单词 | Rep. |
释义 |
例句释义: 众议院议员,共和党人,共和党党员,代表,共和党众议员 1. A Portland rep came out to make sure we were a legitimate business, then they went forward with the deal. 一位波特兰的地区代表出面证明我们是合法商家,接着他们就开始谈生意了。 www.bing.com 2. Concerned after the bank rep told her the order came from her home phone, Karen asked her neighbors if they'd heard about any break-ins. 由于银行客服说申请都来自固定电话,凯伦便询问她的邻居是否有听说入室盗窃的事发生。 www.elanso.com 3. Rep. Frank said the Treasury agreed to an independent board to monitor the bailout and report on its progress to Congress and the public. 共和党议员弗兰克(Frank)说,财政部同意建立一个独立的委员会来监督救援行动,并向国会和公众通报救援行动的进展情况。 www.bing.com 4. The second song is about Ms Irlweg, the "unflappable" customer service rep at United who said last December that the "matter was closed. " 第二首歌有关“头脑冷静”的美联航客服代表Irlweg女士,她于去年12月份称“事件已经结束”。 www.bing.com 5. A Palm rep explained that this was due to @ being a much more frequently used symbol than it was even a few years ago. Palm代表解释说这是因为@比几年前更为常用。 www.bing.com 6. Rep. Anthony Weiner and his wife are expecting their first child, an unexpected twist in the saga involving the New York congressman. 众议员安东尼·维纳和他的妻子正期待他们的第一个孩,这在纽约众议员中是一件意想不到的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Then we study the idempotent-separating congruences on the orthogroups with group kernel normal systems and give it a simple rep. 利用群核正规系讨论了纯正群的幂等元分离同余。 www.dictall.com 8. What if it burnished your rep as a dangerous character, making future quest opponents so scared of you that some battles became simpler? 它给你的名声镀上一层危险的属性,使你以后任务中的对手万分恐惧,让某些战斗变得轻松,这样如何? www.bing.com 9. Rep. Towns said the House committee wants to ask Mr. Greenberg what went wrong at AIG that led to the bailout. 唐斯说,众议院监管委员会希望问格林伯格,AIG究竟出了什么样的问题导致政府不得不出手救助。 www.bing.com 10. Also try to engage the company representative in conversation about the company, and listen to what the rep has to say. 同时设法和公司代表交谈,以了解公司的情况,并且要倾听公司代表传大的信息。 icecoffeesky.blog.163.com 1. New York Rep. Nan Hayworth, delivering the GOP address, said the jobs report showed the difficulty that many Americans face in finding work. 纽约众议员南海沃思说,提供共和党的演讲,就业报告显示,许多美国人在找工作时面临困难。 www.bing.com 2. Important negotiating sessions devoted to the stimulus took place in congressional offices, outside public view. 在国会召开的关于经济刺激预案的谈判会议中,社会外界可以参与了。Rep。 www.bing.com 3. Zina: The sales rep had a green note pad just like yours. He said everybody at Web Tracker used them. 那个业务代表用的绿色便利贴跟你的一样。他说“网路搜寻家”的人都用这种。 www.neworiental.org 4. 'I prefer to work with positive incentives, ' said the bill's sponsor, Democrat Rep. David Wu from Oregon. 提出该法案的俄勒冈州民主党众议员吴振伟表示,正面激励会更有效地推动工作得以开展。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash. , said Republicans ignore the fact that the law would not add to the federal deficit. 代表吉姆麦克德莫克,德沃什,说共和党人忽略了法律将不添加到联邦的赤字的事实。 www.aitrans.net 6. And a sales rep with business acumen knows that higher-margin products will increase the company's return. 一个拥有商业智慧的销售业务员明白,高利润的产品将会增加公司的收益。 www.bing.com 7. their outside sales force (manufacturer rep's) and occasionally the President of the company. 其外部的销售队伍(制造商代表的),偶尔公司总裁。 08translation.cn 8. It would be easier, and save time, if the customer could place a call to a customer service rep without leaving the claim creation form. 如果客户不离开索赔创建表单就能够拨打客户服务代表的电话的话,那么客户就会感到更方便,并能节约一些时间。 www.ibm.com 9. Remember to use this method carefully, as spamming dozens of people with cut-and-paste messages will do nothing but give you a bad rep. 记住要谨慎地使用这种方式,给大量的人复制相同的信息不会给你带来任何好处并且有被认为是spam的风险。 www.bing.com 10. Assume that you need help from a customer service rep at this point, so you click the Call button. 假定此时您需要一位客户服务代表的帮助,因此您单击Call按钮。 www.ibm.com 1. Red edge position (REP, 680-780 nm) has been used for evaluating crop leaves nitrogen status. 红边位置常被用于监测作物叶片氮素营养状况。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. On Sept. 6, the developer put 300 of the apartments on the market; so far 270 have been sold, according to a sales rep for the company. 开发商的一位销售代表说,9月6日,该公司将其中300套住房推向市场,目前为止已售出270套。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Rep. Allen Boyd, a Florida Democrat, said McCain's visit to the White House threw the negotiations over the bailout package into disarray. 民主党众议员AllenBoyd则称,麦凯恩来到白宫后,就救援计划进行的谈判陷入混乱.(完) cn.reuters.com 4. Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla. ) said self-regulation that focuses on transparency and choice might be the best approach. 克里夫·斯滕斯代表认为以透明度和选择权为焦点的行业自律也许是最好的办法。 www.bing.com 5. Zina: The sales rep had a green note pad just like yours. He said everybody at WebTracker used them. 吉娜:那个代表用的绿色便利贴跟你的一样。他说“网路搜寻家”的人都用。 www.ttxyy.com 6. "I was disappointed to hear the President give short shrift to border security concerns, " said Rep. “我很失望听到总统给予重视不够边境安全问题,说:”众议员吉福德。 www.englishtang.com 7. Rep. Coffman said the amendment was supposed to encourage "advance planning" to protect the military's supply chain. 考夫曼说,修改法案是为了鼓励军方未雨绸缪,保护自己的供应链。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Rep. Zach Wamp (R. , Tenn. ) said the accounting rule changes will help business. 田纳西州共和党议员扎克·瓦姆普(ZachWamp)说,会计准则的调整将对企业有帮助。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. In April, a customer wanting to mail in a gripe said on Daggle that a rep 'told me to address it to a Steve Larson. ' 4月,一位想要投诉的客户在Daggle上写道,客服代表“告诉我把投诉信寄给一个叫史蒂夫?拉尔森(SteveLarson)的人。” c.wsj.com 10. Businesses with a fixed establishment shall rep ort and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located. 固定业户应当向其机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。 ts.hjenglish.com 1. Some or all dinosaurs may have had high aerobic exercise capacity like birds and mammals, or low aerobic exercise capacity like rep- tiles. 一些或所有的恐龙都可能有像鸟或哺乳动物一样的较高的耗氧活动能力,或是像爬行类那样的低程度的有氧活动能力。 www.hotdic.com 2. Your goal should be to perform 8 reps of the exercise, barely able to finish the last rep. 你的目标应该是完成8套的过程中,几乎无法完成最后的一套。 www.elanso.com 3. A rep from Princeton University Press, when asked his opinion on the news, said, "I'd like to see the numbers. " 普林斯顿大学出版社(PrincetonUniversityPress)的一位代表在被问到这条新闻时,也表示“我想看看具体的数据。” www.fortunechina.com 4. On Wednesday, Rep. Markey sent a follow-up letter to Apple asking why the company is storing customer-location data on its phones. 周三,美国众议员马基再次致信苹果,询问该公司为何在手机上存储用户位置信息。 chinese.wsj.com 5. You're at a party and see a handsome guy. He fancies you, but you talk him into going home with your friend. That's a Sales Rep. 你在聚会上看见一个帅哥。他很喜欢你,但你劝服他跟你的朋友回家了。这叫销售代表。 www.daxia.com 6. Your valuable comments to the Legislative Yuan of the Rep. of China (Taiwan) will be very welcome and appreciated anytime. 欢迎你们随时对中国台湾“立法院”继续提出宝贵意见。 dongxi.net 7. Wanna join our gang? You could be the next Bilingual Rep. 想加入我们的队伍吗?快来吧,您就是下一位双语代表了。 www.bbtime.com.cn 8. But I take comfort in the recent rise of two politicians: Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. 不过,我对最近两位政界人士的冉冉升起感到欣慰:威斯康星州众议员雷恩(PaulRyan)和新泽西州州长克里斯蒂(ChrisChristie)。 www.voa365.com 9. And on the International Space Station, commander Scott Kelly led NASA in a moment of silence for his sister-in-law, Rep. 在国际空间站,指挥官凯利(ScottKelly)带领美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的工作人员为他的嫂子、众议员吉福兹(GabrielleGiffords)默哀。 www.aj-edu.com 10. Hathaway falls in love with a pharmaceutical rep played by Jake Gyllenhaal, and their pillow talk is part of their relationship. 海瑟薇爱上了杰克.吉伦希尔扮演的医药代表,枕边蜜语已经成为他们之间的交流方式。 www.bing.com 1. Half an hour behind schedule, a Polaroid rep said that the company was 'very, very excited' about its collaboration with the singer. 在比原定时间晚了半个小时的时候,宝丽来的代表说道,公司“非常、非常高兴”能与LadyGaga进行合作。 c.wsj.com 2. One rep maximum in weight training is the maximum amount of weight one can lift in a single repetition for a given exercise. 一次最大承受力就是力量训练中一个人能重复一次举起的最大重量。 szdaily.sznews.com 3. Rep. Giffords in the incident was shot in the head, is now the end of surgery, the hospital said their injuries recover certain optimism. 民主党众议员吉福兹在这起事件中头部中弹,目前已结束手术,医院方面对其伤势恢复表示了一定的乐观。 www.englishtang.com 4. School Rep. : In that case, a small and friendly college might be a perfect choice. 学校代表:那么,一个小型而且气氛友善的学院该更适合你。 www.jukuu.com 5. U. S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. , D-Ohio, was convicted of taking bribes and kickbacks from businessmen and his own staff. 年,俄亥俄州的美国众议员詹姆斯·特拉菲坎特被判从商人和自己员工的手中收取贿赂和回扣罪。 www.kekenet.com 6. The benefit was the ability to resolve conflicts among repped group owners across various markets by utilizing multiple rep brands. 合并的好处是通过利用多个代理品牌解决不同市场中代理公司之间的冲突。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Pot is one of those drugs that appears to maintain a fairly good rep, despite its growing bad rep. 大麻作为一种药物,它的名声似乎保持的相当不错,尽管正在变坏。 www.bing.com 8. What caused this whole mess? Really. That's it. Really. The word, "really. " And the rep's hesitant tone of voice. 什么引起了混乱?其实。就是它。其实。就是这个词“其实”,还有这个推销员迟疑的口气。 info.fobshanghai.com 9. "I will leave it to the gentleman to work out his Lenin fantasy, " Rep. 我把它留给绅士来实现他们的列宁幻想。 www.bing.com 10. Usually quiet, we were there when Czech Rep. played in the hockey championships, the bar across the street was lively that evening. 一般都很宁静,捷克共和国在打曲棍球锦标赛的时候,我们住在那里。街对面的酒吧晚上很热闹。 weike.taskcn.com 1. The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted again. 受灾联合之路的代表开始结结巴巴地道歉,但再次被中断。 home.xdf.cn 2. Rep. Camp also plans to press for the U. S. to revive bilateral investment treaty negotiations with China. 坎普还将敦促美国政府重新开始与中国的双边投资条约谈判。 c.wsj.com 3. Under Chinese law, Rep Offices are not allowed to directly engage in operational activities. 中国法律规定,外国企业常驻代表机构不得从事直接经营活动。 www.youlawyer.com 4. A spokesman for Republican US Rep Jo Bonner confirmed Berger's request and said staff members were looking into it. 共和党代表佐伊·勃纳尔的发言人证实了伯杰的这一请求,并称工作人员正在研究这一事项。 exam.tigtag.com 5. All of this flows into . . . the new green energy economy we are living in, albeit in an embryonic stage, ' said former Rep. 所有这些都有助于…我们着手打造一个绿色能源的新经济,尽管这还处于萌芽阶段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Still, it might be easier to sell a new product than repair the rep of the old one. 当然,出售新研发的产品可能比修复旧产品更简单一些。 www.bing.com 7. Now, let's listen to a conversation between Leroy, a customer service rep at a credit card company, and Paul, a customer. 现在,我们来听下在信用卡公司客户服务中心工作的Leroy和顾客Paul之间的谈话。 www.hxen.com 8. His rep confirms to EW that this will be the first marriage for both of them. 他的经纪人向EW证实两人即将共结连理,初尝婚姻滋味。 ielts.hjenglish.com 9. In response to the measure, Democratic Rep. Jose Serrano of New York addressed reporters in Spanish Friday, asking them, "como esta? " 纽约的民主党众议员JoseSerrano唱起了反调,在周五的记者会上用西班牙语向大家问好。 www.sb945.com 10. After you ball for a whole decade in the League, your full career starts to congeal and Odom has basically cemented a rep. 当你在联盟打了整整十年球之后,你的整个职业生涯就开始定型了,而奥多姆已经基本上定型了。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Like in a spy film, a UK ambassador's rep and myself waited for Moussa at the Hilton until intelligence brought him back at around midnight. 就像是谍战电影,英国使馆代表和我在希尔顿酒店等穆沙,他在物业才被情报机关人员带回。 www.bing.com 2. As shown in Figure 8, the data entered by the customer shows up highlighted in the customer service rep's window. 如图8所示,客户输入的数据高亮显示在客户服务代表的窗口中。 www.ibm.com 3. One Web comment reports putting the question to a Citi rep. The reply: 'President of Customer Service. ' 有网友向花旗的客服代表提出了这一问题,答案是:“客服部总裁。” chinese.wsj.com 4. I used to be a sales rep and those day were very hard. 我曾经做过销售,那是一段艰难的日子。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Supplier contacts for all shifts - supplier shall designate a specific supplier rep that will support each of the customer plant's shifts. 供应商对所有班次的联系-供应商应指定一名可支持每一个顾客工厂的班次的供应商代表。 www.ul-ccic.com 6. After much back-and-forth, Karen convinced the rep that it wasn't hers, and he canceled it. 来回反复几次后,凯伦劝服客服,使他相信不是她做的,然后客服才将卡取消了。 www.elanso.com 7. 'We think it warrants a full investigation, ' said Rep. Mike Rogers (R. , Mich. ), chairman of the committee, in an interview. 密歇根州共和党众议员、情报委员会主席罗杰斯(MikeRogers)在接受采访时说,我们认为有必要进行全面调查; cn.wsj.com 8. 'His temperament is not good, ' said Rep. Mike Rogers (R. , Mich. ), chairman of the House intelligence committee, citing the attacks. 美国众议院情报委员会主席、密歇根州共和党议员罗杰斯(MikeRogers)在提到上述袭击时说,金正恩的性情不好。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Click a button on the new claim form to call a customer service rep. 单击新索赔表单上的一个按钮呼叫一位客户服务代表。 www.ibm.com 10. Support sales rep. Develops potential customers and maintenance existing customers, and tracking the international customers from the Group. 配合区域销售代表维护现有客户及跟进集团的国际客户。 job.m188.com 1. Rejected Rep: EXPECTS negative outcomes. It's not a coincidence that negative people attract negative circumstances. It's a self-fulfilling. 被拒绝的推销员:期待否定的结果。消极的人吸引消极的环境并不是巧合。是一个自我实现的预言。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Instead of each sales rep sending out the spreadsheet via email, each sales rep can simply create a data feed using IBM Mashup Center. 现在,每个销售代表不必通过电子邮件发送电子表格,而只需使用IBMMashupCenter创建一个数据feed。 www.ibm.com 3. All we had to do was shoot an azimuth and laze for range, send this up with a spot rep and RFF, and we'd get mortar rounds on the target. 我们所要做的一切事情就是朝某个方位在尽可能远的射程上进行射击,用定位设备和无线电进行报告,然后就会有迫击炮向目标进行轰击。 bbs.cjdby.net 4. Today we decided to sell that customer to the sales rep who looks after that business. 今天我决定把那个顾客推销给那位照看那方面生意的推销员。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. the East Coast rep for a line of Italian cashmere sportswear. . . . . . married a mean man. 一位意大利喀什米尔羊毛运动衫品牌在东岸的代理商,嫁给了一个暴躁的男人。 www.kekenet.com 6. The product information model that adopted B-Rep CSG model in reverse engineering and its framework are put forward too. 并提出了在反求工程中用B-Rep CSG混合模型来构造产品信息模型的思想及模型基本框架。 www.juhe8.com 7. Expatriated colleague's legal employment and residence papers, update Rep office registration and Certificate of Organization Code. 外籍雇员合法雇用和居留证件申请,更新代表处的登记证和组织机构代码证; www.gzmama.com 8. Many short calls that simply inquire, "Anything goin'on? " When there's not, the rep says, "Keep us in mind, " and moves on. 很多简短的电话仅仅询问“有什么项目吗?”如果回答是没有,打电话的业务员说句“记得关照我们啊”就继续下一个了。 info.fobshanghai.com 9. Now a user can initiate contact with a customer service rep by entering their number and clicking Call Me. 现在,用户可以通过输入客户服务代表的电话号码并单击CallMe按钮来启动与该客户服务代表的联系。 www.ibm.com 10. Our company is looking for an overseas sales rep. Would you be interested in coming in for an interview? 我们公司最近要招国外业务员,你有兴趣来面试吗? www.taipeitimes.com 1. He became the official Facebook explainer: part anthropologist, part customer-service rep, part media spokesperson. 他成为了Facebook官方诠释者,部分是人类学家,部分是客户服务代表,部分是对媒体的发言人。 www.bing.com 2. Meanwhile, a U. S. House panel is planning to hold a hearing on Toyota's recall, Rep. Bart Stupak (D. , Mich. ) said Thursday. 与此同时,美国民主党众议员斯图派克(BartStupak)周四说,众议院的一个小组计划就丰田召回事件举行听证会。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Many one-time sales, since the rep never really understood why the customer bought in the first place. 很多生意都是一次性的,因为业务员根本没弄明白客人最初购买的原因。 info.fobshanghai.com 4. Note: if burner fails to light-off, furnace must be rep urged prior to repeating the ignition sequence. 注意,如果燃烧器点火失败,在重复点火程序之前必须对炉膛重新进行扫气。 www.shipman.org.cn 5. Mex. , Kim called an Anaheim, Calif. , sportswear company to order team jackets. The sales rep happened to be Krickitt. 他打电话向加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆市的一傢运动服装公司订队服时,剋瑞基特正负责销售接待。 ezitong.com 6. Other Kennedy torch-bearers include Ted Kennedy's son, Rep. Patrick Kennedy, a Democratic Congressman from neighboring Rhode Island. 肯尼迪家族其他继承者包括爱德华?肯尼迪之子,现年42岁的罗得岛州民主党国会议员帕特里克?肯尼迪(PatrickKennedy)。 cn.reuters.com 7. Karen assumed it was a bank error and asked the rep to verify the debit card number. 凯伦设想那是银行的失误,并要求客服能再次确认借记卡金额。 www.elanso.com 8. Rep. Brad Sherman (D) of California asked Mary Schapiro, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. 加州民主党众议员布拉德·舍曼在听证会上向证券和交易委员会(SEC)主席玛丽·夏皮罗询问道。 www.bing.com 9. The respected Gungan dressed in the formal clothes of a Rep, complete with hood and robes. 这位可敬的冈根人身着配有长袍和兜帽的议事正装。 www.starwarschina.com 10. Capable to manage accounting work independently, and familiar with taxation affairs of rep. office of foreign enterprise. 能够独立处理会计帐目工作,并且熟悉外资企业办事处相关税务。 www.0532sou.com 1. Karen called back, and the service rep asked if she'd made any large withdrawals and mentioned one in the amount of $600. 凯伦又打电话回去,服务代表问她是不是大额提过款,并提到有一笔600美元的提款。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The word "rep" means repetition. “rep”的意思就是重复。 learning.sohu.com 3. The original copies of the student's transcript (in Chinese or English), school rep ort or transfer certificate. 学生成绩单原件(中文或英文)及在校学习证明或转学证明原件; www.showxiu.com 4. "What husband wants to go to a basketball game with a female sales rep and no wife? " she asks. 她询问:“什么样的丈夫会想和一个销售女代表去看一场篮球赛?没有妻子的人才会这样吗?” www.elanso.com 5. C. Inside sales rep to answer questions, but would be serviced by distributor. 内部销售代表回答问题,但由分销商提供服务。 wenku.baidu.com 6. "I am disappointed at the pace of this program, " said Rep. Barney Frank, chairman of the Financial Services Committee. “我对于此计画推展进度感到失望。”美国众议院金融服务委员会主席弗兰克表示。 cn.reuters.com 7. A sales rep cold-called me the other day and was reading a pitch for website search engine optimization. 不久前的某一天冷不丁的接到一位推销员的电话,向我介绍搜索引擎优化。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. Also ask for the rep's name and keep it for your records. 还要求该代表处的名称和保存你的记录。 huangqiujing196196.blog.163.com 9. The management rep does not need to personally collect and present the data on effectiveness, but they make sure it happens. 管理者代表并不需要他个人去收集和展现有效性方面的数据,但必须保证确实发生过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The High Rep will head foreign operations of both the commission and council, a move supposed to end institutional rivalries. 高级代表将总领委员会和理事会的外交事务,此举旨在结束机构间的竞争。 www.bing.com 1. Federal wildlife officials say the impacts are not irreversible, and no tainted seafood has yet been found. But Rep. 野生生物管理局的官员说这一影响并非不可逆转,目前在海鲜中还没有发现污染物存在。 www.bing.com 2. In charge of the tax-free application: apply tax-free for Rep . Office and apply preferential term for Rep . Office. 代理营业税、企业所得税免税申请:可视情况为上海代表处争取豁免营业税及企业所得税的税收优惠。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Her rep has yet to confirm that she and Johnson are officially engaged. 她的代表还没有证实她和约翰逊正式参与。 www.citynoon.com 4. Once you get into resort, speak to your rep, they'll know of all the latest special offers and discounts available. 当你到达度假地后,要和推销员沟通一下,他们了解目前供应的所有最新特价和折扣产品。 www.bing.com 5. I called my local rep and told her about it, and she said, "I just found out myself. " 我马上打电话告诉我当地的联系人员这个,然后她说:“我也是刚刚才发现。” www.elanso.com 6. 'The Joint Strike Fighter program highlights a vulnerability that currently exists, ' said Rep. Jeff Miller, R. -Fla. 佛罗里达州共和党众议员米勒(JeffMiller)说,联合攻击战斗机项目所遭遇的问题暴露出了当前网络安全存在的薄弱之处。 www.bing.com 7. U. S. Rep Barney Frank (D. , Mass. ) agreed during a panel this week that the issue would demand increasing resources. 代表马萨诸塞州的民主党众议员弗兰克(BarneyFrank)在上周的一个小组讨论会上也认为,解决上述问题将需要利用越来越多的资源。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D. , Ohio) urged the SEC in a letter Tuesday to expand its probe of the bank for possible securities-law violations. 俄亥俄州民主党众议员库钦奇(DennisKucinich)周二在信中敦促SEC扩大对美国银行可能违反证券法的调查。 www.bing.com 9. "Our partners refuse to talk to the public, " a Hopu rep- resentative. said yesterday. 厚朴的一位代表日前表示:“我们的合伙人拒绝公开发言。” www.ftchinese.com 10. PREVIOUSLY: Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied are engaged and expecting a child, her rep confirms to People. 前讯:娜塔丽娅波曼和本杰明米勒皮耶德已经订婚,他们正期待着第一个孩子。 www.douban.com 1. Rep. Barton left the hearing immediately after making his statement. 巴顿在做出上述言论之后立即离开了听证会。 c.wsj.com 2. I didnt tell anyone I was injured, so it hurt my rep in London. You live and you learn! 那场比赛我输了,可我没有告诉别人我受伤的事,所以这成绩多少会影响我在伦敦的名声。学无止境! www.hicoo.net 3. After verifying the customer's identity, the rep could look up and relay the policy number to the user. 验证这个客户的身份之后,客户服务代表可以查询该保单编号并将其告知该用户。 www.ibm.com 4. When the Gungans evacuated Otoh Gunga during the Trade Federation invasion, Rep Been and fellow official Rep Teers stayed close to Nass. 冈根人在贸易联盟入侵期间撤离奥托冈加时,比恩议事和同僚蒂尔斯议事一直陪伴在纳斯头领左右。 www.starwarschina.com 5. Simulation of the REP fuel rods thermal behaviour during transient conditions. 瞬态条件时燃料棒热行为REP模拟…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 6. Dougherty, who works in the aerospace industry, told the rep he had his checkbook ready but would walk away unless he got the deal. 现今在航空行业工作的多尔蒂告诉记者,他早已准备好了钱,但是如果价格谈不来,他便转身离开。 www.elanso.com 7. Rejected Rep: Burns through calls, hearing "no" after "no" and slams the phone down after each, ending each call negatively. 被拒绝的推销员:整通电话局促不安,听到一次又一次的不,每次都重重的扣下电话,消极的结束每个电话。 www.toouoo.com 8. Among congressional Democrats from Ohio, only Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, a Clinton backer, has endorsed. 在所有来自俄亥俄州的民主党议员中,只有StephanieTubbs代表(克林顿的支持者)成为了承诺党代表。 www.elanso.com 9. Prepare invitations, event agenda, track payments or rep refunds and registrations forms for events. 准备邀请函,活动日程,跟踪付款或销售代表的预算,和活动登记表格。 jobs.renhe.cn 10. The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, said simply, "I had no idea. . . " 募捐中心的职员完全被打败了,只能说:“我不知道。。。。” www.bing.com 1. Some of them, like Rep. Walter Jones (R-N. C. ), are regular guests at the expert luncheons. 他们中的一些人,比如议员瓦尔特·琼斯(WalterJones)一直是这个专家午餐会的常客。 www.bing.com 2. REP. HENRY WAXMAN: In other words, you found that your view of the world, your ideology, was not right, it was not working? 报告人亨利·韦克斯曼(REP.HENRYWAXMAN):换句话说,你发现:你的世界观,你的思想,是不正确的,它运转不灵? www.bing.com 3. Mr. Obama offered a dire description of the budget drafted by Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. 奥巴马对威斯康星州共和党众议员瑞恩(PaulRyan)草拟的预算的描述很可怕。 c.wsj.com 4. The fourth-quarter congressional expense records, bound in three thick beige-colored volumes, show that Rep. 第四季度的国会议员支出报销记录被装订成厚厚的三大册。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif. ) has an iPad, as do some lobbyists, consultants and heads of associations in Washington. 共和党的KevinMcCarthy(R-Calif.)也有一台iPad,陪伴他提请议案、咨询,以及处理华盛顿的协会事务。 www.bing.com 6. Rep. Boucher's primary target is how advertisers target consumers with behavioral advertising. 众议员鲍彻的首要目标是如何与广告客户的目标消费者的广告行为。 www.38cf.com 7. In reverse, rep can see, on a map on their mobile device, where the customer was when they pressed the panic button. 对应的,工作人员可以在移动设备的地图上看到客户按下紧急按钮的地点。 hi.baidu.com 8. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, hoping to become the first female speaker, stumped for Democratic challengers in the left-leaning Northeast. 佩洛西众议员南希,希望成为第一位女性议长,民主党挑战者倒在左倾东北。 www.2getnews.com 9. "Close that account and don't deliver those computers, " she told Dell's rep, explaining someone had stolen her identity. “关了那个账号,也别寄电脑来。”凯伦解释说有人偷了她的身份。 www.elanso.com 10. Crossbow Technology, Inc. , a leading US company in Intelligent Sensors has a growing Rep office in Central Beijing. 克尔斯博科技公司是美国一家业内领先的智能传感器公司,我们在北京的代表处正在逐步的发展。 www.yjbys.com 1. The company's marketing rep is giving a speech before the sales. 促销之前,这家公司的市场部代表在发表演讲。 szdaily.sznews.com 2. After Korean War, the Korean Peninsula splits up into the Democratic Republic of Korea and Rep. of Korea, until now has not unified. 朝鲜战争以后,朝鲜半岛分化为朝鲜民主主义人民共和国和大韩民国,至今没有统一。 women.wenda.sohu.com 3. There is no extra courage to go around, ' said Rep. Jim Cooper (D. , Tenn. ). 田纳西州民主党众议员库珀(JimCooper)说,议员们没有额外的勇气去逆大流行事。 www.bing.com 4. The rep on my call used a technique I'm hearing every so often on prospecting calls, and I think it's ridiculous. 那推销员在电话用了个技巧,我在推销电话里经常听到,觉得可笑。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 5. OK, so it's small, damp and has a grim rep as a haven for European Union bureaucrats and sex offenders. 你以为它国土面积小、气候潮湿、官僚气息严重、性犯罪指数高,它就不酷了吗? www.51share.net 6. Her rep confirmed the happy news, and shared about the surprise proposal that took place during a quiet date night at home. 她的经纪人已经确定了这条消息,并透露男友的惊喜求婚是在凯莉家,两人打算度过一个相当安静的约会之夜的时候发生的。 www.hjenglish.com 7. The value of REP increases as the overlap degree of the spectra increases. REP随待测组分的波谱重叠程度的增大而增大。 www.ilib.cn 8. 'We do get the feeling they like set-up operations, not just rep offices, ' said Siva Yam, president of the US-China Chamber of Commerce. 中美总商会(US-ChinaChamberofCommerce)会长任剑浩(SivaYam)说,我们确实感觉到政府喜欢成熟的业务部门,而不只是代表处。 www.voa365.com 9. Rep_id A primary key column that contains an identifying number for the sales representative. rep_id包含销售代表标识序号的主键列。 www.ianywhere.com 10. Some members detail small expenses. The office of Rep. 有些议员对一些数额不大的开销也作了说明。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. School Rep. : I see. I have to ask you a few questions before I can make any recommendations. 学校代表:我知道了。在我做任何建议之前,我得问你几个问题。 www.jukuu.com 2. Potential opponents of the president in2012 pounced on S&P's announcement. Rep. 奥巴马2012年总统大选中的潜在竞争对手都对标准普尔的声明予以抨击。 www.kle100.cn 3. For instance, in more than one case, a rep continually failed to contact leads within 48 hours. 例如,很多时候招生代表无法做到在48小时内联系潜在生源。 www.bing.com 4. Ukraine Serbia and montenegro Slovenia Rep. Croatia Rep. Czech Rep. Slovak Rep. Macedonia Rep. 乌克兰塞尔维亚和黑山斯洛文尼亚克罗地亚捷克共和国斯洛伐克马其顿 wenku.baidu.com 5. School Rep. : True, but, in return, you will have more choices in selecting courses and making other arrangements. 学校代表:这是事实,但相形下,你在选课以及其他安排上将可以有更多的选择。 www.jukuu.com 6. It was written by a former sales rep who then became a buyer of advertising for his firm. 作者以前是做销售员的,后来转变成为公司老板,他作为买家购买的产品是--广告。 dict.wenguo.com 7. The sales rep needs an answer to a question to close the sale . Tomorrow will be too late . 他要对一个问题作出答复,否则的话,明天就太晚了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "Yes, the engagement is off, " Bilson's rep tells PEOPLE, but declined to provide details on the breakup. 比尔森的发言人告诉《人物》杂志,但拒绝提供更多关于他们分手的详情。 tieba.baidu.com 9. A Palm rep I spoke with compared the exterior to a smooth, rounded river rock. 一名Palm厂商代表将它比作光滑、圆润的河边卵石。 www.bing.com 10. School Rep. : Mainly in the size, the number of students enrolled, and the cost. 学校代表:主要在于规模,所谓的注册学生人数,和费用。 www.jukuu.com 1. "To the czars I say, Nyet, " Rep. Harold Rogers (R-Ky. ) said in support of the amendment. “我对垄断者说不”代表人哈罗德·罗杰斯在支持修正案时说。 www.bing.com 2. The support rep suggested that we use a known good switch to check the network connectivity first. 技术支持代表建议我们首先用一台经确认运转良好的交换机检测网络的连接性。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Rep. Young is currently the senior Republican on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. 杨议员目前是众议院运输和基础设施委员会的资深共和党。 www.bing.com 4. Take the sales rep who talks to her customer on Facebook. 把销售代表客户onFacebook说话的人。 www.bing.com 5. I wanted seven to eight layers from me to the bench scientist or the sales rep. 从我到试验科学家或销售代表,我希望有七八道管理层。 www.ftchinese.com 6. "He died a few weeks ago, " Aniston's rep told People Magazine. “这只狗是在几周前去世的,”安妮斯顿的发言人告诉《People》杂志。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Required is the development of a sales rep, commission management, email invitation, and template personal website modules. 需要的是一个销售代表,委托管理,电子邮件邀请函,个人网站模板模块的开发。 www.bing.com 8. Prove your critics wrong by recruiting new band mates, earning cash, and building your rep to grab all new fans. 证明你的批评,招募新的乐队队友错误的,赚取的现金,并建立您的代表处,以获取所有新的球迷。 bbs.uc.cn 9. Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D. , Calif. ) said there still were 'major questions unanswered' about the need for bailout. 加利福尼亚州民主党众议员沃斯利(LynnWoolsey)表示,救助计划是否必要仍存在悬而未决的重大问题。 www.bing.com 10. Work as a team with your ad rep or ad agency. 与广告代理商要团队协作。 www.bing.com 1. Rep. Markey, the New York Times reports, suggests a moratorium on building facilities in seismically active areas. 共和党议员马尔科接受纽约时报采访时呼吁暂停地震活跃区的核设施建设。 www.bing.com 2. In 2000 it was a sad place, says Robert Smedley, a former rep who's now a manager. 此前是一名销售代表现在是经理的RobertSmedley说,2000年呼叫中心一片荒凉。 www.bing.com 3. The ability of REP 9AC to treat human patients with CHB is currently being evaluated in a proof of concept trial. 该图谱9AC能力治疗慢性乙型肝炎患者人类目前正在评估的概念试验证明。 www.hbvhbv.com 4. What the kind of people over there at their marketing rep, okay. 这都是些什么人在搞市场推广。 bbs.mydrivers.com 5. REP: The court said Dr Besigye must also answer a charge of rape dating back to 1997. 记者:法庭表示,贝西杰也要面对1997年的一起强奸案。 learning.sohu.com 6. After you're connected, the rep decides it would be best to enter a co-browsing session to solve the problem. 连接建立后,客户服务代表认为最好进入一个共同浏览会话来解决这个问题。 www.ibm.com 7. Most or all leaves simple, entire, rep and, or sinuate, rarely lowermost few trifoliolate. 全部的大多数或单叶,全缘,,具深波状的或,很少最下很少具三小叶。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, facing corruption charges, stepped down as House majority leader. 年,面对腐败指控,德州共和党众议员汤姆·迪莱辞去众议院多数党领袖。 www.kekenet.com 9. Our company is the Shanghai Rep. Office of foreign enterprise registered in HongKong. 我司是注册于香港的外商独资企业上海代表处。 www.alsox.com 10. You are no longer a sale rep. , an engineer, a customer service rep. , an accountant etc. 你不再是个销售代表,工程师,客户服务专员,会计等等。是个销售代表,工程师,客户服务专员,会计等等。 wenku.baidu.com 1. School Rep. : In your case, a private one would probably be a better choice for you. 学校代表:以你的状况来看,私立学校会更适合你。 www.jukuu.com 2. After an hour of watching this rep I stopped him and asked a simple question. 观察这位销售代表一个小时之后,我问了他一个简单的问题。 www.justing.com.cn 3. He quit his job as a pharmaceutical sales rep to launch his jet-pack company. 他辞去了原先药品销售代表的工作来创办了一架喷气飞行器公司。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Fixed high rep managers signing as human managers national team youth managers. 修正了高声望教练和玩家国家青年队签约的问题。 bbs.cmfans.cn 5. A sales rep said to a customer, "Well, yes we do have abetter price, but you'll have to buy two cases to get it. " 一位销售人员对他的顾客说:“好吧,是的,我们的确有更好的价格,但你将需要购买两份来得到。” hi.baidu.com 6. "Lindsay has not been paid to endorse Ariva, " her rep told Us Weekly. “林赛并未收取任何代言费,”她的代言人告诉《美国周刊》。 www.bing.com 7. An amendment to end a tax loophole for major oil companies, introduced by Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass. ), failed in a 251-174 vote on Friday. 爱德华马基(麻州)提出的终止大型石油公司税收漏洞的修正案周五以251对174的投票失败。 www.bing.com 8. so I think it's fake and the guy probably works as an entry level customer service rep. at a mutual funds co. 所以,我想这是个伪造的帖子。那个家伙也许不过是个共同基金里客服部的小弟。 tieba.baidu.com 9. But how you gonna let a marketing rep rip your rap and slip adept rhyme schemes in that your mind only dreams in? 但你如何能让一个营销代表打断你的饶舌和把成熟节奏的计划像只在梦中才能做到的那样送入你的脑中? www.yappr.cn 10. Ok so you figured out when you product expires, now what? Well, call your sales rep and buy MOSS of course. OK现在你知道了你的MOSS什么时候会过期了,那么,当然要先打电话给销售员购买MOSS了。 www.bing.com 1. Working as a rep for a printing firm. 做印刷公司的营业代表。 www.natalieportman.com.cn 2. In February 1944 Rep. John Costello of California submitted a bill to confer Army Air Force commissions on all on-duty women pilots. 1944年2月,加洲议员约翰卡斯特罗向空军委员会提交一份议案,以决定服役中的女飞行员是否继续留在军中服役。 www.bing.com 3. The proposed legislation, Rep. Coffman said, "gets the Defense Department prepared. " 考夫曼说,提案让国防部“有所准备”。 c.wsj.com 4. "It's an interesting idea, " a rep for Jackson's estate told the website. "And we'd be open to it. " “这是个有意思的想法,”杰克逊遗产公司的一个代表告诉该网站,“我们会接受这个提议的。” www.tianya.cn 5. For example, a rep in one of my workshops collected baseball cards. Here's what he came up with. 例如,我的一个学习小组中有个业务代表收集棒球卡。下面是他的方法。 info.fobshanghai.com 6. TUNABLE LASERS - A Global Strategic Business Rep. . . 全球可调谐激光器市场研究报告—— blog.sina.com.cn 7. The sales rep filter operation is shown in Figure 9. SalesRep过滤器操作符如图9所示。 www.ibm.com 8. I'll tell you what, sugar, I'll have my ad rep call you in the morning. 这样吧宝贝明早我会让广告代表跟你联系 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Carbon dioxide (CO2) gets a bad rep for contributing to global warming, and deservedly so. 由于在全球变暖中起到了促进作用,二氧化碳被搞得声名狼藉,而且这也是罪有应得。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 10. merten china and rep office closing , people integration. 莫顿中国公司,各地办事处的关闭,人员整合。 www.listcv.com 1. "Instead of focusing on how to strengthen the exploration program in which we have invested so much time and treasure, " Rep. 他们并没有着眼于如何加强我们已经投入了大量时间和金钱的探索项目。 www.transcn.org 2. This water-loaded vegetable has a rep for being all crunch and no nutrition. 这种充满水分的蔬菜是只能嘎吱嘎吱咀嚼而没有营养的代表。 www.bing.com 3. On Wednesday, Rep. Kay Granger (R. , Texas) introduced matching legislation in the House. 在周三,德州(又是德州)共和党众议员KayGranger则在众议院以类似法案遥相呼应。 junshi.blog.china.com 4. Prepare and deliver the IT training and support for all staff in Rep. Office of Banner China. 对所有代表处的员工进行IT培训及技术支持; www.baidajob.com 5. China Mobile stands out as a rep of the new China. 中国移动的入选代表了新中国的形象。 www.forbeschina.com 6. Assist Sales Rep in preparing and executing production plan. 协助业务人员,准备生产计划的实施。 www.sherpas.cn 7. Principal Wang has invited teachers, Staff and PTA class rep 's and spouses to show his appreciation to their hard work. 王校长有鉴于家长人数递减,忙中仍抽空为校服务,特邀请老师、行政人员及班代携伴参加。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. recruit a "dad rep" to attend, and report on, district or school board meetings. 让爸爸参加一些报告会,学区或者学校的董事会。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. 'That's what's scaring me, ' shot back Rep. Michael Burgess, a Texas Republican. 得克萨斯州共和党人伯吉斯(MichaelBurgess)反击道,这才让我害怕。 chinese.wsj.com 10. A sales rep, administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. 一个销售代表,一个办公室文员,还有他们的经理一起走着赶去吃午饭,突然发现了一盏古老的油灯。 www.nciku.cn 1. Following the defeat of the Trade Federation, overcrowding became a prime concern for Boss Nass and the Rep Council. 贸易联邦溃败后,人口密度过大成为纳斯头领和代表会议面对的首要难题。 starwarsfans.cn 2. One senior sales rep had cancer and her doctor told her she could die from it. 我们有位高级销售代表患了癌症,她的医生告诉她将不久于人世。 www.bing.com 3. At one point in more than two hours of testimony Lentz was asked by Rep. Eliot Engel, whether there were any new bombshells to come. 兰茨在听证会上讲了2个多小时,期间,众议员埃利奥特恩格尔曾置疑,丰田会不会还有什么出人意料的事发生。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The customer service rep, who initiated the session, is the writer. 而发起会话的客户服务代表则是写入者。 www.ibm.com 5. If you're friends with one particular rep, then you can go as friends. 如果你与某个特定的医药代表是朋友,那么你可以以朋友的身份参加。 news.dxy.cn 6. The young first rep is in buoyant spirits. 年轻的首席代表活泼愉快。 www.iselong.com 7. The Gungans are ruled by Boss Nass and his Rep Council, from the High Tower Board Room of Otoh Gunga. 刚耿人由那斯老大和他的代表议会从奥图刚加的高塔会议听来统治。 word.hcbus.com 8. The rep took copious notes and addressed the issue immediately. 这位代表作了很多记录并立即将这些清秀传达。 sdzcw.blog.163.com 9. Notice that no programming is required of the sales rep. 注意,销售代表不需要编程。 www.ibm.com 10. Bumblebee, right? Check on the rep Yep, second to none. So you're my guardian, huh? 大黄蜂?就是我,叫我第一名。你是我的守护者? www.for68.com 1. lobes short, margin usually entire or rep and, rarely few serrate, lateral lobes acute apically. 裂片短,全缘的边缘通常或,锐尖的很少很少有锯齿,侧裂片。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. The pharmaceutical sales rep who have client channels is priority. 有客户渠道的医药代表优先。 job.01hr.com 3. Mom's first beauty consultation in States - Tobi represents Guerlain, she is the best cosmetic sales rep i've ever seen. 妈妈在美国的第一次美容-托比是娇兰的客户代表,我所见过的最赞的美容咨询师。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Rep-offices are on the top in term of cash compensation. 代表处在提供现金薪酬方面处于领先地位。 www.easthr.com 5. We had a telephone conversation this afternoon with Kapitall rep Eben Esterhuizen. 今天下午我们电话采访了kapitall的代表挨本.挨斯特慧森。 www.elanso.com 6. The Microsoft tech rep looked at his rifle and then at the target again. 这位技术代理人看看他的步枪,然后又看了看靶子; blog.sina.com.cn 7. Ask the rep to send you a confirmation of the cancellation. 要求代表处向您发送一个取消确认。 huangqiujing196196.blog.163.com 8. A user will inherit those privileges by being placed in the Support Rep role. 将用户放在SupportRep角色中可以继承这些权限。 www-128.ibm.com 9. A sales rep told me at a recent training seminar. 一个推销员在最近的一次研讨会上对我说。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 10. The count value is put into ?x as it is needed by rep prefix. 因为rep前缀需要count值,所以将它放入?x中。 www.ibm.com 1. FAX REP: Okay, I' ll see what I can do. 传真机代表:好的,我会看看我能做些什么。 www.examw.com 2. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn. ) read from a recent New York Time's oped by Paul Krugman titled "Eat the Future. " 代表人史蒂夫科恩(D-Tenn.)宣读了最近纽约时报专栏页上由保罗克鲁格曼撰写的标题为“吞噬未来”的文章。 www.bing.com 3. TGS_REP is the reply of the TGS to the previous request. TGS_REP是TGS对前面的请求的回复。 www.ibm.com 4. School Rep. : Not any more since there is a fund shortage for all public schools. 学校代表:自从全国性的经费短缺后就好景不再了。 tr.bab.la 5. Staff of Rep office 's work permit and resident permit managed. 工作证书及居留许可办理。 www.hangzhourelocation.com 6. And it's also possible that a state still reeling from the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has tired of heavily dogmatic politics. 而且它也可能仍然从拍摄的众议员加布里埃尔吉福兹缫丝,一个国家已经厌倦了大量的教条式的政治。 www.englishtang.com 7. Work with distributors in the development in city cleaning and visit customers with distributor sales rep regularly. 与经销商合作不断发展城市清洁业务并定期与经销商的销售代表一同拜访客户。 www.job592.com 8. and got the rep of a villain, for weapon concealin' 我代表邪恶,因为我有了武器 wenwen.soso.com 9. In the aforementioned scenarios the rep in the second situation has a reason for calling back. 前面提过的第二个场景中的那个销售代表有再打电话回去的理由。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Winners in each Rep 3 fastest losers (6) to Semi Final at 1430, the rest to be eliminated. 每组第1名加3名落败队伍中最快之队伍(6)进入半准决赛1430,其馀淘汰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Personal support rep models can contact via email. 个人支持代表模型可以通过电子邮件联系。 www.bing.com 2. That's a pretty big thing for a sales rep. 那对业务代表来说,是很重要的一点。 www.bing.com 3. "They are extremely happy, " Witherspoon's rep told the magazine. “他们现在非常快乐。”威瑟斯彭的代理人这样告诉杂志记者。 gb.cri.cn 4. I worked in a foreign rep. office for one year. 我确实在一家外商代表处工作过一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. California Democratic Rep. Jane Harman is second, in the range of $112 million to $377 million. 加州民主党众议员简·哈曼(JaneHarman)屈居第二,资产净值在1.12亿至3.77亿美元之间。 www.chinabaike.com 6. REP: But you wouldn't rule out global warming as a factor, would you? 记者:但是你不会排除全球变暖这个因素吧? learning.sohu.com 7. A: I worked in a foreign rep office for one year. 我是在一个外商代理处工作了一年。 www.hxen.com 8. The food was a lot better and cheaper. But the rep wouldn't have got his 10%. Maybe I'm being cynical! 那里的食物好吃很多而且更便宜。但是代表就拿不到他的10%的佣金。也许我太愤世嫉俗了。 img9.vikecn.com 9. Meat of sheep or goats; fresh, chilled or frozen Korea Rep. 韩国鲜、冷、冻绵羊肉或山羊肉 wenku.baidu.com 10. However, Rep. Boucher says he's leaning toward opt-out. 不过,众议员鲍彻说,他对退出倾向。 www.38cf.com 1. I'm still where I was, ' said Rep. Louie Gohmert (R. , Texas). 'The speaker was very respectful. ' 众议员戈默特(LouieGohmert,共和党,得克萨斯州)说,他是在拉我的选票;我还是坚持原来的立场;议长非常尊重人。 www.cn.wsj.com 2. Send a notification to the customer's sales rep. 向顾客的销售代表发送一个通知。 www.ibm.com 3. Bush Trade Rep: China Policy Was 'Right on Target' 布什贸易代表署:中国政策“切中要害” www.bing.com 4. Inside Otoh Gunga is the High Board Room of the Gungan Rep Council. 冈根代表会议高官办公室位于奥托冈加城内。 word.hcbus.com 5. Akzo Nobel China Beijing Rep. Office. 有限公司北京代表处。 www.7xiannv.net 6. Rep Been is a member of Boss Nass's Gungan High Council. 比恩议事是纳斯头领的冈根高级会议的一员。 www.starwarschina.com 7. Female sepals 3, equal; leaf blade base rounded, margin entire or rep and. 雌花萼片3,等长;叶片基部圆形,边缘全缘或。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. You totally lost my vote in 2012. You better hope Palin is the Rep candidate. 2012你就别指望我投你的票了,你自己祈祷萨拉佩林成为你的对手吧。 www.onlylz.com 9. We all know that vegetables are gold, but when it comes to fruit, it sometimes gets a bad rep. 说道蔬菜,我们称它黄金;而水果却没有这么好的名声。 www.elanso.com 10. Process call in orders in absence of Sales Rep. 在销售代表不在时做好电话记录。 www.rencai.net |
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