单词 | safe-sex |
释义 |
例句释义: 安全性交,安全性行为,安全的性,安全性爱 1. A weekend football game must not be the only physical activity for a Brazilian. Adults need to do exercise: walk, dance and have safe sex. 周末踢足球不应该是巴西人的唯一运动,成人需要多运动:走路、跳舞与安全性爱都是。 bbs.internet.org.cn 2. The campaign achieved dramatic increases in the number of young men who knew how to practise safe sex and who were prepared to be tested. 这场宣传活动成果非凡:知道如何实施安全的性行为、准备接受检测的年轻人数量出现了显著增长。 www.bing.com 3. Therefore, if you are sexually active, it is important for you to make sure that you engage in safe sex techniques . . . always. 所以,如果你性活跃的话,确认性交时采取安全措施对你来说至关重要…一直都是的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. NEW YORK -- For years, teenagers across the U. S. could call a toll-free hotline if they had embarrassing questions about AIDS and safe sex. 长久以来,美国青少年可以拨打免费的热线电话来咨询关于艾滋病和性安全方面的尴尬问题。 www.bing.com 5. The Yoni Massage can also be used as a form of "safe sex" and is an excellent activity to build trust and intimacy. 女阴按摩也可以用作“安全性爱”的一种形式,并且是建立信任和亲密的出色活动。 www.bing.com 6. A safe sex barrier, usually made of a flat sheet of of latex, used when performing oral sex on women. 一种安全性爱屏障,通常做成一张扁平的橡胶纸,用于对女人口交时。 hi.baidu.com 7. Here are six ways that having (safe) sex outside of a monogamous relationship might actually be good for you. 下面有6种婚姻外的性行为是可能对你有益的。 www.bing.com 8. Most of the time, a lot of us are usually just too embarrassed to pause in the middle of frenzied passion to stop and negotiate safe sex. 绝大多数时间里,我们中的大多数人常常只是太过不好意思在狂热中停止下来并达成安全的性爱。 www.elanso.com 9. Doctors have tried to hold lectures on safe sex in schools but some parents say this encourages irresponsible behaviour. 医生们还曾尝试在学校推出关于安全性行为的讲座,但是学生家长认为这会纵容不负责的性行为。 www.jukuu.com 10. The researchers question to answer was whether or not feelings mattered when it came down to having safe sex. 研究人员提出要回答的问题是,当开始使用安全套时是否会感到困饶。 www.elanso.com 1. Many of these problems can be corrected through safe sex education, which opponents of condoms also oppose. (注释1)许多这类问题都能通过性安全教育予以修正,但就算是这样,反对者们依然反对。 www.bing.com 2. Germany is one of several countries to try the shock-and-awe approach to promoting safe sex. 德国是尝试使用恐吓手段来宣传安全性行为的国家之一。 www.bing.com 3. They believe the safe sex lessons endorse homosexuality because this orientation is presented as being innate rather than as a choice. 他们认为此课程支持同性恋,因为此课程旨在宣扬天性,而不是宣扬选择。 www.elanso.com 4. But as Ian Brimacombe reports, one adult film producer in South Africa has decided to make his actors wear condoms to promote safe sex. 但是IanBrimacombe报道说一名南非的成人电影制片人已决定让他的演员们戴避孕套以促进安全性爱。 www.bing.com 5. If they always have safe sex with a condom, have only one partner and test HIV negative, their blood is safe to donate. 若他们总是使用保险套进行安全性行为、只有一位性伴侣,以及HIV检验为阴性,则这些人捐出的血液则安全无虞。 www.taipeitimes.com 6. Asking your parents advice about birth control and safe sex is fine, but describing your favorite way to put on a condom is not. 问问避孕或安全措施方面的建议是可以的,但描述你最喜欢怎么戴套就不用了吧。 www.bing.com 7. Often, women are not able to protect themselves and negotiate safe sex. 通常情况下,妇女并不能自我保护,也不能就安全性交问题讨价还价。 web.worldbank.org 8. Zhang attributed the lack of knowledge about safe sex to the way in which many students get their knowledge about sex - from pornography. 张峰认为许多大学生都是通过色情资料了解性行为的,这导致他们缺乏安全性行为的知识。 www.bing.com 9. Perhaps the most obvious safe-sex-toy discussion starts with the question, "Exactly what chemicals am I exposing my nether regions to? " 关于性爱玩具安全最常见的第一个问题是“到底什么化学物质暴露在我的私处?” www.bing.com 10. All around the world, governments, communities and families have engaged in the safe sex debate. 在世界各地,政府、公众和家庭都在进行着性安全的辩论。 www.elanso.com 1. Unfortunately, safe sex is still not talked about very often in the lesbian community. 可惜的是,这一群体至今仍没有给予性爱安全以足够的重视。 www.bing.com 2. But using the mere presence of (safe) sex as evidence of a movement's irresponsibility is itself irresponsible. 光拿(安全)性爱的存在作为一次运动不负责任的证据,这是它们自己在不负责。 www.bing.com 3. Brazil's health minister Jose Gomes Temporao has urged citizens to have regular safe sex to stay fit. 戈米斯。坦波拉奥已呼吁民众规律地进行安全的性爱,以保持身体健康。 word.hcbus.com 4. In countries where condom use and safe sex have been encouraged, new infections have declined. 在一些鼓励使用安全套和安全性行为的国家,新感染病例有所下降。 www.24en.com 5. With HIV, messages should be about practising safe sex; with influenza, handwashing. 对于艾滋病,这种信息应该是关于安全的性行为;对于流感,措施就是洗手。 www.scidev.net 6. Other presenters talked about such titillating topics as breast cancer, antiretroviral drugs and safe sex. 而其他的发言人则谈了乳腺癌啊,抗逆转录病毒药品啊,安全性行为啊之类的让人脸红心跳的话题。 www.bing.com 7. The project developed a public service announcement for television that encouraged young adults to engage in safe sex. 该项目还在电视台专门开设了一个公众服务通告,鼓励年轻人从事安全性行为。 www.elanso.com 8. At a dollar a pop, the Crezendo offers Indians a safe sex experience coupled with "ultimate pleasure by producing strong vibrations. " 以一美元一个的价格,Crezendo为印度人民提供了安全的性爱历程,“通过制造强烈振动引起无限快感。” www.elanso.com 9. The model also took into consideration males being regularly circumcised and regional safe sex campaigns. 该模型还考虑了包皮切割手术以及当地推行的安全性行为运动带来的可能影响。 www.elanso.com 10. You should have agreed on what form of birth control and safe sex you are going to use. 你们应该在将要使用的避孕方式及安全性交的方式上达成一致。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. AIDS experts, therefore the promotion of safe sex to avoid HIV infection through sexual contact. 因此防艾专家提倡安全性行为,以避免经性接触感染艾滋病。 www.chinavalue.net 2. Macao Health Bureau announced that the Zhuhai-Macao cross-border to promote safe sex, reducing cross-border spread of HIV is very important. 澳门卫生局宣称,向跨境珠澳人士推广安全性行为,对于降低艾滋病病毒跨境传播十分重要。 www.chinavalue.net 3. You need to talk about safe sex and contraceptives, and if you're not comfortable, then get them to student health. 你需要说到安全性行为和避孕,如果你觉得说这个很不舒服,那么你可以把他们带到学生健康中心。 dongxi.net 4. It is important to continue to practice safe sex even if you, and your sexual partner, both have HIV. 这是重要的是要继续实践安全性行为,即使你和你的性伴侣,都感染了艾滋病毒。 www.bbs.mysjkc.com 5. Critics argue that efforts should be geared instead toward safe-sex education. 反对人士称精力应该转向“安全性行为”教育。 www.examda.com 6. Safe sex for prevention of sexual disease, - prevent or reduce transmission through body fluid. 安全性行为可防止―减少透过体液传染。 www.wantdoc.com 7. Experts say the figures are a stark reminder of the importance of practising safe sex, whatever your age. 专家称:这些数字就是一个严酷的提醒,提示人们无论年龄多大,都要注意安全性行为的重要性。 home.ebigear.com 8. Both groups received safe-sex counseling, free condoms, frequent HIV testing, and other pertinent medical services. 两组均接受安全性行为教育,提供免费避孕套,常规的HIV检测及其他相关的医学服务。 club.pchome.net 9. Always practice safe sex, including safe oral sex - not just with casual sex partners, but with everyone. 和包括性伴侣在内的任何人发生关系时总是采取安全措施,包括口交 www.bing.com 10. The Brazilian government will distribute 25 million free condoms to promote safe sex during the country's Carnival holidays. 巴西政府将免费发放2500万只避孕套,以便在狂欢节期间提高性安全。 www.bing.com 1. This European condom advert could not be any less PC, but pushes the safe sex message from a fresh angle. 这则欧洲安全套广告的成本少之又少,却从一个新视角传达了安全性行为的信息。 www.bing.com 2. That included information about safe sex practices, free condoms and regular HIV testing. 那包括安全性行为,免费避孕套和定期艾滋病病毒检测的信息。 www.hxen.com 3. I have been infuriated by some of the things I read on the Internet when it comes to safe sex. 我被一些从网上看到的关于性安全的东西给彻底激怒。 www.bing.com 4. There are others in Hangzhou, Jinan, Chengdu and Harbin to open organ and offer the service about the safe sex . 此后,在杭州、济南、成都和哈尔滨等城市也开设了类似的机构,为青少年提供关于性健康方面的服务。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Masturbation is the safest form of safe sex. 自慰是安全性行为里面最安全的。 www.bing.com 6. At the 1997 ceremonies, a team of "cryogenic sex researchers" distributed a pamphlet titled "Safe Sex at Four Kelvin" . 在1997年的颁奖礼上,一个叫“低温性交研究者”的小组散发了一本名为《在4开氏温度下安全性交》的小册子。 www.bing.com 7. Sadik is urging Chinese politicians and health officials to be more vocal in their promotion of safe sex. 萨迪克极力催促中国的政治家和卫生官员加大力度宣传安全性行为。 www.elanso.com 8. If they always have safe sex, have only one partner and test HIV negative, their blood is safe to donate. 如果他们的性行为安全,且只有一位伴侣,HIV检测结果又为阴性,他们献的血就是安全的。 www.360doc.com 9. The agency says that experiencing violence hampers women's ability to negotiate safe sex. 报道认为,暴力经历严重阻碍了女性在处理有关性安全上的能力。 www.bing.com 10. Gender power relations which limit women's ability to negotiate safe sex or refuse unwanted sex. 男女两性之间权利不平衡限制了妇女在要求安全性行为和拒绝性行为上的讨价还价能力。 www.chain.net.cn 1. Safe sex teaching should be funded through the government for all schools, regardless of what is included in the curriculum. 不要管课堂里已经包括了什么课程,安全的性教育仍应该由政府出资,给所有的学校设立相关的基金。 www.elanso.com 2. All were counselled in safe sex, given free condoms and offered regular medical check-ups. 所有人都被进行了安全性行为建议,给予免费安全套,提供定期的体检。 www.ecolion.cn 3. To do this, the Health Ministry has begun a television campaign that endorses the use of condoms for safe sex. 为此,卫生部已经发起电视宣传活动来鼓励使用安全套进行安全性行为。 www.elanso.com 4. Of course, it is important to be prudent in this regard and to always practice safe sex techniques. 当然,在这种情况下,切要小心谨慎并且一定要采取安全措施。 www.elanso.com 5. While you can take all of the necessary safe sex steps to work to prevent the spread of HIV, nothing is 100% effective in this regard. 当你能采取所有必要的安全的性措施来阻止HIV的传播时,没有事情在这方面是绝对有效的。 www.elanso.com 6. While many consider oral sex the "safe sex" the facts tell a different story. 在很多人认为口交是一种安全性行为时,事实却是一个不同的故事。 www.hiv-vct.net 7. Be reminded however, never to use used condoms when having safe sex. 不过还要提醒一下,不要使用用过的安全套来进行“安全”性生活。 www.bing.com 8. Within 10 years, HIV infections dropped by 95 percent. Other initiatives like safe-sex education and male circumcision were also used. 其他一些主动措施,如安全性教育和男性包皮环切也被推广运用的话,在10年里,艾滋病毒感染病例将减少95%。 www.bing.com 9. I share my experience to stop the "safe sex" lie. 我分享我的经历是为了揭穿“安全性行为”这个谎言。 zhenaishenghuo.org 10. So safe sex? Not so much. 性安全?没那么在乎。 www.bing.com 1. Implementing these safe sex lessons isn't endorsing sex or teaching students how to "get away" with having sex. 开展这些性安全课程不是支持性行为和教学生在性爱过程中如何逃离。 www.elanso.com 2. Their study revealed that, in fact, emotions do play a large part in whether or not a young adult practices safe sex. 他们的研究表明,实际上,情感在一个年轻人是否能进行安全的性行为方面确实起着很大的作用。 www.elanso.com 3. Youths in China are becoming more open about premarital sex, but their awareness of reproductive health and safe sex remains relatively low. 中国青少年对婚前性行为的态度变得更开放,但是他们对生殖健康和安全性行为的知识却相对缺乏。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Another simple but high impact safe sex advert from MTV. MTV的另一则简单而极具震撼的安全性行为广告。 www.bing.com 5. Here, take this raincoat, and practice safe sex. 这里,带上这个“雨衣”,注意性安全。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The displays would have included lessons on safe sex and the proper use of condoms. 展示将包括性安全的课程和正确使用安全套的知识。 www.bing.com 7. You should always inform your partner, and practice safe sex. 你应该让伴侣了解你一直以来的状况,进行安全的性行为。 www.bing.com 8. If you are doing safe sex practices isn't that alright? 如果你做爱时注意安全,难道不是没关系? www.bing.com 9. And above all, practice safe sex. 最后,于安全保障中实践一切。 www.bing.com 10. How do I maintain safe sex for decades on end? 我如何数十年如一日地保持安全的性行为? www.chain.net.cn 1. Adults need to do exercise: walk, dance and have safe sex. 成年人有必要做运动:走路、跳舞与安全的性爱。 www.forever.english.tw 2. We're both HIV-positive. We don't need to practice safe sex. 我们都是HIV阳性患者,不需要进行安全性行为。 www.bing.com 3. You might want to learn about lesbian safe sex so you can discuss it with your daughter. 你也许想知道一些安全的同性性行为,这样你就能和女儿讨论了。 www.bing.com 4. is that we prepare you for safe sex now. 我们将会为你们准备安全性行为的知识 www.tingroom.com 5. It also allows those infected to take steps to prevent transmission of the disease to others, for example by adopting safe sex practices. 同时,它也使感染者有机会采取防止将疾病传给他人的措施,如采用安全性行为等。 www.who.int 6. Because you can not have unprotected sex, getting your partner to engage in safe sex is a something both of you should willingly indulge in. 因为你不能在无保护的情况下进行性爱,使自己的性伴侣享受安全的性爱将是你们俩都乐于见到的事情。 www.elanso.com 7. So safe sex? 性安全? www.bing.com 8. CNN: Do you practice safe sex in your sexual revolution? CNN:在你的性爱革命中,你有没有进行安全性行为? www.bing.com 9. I do practice safe sex but I don't take pills because I am against abortion. 我有进行过安全性行为。但是我不吃避孕药丸,因为我反对流产。 www.bing.com 10. I think it's a really cute and fun way to promote safe sex. 这是一个滑稽和有趣的促进性交安全的方式。 www.elanso.com 1. See the article on safe sex to learn how to reduce the chance of acquiring or spreading HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases. 看一些关于安全性行为的文章,这可以让你了解如何避免感染和传播HIV,也可以预防其他性传播疾病。 www.bing.com 2. Tags : [aids, china, empower, hiv, safe sex, sex industry women] 附注:艾滋病,中国,授权,艾滋病毒,安全性行为,色情行业的女性 www.elanso.com 3. Sexual health and safe sex 性健康与安全性行为 www.bing.com |
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