单词 | pulling off | ||
释义 | pulling off是pull off的现在分词
第三人称单数:pulls off 现在分词:pulling off 过去式:pulled off
例句释义: 勾弦,钩拨奏法,勾音 1. They sat down on the porch of the hotel. They started pulling off their boots . "There! " Jack got them both off. 他们在旅馆前的门廊上坐下,开始把靴子脱掉,“好了!”杰克终于把两只靴子都脱掉了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Cristiano Ronaldo's penalty was the only goal of the game, with Edwin van der Sar pulling off a late save from Darius Vassell's spot kick. 罗纳尔多的点球整场比赛的唯一进球,同时E。范德萨还以敏捷的第二反应扑出了D。瓦塞尔的点球。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Hedgehog starts pulling off his quills one by one enduring sharp pain. There is red liquid coming out with each quill pulled. 刺猬忍着巨痛,开始一根一根的拔掉自己身上的刺。每拔掉一根,就会有红色的液体留出。 www.e-say.com.cn 4. Now that EADS is no longer a Franco-German war zone it has a better chance of pulling off the same trick. 现在EADS已经不再是法德战场了,它有更好的机会故技重施。 www.ecocn.org 5. With that knowledge in hand I started practicing and right off the bat I started pulling off some near perfect autos. 发现这些之后我立刻开始练习并马上开始尝试做到近乎完美的熄火降落。 bbs.5imx.com 6. Then I purposely interrupt one of the access paths by pulling off an FC cable between the host and switch. 然后,我故意拔掉主机与交换机之间的一根FC电缆,以中断其中一条访问路径。 www.ibm.com 7. But when Noel goes to answer the door, he actually starts pulling off the first one. 但当Noel去应门时,他却开始把贴纸往下拉。 www.bing.com 8. Pulling off their masks and tearing their robes, they fought with one another for the nuts. 他们脱下面具,撕毁他们的衣裳,他们又打了一个又为坚果。 www.en400.com:8080 9. If I could give you a formula for pulling off this balancing act, I would. 如果我能给你一个解除维持均势的公式,我会这样做。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It was no small feat pulling off this party. 筹办这个派对实在不是件小事。 www.ebigear.com 1. Micromanagement is key in pulling off a good attack run so make sure you take out Allied Outposts and adapt to your opponent's response. 微操是执行完美攻击的关键,所以要确保你消灭盟军前哨站,并且根据敌人的回应改变战术。 a.kk55.net 2. Under his tutelage, Locke grows to lead the Bastards, delightedly pulling off one outrageous confidence game after another. 在他的指导下,洛克增长到领导杂种,高兴的拉过一个又一个离谱的信心游戏。 www.ccebook.net 3. Attracting foreign investors will be a key to pulling off a listing of this size. 吸引外国投资者对从这种规模的公司脱身起到关键作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. She joined the struggling Internet concern in early 2009, quickly pulling off a search deal with Microsoft and cutting costs. 她于2009年初加入这家身陷困境的互联网公司,很快就与微软(Microsoft)达成了一桩搜索交易,同时削减成本。 c.wsj.com 5. Phoebe: Ok, you can do this. It's just like pulling off a Band-aid. Just do it really fast, and then the wound is exposed. Go! go! 好了,你能做到的。就像扔掉创可贴一样。只要很快的一扯,伤口就会露出来了。快去!快去! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Otsu was not there at all! Instead, he saw a very thin crane which was pulling off its feathers and weaving them into the cloth. 他只看到一只很瘦的鹤正在用鸟喙从身上拔出一根又一根的羽毛,再将羽毛编织成布。 7. The utility model can really prevent silk pulling off phenomenon of the brake wire. 本实用新型可确实防止刹车线材的直丝发生脱丝现象。 ip.com 8. Pulling off my apron, I rushed to the hospital, heedless of the cold and snow. 我解下围裙,朝医院奔去,没有感觉到天气的寒冷和下着雪。 www.baike.com 9. After pulling off layer upon layer of clothing, he showed us his wound. 在脱去层层的衣服之后,他给我们看了他的伤口。 blog.ielts.com.cn 10. For Mr Obama, this means pulling off a difficult balancing act. 对奥巴马而言,这意味着努力实现一个艰难的平衡动作。 www.stnn.cc 1. But pulling off a successful integration will be tricky. 不过收购之后两个企业的整合将是棘手的。 www.ecocn.org 2. He keeps pulling off his monitor leadS. 他一直试图拔掉他的监视器 www.tingclass.net 3. Here you are, pulling off the Band-Aid. 现在你撕掉创可贴。 www.ted.com 4. Pulling off, half his shirt, he stuck a plaster onhisright deltoid, and pulling hisshirtback, continued onhisway. 他脱去半边衬衫,把一块膏药贴在右肩的三角肌上,然后穿好衣服,上车继续前进。 www.bing.com 5. When we catch up with the gang, they're pulling off a carefully planned out bank job. 跟进这个抢劫团伙,我们发现他们正在抢劫一家银行。尽管计划周密,但这次的任务还是出了差错。 www.china.org.cn 6. You can. It's like pulling off a Band-Aid. 你能办到的这就像是拔绷带一样 www.ebigear.com 7. He seems to be interested in nothing but pulling off some good things at the races 他除了想在赛马中赢此钱以外似乎什么都不关心。 dict.netat.net 8. And the Harvard basketball players will be locked in the library instead of pulling off a Cinderella upset. 和哈佛篮球运动员将被锁定在脱下,而不是一个灰姑娘不高兴库。 www.englishtang.com 9. Application of Emulsion Paraffin in Pulling off Mould of Refractory Material Forming 乳化石蜡在耐火材料成型脱模中的应用 ilib.cn 10. The roof is pulling off By its fingernails 连屋顶都被它们的利爪掀翻 teabreak.qq.topzj.com |
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