单词 | bunker |
释义 |
复数:bunkers n. underground shelter,shelter,dugout,foxhole,ditch bunker 显示所有例句 例句释义: 掩体,地堡,煤舱,煤箱,把球击入了沙坑,碉堡,邦克,燃料 1. Without thinking, I said, "I'm not quite ready to dig a bunker in the backyard. " 想都不想,我就回答:“我还没太准备好在后院挖碉堡呢。” www.bing.com 2. But on a recent Sunday morning the only living things to be seen were two stray dogs and a dozen soldiers hunkered down in an old bunker. 不过,最近一个周日的上午,那里能看见的活物就只有两条闲荡的狗,和十来个盘腿坐在一座旧碉堡里的士兵。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Johnson, Dingee and a third soldier, Robert Hooker, were set up in a bunker at the top of the hill as the fight started. 这场战斗开始时,约翰逊,迪丹吉和另一个士兵,罗伯特胡克,守在山顶上的一个地堡里。 www.bing.com 4. The tension which had been building up to an almost unendurable point in the bunker broke. 地堡里一直不断加剧的几乎令人无法忍受的紧张气氛突然间被打破了。 www.8875.org 5. I get my gun, and if I can blow out one of these pylons, all of you run as fast as you can for the Sekiton storage bunker! 我去拿枪,要是我能轰掉一个铁塔,你们就跑向那个塞基顿地堡仓库,越快越好! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He made his deposit, he says, after inspecting the bunker's hardened-steel doors, which are strong enough to repel a tank blast. 他说在视察地下社区,看到了足以抵抗油罐爆炸的淬火钢门之后,他交了定金。 www.bing.com 7. current events into a bunker rake the sand into the first position away from the ball close, and easy to get the position. 在进入沙坑时事先将沙耙放到离球位近的、容易拿到的位置。 www.xiami360.com 8. A player making a stroke on the bank of a bunker hits the ball to the top of the bank. 一名球员在沙坑的堤岸上打球,他把球打到堤的顶部。 www.golftime.com.cn 9. She was the only prominent candidate for death in this bunker who displayed an admirable and superior composure. 她是这个地下室中唯一显贵的和注定要死的妇女,并且表现出一种令人钦佩和胜人一筹的镇静态度。 www.showxiu.com 10. The UN nuclear watchdog says in a report that Iran has doubled the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges it has in an underground bunker. 联合国核监督机构在一份报告中显示,伊朗已经对地下掩体中的铀浓缩离心机的数量进行加倍。 www.kekenet.com 1. So with a bunker, there's few key points that I wanna talk about that will allow you, if you are beginning, to get out of the bunker. 如果你是初学者,我所要说的这几点可以让你,很轻松地球将击出沙坑。 www.s1979.com 2. They saw two large holes where the bombs had torn through soil and reinforced concrete, to pierce what appeared to be an underground bunker. 他们看见了两个巨大的坑,这些坑是由爆炸撕裂泥土和加固混凝土后产生的,爆炸穿透了一个类似于地下堡垒的建筑。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. 'He would have had trouble getting out of any bunker in the country, ' concludes Mr. Mulak. 穆拉克断定,照奥巴马的打法,无论美国的哪个沙坑他很难将球打出去。 c.wsj.com 4. Build two Bunkers just a few feet down each road, spacing them tightly so no Zerg can get through without destroying a Bunker first. 建造两座掩体仅几英尺的路上,他们没有能紧紧地通过虫族不破坏掩体。 www.bing.com 5. Attention should be along the lines originally came out of the bunker. 注意应沿原先进来的路线走出沙坑。 www.xiami360.com 6. At the time of writing South Korean officials were engaged in a crisis meeting in an "underground bunker" , discussing their next move. 本文撰写之时,韩国政要们正聚集在“地下工作站”进行危机当前的重要会晤,商讨下一步举措。 www.ecocn.org 7. If you are deep in a bunker-like building or on the train, you may not be able to access websites. 如果你身处一个地堡式建筑的深处或者火车里,你可能无法打开网站。 www.bing.com 8. and he sent out word that no one in the bunker was to go to bed until further orders. 并传出命令,地堡里任何人不得就寝,等待下一步命令。 wenku.baidu.com 9. In a time of crisis, the plane is outfitted to serve the commander-in-chief as an aerial bunker. 遇到危机时刻,机上也有完善设备能作为最高统帅的空中碉堡。 www.taipeitimes.com 10. Thus the fate of the planet would rest on the shoulders of a few low-ranking officers sweating in a concrete bunker. 因此,地球的命运就落到了少数低级军官的肩上。 dongxi.net 1. The Battle of Bunker Hill, took place, with victory for the British under General Howe over American troops in the War of Independence. 美国独立战争中的邦克山战役打响,豪将军指挥的英军战胜了美国军队。 dict.bioon.com 2. As my partners and I approached the bunker, I pulled a small blue velvet satchel out of my golf bag. 我和同伴们来到障碍物旁,从高尔夫包里掏出一个蓝色的天鹅绒小包。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Fixed an error, which led to the blocking of the storyline quest completion at Yantar (the door to Sakharov's bunker couldn't be opened). 修正了一个错误,从而导致阻塞的故事追求完成Yantar(门萨哈罗夫的掩体无法打开)。 game.ali213.net 4. A static fortification made out of the nearest material that comes to hand, GLA infantry can be stationed inside this makeshift bunker. 一种利用手边的材料制成的静态防御工事。GLA的步兵可以进驻到这种类似的堡垒中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The last object within this update we have for you is a PAK trench system , also with an attached bunker. 我们为你呈上的本次更新的最后一样东西就是PAK战壕系统,也是跟一个碉堡连在一起的。 www.jukuu.com 6. Lieutenant Longgrrear, determined to die fighting rather than face capture and execution, decides to leave the bunker. 隆格利尔中尉决心战死也不愿被俘处决,他决定冲出掩体突围。 www.englishtide.com 7. How could I know about the bunker in the field what I never been? 我怎麽会知道我从没去过的田野上的碉堡? www.bing.com 8. And her husband should have been interrupted to be told about an airplane scare that sent her hurrying for cover in an underground bunker. 她的丈夫应该被不被告知一件送她入地堡的飞机险情。 bbs.putclub.com 9. he Perseus can smash through several metres of reinforced concrete and detonate only after it has gone into a bunker. 能击穿数米厚的钢筋混凝土,并在进入掩体之后才引爆。 www.ecocn.org 10. Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's Cabinet War dining room is shown in this undated handout photo in a bunker under London. 英国首相丘吉尔在二战时期的秘密地下掩体即将对公众开放。 www.hxen.com 1. You can see this most clearly when you take away someone's watch and you shut them into a bunker, deep underground, for a couple of months. 当你拿走某个人的手表,把他关进一个深入地下的地下堡垒关上几个月,你就能更清楚地观察到生物钟的作用。 www.ted.com 2. The illegal militants based house constructed with a reinforced concrete underground bunker last-ditch, to the police opened fire. 非法武装分子依据住宅内用钢筋混凝土构造的一个地下掩体负隅顽抗,并向警方开枪射击。 www.englishtang.com 3. Rumour has it that there is a giant bunker somewhere near the Barbican in London. 据传闻,在伦敦巴比肯附近有一个巨大的地下堡垒。 www.bing.com 4. A paramilitary bunker near the line dividing Indian from Pakistani Kashmir was ransacked this week, and a police station torched. 一个位于印、巴克什米尔地区分界线附近的准军事掩体设施于本周被洗劫一空,还有一处警察局被焚毁。 www.ecocn.org 5. One of the sets required building an underground bunker. When all scenes had already been shot, the bunker was dismantled. 其中一场需要建造一个地下室。当所有镜头拍摄完毕后,这个地下室就被拆掉了。 www.bing.com 6. He doesn't want, one day, to be dragged from a rat hole like Saddam Hussein or hauled from a bunker like the Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo. 他所不希望的是,有一天他会像萨达姆·侯赛因一样让人从老鼠洞里拽出来,或是像象牙海岸(科特迪瓦前总统)的洛朗·巴博一样让人从暗堡里押出来。 news.chinaunix.net 7. During her captivity she was held in a subterranean bunker which was initially equipped with just a bed, toilet and sink. 在自己的囚禁的日子里,她被关在一个地下的仓库里,所有的装备仅仅是一张床,一个厕所以及水槽。 www.bing.com 8. Oliver Wilson hits out of a bunker on the 14th hole from his knees during a practice round July 13. 奥利弗威尔逊点击了一个关于他的膝盖在14洞沙坑练习赛7月13日。 08062788.blog.163.com 9. Their plan asks people living near the structures to turn them into the "bunker of their dreams" . 他们计划邀请建筑物附近的人们,将它们变成“梦想的掩体”。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. THEY were locked away in an old ammunition bunker near St Louis, in dozens of cardboard boxes. 它们被锁藏在圣路易斯附近的一所旧弹药库里几十个硬纸箱子里面。 www.ecocn.org 1. This Georg Netzband painting from 1935, titled After the Air Attack, depicts Germans trapped in a bunker working together to get out. 这张由乔其.纳兹般于1935年创作的图画名为“空袭”,描绘了一群陷身地下掩体中的德国人正试图挖掘一条出路。 www.bing.com 2. There is but one bunker here, but that is all the player sees, thanks to its steep reverted face. 只有一个掩体这里,但这是所有的球员认为,其陡峭的revetted面对感谢。 www.igolfyou.cn 3. A cousin of Kanchana's, his wife and three children were killed, with about 20 others, when an army shell hit their makeshift bunker. 当政府军炮轰他们作为暂时栖身之所的仓库时,勘察娜的一个表哥,他的妻子和三个孩子以及将近20个人被政府军杀死了。 www.ecocn.org 4. When deployed, you can pop the cyborg in and out of the bunker to constantly EMP your attackers. 当被摧毁的时候,你还可以让电子生化人进出地堡以持续瘫痪敌人。 youxi.wo.tc 5. The president of S Africa, Joseph Zuma, hit the news recently for building a lavish underground bunker in his home town of Nkandla. 南非的总统,约瑟夫祖玛,最近因为在其家乡坎德拉村建造了一个豪华地堡而登上新闻。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The conference was to be held in the underground bunker, a cold, damp, airless shelter lined with concrete. 会议将在一个用混凝土衬砌的地下掩体里举行,那里阴暗湿冷而且空气稀薄。 www.kuenglish.info 7. The Metropole's official historian, Andreas Augustin, says that the bunker likely had an illustrious visitor in its early days. 该酒店的官方历史学家安德烈亚斯·奥古斯丁(AndreasAugustin)称,这个掩体在落成初期很可能接待过一位名人。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Long hitter can aim to bunker on the right side of the green, then carry all the fairway bunkers and leave yourself a chance for birdie. 长打球手可考虑瞄准果岭右边沙坑开球,越过右侧的所有球道沙坑,给自己留下个进攻“小鸟”球的机会。 sports.sina.com.cn 9. Unless you spent last week living in an underground bunker, you can't have failed to notice the climate change conference in Copenhagen. 如果你上一周不是在地下掩体中度过的,你就不会没有注意到“哥本哈根国际气候变化科学大会(climatechangeconferenceinCopenhagen)”。 www.bing.com 10. Yet even though they did not brag about it outside the bunker walls, some of these mercenaries were doing very well indeed. 但尽管这些“雇佣军”不在圈子外面吹牛,但其中一些人做得相当不错。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The drone's controllers, thousands of miles away in a bunker on the eastern seaboard of America, knew who they were. 位于数千里之外的美国东海岸的一个掩体中的无人驾驶侦察机的控制员却知道这些人是谁。 www.hotdic.com 2. The Massive Ordnance Penetrator, an American bunker-buster scheduled for deployment at the end of the year, weighs 15 times as much. 巨型钻地弹是美国计划年底部署的掩体炸弹,重量是它的15倍。 www.ecocn.org 3. THE PRECEDING DISCUSSION delineates a few of the problems with using nuclear bunker busters and the range of practical alternatives. 前面的讨论简单介绍了使用掩体爆破核弹和几种替代方案可能造成的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Still , growers go on with their business. Mr. Redmond works from a headquarters resembling a bunker in an industrial part of Caracas . 现在种植园主们还在进行作者自己的买卖,雷德蒙先生工作的总部像是坐落在加拉加斯工业区里的一个堡垒。 www.bing.com 5. Sixty-four years later, the world is still in the dark about what really happened in Hitler's bunker on 30 April 1945. 64年后的今天,世界对于1945年4月30日发生在希特勒地堡中的真相仍一无所知。 www.bing.com 6. The wounded soldier hurled his last bomb into the enemy bunker. 那位受伤士兵把最后一颗炸弹掷进了敌人的地堡。 www.hotdic.com 7. Such patterns, it seems, are a daily occurrence, and do not involve bunker busting! 这种模式,看起来每天都会发生,而且和地堡爆炸无关! apps.hi.baidu.com 8. MALLIKA This nuclear bunker used by the Ministry of Defense during the cold war is now a corporate fortress. 这个国防部在冷战时期使用的防核地下碉堡现在已成为一个公司安全堡垒。 www.kekenet.com 9. In later years, the bunker was blown up to stop it becoming a Nazi shrine. 几年之后,地堡被炸毁了,以免它成为纳粹分子参拜的神社。 www.bing.com 10. The entrance level is situated in the dunes as a bunker and consists of a guesthouse, besides the entrance functions. 入口层位于沙丘作为一个沙坑,包括宾馆,除了门口的职能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And this should allow me to make nice contact out of the bunker. 这样就可以让我非常扎实地去触球,将球打出沙坑。 www.s1979.com 2. "Igniting: five, four, three two, one, " a soldier shouted, yielding a thud from below the sand and a shake of the bunker. 一个士兵在喊:“五、四、三、二、一,起爆!”沙滩下传出一声巨响,碉堡震了一下。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This fact alone should make the bunker shot very easy to execute. 仅这一事实就可以使沙坑打球非常容易完成。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. In golfing slang, a ball half-buried in a sand bunker is called a "fried egg. " 在高尔夫球俚语中,一个半埋在沙堆中的球被称为“荷包蛋”。 www.elanso.com 5. Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte a military command bunker in the middle of the night was launched cruise missiles against the United Kingdom. 卡扎菲老家苏尔特一处军事指挥所的地下掩体在午夜时分遭到英国所发射巡航导弹的打击。 www.englishtang.com 6. Getting from point A (say, a sub) to point B (say, a bunker) requires an intricate set of negotiations that the Tomahawk handles on the fly. 从A地(比如潜艇)发射,攻击B地(比如掩体),战斧式巡航导弹飞行过程需要一系列复杂的指令。 www.bing.com 7. Some believe it was destroyed by Allied bombing, while others say the Nazis hid it in a mine or underground bunker. 有些人认为它毁于盟军轰炸,还有些人认为是纳粹把它藏到了一个矿井内或是地下掩体中。 www.bing.com 8. With a little practice on these fundamentals you can become a good bunker player. 在这个基础上,经过一些练习你就可以成为一个好的沙坑击球手了。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. The bunker, with vertical edge at the fairway has the same elevation at the bottom, throughout. 沙坑在球道的边缘是垂直的,且一直到底部的高度都是相同的。 wildfireapp.com 10. Bunker; bunker oil A heavy residual fuel oil used by ships, industry and for large-scale heating installations. 船用油;燃料油指一种用于船舶、工业和大型加热装置的重型燃料油。 www.chinacitywater.org 1. When taking your stance in a bunker dig your feet in a little for a solid foundation. 当摆站姿时,把脚向下埋以便有个稳定的基础。 www.1x1y.com.cn 2. ' Everybody's running, trying to get to the bunker. 大家都在乱跑,都想钻进掩体。 www.hudong.com 3. So it's not hard to see where Eritrea gets its bunker mentality from. 所以不难看出厄立特里亚人好斗精神的来源了。 www.bing.com 4. For the bunker distribution, the transport cost was reduced and its efficiency was improved after optimization. 对煤仓布局,经优化后可减少井下的运输费用,提高运输效率。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The main target is the bureaucracy, which has wielded extraordinary power from its bunker-like compound in Tokyo. 主要目标是政府机构,在像堡垒般严实的东京掌握着巨大的权力。 www.ecocn.org 6. Aircraft bombing, shooting, we use the telescope in the bunker in the side pull up hope, while a radio transmitter to report results. 飞机轰炸、射击时,我们在掩体里一边用望远镜撩望,一边用无线电发报机报告成绩。 www.97mysee.cn 7. I hit the ball into a bunker. 我把球打到沙坑里了! www.bing.com 8. His plan was to introduce poison gas into ventilation system in the bunker in Berlin during a full-dress military conference. 他的计划是在柏林地下室召开全体军事会议时将毒气送进通风设备。 tr.bab.la 9. April 28, as we have seen, had been a trying day in the bunker. 我们已经看到,4月28日是地下避弹室十分难熬的一天。 10. After the bomber aviation hadbeen de-escalated from Belarus, the bunker has been used as a communicationcenter of air forces until 2003. 白俄罗斯的轰炸机逐渐减少之后,直到2003年,这座地堡一直用于空军通信中心。 www.bing.com 1. Coal chutes should be carefully designed to permit the smooth flow of coal from bunker to pulverizer. 煤的管道应该被精心的设计以确保从原煤仓到磨煤机有平滑的流动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Wehrwolf, a 34-hour train ride from Berlin, boasted log cabins, each with its own concrete bunker. “狼人”,距离柏林34个小时的火车路程,是一群原木小屋,每个屋子地下都建有混凝土堡垒。 www.bing.com 3. But by the early 1960s the country boy was in his Johannesburg bunker urging all black African workers to down tools for three days. 但在1960年代初,这乡下孩子却陷在约翰内斯堡的困境里,敦促所有黑非洲工人罢工三天。 dongxi.net 4. MALLIKA That's one of the reasons why Geoff March moved his company's information to the bunker. 这是为什么杰奥夫·马奇把他的公司信息资料搬到了这个地下碉堡。 www.bing.com 5. The blast blew Dingee back into the front of the bunker. 爆炸的气浪把迪丹吉推回到了掩体的前面。 www.bing.com 6. The tools can be bought on a local high street and the command-and-control bunker can be a spare bedroom. 所用的工具能够在当地的大街上堂而皇之地买到,一间空房间就能充当指挥与控制的堡垒。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He was in a purpose-built bunker and had been there for some time. 他呆在一座特定用途的地堡里,已经有一段时间。 www.bing.com 8. The two halls were the heart of the bunker. 两个大厅是这座地堡的中心。 www.bing.com 9. We were in a bunker and there were bombs going off everywhere. 我们呆在碉堡里,到处都有炸弹在爆炸。 www.ftchinese.com 10. With the Allies advancing and Germany on the brink of defeat, Hitler retreated to his Berlin bunker. 随着盟军的推进,德国处于崩溃的边缘。希特勒撤退到了他在柏林的地堡内。 www.bing.com 1. Waste isWaste isdischarged discharged from the storage bunker into the feeding chute by an overhead crane. 通过卸料抓斗废物从贮料仓倒进进料槽。 www.emcc.cn 2. Because a sound cue is perfectly sufficient to tell us where Archie Bunker or Al Bundy has just been. 毕竟一个声音提示就足以告诉我们亚奇·邦克或者奥·邦迪刚才在哪。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Whatever the bunker-buster's destructive power, the next generation of bombs will dwarf it. 无论这种“堡垒终结者”的破坏力有多大,下一代炸弹都会令其相形见绌。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mr. Redmond works from a headquarters resembling a bunker in an industrial part of Caracas. 雷蒙德先生在加拉加斯工业区的一处形似碉堡的总部工作。 www.bing.com 5. Today the major clearance form rose, wing, guotai Junan securities, the new increased bunker short of the Lake, China increased bunker long. 今日主力净空单有所上升,永安、国泰君安、新湖增仓空头,中国国际增仓多头。 www.texclo.net 6. As the spine crawler finishes, 10 zerglings and a queen destroy the bunker as well as the accompanying SCVs. 当脊椎爬行者建造完成时,10只异化虫和1只女皇已摧毁了掩体和随行的工程兵群。 www.cnux.com 7. The eighth is too close to death to risk the lives of the others. The bunker becomes his grave. 剩下那个队员已经奄奄一息,不值得冒险去援救了,那座碉堡成了他的坟墓。 www.englishtide.com 8. We stand to attention for the Soviet anthem and hoisting of the red flag, and then down we go, into the freezing-cold bunker. 随后,我们一起立正,听着苏联的国歌响起,看着国旗升起。然后我们走进了冰冷彻骨的地堡。 www.bing.com 9. Necessary: Riflemen to your blue bunker, Riflemen to scout your opponent, Saboteur to capture your opponent's Tiberium Spike. 必要的:机枪兵派去你的蓝矿地堡,机枪兵去侦察你的对手,破坏者去占领对手的矿柱。 www.gamersky.com 10. My bunker timing was a bit off but his micro was awesome. 虽然有些尴尬,但是我真的想赢得比赛。 bbs.8da.com 1. The bunker was able to work independently for two weeks. 这座地堡能够独立运行两个星期。 www.bing.com 2. Inevitably, a sort of bunker mentality quickly set in. 一种背水一战的心态不可避免地很快产生了。 www.websaru.com 3. (CNN) -- Turning grandmothers into solar engineers is one of Sanjit "Bunker" Roy's favorite jobs. (CNN)——将祖母们变成太阳能工程师是Sanjit的“燃料节约者”罗伊做喜欢做的事。 www.bing.com 4. Today, my boyfriend and I were visiting a historical war bunker when I accidentally let rip a small fart. 今天,我和男友一起去参观一个战争纪念工事。 www.tianya.cn 5. Professor Jones agreed that scientists on both sides of the debate could suffer sometimes from a "bunker mentality" . 琼斯教授承认,有时,争论双方的科学家都会抱着“背水一战的心态”。 www.bing.com 6. Fact there was a 5. 8 in Washington DC and a 5. 3 in Colorado, falsehood it was bunker bombs set by New World Order contras. 事实是华盛顿和科罗拉多却是分别发生了5.8和5.3级地震,谎言是这是由世界新秩序反抗军安置的地堡炸弹造成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Is Saddam Hussein in a bunker sitting on cases containing weapons of mass destruction, preparing to blow the whole place up? 萨达姆·侯赛因是不是躲在掩体里面,坐在成箱的大规模杀伤性武器上,准备把整个地区炸飞? dongxi.net 8. The delivery note is set to multi-connected, on the client side of the bunker after receive required to deliver a copy of the receipt for! 送货单设为多联,客户方仓管接收后的回单必须交一份到公司! www.bing.com 9. What Archie Bunker means by the question is not contained by the question's grammar. 班克的通过问题表达的意义不能被语法所包含。 nkxufeng.bokee.com 10. Combat pilots, flying low to avoid radar, took out the guerrilla leader's bunker in a single mission. 在一次行动中,战斗机飞行员在低空飞行以躲避雷达,发现并炸毁了游击队领导所在的掩体? wenku.baidu.com 1. Taking the maximum of system total throughput as a objective, the method of determining the surge bunker rational size has been put forward. 以系统总产出能力最大为目标,给出了确定缓冲仓合理容积的方法。 www.chemyq.com 2. Vicino leads me into a smaller room, and the scent of old diesel recalls the bunker's Cold War vintage. 维奇诺把我带到一个小房间,房间里柴油机的气味不禁让人回想起地冷战时期的地下城堡。 www.bing.com 3. Nearby there's a French bunker, and the whole tunnel system is so complex that the two parties never met. 这是一个德国碉堡,附近还有一个法国碉堡,正个隧道系统非常错综复杂,两方面始终都没遇上过。 www.ted.com 4. Yet her sheer size created a bunker against the outer world. She would protect me against all my foes. 但她硕大的尺寸像碉堡一样把外间世界隔开,会保护我不受所有敌人的侵害。 www.ebigear.com 5. While O'Malley landed his second shot 17 feet slightly uphill from the pin, Lewis hit his approach into a green side bunker. 奥马利的第二杆打到了距离销子17码的略上坡,刘易斯把球打上了果岭沙坑。 www.1872.net 6. rather than two separate fairways, which rarely work, adding a key interior bunker can often dictate the need to make a choice from the tee. 与其使用将球道分开这种很少有效的到方法,不如增加一个主要的内在沙坑,这样常常能提示球手在发球台就需要做出决定。 www.igolfyou.cn 7. The results showed that FMCW radar can be used to measure the stock level of blast furnace bunker accurately. 结果表明,调频连续波雷达能够准确测量料仓料位高度。 www.chemyq.com 8. Adolf Hitler and his closest associates had sought shelter in a command bunker before the fall of Berlin. 在柏林失守之前,希特勒和他的最亲密的助手在一个司令堡里已经找到了掩蔽处。 wenku.baidu.com 9. I mean for beginners, it's nice if they can just to get the ball out of the bunker. 我是说那些初学者,觉得能将球打出沙坑就很满意了。 www.s1979.com 10. Big ticket items like creating the bunker or paying for a private militia can thus be shared. 这样一来例如建造地堡或是供养军队等高价项目就可以由大家共同承担。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Garrison each Bunker with Marines and at least one Firebat then post a couple of SCVs in Auto-Repair mode nearby. 每个碉堡和海军驻守和至少一个喷火兵然后贴几名scvAuto-Repair模式在附近。 www.bing.com 2. If one considers the categories of martial endeavor from bottom to top, from the bunker to Berlin, one can see what he means. 如果有人分门别类地从下到上、从前沿阵地到柏林总指挥部对德国人的军事努力认认真真地考察一番,一定明白他想告诉大家什么。 dongxi.net 3. Bathed in an abundance of natural light, the house is far more glamorous than your typical underground bunker. 沐浴在充足的阳光中,这栋住宅的魅力不言而喻。 arch.mr926.me 4. The Battle Bunker is the secondary ability of the Combat Engineer, it gives your infantry an extra protection and buffs their range by 100%. 战斗碉堡是战斗工程师的第二能力,它可以为你的步兵提供一个额外的保护,使他们的射程增加100%。 a.kk55.net 5. In preparation of WikiLeaks publication of a video of a fatal U. S. helicopter attack, you did work in a "bunker" in Greenland. 《时代》周刊:上一次,维基解密准备发布一段美军直升机血腥攻击的视频录像时,你说你是在格陵兰的某处“掩体”中完成了工作。 www.bing.com 6. Who wrote the hieroglyphics on the wall in Ben's hidden bunker, and what do they mean? 是谁在石墙上留下了那些象形文字,它们是什么意思?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The outlet is mainly the sea transportation ships and the engineering ship bunker oil supply. 销售对象主要是海上运输船舶及工程船燃料油的供应。 www.huochepi.com 8. The U. S. has already created small "bunker-buster" nukes that can penetrate underground targets. 美国已经制造了能够打击地下目标的小型“碉堡克星”核弹。 www.bing.com 9. the use of the interior bunker creates playability and width from the tee for a weaker player. 使用内在沙坑能为水平较低的球员制造玩打性和增大发球台发球的面积。 www.igolfyou.cn 10. Is the vessel fitted with a crossover at the bunker manifold ? 燃料舱管汇上装有十字管吗?。 www.bing.com 1. We didn't have the facility of a safe bunker. The artillery hit directly on the hospital and caused this damage. 炮弹直接击中了医院以导致这样的损失。 www.bing.com 2. Hangzhou West Lake International Golf Course is the most unique two-way swing open driving range, putting and bunker practice range. 杭州西湖国际高尔夫球场最具特色的就是开放式的双向挥杆练习场、推杆和沙坑练习场。 www.chuncui.cn 3. The upper floor of the bunker is on the same level with the ground surface. It consists of multiple passages and empty rooms. 这座地堡的上面一层楼与地面在同一平面。这层楼面上有多条过道和多个空房间。 www.bing.com 4. Bunker shots from the terraces above or below the green require finesse to hold the flat quick green. 从果岭之上或之下的梯田进行沙坑击球需要巧妙地快速把持平坦的果岭。 wildfireapp.com 5. Dog-leg hole Ground under repair Grass bunker Bare ground Casual water Bunker sand trap sand bunker ? Side bunker ? Sand box ? 狗腿洞整修地草坑裸地临近积水沙坑?侧面沙坑?沙箱一、高尔夫球场? wenku.baidu.com 6. Everyone scrambled to the main bunker, where we wondered if war was on. 大伙儿争先恐后地跑进防空堡,我们都想知道是不是战争开始了。 dongxi.net 7. Inside the bunker itself, fire-proof and dust-proof floors and walls were installed to further protect the manuscripts. 在书库内,整修后增添了防火和防尘的墙板,更好地保护这些手卷。 www.bing.com 8. Today the bulk of effort to develop bunker-smashers in Western countries employs conventional weaponry. 如今,西方国家大多数寻找粉碎掩体的方法的努力都使用常规武器。 www.ecocn.org 9. If the North were to attack, 500 islanders could take shelter in this bunker. 如果朝鲜准备攻击,500名岛民可以躲避在这个地堡中。 www.kekenet.com 10. They bored through 80 centimeters of steel-reinforced concrete, breached the bunker's ceiling and dropped in a camera. 他们在80厘米厚的钢筋加固的混凝土上打出了一个钻孔,从顶部放了一个摄像头下去。 chinese.wsj.com 1. pedestrians, cars and road signs from obstacles is equivalent to the role of the bunker. 行人,汽车和道路标志相当于起障碍作用的沙坑。 www.fishjava.com 2. In a former military bunker and nuclear shelter under Stockholm's city streets. 在斯德哥尔摩城市街道之下一个废弃的核掩体里。 dongxi.net 3. Strategic Missile Force personnel leaving an underground bunker after an exercise. 1966年,演戏结束后,战略导弹部队的人员离开地下掩体。 bbs.cnnas.com 4. The government convened an emergency meeting in the war bunker of the presidential office. 韩国政府在总统府的战争掩体内召开了紧急会议。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Are bunker tanks fitted with a full depth gauging system ? 如果是,燃料舱高位报警器是主测量系统的一部分吗?。 www.bing.com 6. That means that in voters' mind the orientation of three clusters is equal to the pan-blue camp's ticket bunker. 即表示在选民的心目中这三个集群的定位是类似的就是泛蓝的票仓。 7. The zerg player also sets down a spine crawler by the expansion, which will help attack the bunker. 虫族玩家在分矿造了一个尖啸地刺来辅助攻击碉堡。 nb.beareyes.com.cn 8. In addition, the environmentalists on the use of strong opposition from the bunker will greatly increase the cost of maritime transport. 此外,环保人士对使用船舶燃油的强烈反对也将大大增加海上运输的成本。 www.bing.com 9. When winter arrives I usually bunker up at home and try not to go outif I don't have to. 当冬天来临,通常在家我会早起,如果我没有穿好衣服我会尽量少外出。 www.bing.com 10. Mr Misch fled Hitler's bunker just hours before it was seized by the Red Army. 在红军占领地堡的前几个小时,米施先生从地堡里逃了出来。 www.bing.com 1. I wanted to stay alive, get out of the bunker and be able to pay for my kids to go to school. 我想活命,想冲出碉堡,想有能力付孩子的学费。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Each bunker location has been well stocked with supplies and food stuffs, and most are shared by more than one family or group. 每个地堡都存货充足,并且大多数会由不止一个家庭或团体来分享。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He then discovers that the smoothed area of the bunker is on his line of play. 随后他发现沙坑的平滑区是在他的打球路线上。 www.golftime.com.cn 4. From here the coal is conveyed to a 500 tone bunker located over the coke ovens. 然后,将煤输送到一个容量为500吨的、位于焦炭炉上方的料仓中。 www.jukuu.com 5. The name of the bunker is tiled in there. 地堡的名字被装饰在那儿。 www.bing.com 6. news arrived at the bunker where Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were separated from the outside world. 消息传到了阿道夫·希特勒和爱娃·勃劳恩居住的与外界隔绝的地堡里。 wenku.baidu.com 7. A two-storey bunker is hidden in the forest not far from abig military aerodrome. It was built in 1970s. 一个大的军用机场不远处的一片森林里藏着一座建于20世纪70年代的两层楼地堡。 www.bing.com 8. The bunker and the discharge hole are connected into integration, and the magnetizing passage is formed. 料仓和出料口联为一体,形成一个磁化通道。 ip.com 9. Gbagbo, who has taken refuge in an underground bunker. 据信巴博正在一个地下掩体里藏身。 www.voanews.com.cn 10. His government's bunker-like mentality has damaged communication with voters. 他领导的政府僵化的态度已损坏与选民的沟通。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. Because radiation levels didn't rise after the explosion, we can be pretty certain that the bunker is still intact. 因为爆炸后辐射等级没有上升,我们能很确信燃料库是毫无损失的。 www.bing.com 2. No, Churchill's secret bunker was in Private Eye's favourite north London suburb, Neasden. 不,丘吉尔的秘密地下堡垒在《侦探》杂志最喜爱的伦敦北郊,尼斯登。 www.bing.com 3. In the electric light of bunker much remained to be done. 在地下避弹室的灯光下,还有许多事情要做。 www.kuenglish.info 4. His firm makes a bunker- buster which weighs about as much as a small car. 他们公司制造了一种重量约与一部小型汽车相当的掩体炸弹。 dict.kekenet.com 5. He will shortly lead a similarly high-profile drive to tackle excessive spending in state-owned firms, another bureaucratic bunker. 枝野幸男不久将领导一场备受瞩目的类似革命,以处理国有公司及其它官僚机构过度花费的问题。 www.ecocn.org 6. Haven't you seen me building my underground bunker? I'll be safe there if Canada, or anyone else, strikes. 你有没有看到我在建设我的地下掩体?即使加拿大或其他任何国家发动攻击,我也会很安全。 www.kekenet.com 7. The girl was held at a bunker until being rescued after sending a text message for help. 这名少女被囚禁在一个煤仓里,直到向外发出一条求救信息后才获救。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Gradually power has slipped away from the Downing Street bunker. 渐渐权利从唐宁街内部溜走了。 www.ecocn.org 9. The four-storey bunker was built in 1959 to withstand strikes from Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles. 这座4层的地堡于1959年落成,用来抵抗苏联的洲际弹道导弹。 www.bing.com 10. Bunker fuel is a viscous and highly polluting substance left over from refining oil. 船用燃料油是炼油剩余下的一种粘性且高污染物质。 dongxi.net 1. Dogleg left , downhill tee shot, OB , bunker on the left, then uphill approaching. 左狗腿,先下山后上斜,左边有OB和沙池。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This variation brings different hazards into play, whether it is a bunker or even a cultivated rice paddy. 这种变异会给打球带来不同的障碍,不论是坑洼或甚至是耕种的稻田。 wildfireapp.com 3. Issue the Hold order to all combat troops; you don't want them wandering too far from the Bunker. 给所有部队下达原地防守的命令,你不会想他们跑的离地堡太远的。 www.bing.com 4. afar, such as Camel No. 8 hole roller, the ball impact point higher, otherwise you will fall into the bunker or the left side of the slope. 8号洞远望如骆驼碾子,对球的落点要求较高,否则就会掉入沙坑或左侧的斜坡。 www.chuncui.cn 5. Stanley Kubrick saw a dark humour in the netherworld of the "democratic" bunker. 斯坦利·库布里克从“民主”地下堡垒的地底世界中看到了一种黑色幽默。 www.bing.com 6. I settle on a banquette in the glass-enclosed "no smoking" bunker and order a coffee. 我在由玻璃围起来的“无烟区”包房里的沙发长椅上坐下,点了一杯咖啡。 www.ftchinese.com 7. but this is buried some 15-18 metres under soil and concrete, and modern bunker-busting bombs might not be able to destroy it. 但是这是埋在地下15—18米的土壤和水泥混凝土之间,而先进的“掩体克星”导弹不能够摧毁它。 club.topsage.com 8. Since greenside bunker shots travel only a short distance, the golfers will swing short and easy, which is also incorrect. 而因为果岭边沙坑球飞行距离很短,高尔夫球手就挥得短而不用力,这同样也是错误的。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. Interviewer: You're sitting here. They call this house where we are the bunker. 记者:你坐在这里。他们把我们在的这座房子称为燃料舱。 www.tingroom.com 10. Bunker-busters work best if they detonate after burrowing into the ground. “堡垒终结者”若能在钻入地下以后再引爆,效果最好。 www.ecocn.org 1. The single pot bunker that is flush against the center of the green dictates the approach, depending on the angle of approach. 单罐型沙坑,是违反中央的绿色刷新支配的方法,根据角度的方法。 www.igolfyou.cn 2. Multiple pipelines of the bunker have remained. 这座地堡许多管道留了下来。 www.bing.com 3. A long tiled passage leads to the main part of the bunker. 一条用瓷砖装饰的过道通向地堡的主要部分。 www.bing.com 4. An hour earlier, Ruta Vanagaite, the creator of the Soviet Bunker, was setting the mood. 一小时前,露塔(RutaVanagaite)正在营造气氛,她也是这个苏联地堡游览项目的策划人。 www.bing.com 5. Commenced bunkering into reserve bunker tanks. 开始向备用燃料舱装燃料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Why these three criteria above all others? They are what is driving an explosive growth in underground bunker construction worldwide. 为什么这三个标准高于一切吗?他们是什么推动在世界范围的地下掩体建设的爆炸性增长。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. Is spill containment fitted under all bunker manifolds ? 所有燃料舱管汇下面是否装有溢油容器?。 www.bing.com 8. A BBC correspondent who visited the site said one bunker was still burning. 访问了现场的BBC记者表示,其中一个武器库仍然在燃烧。 www.voanews.cn 9. Either one is valuable; we prefer the Fortified Bunker option (Bunkers gain 150 health) but the Shrike Turret is nice too. 随便哪个都是很有用的,我们更加偏向于强化地堡(地堡加150生命值),不过伯劳炮台也不错。 www.bing.com 10. The third shot up and over one large bunker is the key to scoring well on this hole. 第三杆必须向上飞越一个大沙坑,这是确保在此夺得高分的关键。 www.bing.com 1. Brian Camden, the CEO of the Colorado firm Hardened Structures, says his bunker sales have increased by 40 percent since 2005. 布莱登?卡姆登,科罗拉多州HardenedStructures公司首席执行官称他的地下社区销售自2005年增长了40%。 www.bing.com 2. The remnants of the division went down fighting around Hitler's bunker in Berlin in April 1945. 这个市的残余部队在1945年4月的柏林战役中一直战斗在希特勒地堡的周围。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Little Warren Buffett was getting a peek inside the bunker's gold-plated doors. 年幼的沃伦-巴菲特得以一瞥镀金大门里面的景象。 www.ftchinese.com 4. GIBSON PRAISE waking up suddenly in the underground bunker . 基普森普雷兹在地下仓库中突然醒来。 www.bing.com 5. This helps "couple" the explosion to the ground so that shock waves designed to collapse a bunker travel deeper. 这样,炸弹能够深深地插入地面,将摧毁地堡的冲击波射向更深之处。 www.ecocn.org 6. A pl ayers ball is lying on gr ass-covered ground within a bunker. 一名球员的球停在了沙坑里有草覆盖的地方。 www.showxiu.com 7. Physically the bunker shot is the easiest shot in golf because it has the greatest margin for error. 从体能方面来说,沙坑击球是高尔夫中最简单的击球,因为它对失误有最大的容许度。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. A convoy passed a village as viewed from a bunker at Outpost Bari Alai in Kunar. 一个车队经过一个村庄,从一个前哨基地巴里阿莱在库纳尔的碉堡,观看。 www.56gk.com 9. Come out from the other side of the street, crossing the street is the bunker bus station, sit 11 road to new road. 从街的另一端出来,过马路就是地堡公交站,坐11路去往新马路。 en.cnxianzai.com 10. A players tee shot comes to rest in a bunker in front of the putting green. 一名球员把球发到了果岭前面的沙坑里。 www.golftime.com.cn 1. Sir, to the bunker is one hundred and eighty yards. 从发球台到沙坑是一百八十码。 www.sga-golfers.com 2. Appoints agent in foreign port to attend ship or arrange bunker. 委任各港口的代理商打理船只和补给燃料; www.vtc.edu.hk 3. The US announced two weeks ago that it would sell Israel 1, 000 bunker-busting bombs. 美国两周前宣布将向以色列出售1000枚碉堡克星炸弹(注1)。 www.bing.com 4. Putting a Bunker here also gives you a head start on defending the gap later. 在这边放一个地堡也能帮助你接下来在此的防守。 www.bing.com 5. What if Muammar Qaddafi sits out the raids in his bunker? 若是卡扎菲只呆在地堡里,不理睬这次袭击会怎样呢? www.ecocn.org 6. Sisters, there's no bunker called "south bunker" on my map. 男脸说:“姐妹们,你们地图上有南塔这个塔吗?” blog.sina.com.cn 7. Nicholas tried to chip onto green But Ball 1MRS over and lands in Bunker. 尼古拉斯试图将球击往果岭,但球越过果岭落在了沙坑。 www.tdict.com 8. to the bunker is one hundred and eighty yards. 从发球台到沙池是一百八十码。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Seal off the launch bunker. 把火箭仓库锁上。 bbs.aq0556.com 10. What was Bunker Hill? 邦克山是什么? bbs.phpchina.com 1. Who Kuo star, risking the night fire, still carve wind fluttering, in our military bunker? 谁的阔条明星,冒着一夜炮火,依然锓风招展,在我军碉堡上? zhidao.baidu.com 2. They are well-organized as some gerbils hunt for food while others guard the bunker. 牠们分工非常细腻,有沙鼠负责觅食,也有沙鼠负责保卫地堡。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 3. If late could exceed 30, 000 integer points, and the position is steadily increasing, the investor may continue to increase bunker. 倘若后期能突破3万整数关口,且持仓也稳步增加,则投资者可继续增仓多单。 www.texclo.net 4. She plays Frankie, a school lust-object who takes part in an exclusive mini-party in a disused bunker. 她扮演Frankie,参加一个位于废弃煤仓的独家迷你派对的反学校分子。 www.bing.com 5. We in the den - bunker SS (SS) a German staff of times of the second world war. 我们处在第二次世界战争时期的一个德国军事机构匪窟的掩体里SS(SS)。 www.wda.com.cn 6. Always keep an SCV behind each Bunker for swift repair. 总是让一个SCV在地堡后面随时进行维修。 www.bing.com 7. Be sure to post an SCV in Auto-Repair mode just behind each Bunker. 保证每个地堡旁边都跟着一个开着自动修理的SCV。 www.bing.com 8. Unpellatized sawdust lead to the problems of excessive tar production, inadmissable pressure drop and lack of bunker flow. Unpellatized木屑导致焦油生产过量的问题,被拒入境的压力下降,缺乏流动的掩体。 www.tech-domain.com 9. Instead, there is more talk of tightening sanctions and developing even bigger bunker-busting bombs. 取而代之,他现在更多谈到的是加强制裁和研发更为巨大的钻地炸弹。 www.ecocn.org 10. 13A convoy passed a village, as viewed from a bunker at Outpost Bari Alai in Kunar. 护航队经过一个村庄,从卡纳尔巴里阿莱哨岗的地堡拍到此图。 www.bing.com 1. But that hour inside the bunker was the first time on Yeonpyeong that I felt there were so many people around me. 但是在防空堡的那段时间是我在延坪岛第一次感觉,我周围有这么多人。 dongxi.net 2. In bunker, we wanna have our weight balance in the middle. 打沙坑球时,重心平衡应该保持在身体中间。 www.s1979.com 3. What is the number of bunker connections per side? 每侧的燃料管接头数量? www.dinghengshipping.com 4. it left that smell of bitter almonds in the bunker . . 它在掩体里留下了那种苦杏仁味。。 www.ichacha.net 5. In other cities, if a player gets criticized too "harshly" he exercises a bunker-down mentality that makes him Public Enemy No. 1. 在其他的城市,如果一个队员受到的批评太苛刻会使他的精神崩溃以至于成为一号公敌。 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. The third chapter analyzes the issues existing in Bunker Oil Convention. 第三部分讨论《燃油公约》存在的问题。 www.fabiao.net 7. Height between base surface of coal feeder and coal bunker outlet. 给料机基础平面与磨煤机入口之间的高度。 www.sepm.com.cn 8. or setting a bunker into natural rise in the ground, instead of building a bunker ar 270 yards from the back tee. 我们会在一个自然的起伏出设定一个沙坑,而不是在距离职业发球台270码的地方摆一个沙坑。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "Better than the WikiLeaks bunker? " I asked. “比维基解密还保密?”我问。 cn.nytimes.com 10. Hitler's blowup came at the daily military conference in the bunker at 3 p. m. 希特勒在下午三点每天例行的地下室军事会议上大发雷霆。 www.kuenglish.info 1. Are all cargo and bunker tank lids closed? 所有液货舱舱口盖均已关闭? www.shipman.org.cn 2. Bunkering : To fill a ship's Bunker with coal or oil. 装入燃料:往船的燃料仓中添加装煤或油。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A rebel fighter enters a bunker of the main Moammar Gadhafi compound in Bab Al-Aziziya in Tripoli, LIbya, Thursday, Aug. 2011年8月25日,在利比亚的的黎波里,一名反对派人员进入到穆阿迈尔?卡扎菲在阿齐齐亚主要建筑的一个掩体中。 m.yeeyan.org 4. The bunker was destroyed in 1947 and eventually paved over. 元首地堡在1947年被摧毁,并最终在其上方铺上了公路。 www.bing.com 5. Rory McIlroy watches a bunker shot during practice July 14. 罗里麦克罗伊手表在练习沙坑杆7月14日。 08062788.blog.163.com 6. That's why he had this bunker built down here. 所以他修建了这地下堡垒 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And in Texas, ham operators have a place at the table in the emergency bunker in Austin along with the high-tech communications experts. 而在德克萨斯州,业余无线电爱好者依靠高科技在奥斯汀的一个应急掩体中与专家交流。 www.bing.com 8. The picture shows the Pionen data center, 100ft below ground in a former Cold War nuclear bunker in Stockholm, Sweden. 照片显示的是这个地下数据中心Pionen,距离地面100英寸,位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩市一个冷战期间的旧核掩体中。 www.kekenet.com 9. Built in 1938, the top-secret bunker was codenamed Paddock. 建于1938年的最高机密地下堡垒代号“围场”。 www.bing.com 10. The bunker is situated in the forest. 这座地堡位于森林里。 www.bing.com 1. May: Andy, every time I saw you practicing, and I saw you play the bunker, your swing is very beautiful. I see that. 安迪,每次我看你练球,看你打沙坑球时,你的挥杆动作非常的漂亮,真的。 www.s1979.com 2. The bunker is designed to withstand a newlear blast. 地堡被设计成能够抵御核爆炸 wenku.baidu.com 3. Most people will build two Buzzers as that can take down a bunker with one Riflemen garrisoned in it. 大多数人会建造两队蜂群,这样就能够清掉只有一队机枪兵驻守的地堡。 www.ux98.com 4. The Neosteel Frame research upgrade adds 2 more slots to each Bunker and 5 more slots to your Command Centers. NeosteelFrame的研究升级可以增加额外2个格地堡空间和增加5格指挥中心的装载空间。 www.bing.com 5. They then all went and took the third bunker with little trouble. 然后他们一拥而上,毫不费力的拿下了第三个地堡。 www.bing.com 6. Short and right there is a big hollow and a deep bunker. 那里右手边附近是一个大空地和一个大沙坑。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. fill a ship's bunker with coal or oil. 给船的燃料舱装煤或油。 www.hotdic.com 8. You gotta have a nice wide stance in the bunker to support your swing. 在沙坑中,一定要有一个足够宽的站姿来支撑你的挥杆。 www.s1979.com 9. Vessel has still to bunker 100 tonnes of fuel. 船舶仍可以加100吨燃油。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And so we rushed down this marble staircase to the bunker. 所以,我们就顺着大理石台阶冲下楼,进入了防空洞。 chinese.wsj.com |
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