单词 | sadhana |
释义 |
例句释义: 仪轨,修持,萨达那 1. So, those who wish to practice this Sadhana I would really advise look inside and see how much liberation are you seeking. 所以,对那些希望修持这个仪轨的人们,我真心建议你们应该向内观照,看看自己到底有多希望解脱。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Firstly due to His great compassion he gave the oral transmission of the Chenrezig mantra and sadhana. 缘起:尊贵的法王在今天传授了观音六字大名咒的口传及仪轨。 www.tibetbuddhism.net 3. You are your own greatest teacher, especially during a sadhana designed to open you up to your own inner wisdom. 你就是你自己最伟大的老师,特别是这个在一定期限内的冥想是被设定用来打开你自己的内在的智慧的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We will start early morning with a practice called Sadhana and then carry on all day with yoga and relaxation. 我们会在清晨开始一个叫“萨达那”的晨练,然后继续一整天的瑜伽练习和放松。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Yesterday disciple Jing Xing asked me to compose a dedication for his version of the Green Tara Sadhana . 昨天弟子敬行请我为他的绿度母仪轨版本写篇迴向文。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The fact that you stuck to your commitment and did your sadhana is a beautiful achievement. 事实是陷于自己的承诺中不能动弹,持续这个共修冥想就是一个美丽的成就。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Now people practice this mantra around the world for healing, as a sadhana, for a 40-day practice. 现在世界各地的人们练习这个冥想来疗愈自己,并且作为早课的练习,进行40天的练习。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Even in his state of unconsciousness, we noticed that TM kept moving his legs to the Sadhana position. 即使在他昏迷的状况,我们注意到TM不断地移动他的脚成仪轨中的姿势。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Living, working, sitting with Me is sadhana. It is meditation. It is Realization. 与我一起生活,一起工作,与我同坐就是灵修,就是禅定,就是了悟。 siteground187.com 10. Particularly in this Sadhana, therefore we call this Sadhana or this path: none dual great compassion and Mahamudra. 所以我们把这个仪轨或修法叫做:大悲心与大手印的双运。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Those wishing to register must have received their Second Lesson in Ananda Marga sadhana. 想要报名参加的人必须已学过阿南达玛迦修行法门的静坐第二课。 www.showxiu.com 2. It may happen that you miss a day during a sadhana. 在共修中错过一天是会发生的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And this Sadhana, definitely, even in the tile is mentions of this. 而我们要教授的这一个仪轨,甚至在标题里,就已经说明了这一点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Disciple Jing Xing had translated the sadhana into English. I had reviewed and revised it. 弟子敬行已经将此简轨译成英文,我已作了校阅并修订之。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Sadhana (spiritual practice) must be done with full faith and without any room for doubt. 必须满怀信任地做灵性实修,不给疑问任何一点位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I had also reviewed the brief sadhana he composed. See F1647 attached. 我也已校阅过了他所敬造的简轨。请看附呈的F1647档案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Therefore we need help. So this is why Sadhana always begin with the refuge. 因此,我们需要帮助,这就是为什么仪轨通常都是以“皈依”开始的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Transform Love into Service. Transform Service into worship. That is the highest discipline( sadhana ). 化爱心为服务,化服务为膜拜,这就是最高的修行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. One week in, I've gotten a lot of emails about what happens if you miss a day of the sadhana and what that means. Here is my answer. 进入冥想已经一周了,我收到很多询问是关于错过一天的共修时间该怎么办,有什么方法吗?下面是我的回答。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Spirit Voyage 40 Day Global Sadhana: Be in Flow with Your Highest Wisdom 40天全球冥想主题:与你的高能智慧共舞 blog.sina.com.cn |
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