单词 | quarter with |
释义 | quarter with例句释义: 全部 1. The derivative problems seem to have accelerated, though Buffett is probably doing better this quarter with the stock index derivatives. 尽管巴菲特本季在股指衍生性商品上可能操作较佳,但衍生性商品的问题看来已经加重。 cn.reuters.com 2. A rate that compares the current reporting period (e. g. a month or quarter) with the same period a year earlier. 将当前报告时段(一个月或一季)的数据与上年同期相比较而得出的变动率。 glossary.reuters.com.cn 3. A casual observer could be forgiven for thinking it was a decent quarter, with many banks posting higher year-on-year operating profits. 年初以来许多银行的同比经营利润都有所上升,乍看之下容易认为银行业第一季度复苏情况良好,这是可以理解的。 www.ecocn.org 4. We'd prefer to make payment per quarter. With such large orders, it would be bad to our cash-flow if we paid out so much before sales began. 我想每季度付一次比较好。由于我们下的订单这么大,在进帐之前,就要付出这么大笔的款项,将有损我们的现金流量。 j.xdf.cn 5. As for me, the three will be in this quarter, with the petals being blown away Phoenix, designated in memory of the next arc eternal. 而对于我来说,高三就要在这一季,随着凤凰花瓣被风吹远,在记忆里划下一道永恒的弧线。 www.baihuoyw.com 6. Sometimes even though they won 10 , they were still out scored in the 4th quarter with all the starters on the court. 有时候就算他们赢了10分以上,他们在第四节仍然用所有的首发在场上得分。 club.sohu.com 7. While commodity prices have robbed consumers of purchasing power, they entered the second quarter with a slightly upbeat outlook. 虽然大宗商品价格高企削弱了消费者的购买力,但第二季初消费者信心微增。 cn.reuters.com 8. crescent, The figure of the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter, with concave and convex edges terminating in points. 蛾眉月月亮在上弦时或下弦时的形状,其凹边和凹边均汇合成点 www.putclub.com 9. " Durant said, " We in the fourth quarter with a different lineup, but not because he is not in the state. 杜兰特说,“我们在第四节使用了一套不同的阵容,但这并不是因为他不在状态。” blog.sina.com.cn 10. Los Angeles closed the quarter with a 22-10 run, playing free and easy and running up the score with some fancy stuff. 湖人以22-10的攻击波结束第三节,打得很自由自在,而且也开始有花哨的得分场面。 www.hicoo.net 1. The GDP estimate is the first of three for the quarter, with revisions in November and December when more information becomes available. 这是第三季度国内生产总值的最初预期,随着更多信息的披露,在11月和12月还会进行修正。 www.bing.com 2. the east area will be built into a residential quarter with 9 super high-rise buildings. 东区将建成由9栋超高层住宅组成的纯住宅小区。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 3. Japan's economy shrank at its fastest pace for 35 years in the last quarter, with more contractions expected well into this year. 日本经济在去年最后一季度迅速萎缩,把过去35年增长化为乌有,而预计今年会继续萎缩。 www.bing.com 4. Some of May's losses were recouped in June, helping the Dow Jones-UBS index finish the quarter with a drop of 4. 9%. 5月的部分损失在6月得以弥补,从而使道琼斯瑞银大宗商品指数在本季度结束时仅下跌了4. cn.wsj.com 5. Wafer slicing would increase to 500MW by the end of the second quarter, with further capacity expansions in the planning stage. 第二季度末,硅片产量将会增加满足500兆瓦的产能,公司的下一步扩产产能还在计划阶段。 www.solarbe.com 6. The company finished the quarter with $42. 6 billion in cash and equivalents. 该季度结束时,谷歌拥有426亿美元的现金及现金等价物; www.forbeschina.com 7. He forecasts a 6% climb in LG cellphone shipments in the second quarter, with bigger gains in the second half of the year. 他预计LG第二季度的手机发货量将增长6%,今年下半年的增幅还会更大。 www.bing.com 8. We will have another very good quarter with quarter two, but then the second part of the year will see less brilliant figures. 二季度的表现仍会非常出色,但今年下半年的数字就不会那么抢眼了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. GM ended the quarter with $21 billion in cash, which sounds like a lot-but the firm is eating $1 billion a month. 通用汽车以210亿美元的收入结束了这个季度的销售,貌似很多,但是公司每月的消耗就需要10亿美元。 blog.ecocn.org 10. Apple had 323 stores worldwide at the end of the first quarter, with 87 of them outside the United States. 截至第一季度末,苹果在全球拥有323家专卖店,其中87家位于美国本土之外的地方。 bbs.icxo.com 1. Its investment bank followed Goldman Sachs' record second quarter, with fees of $2. 2bn driving a near-quadrupling in net income. 其投行业务追随了高盛(GoldmanSachs)第二季度的创纪录表现,服务费达到22亿美元,推动净收入增长了近3倍。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The upgrades are planned to begin in the fourth quarter, with completion expected in 2011, AT&T says. AT&T宣称:该升级计划定于第四季度开始,预计于2011年完成。 www.bing.com 3. Economists expect the economy to have experienced a further slowdown in the third quarter, with growth down to 9. 7 per cent. 经济学家预计中国经济在第三季度经历了进一步的放缓,增长速度会下降至9. www.ftchinese.com 4. I have the pleasure of co-leading a seminar this quarter with distinguished philosopher Brian Leiter. 我很高兴与著名哲学家BrianLeiter共同主持本季度的研讨会。 www.bing.com 5. In the second quarter with 39 international bidding for offset press-off items, a total of 14 companies participate in the tendering. 二季度有39个对开型胶印机国际招标项目,共14家企业参与招标投标活动。 www.bing.com 6. Small losses on Wednesday meant that the index ended the second quarter with a loss of 7. 7%. 周三小幅下跌意味着该指数在第二季度总计下挫7. www.bing.com 7. American Airlines led the way last quarter with $118. 4 million in baggage revenue. 美国航空公司以1.184亿美元在上一季度的行李托运费收入中遥遥领先。 www.bing.com 8. The mobile unit ended the quarter with 65. 7m subscribers. 截至上季度末,移动电话子公司拥有6570万订户。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In the third quarter, with steel production booming, prices jumped another 20-30 per cent. 今年第三季度,由于钢铁生产旺盛,铁矿石和炼焦煤价格又大幅上涨了20%至30%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It ended the quarter with $1. 4 billion in cash. 最后,柯达在这一季度的现金总量达到了14亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Odom began that quarter with just 4 points and didn't score again until the Celtics had gone ahead 71-64. 奥当在第四节开始仅仅拿到4分,而在凯子以71-64领先之后他就再也没有得分。 210006090160.ctinets.com 2. GM ended the quarter with $11. 6 billion in cash, down from $14. 2 billion on Dec. 这一季度结束后通用会得到116亿美元的现金收入,较之12月31日的142亿美元有所下降。 www.elanso.com 3. There's still quite a way to go, though: The bank finished the quarter with $6. 1 billion in nonperforming assets 但是要走的路还很漫长:它本季度末还持有61亿美元的不良资产。 www.bing.com 4. The cultural tendency of close quarter with small stages 小剧场戏剧的近距离文化倾向 www.ilib.cn |
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