单词 | pull the trigger |
释义 | 例句释义: 扳扳机,扣扳机,扣动扳机,射击 1. He also knows that it's gonna be very difficult for you. . . to pull the trigger if you have him in your sights. 他还知道,当他出现在你们的视线中的时候,你们会很难按下你们的扳机。 english.cri.cn 2. Q: What did you see that caused you to pull the trigger on the $600 billion, at this point? 问:目前你如何看待是什么促使你扣动了6000亿美元的扳机? c.wsj.com 3. 'People are going to be trying to pull the trigger all weekend. ' 整个周末人们都会试图扣动扳机。 cn.wsj.com 4. S. cities. Federal agent said the suspects in both plot were ready to pull the trigger. 联邦机构报道说两地的恐怖袭击嫌疑人均已准备扣动扳机进行袭击。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 5. Right before you pull the trigger, look that son of a bitch right in the eyes and tell him John says goodbye. 在你射杀他以前,看着这个狗狼养的眼睛,对他说,John向你道别。 www.bing.com 6. Pick up the CR13VBY and it appears to be a conventional reciprocating saw. But, pull the trigger and there is nothing conventional about it. 所推出的CR13VBY带有传统往复式锯的特点,但是,拉动扳机之后就与传统的一点都不一样。 www.chuandong.com 7. Two alleged terror plots targeting 2 US cities, Federal Agents say the suspects in both plots were ready to pull the trigger. 两大恐怖阴谋,目标是两个美国城市。联邦特工称,两个阴谋的两名嫌疑人均已准备按下触发开关。 club.topsage.com 8. You know. It's easier to pull the trigger than play guitar. Easier to destroy than to create. 知道吗。开枪比弹吉他容易。破坏比建设容易。 aviliv.com 9. It's fast paced arcade action on the edge of your sanity when you shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger! 它的快节奏的行动,对商场的边缘,您的理智,当您拍摄一样快,您可以抠动扳机! xtdownload.com 10. But just before he fired, he wondered, what will happen to me if I pull the trigger? 但就在他开枪之前,他犹豫了。如果我扣了扳机,我会有什么后果? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Don t drop me couple words, " hi sir I can do this job for you in 2 days" . . . than I'll pull the trigger. 唐吨下降我夫妇的话说,“喜先生,我能为你做这个工作在2天”…比我扣动扳机。 www.bing.com 2. He hesitates to pull the trigger for a moment, but Christina goads him and he fires. . . but the gun just clicks. 迈可犹豫了一会,不愿扣动扳机,克里斯蒂娜激励他,他开火了…但是枪只发出了卡答声,被卡住了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. At some point, we got to pull the trigger on this thing. 到了某个时候,该做的总得要做呀! blog.sina.com.cn 4. "Only for her sleeve - hand - day - under the" 09 New Year's Eve concert, one world, pull the trigger the number of people's hearts? “只为她,袖—手—天—下”09跨年演唱会,一曲天下,扣动了多少人的心呢? post.baidu.com 5. To any army soldier, to any man who can pull the trigger & kill this man to do so. 任何有办法杀他的士兵或任何人,可以下手。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. They want out but can't or won't pull the trigger, consciously or subconsciously forcing their partner to be the one who calls it quits. 其实他们想出局但是不能或者说不会去扣动扳机,有意或者潜意识得逼迫对方去叫停这段关系。 www.bing.com 7. The average person may never have to appease shareholders, appear before a congressional panel or pull the trigger on massive layoffs. 一般的人可能绝不会去平息股东,在大会小组面前出现或者进行大规模的裁员。 www.bing.com 8. They will die if you pull the trigger with your index finger; however, they will live well if you shoot pictures with your index finger. 如果你用食指扣动扳机,它们就将死去;如果你用食指按动快门,它们将生生不息。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. "Why am I afraid to pull the trigger? " "How come the trades I don't take work out better than those I take? " “为什么我害怕扣扳机?”“为什么我没买的总是比我买的涨的好?” www.bing.com 10. Turn it on, point it at a celestial object, and pull the trigger to identify planets, stars, nebulae , galaxies and much more. 一开机后,拿着它对准一个天体,并扣下扳机就能识别行星,恒星,星云,星系和其他的天体目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. So if Bin Laden is alive, American leaders have to explain why they have repeatedly chosen not to pull the trigger. 那麽如果本拉登还活著,美国领导们就得解释解释为什麽他们一而再再而三选择不扣动扳机了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Challenger Ichiro Ozawa has made it clear that he is not afraid to pull the trigger on yen intervention if needed. 而挑战菅直人的民主党代表小泽一郎已明确显示,如有需要,他不惧下干预日元的决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Moments before being shot, a local councilman in the Philippines captured a photograph of the man who was about to pull the trigger. (美国有线新闻网)--在被射击前的瞬间,一名当地议员在菲律宾捕捉到了一名正要开枪男子的照片。 www.aitrans.net 4. Or pull the trigger on doing something you've wanted to do for a long time, but haven't yet had the resolve to do. 或者是开始着手一件你一直以来都很想去做,但却从未真正下决心去做的事情。 www.bing.com 5. One of these three guns has a single bullet in it. I'm going to pull the trigger six times in a row. Are you ready? 三把枪里面只有一把装了一颗子弹。我会连着开六枪,准备好了吗? bbs.a9vg.com 6. They pull the trigger when a buying opportunity provides a better long-term growth outlook than something that's already in the portfolio. 当买入机会的长期增长前景优于投资组合中的现有股票时,他们就会采取行动。 www.hxen.com 7. Love is handing someone a gun and letting it point to your head, believing that he won't pull the trigger. 爱就是你递给他一把枪,并且用枪指着自己的脑袋,然后相信他不会扣动扳机! wenku.baidu.com 8. That is because I find myself just as hypocritical and no better than those who pull the trigger. 那是因为我发现自己就是个伪君子,一点也不比那些扣动扳机的人好哪儿去。 www.elanso.com 9. They continue to gamble, only now their hands shake from anxiety and fear when they try to pull the trigger. 他们继续赌博,在扣扳机的时候他们的手由于焦急和恐惧而抖的厉害。 www.bing.com 10. Unofficially, it is shoot-to-kill on both sides, so better to be the first to pull the trigger. 非正式的说法是,双方都会直接彼此射杀。所以,最好是第一个扣动扳机。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Players only need to gently pull the trigger against the screen, immediately destroy the invading enemy. 玩家只须对着屏幕轻轻扣动扳机,即刻消灭入侵的敌人。 www.dw188.com 2. If you pull the trigger on this, you're ruining someone's day somewhere and sometime. 如果你扣下扳机,你就会毁了某时某地某个人的一辈子。 game.ali213.net 3. The Tea Party is fully cognizant that it has been given a bazooka, and it's just itching to pull the trigger. 茶党充分明白这是给了他们一门火箭炮,他们心里痒痒的,就想扣动扳手。 www.bing.com 4. But even ordinary homebuyers who fall outside the scope of the measures are reluctant to pull the trigger if they believe prices will slide. 然而,即使不在这些措施限制范围内的普通购房者也不愿意轻举妄动,因为他们相信房价会降。 chinese.wsj.com 5. New clients often need a little extra motivation to get them to pull the trigger. 新客户一般需要一点额外的动力来使他们作出最后决定。 www.bing.com 6. Love is like handing someone a gun, Having them pointing at your heart, and trusting them to never pull the trigger. 爱就像是给对方一支枪,枪口对准自己的心脏,却相信他绝不会扣下扳机。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. That don't make you a murderer . Bad husband, maybe . Feel bad about it if you want , but you didn't pull the trigger. 那不能判你谋杀的,只是坏丈夫吧。你可以为此难过,但枪不是你开的。 blog.163.com 8. the player officially entered the game, players only need to gently pull the trigger at this time directly involved in the game. 玩家正式进入游戏,此时玩家只须轻轻扣动扳机即可直接参与游戏。其中枪支射击敌人的头部或身体其它部位所使用子弹数会不一样。 www.dw188.com 9. Our entire family assembled in the house. Her father refused to pull the trigger so her brother came forward and shot her dead. 我们整个家庭都聚焦在家里,她的父亲拒绝向她扣下板机,所以她的哥哥就上前向她的头部开枪。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Pull the trigger observe the movement of needles, adjusting ring device. 拉动扳机观察喷针的运动情况,调节密封圈装置。 www.jibing5.com 1. You will just pull the trigger, and you will sit comfortably in front of it, watching it. 最终,你会看到,当你坐在计算机前,观察走势图的时候,你只是简单的扣下扳机。 blog.163.com 2. Force yourself to just pull the trigger quickly on every decision you possibly can. 强迫你自己尽可能对每个决定做最快的决定。 www.bing.com 3. When you recognize it isn't going to work, you are obliged to pull the trigger. 当你认为那没有用时,你不得不扣动扳机。 www.elanso.com 4. I mean, at some point, we gotta pull the trigger on this thing. 有些时候,事情还是抓紧点的好。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He knew he should pull the trigger, but he was suddenly paralyzed by fear. 他知道应该扣动扳机,但他却突然被恐惧给。 blog.ufeel.com 6. Does the Pistons' front office have the guts to pull the trigger? Probably not. 活塞方面有那个启动交易的野心吗?大概是没有吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Strategy : Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger. 策略:谨慎的下决定,然后扣下扳机。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Or maybe it's a message to not worry about waiting until after the draft to pull the trigger. 或许传达了在选秀开启前不要担心的信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. haunting, yearning, pull the trigger! 杀啊,冲啊,扣动扳机! wenwen.soso.com 10. Policy makers debated for months whether to pull the trigger and buy shares, a person with knowledge of the situation said Thursday. 一位知情人士周四称,政策制定者就是否采取行动购入股票争论了数月之久。 www.bing.com 1. Is there enough here to prompt the Fed to pull the trigger as early as at the September 21 meeting? 目前的形势是否足以促使美联储最早在9月21日会议上扣动扳机呢? cn.reuters.com 2. Cops give a damn about a negro, pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he's a hero! 警察不在乎黑人,他扣上板机,杀了一个黑人,於是他就成了一个英雄。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Pull the trigger. . . never be afraid! ! 扣下板机吧!不再害怕! www.xiami.com 4. believe me, I understand the impulse to pull the trigger. 相信我,我理解你想开枪的冲动。 www.tianya.cn 5. Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun. 思想扣动板机,然而是直觉装上子弹。 club.campus.sohu.com 6. It's not enough for you only to sight, you must also pull the trigger. 光瞄准还不够,还必须扣动扳机。 www.blogcn.com 7. Feel bad about it if you want. But you didn't pull the trigger. 你可以为此难过,但不是你开的枪。 wenku.baidu.com 8. To operate, pull the trigger on the handle. 拉动握把上的扳柄即可使用。 www.fane.cn 9. When I pull the trigger and your greasy head explodes. 轻轻扣响扳机,你的头颅就四溅横飞。 game.sheup.com 10. When you take a gun, pull the trigger, and kill somebody, that is just the fruit of sin. 拿起枪,扣动扳机,杀掉一个人,这就是恶果。 www.bing.com 1. So let's just call it an El Stiffo, pull the trigger and have Sully ditch the whole year in the Hudson. 所以我们姑且称之为埃尔·斯蒂福,扣动扳机,让萨利将这一年迫降在哈德逊河上。 jack0914.blog.163.com 2. Okay. ? You can pull the trigger now. 好,现在你可以按下快门了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You don't move the coin, I pull the trigger. 你做不到我就扣动扳机 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To fire the gun, pull the trigger. 要开枪就扣动扳机。 www.xici.net 5. Finally, a woman who isn't a chump, who doesn't go all gooey when she has to pull the trigger. 史密斯太太在需要扣动扳机时没有手软,她是一个能叫人吃不了兜着走的女人。 www.bing.com 6. But before he can pull the trigger, a train whistle startles him. 但是在他开枪之前,一辆列车经过,汽笛声吓了他一跳。 www.bing.com 7. She tears with trembling hands pull the trigger, the bullet actually hit my father unexpectedly the head. 她含泪用颤抖的手扣动扳机,不料子弹竟击中父亲的头部。 www.bluraycd.com 8. Men just want to pull the trigger. 而男人则只是想先发制人。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Like hell. You didn't pull the trigger, and you didn't convict him. 没有的事。又不是你开的枪,也不是你判的他有罪。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He didn't pull the trigger. 最终,他没有扣下扳机。 www.bing.com 1. I didn't pull the trigger. 枪不是我开的 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Youve got to, but boy dont pull the trigger yet Youve 观世音菩萨,而男孩却不扣动扳机 wenwen.soso.com 3. Why did I pull the trigger, pull the trigger, pull the trigger(BOOM) 为什么我会扣响扳机,扣响扳机,扣响扳机(嘭——) www.bing.com 4. pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero 扣动扳机杀一个黑人那警察就成了英雄 zhidao.baidu.com 5. See me when I shoot lycs pull the trigger 看莪当莪开枪拉开扳机 zhidao.baidu.com |
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