单词 | respectful |
释义 |
例句释义: 表示敬意的,尊敬的,恭敬的,有礼貌的,尊重人的 1. he said, turning to the adjutant with an expression of respectful deference, that related obviously only to the person he was speaking of. 他流露出恭恭敬敬的神情面对前来的副官说道。看来是为他所提起的那人,他才面带这种表情的。 www.okread.net 2. And executing a prolonged scrape of his foot behind him, which is the most respectful of all possible salutes, he took his departure. 他把一只脚向后退一大步,这是行最高敬礼的姿势,转身走了。 bbs.ycwb.com 3. Being respectful of the process and the goals of others makes us learn how much we have in common with other roles. 了解过程和其他角色的目标将使我们从其他角色中学习到很多通用的东西。 www.ibm.com 4. Uribe said the operation was admirable in many ways, and it was a triumph for the armed forces, and respectful of human rights. 他说:“这次行动在很多方面都令人敬佩。这是哥伦比亚武装部队的胜利,也是对人权的尊重。” www.ebigear.com 5. Practice writing emails to be short, respectful, and to the point. No one wants to read an essay in email format. 练习写作电子邮件,做到简单明了且有礼貌。没有人想读一封像散文一样的电子邮件。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Sang-xiao and Li Wan put her body in a fine coffin and gave her a very respectful funeral spending as much as they could afford. 桑晓和李婉把她的尸体放入一口精致的棺材里﹐尽其全力以最恭敬的葬礼把她安葬了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Yeah. (Heave is sigh) Ed is indeed a gentleman. He has wonderful manners and is respectful of me. But I'm really bothered by his past! 是的。(叹了口气)埃德的确是一个绅士。他很有教养,也很尊重我。但他的过去老是困扰着我。 www.freeenglish.com.cn 8. Ironically, that has been a legitimate knock on LeBron -- that he's too nice a kid, too chummy with and respectful of his elder opponents. 讽刺的是,还有这样“合理”的攻击勒布朗――他是个太“善良”的孩子,对比他年长的对手太亲密和尊敬。 bbs.sports.163.com 9. There was one middle-aged black bus driver who was particularly respectful to the elderly, and who made a deep impression on Stephanie. 有位中年的黑人司机,总是对老人家特别尊敬,让她印象很深刻。 www.ccfy.net 10. The T. V. cameras, which had nosed their way into the faces of many a disgraced, disappointed athlete, kept a respectful distance. 记者们让摄像镜头和刘翔保持着一定的距离,而通常他们都会争抢着捕捉运动员种种失意的表情。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I feel people's attitude to me become warmly and respectful, although some guys maybe are jealous of me, still good friends to me. 我感觉大家对我的态度也变得很热情,尊重,虽然有些人可能会嫉妒,但是我们还是好哥儿们。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. In their opinion I turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague. 他们认为,我变成了一个有用并值得信赖的好同事。 hi.baidu.com 3. I may know more about art than I let on but I know so much less than all of my colleagues, and I am very respectful of that. 我对艺术或许算是略知一二,但比起我的同事来,本人显得孤陋寡闻,对此我算是心服口服。 www.ftchinese.com 4. a faint smile gleamed on his pudgy face, and with a low, respectful bow, he picked up the object on the dish. It was the Order of St. 有一丝几乎看不出的笑容从他的胖脸上一闪而过,他恭敬地俯下身子拿起了那件东西。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He gave them sixpence apiece and a pat on the head, and they went off with much respectful swinging of caps and touching of forelocks. 他给了他们每人一枚六便士铜钱,拍了拍他们的脑袋。他们必恭必敬挥着帽子,行着军礼,走了。 www.bing.com 6. Though smart and strong-willed, he has always been a polite and respectful young man. 儿子虽然很聪明并且有着强烈的自我意愿,但他仍不失为一个有礼貌、尊敬人的年轻人。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Right ear is flat against his head, which shows that he is proper, respectful and does what is expected of him. 右耳几乎于脸平行,说明他有礼貌,懂得尊重别人,愿意像别人希望的那样做。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. 渐渐地,他们开始用尊敬的眼光看待我。 www.ebigear.com 9. They demonstrated throughout the audit process that they understood we had a business to run and were respectful of that need. 在整个审查期间,他们证明了他们很明白我们还有商业业务需要处理,他们也十分尊重这些工作的需要。 cneaa.net 10. The mood was one of delighted celebration, yet it was also attentive and respectful. 众人的情绪在欢快庆祝之余,也有关注与尊敬。 www.ftchinese.com 1. All of these responses are respectful and give her a chance to take back any blame that he might have felt. 这些回答既尊重又能给她机会收回任何令人以为是责备的话。 liangying49812.blog.163.com 2. From her I learned to tell the truth, to refrain from waste, to be considerate of the weak and respectful to age. 从她那里,我学会了说真话、不浪费、体贴弱者、尊重长者。 www.en84.com 3. Angela Ortega, 52, who rented a room in her first-floor apartment to German Cabrera, said he was quiet and respectful. 安吉拉,52岁,她把自己一楼公寓的一间房间租给了吉曼*卡布来拉。她说他是个安静,有礼貌的人。 bbs.wwenglish.org 4. My first boss treated me in such an honest, respectful, caring way I felt valuable, as if I was making an important contribution. 我的第一个老板以坦诚、关心、敬重的方式对待我,让我感觉自己很受重用,好像我正在作出重要的贡献。 www.bing.com 5. There were handshakes and smiles and a good deal of respectful listening, but ultimately no change in well-entrenched positions. 双方会谈期间也是亲热的握手,微笑,尊敬的倾听,但是最终双方根深蒂固的立场没有做出任何改变。 show.24en.com 6. It's good to be polite and respectful, don't get me wrong, but etiquette seems to make some people take it too far. 讲礼貌和尊重人很好,但是不要误解我了,礼节似乎让一些人做过了头。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Ms Arnold's portrait of the country, supervised as she was by tourist-bureau officials, is respectful rather than penetrating. 阿诺德在旅游局官员监督下进行拍摄时,没有尖锐的揭露,而是礼貌的记叙。 www.ecocn.org 8. He made a respectful bow to the company. 他向在座的人们恭敬地一鞠躬。 kmyyw.3133.com 9. Many Asian women believe it is not respectful for a woman to smoke and consider women who smoke to be uneducated. 许多亚洲妇女认为,女性吸烟让人瞧不起;并认为吸烟的女性是没有文化的一族。 www.elanso.com 10. This conventional view, in my respectful submission, ignores a prominent theme of the case: that things are not always as they seem. 但是对传统的观点,我十分敬重的提议(inmyrespectfulsubmission),它忽略了本案的一个重要主题,事情并不总是象他们认为的那样。 www.bing.com 1. Rather, provide examples as guidance, such as, "If my phone were a person I'd expect it to be respectful, smart and friendly. " 相反地,你可以提供一些例子作为引导,比如:“如果我的电话是一个人的话,我希望它是有礼貌、聪明和友好的。” blog.sina.com.cn 2. Arriving any sooner 'shows that you're not respectful of the time the hiring manager put aside for you, ' says Ms. 鲁巴顿说:“早到10分钟以上,说明你不尊重人事经理为你留出的时间。” www.hjenglish.com 3. You seem far more respectful of me since your time spent as a woman. 从你变成一个女性以来,你看起来更恭谨了。 www.anetcity.com 4. For many reasons, I was glad to see that our boat maintained a respectful distance. 为了多种理由,我对我们的轮船保持了足够远的距离感到欣慰。 www.bing.com 5. You see, my great-aunt, she wasn't very respectful to the kind of history that does get into the books. 你知道,我的叔祖母不太尊重最后能在书本上刊载的那种历史。 6. Eg. He was an Asian American (who was) raised in a household where respectful zones in authority was show by averting your eyes . (定语从句)他是一个亚裔美国人,在他生长的环境当中,避免与有权威的人对视是对对方尊重的一种表现。 www.iliyu.com 7. And, you know, when we pulled up to a stoplight the people in the adjacent cars kind of gave us respectful nods. 你知道吗,当我们在红灯前停下时,附近车里的人对我们佩服得直点头。 www.ted.com 8. Mr. Chen built a fortune out of dogged determination and a reputation for being assiduously honest, fair and respectful. 陈先生从顽强的决心和勤恳诚实、公平和谦恭的声誉中创造财富。 www.bing.com 9. They regarded the Abyss as servants would their master's house, with respectful awe and not a small bit of personal pride. 他们把自己和无底深渊的关系比做仆人和主人的家的关系,伴有相当的敬畏,和不少的自豪。 www.cndkc.net 10. Nod and maintain appropriate eye contact; this shows the other party that you're respectful of what they have to say. 适当地点个头,与对方时不时地有个眼神交流,以示意你尊重对方的发言权,并重视他们所提出的。 forum.drawchina.com 1. Deference is courteous, respectful regard for another that often takes the form of yielding to his or her decisions or wishes. Deference是指对另一个人的礼貌和敬重,经常表现为屈服于他或她的决定或愿望 edu.sina.com.cn 2. In vain by respectful condescension and kind flattery this matchless mother tried to soothe the sorrows of her daughter-in-law. 不论这位仁厚无比的婆婆怎样尊重她的儿媳妇,对她表示殷勤,怎样善意地说些恭维话,也减轻不了她的悲伤。 3. But she said I wasn't respectful, or serious, or something. 但她说我不够尊重,不够严肃对待她的作品之类的 www.kekenet.com 4. VIU is an International Centre for Higher Education and Research. Individual behaviour, dress and manners should be respectful of this. 威尼斯国际大学是一个国际性的高等教育与研究中心,学员的行为举止应该符合和遵守大学的要求。 www.sicpdata.com 5. Part of that involves fostering robust and respectful communications between city officials and the community. 从某种程度上来说,这需要加强市政官员和社区之间的活跃的和恭敬的交流。 web.worldbank.org 6. Respectful but not fearful of the challenge the Super Eagles pose, Di Maria is supremely confident of his own side's abilities. 面对非洲雄鹰的挑战,充满敬意却毫不畏惧,迪马利亚对于自己球队的能力非常有信心。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 7. It is important to be respectful of local cultures and religious beliefs that may be very different from your own. 尊重当地可能与自己有所不同的文化和宗教信仰十分重要。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. oh , madame , i do not presume to call myself your friend , but at all times i am your most respectful servant . 噢,夫人,我不敢自称为您的朋友,但我始终是您最恭敬的仆人。 www.ichacha.net 9. His attitude is always to be totally respectful and honest with everyone. 他对事总是一丝不苟、充满敬意,对人则真诚友好。 engbbs.fans1.com 10. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch - 22 and let out a respectful whistle . 尤索林觉得第二十二条军规订得真是简单明了已极,所以深深受到感动,肃然起敬地吹起了一声口哨。 www.bing.com 1. We have also created extensive training programs to educate workers about their right to a safe and respectful work environment. 同时我们也设立了广泛的培训计划,对工人进行自己有权力要求安全、有尊严的工作环境的教育。 www.bing.com 2. Daniel, "ge lao" was a respectful form of address for a prime minister. 韩佳:大牛,“阁老”是对宰相的一种称谓。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Keep it clean, be respectful and I'm sure you'll find you get a burst of energy and excitement from doing it. 保证守法,尊重他人,我相信你会从中充满活力并感到兴奋。 www.bing.com 4. Under all situations, we have to be respectful to others, be responsible for our obligations, and resolve our own problems with wisdom. 任何状况下,对人要尊重,对事要负责,对自己要有智慧。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. As long as you are respectful of their opinions and you stay away from sensitive topics like religion and politics, you'll be fine. 只要你尊重他们的观点,远离像宗教、政治等一系列敏感的话题,你就会不会烦恼。 www.elanso.com 6. The guiding principle of this middle way is to always solve problems in a peaceful, mutually respectful, and pragmatic manner. 中庸之道的指导原则是,以和平、互相尊重和务实的态度解决问题。 blog.stnn.cc 7. Her sentiments towards him were compounded of all that was respectful , grateful, confiding, and tender. 她对他的感情包含有千种尊敬,万种感激,无限信任,及一腔柔情。 dict.wenguo.com 8. On the court Yao was always respectful; off the court he was always congenial. 在球场上姚总是彬彬有礼,在球场外他也总是性情温顺。 club.sohu.com 9. in some meetings , especially if the topic is sensitive , it just seems more respectful to leave the laptops closed. 在某些会议中,尤其是议题敏感时,关闭笔记型计算机似乎是比较尊重的做法。 www.ichacha.net 10. He did caution him to be respectful if someone named Jesus Christ called. 他的确告诫他说,要是有个叫耶苏基督的人打来电话,一定要毕恭毕敬。 dict.wenguo.com 1. He was also moved sometimes when the others gave him some plastic bottles "in a respectful manner" . 而有时人们会“礼貌地”把塑料瓶递给他,他也备受感动。 www.bing.com 2. Lin, and resolution job at a respectful distance, mother-in-law of sight, out of mind. 何琳决议找份工作,与婆婆敬而远之,眼不见为净。 tv.360mp3.com 3. Fourthly, praises the Lord, the kids were all healthy, smart, lively and respectful. 第四,感谢主,孩子们健康、聪明、活泼,懂事。 blog.163.com 4. He said that more respectful dialogue is needed between religious groups and the secular world. 他表示,宗教团体和世俗世界之间的对话需要更多地彼此尊重。 www.bing.com 5. Both men prize scholarship, a global outlook and outreach, while keeping a respectful eye on the bottom line. 管理者们重视学问和工作的全球视野和范围,同时在最低限度上保持一个令人尊敬的视角。 www.ecocn.org 6. But one group found themselves urging the 16 students to be a little less polite and respectful: American baseball umpires. 但是,美国棒球裁判员们却认为有必要敦促这16名学生少一点礼貌和尊重。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 7. The new bride took up residence with her in-laws, and quickly found favor with her diligent and respectful ways, said Mrs. Zhou. 新娘与公婆住在一起,很快就博得了公婆的好感,说她是个既勤快又有礼貌的媳妇。 www.bing.com 8. In the garden the view and the sculpture are coordinated, being solemn, respectful, quiet and tasteful. 园内景致与雕塑相协调,建筑与绿化相融合,既规整肃穆,又幽雅清净。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 9. Throughout history, being filial and respectful to the elders has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. 从古至今,孝敬老人一直是中华民族的传统美德。 www.zuowenw.com 10. Will respond to a direct request to use your product as long as the request is framed in a respectful language. 对彬彬有礼,直接的请求会予回应,使用你的产品。 www.jxyouth.com 1. Please be respectful of other posters feelings and opinions. Although we may, and most of us do, disagree, there is no reason to be rude. 请尊重别的发言者的感受和观点,虽说我们大家可能都不爽,但没必要表现粗鲁。 tianya.8684.cn 2. The moment I stepped into the shabby classroom, I was touched dy the loud, respectful voices in unison: "Good morning, teacher! " 当我踏进那间破旧的教室,我被一阵充满敬意,整齐的喊声深深打动了。“老师,早上好!” www.qqzhi.com 3. So far in this campaign, despite their evident admiration, Obama has held the press at a respectful distance. 到目前为止在这场竞选中,尽管媒体对他明显持赞美态度,但奥巴马还是与媒体保持着令人尊敬的距离。 www.bing.com 4. ' she asked, this time with a more respectful tone than she had used with the boy. 她问,她这次用了比对那个男孩更尊重的语气。 www.bing.com 5. To be courteous, respectful and civil to the attorneys, parties, and witnesses who appear before the court . 对出庭或到庭的律师、当事人以及证人礼貌、尊重、文明。 www.jukuu.com 6. We have been taught to be respectful to the seniors all the time. And we have many examples around us as well. 老师平时就教导我们应该尊敬老人,照顾老人。碧桂园里很多人都是这样做的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The children in our family are always respectful to their elders. . . 我们家的孩子对长者总是毕恭毕敬。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Sometimes the only to customers or met friends will force a smile, or squeeze a respectful, or serious, but no natural smile appearance. 有时只有来了顾客或是遇到了伴侣才会勉强地挤出一点笑脸,或是毕恭毕敬,或是一本正经,却没有自然微笑的容颜。 www.xuebuting.com 9. One of the boys had said : "Here comes Reverend Grimes , " and nodded , in brief, respectful silence . 一个男孩子说了声:“格兰姆斯牧师来了,”跟着点了点头,恭恭敬敬地沉默大片刻。 www.bing.com 10. After all, we are well-known as Australia's multicultural capital and as one of the most peaceful and respectful societies in the world. 毕竟,我们是著名的澳洲多元文化的首都,和全世界最和平与最尊敬各社会[的地方]。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Psychological health is maximized when people strive to be kind, calm, and respectful under all circumstances. 在任何情况下如果人们都很善良,冷静,以及互相尊重,那心理健康也会达到尖峰。 duller.kukuchew.com 2. The crowd waited in respectful silence for the great man to speak. 人群恭恭敬敬地静候那个伟人讲话。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Giving us the tools to have meaningful, respectful and loving relationships with our partners, families and friends. 他赐给我们管道,让我们能和父母,家人和朋友建立起充满意义,尊重和爱的关系。 www.carreviews.cn 4. Our "Be a Courteous and Considerate Shanghainese" campaign promoted respectful behavior and civility citywide. 大力开展“与文明同行,做可爱的上海人”主题实践活动,加强了精神文明建设。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. It was late after a long day and we did not feel the manner of speaking to the guests was very respectful or appropriate in the situation. 天已经晚了,在这里一整天我们没有觉得他们对顾客说话的方式很有礼貌或者是适当的。 www.taskcn.com 6. I was expecting some controversy on my post The Question I was Scared to Ask and I like a smart debate with a respectful opponent. 我原本期望在我的邮件我不知道该怎么问这一问题上获取一些意见,而且我也想和一个谦恭的对手好好争论一番。 name1.sourceforge.net 7. "Whatever your personal beliefs may be. . . you must be respectful of the patient's dignity and views, " the association says. 协会认为“无论你是无神论者还是宗教信仰者,你都必须要尊重患者的意愿。” www.bing.com 8. And none of them in style or structural substance ever bore any respectful relationship to their locality. 而且他们在风格上或结构上都与他们的所在地格格不入。 www.bing.com 9. Lowering world population by providing respectful and equitable support for people who choose to have fewer children. 向选择节育的人们提供尊重和公平的支援,协助减少全球人口数目。 www.wwf.org.hk 10. They waited in respectful silence for the great man to speak . 他们礼貌地保持安静等待伟人演说。 www.bing.com 1. They waited in respectful silence for the great man to speak . 他们礼貌地保持安静等待伟人演说。 www.bing.com 2. As long as you're the "99 percent" -- which the vast majority of are -- and are respectful and peaceful, you're welcome at Occupy LA. 只要你是在这百分之九十九中的一员——也就是像大多数人一样——并且有礼貌,热爱和平,占领洛杉矶运动就欢迎你的到来。 www.bing.com 3. Otherwise, the crowd were sufficiently impressed and respectful to applaud Rooney off the pitch. 但同时,观众们还是对下场的鲁尼报以掌声,保持了足够的尊敬。 www.bing.com 4. Ms Gillham says that scientific advances have improved restoration techniques and restorers have grown more respectful of the original. 吉勒姆先生说,现代科学技术的发展进一步提高了修复技术,修理师们对原始作品也更加尊重。 www.bing.com 5. If you act in a more loving and respectful way toward your partner, you soon begin feeling better about yourself. 如果你的行为比以往表现得更爱及更尊重你的伴侣的话,你很快会开始自我感觉良好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Michele has bridged the gap between indigenous and present day medicine ways, in a most respectful, loving and impeccable manner. 米歇尔已经弥补之间的差距,土著和当今医学的方式,以最尊重,热爱和无可挑剔的方式。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A total of more than 400 monks in the mountains, for us are very respectful salute, anxious to tell us eat meals out. 山中和尚共四百多人,对我们行礼十分恭敬,急着拿出饭食劝我们进食。 wenwen.soso.com 8. France is a country known for etiquette, respectful and polite people have been proud of the French tradition. 法国是个以礼仪著称的国家,谦恭礼貌是法国人一直引以为荣的传统。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. Be polite and be respectful about the children when they're talking. 与孩子交谈的时候保持礼貌和尊重。 www.ginhoo.com 10. Teams that face Italy are always a bit fearful and very respectful. 意大利球队总是有点可怕和非常的尊重。 www.bing.com 1. In turn, your tween will carry on interactions with others in a pleasing and respectful way that will follow her throughout life. 同时,你的孩子也会与其他人以愉快且有礼貌的方式进行互动,这会让她终生受益。 www.elanso.com 2. Assists with new partner training by positively reinforcing successful performance and giving respectful and encouraging coaching as needed. 通过积极表扬出色的工作绩效,并根据需要提供相互尊重的、鼓励性的辅导,帮助培训新伙伴。 www.gdrc.com 3. The relatives of British servicemen killed in Iraq who had been allocated seats at the hearing were mostly respectful. 在伊拉克被杀的英国服役军人的家属大部分都在听证会上安排了席位。 www.bing.com 4. Against weaker players or weaker teams, respectful obviously, you tend to have options. You tend to pick the wrong ones. 对阵弱一些的球员或球队,当然也要尊重他们,你也会有更多选择,但常常会选错。 tieba.baidu.com 5. I don't think anyone really noticed that we were suddenly spending all our nights glued to the box in respectful silence. 没有人注意到,突然之间,每天晚上我们所有的人都黏在电视前面,寂静无声。 tw.motivationtolearn.org 6. Let the innovation fill the interest, but is not kept at a respectful distance. 让创新充满趣味,而不被敬而远之。 rafflescu.edublogs.org 7. Of course, it's not so simple to be obedient and respectful. It needs great spiritual support. 当然要敬孝道做起来并不那么简单,它需要有坚强的精神支柱才能实现。 bbs.netat.net 8. I continue to reiterate that students are expected to be respectful when learning at school. 也反复强调在学校学习要做到互相尊重。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 9. When you engage in informal conversation with your superiors, keep a respectful distance. 当你和上司进行日常谈话的时候,要敬而远之。 www.bing.com 10. Rather. to be in Ms. Walsh's class means being prepared. attentive. respectful. 而是意味着要做好上课的准备。要专心。在尊重人。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. In confrontations especially, emotions can run high. Remember to be respectful and keep a cool head. 尤其在对峙中,情绪可能高涨。记着要尊重人,保持一个清晰的头脑。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The industry has already been developing more fuel-efficient engines and other solutions which are more respectful of the environment. 汽车业已经准备开发生产耗油更低的发动机,以及解决其他一些对环境更有益处的问题。 www.ecocn.org 3. As for his moral character, he is also praiseworthy. He is polite and respectful to his teachers and classmates. 在人品上,他也很值得称赞,他对他的老师和同学都很尊敬并且很有礼貌。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. After a few early spins in his grave, Shakespeare may end up grudgingly respectful. 在他墓里做出暗示之后,莎士比亚最后可能会勉强获得尊敬。 www.ftchinese.com 5. And I think it's a gentler picture, a little less threatening, a little more respectful of the species. 而我想这张照片有更多的优雅,更少的威胁,有对这个物种更多尊重。 www.ted.com 6. He has wonderful manners and is respectful of me. 他举止得体、对我很有礼貌。 gb.cri.cn 7. The royal palaces spacious reflected, the solemn and respectful, and express the sacred and imperial power, shall not be infringed. 皇家宫殿体现出来的大气磅礴,的大气磅礴,庄严肃穆,肃穆,表达了皇权神圣而不可侵犯。神圣而不可侵犯。 wenku.baidu.com 8. We've run a very respectful campaign. I still think one of the great lines of all the many debates we had - I think 15 or 16 . . . 我们在竞选活动中相互尊重。我仍然认为我们的多次辩论中他最伟大的一次–我想是在第15或16次… dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We're respectful of her and her right to fight on. 我们尊重她和她继续战斗的而权利。 www.bing.com 10. The environment wants to have the always mutually respectful and attentive sky, then can moisten my mind. 环境要有相濡以沫的天空,才能滋润我心灵。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. Wright believed in the power that good design has to make people more aware and respectful of their surroundings and of nature. 莱特坚信好的设计必须能增加人们的自觉,让他们更加尊敬身边的环境及大自然。 www.24en.com 2. remember to be respectful to somebody who outranks you . this exercise in patience will be well rewarded. 记得尊重在上位者。这种耐力练习将会有不错的回报。 www.ichacha.net 3. Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more respectful of one another's differences. 看来有明隐和确实的迹象说明所有地方的人们都变得对互相的不同越来越卑沉。 www.va1314.com 4. As long as you dress up and are respectful I think its totally fine. 只要你打扮好,礼貌一点嘴巴甜点我觉得没有问题啊。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Though you may or may not agree with or like that person, it serves you well to be respectful and understanding. 尽管你可能不同意也不喜欢那个人,但能使你可敬和善解人意。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Receive considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment free of unnecessary restraints. 在清洁和安全的环境并无不必要的管制下得到周到和尊重的照顾。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The audience waited in respectful silence while their aged speaker searched among his notes for the figures he could not remember. 当年长的演讲者在他的笔记本中查找没记住的数字时,观众在恭敬的沉默中等待。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The respectful spectator gave the prospective president a retrospect of the spectacular spectrum . 恭敬的旁观者对未来的总统回顾了壮观的光谱(景象)。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 9. Mr Kadyrov replied, using Mr Putin's patronymic, the respectful form of address. 卡德罗夫回答道,他使用了普京的父名,这是一种表示尊敬的称呼。 www.ftchinese.com 10. They are very respectful and they know their way around sports clubs. It's great to see them over here. 他们非常尊敬大家,而且他们知道自己在体育俱乐部的位置。能在这里看到他们感觉很好。 jczqw.com 1. Make every effort to be flexible and creative in your plans and respectful of patients' knowledge about their own best interests. 尽一切努力使你的计划灵活而富有创造性,并尊重病人最感兴趣的知识。 www.med66.com 2. Supplier's management must be knowledgeable and respectful of the same. 供应商的管理人员必须理解和尊重企业社会责任的要求。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The challenge was to get these young staff to remember to use respectful tones of voice. 这里的挑战就是要让这些年轻的工作人员记住他们需要使用尊敬的声调来说话。 www.bing.com 4. Yu prince blessing entire Hongs in a hurry, the respectful prince often preferably also immediately went. 裕亲王福全薨了没多久,恭亲王常宁也随之去了。 www.bb365.org.cn 5. It's not even enough for them to have been respectful but their tone of voice was sarcastic and disrespectful. 我甚至不要求他们用尊敬的口吻来说话,可是他们的口气充满了讽刺和不尊重。 www.51kantie.com 6. No words are needed to make a toast, and it is not necessary to drain your glass, although to do so is more respectful. 尽管举杯的时候说些祝词并干尽杯中之酒更能显示诚意,但你也不必强行如此。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. We'll be very respectful of Liverpool, but we'll have to try to be brave and take the game to them if and when we can. 我们对利物浦都非常尊重,但是我们必须大胆,如果我们可以的话,我们必须拿下比赛。 www.jczqw.com 8. Dooku and Qui-Gon sat in the cockpit. Qui-Gon kept a respectful silence, realizing that his Master needed time to think. 杜库和魁刚依然坐在驾驶室里。魁刚恭敬地保持沉默,他知道他的师父需要点时间来思考问题。 starwarsfans.cn 9. In short, though, the policy is to be responsible and respectful. 不过,总之,这个政策是应该被遵守和尊敬的。 dongxi.net 10. Now, I think it's the right time for a change but let us bid him a respectful farewell. 现在,我想这是最合适的时候,让我们给他一个真诚的充满敬意地告别。 www.lfcfans.com 1. Mind your manners. Be polite and respectful to the wait staff and others you encounter. Refrain from inappropriate jokes or suggestions. 注意礼貌。对侍应生和你们遇到的任何人都要彬彬有礼,不要开不合适的玩笑,或者提出不恰当的建议。 www.bing.com 2. He was a very good student. He was respectful, sincere, and obedient. He learned very quickly. 他是一个好学生(student),恭敬、诚恳、听话,然而而且学得很快。 www.waiyulm.com 3. He hated religious controversy and was deeply respectful of others' views. 他讨厌与宗教的论战并且深深的尊敬着宗教的观点。 www.bing.com 4. Of all the countries respectful for Chinese medicine, only China legally allows the existence of live bear bile. 在所有崇尚中医的国家,只有中国允许活熊取胆产业合法存在。 www.ebigear.com 5. Then you'd better make sure it portrays the armed forces in an exemplary, respectful and heroic light. 那么你最好确保以模范、尊敬和英雄的形象来描述美军。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The most respectful deference is due to doubts originating in pure patriotism and sustained by venerated authority. 最为谦恭的敬从是因为那些源自纯粹爱国精神的,并由受敬重的政府所保持的质疑。 www.kekenet.com 7. And multilateral negotiations will need to be more respectful of the growing strength of the emerging countries. 多边谈判对新兴国家正在增长的实力也需给以更多的尊重。 dongxi.net 8. This kind of way says be very lax respectful strictly. 这种做法严格说来是十分不严厉的。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 9. Other researchers view Dr. Tononi's theory with a respectful skepticism. 其他研究者对科赫博士的理论持怀疑态度 www.bing.com 10. Even if one's parents are polytheists , and they want him to follow them, he should refuse, yet continue to be kind and respectful to them. 即使一个人的父母是多神教徒想让他也做多神教徒,他应当拒绝,但仍要对他们善良、尊敬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. 最重要的是,要做自己,不要当虚伪的人。只有对人真诚又尊重时,才能赢得他人的尊敬。 wenku.baidu.com 2. So you're dealing with powerful memories and it's your job to give those memories the right context and to elicit them in a respectful way. 你知道这会勾起她们很深的回忆,这就是你的工作,你要在合适的背景下,以一种恭恭敬敬的态度让她们把往事讲出来。 www.bing.com 3. "Something can happen, but if you are orderly and respectful that is something they will respect, " he said of criminal organizations. “有些事会发生,但是如果你行事有矩,如果你彬彬有礼,他们就会敬重你的行为。”他如是评说犯罪组织。 www.bing.com 4. Don't make him too old a man, be a little respectful to find gifts that emphasizes his strengths. 不要把他看成太老的男人,要比较尊敬的找能强调他力量的礼物。 space.flash8.net 5. you have to earn respect . you have to let people know that your a respectful , responsible person , not that you can do anything you want. 你必须自己去赢得他人的尊重,必须让人们知道你懂得尊重别人又有责任感,而不是任性地为所欲为。 www.ichacha.net 6. Smith is a respectable professor, so all his students are respectful to him. 史密斯博士是一位令人尊敬的教授,因此所有他的学生都很尊敬他。 wenku.baidu.com 7. By recovering bodies for identification and respectful burial you are showing care, giving hope, and preventing disease for the living. 通过寻找、辨识尸体并尊重的安葬他们,你为生者奉献了你的爱心,给予了他们希望,并阻止了疾病发生。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. Open communication states feelings, needs and wants directly to the family member involved, in a respectful manner. 国家开放的沟通感情,需求和愿望的家庭成员直接参与了尊重的态度。 www.360doc.com 9. When it comes to your boss. . . Be respectful. Go out of your way to assist him or her any chance you get. 当谈到你的老板时,要有礼貌。用你自己的方式抓住每一个可以协助他或她的机会。 www.bing.com 10. A respectful person will not intrude upon their neighbor's privacy, or share these private details with anyone else. 一个有礼貌的人不会侵犯邻居的隐私,或者与其他人谈及这些私人秘密。 www.bing.com 1. Please be respectful to other participants; ask for the Statement Hammer before expressing opinions. 相互尊重,积极参与,积极表达意见和建议,参与讨论发言请申请发言锤; www.5yi.com 2. Hi Beautiful, If you are looking for a good man, honest, respectful and hard-working, your search is over. 您好美丽,如果你是一个好人,诚实,尊重,勤奋工作,您的搜索。 www.chineselovelinks.com 3. I can be trusted, am honest, reliable, caring, flexible and respectful romantic guy. 我可以信任,很诚实,可靠,关怀,灵活和相互尊重的浪漫的人。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. 'They treated us like family, ' Ms. Hui says of the film's cast and crew. 'We were very respectful, and they thought it was fun. ' “他们对我们就像家人一样,”说起电影演员和摄制组,许鞍华说,“我们非常尊重他们,他们觉得和我合作很有趣。” chinese.wsj.com 5. Let's wait in respectful silence for him to speak. 让我们安安静静地等他发言。 www.zftrans.com 6. A good coach is positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, respectful, and patient. 优秀的导师积极乐观,热情洋溢,善于支持,信任员工,尊重他人,富有耐心。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Governor Herbert convened a round table on immigration demanding "respectful dialogue" . 州长赫伯特(Herbert)也针对移民问题召开了圆桌会议,要求“在相互尊重的基础上进行对话”。 www.ecocn.org 8. People with overblown egos are not fun to be with, they are not respectful and they cannot be relied on. 和过于自负者待在一起,简直就是一种折磨。因为他们不懂得谦恭,为人也不可靠。 www.bing.com 9. The attendant to qi, led to the manned there, hail a sound left, very respectful attitude. 小二把斯琪领到了掌柜的那儿,招呼一声就离开了,态度非常的恭敬。 bookapp.book.qq.com 10. Touch your friend. When it is respectful and reassuring, not needy and demanding, touch between friends is sacred, connecting body and soul. 朋友之间,彼此珍重,互相安慰,肢体的接触是神圣的,传达了心灵的相知相惜。但急迫或苛求则令人不快。 www.tiantianbt.com 1. I liked his authoritative yet easygoing presence, the unassuming way he talked about his work, the respectful way he asked about mine. 我钟情于他随和而又不失威严的风度,在和我谈论他的工作时的谦逊态度,以及他在在询问关于我的事情时表现出的彬彬有礼。 dongxi.net 2. The media was more respectful of movie starts back then and they could hide their personal lives. 在那时,媒体对影星们更加尊重,他们可以隐藏自己的私生活。 www.xianzai.cn 3. Officials speak in respectful tones about Booking. com's relative dominance in Europe. Travelocity的高管们很尊敬地谈到了Booking.com在欧洲的相对优势。 www.bing.com 4. When you speak assertively , you state your feelings openly in a respectful , tactful way . 当你主张地说话,你是在以一个有尊重、有策略的方法公开表达你的感受。 www.bing.com 5. But the design was driven by a need to be quick, cheap, safe, respectful, flexible. 但是这个设计一直考虑到快速,廉价,安全,庄严和灵活性方面的需求。 www.ted.com 6. I have been waiting for your respectful action on this issue. But, none. 我一直在等待您对此给出令人尊敬的行动,但是迟至今日您仍然没有做出如此努力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The ancient Hindu term yoni has achieved some currency today, and has respectful, even worshipful connotations. 远古的印度教术语yoni在今天得到通用。它具有尊重甚至崇拜的含义。 www.bing.com 8. and i'm gonna try to be more respectful. 而且我会试着去更尊重你点。 www.b2b99.com 9. Proper information for the copyright material is given to the respectful and rightful owner. 版权材料的正确的信息是考虑到尊重和合法所有者。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 10. The traffic conditions in these four cities was, quite literally, very respectful and courteous. 这四个城市的交通状况的确是彼此尊重和礼貌。 talk315.com 1. Japan may be a better model, as a respectful national press keeps its distance. 日本可能是更好的例子,其国家媒体与皇室保持距离,令人尊敬。 www.ecocn.org 2. GOLDEN RULE Make calls quickly and quietly, and be respectful of those forced to listen! 打电话要迅速、小声,对无奈的听众则必须一脸恭敬! edu.sina.com.cn 3. Our boys and girls learn in a natural, balanced, respectful and caring environment. 男生与女生共同在自然、和谐、互相尊重、互相关心的环境里学习。 www.eol.cn 4. We need to be good role models of respectful partnerships and family relationships. 我们需要做好的行为榜样,保持互相尊重的夫妻关系、家庭关系。 www.bing.com 5. A good communication depends on respectful attitudes and words. 拥有良好态度的关键在于改变的意愿。 www.dictall.com 6. They stood at a respectful distance from the president . 他们站在那里,与总统保持一定的距离,以示尊敬。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Though his tone was respectful, sometimes obsequious , he was also canny. 尽管语气中颇有敬意,有时候甚至逢迎,但他很谨慎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Gray is traditional color, middle, dignified, sagacious and not low respectful, have humanitarian color extremely. 灰色是传统的颜色,中庸,凝重,睿智而不卑恭,极具人文色彩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. How can intelligent people who purport to be deeply concerned with animalwelfare and respectful of life turn a blind eye to such practices? 那些声称深切关心动物福利且尊重生命的聪明人怎么能对这种做法视而不见呢? www.bing.com 10. The perfect personality which Wang Yang-ming pursues not means everyone can be respectful Sage, but is the highest spiritual level. 王阳明所追求的完美人格,不是说普通人都能成为备受尊敬的圣人,而是人们经过奋斗最终能达到的一种精神境界。 www.edu-hb.com 1. She has also implied that she will be more respectful of Argentina's democratic institutions than her sometimes high-handed husband. 她已经暗示将比她有时候会采取高压手段的丈夫更尊重阿根廷的民主制度。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. As a small country, Norway is very respectful of other languages, especially the mother tongues of others. 挪威身为一个小国,对其他语言非常的尊重,尤其是母语。 www.jukuu.com 3. She received guests with a respectful attitude. 她恭恭敬敬地接待了客人。 www.hxen.com 4. Always be respectful to others. Show your respect by being on time for meetings and informing in advance of unavoidable delays. 始终敬重他人。通过准时赴会、预先通知无法避免的延误来表达你的尊重。 www.britishcouncil.org.cn 5. If only I had been more polite, more respectful, been more generous in bed. 要是我在床上时能够更有礼貌,更加尊敬他,更加的大方。 www.bing.com 6. We are very respectful towards those doctors and nurses who sacrificed themselves in the fight against SARS. 我们非常敬重在抗击非典斗争中牺牲的医生护士们。 www.zgfyw.com 7. We were both reasonable and once that was agreed, we behaved in a respectful way. 我们都是理性的人,一旦商定,我们就展现出对彼此的尊重。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Still, sportsmen who lose can keep their integrity as respectful individuals when losing is the right aim. 尽管如此,如果输得心服口服,即便输了,运动员也会保持诚实正直的品德,成为令人尊敬的人。 www.readywin.com 9. Always be reliable, flexible, respectful and polite, you represent yourself and your school. 您代表自己和您的学校,保持可信,灵活,恭敬,和礼貌。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Despite the seeming mismatch of moods, the male giant pandas are respectful of the females. 除了我们看到的雄性大熊猫不寻常的情绪之外,它们还对雌性大熊猫特别的尊敬。 www.bing.com 1. This will give you time to relax but remember to be pleasant and respectful to staff you meet. 这段时间你可以放松一下,但记得对接待你的员工一定要友好尊敬。 www.ebigear.com 2. We are fortunate that most students at our high school are respectful , considerate, and tolerant of differences among their peers. 幸运的是,我们这所中学的大多数学生都能尊重他人,替别人着想,容忍同学之间的不同意见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Okay, I was happy to beat Brazil but Lucas was very sad, so I obviously tried to be respectful. 我很高兴可以战胜巴西,但卢卡斯非常的难过,所以我会尽量的表示友好。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. While masturbation is not a sin, we must be careful to masturbate in a way that is respectful to our bodies, and respectful to God. 虽然自慰不是什么罪恶,我们还是要以尊重自己的肉体,尊重主的方式自慰。 www.bing.com 5. It is important to be respectful of the monks that are praying and working in the temple. 敬重在寺庙里祈祷和工作的和尚是很重要的。 weike.taskcn.com 6. His brief and subdued remarks to the A-bomb survivors were received with respectful, but brief applause. 他对原子弹幸存者发表的讲话,简洁而委婉,得到了尊敬和短暂的掌声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Besides, isn't it more respectful to allow your loved one to decide what to do with the facts, rather than taking away their power? 而且让你的爱人自己决定该怎样面对事实相较于前者不也是更尊重他的做法吗? www.kekenet.com 8. Isn't that more respectful than feeling like you've been placed under a microscope before each call-up ? 比起每一次大名单公布前都被放到显微镜下审视,难道你不觉得不回去会更加受人尊敬么? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Is still quite respectful apt daddy mom opinion? 对爹爹娘亲态度还很恭敬? www.gxxhsd.com 10. My character is hard working, careful, respectful working emotion. I can communicate with each other friendly and try any problems. 我的个人特点是工作认真细致、谨慎、有很强的敬业精神,与人有良好的沟通能力,能够吃苦耐劳。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. If you are responsive and respectful in the face of adversity, you will look that much more trustworthy. 如果你负有责任感并且尊重反对意见的话,你会看起来更真诚。 www.bing.com 2. The crowd stood in respectful silence as the funeral procession went by. 当送葬行列走过的时候,人群沉默地肃立着。 www.zhiyebook.com 3. Be sure to vary your tone of voice and vocal volume, and do use humor, but keep it respectful to the deceased and to the audience. 一定要调节你的语调和音量。在运用幽默的同时一定要保持对逝者和听众的尊敬。 www.bing.com 4. Be respectful of their language, currency, beliefs and traditions. (一千五百米的另一种表达法);尊重他们的语言,货币,信仰和传统。 www.bing.com 5. It's not just about body parts or pathogens or the mechanics of contraception; it's about what constitutes a respectful, warm relationship. 性教育并不仅仅是生理器官、病原体和避孕技巧,它还应该包括如何形成有好、温暖的男女关系。 www.bing.com 6. Diedrich said for the most part, however, Springfield drivers are respectful. 但是,Diedrich说大部分时候,春田市的司机们还是很尊重死者的。 www.bing.com 7. Stepping into the hall, you will see "Be filial to parents" and "Be respectful to teacher" on the lintel of brick arches. 进入门厅两侧砖砌拱门的门楣上分别书“出孝”、“入悌”。 www.kle100.cn 8. Wookiees are deeply respectful of nature, and have a strong connection to the sanctity of their world's ecology. 伍基人十分尊重自然,而且与他们所在星球生态的严整性有很强的联系。 starwarsfans.cn 9. No loud, boisterous behavior but being utterly respectable and respectful. 不大声喧哗,行为得体,令人尊敬,也尊敬别人。 www.24en.com 10. So, what can we do to foster workplaces that are more civil and respectful? 所以,我们可以做些什么来促进工作场所有更多的文明和尊重? www.bing.com 1. Respectful seniors, Good afternoon everyone. 尊敬的各位长辈大家中午好。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Learning to be consistent and fair goes a long way towards forming a respectful 2 way relationship. 连贯的、公平的学习有组于形成恭敬的两者关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Being respectful to the interests of past and future generations is key to the Confucian view of the self and groups. 以孔子学说看待个人与集体,其核心观点是尊重过去及未来几代人的利益。 www.bing.com 4. When most Americans think of Japanese people, they think: polite, respectful, accomadating. 大多数美国人想起日本人的时候,他们会想到:礼貌、恭顺、随和。 www.bing.com 5. I hope there will be intelligent, fact-based and respectful debate from the two sides that will inevitably arise in this issue. 我希望能从这个问题中必然出现的两方面观点中进行智慧的、基于事实的、互相尊重的辩论。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. So America will defend itself, respectful of the sovereignty of nations and the rule of law. 因此,美国在捍卫自身利益的同时,也会尊重他国的主权和法治。 gb.cri.cn 7. She notes, though, that there is a difference between being respectful and being agreeable. 不过她指出,尊重他人和好说话是有区别的。 cn.wsj.com 8. To be servilely respectful or deferential; grovel. 屈膝服从奴颜卑膝地尊敬或服从;卑躬屈膝 dict.hjenglish.com 9. The laws and culture of each country are different and we must always be respectful of those differences. 我们应该尊重不同国家之间在风俗和法律上所存在的差异。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Children will be respectful to fellow students, lunchroom personnel . 6儿童将尊重同学,教育局人员。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. He was extremely curious and cultured, but always humble, respectful, and kind. 他非常好奇,很有涵养,总是很谦逊,尊重他人,又善良。 www.mjjclub.com 2. He is always respectful to the aged. 他一惯尊重老年人。 blog.tjjy.com.cn 3. He was careful to maintain a respectful tone. "Could you fill mein on the circumstances? " 他小心翼翼地问:“你能给我介绍下当前的情况吗?”,想尽可能地表现出自己对她的尊重。 www.bing.com 4. It's time to follow Keiko's fin strokes and try again to give a captive orca a better life, a more natural life, a more respectful life. 是时候顺着Keiko的鳍划出的轨迹来尝试为人工饲养的虎鲸营造更美好、更自在、更享受尊重的生活了。 www.bing.com 5. Use restrooms and drinking fountains at school in a respectful and courteous manner and at appropriate times. 以有礼貌的和彬彬有礼样子,在适当的时候,在学校使用洗手间和饮水处。 blog.cersp.com 6. Besides being a scholar and a speaker there are many callings which are as noble and as respectful. 除了做学者和演说家之外,还有许多同样高尚的与可敬德的事业里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Thus, contact is more than a trite act, but a privileged way to build lasting and respectful relationships with our fellow men. 因此,联系要比老一套行为要多,但是却是这样一种方式,可以免除与我们的朋友同事家人建立持久的彼此敬仰的关系的过程。 www.bing.com 8. Maintain formal and respectful deference to me as his or her manager. 对我维持正常的对上级恭敬和尊重的关系。 www.south-edu.net 9. Share your insights, your passion, but keep the conversation respectful. 分享你们的见解、你们的热情,但要让谈话保持尊重。 www.bing.com 10. Our attitude toward our teachers should be respectful, but not slavish or superstitious. 我们对待老师地态度应该是恭敬的,但不该是盲从或迷信的 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Occasionally state in a quiet, respectful tone the words, "Yes, Dear" . 偶尔用平静又尊重的声音说:“好的,亲爱的”。 www.bing.com 2. So please, criticize me all you want, just stay respectful. 所以,请批评我,你想要的,只是呆在尊重。 bbs.a9vg.com 3. Thence it results that, in the preceding book, I have spoken of a convent with respectful accents. 因此,在前一卷书里,我曾以尊敬的口吻谈到一个修院的情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Be respectful of her family time and she'll be respectful of yours. 你对她的家人尊重了,她自然也会对你尊重。 career.51youcai.com 5. Good afternoon! My respectful teachers and dear classmates. 老师,各位同学:大家下午好! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Tahitians are very respectful and generous and kind. 塔希提人是非常讲礼貌,慷慨而和善的。 www.bing.com 7. But it's critical to remain respectful of all viewpoints when playing political pundit at work. 但是有一点要记住的重要规则就是,在职场玩政治权威人士游戏时要尊重所有的观点。 www.acsf.cn 8. They are embryonic empire-builders, hardy, self-sufficient and respectful of authority. 他们是未来国家的栋梁,吃苦耐劳,自立,尊重权威。 www.ecocn.org 9. Most often those who are diplomatic, respectful and build coalitions with effective people win. 通常赢家都是那些老练的、尊重别人的、和有影响力人士联系紧密的人。 www.ebigear.com 10. Mr Newton says he became "fearful and respectful" of the windfall. 天上掉馅饼,牛顿说自己“又敬又怕”。 www.ecocn.org |
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