单词 | advocate |
释义 | advocating是advocate的现在分词
复数:advocates 现在分词:advocating 过去式:advocated 例句释义: 提倡,鼓吹,主张,拥护,提倡者,律师,鼓吹者,倡导,介绍 1. Advocating editor as scholar, it seems as if it was realistic sign. In fact it denies the work of editors. 提倡编辑学者化,表面看有其现实意义,实质是对编辑工作的不认可。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The happiness viewpoint of Zhuangzi, one of the important contents of his philosophy of life possesses Nature-advocating quality especially. 庄子人生哲学的重要内容——幸福观则尤其具有崇尚自然的品格。 www.fabiao.net 3. Koa Association was one of the earliest koa bodies advocating that "Japan and China cooperate' to revitalize Asia. " 兴亚会是最早建立起来的兴亚团体之一,主张“日中提携”,振兴亚洲。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Robinson continued to pursue the kind of life, the yearning of all communication from his tremendous love for life advocating the spirit. 鲁滨逊那种对生活不断追求,对交往的向往都源于他那对生活无比热爱崇尚的精神。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Although she was a poet, she spent much of her time advocating for better health care and housing for the newcomers. 她虽然是一位诗人,却把大量时间用于为这些新来者争取更好的医疗服务和住房。 www.america.gov 6. In fact, a bit of legal persecution is just what those advocating fringe history most want. 事实上,一些法律迫害正是那些鼓吹这场惨胜的人最想要的东西。 www.bing.com 7. How many advisers would dare to risk advocating such a dusty type of diet or how many compounders would be prepared to market such a food? 有多少顾问敢冒险提倡使用这种高粉尘的日粮?有多少生产商准备卖这种饲料?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Has a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, advocating professionalism. 具有强烈的责任心和进取心,崇尚敬业精神。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. Advocating whistle-blowing could be misunderstood as an endorsement to defy the team or the direction of a company. 支持泄密可能会被理解力为对小组的不尊重和影响公司的发展方向。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In Miami during the cold war, people could be blown up just for advocating dialogue with him. 在冷战时期,光是主张和卡斯特罗对话,就会惹怒迈阿密的古巴人。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mr Beck is not advocating piety so much as claiming a divine imprimatur for his own prejudice against big government. 与其说贝克在鼓吹虔诚,倒不如说他在为自己对于大政府的偏见索要许可。 www.ecocn.org 2. In fact , there is no scientific basis for theories advocating the genetic superiority of any one population over another. 实际上,实际上,那种认为某一种群比另一种群的基因更为优越的理论是毫无科学依据的。科学依据的。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The company advocating the "credibility of the first, the customer first" purpose of providing quality service to customers. 公司崇尚“信誉第一,顾客至上”的宗旨,为客户提供优质售后服务。 tietai.net 4. Far from advocating sanctions, Mr Spielberg still wants to see the Olympics. 斯皮尔伯格并没有主张制裁而是仍希望观看北京奥运会。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He said, I will borrow the Hubei Province agreement signed by dongfeng dearth, advocating and promoting new publishing continuous. 他表示,我湖北省将借这次协议签署的东风,进一步加大工作力度,推动新闻出版业不断取得新的成绩。 www.bing.com 6. However, there was nothing underhanded in advocating such a program. 然而,他们毫不隐瞒他们的这种纲领。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 7. Has a group of experienced and professional planning and creative design, advocating a new concept of cultural business etiquette. 拥有一批经验丰富和专业企划和创意设计人员,崇尚商务礼仪文化新理念。 www.tonke.cn 8. He was arrested as a member of a subversive organization advocating the forceful overthrow of the present government. 他作为一名鼓吹颠覆现政府的危险团体的成员而被捕。 cfshenova.blog.163.com 9. Yang indicated that China is one of the earliest countries advocating and supporting East Asian cooperation. 杨洁篪说,中国是最早倡导和支持东亚合作的国家之一。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Advocating ambition ideal as one of distillations of excellent ancient Chinese traditional culture, includes ideal, spirit and willpower. 尚志思想是我国古代优秀传统文化的精髓之一。中国古代崇尚的志包括志向、志气、意志等含义。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. As for the U. S. Consulate and the rest of our Mission in China, we will continue advocating for you on this important issue. 至于美国领事馆和美国驻中国的其他使领馆,我们将一如既往在这一重要问题上支持您。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But he could not do it without subordinating his own views, advocating more centrist solutions, and breaking with the left. 但如果他不压抑自己的观点、提倡更具中间色彩的解决方案,并与左翼分道扬镳,就做不到这一点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Worth advocating naturally, the natural beautiful pursuit like the celestial being not glossed over. 天然是值得崇尚的,不加粉饰的自然之美宛如仙人的追求。 www.chinavalue.net 4. So in this master's state some of the people were advocating themselves for the governorship of that state. 这位师父所住的那个州,就有一些人出来竞选,角逐州长的职位。 loki-deadman.5d6d.com 5. Lest you think I'm advocating the acceptance of obesity, I'm not. 别以为我主张肥胖,我不是。 www.bing.com 6. Although there are a few medical authorities advocating barefoot running, it may not be for everyone. 尽管很少医疗机构会建议赤脚跑步,但它也确实不是适合每一个人的。 www.bing.com 7. No matter what the critic is, the dominant tendency of this novel is only one-advocating sex harmony between men and women. 不论评论家对其作品作何种评判,但该小说的主导倾向只有一个,那就是倡导男女性爱的和谐统一。 journals.hut.edu.cn 8. Johnson noted that as far back as his book J2EE without EJB he was advocating the concept of an ala carte application server. Johnson提到,早在撰写《J2EEwithoutEJB》一书的时候,他就极力推崇alacarte应用服务器的概念。 www.infoq.com 9. While I'm not advocating pushing too hard, sometimes just imagining you can go further into a pose will get you there. 尽管我并不主张过度拉伸,(但以此为前提),有的时候只要想象你可以更完全地进入某个体式,就能帮你到达这个位置。 www.douban.com 10. Maybe so. But you do not often hear people advocating similar inquisitiveness about the fundamentalist Christian mind. 也许是,但你不常听人们对基督教基本教义派有类似的好奇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I'm not advocating that we all go back and live on farms, but the pendulum has gone too far in the direction of industry. 我并不主张我们都回归农场,但是工业发展的方向出现了严重的偏离。 www.bing.com 2. They understand and acknowledge the associated cons, but focus on advocating and generating a buzz around the pros. 他们理解和承认相关的反面,但是把精力集中在拥护正面并在其周围组织起大量的拥护者。 www.bing.com 3. In the U. K. , many people are advocating a pollution-free transport system to create a pollution-free nation in the long run. 在英国,不少人倡议「无污染」运输系统,以达至「无污染」国度为长远目标。 blog.dsqq.cn 4. He is not advocating a world order led by China, but a system of equality. Nor is there to be compulsion. 他所主张的并不是一个中国所主导的世界秩序,而是一个平等的制度,“天下”是自愿的选择,没有强迫。 www.bing.com 5. She was given the task of advocating on behalf of WHO programmes and initiatives focused on maternal, newborn and child health. 她的任务是代表世卫组织规划和行动进行宣传,注重于孕产妇、新生儿和儿童健康。 www.who.int 6. In 1877 Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh decided to publish The Fruits of Philosophy , Charles Knowlton's book advocating birth control. 在1877年安妮贝赞特和查尔斯布拉德洛决定出版的成果,哲学,查尔斯诺尔顿的书鼓吹控制生育。 word.hcbus.com 7. Although the Chinese are not advocating the renminbi as the alternative to the dollar this may be only a matter of time. 虽然中国目前并不主张以人民币取代美元,但这可能只是时间早晚的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Advocating global economic agreement is, in general, a recipe for expensive meetings with no consequences. 倡导签署全球经济协议的做法,一般只会带来成本高昂、毫无结果的会议。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In advocating a multipolar world, Russia sees itself as one of the poles, dominating its region. 在建议多极世界的倡议中,俄罗斯将自己看成多极中的一极,统治着它的疆土。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. On the suggestion of our local police station, Arrow Factory will be screening videos advocating public safety for the entire month of May. 应当地社区民警的建议,箭厂空间将在五月份剩余的时间里播放一部治安防范宣传片-骗术揭密。 random.1sthotwomen.com 1. And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his army of the future. 接着他发表了长篇大论,振振有辞地把他心目中的未来的军队鼓吹了一番。 wenku.baidu.com 2. advocating equality and mutual benefit, reaching consensus through consultation and seeking common ground while reserving differences. 平等互利,协商一致,求同存异,自主自愿 wenku.baidu.com 3. But linking the two by advocating population control as a solution to climate change isn't the way to achieve either of these aims. 但若通过提倡控制人口将两者联系起来作为对抗气候变化的工具,恐怕哪边都无法如愿以偿。 www.bing.com 4. Presidents since Theodore Roosevelt have been advocating universal health care without success, and Mr. Obama vowed to fare better. 自西奥多·罗斯福以来,历届总统一直倡导全民保健,但未见成效,因此奥巴马宣称,情况会变得更好。 www.bing.com 5. Meanwhile, environmentalists are advocating more aggressive protection of the country's greatest natural wonder, Mount Everest. 同时,环保主义者主张更有力地保护国家最伟大的自然奇观——珠穆朗玛峰。 www.elanso.com 6. Two moderate politicians have been assassinated for advocating reform of the unjust blasphemy law. 两个温和的政治家被暗杀了,原因是他们主张对不公正的亵渎法进行改革。 www.ecocn.org 7. The western post-modern art has chosen a way opposing extreme, seeking compromise, advocating diversity and calling for amalgamation. 西方后现代艺术走上了一条反对极端、追求折衷、不尚单一、力倡融合的多样化道路。 www.dictall.com 8. In the era of advocating talents, competition is the demand of the times and also the challenge for people. Let us face the challenge! 在这个呼唤强者的时代,竞争不仅是时代的要求,更是对人性的挑战,让我们直接面对这个竞争的时代吧! zhidao.baidu.com 9. Commercials featuring athletes, politicians and celebrities advocating support for the bill flooded the airwaves. 请来运动员、政坛人士、明星来支持法案的广告充斥广播、电视电波。 www.bing.com 10. Some advocate Confucianism by publicizing the meaning of the Confucian classics and advocating scholar "s high moral integrity. " 有些诗歌宣扬儒教,张扬儒家经义和鼓吹士人节操; www.lw23.com 1. Lawyers and activists advocating gay rights have been harassed , and, though many gay websites are accessible, some are blocked. 为了同性恋权利而奔走的律师和积极人士已经疲惫不堪,并且尽管很多同性恋网站可以访问,但有些还是被屏蔽了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The circular economy is a mode of sustainable development advocating harmonious progress of resources, economy, environment, and society. 循环经济是一种倡导资源、经济、环境、社会和谐发展的可持续发展经济模式。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. And while it's true that Pakistan is a major part of the problem we face in South Asia, few are advocating that we invade Pakistan. 而巴基斯坦是我们在东南亚面临的一个主要问题,然而鼓吹入侵巴基斯坦的人寥寥可数。 dongxi.net 4. Of course, he added, he is not advocating that Parkinson's patients hop on bikes and go out on busy roads. 布隆医生还说道,他当然不是在提倡帕金森患者跳上自行车,到车流量大的公路上去骑车。 www.bing.com 5. an economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market and the gold standard. 提倡自由竞争,自我调整的市场和金本位的经济理论。 dict.wenguo.com 6. The industry of natural essential oil of plant is an burgeoning, it satisfies the demands of advocating nature and chasing health. 天然植物香精油产业是一项新兴产业,满足了人们崇尚自然、追求健康的需要,具有很好的经济效益和社会效益。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Compared with traditional aesthetic emotion advocating the beauty of harmony, post-modern aesthetic emotion features violent conflict. 其与传统审美情感相比,一个崇尚和谐整体之美,一个体现对整体性的颠覆和消解; www.fabiao.net 8. Our aim: promoting learning, advocating civilized, and focus on the cause, and customers create brilliant! 我们的宗旨:倡导学习,崇尚文明,专注事业,与客户共创辉煌! www.tonke.cn 9. Royal life lively community cultural center, rich content more humanistic quality of life of people advocating a choice. 御院生活中生动的社区文化,浓郁的人文内涵更成为崇尚生活品质之人的选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Advocating the Jinggangshan spirit brings inspiring significance to promote socialist core value system construction. 弘扬井冈山精神对加强社会主义核心价值体系建设具有重要的启示意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Advocating a policy that cannot be guaranteed to work, and that is neither costless nor riskless , is not usually sensible. 如果提倡的建议不能被证明是有效的,如果这个建议既不是毫无成本,又不是毫无风险的,通常这不是一个明智的决定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. First, politicians have little to gain from advocating long-term projects unlikely to be completed while they are still in office. 首先,支持那些在他们任期内不太可能完工的长期项目,政治家们从中几乎得不到任何好处。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Americans are quite advocating individualism, Oriental society (of course include Chinese) emphasize family and class level. 美国人相当崇尚个人主义,东方社会(当然包括中国人)则强调家族及阶级层次。 www.nexoncn.com 4. Hereby, advocating the moral idea of thrift is the inevitable choice of contemporary modernization and ethical construction. 珍惜和节约资源已经刻不容缓,倡导节约的道德理念是当代现代化与道德建设的必然选择。 www.dictall.com 5. Many of those advocating the ECB be the lender of last resort do not offer a quid pro quo. 很多支持欧洲央行作为最后贷款人的人士没有提出其他可以扮演这一角色的替代机构。 www.bing.com 6. In short, the British advocating white symbolizes purity of love, acting. 总之,英国人崇尚白色,它象征爱情纯洁、吉祥如意。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. They firmly believed that the movement advocating equality is about to draw open. 他们坚信这场倡导平等的运动才刚刚拉开序幕。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I certainly don't think anyone is advocating to be rid of logical and scientific outreach of climate change. 我当然不认为有人推崇非逻辑非科学地角度去探讨气候变化。 9. the late tongcheng school is a traditional literature group advocating reform , their thought contain two contradictory aspects. 后期桐城派整体上可以定位为一个主张维新的旧文学流派。 www.ichacha.net 10. advocating the establishment of a fair new international legal order and justice. 主张建立体现公平正义的国际法律新秩序。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Honda insists that he's advocating not prurience but a whole new kind of romance. 他坚持认为,自己并非在鼓吹色情,而是提倡一种全新的爱情概念。 www.bing.com 2. Any persons found advocating a preventive war should be condemned to two hours a day with these ingenious monsters. 发现任何人鼓吹打一场防御战,就应判他和这些精巧的怪物生活两个小时。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. To me, there's an obvious difference between criticizing any official, even a head of state, and advocating a revolution. 对于我来说,批评任何官员甚至是一个高层官员与发起一场革命还是有显著区别的。 www.bing.com 4. And only last week he released an audio tape attacking Iraq's elected leaders, and denouncing those advocating the end of sectarianism . 在上周他发布了一盘录音带攻击伊拉克新领导人,并公开指责结束宗派主义的提倡者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Those advocating birth control and abortion are also expressions of this archetype in action. 那些提倡生育控制和堕胎者,也是这类原型的表达。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. So it is not surprising that many politicians and business leaders are advocating an even stronger dose of such medicine now. 所以现在许多政客和商界领袖倡导加强此种模式以作为一剂拯救经济的良药,这也并不意外。 www.bing.com 7. And lest it's not obvious, when I advocate for a new beauty or sexy ideal, I'm not advocating for sexually provocative sports uniforms. 当我提倡新的美丽或性感的观念之时,我并不提倡过多地显示性的运动服,但又怕不是表现的很明显。 www.bing.com 8. Continue to lead the fashion, advocating stiletto heels personality, innovative direction is perseverance. 继续引领高跟鞋的时尚潮流,倡导高跟鞋的个性创新,是佳美持之以恒的努力方向。 www.007swz.com 9. He is also a representative of applying native plants, advocating wild garden mainly made of native plants. 同时,他也是提倡应用乡土植物的重要代表,主张以乡土植物为主要素材设计野生花园。 www.jchla.com 10. During her trip, Clinton must strike a proper balance between accommodating allied concerns while still advocating strong U. S. objectives. 在她的访问中,克林顿必须在顺应同盟的要求和宣传美国的目的之间找到一个合适的平衡。 www.bing.com 1. Some central bankers and policymakers, especially in the US, are advocating a complete separation of investment banking from retail banking. 一些国家的央行官员和政策制定者(尤其是美国)正提议将投行业务与零售银行业彻底分离。 www.ftchinese.com 2. For instance, some people preach abstract democracy, even advocating free expression of counter-revolutionary views. 比如宣传抽象民主,直至主张反革命言论也应当有发表的自由。 chinafanyi.com 3. Advocating respect science, people-oriented, practical and innovative, seek excellence. 提倡尊重科学,以人为本,务实创新,追求卓越。 www.f557.com 4. With today's emerging advocating harmony between man and nature, back-to-nature trend that runs counter to the basic culture. 与当今正在兴起的崇尚天人合一、回归自然的基本文化趋向相悖。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has long been advocating for environment-friendly burials to avoid wasting natural resources. 一直以来,民政部门倡议这种有助于环境保护的殡葬仪式,以避免自然资源的浪费。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. It is advocating that environmental health concerns, including sanitation and hygiene, among displaced populations are addressed. 世卫组织提倡解决流离失所人群中的环境卫生关注问题,包括环境卫生和清洁卫生。 www.who.int 7. Thirdly, developing cooperation research and advocating subject crossing. 开展合作研究,主张学科交叉; www.fabiao.net 8. The CBRC is advocating new international laws to require governments to provide timely , accurate information in times of crises . 中国银监会正提议制定国际新法规,要求各国政府在发生危机之时提供及时、准确的信息。 www.bing.com 9. Greeks Advocating human body, for the Almighty God and the Olympus of the best games on the statue. 希腊人崇尚人体美,为万能的神和奥林匹斯运动会上的佼佼者塑像。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Of or relating to the philosophical system developed by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life. 属于或关于老子和庄子发展的主张朴素生活的哲学体系的。 www.bookou.com 1. Tae Kwon Do movement is a movement advocating technology and etiquette, ethics, self-cultivation of the sport. 跆拳道运动是一项崇尚动作技术、礼仪、道德相结合的体育项目。 www.fabiao.net 2. Yasuo Fukuda has been actively advocating to build an additional facility, as a memorial to replace Yasukuni Shrine war victims facilities. 福田康夫曾积极主张要建一个另外的设施,来取代靖国神社作为纪念战争牺牲者的设施。 www.englishtang.com 3. And that's really the system that Mike was advocating earlier on. 实际上是迈克之前提倡的系统。 www.bing.com 4. While advocating organic living, it also aims to raise the awareness of caring for the ecology and protecting our mother earth . 在提倡乐活有机生活的同时更要唤起着重生态环境及保护地球的观念。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. i'm not advocating anything here, but i just don't want to mislead people into thinking something i'm not. spend within your means ya? 我并非在这里倡导什么,但我只是不想误导人们把我想象成跟我本人不符的样子。花钱最重要的是量入为出,不是吗? tt.mop.com 6. A doctrine advocating freedom from government regulation in the pursuit of a person's economic or social goals. 自由放任主义认为在追求个人经济或社会目标时可以不受政府规章制度的约束 bbs.gter.net 7. As you can see, I am not advocating that a single standard mapping can work perfectly for all of your XML applications. 可以看出,我不赞成某一种标准映射适用于所有XML应用程序的说法。 www.ibm.com 8. In the scientific spirit, the idea must be modified or abandoned spite of the reputation of the person advocating it. 依照科学的精神,不管提出这一观点的人有多高的声望,这个观点都必须修正或放弃。 www.8875.org 9. The journalist advocating participatory (a. ) democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools. [译文]倡导终生参与民主制的新闻记者却把自己的子女送进私立学校。 www.bing.com 10. It added that "guns, controlled knives, explosives and materials advocating violence and terrorism" were seized. 新华社还说警方缴获了“大量枪支、管制刀具、炸药和鼓吹暴力活动及恐怖主义的材料”。 www.bing.com 1. Be not advocating similar metaphysics being efficacious forever , but being that self creates hard condition to struggle. 不是崇尚类似形而上学的一劳永逸,而是为自己创造艰苦的条件以奋斗。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. This paper offers suggestions for advocating on behalf of the most underserved of children-youthful offenders. 本文提供了代表建议,主张最缺少的儿童,少年罪犯。 syyxw.com 3. In terms of soft power, we are also strong, because we are advocating nonviolence. 在软实力上,我们也很强,因为我们主张非暴力。 www.englishtang.com 4. They carried banners advocating religious freedom and sang "We Shall Overcome. " 他们扛着横幅主张宗教自由,还唱着“我们赢定了”。 www.bing.com 5. It was advocating friends and a doting sister. 它是倡导的朋友们,是被溺爱的姐妹。 www.ted.com 6. Men nowadays must build up self-confidence and proper pride of national culture, mainly advocating our own nationalism . 当代人要树立文化自信心和自尊心,全力提倡文化的民族主义。 www.jukuu.com 7. In recent years, GCC and China have both been leaders in advocating and establishing FTA negotiations with other countries or regions. 中国与海湾合作委员会近年来都积极倡导并参与了各种区域贸易安排,分别与诸多国家和地区开展了FTA谈判。 www.594wm.com 8. Industry groups advocating nuclear power and clean coal have stepped forward to offer single-solution visions of clean energy. 提倡核能、洁净煤的工业团体,已经采取行动,对洁净能源的愿景一一提出解决方案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. They use the words privatize , liberalize, and deregulate when advocating the rules for applying information age technologies to businesses. 他们在申请信息时代技术规则使用时,使用了企业私有化,自由化,解除管制这样的词。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The United States is also advocating a transformation of economic growth patterns. 美国也正在倡导转变经济发展方式。 www.putclub.com 1. However, progress in implementing these self-imposed rules advocating transparency and accountability has been slow and patchy. 但是,这些提高透明度和责任感的自律规则,实施起来却缓慢而不顺利。 cn.reuters.com 2. Republicans are advocating a much smaller stimulus package that focuses mostly on tax cuts and spending on infrastructure. 共和党参议员支持一个规模小得多的振兴经济计划,而且主要重点放在减税和基础建设支出上。 www.voanews.cn 3. III. Actively advocating regional cooperation and jointly coping with global challenges. 积极倡导区域合作,共同应对全球性挑战。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. We have been advocating "Hi-tech Olympics, Green Olympics, People's Olympics" concept. 我们一直在提倡“科技奥运、绿色奥运、人文奥运”的理念。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. advocating political reforms, fight for political rights for the bourgeoisie. 主张政治改革,为资产阶级争取参政权。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. Is the embodiment of natural and environmental horticulture , the show is a living advocating natural scenes. 园艺体现的是自然与环保,展现出的则是一种崇尚自然的生活情景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Through most of this series, I have been focusing on building up the players I discuss, advocating for their placement. 在过去的大多数讨论中,我往往会极力夸赞我所探讨的队员,支持他们的排名。 www.elanso.com 8. This has directly significance for people's self-realization and advocating individual enterprise. 这对于现实社会人的自我价值的实现,崇尚个人进取具有直接的意义。 www.zidir.com 9. In Europe, coalitions and alliances against malaria will be advocating in parliaments. 在欧洲,将在议会中宣传防治疟疾联盟。 www.who.int 10. Time-honoured , digital symbol of Chinese culture has given people specially appointed advocating. 中国自古以来,数字的象征文化给予了人们特定的崇尚。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. In campus corridor, ferial propaganda seen in energy conservation and emission reduction in advocating the logo. 在校园楼道中,平日的宣传中都能看到节能减排的倡导标识。 www.bing.com 2. Those US officials advocating hostile policies towards the Islamic Republic are now admitting defeat. 那些一直鼓吹对伊朗这个伊斯兰共和国采取敌对政策的美国官员,如今已承认失败。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I'm not advocating delivering to your customer the minimum deliverable every time, but you certainly don't need to deliver the maximum. 我不主张给你的客户提供最少的交付时间,但你肯定也不能提供最长的时间。 kb.cnblogs.com 4. Now, I'm not advocating that reproductive-age people shun condoms to elevate women's mood at the risk of unplanned pregnancy. 现在,我不是在倡导育龄期的男女们不使用安全套冒险意外怀孕去调节女性们的情绪。 www.bing.com 5. Mrs Merkel has long opposed Turkish EU membership, advocating a "privileged partnership" instead. 默克尔长久以来反对赋予土耳其欧盟成员身份,提倡转而与之建立“优惠伙伴关系”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Mr Walker is one of 13 governors who are advocating cuts in spending, and have signed a pledge not to raise taxes. 13名提倡削减支出,并签署保证不会增加税收的州长中,沃克是其中之一。 www.ecocn.org 7. I'm not advocating that you adopt such an archaic system. 我不是鼓吹你采用这种旧的工作制度。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Amrican policy makers, including President Barack Obama, are advocating biofuels to transform the transportation culture. 在美国,那些有权制定政策的人(包括巴拉克·奥巴马总统)都竭力主张开发生物燃料,以促进当今运输文化的转型。 www.bing.com 9. Blending art into design, advocating nature and respecting tradition are my permanent principles in the design. 融艺术于设计,崇尚自然,尊重传统,是我在设计中始终始终遵循的理念。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Mackey certainly isn't advocating abusing drugs as a way to control pain, but what about finding passionate love? Mackey博士一贯不提倡通过滥用药物来控制疼痛,但是对于是否采用热烈的爱情? www.bing.com 1. This time I was incorporating two proposals Hillary and Al Gore were advocating on the campaign trail. 这次我准备把希拉里和艾尔在竞选中提出的两个倡议综合起来。 www.bing.com 2. It pointed out that seeking and advocating the natural cosmetics would be the future development trends. 指出追求和崇尚天然已成为化妆品今后发展的趋势。 www.cicdci.net.cn 3. AT SOME events on his book tour, black men have accused Ralph Richard Banks of advocating genocide. 在拉夫?理查德?班克斯巡回书展的宣传会上,黑人男性纷纷指责他提倡种族灭绝。 www.ecocn.org 4. Instead of flu vaccination, doctors are advocating natural methods to ward off the flu this year. 今年医生提倡以自然免疫的方法抵挡流感,而不是注射流感疫苗。 www.kekenet.com 5. advocating modern leisure life conception , and creating elegant life attitude. 倡导和妆点现代休闲生活,造就和彰显高雅生活姿态。 www.ichacha.net 6. Leading mainstream culture, advocating superior fashion life style. 引领主流风尚文化,倡导格调优品生活。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. thinking and education, while advocating cut-off philosophers 100 doctrine, to law teaching, with minor official for the division. 思想和教育方面,则主张禁断诸子百家学说,以法为教,以吏为师。 wenda.tianya.cn 8. Obama captured his party's nomination by advocating change in U. S. policy, both foreign and domestic. 奥巴马主张改变美国的对内、对外政策,赢得了民主党的提名。 www.america.gov 9. It's almost a gratuitous exercise to catalog the slings and arrows a data architect is likely to face advocating enterprise data models. 几乎没有必要对数据架构师在推行企业数据模型期间面临的各种困难和障碍进行全面的罗列。 www.ibm.com 10. Personalized fashion, creative style of rebel, advocating the art of DIY dressing, and realizing of self spirit. 个性化的时尚、创意的叛逆风格,倡导自主装扮的艺术,实现自我精神。 www.tianya.cn 1. Even if a meeting, he doesn't like ice or paying lip service, read speeches advocating dialogue and with his subordinates, Frank. 即使开会,他也不喜欢正儿八经唱高调,读发言稿,主张跟下属坦诚对话、议论。 www.bing.com 2. After studying realistic painting in France for several years, Xu Beihong began advocating it after he returned to China. 徐悲鸿在法国学习了几年写实绘画,回国后大加倡导。 blog.artintern.net 3. Continued pursuit of continuous learning, continuous innovation is advocating the idea. 不断追求,不断学习,不断创新是我崇尚的理念。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Mrs Lee-Jones says the Dearing report is "absolutely right" in advocating language teaching for primary pupils. 李-琼斯表示,迪林勋爵的报告提倡给小学生开设语言课程,这一点“绝对正确”。 www.enread.com 5. He describes how Barack Obama was hounded for advocating politeness towards people with whom one disagrees. 他描写巴拉克.奥巴马如何鼓励提倡人们对持不同意见者以礼相待。 www.ecocn.org 6. A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. 《温和的建议》戏剧性地提倡同类相食来消灭饥饿。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. Advocating "common speech" does not mean wiping out dialects. 提倡“普通话”并不意味消灭方言。 blog.cersp.com 8. As an information architect, she is committed to advocating for the user while satisfying the needs of the client. 作为一名信息架构师,她致力于在满足客户需求的同时,尽量为用户而倡导。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Working Group adopted the network, the same people advocating healthy and civilized lifestyle. 工作组通过网络,向同人们倡导健康文明的生活方式。 www.chinavalue.net 10. Before the September referendum Mr Erdogan threatened to destroy TUSIAD, the employers' federation, for not advocating a yes vote. 在九月份举行全民公决前,埃尔多安威胁要摧毁雇主联合会(TUSIAD),原因是该组织没有鼓动会员投赞成票。 www.ecocn.org 1. If the Fed went further and started to buy illiquid assets outright, as some are advocating, that would be different. 如果美联储更进一步,如同有些人所提倡的那样,彻底开始购买非流动性的资产,那情况将完全不同。 www.ecocn.org 2. Since his accident Reeves has become a forceful public figure in advocating stem cell research for spinal injuries. 自从他那场意外,李维成为了强而有力的作为提倡脊髓受伤的干细胞研究的公共形象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. and advocating patriotism to arouse national consciousness. 宣扬爱国主义,激发民族意识。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Therefore, changing the unhealthy way of living and advocating a healthy one is a primary way to improve peoples healthy condition. 因此,改变不良的生活方式,提倡健康的生活方式是提高每个人的健康状况的主要方式。 www.chemyq.com 5. Chinese's give first place to plant dish, with Buddhist's advocating that has thousand wisp of myriad silk connection. 中国人的以植物为主菜,与佛教徒的鼓吹有着千缕万丝的联系。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The platform also enables ISVs to develop applications to fit customers' needs without advocating any single proprietary solution. 该平台还支持ISV开发应用程序来应对客户需求,而无需使用任何单个专用的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 7. While advocating family planning, China has mainly focused on contraception. 中国实行计划生育坚持以避孕为主。 www.jukuu.com 8. The authors assumed that history would deal kindly with those advocating large withdrawals. 作者们大概认为历史对主张大量撤军者会采取仁慈的态度。 www.jukuu.com 9. But like Ms. Suu Kyi, U. S. officials have stopped short of advocating lifting sanctions until more progress is seen. 但是,与昂山素季一样,美国官员在看到缅甸取得更多进展之前,没有主张取消对缅甸的制裁。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Do you think that celebrity ambassadors really help to create long-term change by advocating for a vegetarian diet? 你认为名人效应在宣传素食主义方面确实能够带来长远改变吗? www.bing.com 1. Advocating the replacement of the term "Test" with the term "Example" . 术语演进——提倡用“样例(Example)”代替“测试(Test)”。 www.infoq.com 2. Needless to say, Murtaugh and Schlax are not advocating eugenics. 不用说,莫塔夫及施莱科斯并不是在提倡优生。 www.bing.com 3. They reject the limits on engine displacement, instead advocating the promotion of fuel-efficient cars of all shapes and sizes. 他们拒绝在发动机替换上的限制,而提倡促销所有型号的有效利用能源的汽车。 www.ecocn.org 4. The bait is a book advocating a "racial holy war" of white people against the "mud races" . 诱饵是一本书,鼓吹白人对“肮脏人种”施行“种族圣战”。 www.ecocn.org 5. She and other donor parents are coming forward, she said, because they "need to start advocating for some regulation. " 但是她说,她和其他一些受助者父母都毫不畏惧挺身而出,因为他们“需要开始倡导制定一些规则。” kk.dongxi.net 6. So, I feel comfortable advocating frugality. 所以,提倡节俭使我感觉到安逸。 www.elanso.com 7. This certainly does not mean that I have stopped advocating careful XML design and best practices. 这当然不是说我已经停止了提倡仔细的XML设计和最佳实践。 www.ibm.com 8. One way is advocating the jungle world of liberal and individualism, is infinite pursuit of capitalism personal interests. 人之道是崇尚丛林世界的自由主义、个人主义,是无限追求个人利益的资本主义。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Merely advocating happiness indices will not solve the problem. 仅仅倡导幸福指数不能解决问题。 www.bing.com 10. In the town meeting Mr Smith spoke to the purpose in advocating the raising of more money to support the public schools. 在镇民大会上,史密斯先生主张筹措更多款项支持公立学校的演说得非常中肯恰当。 www.showxiu.com 1. In June, the Guardian published a handful of readers' letters advocating free downloads. 《卫报》于六月公布了少量支持免费下载的读者来信。 www.elanso.com 2. raising all the people transportation consciousness, advocating morals use energy. 通过宣传教育提高全民交通意识,提倡道德使用能源。 www.13191.com 3. On many popular social networking websites, people are advocating a low-carbon lifestyle. 在很多的热门社交网站,人们都在倡导低碳的生活方式。 www.joyen.net 4. Shanghai Shili Swordplay Club is a school focus on promoting, popularizing, advocating the culture of swordplay. 上海实力击剑俱乐部是一所专门宣传、普及、推广击剑运动暨文化的学校。 www.spcc.sh.cn 5. Lay more emphasis on combating corruption and advocating integrity. 把反腐倡廉放在更加突出的位置上。 www.en84.com 6. To address these kinds of concerns, Oxfam is advocating for a change in thinking and policy about relief aid and risk reduction. 针对这几个问题,乐施会现正倡议改变救灾及减低风险的思维和政策。 www.oxfam.org.hk 7. Has already been taken to task by overreaching critics who claim that he's advocating sexual slavery. 何拉贝克已经遭到批评过火的评论家谴责,他们说他支持性奴役。 www.carreviews.cn 8. Some of America's Iran-watchers are therefore advocating a longer game. 美国的一些伊朗观察家则认为,伊朗核问题还得从长计议。 club.topsage.com 9. In fairness, the group is not advocating a complete withdrawal. 公平地说,贝-汉小组并未鼓吹完全撤军。 www.ecocn.org 10. Electroplating on flesh flower is a kind of newly advocating technics producing with the increasing people's living standard. 鲜花上电镀是随着人们生活水平的提高而新兴起的一种新工艺。 www.chemyq.com 1. But some people mistake our expanding democracy for advocating anarchy. 我们发展民主,有人误解是提倡无政府主义。 www.hotdic.com 2. When you are interested in other perspectives, it doesn't imply, even slightly, that you're advocating it. 当你对别的看法或观点感兴趣时,丝毫也不意味着你会去提倡它们。 chinafanyi.com 3. Most of them are in the style of idealism, praising and advocating the sublime faith and moral integrity. 所选作品大多正气逼人,富于理想主义色彩,洋溢着对崇高信念与理想人格的推崇和呼唤。 rmsh.ccpph.com.cn 4. A movement or school advocating such precise representation. 自然主义运动提倡如比精确地表示的运动或学校 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Yet they see no problem in advocating a breach of European law by proposing a Greek exit from the eurozone. 但他们却觉得提议希腊退出欧元区、支持违反欧盟法律毫无问题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The opinion of those advocating such measures. 右翼主张:支持右翼措施的人的主张。 comic.sjtu.edu.cn 7. Under the strong advocating and promoting of the AVIC Industrial leaders, IBSC is quickly applied and has achieved initial success. 在中航工业领导大力倡导和推动下,IBSC快速得到了应用并取得了初步成效。 img3.zhubajie.com 8. I am advocating however, that you engage in activities that will raise your testosterone levels. 不过,我鼓励你去参与各项运动以提升你的高娃激素水平。 www.jysls.com 9. We're definitely not in the business of advocating drug use. 我们绝对不鼓励毒品交易。 www.bing.com 10. Advocating royal and luxury life style, leading ultimate control fun. 提倡尊贵、奢侈的生活方式,引领终极驾驭乐趣。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. However - and that might come as a surprise here - I am advocating a formal language for architecture description 2. 然而——这里可能显得有些突然——我一向鼓吹的是要用一门正式语言来描述架构2。 www.infoq.com 2. "Advocating quality, unity and progress, fast agile and create first-class" is Linglong the spirit of enterprise. “崇尚品质、团结进取、快速敏捷、创造一流”是凌隆企业精神。 www.tonke.cn 3. Ryan: You're seriously advocating putting another unnecessary car onto the streets? 瑞恩:你真的主张马路上再多一辆不必要的车吗? bbs.oralpractice.com 4. Those who believe in "objective" values often contend that the view which I have been advocating has immoral consequences. 相信“客观”价值的人们常常争辩说,我所提倡的这一观点有种种不道德的后果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Critics charge he is advocating reckless government spending in tough economic times. 批评人士认为,奥巴马正在经济困难时期宣扬毫无节制的政府开支。 www.kekenet.com 6. Governor Bush was clearly advocating a return to trickle-down economics. 很明显,州长小布什支持“滴入式”经济学。 www.bing.com 7. Nine years too late. You are a respectable guy. Why haven't you been advocating an end to the wars ever since 2004? 九年为时已晚。你是一个受人尊敬的家伙。你为什么不从2004年就一直主张结束战争? ltaaa.com 8. V. Actively Advocating "Green Olympics" Theme, 7 Promised Greening Targets Have All Been Achieved. 积极倡导“绿色奥运”理念,承诺的七项绿化指标全部兑现。 www.kouyi.org 9. In fact, only to reform practice, advocating new practice philosophy is the root of the problem. 事实表明,只有变革实践方式,倡导新型实践理念,才是解决问题的根本所在。 www.fabiao.net 10. now! I'm not advocating anything here, but I just don't want to mislead people. 问问我妈妈就知道了!我并非在这里倡导什么,但我只是不想误导人们把我想象成跟我本。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 1. I'm not advocating that you write down every time that you use a pattern in your work. 我并不是建议在工作中每次使用模式时都进行记录。 www.ibm.com 2. The lecturer of last evening went the whole length in advocating woman suffrage. 昨天晚上的演说者竭尽所能提倡妇女投票权。 chinafanyi.com 3. And to those who ask: "What on earth is the FT doing advocating this self-indulgent and slipshod attitude to life? " 有些人会问:“如此支持这种自我放纵、漫不经心的生活态度,英国《金融时报》到底要干什么?” dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Now before you start writing a letter to your lawyer, let me make one thing very clear: I'm not advocating plagiarism at all. 现在在你开始给你的律师之前,让我说清楚这点:我根本不是在提倡抄袭。 www.bing.com 5. It plays a critical role in advocating for workers who too often go unaccounted for. 基金会在为工友代言、争取权益方面起到重要作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. People advocating racism always feel his race superior to others. 鼓吹种族主义的人往往有种民族优越感。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. But while the new left is critical of neoliberalism, they are not advocating return to a centrally planned economy. 然而,当新左派对新自由主义不满时,他们并没有鼓吹回归中央计划经济。 www.ecocn.org 8. In the Angel's Advocate post advocating adjusting your W-4 withholding, I explain a few reasons why doing this is a good idea. 在天使代言人的文章里提倡调整你的W-4预提税,我解释了一下这样做的一些理由。 www.elanso.com 9. for advocating nonviolence in the movement for civil rights. 因为主张在民权运动中采取非暴力政策。 www.englishtang.com 10. I'm not even advocating a mass movement to cut all our credit cards into little pieces. 我也不提倡来一场将信用卡切成碎片的大规模运动。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I'm not advocating divorce I'd much rather couples and families learn how to work together and get their lives on track. 我不鼓励离婚,我更希望夫妻和家庭成员们学会如何一同协作,生活在正轨上。 www.bing.com 2. It's terrible that some people are now openly advocating violence. 一些人现在公开提倡暴力,这真可怕。 li-ht.blog.163.com 3. I used the black Yi advocating Black Tiger Totem, the two gray color. 我运用了彝族崇尚黑虎图腾的黑色、灰色两大色彩。 www.zidir.com 4. I'm certainly not advocating working for only two hours a day. 我当然不提倡每天只工作两小时。 www.elanso.com 5. The author of the pamphlet advocating the overthrow of the government was arrested for sedition. 那本煽动推翻政府小册子的作者因煽动叛乱被逮捕。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. However, at this time, the real transition of paving the way is the new language style advocating by Liangqichao. 但此时真正起铺垫与过渡作用的是梁启超等人倡导的新文体。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. With the advocating of harmonious education, we should examine minutely the essence and existing problems of education. 在倡导和谐教育的今天,我们更要追问教育的本质及其当下教育存在的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Advocating people to protect the environment, and start from around things. 倡导人们保护环境,从身边的小事做起。 www.9188.info 9. I'm not advocating the avoidance of binding frameworks. 我并不提倡避免使用绑定框架。 www.ibm.com 10. I, m not advocating for it because I, m sure it has problems. 当然,我并不主张中国的体制,因为我相信它也有问题。 www.ltaaa.com 1. For example, the State of Kerala in India is now advocating that all departments, including schools, move to desktop Linux and other OSS. 例如,印度喀拉拉邦现在正在提倡,包括学校在内的一切部门都转移到桌面Linux和其它OSS。 www.bing.com 2. Learning ability, strong hands, both advocating teamwork, and at creative. 学习能力强、动手能力强,既崇尚团队合作,又善于独当一面。 www.hicoo.net 3. We keep people advocating the treatment. 我们主张待遇留人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. advocating the overthrow of the government was arrested for sedition. 那本提倡推翻政府小册的作者因煽动叛乱被逮捕。 www.shanbay.com 5. On behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong takes the lead in 1936 in advocating a worldwide anti-fascist united front. 1936年,毛泽东代表中国共产党人率先明确提出建立世界反法西斯统一战线。 www.dictall.com 6. He describes the new left as advocating the opposite. 他认为新左派鼓吹的是另外一种自由。 www.ecocn.org 7. There are groups of people advocating for the legalization of drugs, but what would that actually mean? 世界上有些团体主张毒品合法化,但实际上代表什么意义? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. We're simply advocating a fun-filled holiday, and the more people who participate the more fun it is. 我们只是号召庆祝一个趣味盎然的节日。越多人参加,就越好玩。 bbs.uker.net 9. Now, am I advocating that you go and inject yourself with 500 liters of testosterone? 那么,我会教唆你去给自己注射500升的睾丸激素吗? www.jysls.com 10. "We never explicitly say, 'Develop your feminine side, ' but it's clear that's what we're advocating, " says Jamie Ladge. “我们从不会直接说,‘发掘你女性的一面’,但其实这正是我们所倡导的行为方向,”杰米·雷奇说道。 www.bing.com 1. Not blindly advocating or Hill 123 line downtown streets to lay stores. 不可盲目地推崇或是进军一二三线市场的繁华街道铺设专卖店。 www.texclo.net 2. of or relating to or advocating nativism. 属于、关于或支持先天论的。 www.hotdic.com 3. In no way, shape or form am I advocating stealing $3 billion from anyone. 我并不是在以任何形式、任何方式赞成从别人那里偷上个30亿美元。 www.forbeschina.com 4. Advocating one child for one couple. 提倡一对夫妇生育一个孩子。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I am NOT advocating getting credit cards purely for rewards. 我不主张纯粹为了得到奖励而办理信用卡。 www.bing.com 6. What do you think of the idea of advocating thrifty consumption? Do you have any better ideas? Share with us now. 你觉得这个“倡导节约用餐”的创意怎么样?那么,你有什么更实用的高招呢?快来与我们分享吧! www.kekenet.com 7. I've read a lot of books advocating complex theories about dating. 我读过很多宣传关于约会的复杂理论的书。 www.bing.com 8. Now, a lot of scientists feel above strongly advocating government funding for their work. 现在,有不少科学家都不屑于强烈要求政府资助他们的工作。 www.bing.com 9. That doesn't mean advocating that we become like China. 我可没有在宣扬要我们变成中国那样。 www.bing.com 10. I'm not advocating against trying a lot of different things in life. 我并不反对人们在一生中尝试多种工作。 www.elanso.com 1. The family has been active in advocating genetic research. 这个家庭明确支持这项研究。 www.bing.com 2. I'm not advocating that, actually. 我实际上不太提倡这个。 www.bing.com 3. I am not advocating the production of corn-based ethanol. 我不是在提倡以玉米为原料生产乙醇。 www.ftchinese.com 4. What is more, Originalism has been advocating a firm and correct thinking orientation. 原创主义历来更提倡坚定正确的思考方向。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In the domain of education evaluation, we can dispel the evil and keep the good through advocating social equality and moral concern. 可以从体现社会公平和道德关怀入手进行教育评价领域的祛恶扬善。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. And because they think only of Joe Smith, they end by advocating reactionary and nonsensical policies. 正因为他们只想到张三,他们鼓吹倒行逆施的荒谬政策。 dongxi.net 7. Steps are outlined to assist nurses in the development of activist roles in advocating for these troubled youth. 概述的步骤,以协助发展活跃的角色,这些问题青年倡导护士。 syyxw.com 8. This approach isbasically the one I've been advocating for months. 这基本上是我已经呼吁一个月的方案之一。 www.bing.com 9. Now I'm not advocating for bullies. 我这不是鼓动要持强凌弱。 www.ted.com 10. Companies advocating science and technology, promoting honesty, and stand by for perfection. 公司崇尚科技,倡导诚信,恪求完美。 www.chinafastener.biz |
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