单词 | raw-material |
释义 |
n. natural resource,mineral,mineral deposit,reserve,resource raw-material 显示所有例句 例句释义: 原料,材料,素材 1. The automatic recovery system separate the system with powder , can guarantee to recover the best result of the raw material. 慢速静音粉碎机自动回收系统和粉末分离系统,能保证回收料的最佳效果。 www.ppzhan.com 2. What an irony that a developed nation like the US is now a raw material supplier to what was only recently a developing nation. 一个像美国这样的发达国家居然成为仅仅最近还是发展中国家的原材料供应国,这是多么讽刺啊! www.bing.com 3. We are no longer the customer at all --we are the product, the raw material to be 'processed' into a 'serviced' end-product. 因此,我们已不再是顾客——而是产品,将被加工成“服务型”最终产品的原材料。 www.elanso.com 4. The invention is characterized by good effect of cleaning ink, easy- to- get raw material, easy preparation and convenient utilization. 本发明不仅对油墨清洗有效果显著的作用,而且成本低廉、原料易得,制作简单,使用方便。 ip.com 5. More important, it would run out of raw material with which to print its instructions, grinding everything in the cell to an abrupt halt. 更重要的是,它会因为制造自己的组织而花光原材料,在粉碎细胞内的所有东西后一切就停止了。 www.bing.com 6. Sheng, jiaxing textile polyester raw material markets a week between the two places overall prices continued to fall. 盛泽、嘉兴两地轻纺原料市场一周内涤丝整体行情继续下跌。 www.texclo.net 7. We might as well make use of the hotel's facilities. She makes use of people she meets as raw material for her fiction. 她把她所遇见的人们作为她创作小说的素材。的素材。 wenku.baidu.com 8. "The prospect of a higher wage bill is not the only increasing cost they face, " he said, adding land and raw material prices are going up. “他们面临的不仅仅的提供更高工资水平的问题,”他说,“土地、原材料价格也在不断攀升。” sh.yuloo.com 9. All this provides raw material for journalists, but the compilation and presentation of these data sometimes shades into journalism. 所有这些都提供给新闻记者,但编写和提供有关数据有时候是的阳光基金更像是新闻行业。 www.bing.com 10. The invention uses cheap, clean silicon powder as raw material, the product looks like one dimensional, easy to strength ceramic toughness. 本发明方法使用廉价环保的硅粉为原料,所得产物形貌是一维的,易于加强陶瓷的韧性。 www.bing.com 1. To make or process (a raw material) into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation. 把(原材料)制造或加工为成品,尤指经由大型工业运作 www.qiongdian.com 2. Raw material wealth is often described as a curse, having an effect similar to inherited wealth on younger generations. 原材料财富经常被认为是一种诅咒,它的影响近似与留下财富给年幼的一代。 www.ecocn.org 3. Lord May said he thought it a weak argument that what was being lost was the raw material for tomorrow's biotechnology. 梅勋爵说,他认为那种“我们损失的仅是未来生物工艺学的原料”的说法是很站不住脚的。 www.showxiu.com 4. It's said the safest medicine and food cure cordial. It takes sika or other deer species as raw material. 它是以梅花鹿或其它鹿种为原材料,在原料、产品市场上都具有绝对的优势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Tsao said that although modern China invested in African raw material companies it did not trust local workers and instead imported its own. 陶杰认为,尽管现在中国对于非洲进行了投资,但重要公司出于生疏,并不信任当地的员工,他们更倾向于从国内招聘人员。 www.bing.com 6. A direct result of weak demand for corrugated paper raw material prices in the whole of Europe appeared to fall. 需求不旺直接导致瓦楞纸箱原材料价格在整个欧洲出现了下降。 www.bing.com 7. The company notes that the price hike is the result of significant increases in key raw material costs. 该公司指出,价格上涨是由于显着升幅的主要原材料成本。 bzxw.512121.com 8. Respondents said the inflationary pressures were linked mainly to higher raw-material prices, while steel prices were also commonly cited. 受访者表示,通胀压力主要来源于较高的原材料价格,而且钢材价格被普遍提及。 www.bing.com 9. Using microscopy to authenticate the raw material used in the preparation of medicines has been a useful tool in the herbal sector. 在制作药品的过程中利用显微技术进行原材料的鉴定已经成为草药领域的一种有益的工具。 www.scidev.net 10. But now I have been used to for raw material, the grapes by fermentation, distillation, storage, mix wine called brandy. 但现在已经习惯把以葡萄为原料,经发酵、蒸馏、贮存、调配而成的酒称作白兰地。 www.9999jiu.com 1. Large government revenues from raw-material taxes makes rigging more likely by increasing incentives to get your hands on all that money. 原料税是大国政府的主要收入来源,这笔款项足以让人垂涎而导致舞弊行为。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Eucalyptus bark can been used as the new raw material of tannin extract, its tannin extract is worth of promoting and using. 桉树皮可作为新品种栲胶原料,其栲胶值得推广应用。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. This would hurt India's textiles industry, which uses cotton as a raw material, is not in the best financial health and is a huge employer. 棉价暴涨必然会损害以本土棉花为原材料的国内纺织业,而印度纺织业财政状况不佳且提供大量就业。 www.kekenet.com 4. The raw material of the ordinary - type products is the halogen powder , its price is only one of dozens as th. . . 普通型产品的原材料是卤粉,它的价格仅为三基色荧光粉的几十分之一,使用寿命也不长。 www.bing.com 5. The business unit is one of the few suppliers to operate along the entire value chain, from raw material to finished acrylic. 本业务部是能提供涵盖从原材料到成品压克力的整个价值链的为数不多的供应商之一。 www.plexiglas.de 6. Application: Mainly used for petroleum industry. It's the basic raw material of W-base catalyzer used in oil refinery. 用途:多用于石油工业生产上,是炼油厂用钨基催化剂的主要原料。 www.zgcc.com 7. High density is popular to say that the production of wood raw material quality of a material is hard. 密度高低通俗的说就是制作木雕的原材料质地是否坚硬。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The invention is characterized by simple process, easy to get raw material and low cost. 本发明工艺简单、原料易得,生产成本低。 ip.com 9. The establishment of the subsidiary companies will expand the paper supply channels, thereby enhancing the company's raw material control. 该附属公司的成立将扩大纸张供应渠道,从而提高公司的原材料控制。 www.qiyeku.com 10. Raw material for an essay on instant messaging might be transcripts of IM conversations or even the IM software itself. 一篇关于网路即时通讯的论文,原材料可以是即使通讯对话本身,或者是即时通讯软体本身。 www.myoops.org 1. phytic acid is a fine industrial product with boom prospect, and its raw material sources are extensional . 植酸是从米糠等原料中提取的一种精细化工产品,具有广泛的应用领域和前景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You know, the price of steel is going up, owing to the rise in the cost of raw material. 你知道,由于原材料涨价,钢价一直在上涨。 www.bing.com 3. Budweiser, regardless of cost, has always been sticking to the best natural raw material, including malt, hops, rice, yeast and water. 百威始终不计成本地选用最优质的全天然原料,包括麦芽、啤酒花、大米、酵母和水。 www.truegood.com.cn 4. These production increases will ripple through the economy, as raw-material suppliers and parts makers ramp up to respond. 由于原材料供应商和汽车部件生产商也会相应增加产量,汽车产量的上调将对整体经济产生积极影响。 www.bing.com 5. "The impact of higher raw material prices will be passed to consumers, " said Thorsten Zimmermann, a steel analyst at HSBC in London. 汇丰(HSBC)驻伦敦的钢铁业分析师托尔斯腾·齐默曼(ThorstenZimmermann)表示:“原材料价格上涨的影响,将转嫁至消费者。” www.ftchinese.com 6. After consulting the expert, she decided to pick up the special raw material - the special treated tea leaves, to fill in the sofa. 在咨询过专家的意见之后,她决定使用一种特别的原材料——经过特殊处理的茶叶,来做沙发的填充物。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. this or that raw material is no longer being imported, and must be made at a higher cost at home. 这种那种原材料已经不再允许进口,必须以较高的成本在国内制造。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Until recently, however, Silicon Valley did not take much interest in the alternative use of its principal raw material. 然而,直到最近,硅谷对寻找主要原材料的替代品始终提不起太多的兴趣。 club.topsage.com 9. The invention discloses a modified composite material with waste polypropylene plastic as a raw material and a preparation method thereof. 本发明公开了一种以废旧聚丙烯塑料件为原料的改性复合材料及其制备方法。 ip.com 10. B. The reduction in the cost of solar-power equipment has occurred despite increased raw material costs for that equipment. 尽管太阳能发电设备的原材料价格上涨,但这些设备的成本还是降低了。只能说完全,先留着不排除。 www.sharewithu.com 1. The particular plant used is usually not important to the end products, but it does affect the processing of the raw material. 特殊植物的使用通常不会产生最终产品,但却会影响原材料的加工效果。 www.elanso.com 2. The company strengthen product quality inspection and supervision work, do a good job Raw material procurement control procedures. 本公司在强化产品质量检查、监督工作中,抓好原辅材料采购控制程序。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Pits : Pits are localized depressions on the surface of a raw material or fastener. 凹点:是尖锐凹陷,在金属表面或紧固件表面。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In charge of cost budget and control, make relevant consumption reports on raw material and subsidiary material used for product. 负责生产成本核算与控制,编制有关生产原辅料耗用报表。 www.jobui.com 5. It clearly tells that India is only a raw material supplier to China and China mainly sells industrial products to India. 它清楚地告诉说,印度只是一个原材料供应商,中国和中国工业产品主要销往印度。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The invention discloses a method for continuously producing biological diesel oil by taking tung oil as a raw material and a device thereof. 本发明公开了一种以小桐子油为原料连续化生产生物柴油的方法及其装置。 ip.com 7. special flavor types: rice as the raw material, rich in an odd number of composite aroma fragrance, humorous, lingering finish. 特香型:以大米为原料,富含奇数复合香气,香味谐调,余味悠长。 www.9999jiu.com 8. Leftover weapons serve as the raw material for the improvised bombs used to target Iraqi civilians and coalition military forces. 叛乱分子可利用遗留的弹药作为简易炸弹的原材料,用于攻击伊拉克平民和联盟驻军。 www.america.gov 9. On account of the raw material are steeply scanty at present, we would kindly ask your esteemed company to act as quickly as possible. 考虑的目前原料的价格不断上涨,我们真诚地希望贵公司可以尽快做出决定。 shfob.com 10. In terms of raw material strictly hold into the factory, deny children paper, ink must not enter the factory library. 澈底把持原辅质料的进厂盖,不等外的纸张、油墨不得进厂不出库。 www.bing.com 1. Zhejang Linan-produced active bentonite was used as the raw material to produce a modified active bentonite by adding ZnCl2 modifier. 本试验以浙江临安活性膨润土为原料,采用添加氯化锌改性剂制得改性活性膨润土。 www.jsks.net.cn 2. To review and ensure the JV Company database for raw material and all direct costs is kept fully up to date and reportable when required. 审查、保证原材料及材料成本数据库资料为最新信息,并随时可供汇报使用。 www.jobems.com 3. And all-starch thermoplastics was developed with starch as raw material and a little amount of degradable additive. 以淀粉为原料,添加极少量的可降解的助剂,形成全淀粉热塑性材料。 www.zidir.com 4. Another possibility is that bacteria are unable to make essential new RNA molecules, since the supply of raw material is not available. 另外一个可能性则是MRSA无法制造新的RNA分子,因为原材料供应已被切断。 bbs.icchina.org.cn 5. Rails is the system; Ruby is the raw material (too low level, not in the sense of easy). Rails是一个系统;而Ruby则是原材料(不从简单的意义上讲,级别过低)。 www.infoq.com 6. The increases come as a result of a continuing and unprecedented rise in raw material, transportation and energy costs. 这份报告出炉,作为在原料,运输和能源成本的不断上升和空前的结果。 bzxw.512121.com 7. When a star explodes in a lesser galaxy, this raw material for life shoots out into space at millions of miles an hour and is lost. 较小星系中的恒星爆炸时,这些生命的原料就会以每小时数百万公里的速度射入太空,然后消失。 www.bing.com 8. If the raw material passes these tests than manufacturers &governments feel confident to say that it is safe. 如果原材料通过了这些标准,那么生产商和政府就会自信的说:产品是安全的。 www.elanso.com 9. The challenge of this assignment is to shape and frame the raw material of experience and memory for a reading public. 这份作业的挑战是要为读者将粗糙的经验以及回忆的资料建构并框架起来。 www.myoops.org 10. Kodak had already slashed its forecast in late October due to higher raw material costs and sluggish sales in its graphics business. 柯达此前已于10月底调降财测,由于原料成本上升及图形业务营收低迷。 cn.reuters.com 1. Inventory exists in the form of raw material, half-end product or end product in every corner of a company. 库存以原材料、在制品、半成品、成品的形式存在于企业的各个环节。 www.fabiao.net 2. This criticizes smooth raw material getting to that the production line needs badly will do the company, goes into operation. 使得这批生产线急需的原材料顺利的到达公司,投入生产。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Since the price of the raw material in the mainland in advancing greatly, we regret being unable t entertain your counteroffer . 由于内地原料价格上涨幅度甚大,很抱歉不能接受你方还盘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Melamine as a chemical raw material, can be used in plastics, coatings, adhesives , food packaging materials production. 三聚氰胺作为化工原料,可用于塑料、涂料、粘合剂、食品包装材料的生产。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In the first place, no one can ignore the fact that wood is an indispensable raw material for industrial production and daily life. 首先,没有人可以忽略这一事实,木材是工业生产和人们生活中不可或缺的一种原材料; en.eol.cn 6. He needs no bulky pile of raw material, no elaborate apparatus, no service of men or animals. 他不需要庞大的原材料,不需要精密仪器,不需要别人鞍前马后的服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Manufacturer Hospira has blamed the shortage of the drug on unspecified problems with its raw-material suppliers. 制造商赫士睿公司指责这种药物的短缺是因其原料供应商的未指明的问题。 www.transcn.org 8. For whatever the means of publication, what matters is still the raw material. 不管采用何种发行方式,重要的仍是原材料。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Now, however, Mr Kurlansky has dusted off the files from the FWP archive and chosen the best morsels from a huge amount of raw material. 可是现在,科尔兰斯基拨开尘封的联邦作家计划档案里的文件,从大量素材里挑选出了最精华的一小部分。 www.ecocn.org 10. Thus, from the basic the raw material, improve the operation sequence, which is the bottom line of this passage. 为此,从最基础的原材料把关人手,注重操作工序质量的改进和提高,是研究的重点。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth. 茧是生产丝绸的原材料。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In the case of raw material prices, rising labor costs, many home textile enterprises almost no profit to be made. 在原材料价格、劳动力等成本不断上涨的情况,不少家纺企业几乎无利润可赚。 blog.bandao.cn 3. This response operation simple, raw material cost is low, moderate reaction conditions, can be applied to industrial production. 该反应操作简单,原料成本较低,反应条件较温和,可以运用到工业生产中。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. And the sea the iodine is extremely rich algae food, this element is the body of synthetic thyroxine main raw material. 而海藻类食物中的碘极为丰富,这种元素是体内合成甲状腺素的主要原料。 www.xtkmyy.com 5. The invention discloses a one-component solvent-free polyurethane adhesive and a preparation method thereof and a raw material composition. 本发明公开了一种单组份无溶剂聚氨酯粘合剂及其制备方法和原料组合物。 ip.com 6. Cotton is an important raw material for the key textile export sector, one of Pakistan's few sources of export income. 对于重要的纺织品出口行业来说,棉花是一种重要原材料,而纺织品出口是巴基斯坦少数几个出口收入来源之一。 c.wsj.com 7. Treasure clean company affirms aborning did not add chromium and neodymium, its fasten raw material to take be caused by. 宝洁公司确认在生产中未添加铬和钕,其系原料带入所致。 word.hcbus.com 8. This invention relates to a raw material of metallurgy of steel-melting, especially a compound iron ball for steel-melting and its facture. 本发明涉及一种冶金工业炼钢生产使用的原料领域,特别是一种炼钢用复合铁球及其生产工艺。 ip.com 9. The company strictly checks on each segment and working procedure, even on the freshmen training and the raw material purchasing. 从员工进厂到上岗、从原料进厂到出厂,各个环节、各道工序均受严格把关。 www.208835.com 10. You may see that, no matter it is raw material purchasing, or product selling, all can be traded online via Alibaba. com. 无论是采购原材料还是出售产品,都可以通过阿里巴巴在线完成交易。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 1. High quality coconut shell activated carbon coconut shell as raw material, made of series production process finishing. 椰壳活性炭以优质椰子壳为原料,经系列生产工艺精加工而成。 www.sltong.com 2. The raw material recycled by the method is discussed, the better cemented carbide parts can be made by right production techniques. 论述了该方法回收的原料,通过采用合适的生产工艺,同样能够制取出较高质量的硬质合金制品。 www.chemyq.com 3. It holds an important position nationwide in terms of its production of raw material industries. 该地区采掘工业、原材料工业产品产量在全国占重要地位。 hongbinlaoshi.blog.163.com 4. China has openly said it does not want to be a raw material supplier, it has always said it wants to manufacture goods. 我认为这没什么大惊小怪的,中国曾经公开声明说他们并不想成为原材料供应者,他们也想使用稀土金属制造高端产品。 www.bing.com 5. Italian silk cloth was very expensive, as much a result of the cost of the raw material as of the production costs. 意大利的绸布非常昂贵,作为原材料成本的更多结果就像生产成本一样昂贵。 www.bing.com 6. With spinach to be the main raw material, this paper investigated the methods of valuating fruit and vegetable paper quality. 探讨了以菠菜为主要原料,探讨果蔬纸的加工方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I wonder if the price is acceptable to you. For your information the raw material iron is on the increase. 我不知道你能不能接受这个价格,目前铁的价格每天都在涨。 club.china.alibaba.com 8. To low-cost agricultural waste straw as a raw material into energy for the needs of the community is a very valuable study. 以廉价的农业废弃物秸秆作为原料转变成供社会需求的能源是一项非常有价值的研究。 wenwen.soso.com 9. To produce and sell disposable infusion utensil, intrauterine device, absorbent cotton, scalpel antibiotic raw material and its tablets . 编码中外合资企业生产、销售一次性使用输液器、宫内节育器、脱脂棉、抗生素原料药、片剂。 www.bing.com 10. Since the major raw material of gunpowder niter is as white as snow, Arabians called gunpowder "Chinese Snow" and "Chinese Salt" . 因为制造火药的主要原料硝石洁白如雪,所以火药被阿拉伯人称为“中国雪”和“中国盐”。 www.hwjyw.com 1. Castor(Ricinus communis L. ), a high energy-stored and industrial raw-material plant species, is of great value in its application. 蓖麻是一种高蓄能植物和工业原料植物,具有很大的开发利用价值。 www.magsci.net 2. How should public agencies use Open Data themselves, in order not to be relegated to producing raw material that others will transform? 公共机构应该如何使用开放式数据本身,为了不被降级到生产原料,其他人将改变? tinyurl.com 3. The emerging business of web scraping provides some of the raw material for a rapidly expanding data economy. 网络信息搜集这种新兴业务为迅速扩张的数据经济提供了良好的支撑。 c.wsj.com 4. The Company is a raw material production, product development, design, sales set in one-scale enterprises. 本公司是一家由原材料生产,产品研发、设计,销售集于一体的规模企业。 www.expomd.com 5. She says investors are now weighing up the impact of the external slowdown, elevated inflation and rising raw material costs. 李晶表示,投资者目前正在估量外部经济放缓、通胀率提高和原材料成本上涨的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 6. From the raw material purchase, the company has all adopted the effective management method to the entire flow. 公司从原材料采购开始,对整个流程都采取了有效的管理手段。 www.59ding.com 7. The power plant sells the sulfur dioxide from its Smokestacks to the Wallboard Company, which uses the compound as a raw material. 发电厂把从烟囱排放出来的二氧化硫卖给墙板制造厂,该厂使用这种化合物作为原材料。 rondeng.blog.163.com 8. Even if there isn't a strong recovery, the economic collapse has taken substantial amounts of raw-material production offline. 即便经济没有出现强劲复苏,经济衰退已经也导致原材料产量显著下滑。 www.enfamily.cn 9. Used high-quality coconut husk as raw material, it is processed by advanced technology, with an appearance of black balls. 本产品选用优质无烟煤为原料,采用先进工艺精制加工而成,外观呈黑色球型; detail.china.alibaba.com 10. A new kind of rice wine beverage was developed, in which rice was the raw material fermented by Monascus and yeast. 根据传统的米酒酿造工艺,以大米为原料,在红曲霉和酵母菌的作用下,研制出一种新型米酒饮料。 www.chemyq.com 1. Plan and coordinate flow of materials, responsible for stocking, define minimum stock level and initiate purchase requests for raw material. 计划和协调物料流动,负责物料库存,制订最小库存量,提出原材料采购申请; www.lietou.com 2. The company product is apply in the new battery raw material, rubber to glue to knot extensively, petroleum catalyst. 公司产品广泛应用于新型电池原料、橡胶粘结剂,石油催化。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. She was the raw material of a divinity . 她本是一副天神的胚子。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The aluminium industry is heavily dependent on Guinea, the biggest exporter of bauxite, the raw material used in manufacture of the metal. 铝行业严重依赖几内亚,铝矾土是制铝的原材料。 www.ftchinese.com 5. higher raw material costs also offset the company ' s expense savings programme , colgate said. 高露洁表示,原材料成本的上涨也抵消了公司的费用节省计划。 www.ichacha.net 6. Steel mills in March imported record quantities of their key raw material, iron ore, in anticipation of a pickup in demand in coming months. 炼钢厂3月份进口了大量铁矿石,他们预计未来几个月钢铁需求将会上升。铁矿石是重要的炼钢原料。 www.bing.com 7. Her childhood provided the raw material for her first novel. 她童年的经历为她的第一本小说提供了原始素材。 jpk.heut.edu.cn 8. The vacuum level is adjustable to your option, making a more evenly-distributed raw material for better product quality. 真空开关管一级是可调式,以您的选择,使更多的均匀分布的原料更好的产品质量。 cn.tradekey.com 9. The raw material for preparing the silicone rubber comprises a curable polysiloxane, methyl siloxane resin and a cross-linker. 制备该硅橡胶的原料为可交联的硅氧烷、甲基硅氧烷树脂及交联剂。 ip.com 10. With high quality dandelion as the main raw material, dandelion drinks were made through extraction, formulation and clarification. 以蒲公英为原料,经萃取、调配、澄清等工艺,制成蒲公英饮料。 www.bimag.com.cn 1. Diphenyl carbonate was the important raw material for polycarbonate, with wide uses and application prospect. 碳酸二苯酯是合成聚碳酸酯的重要原料,具有广泛的用途和应用前景。 www.chemyq.com 2. China's economic boom and shifting demographics around the region meant a steady climb in energy, food, and raw material prices. 中国经济的繁荣和该地区人口数据的变化意味着能源、食品和原材料价格的稳步攀升。 www.bing.com 3. The invention provides a highland barley protein product as well as the processing method taking highland barley powder as raw material. 本发明提供了以青稞粉为原料制备的青稞蛋白产品及其加工方法。 ip.com 4. The results indicated that the total phosphate was considerable higher with in raw material. 通过研究发现,磷酸盐超标的主要问题是用来加工的原料肉中的总磷含量较高。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Handle the out of specification raw material and finished product. Give instruction of action plan of the OOS. 处理原材料和成品的不合格品,给出合理的处理方法。 job.01hr.com 6. We have over 20 years of ex-importing and manufacturing experience in furniture and deep contacts with raw material suppliers. 我们有20多年的家具生产和进出口经验,与原材料供应商有着密切联系。 www.80tg.net 7. Silkworm chrysalis powder mass ratio of its excellent raw material for the production of food and livestock feed additives, good effect. 蚕蛹粉优良的食品和牲畜饲料添加剂,效果好生产原料的质量比。 www.qiyeku.com 8. Additionally, as the raw material is not a food crop, it will not compromise food security, say the researchers. 此外,研究人员说,因为其起作用的原材料不是粮食,它也不会威胁到粮食安全。 www.scidev.net 9. The wagon tipper was a heavy machine dropping raw material, it was often triggered. 翻车机是启动频繁的大型卸车设备。 www.dictall.com 10. And with no fixed supply of raw material, unlike stocks or bonds, bets could be almost limitless. 另外CDSs不像股票或基金,它没有固定的原材料供应,因此赌注几乎可以是无限的。 www.bing.com 1. In a traditional synthesis method with malonate ester as the raw material, impurities are produced in the finally obtained biotin. 目前用丙二酸二酯作原料的合成方法,在最后得到的生物素中会伴随杂质的产生。 ip.com 2. The process a single item goes through from its raw material stage to its final distribution to the consumer. 一件物品,从原材料到最终分销到客户的过程。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Glazed tile of good quality has been developed by utilizing waste-flyash as major raw material, as well as minor ceramic materials. 以粉煤灰为主要原料,以其他硅酸盐原料为辅助原料,试制出性能优良的陶瓷釉面砖。 www.dictall.com 4. Much of the raw material was autobiographical, and there was a lot of biography to draw on. 书中许多素材都来自于自传并且借鉴了其他的关于马勒的传记。 www.ecocn.org 5. Thus, we would like advise you to supply the components with zero defect by managing the raw material thoroughly. 因此,我们想要劝告你藉由彻底地管理原料供应成份零缺点。 www.pkuschool.com 6. Make the daily requirement for raw material of each line and control the WIP level less than daily requirement strictly. 制定各生产线原材料的日需求量,并严格控制在线原材料及半成品的库存不得超过一天的使用量。 www.021so.com 7. Fried with a small amount of oil the pot, heat the oil to be released when the raw material. 炒了少量的油的锅,油热后予以释放的原料。 www.qiyeku.com 8. Abstract: Take the Sorbus tianschanica Ruper as raw material to determine different parts of terpenoids content. 摘要:以新疆天山花楸为原料测定不同部位萜类化合物含量。 9. Rock wool is a selection of basalt as the main raw material, by high temperature melting processing of artificial inorganic fibers made. 岩棉是以精选的玄武岩为主要原料,经高温熔融加工制成的人造无机纤维。 www.99inf.com 10. The system is best suited for apartment blocks which can provide a captive source of raw material, according to its designer, A Mohan. 根据设计师阿莫汗表示,这项系统最好设置在住宅区,比较能提供原料的来源。 www.newdaai.tv 1. XXX raw material imports from Japan Amano Co. , Ltd. , which is one of the best effect varieties in low polyose . XXX原料从日本天野株式会社进口,是低聚糖中效果最好的品种之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. More Chinese solar panels result in more US jobs, at least in raw material exports. 越多的中国太阳能聚光板会导致越多的美国就业,至少在原材料的出口上。 www.bing.com 3. But, your firm's loans cannot arrive the account punctually, causes our company to be also behind in payment raw material supplier to lend. 但是,贵公司的货款一直不能准时到帐,导致我公司也拖欠原材料供应商货款。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Effect pair of star level hotels raw material cost is controlled having very good drawing lessons. 对星级酒店原材料成本控制有很好的借鉴作用。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Product Description: From high purity aluminosilicate ceramic fiber as the main raw material made using wet forming process. 产品描述:由高纯度的硅酸铝陶瓷纤维为主要原料采用湿法成型工艺制成。 china.nowec.com 6. Garment industry one of the main raw material of cotton prices have also been expanded. 服装产业主要原材料之一的棉花价格也一直在膨胀。 www.texclo.net 7. Uses: Used as important raw material for making praseodymium metal. Also used to make RE permanent magnetic alloys. 用途:用于制造金属镨和稀土永磁合金的原料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The paper described the quantitative analysis of the law of sintering raw material and chamotte index wave Caused by the ash content. 本文诣在尝试定量分析煤粉灰份造成烧结生、熟料指标波动的规律。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Investors remain concerned by the impact high raw-material prices could have on corporate profits, and on signs of slowing economic growth. 原材料价格高企对公司利润的影响以及经济增长放缓迹象的显现令投资者依然心有余悸。 www.bing.com 10. To the time achieves the raw material purchase and the production harmony, the realization income earning of an enterprise maximization. 以期达到原料采购与生产的和谐,实现企业收益的最大化。 www.chemyq.com 1. With penes , antlers and blood as main raw material Lubianjiu was developed by the means of modern biotech to extract and prepare. 采用鹿鞭、鹿茸、鹿血为主要原料,合理配伍,利用现代生物技术提取、调配而成鹿鞭酒; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. application : a raw material for producing of various rubidium compounds , widely used in the catalyst , special glass and ceramics etc. 用途:取制各种铷盐的基础原料,在催化剂,特种玻璃,陶瓷方面有广泛用途。 www.ichacha.net 3. Trimethylamine is an important raw material for organic chemical engineering. The market requirement is influenced largely by season. 三甲胺是重要的有机化工原料,季节性市场需求变化大。 www.chemyq.com 4. Began to execute 1998 take the factory, unifinication production that leaves factory to carbon fin from aluminous ingot raw material. 1998年开始施行从铝锭原料进厂、到散热片生产的通体化岀产。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The glass-ceramics for low-temperature sintering using kaolin tailings as a major raw material have been prepared. 以高岭土尾矿为主要原料制备了低温烧结微晶玻璃。 www.chemyq.com 6. It should be strictly abided by the trade secrets of raw material suppliers, actually became an accomplice of the phishers. 应当严守商业秘密的原料供应商,实际上成了仿冒者的帮凶。 www.bing.com 7. Due to the tight supply of raw material coal and the rise in its price, the production cost of ammonia has increased by a big margin. 由于原料煤供应紧张及价格上涨,造成合成氨生产成本大幅度上升。 www.chemyq.com 8. Raw material cost keep accounting for the high proportion of the total cost. 原料采购成本占企业总成本的比重居高不下。 www.fabiao.net 9. A way of extracting pectin, which uses silkworm as the raw material, is studied by this paper. 以蚕沙为原料,对提取果胶的方法进行研究。 www.chemyq.com 10. As a representative of the steel and raw material prices for automotive business environment brings great pressure. 钢材为代表的原材料价格上涨也给汽车零部件企业的经营环境带来了巨大的压力。 www.zidir.com 1. Raw material cost control is an important content of the construction cost control, to reduce the material cost first to reduce cost. 原材料费的控制是施工成本控制的重要内容,要降低材料成本首先要降低采购成本。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The high quantity raw material, the traditional craft, brings you to enjoy the excellent feeling. 优质的原料,传统的工艺,给你带来绝妙的感观享受。 www.08588.net 3. into the Pharaonic era, with its stone as the main raw material, in addition to metal and wood, etc. 进入法老时代后,以石头为主要原料,另外还有金属和木材等等。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Carbomer gel is prepared by the most commonly used one of the main raw material. 卡波姆是制备凝胶剂最常用的主要原料之一。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 5. We want to consider to the upstream raw material, raw material cannot be out of stock, to processors so that production cannot be cut off. 我们要先考虑给上游的原料商,让原料不能断档,给加工商,让生产不能停产。 www.texclo.net 6. Study raw-material and end-product flow in and out of the process area. 研究原材料和成品流进流出操作现场的顺序。 www.plas2006.com 7. A method and apparatus for treating cullet before use as a raw material in a glass manufacturing process is disclosed. 一种在玻璃制造过程中用作原材料的废玻璃的处理方法与设备。 ip.com 8. Raw material sorting is to be classified according to the quality of the merger, and pulled loose to remove impurities. 原料选别是把原料按品质进行分类合并,并扯松除去杂质。 www.qiyeku.com 9. Clothing industry suffers raw material price, quality fluctuation of the great influence. 服装行业受原材料价格、质量的波动影响较大。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Chengde is expensive specialty wood as raw material, carving out a variety of both functional and unique art treasures with the mountain. 是用承德特产名贵木材为原料,雕刻出多种既实用又具有山城特色的艺术珍品。 www.elycn.com 1. With mungbean and konjac to the main raw material, add as a gel, supplemented by sugar and citric acid, they developed jelly. 以绿豆和魔芋精粉为主要原料,辅以白砂糖、食用胶凝剂和柠檬酸等研制出果冻。 www.chemyq.com 2. Using other bags for the paper-based to raw materials, the raw material should be consistent with the corresponding material standards. 用其它纸基为原材料的包装袋,其原材料应符合相应的材料标准要求。 www.bing.com 3. Rising raw-material prices are a headache for policymakers, as well as a tax on consumers. 对于执政者来说,原材料价格的上涨和消费者征税都是令人头疼的问题。 www.ecocn.org 4. Its chief use is now as a raw material for resins, insecticides, oil additives, and synthetic pine oil and camphor and as a solvent. 松脂现主要被用来生产树脂、杀虫剂、油彩添加剂、合成松节油和樟脑,也被用作一种溶剂。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. It's sometimes a hedge, enabling a manufacturer to cover himself against a rise in the price of his raw material. 有时候叫做套头交易,这可以使制造商避免因原料涨价而受到损失。 www.jukuu.com 6. The priority of the hygienic monitoring and management is to control the quality of the mooncake raw material's purchase and production. 卫生监管的重点是严把月饼原料采购的质量关及控制生产环节的微生物污染。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. 'They're going to have the raw material of better educated kids that ultimately drives innovation. ' 他们的孩子将有更高的受教育水平,这种“原材料”终将推动创新。 cn.wsj.com 8. The benefits of this technology are that it minimizes raw material waste, film loss and downtime for film changes. 这种技术的好处是,它最大限度地减少原材料浪费,损失和胶片电影的变化停机。 www.a1pak.net.cn 9. Basically provides a way of transforming residues into useful products or raw material for production of useful products. 基本上提供了一个转化成有用的产品或有用的产品的生产原料残留物的方法。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Technical conditions for preparing bismuth subnitrate with bismuth oxychloride concentrate as the raw material have been studied. 研究了以氯氧化铋精矿为原料,制取次硝酸铋的工艺条件。 www.dictall.com 1. D-glucosamine hydrochloride is the main raw material of the synthesis anticancer medicine chlorozotocin. 氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐还是合成抗癌药物氯脲霉素的主要原料。 www.kuenglish.info 2. As a raw material in production of aluminous refractory, electric-ceramic components, polishing and grinding products. 本品中用作高铝耐火材料,电磁器件以及抛光研磨等制品中的原料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Commodity prices are denominated in dollars: as the US currency weakens against the euro, raw material prices move higher. 大宗商品是以美元计价的:随着美元兑欧元走软,原材料价格走高。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In this text the influence of raw material choice on its knitting process and performance and appearance of raschel lace are discussed. 文章叙述了原料选择对拉舍尔花边工艺编织、服用性能和外观效应的影响。 www.chemyq.com 5. Such embedded, dark, tendril-shaped clouds contain the raw material for star formation and hide protostars within the obscuring cosmic dust. 像这种嵌入式卷须状黑暗星云含有恒星组成的稀有物质,在模糊的星际尘埃中潜藏着原恒星。 www.bing.com 6. Lead warehouse team to be responsible of the administration of raw material in warehouse. 带领仓库员工负责仓库中原材料的管理工作。 www.haoqiantu.cn 7. This bread is baked sweet potato in the slag as a raw material made of fiber bread. 本面包产品是以红薯的渣作为原料烘焙而成的纤维面包。 www.lwtxw.com 8. From its beginnings in the mid-1990s, Blue Fire sold some of its sugars to chemical companies as a raw material for their own end products. 上个世纪九十年代中期成立之初,BlueFire就向化学品公司出售糖类原料,供后者生产下游产品。 chinese.wsj.com 9. To minimize the possible contamination of IFM, both the raw material and the production environment must be constantly monitored. 为了最大限度地减少污染的IFM可能,无论是原材料和生产环境必须不断进行监测。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Wu Xuan, Qilin producing chemical plant in Guangxi Province, Wuxuan County, the main raw material to produce resin for rosin and turpentine. 武宣华奇林产化工厂位于广西省武宣县,主要以松脂为原材料生产松香和松节油。 www.tonke.cn 1. Used as raw material for preparation of temperature regulating fibers can be extended to other protein fibers synthetic fibers. 用作制备调温纤维的原料可以扩展到其他蛋白质纤维合成纤维。 www.texclo.net 2. The 2008 paper price also, other raw material is still rising, a rigid labor cost have unforeseen were raised as a space. 2008年的纸价还要再升,其他原辅材料依然刚性上涨,人力成本也有不可预期的上扬空间。 www.bing.com 3. The company says this will ensure an adequate supply of raw material for its power plants. 基建集团说,这确保他们的发电厂有足够的原料供应。 www.bing.com 4. XiaoyiCityboasts abundant raw material supply and a benign investment environment. Risks are relatively low. 孝义原材料充足,投资环境好,风险相对小。 www.shjsh.net 5. Utilize silkworm to drain rainwater the discarded object to do worthwhile the main raw material to prepare Ye Huang-alkene alcohol . 利用蚕的排泄物作制备叶黄烯醇的主要原料,研究了利用叶黄烯醇制备技术。 www.showxiu.com 6. Support key enterprises to set up raw material bases where conditions permit in and out China. 支持重点企业在国内外有条件的地方建设氧化铝原料基地。 www.sc.gov.cn 7. Some objects may need a little machining to finish, but they still require only 10% of the raw material that would otherwise be needed. 一些物体可能需要一些机械操作才能完成,但是需要的原材料仍然只是原来的10%。 www.ecocn.org 8. To ensure the smooth implementation of follow up the implementation of the raw material. 差包管不入产挫折举行的原辅质料举行跟踪落实。 www.bing.com 9. To cater to this kind of new style, many beverage companies make new-style piquancy drink for raw material with chili eagerly. 为了迎合这种新时尚,不少饮料公司竞相以辣椒为原料制作新型的辣味饮料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Cellulose in pulp is used as a raw material on which acrylic acid and acrylic amide are grafted when super absorbent is polymerized. 采用纸浆纤维素为分子骨架,接枝丙烯酸及丙烯酰胺制备高吸水树脂。 www.dictall.com 1. The proton relaxation time showed no marked difference between the varieties for the raw material of white rice kernel. 结果表明,不同品种的原料稻米具有相近的弛豫特征。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. Other meat should be fooled long, according to the size of the raw material, an important principle is to make sure food cooked. 其他肉类应被愚弄长,根据原材料,大小的一项重要原则是要确保食物煮熟。 www.qiyeku.com 3. The maximum point of deflation has already passed , as this occurred while there was spare capacity in raw material output world wide . 通缩影响最严重的时期已经过去,而在此期间,全球原材料的产能仍有富余。 www.bing.com 4. More stability in raw material prices rose, the more positive downstream distributors procurement, pipe plant having a more optimistic view. 在原材料价格稳中趋涨的情况下,下游经销商采购较为积极,管厂对后市看法较为乐观。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It uses enhanced ventilation and equips with adjustable air distributing plate inside the oven. Raw material can be dried evenly. 利用强制通风的作用,箱内设有可调式分风板。物料干燥均匀。热源可采用蒸汽、热水、电远红外,选择广泛。 www.showxiu.com 6. Processing a raw material into a pure state, in particular metals and sugar. 指将原材料加工成纯态的产品,尤其是金属和糖。 glossary.reuters.com.cn 7. As a matter of fact, our ancestors lived by the sea knew how to obtain raw material of seaweed locally to make houses. 的确,逐海而居的先民,早就懂得就地取材,借海边海草丰茂之便利,为我所用,筑屋而居。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Almost any desired coating performance parameter can be attained by proper selection of raw material building blocks. 通过适当选择原料结构单元,几乎可以得到任何期望的涂布性能参数。 ip.com 9. Make raw material consumption control, to ensure reach production target within the budget and achieve company's requirement. 控制生产现场原材料的消耗,确保在预算内完成生产目标和达到公司要求。 www.00105.net 10. This process involves using bubbling steam through a heated mixture of the raw material. 该方法使水蒸汽穿过原材料混合物给材料加热。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. This article considered that the people used wild fruit and wild plant as raw material to make wine at the beginning. 认为人类最初是以野生果实及野生植物为原料来酿制果酒。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Raw material and production process directly affect the quality and production cost of alcohol leached soybean protein concentrate (ALSPC). 生产原料、生产过程直接影响醇法大豆浓缩蛋白的成本和质量。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Appropriately doped, it is an excellent semiconductor and its raw material, sand, is hardly in short supply. 经过适当的渗透处理后,它是一种性能优越的半导体,而且它的原料——沙子——几乎不存在供应短缺的状况。 www.ecocn.org 4. Quantify and follow up the impact of cancellations and reschedules on FG , WIP and Raw Material inventory . 客户定单取消时,评价并跟踪成品、半成品、原材料的状况。 www.bing.com 5. The cured gypsum can be used as the raw material of a cement retarder and building gypsum. 这种固化石膏可以用于水泥缓凝剂和建筑石膏的原材料。 ip.com 6. Consequently, the fall in nickel is expected to be partially offset by rises in other raw material costs. 因此,镍的价格下跌只能部分抵消其它原料成本的价格上涨。 www.nnbce.com 7. In 2010 fear of energy, water and other raw-material shortages will spread these troubles through the rest of the world. 2010年对能源、水源和其他原材料短缺的恐惧将继续使这种麻烦席卷全世界。 www.ecocn.org 8. Guinea is the world's largest producer of bauxite, the raw material used to make aluminum, and also produces diamonds and gold. 几内亚是世界上最大的铝土矿生产国,而旅途是生产铝的原材料。几内亚还盛产钻石和金子。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The United Staeds troubled by the economic crisis cried for the merchandise markets and raw material of the Soviet Union. 身受经济危机困扰的美国迫切需要将苏联作为重要的商品销售市场和原料供应地。 www.airiti.com 10. Control of the sugar content of raw material inputs (grapes, sulphonated musts or virgin musts) and sugars obtained from processed products. 原进料糖含量控制(葡萄、磺化葡萄汁或葡萄原汁)及产品经加工所制糖。 www.cnfi.org.tw 1. Since polyester raw material prices, the downstream market purchasing power of the more cautious. 由于聚酯原料价格下调,下游市场购买力越加的谨慎。 www.texclo.net 2. Then, the requirement of the battery on the separation paper, the selection of the raw material and papermaking technology are described. 在此基础上,对抄造碱性电池隔膜纸所需的原材料和抄造工艺进行了简单的叙述; www.ceps.com.tw 3. The broken filament can be decreased by optimizing raw material, adjusting process and improving machines. 通过优化原料、调整工艺、保持设备完好状态,使其毛丝明显减少。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Milk powder can be used as a raw material in baked goods and candy as well as in baby formula and other dairy-based products. 奶粉可用于生产烘焙食品、糖果以及婴儿配方奶粉和其他奶制品。 cn.wsj.com 5. For the sea catch one, we put emphasis on hazed analysis of the chemical additive in the raw material. 对于海捕的水产品原料的收购监控,我们侧重考虑化学添加剂在原料中的潜在危害。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. the raw material formula of the cystic fluid is olive powder, thinner, suspending agent, antioxidant, antiseptic and emulsifier. 囊液的原料配方为:橄榄粉,稀释剂,助悬剂,抗氧化剂,防腐剂,乳化剂; ip.com 7. changing waste to usefulness, recycling abandoned small-scale limestone as the raw material for producing limestone. 能变废为宝,将原废弃的小粒料石灰石重新利用成为生产石灰的原材料。 ip.com 8. The raw material of ultrafine xonotlite fibers with a high hollowness was called xonotlite secondary particles. 未经分散的超细直径硬硅钙石纤维成半中空球称为硬硅钙石二次粒子。 www.dictall.com 9. Responsible for check laboratory, production, intermediate product, raw material, finished product. 负责化验室、生产、中间体、原料、成品的检测工作; search.hr33.com 10. The raw material for extraction is ME-SODD, prepared from soybean oil deodorizer distillation through the methyl esterification. 萃取工艺的进料为甲酯化的大豆油脱臭馏出物。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. Data from sales, inventory, shipping, and invoicing, as well as forecast raw material and human resource requirements. 数据,从销售,库存,航运和发票,以及预测原材料和人力资源需求。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Product characteristic: this for the highly effective granulated substance paste, uses the import technology and raw material. 产品特点:本品为高级脂肪酸的高效砂浆剂,采用进口技术与原料。 china.makepolo.com 3. IntroductionMelamine is a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic triazine compound and an important raw material in organic chemical industry. 目的三聚氰胺(Melamine),是一种三嗪类含氮杂环有机化合物,重要的氮杂环有机化工原料。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 4. and all raw material, intermediates and the finished product have been tested and comply with the registration requirements. 所有的原料,中间体和成品已经进行检测并符合注册要求。 wenku.baidu.com 5. You do have to wonder what these people were thinking two years ago, when raw material prices were plunging. 你不得不想弄清两年前原材料价格直线下降时,这些人究竟是怎么想的。 www.bing.com 6. There is a natural tendency on the part of political scientists to view history somewhat in the light of mere raw material . 有些政治学家或多或少仅借助原始材料看待历史,这是自然趋势。 www.bing.com 7. A method for purification of crude triglycerides to be used as a raw material for production of biodiesel fuel. 一种对要用作生产生物柴油燃料的原料的粗甘油三酯进行纯化的方法。 ip.com 8. Hardener for epoxy resins and adhesives, intermediate in manufacture of high performance polymers, raw material for azodyes manufacturing. 用於环氧树脂固化剂和胶粘剂,生产高性能聚合物的中间体,製造偶氮染料的原料 wenku.baidu.com 9. The main conclusions are: raw material, food additive, food processing, health food circulation health, false labels. 主要结论是:原料污染、食品添加剂、食品加工卫生、食品流通卫生、虚假标签等。 www.ok06.com 10. "Higher electricity prices, together with soaring raw material and labor costs, will worsen the business environment for SMEs, " Xu said. 更高的电价加上猛涨的材料和人力成本,将使中小型企业的商业环境变差。 www.gelievable.com 1. and 3. putting the raw material mixture into a double-screw extruder for extrusion and pelleting. 然后将混合的原料放入双螺杆挤出机内,挤出造粒。 ip.com 2. Procurement contract shall include raw material quality control and quality index, test methods to the quality of the content. 采购合同中应当包括原料质量控制要求和质量指标、检验方法等质量责任方面的内容。 www.cnqr.org 3. Overview: The Division tree moss extract stem mainly grown in Yunnan Province as the raw material, obtained by ethanol extraction. 概述:本司树苔浸膏主要采用云南的树苔为原材料,通过热乙醇浸提制得。 www.gzpyxl.com 4. In recent years, mulberry plantation and sericiculture develop rapidly, which provide plenteous raw material for the project. 近年来,宿迁地区的栽桑养蚕发展迅猛,为项目实施提供丰富的原料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Specifically, ferrous scrap will be considered as a secondary raw material, rather than as waste. 具体来说,有色金属废料将被视为次要的原料,而不是作为废物。 www.shhrui.com 6. Supply raw material and other needed products to production area as well as packing the finished product and taking it to the warehouse. 供应原材料及其它所需的产品到生产区域并且包装成品并运送至仓库。 www.yjbys.com 7. The pen simulated plant choose the acrylic fabric plastic as the raw material and decorated with artificial fine colored drawing. 仿真植物笔采用压克力塑料为原材料人工精致彩绘而成。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. In this paper we used birch powder and HDPE as the main raw material to manufacture composite by the process of melting extrusion. 本论文以高密度聚乙烯塑料和桦木碎料为主要原料,通过熔融挤出工艺方式制造复合材料。 www.13191.com 9. In chapter 2 we introduced the raw material, instruments characterization methods and photocatalysis testing device used in this dissert. 第二章介绍了本文使用的合成用原料、仪器、表征方法和使用的光催化测试装置。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The utility model can greatly increase the discharge quantity of air, save the raw material and is convenient for machining. 本实用新型能大大提高出风量,并可以节约原材料,便于机加工。 ip.com 1. Responsible for the raw material's purchase cost and manufacturing costing; Check the inventories every month and analyze the its situation. 负责材料采购的核算和制造成本的核算,每月对原材料进行盘点并做出分析。 dy.qlrc.com 2. Preparation of polyurethane foam in this paper introduces and describes the mechanism of its foam, raw material. 本论文介绍制备发泡聚氨酯,并介绍其发泡机理、原料。 www.lwgsw.com 3. I follow a lot of companies, and rising raw material costs are at the top of the list of concerns facing anybody who makes anything. 我考察过许多公司,无论他们生产什么产品,不断飙升的原材料成本已成为他们最为头痛的问题。 www.bing.com 4. 2Inventory and cost control: raw material, standard parts, WIP and finished products in and out checking ; and cost calculation. 库存与成本控制:核查仓库原料,备品备件,半成品,产成品的出入库,及相应的成本计算。 lf.job592.com 5. Using milk as the main raw material, a new type of neutral beverage of milk with rich nutrition and wine flavor is developed. 以鲜奶为主要原料,研制出一种营养丰富、含有一定醇的风味的新型中性乳饮料。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. No rough selvedge will occur and the mouth or bottom of the bottle products, which saves the cost of the raw material. 瓶口瓶底无毛边废料产生,节约原料。 www.gzlg.cn 7. For drying the adhesive raw material, the factory has designed specially a stirring plate for you. 干燥粘性物料时,本厂将在罐内为您特别设计“抄板”结构或设置滚珠。 www.diytrade.com 8. Within 20 years of development, Fortune Group has become one of the biggest enterprises in raw material recycling business in America. 通过20年的发展,富勤集团已经成为美国最大的再生原料环保处理企业之一。 fortunegroup.com.cn 9. The inventive method enables the use, in part, of renewable raw material, while increasing acrolein production. 本发明方法可以部分使用可再生原料,从而提高丙烯醛的产量。 ip.com 10. You'd better cook other raw material before adding the fruit in. And the it should take as short time as possible to cook fruit. 炒制、炖煮时间一定要短一点,宜先把其他原料烹熟,最后再放水果。 www.elanso.com |
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