goldsmith to withdraw this person from consideration. 在接受邀请后,戈德史密斯先生发现了这位求职者一张半裸的照片,促使他打消了聘用这位求职者的考虑。 chinese.wsj.com 6. XML is often referred to as semi-structured. XML通常被认为是半结构化的。 www.ibm.com 7. The term ASIC is often applied to full-custom and semi-custom integrated circuits. 术语ASIC经常应用于全定制和半定制集成电路中。 goabroad.wenda.sohu.com 8. Tragically, along the way, the wind blast from a semi knocked our trailers out of control and pushed our truck off a 40' bridge. 可悲的是,在路上一辆半拖车呼啸而过,强烈的侧风气流使我们的拖车失控,货柜继而被抛到40英尺的桥下。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. In the semi-final meeting with the Spaniards, in which Arshavin looked to be exhausted, has forced me to ask this question. 在与西班牙人的半决赛中,阿尔沙文看起来疲惫不堪,这个现象迫使我提出这个问题。 club.sports.sohu.com 10. Therefore, tree planting and grass growing in semi-arid area maybe reduce runoff, meanwhile, improve monthly runoff distribution in a year. 因此,在半干旱地区植树种草一是减少产流量,二是能够提高径流年内分配的均匀性。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. A sweetly innocent, and yet familiar, voice called from below. Causing Asuka to break out of his semi-nostalgic spell. 一个甜甜的,天真的,却又熟悉的声音在楼下叫他,令飞鸟从他半怀旧的梦中惊醒。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Clinton expressed the hope that there would be "semi-regular, once-a-year-or-so" meetings of the same kind. 克林顿说她希望以后召开“半定期,大概一年一次”的这种会议。 www.scidev.net 3. And I feel that next season it is possible to see four English clubs in the semi-finals. 我感觉下赛季也许会看到半决赛有四支英超球队。 wenda.tianya.cn 4. Using complex function, the scattering question of steady SH-waves in a semi-cylindrical hill with a circular lining structure is studied. 采用复变函数法,研究了半无限空间中含圆形衬砌结构的半圆形凸起对稳态SH波的散射问题。 www.lw23.com 5. Ian Rush booked Liverpool's place in the semi-finals of the Coca-Cola Cup with a typically lethal strike to gun down Arsenal at Anfield. 在安菲尔德,伊恩·拉什用其代表性的致命进球击毙阿森纳,为红军预定了可口可乐杯半决赛的席位。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The derby is always special for the players and the fans, and the fact that it's a semi-final adds to that. 对球迷而球队来说德比总是很特殊的,特别这次还是在半决赛里。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 7. The causes are the non-parametric parts of semi-parametric model make some adjustment and thus to cut down on the errors of the model. 究其原因,半参数模型的非参数分量起到了调整作用,降低了模型估计误差。 www.fanyi51.cn 8. Capello says England are aiming for at least a a place in the semi-finals. How do you see England's standing? 卡佩罗曾说英格兰至少能冲进四强。你对英格兰队现在的处境有什么看法? www.bing.com 9. Supporters of a high-speed rail link to the north said the semi-final weekend highlighted the limited capacity of the current rail network. 一些支持建设连接北部高铁的人们称,周末的比赛突显了现在铁路网运能的不足。 www.bing.com 10. Torres added: "What hurts most is going out in the semi-finals of a big competition, not the end of the run. " 托雷斯补充道:“在如此盛大的赛事止步半决赛是非常伤心的事。” engbbs.fans1.com 1. For instance, Angelina Jolie is often seen sporting double-bridged or aviator semi-rimless sunglasses. 例如,安吉丽娜朱莉是常见运动双飞行员桥或半无框太阳镜。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Do not know whether it into the semi-finals at best come, first I would like to thank Bo faithful encouraged me. 不知道能否进半决赛呢到时精彩来了,先谢谢博友们鼓励我。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It wants to see more academies, a form of semi-autonomous secondary school, often sponsored by private institutions and businesses. 政府希望看到更多的学院,一种经常由私人机构和企业赞助半自治的中学。 www.ecocn.org 4. After about a year and a half of Bob's cow crapping in Bill's yard; being ignored all the while, a semi pulls up in front of Bill's house. 之后大约一年半的时间,鲍勃的奶牛一直在比尔的院子里拉屎;比尔还是不在意;后来鲍勃的房子前面停了一辆大挂车。 www.bing.com 5. Tommy Haas would have had cause to feel distinctly queasy had he taken a look at them before his semi-final at Wimbledon this afternoon. 在今天下午的温布尔登半决赛前,如果哈斯看了看他和费德勒的统计数字,他可能会找到原因导致他感到明显的不安。 bbs.club.sohu.com 6. in the case of Optimus Prime, however, we are dealing with a robot whose individual modules are as large as the cab of a semi truck. 在擎天柱这个案例中,我们将要面对的是一个和半辆卡车一样大的机器人模型。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com 7. In September he reached the semi finals of the US Open but this time it was an abdominal injury that prevented him playing his best. 九月豆子闯进了美网的半决赛,而这次阻止他前进的是腹部的伤势。很明显,我们大爱黄豆。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The semi-annual report came a few weeks after China had decided to let the yuan fluctuate more flexibly. 在中国采取更灵活的汇率机制后几周,上述这份半年期报告横空出世。 www.ecocn.org 9. But it would be nice to win the cup having got to Wembley and got through those semi-final ties against Manchester City. 但如果能在温布利获胜的话就太好了,我们击败曼城闯过的半决赛。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. RDF is often used to represent semi-structured data. RDF经常被用来表示半结构化的数据。 www.ibm.com 1. In arid and semi-arid zones, appearance of microbiotic crusts will change the surface condition of sand dunes greatly. 在干旱、半干旱地区,微生物结皮的出现完全改变了沙丘表面状况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If Arsenal progress in the Champions League, the Dutchman would also be in contention to play around the time of the semi-finals. 如果阿森纳在欧冠联赛取得进展,范佩西也可能在大约半决赛的时候出场。 dx.arsenal.com.cn 3. Suddenly, the small ants stopped carrying it "semi-disabled" into a ants, did not come out for a long time. 突然,小蚂蚁停了下来,它背着“半残”蚂蚁进了一个蚂蚁窝,好久没有出来。 www.bing.com 4. Between 1962 and 1994, there was not a single World Cup which did not feature either one of the two in the semi-finals. 从1962年到1994年,没有一次世界杯的半决赛上没有这两只球队的身影。 www.bing.com 5. It is in her 20 years of semi-final 2-0 Zheng Jie advanced out of the finals, the world's top ten shows the power of exhaustive . 兹娃在20日的半决赛里2:0淘汰郑洁晋级决赛,其世界排名前十的威力尽显无遗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To be reasonable, for an honest "no" to this question, most of your data should be document-like storage of semi-structured nature. 但是准确地说,如果要对这个问题回答“不需要”,那么您的大多数数据应该是半结构化的文档。 www.ibm.com 7. One day as he was crossing an intersection, the light changed and a semi-truck caught the handles of Ben's wheelchair in its grille. 有一天,在他穿越十字路口时,交通灯改变,一辆小卡车的车头铁栏卡住了轮椅的把手。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 8. That's a big "if, " however. The long-term stability of a semi-capitalist state run by an authoritarian Communist Party is unclear. 这是个很夸张的“如果”,然而长期稳定对共产主义威权控制的半资本主义国家而言是不确定的。 www.bing.com 9. I still wonder what happened to that happy-go-lucky semi - thug who used to hang out with drug dealers on dimly - lit street corners. 我至今无法理解,这个曾经游手好闲,成天在阴暗的街角与毒品贩子混在一起的准恶棍身上到底发生了什么? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. France went into the finals as favourites for the finals having reached the semi finals of the World Cup some two years previously. 两年前法国队一路杀入了世界杯半决赛,这次他们也是夺冠大热门之一。 www.qieerxi.com 1. However, he never got to a "major" final, let alone win one, and on 4 occasions lost a Wimbledon semi final. 但是他从来没有闯入“重要赛事”的决赛,四次在温网半决赛中错失进入下一轮的机会。 www.elanso.com 2. This paper presents the heat conventional spinning forming process used for semi finished flexspline products of closed harmonic gear drive. 针对封闭谐波齿轮传动柔轮毛坯,提出采用热普旋-强旋新工艺方案。 www.dictall.com 3. Sitting in the semi-darkness, listening to the all-male choir in red cassocks, it was hard not to feel transported back in time. 坐在昏黄的烛光中,听着身穿红袍的男士唱诗班的吟唱,人们难免萌生时空错换的感觉。 www.ftchinese.com 4. By means of introducing semi-reflexive modules, we give the concept of SR-projective modules and SR-injective modules. 通过引入半自反模,给出了SR-投射模与SR-内射模的概念,并且分别研究了它们的性质。 www.dictall.com 5. A witness, quoted by the semi-official ISNA news agency, said the plane's tail burst into flames in the air. 半官方的伊朗新闻机构ISNA引述了一名目击者的话,他说飞机尾部在空中起火。 www.bing.com 6. and can convert semi-automatic to fully automatic system and vice versa, including the door of the fire station and ambulance station. 半或全自动系统可以实现转换,包括消防局及救护车站。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. Opossums playing dead actually slip into a semi-comatose state, thus removing any excitement of the kill for a predator. 装死的负鼠实际上是处于一种半昏迷状态,以消除天敌的猎杀的兴奋感。 www.ryedu.net 8. It is proved that every nonzero ideal in a finite-dimensional semi-simple algebra over a field is generated by an unique central idempotent. 证明了域上有限维半单代数的每一个非零理想由唯一的中心幂等元生成。 www.pku.edu.cn 9. The company also has three semi-submersibles to be delivered, with an option for another two. 该公司还有3座半潜式平台即将交货,并有权再购买2座。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Many countries end up in a "gray zone, " with semi-functioning governments and powerful oligarchies. 很多国家最终沦为“灰色地带”——半运作状态的政府和强权的寡头政治。 www.bing.com 1. We will try to enjoy this situation but we know we will have to work hard over the next two weeks to prepare for the semi-finals. 我们试着享受这个美妙的时刻但是我们更知道我们要通过更多的努力来准备接下来的半决赛。 tieba.baidu.com 2. He was a semi-professional pianist, and his love for music and harmony was an abiding inspiration. 他是一个半职业化的钢琴师。他对于音乐与和谐的热爱,一直都启发着我们。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Jobs' only peer in the industry, Bill Gates, is semi-retired, too. And I doubt he's available (or would be welcome) to run Apple. 乔布斯在该领域的同行比尔盖茨也是处于半退休状态,我怀疑他是否能够(或是受到欢迎)运行苹果。 www.bing.com 4. Icon Dock and Newism both use a semi-transparent white line on the page element's top edge to give it a highlight. IconDock和Newism都在页面上边缘使用了半透明的白色制造高光效果。 www.bing.com 5. The landed cost is the total cost of purchasing, transporting, warehousing and distributing raw materials, semi-finished and finished goods. 落地成本是包括采购、运输、仓储和配送原材料、半成品和产成品的总成本。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Any regular semi-technical user of your site should be able to navigate 90% of your app based off memory of the URL structure. 任何一个定期访问你的网站的半技术化的用户都应该能够基于内存中的URL结构来浏览你的应用的90%部分。 www.bing.com 7. I picked up the screw a semi-dry socks, and then learn her mother's appearance on the hit soap in socks. 我拿起袜子拧个半干,然后,学着妈妈的样子在袜子上打肥皂。 www.enwaimao.cn 8. The Hitlerjugend Division was still the rock of the German defence, positioned in a semi -circle in its western suburbs. “希特勒青年”师仍然是德军防御的主力,在西部郊区占据着半圆形的阵地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The hope is that future tools will be able to (semi)-automatically identify relationships and define navigable links between them. 希望未来的工具能够(半)自动地确定关系,并定义它们之间的可导航的链接。 www.ibm.com 10. Advantage: A long life of buff, cut faster, self-cooling in operation, used for manual, semi-automatic and automatic machine. 特点:使用寿命长,切削力均匀,冷却被抛物体。此轮可在手动,半自动及全自动抛磨机上使用。 www.qiyeku.com 1. The particle-size classification of moving dune and semi-fixed dune was better, which showed a strong positive bias and a sharp peak. 移动沙丘和半固定沙丘分选较好,表现出极强的正偏和较尖的峰值; www.sswcc.org 2. None of that takes into account the professional, semi-pro and quality amateur content being created on the web. 没人在乎是专业人员,或是半专业人员还是业余的爱好者正在创造互联网上的内容。 www.bing.com 3. So semi-submersible platforms like this one are not terribly new, the integration with a wind turbine however is a new idea. 这种半潜式平台不是新创意。不过综合了风力涡轮则是个新想法。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. The semi-Markov process theory can be used to analyze the reliability of the system on this condition. 但可以利用半马尔可夫过程理论分析系统的可靠性。 www.magsci.net 5. The main building is a rectangular block decorated with a cone and a dome on the roof, plus a semi-cylindrical-shaped lecture hall. 主楼是一座长方形建筑,顶部有圆锥体及半球体装饰,还有一座半圆柱体的演讲厅。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 6. They are meeting for one of their male-bonding sessions that have become a semi-regular fixture since the series ended nearly six years ago. 重聚是为了再次举行男人联谊会,自打近六年前该剧落幕以来,这一活动就成了他们半固定的社交节目。 www.bing.com 7. This paper describes our attempt to train such translation models from a set of semi-structured parallel texts in Chinese and English. 本文将描述我们在建立中英文统计翻译模型上的尝试。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. What sort of wabi-sabi-themed product could possibly be taken semi-seriously at your local housewares retailer? 但本地家庭用品零售商会有点儿郑重其事地买卖哪种侘寂主题的产品呢? dongxi.net 9. But in the old days, Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city characteristic of semi-colonialism and semi-feudalism. 但是,在旧时代,天津曾是一个贫穷落后的城市特点的半殖民主义和半封建主义。 wenwen.soso.com 10. In effect, each developer and tester samples a semi-random set of the program's state space when looking for the etiology of a symptom. 实际上,开发者和测试者在为症状寻找病因的时候,都可以看作是对程序某部分运行状态的“半随机”取样。 www.bing.com 1. Per top menu Item: a looping Image slideshow with a semi-transparent, scrollable text block on top of that image. 每页顶部的菜单项:循环图像具有半透明,更重要的是图像的顶部滚动文本块幻灯片。 www.bing.com 2. The semi-Solid Forming technique of low melting point alloy has been used in commercial production. 低熔点合金半固态成形技术被专家称为21世纪新兴的金属制造关键技术。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Training institutions like the rest of this time belongs to reverse black and white semi-like. 像这种培训机构的作息时间是属于黑白半颠倒似的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Worse, my variety (semi-skimmed) seems to be the second preference of everyone else. 更糟糕的是,我买的半脱脂牛奶似乎是其他所有人第二偏爱的品种。 www.ftchinese.com 5. So it was a bit unfortunate for the Professor that Andy Murray also lost at the semi final stage! 因此,安迪·穆雷也在半决赛中失利对普罗明教授来说可是个令人遗憾的消息。 www.elanso.com 6. Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity ? 他立刻死掉不是更好吗?那将来,他就可以在半开化的天国等待她了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The research results of the paper can be used for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of matrix and alloy element. The i. . . 研究结果可用于钴基合金基体及成分元素的定性和半定量分析,能满足材料牌号鉴别的需要。 www.chemyq.com 8. Due to singularity, the semi-analytical integral regularization algorithm is applied to the integral element close to the source point. 由于几乎奇异性,与内点邻近的单元上的积分,采用半解析正则化积分算法计算; www.ceps.com.tw 9. It may now be a Special Administrative Region rather than Pearl of the Orient, but China seems happy to keep it as a semi-imperial outpost. 即使它现在是特别行政区,而不再是东方之珠,但中国似乎乐于让它继续扮演半帝国色彩前哨的角色。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Full system backups are good things in their own right, and I hope you back up your system on at least a semi-regular basis. 全系统备份本身就是很好的主意,我希望您不定期地对系统进行备份。 www.ibm.com 1. Do you mind if I change the channel ? The Asia soccer semi final between China and South Korea is going to be living televised soon . 你介意换频道吗?中国与韩国亚洲足洲半决赛马上现场直播了。 www.bing.com 2. The officers said Tillie came out to the vehicle holding a blue steel 9 mm semi automatic and dropped the weapon when ordered to do so. 警方官员说提利随后手持一把蓝色9毫米半自动手枪走出汽车,在警方要求他扔掉武器后他照办。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We were asked to go to the YMCA to be a semi-adult presence at some events for high schoolers and we sort of adopted three of them. 我们受邀作为准成年人参加了基督教青年会为高中生举办的一些活动,而且差不多算是“领养”了三个孩子。 www.bing.com 4. It's going to get through this, if I've got a semi-permeable membrane, A Common situation, of course. 它将通过这个,如果我用的是半透膜,可通过但B不能,it’s,permeable,to,A,but,not,to,B。,通常的情况,当然。 open.163.com 5. And for the industry and traders with a variety of products and semi-finished or finished strong technical Extension Institute. 并可为同行业及贸易商提供各种产品的半成品及成品或过硬的技术研拓。 www.vooec.com 6. Objective: to understand how disasters affect people's thinking positively. Method: semi-structural open-ended questionnaire is adopted. 本文采用半结构化开放式问卷了解灾难对人们的思想产生了哪些积极的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Semi-starvation is not, however, a course of action most people would be willing to undertake in the hope that it might prolong their lives. 尽管半饥饿可能会延长人们的寿命,可多数人也不会因抱此期望而让自己处于半饥饿状态。 www.ecocn.org 8. Semi-structured data refers to data with some form of structure but not enough structure to fit gracefully into a relational model. 半结构化数据是指带有某些形式的结构但是结构还不足以完美地适合关系模型的数据。 www.ibm.com 9. It really is becoming beyond a joke. To talk about AC Milan on the day of a Champions League semi final is so disrespectful. 这其实不应该成为玩笑。在欧冠半决赛前讨论AC米兰,这对阿森纳是多么得不敬。 blog.titan24.com 10. By drawing attention to myself for becoming a semi-hermit, am I not just trying to have my social media cake and eat it too? 我对自己变成“伪”隐士感兴趣了,我不是也试图从我的社交媒体中分得一块蛋糕吗? dongxi.net 1. The palate was dominated by preserved figs and raisins, the sweetness was a bit over-powering the acidity, making the wine semi sweet. 味蕾被无花果及葡萄干果支配,甜盖过酸,让酒液变为半甜状态。 www.winefond.com 2. So once the immediate conflict is resolved or at least semi-resolved, take some action that will have long-term benefits. 所以,在一场矛盾解决或者至少是半解决时采取点行动,将是长久受益的。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. A woman is in trouble. Her husband is stalking her with a . 45-caliber semi-automatic. 一个女人遇到了麻烦,他的丈夫用一把点45口径的半自动步枪对准了她。 www.bing.com 4. During the run up in the equity markets two weeks ago, semi-conductor stocks lead the charge higher. 在股票市场运行在两个星期前,半导体类股打头阵更高。 www.eryuanqiquan.com 5. After an artificial semi-positive or positive response to a strong, artificial opening, a double shows the suit doubled . 敌方对人为强牌开叫做人为半积极或积极应叫之后,加倍为惩罚该门花色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Anyone can add or modify any page on Wiki, so the system collects the knowledge of thousands of people into a (semi) coherent whole. 任何人能增加或修改它上面的任何页面。这样,该系统集中了数千人的知识于一个(半)连贯的整体之中。 www.cnblogs.com 7. This paper puts forward centripetal suspension design idea in allusion to defect of the general double axle suspension of semi trailer. 针对半挂车普通双桥悬架的缺陷,提出了向心悬架的设计思想。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The NPC, with its semi-open sessions and rare press conferences, is still a chance to take political temperatures. 通过半公开的会议和少数几场记者招待会,全国人大仍是一个感受政治温度的机会。 www.ftchinese.com 9. 'Semi-current Records': records that are occasionally used for administrative or legal purposes. 半常用记录:行政机关和立法机关偶尔使用的记录。 www.danganj.net 10. A semi-closed type lock body and a movable ball body form the latching state with the support of a spring and a bullet lock core. 它由半封闭式锁体和活动球体在弹簧和弹子锁心的支顶下形成闭锁。 ip.com 1. A husband who used his semi-naked wife for target practice with an air rifle has been jailed. 利用半裸妻子来做空气枪打靶练习的丈夫已被囚禁。 www.showxiu.com 2. Popular on wagons, buggies and carriages, the semi-elliptical springs were often used on both the front and rear axles. 半椭圆弹簧非常流行,各种马车都在前轮轴和后轮轴上安装这种弹簧。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com 3. Now, however, the semi-independent status of the City is being challenged by an edict from central government. 但如今,伦敦金融城的半独立地位受到了中央政策新规的挑战。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A lubricating grease is a firm to semi-fluid product obtained by the dispersion of 2 to 15% of a thickening agent into a lube base oil. 润滑脂是一种在基础油中加入2-15%稠化剂的硬至半流体的产品。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Badly burned and semi-conscious, Arthur landed in a Chinese held section of the battlefield, and was quickly rescued by Chinese soldiers. 由于严重的烧伤和半昏迷状态,亚瑟降落在中国的战场后迅速地被中国士兵营救。 sinoam.sina.com.cn 6. When I visit some relatives semi regularly, I'm unfortunately not much of a conversation-maker in terms of small talk. 非常遗憾,在定期拜访亲戚时,我不善于在闲聊中制造话题。 www.bing.com 7. The possible emergent release material shall be immediately recalled together with its semi-finished or finished products. 若有紧急放行物料需马上追回以及其半成品成品 zhidao.baidu.com 8. With the computer simulation, the elliptic section cylinder lenses have been designed and used to collimate the semi-conductor laser beam . 利用计算机仿真,设计了相互垂直的椭圆截面柱透镜组来准直半导体激光束。 www.dictall.com 9. Immunohistochemistry and computer image analysis were used to determine semi-quantitatively the content of CGRP protein in airway of rats. 采用免疫组化法和计算机图像分析半定量测定各组大鼠气道降钙素基因相关肽蛋白的含量。 www.fabiao.net 10. He never said anything about my tears during the semi-final against West Germany. 他从来没有评论我在对西德队的四分之一决赛中流泪一事。 dongxi.net 1. Those who could flee the public system for costly private schools, or for the eight semi-private schools run on the British system, did so. 那些能够逃离公共体制进入昂贵的私立学校,或者以英国体制运行的8所半私立学校的,已经这么做了。 www.ebigear.com 2. Juventus will play Lazio in the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia. The winner of that contest will then play Inter or Sampdoria in the final. 尤文图斯在意大利杯半决赛的对手是拉齐奥,这场比赛获胜一方将在决赛中对阵国米或桑普多利亚。 www.juvefans.com 3. The remaining 2% of IT managers say that their firms are currently looking at joint venture, semi private cloud services. 余下2%的IT管理者称,自己的公司正在寻找合资企业,开发半私有云服务。 labs.chinamobile.com 4. Grain length, where the power of Class A semi-official role in the beginning and the elderly have similar functions. 粮长、里甲等半官方的权力角色一开始就具有与老人类似的职权。 www.fabiao.net 5. In the case of content analysis, there have been several commercial (and semi-commercial) services to complement co-operative initiatives. 在内容分析的情景下,有几个商业(以及半商业)服务可作为补充。 www.ibm.com 6. What "s more, the augment of every radius of semi-circle Drawbead will reduce the thickness reduction and the equivalent strain. " 并且拉深筋的各圆角半径的增大都使减薄量和累积等效应变减小。 www.magsci.org 7. His task is to transfer an entire syringe of semi-viscous content into a space that's already filled with tissue and fat. 他的任务是把一针管的半粘性物质注射到已经充满了组织和脂肪的位置。 www.bing.com 8. Police found the body wrapped in a black bin liner in a chest freezer at a semi-detached house in Sidcup, south-east London. 警方在其位于伦敦东南Sidcup的半独立式住房中发现了尸体,尸体被包裹在冰箱里的一个黑色垃圾袋中。 www.bing.com 9. Several options are available for retirees or those in semi-retirement that are flexible enough to work around your lifestyle. 退休或半退休人员有几个选择,这些选择足以灵活地变通你的生活方式。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. Objective To evaluate the function of domestic made semi conductor laser and to understand its effect and safety on the refractory glaucoma. 目的评价国产半导体激光器的实用性,了解其对兔青光眼治疗的效果和安全性。 www.chemyq.com 1. However, for a certain historical period, this form is not suitable for the revolutions in the colonial and semi- colonial countries. 但是那种共和国,在一定的历史时期中,还不适用于殖民地半殖民地国家的革命。 www.hotdic.com 2. A series of wedge -shaped blocks is assembled together in a semi-circular form, and supported on top of two pillars at the side. 这一系列楔型的石料聚合在一个半圆的形状下,并且支持着边上柱子的顶部。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It's a little corny but a sweet tip of the hat to longtime fans who've watched the young actors mature into semi-grown-up magicians. 虽然有点色情但却向长期忠实追随他们的粉丝暗示年轻的演员们已长成半成熟的魔法师了。 www.suiniyi.com 4. Yugoslavia were a fine side, who should have reached the semi-finals, but Germany trounced them 4-1. 南斯拉夫实力不俗,有能力打进半决赛,却被德国人灌了个一比四。 www.bing.com 5. The semi-floating layered burner is provided with a wind blowing coal device and a coal granule screening device. 该装置设有风吹煤装置和煤颗粒度筛分装置。 ip.com 6. Second, the semi-conscious state, when his mind entered the causal body and was absorbed in the bliss of divine intoxication . 第二,他的头脑进入了因果关系的肉身,全神贯注于神性陶醉的喜悦里,是半意识状态。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Semi-automatic coffee machine, commonly known as the moving handle machine, is a traditional Italian coffee machine. 半自动咖啡机:半自动咖啡机,俗称搬把子机,是意大利传统的咖啡机。 www.ymtweb.com 8. The Zhou appeared to have begun their rule under a semi-feudal system. 周似乎已经开始他们的统治下,半封建制度。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The side with the best set of forwards will reach the semi-finals. Chelsea have an excellent attack, but our forwards are better. 我们都有机会进入半决赛。切尔西有很优秀的前锋,但我们的更好。 page.renren.com 10. This paper presents a new type of semi- conductive water-blocking tape used for the insulation shield in power cables. 叙述了一种新型的半导电屏蔽阻水带,适用于电力电缆的绝缘屏蔽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Otherwise, as the OLED has opaque or semi-opaque upper electrode, the light can be passed through the upper electrode. 此外,OLED具有透明或半透明上方电极,以使光可发射通过上方电极。 ip.com 2. Branches at the top is a semi-circular, in the middle grow into a slender stem, leaf is relatively wide. 枝条顶部是半圆形,中间长出一条细长的茎,叶片又是比较宽的。 www.enwaimao.cn 3. First, in the past China was a colonial and semi-colonial country, not an imperialist power, and was always bullied by others. 第一,我国过去是殖民地、半殖民地,不是帝国主义,历来受人欺负。 www.jukuu.com 4. A couple of girls sunbathing on a lawn isn't exactly spectacular, but it's better than the blurry picture of the semi-naked babe on a truck. 两个女孩在草坪上晒日光浴,这没什么了不起的,但是这比那个画在卡车上的模糊的半裸美女照片要好。 www.bing.com 5. Whether or not the Champions League is a realistic option, given that the Semi-Final draw puts Chelsea againstBarcelona, who knows? 不管冠军联赛是不是他们更为现实的选择,他们进入了半决赛与巴萨对决。谁知道呢? bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. Waziristan, in Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal area, has never been held by any foreign power. 巴基斯坦半自治的部落地区瓦奇里斯坦(Waziristan[font=宋体])就从来没有被外来强权所掌控。 www.ecocn.org 7. It has led to a huge semi-public client state of consultants and quangos. 它还带来了由咨询顾问和半官方机构组成的半公共性质的附庸群体。 www.ftchinese.com 8. " Regular script, as people " standing, " Semi-cursive script like the person " go, " cursive is like people " to run. 楷书像人“站立”,行书像人“走”,草书则像人“跑”。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Behind the gate, a semi truck was parked against one of the long barns. 在大门后面,一辆小卡车停在长长的养鸡棚前。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Beijing roast duck, the whole only four copies, two side dishes to be elected, semi-only two copies of a garnish to be elected. 北京烤鸭,整只四人份,两种配菜待选,半只两人份,一种配菜待选。 k.pclady.com.cn 1. they created a kind of figure . it was electronic and could move . it was like a spirited bronco ( semi - wild horse ) but it was great. 他们做了一个模型。他是电动的,可移动,就像一种烈马,但实在是太棒了。 www.ichacha.net 2. Stolen artworks and the art of counterfeit antiques turned a former New York detective named Robert Volpe into a semi-celebrity. 盗窃艺术品和假古董把一名叫做RobertVolpe的前纽约侦探变成了一位半名人。 www.bing.com 3. However, the SPLM will contest the general election in other regions of the country and also the elections in the semi-autonomous south. 然而,苏丹人民解放运动会在其他地区,以及半自治的南部参与大选的竞争。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I feel good because our target was to be in the semi-final of the Champions League, and we did it. 我感觉很好,因为我们的目标就是进入冠军联赛的半决赛,而我们做到了。 club.sports.sohu.com 5. The central south karst region of Shandong Province is one of the typical areas in the Northern China temperate semi arid karst area. 鲁中南岩溶区是中国北方半干旱温带岩溶区中具有代表性的地区之一。 www.cagsbulletin.com 6. In their last meeting, Djokovic saved two match points as he came from two sets down to beat Federer in the US Open semi-finals. 在他们的上次交手——美网半决赛上,德约科维奇在两盘落后的局面下挽救两个赛点而击败费德勒。 www.bing.com 7. Analysis can be qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative, or a combination of these, depending on the circumstances. 分析可以定性,半定量或定量,或它们的组合,视情况而定。 www.zhaolv.net 8. To create the low poly mesh I export a semi-high level mesh from Mudbox as a reference point for resurfacing on top of it. 为了创建低模我从Mudbox里导出一个半高级别模型作为一个参考,并在上面重建表面。 www.game798.com 9. A promising FA Cup run came to an end on Sunday with our potential Semi-Final opposition Blackburn coming out on top with a 2-0 win. 随着周日那一场足总杯赛事有希望地结束,我们将会有可能在半决赛阶段面对布莱克本–他们以2-0胜出晋级。 bbs.qieerxi.com 10. A variation is the 'semi-American', where options can be exercised on only a set number of dates before expiry. 一种称为“半美式”的变异期权则只能在到期日之前某些时段内执行。 ipshade.org 1. Much of the flooding is in Balochistan, an unofficially semi-independent ethnic region spanning Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. 洪灾主要发生在俾路支省(Balochistan),这是一个横跨阿富汗、巴基斯坦和伊朗的半独立的民族地区。 www.bing.com 2. Haiti's current political in a "semi-vacuum" state, analysts believe that Duvalier's trip with a clear political intent. 目前海地政治处于“半真空”状态,分析人士认为,杜瓦利埃此行带有明显的政治意图。 www.englishtang.com 3. From time to time I get a sort of semi-derogatory remark: "Oh, you're so American. " 时不时地,我会听到有些损我的话:“噢,你太美国人了。” www.ftchinese.com 4. Besides the semi-material body he has thousands of mental bodies and he is using them to work on many parts of the Cosmos. 除这半-物质身体外他有数千精神体并且他使用他们在宇宙许多部分上工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It also creates a ghostly, semi-transparent figure of the photographer who was captured standing on the beach in only one of the exposures. 其中还有一个朦胧半透明的人影,那是在某次曝光的照片中站在海滩上的摄像师。 www.bing.com 6. The defiant Argentine heroics did not end there either. The semi-final against Belgium saw the skipper score two more. 这个狂狷的阿根廷英雄并没有止步,半决赛对比利时他又进了两个。 www.bing.com 7. The U. S. Postal Service is a semi-autonomous federal entity, mandated by law to be revenue neutral. 美国邮政服务是由法律授权其收入中立的、半自治的联邦实体。 bbs.tingroom.com 8. Semi-finished products made of magnesium alloys. U-sections. Tolerances on dimensions and recommended dimensions. 镁合金制半成品.U形型材.尺寸公差和推荐尺寸 www.mapeng.net 9. The SMA series connectors for use with semi-rigid and flexible RF cables, are used for microwave applications requiring high performance. 与半硬和柔软射频电缆配用的SMA系列射频同轴连接器供要求高性能的微波应用场合用。 china.eceel.com 10. If a bond carries a fixed coupon, the interest is usually paid on an annual or semi-annual basis. 票面利率固定的债券通常每年或每半年付息一次。 glossary.reuters.com.cn 1. Some finished or semi-finished storage products tanks, specifically left out of the lane for easy accessing to transport vehicles. 一些成品或半成品的储罐,专门留出了车道,方便运输车辆进出! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Semi-finished products made of magnesium alloys; composition and characteristics of rolled and drawn products for general use. 镁合金制半成品。常用轧制品和拉制品的成分和性能。 www.chinastandard.com.cn 3. Mooring positioning system is one of the key technologies of the semi-submersible drilling platform. 锚泊定位系统是半潜式平台关键技术之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Netizens immediately noticed the resemblance they had to one another with the bang hair and semi-smoky makeup. 网民们立即注意到了相似之处,她们的发型和半烟熏妆。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Production Flow Card can be used to identify the type, material lot number of factory flowing semi-finished products and etc. 车间流动的半成品通过生产流程卡识别其型号、物料批次等。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Speaking of the semi-finals, she added: "I really want to do my best, get out there and do my best, and anything can happen. " 她在谈到半决赛时还说:“我真想尽力做好,拿出我的最高水平去参赛,一切皆有可能。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. As lower hood lines and over square engines became popular, the semi-slipper and full-slipper pistons came into use. 由于低发动机罩和短行程发动机的进一步普及,半围延裙活塞和滑裙式活塞开始使用。 www.52jxs.com 8. Chances are, if you are here reading this blog, you make at least a semi-conscious effort somewhere in there to continue learning. 如果你正在读这篇文章,有可能是你脑里的某个区域有一半激活并意识到要继续学习。 www.bing.com 9. Oh, I say, they're not diamonds you know! They're only semi-precious stones. 你知道这不是钻石吧,这只是些劣等宝石。 www.bing.com 10. The only team to have appeared at every World Cup; five-times winners; runners-up in 1950 and 1998; semi-finalists in 1938, 1974 and 1978. 唯一一支出现在每一届世界杯上的球队;5次世界杯得主;1950、1998年两次获得亚军;1938、1974、1978年3次进四强。 www.bing.com 1. The Hashashim are a semi-religious sect of assassins dedicated to stealth, and murder, thought to have originated somewhere in Persia. 哈萨辛为半宗教性质刺客团体,精擅潜伏和暗杀,相传创建于波斯某地。 www.totalwar.honga.net 2. He added another possible outcome was the breakup of Libya into what he called "three semi-autonomous mini states" . 他补充道,另外一个可能的结果是,利比亚可能会分裂成为三个半自治的小国家。 www.tingclass.com 3. Your semi-finished products, either pipes, tubes, cables, or bars will sustain consistency in terms of properties and quality standard. 您的半成品如管材,电缆和棒材将保持性能和质量标准的一致性。 rhodia-ep.com.cn 4. Jan marrow is strange, semi - silly - silly the beautiful Carmen is always early no later to catch up with these murders. 让马洛奇怪的是,半痴半傻的美丽的卡门总是不早不晚地赶上了这些谋杀案。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. "I think you are in a trap always because it is half a Semi-Final and a derby, " he said. “我认为你一直都处于一个困境之中,一半是因为半决赛,一半是因为是德比,”他说。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. Two U. S. missile strikes Tuesday in Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal region of North Waziristan killed at least 24 suspected militants. 两名美国导弹袭击在巴基斯坦瓦济里斯坦周二的半自治部落地区的北打死至少24名激进分子嫌疑人。 bbs.5i5i.cn 7. The commercially used catalytic reforming process can be classified mainly as of the semi-regenerative and continuous-regenerative types. 工业上用的催化重整过程大致可分为半再生式和连续再生式两类。 www.infopetro.com.cn 8. The analysis of experimental data has proven that this algorithm has better effect on semi-supervised classi. . . 实验数据分析证明了该算法在进行半监督分类时具有比较好的效果。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 9. When dolphins sleep, they sleep in a semi-alert state by resting one side of their brain at a time. 当海豚睡觉时,它们处于半惊醒状态,每次只休息大脑的一半。 www.ebigear.com 10. For the turbine control system, an off-line simulation and a semi-physical simulation were designed to control the rotational speed. 首先对汽轮机转速控制分别进行了离线仿真和半实物仿真。 www.dictall.com 1. In handling process, do not store different products in production and semi-finished products in the same workstation tools. 不同的在制品、半成品搬运过程中,不准存放于同一工位器具。 www.wiseivr.com 2. But a lot of clubs would like to be in our position - in a semi-final and fighting to be in the top four. 但是很多俱乐部都在为自己的位置而战斗,半决赛还有为前四而战。 www.soccerbar.cn 3. Get your colleagues to clean up and clear out the office on a monthly, quarterly or semi-annual basis. 让你的同事或每月或每季或每半年清理一次办公室。 www.bing.com 4. And yet here we are , my church in Oxford, semi- detached from events that happened a long way away, but with our faith bruised . 正因如此,我们今天来到这里,这个在牛津的教会,虽然离海啸发生地有万里之遥,但是我们对上帝的信心受到打击。 www.bing.com 5. Similar to an intrusive container but a semi-intrusive container needs additional memory (e. g. an auxiliary array) to work. 类似于介入式容器,但需要额外的内存(如一个辅助数组)才能工作。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 6. With the combination of large-scale underground garage sink set square, square sink with a small semi-layer service commercial facilities. 与大面积地下车库相结合设置了下沉广场,下沉广场的半层设有小型的服务商业设施。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Second, USB works in a semi-duplex style, which makes it unable to realize the synchronization of multiple instrumentations directly. 二是USB半双工的工作方式使其难以实现多台仪器的同步触发动作。 www.fabiao.net 8. I think if I was pressed to choose one game though it would be the second leg of the UEFA Cup semi-final against Barcelona in 2001. 要我选择印象最深刻的比赛,那就是2001年欧洲联盟杯半决赛第二回合对阵巴大傻。 www.lfcbbs.com 9. The side turning bed is characterized in that the patient could turn in the lateral direction and seat at a semi-sitting position. 侧摇病床的特点既能使病人半坐位,又能使病人侧翻身。 ip.com 10. Will normally be semi-automatic nail, crate washers, horizontal structure is divided into a single and twin screw, case two types. 半自动钉箱机一般为卧式结构,分为单片式和双片式钉箱机两种类型。 www.bing.com 1. The former Porto boss refused to be drawn on gaining revenge on Liverpool for their semi-final defeat of two years ago. 这位前度波尔图主帅拒绝回应会把握机会对两年前在半决赛不敌利物浦一战来一次报复。 bbs.qieerxi.com 2. It was in the semi-final against Portugal that Charlton, subsequently voted European Footballer of the Year, gave his finest performance. 对于随后被选为欧洲足球先生的博比?查尔顿来说,半决赛对阵葡萄牙的比赛,才是真正的巅峰时刻。 www.bing.com 3. Every player on the Lakers' bench went on to the court and stood in a semi-circle around him. 坐在板凳上的每个湖人球员都冲进了赛场,围着他站成一个半圆。 www.bing.com 4. Libya was to be in permanent semi anarchy, without any real government. 利比亚处于永久半无政府状态,没有任何真正的政府。 www.bing.com 5. But generally can be divided into a la carte, buffet-style, semi-self-these three. 但是大致上可以分为点菜式,自助式,半自助式这三类。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Long-term inclination variation will induce the relevant changes both of the nominal semi-major axes and local time of descending node. 倾角长期的变化又进一步导致回归轨道的标称半长轴和降交点地方时的相应变化。 www.juyy.net 7. I approached one of my clients who has a semi popular blog and uses WordPress and the Google XML Sitemaps Generator plugin for WordPress. 我联系到我的一个客户,他有一个受欢迎的博客,使用了WordPress和Wordpress的GoogleXMLSitemaps生成器插件。 www.bing.com 8. According to the substructure concept, the infinite structure can be divided into two substructures, a finite and a semi-infinite region. 根据部份结构法,无限延伸结构系统可分成有限区域与无限区域等两部份。 9. semi - finished products made of metal or non - ferrous alloys . titanium sheet , dimensions and tolerances. 金属或有色合金半成品。钛板材。尺寸和公差。 www.bing.com 10. Watermelon production has been a principal industry in the arid and semi-arid areas in Ningxia. 西瓜是宁夏干旱半干旱区特色支柱产业,其需钾量高。 www.fabiao.net 1. Some of the simplest eyes are just passive holes with a semi-clear membrane, such is the reptilian'pineal eye. 不少最简单的眼睛只是带有半透明隔膜的了无生气的洞罢了,这种眼睛就是爬虫的“松果眼”。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Multiple installation modes are suitable for a variety of aboveground and underground, semi-underground and underwater. 多种安装形式可适于地上、地下、半地下以及水中。 www.tomlili.com 3. This paper describes a novel non-disintegrating polymeric capsule and a manual and a semi-automatic process developed for its manufacture. 本文介绍一种新型的非崩解聚合物胶囊和一本手册和半自动程序开发制造。 www.syyxw.com 4. Secretary Gates spent his final hours in Iraqi Kurdistan, meeting with the President of the semi-autonomous region, Massoud Barzani. 国防部长盖茨在离开伊拉克前的最后几个小时来到伊拉克的库尔德斯坦,与半自治地区的主席巴尔扎尼会面。 www.ttxyy.com 5. That long, black and white top looks so cool as a casual top, but it could also be pulled together as a semi-formal one. 长的黑白相间的上衣看上去像休闲款上衣一样酷,但它也可以与半正式的衣服一起搭配。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. So, while optimizing this aspect of your page, make note that you are optimizing for the busy, semi-interested visitor. 因此,当你在做呼唤行动的优化时,请注意这是为那些忙碌并且兴趣不是很浓的访客准备的。 www.bing.com 7. Feature number 2 doesn't play a role here. Therefore it is only a semi-Turc. As a matter of fact giving three pieces is never a full Turc. 土耳其打击的第2个特点并不在这个打击里发挥作用。因此,只有一个“半土耳其”。事实上送吃的三个棋子是从未充分满足土耳其打击的特点。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As you position the pointer, a blue semi-transparent rectangle appears, which indicates where the window will be docked in the new location. 在您放置指针时,将出现一个蓝色半透明的矩形,它指示该窗口将停靠在新位置的什么地方。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Prepare our team for a few months, but failed to reach the semi-finals. 我们队准备了几个月,但未能进入半决赛。 wenwen.soso.com 10. That growth relied on a state-led development model, financed with foreign debt within a semi-closed economy. 这种增长依靠国家主导的发展模式,经济呈半封闭式,靠向外借债支撑。 www.ecocn.org 1. Note that alternatively, you could have run this code as sequential commands separated by semi-colons. 注意,也可以将此代码作为分号分隔的连续命令予以运行。 www.ibm.com 2. This is funny, intelligent and passionate, and also semi-autobiographical as it was Tanizaki's final work, written during his own illness. 这部小说滑稽、理智而热烈,也是一部半自传体小说,因为它是谷崎在疾病中完成的最后作品。 www.bing.com 3. He told us why we are in a Semi-Final and I think we came out and showed a great attitude to come back and win the game. 他告诉我们为什么我们进入到半决赛,我认为我们出来时,展示出一个了不起态度,反败为胜赢得比赛。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. thirdly, the party opened up a new prospect of "semi-independent" diplomacy, and accumulated valuable experience of diplomatic affairs. 三是使我们党打开了“半独立”外交工作的新局面,积累了宝贵的外事工作的经验。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Pollen assemblage changes directed that a semi-desert steppe retreated, whereas, the forests on the surrounding mountain began to increase. 孢粉组合变化指示半荒漠草原处于一极度退化的阶段,而周围山地森林的退化开始缓解,气候冷湿。 www.fabiao.net 6. The religious poetry of almost all peoples is written in just such a semi-comprehensible language. 在各国人民的宗教诗几乎是写在这样一个半理解的语言。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The methods can be used for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of Sn and Fe in Ti-based alloys. 本法可用于钛合金中锡、铁元素的定性分析和半定量分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. the quality of the real estate laws and regulations are also still in a state of semi-mature. 对商品房质量的法律规范也还处于半成熟状态。 www.fabiao.net 9. Prior to further processing, surface defects on semi-finished products are removed, an operation known as conditioning. 在深加工之前,半成品的表面缺陷将被除去,即。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The man from the Czech republic showed some of the sublime touch that carried him to the semi final stage. 而捷克人也显示了强大的实力,这也是他能晋身半决赛的原因。 www.sdtvsports.com 1. However, he scored the only goal of the semi-final first leg against Arsenal and will play at right back this evening. 他在半决赛首回合中打进唯一进球,决赛中也将出任右后卫。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 2. An improvement in the state transition model of intrusion tolerance system is proposed and a semi-Markov process(SMP) model is built. 对入侵容忍系统状态转移模型进行了改进,以此构建了半马尔可夫过程(SMP)模型,并用该模型计算了各状态的稳态概率。 www.dictall.com 3. However, a weakness of relational databases is in storing documents with a semi-structured nature. 但是,关系数据库的弱势在于存储半结构化文档方面。 www.ibm.com 4. Thus, the semi-insulating nitride semiconductor crystal substrate in which warpage is less and cracking is less likely can be obtained. 由此,能获得其中翘曲较少且较不可能发生破裂的半绝缘氮化物半导体晶体衬底。 www.bing.com 5. They are still in with a chance of completing a remarkable quadruple having come through Sunday's FA Cup semi-final with Blackburn. 周日足总杯半决赛战胜了布莱克本后,切尔西仍然在继续着令人瞠目的四线作战。 bbs.qieerxi.com 6. A. Though I failed to break into the semi-finals the last season, I'll prepare harder this time and try to show a better performance. 虽然我在第一季半决赛陨落,这次我会更努力准备,努力为大家展现出更好的表现。 bbs.plu.cn 7. The invention discloses a semi-vertical reverberatory furnace for preparing sodium sulfide and a technique thereof. 本发明公开了一种制备硫化钠的半立式反射炉以及工艺。 ip.com 8. A convolutional coding concept with semi-determinative initial state is proposed along with its coding and decoding algorithm. 该文首次提出半定初态卷积编码的概念,并在此基础上给出了其编译码算法。 tech.zidian8.com 9. Then cutting temperature in high speed milling of titanium alloy TA15 was measured by an embedded semi-artificial thermocouple. 然后采用了夹丝半人工热电偶法对钛合金TA15的铣削温度进行了测量。 www.lw23.com 10. a semi-finished product is made into a finished product through the incense of the fresh flowers of the jasmine. 制成的半成品经过茉莉鲜花的熏香制成成品。 ip.com 1. When she was 86, she inexplicably sent me a photograph in which she was semi-naked posing for David in stockings and suspender belt. 当她86岁的时候,她莫名地寄给我一张照片,照片里她穿着长袜并且拉着带子半裸着对着David摆姿势。 www.bing.com 2. Each machine is designed to work with a range of accessories to create an integrated, semi- or fully automated packing line. 每台机器的设计与一系列的配件工作,建立一个综合,半自动化或全自动化包装生产线。 www.a1pak.net.cn 3. In this paper, we focus on the semi-automatic road feature extraction from remote sensing images by means of human-machine cooperation. 本文对从遥感影像采用人机协同的方式半自动提取道路进行了较为系统的研究。 www.lw23.com 4. When a metal is brought into contact with an n-type semiconductor, electrons will flew from the semi-conductor to the metal. 使一块金属与n型半导体接触时,电子将从半导体流到金属。 5. That said, Katla does seem to erupt on a semi-regular basis, with typical periods between eruptions of between 30 and 80 years. 那就是说,卡特拉正是在一个半正规的基础上喷发的,典型的周期是每次爆发之间相隔30到80年。 www.ecocn.org 6. The slots on the stator core are skewed slots forming certain angles with an axial line of the stator, and the slots are semi-closed slots. 所述定子铁心上的槽为与定子的轴线成一定角度的斜槽,并且所述槽为半闭口槽。 ip.com 7. Among his revolutionary ideas were the use of the penalty area semi-circle, goal judges and a second referee. 在他的革命性想法中包括使用禁区半圆、进球判断和一名第二裁判。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. Therefore, thorough research is carried out on the active control and semi-active control of adjacent structures in this paper. 所以本文就主要针对相邻结构体系的主动和半主动控制展开研究分析。 www.fabiao.net 9. Austerity is unavoidable, but Spain, Portugal, Ireland and others cannot be condemned to semi-permanent deflation. 紧缩是不可避免的,但我们不能让西班牙、葡萄牙、爱尔兰及其它国家进入半永久性通缩。 www.ftchinese.com 10. More complex changes might require the help of a scientist, making the collection of robots semi-autonomous rather than autonomous. 更复杂的改变也许会要求科学家们提供一些帮助,先将机器人变成半自主机器人,而不是自主机器人。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com |
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