单词 | reconnecting |
释义 | reconnecting是reconnect的现在分词
第三人称单数:reconnects 现在分词:reconnecting 过去式:reconnected 例句释义: 重新连接,重接,重试连接,重新连结服务器,重新连线 1. Get more out of your volunteer activity by reconnecting with a cause that's bigger than you are and matters most to you. 你可以从志愿活动中寻找到更多更大的更重要的事情。 www.hjenglish.com 2. RECONNECTING WITH AN OLD HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE SWEETHEART LATE IN LIFE SEEMS TO RESULT IN HAPPINESS MORE OFTEN THAN NOT. 重新与高中或者大学的老情人联络似乎能导致更多的快乐。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Click the Next button if you are ready to try reconnecting. 如果已准备好重新进行连接,请单击“下一步”按钮。 www.jukuu.com 4. I finally fell in love with meditation when I felt it reconnecting me with my real self, with humanity, nature, the entire universe. 但感到冥思把我重新与真实自我、人心、自然及整个宇宙又连接起来后,我终于爱上了它。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. We house-sit in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, five or six months a year, taking classes, doing volunteer work, reconnecting with friends. 我们一年中有5、6个月在墨西哥的圣米格尔德阿连德(SanMigueldeAllende)代人看管房子,上课、做志愿工作、联络旧友。 www.bing.com 6. It was an incremental thing, a process of reconnecting with a body of work that developed gradually. 这是渐进发展的,我开始重新接触他陆续发表的作品。 page.renren.com 7. At best, this might indicate that you are reconnecting with your partner and at worst, that someone takes advantage of you. 这样看来,最多也不过是你再一次和父母纠结起来了,最坏也就是有人想要利用你,得到好处。 www.douban.com 8. Click the Redial button when you are ready to try reconnecting. 当您想重新连接时,请单击“重拨”按钮。 www.jukuu.com 9. If the connectionLost method is unable to reconnect, an exception should be thrown to notify the client that reconnecting failed. 如果connectionLost方法无法重新连接,则会抛出异常来通知客户机重新连接失败。 www.ibm.com 10. In a nod to his P& G roots, he also says that Unilever can improve performance by "reconnecting" with consumers. 他首肯了自己与宝洁的渊源,表示,联合利华可以通过与消费者“再结合”改善业绩。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Reconnecting the Korean railway would be a testament to mutual development and inter-Korean peace. 此举将是半岛内和平与共同发展的见证。 www.ptfcn.com 2. Assuming that the original principal server can access the new principal instance, reconnecting occurs automatically and transparently. 假设原始主体服务器可以访问新的主体实例,则会自动透明地进行重新连接。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The towers's design seeks to reinstate Edgar Street as an east-west public way, reconnecting Greenwich and Washington streets. 该大厦的设计理念旨在将艾德加街恢复成为东西向的公共通道,并且重新连接格林威治和华盛顿街。 art.china.cn 4. Make sure the equipment is in a secure condition fair conditionersing reconnecting power. 在重新接通电源之前,一定要保证设置装备摆设和平。 www.hx41.com 5. If you've checked the phone number here and it looks correct, click the Next button to try reconnecting. 如果您已检查此处的电话号码并且该号码正确,请单击“下一个”按钮重新连接。 www.jukuu.com 6. Reconnecting causes mirroring to be suspended. 重新连接会导致镜像挂起。 technet.microsoft.com 7. by reconnecting and strengthening our urban ecology -animals, plants and humans- symbiotically. 通过重新连接和加强我们的城市生态,动物,植物和人类,共生。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But thanks for coming in. Your web site's incredibly useful for reconnecting with girls who rejected me in middle school. 谢谢您的来访你的网站好用得不可思议它让我和中学拒绝过我的女孩子们重新取得了联系 www.kekenet.com 9. In the human being many powers converge with the purpose of reconnecting and cooperating. 在人类实体中,许多的力量因为重新连接与协作的目标而聚合到一起。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Reconnecting a disconnected session to the console is not supported. 不支持重新将一个断开的会话连接到控制台。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 1. Note also that the routing of messages is accomplished by reconnecting the physical network. 还要注意,消息的路由是通过重新连接物理网络来完成的。 www.ibm.com 2. This does not mean you will suddenly see new log files in your log directory after reconnecting to the database. 这并不表示您会在重新连接到数据库之后立即在日志文件目录中看到新的日志文件。 www.ibm.com 3. Reconnecting the regions cut off by the new Kosi in eastern Nepal to the rest of the country as soon as possible is also a high priority. 把尼泊尔东部新的戈西河切断的地区和该国其他地方尽快连接起来,这也是一项优先任务。 www.scidev.net 4. There is a problem with the connection to the other computer . Try reconnecting to the computer that contains the ClipBook page. 与其他计算机连接时发生问题。请尝试与包含剪贴簿页面的计算机重新连接。 www.bing.com 5. On reconnecting, the original principal server becomes the mirror server. 重新连接后,原始主体服务器变为镜像服务器。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Connecting and reconnecting to meetings has also greatly improved. 连接和重新连接会议也有了极大的改进。 www.ibm.com 7. People have a huge amount of fun doing this, reconnecting with other people as they do it. 身体力行的人们感到无限乐趣,人们也乐于联系在一起做这些转变。 www.ted.com 8. If you've checked the phone number here and it looks correct, click the Redial button to try reconnecting. 如果您已检查此处的电话号码并且该号码正确,请单击“重拨”按钮重新连接。 www.jukuu.com 9. For information on reconnecting the work item list, see the procedure "To reconnect a work item list after working offline. " 有关重新连接工作项列表的信息,请参见“脱机工作后重新连接工作项列表”中的步骤。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. And I think we have lost our connection, and this is a wonderful way of reconnecting to our environment. 我觉得我们已经失去了和大自然的联系,而这是一种把我们重新和周围的环境联系起来的好方法。 www.ted.com 1. This month is good for relaxing and reconnecting with family. 这个月事一个放松并与家庭重新联系的好时候。 www.douban.com 2. I was reconnecting with my vegetable-loving ancestors. 我和我爱吃蔬菜的祖先又重新相连了。 www.bing.com 3. We've been kind of reconnecting, which is good. I hope she gets a Grammy. She deserves it. 我们貌似算是重新开始联系了,这是件好事,我希望她能赢得格莱美奖,这是她应得的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But around age 40, women start reconnecting. 但在40岁左右时,女性开始再度与老朋友联系。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Account %1 was blocked on the %2 server for reconnecting too quickly. 服务器已经屏蔽了%1账户,因为您重新连接太快。 translations.launchpad.net 6. You have the option of reconnecting the files or continuing with them offline. 您有再联接文件或继续的选择通过他们离线。 zhidao.baidu.com |
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