单词 | screen display |
释义 | 例句释义: 屏幕显示,萤幕显示,荧屏显示,屏幕字符 1. All Chinese screen display, no codes appear. Convenient for patients to understand the card status, also to lower down the medical disputes. 萤幕显示全中文化无代码,方便病患了解卡片状态,降低医疗纠纷之可能。 www.teco.com.tw 2. The Place, which boasts the biggest single screen display in Asia, is among the most eye-catching and energy intensive. 拥有亚洲最大单屏显示器的广场是最引人注目的能源密集地之一。 www.bing.com 3. Ghosd is written in part as a library of functions to help your applications use the on-screen display design metaphor. Ghosd是部分作为函数库编写的,用于帮助应用程序使用屏幕显示设计隐喻。 www.ibm.com 4. Different stylesheets allow for your XML to be displayed appropriately for different media, such as screen display versus print display. 不同的样式表可让XML提供不同媒介的适当显示,比如屏幕显示和打印显示。 www.ibm.com 5. Multi-image when the screen can vary arbitrarily adjust not only the side of the screen display can also be flipped. 多画面时画面可大可小,可任意调节,画面不但可以侧面显示,也可翻转。 www.ccbn.cn 6. LED panel has been bought into wide use as a means of realizing large screen display. LED拼接显示屏作为实现大屏幕显示的一种方法也得到了广泛的使用。 www.fabiao.net 7. The colored Plasma Display Panel becomes the first choice of the large screen display by the superior performance. 彩色等离子体显示器以优越的性能成为大屏幕显示器件的首选。 www.fabiao.net 8. A false positive will be counted if a product is considered to have flagged a file clearly as infected in its log or on-screen display . 如果产品在它的日志或屏幕上的显示,被考虑明显地下垂了文件如被传染假阳性将计数。 www.showxiu.com 9. Generic fount: A fount used in screen display or a proof printer to represent an entire category of higher-quality output founts . 总字体:萤幕显示或稿样印字机用的字体,它代替输出用的高品质字体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Luckily, alternatives abound, including several devices that use E Ink screen-display technology. 幸运的是,我们还有许多其他选择,包括几款使用EInk萤幕显示技术的设备。 c.wsj.com 1. The invention relates to a display screen display control system and method. 本发明涉及一种显示器屏幕显示控制系统与控制方法。 ip.com 2. We are confident that most, if not all, of the time, our row will not change during the screen display. 我们确信大多数情况下,行不会在屏幕显示时改变。 www.ibm.com 3. On-screen display orientation, desktop switching, even game control and real-time 3D models of the tilt of the laptop are now available. 屏幕显示方向、桌面切换、甚至是游戏控制和实时的笔记本倾斜度3D模块现在都已经可以使用了。 www.ibm.com 4. Large screen display systems have been widely in power system control centers. 大屏幕显示系统已在电力系统各类控制中心被广泛使用。 www.apshe.cn 5. Hundreds of investors watch the big-screen display of prices; their eyes fixed on their stocks, their ears fixed to their mobile phones. 众多投资者的眼光都聚焦在显示价格的大屏幕上;尽管他们眼光死死的盯着他们的股票,可耳朵边却一直挂着手机。 www.ecocn.org 6. The wide-screen display reportedly also features the most brilliant colors and finest resolution ever imagined. 据说它的宽屏显示屏还能展现出世界上最明亮的色彩和能想象出的最好的分辨率。 www.bing.com 7. Information meetings on both sides of the rostrum with large-screen display system. 主席台两侧设有会议信息大屏幕显示系统。 wenwen.soso.com 8. When it flips horizontally, the screen display will be doubled and users can watch TV and browser web more comfortable. 水平打开的时候可以变成双屏,这样用户可以更加舒适地浏览网页或看电视。 www.bing.com 9. A wonderful man-machine dialogue interface: A color touch-screen display, easy for operation. 卓越的人机界面彩色触摸屏人机界面,操作简单直观。 www.metalnews.cn 10. Oil metering counting. Main principal axis revolution, toothed bar stroke, in advance angle use 4 screen display and digital display. 量油计数、主轴转速、齿杆行程、提前角度,均采用四位数显。 b2b.88152.com 1. LCD screen display, man-machine dialogue, graphic display interface. 液晶屏幕显示,人机对话,图形显示界面。 www.18show.cn 2. Electronic thermostat control, large LCD screen display. 温控器采用电子控制技术,大液晶屏显示。 www.51sole.com 3. To resolve these problems above, this paper puts forward a way for large-scale LED lattice screen display system based on ARM embedded. 针对上述问题,提出了一种基于ARM嵌入式的大型LED点阵屏显示系统设计方案。 www.opticsjournal.net 4. The processing device also incorporates a means for updating the on-screen display in response to User menu item selection (555) . 该处理设备也加入一个用于响应用户菜单项选择(555)更新屏幕显示的装置。 www.showxiu.com 5. A considerable number of screen display or a metaphor for male and female copulate action. 相当数量的画面显示或隐喻了男女交媾的动作。 www.nn5566.com 6. Provides a way to print contents of a graphics screen display. 提供一个在图形界面中显示内容的方法。 admin.it208.com 7. Split-screen display for on-line comparison between measured and reference A-scans. 用于被检测的和参考的A扫描之间的在线比较的多画面显示。 rywen.net 8. Adjusting the screen display so the contrast is high and the brightness feels comfortable. 调整你的显示器的亮度和对比度,让你的眼睛觉得舒服为准。 www.hxen.com 9. LLGP has a nice KDE theme, xmms with on-screen display so you can see the song title while playing a game -- and of course, a lot of games. LLGP有一个很好的KDE主题、具有显示屏的xmms,这样就可以在玩游戏时看到歌曲的标题了——当然,里面还提供了很多游戏。 www.ibm.com 10. When you send a page in e-mail, the default spacing for horizontal rules is optimized for screen display. 当您使用电子邮件发送页面时,默认的用于水平标尺的间距将被优化以用于屏幕显示。 office.microsoft.com 1. and radar data fusion, in the traffic monitor to achieve the same screen display and tracking. 与雷达数据融合,在交通显示器上实现同屏显示与跟踪。 www.hbzxr.com 2. The U2412M's energy consumption figures are also readily available via the on-screen display (OSD) menu. U2412M的能源消费数字也一应俱全,通过屏幕上显示(OSD)菜单。 bbs.pczilla.net 3. A tie in with the popular kid's series Ben 10, it's a big fancy watch with an LCD screen display that lets you shoot aliens. 是很受欢迎的儿童动画片《少年骇客》的衍生品。这是一款别致有液晶显示屏可以射击外星人的大块头手表。 www.ryedu.net 4. Large screen display, more intuitive to Inspect. 超大屏幕显示,查阅更为直观 www.hjenglish.com 5. NET technology framework to develop a graphical interface based on dialog window to make the screen display more friendly and popular. NET技术架构,开发基于对话框窗口的图形界面,使得屏幕显示更加通俗易懂,大众化而又易于被受。 www.boshuo.net 6. The E-Wave? is easy to program with a digital on-screen display. 该款产品编程简单,采用数字屏幕显示。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. Touch screen display, convenient and quick parameter setting. 3. 触摸屏显示,参数设定方便快捷。 www.sqiye.com 8. With a LCD screen display, from the mouth connected to P3 Singlechip 8 switch, with the right DS18B20 Number corresponds to. 用一个液晶屏显示,从单片机P3口接上8个开关,与右边的DS18B20编号对应。 www.pudm.net 9. The station broadcast a video screen display, a room in the Golf Hotel, Gbagbo and several senior aides together. 这家电视台播放的一段视频画面显示,在高尔夫酒店一个房间里,巴博与几名高级助手在一起。 www.englishtang.com 10. Is a revolutionary breakthrough in conventional screen display, will promote the development of lead across an industry. 是传统屏幕显示革命性的突破,必将推动引领一个行业的跨越发展。 www.ccbn.cn 1. Automatic Weld Parameter SET-Up including Pnelmate screen display. 焊接参数自动设定,包括盘面屏幕显示 dict.ebigear.com 2. The school colors of a picture when you look for in specific parameter values and not only on screen display. 校色时答垂青图片的抽象参数值而不克不及仅靠屏幕外现。 www.bing.com 3. They have a small touch-screen display and audio speaker, for user interaction. 此外还有用于用户互动的触摸屏和对讲器。 www.bing.com 4. Time in seconds to keep On Screen Display active. 屏幕显示信息的暂留时间。 cctv99.net 5. The lens sits at one end while, and at the other, there is an LCD touch-screen display. 矩形一边是一组镜头,另一边则是一个液晶触摸屏。 www.fortunechina.com 6. You go to the screen Display Equipment: Initial Screen. 则进入显示设备屏幕:初始屏幕。 www.saphome.net 7. the large screen display system also comprises a touch screen processor, a signal distributor and a touch screen; 还包括触摸屏处理器、信号分配器和触摸屏; ip.com 8. Display charset. The character set used for screen display 用于屏幕显示的字符集。 www.ibm.com 9. A Study of Technology for Resolution of Full-color Multiple-gray LED Large Screen Display 一种实现全彩色多灰度LED大屏幕图象显示技术研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Servo System using PLC, pneumatic control systems, large touch screen display control constitute the core driver; 采用PLC伺服系统,气动控制系统,超大显示触摸屏构成驱动控制核心; www.foodqs.cn 1. RTP RTSP Real-time Transport Protocol Network Time Protocol On-screen Display Operation Support System PPP over Ethernet 移动图像专家网络时间协议屏幕视控系统运营支撑系统基于以太网点 wenku.baidu.com 2. Practical, separate touch-screen display with high resolution color graphics for easy, safe operation 精确的彩色图表显示在显示屏上,使操作简单安全 www.kqyx.cn 3. In fast computer with a full-screen display of cross - Fade effects fade out; 在速度快的计算机上具备交叉淡入淡出效果的全屏展示; www.cngr.cn 4. A color image large screen display system with single liquid crystal light valve and three-channel optical faceplate 用光纤面板和数字存储电路实现单液晶光阀彩色图像的投影显示技术 www.ilib.cn 5. China's first imported communication management facility, the TMOS Large Screen Display System 全国首家引进的通信管理设施TMOS大屏幕显示系统 100.china-dalian.com 6. Electric Detection of Environmental Temperature and Large Screen Display 环境温度的电子检测与大屏显示 ilib.cn 7. Application of Distributed Digital Supervision and Large Screen Display 分布式数字监控及大屏幕信息发布技术的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 8. The design on screen-display measurement instrument for determination of Brix in raw material grapes 葡萄原料折光糖屏显测定仪的研制 www.ilib.cn 9. Research on Combat Capability Simulation of Double-screen Display System of Armored Vehicle Tank Fire Control System 战车火控双屏显示系统作战性能仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 10. WEW Computer Screen Display Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine 液压微机屏显万能试验机 www.springinfo.com 1. Development and Application of Large Screen Display Technology 大屏幕显示技术的发展与应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Network Time Protocol On-screen Display Operation Support System PPP over Ethernet 网络时间协议屏幕视控系统运营支撑系统基于以太网点对 wenku.baidu.com 3. Using Programmable Device to Implement the Hardware Scan Control of LED Screen Display 用可编程器件实现LED显示屏的硬件扫描控制 service.ilib.cn 4. The Application of Large Screen Display to Electric Power Dispatching System 大屏幕显示系统在电力调度系统中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Application of Tool about Paper Space Screen Display in the Highway Engineering Design 屏幕显示工具在公路设计中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. The design of a LED graph-text screen display system 一种LED图文显示屏系统的研制 www.ilib.cn 7. A Novel Large Screen Display Technology Using an Arrangement of Discharge Tubes 一种新颖的灯管排列显示技术 service.ilib.cn 8. Industry: LCD screen; Display Devices; Cable and equipment; 所属行业:液晶屏;显示器件;有线光缆设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Realization of Image Scanning Controls for LED Large Screen Display LED大屏幕图像扫描控制的实现 www.ilib.cn 10. The hydraulic universal testing machine with PC screen display 屏显式万能实验机 www.chinayljx.com 1. Features and Selection of Large Screen Display System for Power Systems 电力系统大屏幕显示系统的特点与选型 ilib.cn 2. Some Control Circuits and their Comparison of LED Screen Display LED显示屏几种控制电路及比较 www.ilib.cn 3. Multi-screen Display System with Digital Edge Blending 边缘融合组合屏图像显示技术与系统研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Full screen display during application is running 应用是否全屏 www.j2megame.cn 5. Menu language display you can set the language of menu and screen display as follows diagram 用户可选择整个设定菜单和屏幕显示所用文字,如下图; www.kbfy.net 6. Color and wide screen Display Feature a sharp and lighter view 彩色宽屏显示显示内容丰富色彩鲜明视觉明快 www.bioyong.com 7. Selection of Large-screen Display System 大屏幕信息显示系统的选型 ilib.cn 8. Design of Large LED-screen Display Control System 大屏幕LED显示控制系统的设计 service.ilib.cn 9. LED Lattice of Embedded System Big Screen Display 嵌入式系统大屏幕LED点阵显示器 service.ilib.cn 10. Application of Large Screen Display 大屏幕显示系统及其应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Design of on screen display cell in IC chips for HDTV receiver HDTV接收机芯片中的屏幕显示单元设计 service.ilib.cn 2. Brief introduction to the large screen display system 大屏幕显示系统技术的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Please select your screen display size 请选择显示器尺寸进入网站 www.pbonline.cn 4. The Design and Realization of Double On-screen Display Controller Based on Video System 视频监控系统中双路视频字符叠加器设计与实现 service.ilib.cn 5. Design of Metro Vehicle LED Screen Display 地铁列车LED显示屏的设计 www.ilib.cn 6. The Choice for BTG Panel and Large Screen Display BTG盘与大屏幕显示器的取舍 www.ilib.cn 7. The Research and Manufacture of Large Screen Display of Time and Temperature 大屏幕温度及时间显示器的研制 www.ilib.cn 8. Design of Gray Scale LED Screen Display System Based on AVR Microcontroller 基于AVR单片机的LED显示屏的灰度设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 9. How to determine if current screen display is using more than 256 colors 怎样确定当前屏幕显示是否大于256色 iyuanma.com 10. DOSD: Digital On Screen Display 同屏数字化显示 bbs.englishcn.com 1. The Development of Asynchronizing LED Screen Display Control Card Based on Linux Embedded System 基于Linux的嵌入式系统在异步大屏幕显示控制卡中的设计与应用 www.ilib.cn |
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