单词 | safe(1) |
释义 | safe(1)例句释义: 全部 1. Access to sanitation, the practice of good hygiene, and a safe water supply could save 1. 5 million children a year. 环境卫生设施和服务享用、良好的个人卫生习惯以及安全饮用水每年可以挽救150万儿童的生命。 web.worldbank.org 2. Shares in CLP have slid only 1. 8 percent since the beginning of the year, offering investors a safe haven amid the market turmoil. 今年以来中电控股的股价仅下滑1.8%,成为投资者在此次金融市场动荡中的避风港。 cn.reuters.com 3. 1 mass transit security projects, is the safety of urban rail transit construction and safe operation of the general term for all the work. 1定义城市轨道交通安全工程,是影响城市轨道交通安全建造与安全运营的全部工作的总称。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Set in your calendar to open your letter 1 year from now. Put this envelope in a safe place where no one can access to it. 在日历上注明,1年后的今天你要打开这封信。把这封信放在安全的地方,确保别人看不到。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Just to be on the safe side, McDonald's has come up with a whole menu of items that cost just $1. 仅仅是为了为了站在安全地带,麦当劳提出了一种整个都只标价1美元的菜单。 www.ecocn.org 6. Many of these problems can be corrected through safe sex education, which opponents of condoms also oppose. (注释1)许多这类问题都能通过性安全教育予以修正,但就算是这样,反对者们依然反对。 www.bing.com 7. Of course, these only come up every 1, 000 years or so, and there was one in 1908, so we may yet be safe. 当然,这么大的流星要大概每隔一千年才出现一次。1908年就有一颗这样的流星,所以我们还是挺安全的。 www.elanso.com 8. Please refer to rule 1 to see the disadvantages and do check whether or not there are safe spots to park. 其缺点请参照第一定律,还要注意附近有没有安全的停车地点。 blog.tianya.cn 9. Barack Obama pledged in his state-of-the-union address in January 2010 to build a "new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants" . 奥巴马在其2010年1月的国情咨文讲话中许诺建设“新一代安全、清洁的核电站”。 www.hxen.com 10. After one hour the concentration of bacteria had been reduced to below the safe level for drinking water. 经过1小时后,水中的细菌浓度被降低到饮用水的安全水平之下。 www.scidev.net 1. He must continue to work year around to stay in tip top shape and improve his post defense, but after this weekend his #1 ranking is safe. 他必须继续工作一年大约留在提示顶端的形状和改进他的内线防守,但是在这个周末他排名#1是安全的。 book54530.book1234.com 2. Because you want to be safe from the sun, I'd recommend applying every 1-2 hours, no matter the SPF. 因为你想防晒,所以我推荐不管防晒系数是多少,每隔两个小时涂一次。 www.hjenglish.com 3. MOUNTING ATTENTION: Make sure the gun is not loaded and use safe gun handling procedures at all times1. 安装注意:确保枪没被载入和使用安全枪处理程序,在任何时候1。 www.51zdw.com 4. Listing 1 creates an enumerated type and uses the type-safe usage as an argument to a helper method. 清单1将创建一个枚举类型,并将类型安全的枚举值作为帮助器方法(helpermethod)的参数。 www.ibm.com 5. The company inappropriately deferred payments of $1. 3 million, SAFE alleged. 国家外汇管理局说,该公司非法推迟了130万美元的付款。 cn.wsj.com 6. Chief Officer: The derrick boom on hatch No. 1 is not safe, and it may be harmful for navigation. Second, could you check it tomorrow? 大副:1舱吊杆不安全,可能影响安全航行,二副,你明天检查一下。 blog.jrj.com.cn 7. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which sits on China's massive $1, 500bn in foreign reserves, has its own investment office. 坐拥中国1.5万亿庞大外汇储备的中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)拥有自己的投资机构。 www.ftchinese.com 8. 1-Click ordering is a safe and convenient way of storing your credit card information and shipping preferences. 1-Click订购是一种安全和方便的路径,用于存储您的信用卡信息和发送预置。 docs.info.apple.com 9. You can take a 2nd card so you can have 1 on you and 1 in the hotel safe, or your luggage. 你可以带二张卡,一张带在身上,另一张留在旅馆的保险箱或你的行李箱里。 www.bing.com 10. However, more dangerous water leaking from the plant is at 10, 000 times the safe limits for these contaminants. 然而,从核电站泄露出的更多危险积水中放射性元素的含量是安全上限的1万倍。 chinese.wsj.com 1. g-1. The total vanadium concentrations exceed 2 ppm upper limit recommended by[22] for safe vanadium levels in 75% of the samples analyzed. 总钒含量超过2百万的上限由[22推荐]在75%的样本进行了分析安全钒水平。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The dash into safe assets has cut the cost of public borrowing for most rich countries (see chart 1). 在绝大多数发达国家,对于安全资产的打击已经让公共债务成本大为降低。 www.bing.com 3. A safe and effective fat loss program will yield 1 to 2 pounds of fat loss a week, not 10. 一种安全,有效的脂肪损失计划将是一个星期减掉1至2磅的脂肪,而不是10磅。 www.elanso.com 4. The rank of the safe arrays is always 1 and the lower bound is always 0. 安全数组的秩始终为1,而下限始终为0。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Mode 1 is for gross attitude correction, and is the closest thing the craft has to a safe mode. 模式1为姿态修正,也是让航空器能够进入一个安全状态的关键模式。 www.myoops.org 6. As Henri says, if you have the XML in Listing 1, it is usually not safe to render it as in Listing 2. 如Henri所述,清单1所示的如果以清单2的形式呈现通常是不安全的。 www.ibm.com 7. The study was a phase-1 trial that showed plant-grown cancer vaccines were safe for patients and could be produced quickly and cheaply. 这研究是1期试验,提示植物产生的肿瘤疫苗对患者是安全的,能快速的生产,并且便宜。 www.dxy.cn 8. aware whether the weather , tide and other conditions are safe for sailing. 1留意天气、海面情况及环境是否适宜进行水上活动。 www.ichacha.net 9. But as a result of crisis, some 100 million more people may remain without access to safe drinking water in 2015. 但受危机影响,2015年用不上安全饮水的人口可能会新增1亿左右。 web.worldbank.org 10. Think of space play, or say 1 with computers, cars will become the rockets fly to outer space, safe and convenient. 想到太空玩了,还是跟电脑说一声,汽车就会变成火箭飞向太空,安全又方便。 www.268r.com 1. Hence Prescription #1: Repeal the 'Safe Harbor' provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 . 处方#1:废除1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》所提供的“安全港”。 www.elanso.com 2. Conclusion: PCNL combinated with one or more ESWL is an effective and safe method for managing the complex renal stone. 1%。结论:经皮肾微造瘘取石术结合一次或多次ESWL治疗复杂性肾结石是安全,有效的方法。 www.chemyq.com 3. A double flexible metallic O-Ring seat provides a (1) static and (2) dynamic seal and assures compliance to fire-safe specifications. 双重柔性金属O形环阀座具有静止和动态密封性能,确保符合防火规则要求。 www.h6688.com 4. And the flesh kind with the grandma kind last period, glacial conservatory should be lengthened than safe 1 to 3 days. 而肉类和奶类的保鲜期,冰温室要比冷藏室延长1至3天。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would b e returned immediately if Mrs. Ramsay paid a ransom of $1, 000. 写信人声称斯特安然无恙,只要拉姆齐太太支付1,000英镑赎金,就立即把猫送还。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 6. According to Mr Law, no European company with a market value of between 1 billion and 10 billion is safe from the industry's advances. 按照Law先生的估计,市价在10亿至100亿欧元的欧洲公司,在这场企业并购中都岌岌可危。 www.ecocn.org 7. RAILWAY FIXED EQUIPMENT AND ROLLING STOCK. SAFETY CABLEWORK AND CONNECTION. PART 1 : SAFE CRITERION. 铁路固定设备和车辆.安全铺设电缆和连接.第1部分:安全标准 www.mapeng.net 8. Within each of the over 1, 600 beneficiary villages, all residents will gain access to safe water. 在项目区1600多个受益的村庄里,所有居民都能得到安全饮用水供应。 web.worldbank.org 9. Engineers want to build a safe confinement arch to allow them to dismantle the reactor, at an estimated cost of US$1. 4 billion. 工程师希望修建一个安全的封闭拱门,以允许他们拆卸反应堆,这个是一估价有14亿美元的建筑项目。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Want to Shanghai, with a computer say 1, the wheel will shrink in, very safe. 想上海了,跟电脑说一声,轮子就会缩进去,很安全。 www.268r.com 1. I always felt safe, even when walking at night, but I'm a 6' 1 " man. " 我总感觉很安全,即使晚上步行。不过我身高6英尺1英寸哦。 weike.taskcn.com 2. There is no straightforward way to make the code in Listing 1 thread-safe, making this idiom an accident waiting to happen. 没有直观的途径来使清单1中的代码是线程安全的,这使这种语言风格成为了一种等待时机发生的事故。 www.ibm.com 3. The 1. 67 lens made up of MR-7 Japan , strength safe hardness for rimless frame , much more thickness. 67超超薄双抗镜片优点:日本MR-7树脂,高韧性、更薄、更轻,高度数、无边框适用。 www.360doc.com 4. Inspection, service and test carried out by Gas Safe registered engineer every 12 months. 每12个月(1年)都必须有来自安全气体中心的工程师进行检查、维修和试验。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Over 1 billion people lack access to safe water supplies, while 2. 6 billion people lack adequate sanitation. 10亿多人无法获得安全供水,26亿人缺少适当的卫生设施。 www.who.int 6. Listing 1 shows a non-thread-safe number range class. 清单1显示了一个非线程安全的数值范围类。 www.ibm.com 7. Counter in Listing 1 is thread-safe, but the need to use a lock irks some developers because of the performance cost involved. 清单1中的Counter是线程安全的,但是使用锁的需求带来的性能成本困扰了一些开发人员。 www.ibm.com 8. Here we can invoke a second basic financialprinciple: A safe dollar is worth more than a risky one. 这里我们引入第二条基础的金融原理:安全的1美元比含有风险的1美元更有价值。 www.bing.com 9. That said, it is perfectly safe to consume any fruit or vegetable that is not organic. 也就是说,水果或者蔬菜最好购买有机的才最安全【1】。 www.elanso.com 10. Fast-forward to March 2008 when it broke through $1, 000 for the first time on safe-haven buying as Bear Stearns teetered. 把时间快进到2008年3月,在贝尔斯登(BearStearns)摇摇欲坠之际,避险买盘推动金价首次突破1000美元大关。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In practice, the division of group O blood into high and low titer, on the basis of dilution of 1: 200 to 1: 256, proved perfectly safe. 在实践中,基于稀释度在1:200到1:256的范围内,O型血组划分为高,低滴度,这是证明是非常安全的。 cbs.ausbio.com 2. In general, an acid-test ratio of 1. 00 is considered safe. 一般来说,酸性测试比率为1.00较安全。 wtokj.com 3. According to the above results, building a new safe-cleaning berm in 1~5 sub levels is economic measure that can meet the demand of safety. 根据计算模拟分析结果,提出了1~5个中段设置一个新型安全清扫平台的模型,以满足防治工程灾害的要求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The file %1 could not be replaced in order to return the assembly %2 to a safe state. 文件%1不能被替换以将汇编%2返回到安全的状态。 www.fan6.net 5. The greenback won't be safe either until the euro falls to $1. 445, and the yen rises to between 91 and 91. 5. 在对欧元比率下跌到1.445,以及对日元比率下跌到91和91.5之前,绿色的美元不会安全。 www.bing.com 6. See Listing 1 below to learn how to make this threat-prone machine become a safe location to store data. 请参见下面的清单1,以了解如何使这个容易受到威胁的计算机成为一个存储数据的安全位置。 www.ibm.com 7. Note: Since PHP 4. 2. 1 This function is also affected by safe mode and open_basedir. 注:自PHP4.2.1其本函数也受到安全模式和open_basedir的影响。 www.phpx.com 8. Considering that an estimated 1. 2 billion people still lack access to safe drinking water, we'll take what we can get. 考虑到世界上约12亿人仍然无法获得安全的饮用水,我们需要全力以赴。 www.bing.com 9. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224. 你也可以致电给国家家庭暴力热线:1-800-799-安全办(7233)或1-800-787-3224。 www.bing.com 10. In 1, did not build perfect safe production management mechanism deducted 10 points; 没有建立健全安全生产管理机构的扣10分; www.cnqr.org 1. The valve has the advantages that 1. the using of the lead-free aluminum alloy for rubber coating is safe and environment-friendly; 本实用新型的优点是:1。使用无铅铝合金包胶,安全、环保; ip.com 2. L-L-S three-phase extraction of cottonseed using a pulsed sieve column 1. Determination of safe operation curve of column 液-液-固三相脉冲筛板塔萃取棉仁1.塔安全操作范围的确定 www.ilib.cn 3. Safe Use and Handling of Glutaraldehyde-Based Products in Health Care Facilities, Amendment 1 医疗保健机构中戊二醛产品的安全使用和处理。修改件1 www.isres.com 4. Application of CDJ-1 Detector in Safe Construction of Drilling Bottom-enlarged Grouting Piles CDJ-1检测仪在钻孔扩底灌注桩施工中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. 1 Myth: Roundup is a safe herbicide with low toxicity FAOWHO Truth: Roundup poses major health hazards 1神话:草甘膦除草剂农达是低毒安全除草剂;真相:草甘膦除草剂农达有重大健康危险 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And specially safe, I used more than 1 month, there is a clear change! ~ 而且特地平安,我用了1个多月,就有了清楚的变化!~。 99mrw.5d6d.com 7. Cranes - Safe use - Part 1: General 起重机.安全使用.第1部分:总则 www.mapeng.net 8. Implementation of Home Safe Termination Based on 1-wire Device 基于1-wire单总线器件的家庭安防终端的实现 www.ilib.cn 9. Prepare a safe environment for the upgrade, Section 4. 1. 4 准备一个安全无虞的环境以进行升级,第4.1.4节 debian.fr |
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