单词 | rafts |
释义 | rafts是raft的复数
复数:rafts n. bundle,number,tranche,portfolio,range 例句释义: 筏,〈美口〉大量,浮桥,水鸟群,把编成筏子,筏运,用筏子航行,乘筏子去,皮筏,木筏,穴筏 1. The ancient Egyptians used to move bees up and down the Nile on rafts, so this idea of a movable bee force is not new at all. 古埃及人就曾就用筏子沿着尼罗河上下转运蜜蜂,这说明运动的蜜蜂大军一点儿也不新鲜。 www.ted.com 2. Then, at the other end of the island, just as we were lowering our rafts back into the water, Cho said calmly: 'Look, Ed, behind you. ' 接着在岛屿的另一端,也就是我们停靠橡皮筏的地方,曹平静地说:“爱德,看,你后面。” www.bing.com 3. These log rafts are the only means of transportation over to Tom Sawyer Island. 这个长长的木筏是到汤姆索耶岛去探险唯一的交通工具。 www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp 4. Although one of the rafts did not work in the end, all the participants bravely embraced the challenges and enjoyed the raft-making process. 虽然其中一只竹筏未能乘风破浪,但参加者均勇敢地接受挑战,并享受制作竹筏的过程。 www.hkbu.edu.hk 5. Our guide told him that such confinement would not be necessary but that he should keep a safe distance from our rafts. 我们的向导告诉他,这种限制就不必了,只要他能同我们的木筏保持一段安全距离就行。 www.ielts999.com 6. Antidepressants help to move the Gs alpha out of these rafts and facilitate the action of certain neurotransmitters. 而抗抑郁药物有助于驱走这些脂质筏中的Gsa,从而特定递质的活动更加容易。 news.dxy.cn 7. There are four life rafts which are located in the front and rear of the cabin. Every seat cushion can be use for flotation. 在客舱的前后部共备有四个充气式救生筏。每个座椅垫都可以作为漂浮物使用。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We left the palace at once, and came to the shore, where we made some rafts, each large enough to carry three men. 我们立刻离了王宫,跑至海边,在那个地方我做了些木排,每一个木排足以载三个人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. he tried to catch one of the rafts with a boat-hook, but missed. 他想用一根船钩去钩一个木筏,但没有钩着 wenku.baidu.com 10. Witnesses say the boat foundered in heavy seas as passengers stampeded to board inflatable life rafts. 目击者说,船作为自乱阵脚登上救生筏充气乘客波涛汹涌的海面沉没。 www.maynet.cn 1. All 64 passengers and crew of a Canadian sailing ship that sank in high winds have been rescued from life rafts off the coast of Brazil. 在巴西海面,64名加拿大乘客和船员从救生艇上获救。他们的乘船在大风中沉没了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The ancient Egyptians moved clay hives, probably on rafts, down the Nile to follow the bloom and nectar flow as it moved toward Cairo. 古埃及人移动陶制的蜂箱,可能在船上,沿尼罗河而下跟随着花开和花粉向开罗的飘扬。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Enterprising hawkers were selling inflatable rafts, life vests and animal-shaped floating pool toys, but there seemed to be few takers. 看准商机的小贩们在兜售充气筏、救生衣和动物形状的游泳池玩具,但这里的买家似乎较少。 chinese.wsj.com 4. "These creatures most likely got moved on rafts of vegetation, " he said. “他们很可能是就象坐木筏一样通过漂浮的树木而来到弗洛勒斯的,”他说。 www.ngmchina.com.cn 5. The bubbles then stick together and form rafts on which the snails spend the rest of their lives. 这些气泡黏在一起,形成一个气泡筏,蜗牛就在这下面度过自己的一生。 www.bing.com 6. Here, five hundred of them would go up the river on rafts until they reached the great forests. 这里的五百名男子都要划着木筏沿河而上到达森林里去。 www.ebigear.com 7. The coast guard says, so far, more than half the crew have been safely recovered from life rafts. 海岸警卫队员说,目前半数以上的船员已经从救生筏上获救。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Humans are not strong enough swimmers to have managed that voyage, but skeptics say they may have drifted across on natural rafts . 人类不是强有力的泳者,不可能凭泳技渡海,有人认为他们是乘坐自然漂流物渡海的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The survey certificates of the rafts on forecastle deck will expire in a month and annual survey should be applied for. 首甲板救生筏检验证书将在一个月后到期,申请年度检验。 www.shipman.org.cn 10. The purpose of this project is to amend the design rules and safety requirements of existing codes for fishing rafts. 本计画拟针对渔筏之设计规范、安全性及分类方式给予更明确之规范,以利渔筏的管理。 grbsearch.stpi.org.tw 1. Besides the dinosaur raft, there have been race car rafts, a Snoopy raft and a Dumbo raft. 除了恐龙木筏之外,也有赛车木笩、史奴比木筏及蠢蛋木笩。 www.24en.com 2. Along the shore are moored thousands of logs, fastened together in rafts . 沿岸停放着结成筏的数以千计的大圆木。 dict.veduchina.com 3. " Vessels " means all types of displacement or non-displacement ships, rafts, seaplanes, submersibles and mobile platforms. “船舶”是指各类排水或非排水船、筏、水上飞机、潜水器和移动式平台。 www.bing.com 4. The now-famous watery villages on rafts of wooden posts driven into the soil, laid the foundations for the floating palaces of today. 现在著名的水上村庄是靠木筏固定在土壤里以奠定其地基的。 iphone.unisk.cn 5. Lipid rafts or caveolae carry out their specialized role in signal transduction, cellular protein movement and cholesterol homeostasis. 脂筏或小窝与生物信号传导、细胞蛋白转运和胆固醇平衡有关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Further, antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs have been shown to concentrate in these lipid rafts. 进一步的研究发现,抗抑郁和抗精神病药物都对脂质筏有浓缩作用。 news.dxy.cn 7. Rafts rigidity(is)caused by the tight parking of cholesterol molecules against the straight single lipid(sphingolipids)hydrocarbon chain. 脂筏的刚性有赖于附着在鞘磷脂的直链周围的胆固醇分子。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. o Survival Equipment Shops - Leak detection of flotation equipment including life preservers, anti expose flight suits, and rafts. (救生设备?救生服,飞行服,和救生船等漂浮救生设备的密封性检测)。 www.china-cam.cn 9. Perhaps dug out canoes or rafts would also be suitable for fitting in with the ecosystems. 为了融入生态系统,或许斧凿出独木舟或木筏也是合适的举措。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Brazilian Air Force plane spotted the rafts from the Concordia floating about 300 miles off the coast of Rio de Janeiro three hours later. 三小时后,一架巴西空军飞机发现了从肯考迪娅号放下的救生艇在离里约热内卢海岸大约300公里以外的海面漂浮。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But of the German ship's 393-strong crew, over 300 managed to scramble on to life rafts and get away. 不过,德舰的393名壮实的船员中有300多爬上救生艇逃走了。 www.bing.com 2. There was a long springboard and three rafts at varying distance from the shore. 离岸边远近不同的地方有一个长跳板和三个木筏。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 3. Some small local canals are able to float small rafts of timber. 一些本地小的运河只能漂小木筏。 10305103.blog.163.com 4. Volcanic rock rafts could have played a key role in the origins of life on Earth, a team of scientists suggests. 一队科学家们认为:火山流岩有可能在地球生命的起源中扮演者至关重要的角色。 space.30edu.com 5. We also wish to demonstrate that rafts can be navigated. 我们也希望证明筏子是能够航海的。 www.bing.com 6. Interference experiments on lipid rafts showed that proliferation activity of Citral is closely related to cholesterol levels maintaining. 脂筏干扰实验表明膜胆固醇水平维系与柠檬醛生长抑制活性关系密切。 www.fabiao.net 7. raft fishing Rafts constructed to attract schools of such fishes as tuna so as to make them easier to catch by their concentration. 筏钓法筏构造可吸引如鲔鱼的鱼群,使它们变成更容易集中的捕捉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ray, a carpenter and former college wrestler, helped organized the pickups, using inflatable rafts to ferry the stuff to land. 一个木匠和从前大学里的摔跤手帮忙收货,用木筏将货物运到岸上。 www.bing.com 9. We fished from the rafts as well as by wading in the crystal clear waters of the Delger river. 我们通常在皮筏上钓鱼,有时也会站在清澈透明的德勒格尔河水中钓鱼。 app.fortunechina.com 10. We spoke via radio, explained that rafts do travel slowly, and expressed gratitude for the interest shown. 我们通过无线电与它对话,告诉它我们的筏子航速确实很慢,对它表现出的兴趣表示感谢。 www.bing.com 1. Outside the rafts, kinks unsaturated(hydrocarbon) chains and lower cholesterol concentration result in increase fluidity. 脂筏以外,不饱和烃链的纠缠以及较低的胆固醇浓度导致了流动性的增加。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Emigration has soared in economic crises, notably in 1980 and 1994 when tens of thousands set off for the United States in rafts. 在经济危机下移民激增,特别是在1980年和1994年,成千上万人在救生筏上前往美国。 www.ecocn.org 3. This aircraft is equipped with inflatable slides that detach to form life rafts, not that it makes any difference. 本飞机还备有充气滑梯,用它们可以组成救生筏。不过那也是摆设。 www.ecocn.org 4. Three life jackets and survival equipment, including an emergency beacon, were found on board, but no life rafts. 在甲板上发现了三件救生衣及一些救生设备,包括一个紧急信号灯,但是没有发现救生筏。 www.dictall.com 5. When the reporter reached the retired director by phone, he confirmed the shortage of life rafts. 诺尔德通过电话找到了这位已经退休的前任官员,这位前任官员确认救生筏配备数量不足。 www.america.gov 6. That information puts the shortage of life rafts in context by explaining more clearly why it matters. 这个资讯将救生筏短缺的严重性显示出来。 www.america.gov 7. The white rafts are used for pearl farming. 海面上的白点是人工养殖珍珠用的筏子。 web-japan.org 8. To get experience at working in voids, you can simulate collapsed houses by building " rafts " of old lumber. 为了体验如何在缝隙中工作,你可以用旧的木料搭一些木筏来模拟坍塌的房子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We struggled with headwinds, grounded on rocks, and paddled hard to keep up with the rafts. 我们逆风挣扎着,不时跌落在岩石上,然后使劲划着浆以便跟上橡皮艇。 www.bing.com 10. As our scouts reported, the last crossed the river on rafts in the night. 据侦察兵报告,最后一批法国佬在深夜乘木筏渡河了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Caveolae is a type of lipid rafts . Caveolins and flotillins are the marker proteins of caveolae. 小窝是脂筏的一种形式,小窝标记蛋白有小窝蛋白和小窝舟蛋白。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Real people do not drift across oceans on rafts. I am now an adult, I should think and act like one. 现实生活中的人是不会乘坐皮筏漂流横渡大海的,我都长成个成人了,想法和做法要像个成人才行。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. It really easily on the second floor rafts team, am kinda marriage registration office of the multiple. 好不轻易在二楼排上队,上午婚姻登记处的人还挺多。 www.bing.com 4. We struggled with head winds, grounded on rocks, and paddled hard to keep up with the rafts. 我们逆着风艰难地行进着,时而搁浅在岩石上,时而用力划桨以跟上其它橡皮船。 www.bing.com 5. A good time too fast, an instant winter coming to an end, work schedule once again rafts. 时间过的好快,转眼间寒假即将结束,工作再一次排上日程。 www.bing.com 6. Men rode bamboo rafts along the river's edge and coal boats went past. 男人们乘坐着江边的竹筏,运煤的小船来来往往。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Fishermen sail rafts, carrying cormorants heron in the river forces in fishing. 渔人驾着竹筏,载着鸬鸶,在江上结队捕鱼。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Dozens of bamboo rafts list on the river, waiting for visitors to arrive as summer approaches. 在夏季来临之季,河上有几十只竹排等候旅客的到来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Whenever there are bamboo rafts passing by, the nearby Myanmar villagers would offer them fresh fruit. 每当有竹筏从这里经过的时候,附近热情的缅甸村民都会递上新鲜的水果。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Three times in our journey we came to the banks of the Oxus. We crossed it on rafts of wood with great bladders of blown hide. 旅途中,我们三次经过乌浒河岸,在绑了充气兽皮囊的木头筏子上渡河。 www.bing.com 1. Well, in another show, thatching involves covering the beams or rafts, the wooden scalering the roof, with reeds or straw. 在另一个展示中,工作包括用芦草或遮盖木制支撑房顶的横木或木排。 bbs.xiaoma.com 2. Scheduled to open in 2008, the River Battle sends eight passengers on rafts down a 500-foot channel lined with more than 100 targets. 预定于2008年启用,河战役派出八名乘客排了500英尺的通道两旁100多个目标。 www.sjgcz.cn 3. Suddenly, we noticed another group of rafts coming from the opposite river. 突然,我们注意到从对面那条河上漂过来一组木筏。 www.ebigear.com 4. Testing main engine, ship trial, launching life boats or rafts for drills. 试车、试航、放艇(筏)进行救生演习; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And I suggest to model your own cannons and rafts , just use what parts you have. 并且我建议塑造您自己的大炮和木筏,正义用途什麽零件您有。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He destroyed all the rafts after his men had crossed the stream. 在他的军队渡河之后,他命人破坏了所有的船筏。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And the Molas there , you can find them with a spotter plane very easily, and they like to hang out under floating rafts of kelp . 你可以通过侦察机轻易地找到那里的翻车鱼,它们喜欢在漂浮的大型褐藻下游荡。 www.bing.com 8. In this clip we see the big bad shark eating people - lots of people, people on rafts, people on jetskis, people diving off boats. 在这段剪辑里,我们看到体型庞大的邪恶鲨鱼在吃人——吃了许许多多的人,包扩在皮划艇上的人,在小型高速滑艇上的人,驾船离开的人。 www.elanso.com 9. The first ones in all drowned but their corpses made rafts for the other ones to rest on. 先落入水中的淹死,它们的尸骸变成了其他蝗虫休息的筏子。 www.fao.org 10. Rafts are generally more suitable than single boats for sediment sampling operation because of their stability . 由于稳定性较好,筏组比单舟更适用于进行沉渣取样工作。 www.bing.com 1. The 18 rescued survivors were clinging to life-rafts when found by the fishing boat. 途经的渔船发现这18名获救的幸存者时,他们正紧紧地抓住了渡轮上的救生艇。 www.bing.com 2. Training: familiar with the basic safety of B01, survival craft and rescue boats and rafts B02, English, ocean sailor crew. 培训内容:熟悉基本安全B01,救生艇筏和救助艇筏B02,专业英语,远洋船员水手。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. From your assembly stations you will be escorted to your life rafts. 你们将从集合点被护送到你们的救生筏。 www.shipman.org.cn 4. As soon as they get under those rafts of kelp, the exfoliating cleaner fish come. 一旦它们到达海藻下方,吃死皮的清洁鱼就赶来。 www.ted.com 5. 16 and we will cut all the logs from Lebanon that you need and will float them in rafts by sea down to Joppa. 我们必照你所需用的,从利巴嫩砍伐树木,扎成筏子,浮海运到约帕。 www.ebigear.com 6. Huge rafts of pines were floated down rivers to sawmills. 在当时,巨大的柏木筏子沿河而下,一直抵达到各个锯木加工厂。 www.ftchinese.com 7. They are camping in makeshift tents and fashioning bamboo rafts. 他们在临时的帐篷里露营并且制作竹筏。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The day was raw and gray, the big, dry rafts inviting. 那天天气非常阴冷,巨大而干燥的橡皮船非常诱人。 www.bing.com 9. Around 30 people watched us paddle in, deflate our rafts, and strap them back on our packs. 那里有近30人看我们划着船,放掉皮筏的气,将其捆在背包上。 www.bing.com 10. and sometimes line up rafts are not a one-hour long. 有时排队排上个一小时都不算长。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Plasma membrane specificity of assembly may be directed by components of lipid rafts and the cytoplasmic leaflet component PI(4, 5)P(2). 等离子体组装膜的特异性,可通过脂质筏成分和细胞质单张组成部分有价证券(4,5)芘(2)。 www.syyxw.com 2. They entered the confluence at the same time, creating congestion and several collisions between our rafts. 与我们同时,他们也来到汇流处,造成河道拥堵,两边的木筏还发生了好几次碰撞。 www.ebigear.com 3. Install life rafts onto airplane. 将救生筏装上飞机。 wenku.baidu.com 4. from pier to get to the Jungle Rafts or Resotel, passing by unspoiled mountainous jungle scenery. 乘长尾船从码头前往酒店办理入住,途中经过一些原始生态的山脉和丛林地带,风景甚美。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. So I went to the bank and counted the stars and drifting logs and rafts that came down, and then I went to sleep. 所以就到河边去数天上的星星及漂来的圆木和木筏,然后就去睡了。 mysearch.100e.com 6. We could see nothing except the books boing like little rafts on the water. 除了书籍像小木筏一样飘浮在水面上,什么也看不见。 www.youchengchemical.com 7. With two such rafts you can simulate any type of void. 用两个这样的木排,你就可以模拟任何形式的空隙了。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. Experiments showed the effect of metal ions on the shape, size and surface structure of lipid rafts . 实验表明金属离子对脂筏的形成、尺度和表面形貌都有影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Yellow River on sheepskin rafts is a unique tool for drifting, drift with the tide to play the leading role. 羊皮筏子是黄河上独有的漂流工具,随波逐流,独领风骚。 wenda.tianya.cn 10. There are no atheists in foxholes and rubber rafts. 在战场的散兵坑、救生橡皮艇上,没有无神论者。 www.pkuyy.com 1. In the past, Cubans made the crossing-just over 100 miles (160km) between Havana and Key West-in home-made rafts. 以前,古巴人乘自制木筏横渡大海–从哈瓦那到基韦斯特仅有100多英里(160km)。 item.feedsky.com 2. Royal visit to a jewelry shop in front of crowds of people rafts, but also to guard surprise. 王室游让珠宝店门口排上了成群结队的人,还让门卫大吃一惊。 www.englishtang.com 3. to keep us afloat until we got in the life rafts. What? 能够让我们一直漂流直到有救生筏怎么 www.kekenet.com 4. A simplified method for the analysis of the nonlinear interaction of large scale piled rafts 大规模桩筏基础非线性共同作用简化分析方法 www.ilib.cn 5. Apoptosis-inducing ligand TRAIL can be recruited to lipid rafts 凋亡诱导配体TRAIL与细胞膜脂筏形成的关系 www.ilib.cn 6. Function of Lipid Rafts in Pathogens Intrude into the Cell Membrane 脂筏在病原微生物侵入细胞中的作用 www.ilib.cn 7. Effect of high density bivalve rafts cultivation on phytoplankton community 小窑湾高密度贝类筏式养殖对浮游植物群落的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. But stay with the rafts; they will be spotted more easily by rescue workers than a single person floating in a life vest 但是一定要和救生艇在一起,它们将比一个浮在救生背心中的人更容易被救生员发现。 www.bing.com 9. Study of Ancient Rafts on the Huanghe River 黄河古筏考述 service.ilib.cn 10. Lipid Rafts Mediate Viruses Entering into Mammalian Cells 脂筏介导的病毒内吞 www.ilib.cn 1. Biophysical viewpoint of biomembrane: From microdomains to lipid rafts 生物膜的生物物理观———从微区到脂筏 www.henu.edu.cn 2. The Role of Lipid Rafts on Transmembrane Signal Transduction 脂质筏在信号转导中的作用 www.ilib.cn 3. Back sheep meat, sheep Jianzi, rafts, Port Shelter, steak canned 羊腰背肉,羊腱子,鱼排,牛尾,牛排罐头 zhidao.baidu.com 4. System simulation method for optimum design of piled rafts 桩筏基础的系统模拟法优化设计研究 www.ilib.cn 5. The extraction and identification of lipid rafts 去垢剂法提取脂质筏及鉴定 www.ilib.cn 6. service station of inflatable life rafts 气胀救生筏服务站 www.diyifanwen.com 7. A Contribution to Optimum Design of Piled Rafts 桩筏基础优化设计的新思路 www.ilib.cn 8. On the Li River fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts 漓江的渔人和鱼鸟栖坐在竹筏上 wenku.baidu.com 9. Role of Lipid Rafts in Viruses Entry and Assembly 脂筏在病毒感染中的作用 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Approximative analysis for piled rafts by pile load tests 由单桩载荷试验预测桩筏基础沉降的简化分析方法 www.ilib.cn 1. Brief discussion on the application of three kinds of sinking rafts in protection dike engineering 浅议三种沉排在护岸工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. There are sailingboats There are ships Broken rafts adrift I'm jumping on whatever's passing by 行驶的船只各式各样的商铺漂浮的断筏随着任何东西我走了 www.6yue.net |
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