单词 | profound | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
比较级:profounder 最高级:profoundest adj. n. profound influence,profound effect,profound knowledge,profound change,profound respect profound 显示所有例句
例句释义: 巨大的,深切的,深远的,知识渊博的,大洋,深渊,深处,深刻的,深奥的,意义深远的 1. And yet I find a visit to the Champagne region is often one of the most profound and sober experiences. 但我发现,香槟产区之旅往往是极度深邃和沉静的一种体验。 c.wsj.com 2. "What you say is rather profound, and probably, erroneous, " he said, with a laugh. “你说的话相当难懂,说不定还有不正确的地方,”他说,接着哈哈一笑。 3. When an organization with an impressive name like the Conference Board Consumer Research Center studies something, it must be profound. 当一个拥有响亮名字的组织研究什么东西的时候,如conferenceboard消费者研究中心,那一定是很深奥的。 playenglish.net 4. Now it is often used to describe expressing sharp ideas or profound views. 现在经常用来比喻见解议论非常深刻有力。 www.foreignercn.com 5. At such a moment as this the assurances of support that we have received from the Empire are a source of profound encouragement to us. 在这个关头,我们从整个大英帝国得到的明确坚定的支持对我们是极大的鼓舞泉源。 www.jukuu.com 6. Around the end of their career, the beginning of a profound anti-death-ching hing Siming painful lessons of history. 他们在结束了奔波生涯后,开始深刻反思明亡清兴沉痛的历史教训。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. There was profound irritation among some European leaders that they had not been informed of the White House plans. 由于之前未被告知白宫的该项计划,一些欧洲领导人深感愤怒。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It doesn't have to be profound, just a few words that affirm that this is your day to live, to make meaningful choices, and to celebrate. 4. 这些不一定要有什麽深远的含义,只是一些肯定:这是你要过的一天,可做些有意义的事,是可以庆祝的。 96hc5.ewell.com.tw 9. Whatever he professed was said in such a profound manner that we were all immediately propelled to be more productive. 不管他想表示什么,他说的话总是很深刻,总是能激励我们马上提高生产力。 www.examda.com 10. the two men remained opposite one another , morrell trembling in every limb , the stranger gazing at him with an air of profound pity. 两个人面对面地互相望着,莫雷尔四肢在不停地发抖,那陌生人则带着一种极其怜悯的神色凝视着他。 www.ichacha.net 1. All this adds up to what Senator Graham considers a profound change within his party. 所有这些都构成了参议员格雷厄姆认为的党内的一场深刻变革。 www.ecocn.org 2. So at a very early age I was exposed to all the Italian Neorealist classics, which had a profound effect on my psyche. 所以我很小的时候就接触到了所有的意大利新现实主义的经典影片,这对我的思想产生的巨大的影响。 www.bing.com 3. Sad, and filled with a strong sense of loss, Mr Pamuk's "The Museum of Innocence" is his most accessible novel and his most profound. 《纯真博物馆》格调忧愁哀伤,也充满强烈的失落感,是帕氏最具感染力的小说和最具思想深度的作品。 www.ecocn.org 4. He said the Cuban party, government and people cherish their profound traditional friendship with China. 劳尔·卡斯特罗表示,古巴党、政府和人民十分珍惜同中国的深厚传统友谊。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Needless to say, the implications are profound, and physicists are only beginning to explore them. 不用说,它的涵义当然极为深奥,而物理学家才正刚开始要著手探究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If Greece is to do more than simply stagger from bail-out to bail-out, the country needs a profound change in its political culture. 如果希腊要走出这种蹒跚于一个又一个纾困计划的困境,需要对其政治文化进行深刻变革。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And since the medicine is powerful, the effects on asset markets are, in the short term at least, likely to be profound. 而由于下的是猛药,至少短期而言,其对资产市场的影响可能是深远的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I was impressed by his devotion to research but I did not have the slightest interest in his profound theories. 他致力于研究工作的精神给我留下了很深的印象,但我对他那些深奥的理论却丝毫不感兴趣。 www.8875.org 9. Commitment to your most profound vision is not easy, and will ask much of you. Yet you know it is the best choice. 恪守承诺以实现最远大的憧憬并非易事,你会为此付出许多。然而你要相信这才是最佳选择。 www.bing.com 10. In parts of Madrid the changes were profound and certain parts of the city erupted into a hedonistic and cultural wave of events. 马德里变革的某些方面影响深远,是爆发享乐主义与文化浪潮运动的城市的一部分。 www.bing.com 1. "I would like to produce a movie recording Japan-China friendly exchanges and the profound changes in China over the 30 years, " she said. “我要拍一部电影,记录日中友好交流以及中国过去30年里所发生的深刻变化”,她说。 www.suiniyi.com 2. the profound depths of the sea; the dark unfathomed caves of ocean-Thomas Gray; unplumbed depths of the sea; remote and unsounded caverns. 深不可测的大海;海洋中幽深、黑暗的洞穴--托马斯·格雷;大海不可测量的深度;遥远、幽深的洞穴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Poetry in its full sense of the Hermit Recluse put the traditional Chinese literature to a more profound level. 其诗文中所焕发出的隐逸意识把中国传统的隐逸文学推向了一个更为深邃的境界。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. I believe that over the next 10 years, we're going to see a profound shift toward a world in which several currencies compete for dominance. 我相信,在未来10年内,我们将看到一个向着多种货币竞争主导地位的世界所发展的巨大变迁。 www.bing.com 5. Silence is one of the most profound ways to connect with your inner voice, with nature. Silence is the best part of speech. 沉默是连系你内心声音的最具影响的方式,沉默是演讲中最好的部分。 www.bing.com 6. How much of the money is going into concrete and boosting consumption, not into solving the really profound problems we have to solve. 到底有多少钱投入到了具体的消费增长中,而不是用来去解决我们必须解决的真正严重的问题 www.ted.com 7. However, most people do not realise that the implications of tighter economic links between the two could be even more profound. 然而,大多数人没有意识到两国之间加强经济联系的意义可能更为深远。 www.stnn.cc 8. I'm certain that the destiny of each one of us and Asia as a whole will depend on how well we adjust to this very profound transformation. 我确信我们每个人的命运,以及整个亚洲的命运取决于我们能在多大程度上适应这一深刻的转变。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Another mainland businessman who spent several days in Taiwan said the election had a profound impact on his understanding of politics. 另一名在台湾停留了几天的大陆商人说这次大选让他对政治有了全新的理解。 www.bing.com 10. In just a few short years, globalization has started a variety of trends with profound consequences. 在短短几年中,全球化引发了不同的趋势,伴随而来是深远的后果。 bj.pxto.cn 1. In the evening, the wind blew gently and they retired into the dark night in profound silence. 夜晚,微风吹拂,万籁俱寂,修行者和他的动物伙伴们都悄无声息地笼罩在夜色之中。 www.zhibeifw.com 2. Its building of a first aircraft carrier was part of that and would have a profound effect on the balance of forces in the region, he said. 它的第一艘航母建设是其中的一部分,将有一个关于在该地区的力量平衡产生深远的影响,他说。 www.bing.com 3. I stayed in her between the lines, and feeling a profound analysis of her life, feelings of sadness and joy of the beautiful. 我游弋在她的字里行间,感悟着她对人生深邃的剖析,心境的忧伤和欣喜的美丽。 enwaimao.cn 4. and after sucking out his last wreath, and heaving a profound sigh, he got up, and departed as solemnly as he came. 他吐出最后一个烟圈,长长的叹了口气,坐起来,然后跟他进来时一样宽肃的离开。 www.va1314.com 5. However, the heart was more profound thinking of you. 可是,心里却更深刻的想着你。 blog.wtojob.com 6. As sports with a long history and profound culture, athletics turns out to be very effective in building one's body. 田径作为一项拥有悠久历史文化积淀、巨大健身价值的体育运动,曾长时间在我国学校体育中占据主要地位。 www.13191.com 7. It was the first time a President had addressed the nation in such an intimate and informal way, and it had a profound impact. 这是美国总统历史上第一次以如此亲密和非正式的形式向全国发表讲话,这次炉边谈话产生了深远的影响。 www.forbeschina.com 8. On the surface, none of these crises had much to do with profound questions of democracy. 表面上,这些危机似乎都和民主这个更深奥的问题无关。 www.merit-times.com.tw 9. but more than anything, such a profound sense of humanity, such fun and exhilaration, such melancholy and wisdom. 更难能可贵的是,他译出了原作里深邃的人性,欢愉与兴奋,忧伤与睿智。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. At a ceremony to launch this special year in Beijing, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the two nations had a profound friendship. 在北京为了庆祝这个特别年份的一个仪式上,中国温家宝总理说两国之间友谊源远流长。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. and as the old man slowly pronounced those words, an air of profound resignation spread itself over his careworn countenance. 当老人慢慢地吐出这些字的时候,一种听天由命的神情渐渐显示在他阴云密布的脸上。 dict.veduchina.com 2. He said there was widespread criticism that although the economy needed profound restructuring, "almost nothing has been implemented. " 他说,许多人都批评称,尽管经济结构需要深入调整,“但几乎什么都没有实施”。 cn.nytimes.com 3. All of this has a very profound revelation for the legislation of that of Jiangsu Province and the improvement of its technology. 这些问题对于完善江苏省的科技立法具有很深刻的启示。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Conceding defeat would be a profound step to take in a country more reverent of its military history than perhaps any other in Europe. 对于一个比欧洲任何其他国家都要对其军事历史引以为豪的国家而言,承认失败将意味深刻。 www.ecocn.org 5. It might have been a horribly disturbing experience but for the equally profound sensation of being a part of everything. 因为深感自己成为万物的一部分,所以这并非一种可怕的体验。 www.elanso.com 6. I had a sense of her profound hunger as she touched every toy and pressed the dolls into her face in intense embrace. 当她抚摸每一个玩具,并把娃娃紧紧地贴在脸上时,我感到她有一种强烈的渴望。 www.bing.com 7. Ostensibly , It just a animation for the Kid. But there is some Profound truth hide in the surface. 表面上,这只是一部拍给小朋友看的动画片,其实里面有隐含着相当深刻的寓意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He would suddenly fall into a profound meditation, whence he only emerged to write a few lines on the pages of the volume itself. 他会忽然堕入深远的思考,想完以后,立即在原书中写上几行。 bbs.ycwb.com 9. I read an account of a man who made it to the summit. And standing there at the top of the world, he experienced this profound silence. 我以前看过有个登顶珠峰的人这样写道,在脚踏世界之巅的那刻,他才体会到无与伦比的寂静。 baike.baidu.com 10. Since the beginning of the new century, profound and complex changes have been taking place in international landscape. 进入新世纪以来,国际形势正在发生复杂深刻变化,和平与发展仍然是时代主题,但全球性挑战不断增多。 www.putclub.com 1. In the world of mortals, he stands straight holding his head high, with his talent as profound as the sea casting into a new pen- point. 滚滚红尘中,昂首挺立,且让海洋般深浩的才华,冶铸崭新的笔锋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But one of the profound things that Freud said, and he said many profound things, but this one is about neurosis in general. 但是弗洛伊德说的深刻的东西,他说了许多深刻的东西,但是这一次是对一般神经官能症。 open.163.com 3. As a guest, I dismissed all this as pathology, but I couldn't help considering his wife with profound curiosity. 作为一个客人,我把他的这种行为当做一种病理表现进行忽略,但是我忍不住带着极大的好奇去想他的妻子。 www.bing.com 4. What is at the heart of this day is not public. Rather, it is a very private and profound loss. 这一天不是有关公众的,而是有关非常隐私的问题和极大的丧失。 www.ebigear.com 5. Twenty years of good times and global economic integration, after the end of the cold war, had profound political effects. 在冷战结束后,二十年的发展黄金时期以及全球经济一体化的推进,极大的促进了政治的良性发展。 www.ecocn.org 6. Any one has its perspective and focus on the clean side and the shelter side, it is often coexist of profound insights and obstacles blind. 任何一种阐释维度和视角都有其澄明的一面,又有其遮蔽的一面,经常是深刻洞见与遮蔽盲视并存。 www.fabiao.net 7. What distinguished it was the passion of its conviction, however na? Ve, that architecture could be an agent for profound social change. 有什么区别,这是激情的信念,但天真,这一体系可以作为代理人深刻的社会变革。 www.sjgcz.cn 8. The existence of these difference, inevitable to the choice of the means of reform, direction and speed meeting produces profound effect. 这些差异的存在,对改革的方式、方向和速度的选择必然会产生深刻影响。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 9. She realized, "in a real and profound way, " that this was the way her mother loved her as well. 她意识到,母亲也是用这种“真诚、无私的方式”爱着自己。 www.bing.com 10. The startle her eyes to see him, his eyes so deep and profound ah! 她惊跳的抬眼看他,他那深邃的眼光那么深刻啊! bookapp.book.qq.com 1. The profound effects of musculoskeletal pain and injury on motor control have been a focus among recent physiotherapy research. 探讨肌肉骨骼系统之疼痛与伤害对动作控制的影响已成为现今物理治疗研究重点之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Im Krebsgang has attracted world-wide attention with a strong sense of the times and profound historical implication. 《蟹行》所具有的强烈的时代气息和深刻的历史意蕴,已经引起了世界范围的关注。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The administration of police was one important content of Xingzheng reform in Late Qing, and it had mad a profound influence. 警政建设是清末新政的重要内容之一,影响深远。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. I was deeply impressed by his devotion to research, but I'm not interested at all in his profound theories. 给我留下了很深的印象,但我对他那些深奥的理论丝毫不感兴趣。 wenku.baidu.com 5. That's what I thought at the time but, it's also something I've never forgotten. When you think about it, it's a pretty profound statement. 我当时也这么想的。但这句话我永远也不会忘记,尤其是当你思考它的时候,就会发现这句话道理很深刻。 www.tingclass.com 6. Even the most profound theologians swim only a few feet deep in a pool that has no bottom. 即使是卓越的神学家,也不过是在这知识的洋海中浅泳数尺而已。 www.chinesetodays.org 7. But it was the first that seemed to be talking to me directly as a child. It had a profound effect on me. 但是它是第一个作为一个小孩直接跟我说话的电影,它对我产生了深远的影响。 www.bing.com 8. Graham taught Mr. Buffett that at the heart of the relationship between management and shareholders is a profound conflict of interest. 格拉汉姆曾教导巴菲特说,企业管理层和股东间关系的核心是一种深奥的利益冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. There was still profound division in public sentiment over the question of American participation in the war. 对于美国参战,公众情绪还很不一致。 10. Some of these horses have had a profound impact on various European warmblood breeds. 这些马有过欧洲各warmblood品种产生深远的影响。 www.hc263.net 1. Even somehting as basic and profound as "Don't chew with you mouth open" is not as widely accepted as you might think. 甚至像“不要张着嘴咀嚼”这样基本而深奥的道理,也并不像你想象的那样广为接受。 tuoluo.com 2. And I try to say funny or profound things like, "Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot. " 我总尝试说些趣味十足或含义深刻的东西,例如:“对事物的正解理解浅薄总比十足的误解强上很多。” www.bing.com 3. Article centers is not clear, or conception is not profound, often that of the superficial thinking. 文章中心不明确,或立意不深刻,往往说明作者思想肤浅。 www.xiami360.com 4. I did tell her that when Thatcher was elected it was only a matter of time before we began to see profound change. 我告诉她,在我们开始明白发生深刻的变化之前,撒切尔被选为首相只是时间问题。 www.bing.com 5. Above all he had a profound love for a sister who died in 1718, and for his mother, who died in 1730. 他深爱的姐姐于1718年去世,他的母亲于1730年逝世。 group.yeeyan.org 6. Good is one of the values pursued by Buddhism. Not only is it a moral concept, but it has a profound theoretical foundation. 善是佛教所追求的价值之一,善在佛教的理念中已经不仅仅是一个道德性的说教,而是有其深刻的理论依据; www.ceps.com.tw 7. The international security situation has undergone profound changes since the beginning of the new century. 进入新世纪以来,国际安全形势发生了深刻变化。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. Piaget have one thing in common with those of Binet in that they reflect the profound wickedness of every pedagogical position. 总之,皮亚杰杜撰这些故事,跟宾涅特的故事有一个共通的地方。他们都反映出每一个教学立场恶作剧的一面。 springhero.wordpress.com 9. You see, I have four teenagers of my own and I feel like this is the point in my life when I am supposed to tell them something profound. 你看,我自己有四个十几岁的孩子,我觉得是时候对他们讲述意义深远的事情。 levonsee.blog.163.com 10. This book explains the profound in simple language, easy to understand, is each accurate mother's good reading material. 本书深入浅出,通俗易懂,是每一位准妈妈的良好读物。 www.hicoo.net 1. Think of my love so profound, so pure, and so devoted, and wish I were with you. I am going to bed praying God for you and yours. 想想我对您的爱如此深沉、纯洁、专一吧,祝愿我能与您相聚在一起吧 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Few telescopes in history have had such a profound effect on astronomical research as the Hubble Space Telescope. 历史上,鲜少有望远镜能像哈伯太空望远镜一样,对天文研究造成如此深远的影响。 3. As an object, it has made a profound impact, becoming synonymous with the men and women who play it and the art it has been used to create. 作为一个物件,它产生了深远的影响,达到了和演奏它的男人们或女人们以及用它创造的艺术同等的高度。 www.bing.com 4. Ones notion of Heaven and Hell seems to be within the mold of ones most profound motivations, emotions, and personality impulses. 一个人的地狱和天堂的观念似乎是在一个人的极深的动机、情感和个人的冲动的模子里。 my.opera.com 5. It seemed to me that here was not only a great story, but a profound human experience. 我觉得,这不仅是绝好的新闻报道题材,而且必有一番可歌可泣的人类业绩。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Their word for a female scholars shaping the self-image, show women of that era rich inner world of the spirit and a profound depression. 她们的词作塑造了女性文士的自我形象,展现了那个时代女性丰富的内心世界和深刻的精神苦闷。 www.dictall.com 7. He had the insight and the instinct to see this thing and to know in his heart immediately that this was going to be of profound importance. 他具有敏锐的洞察力与直觉,一看到这具化石,就能立刻深知,这具化石将具有极为重大的意义。 www.bing.com 8. John Dewey, one of America's most profound philosophers, phrased it a bit differently. Dr. 约翰。杜威是美国最深刻的哲学家之一,他对此的说法稍有不同。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. to which I shall always look with profound respect and with trustful confidence that they will accord to me the aid and support. 对此我总以深刻敬意和信任希望他们会给我以帮助和支持。 www.kekenet.com 10. So he was the person who would take these people who were very profound but not very easy to communicate. 因此他就是那个推广这些造诣精神但不容易沟通者的思想的人。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 1. Yang said the current international situation is undergoing complex and profound changes and global challenges have become more prominent. 杨洁篪说,当前国际形势不断发生复杂深刻变化,全球性挑战更加突出。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. He was a man of profound vision and his and his music has deeply moved its listeners for generations. 他是个充满想象力的人,而且他的音乐震撼了一代又一代的听众。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. 2 - This conception of justice --of not overstepping eternally fixed bounds--was one of the most profound of Greek beliefs. 这种正义的观念--即不能逾越永恒固定的界限的观念--是一种最深刻的希腊信仰。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The first two or three times that he turned round he saw nothing; the silence was profound, and he continued his march somewhat reassured. 他回头看了两三次,什么也没有看见,什么声音全没有,他继续往前走,心里稍微宽了些。 www.ebigear.com 5. "We view GM's action with a profound sense of sadness and disappointment, " the business group said in a statement. “我们对GM的行动感到深切的悲哀和失望,”该组织在一份声明中称。 cn.reuters.com 6. And one of the most profound intangible inventions of the millennium was also the cause of one of its bitterest intellectual battles. 微积分--这一个千年最伟大的无形发明之一,也造成了一场最痛苦的智力之战。 www.bing.com 7. Things like that are too profound and hard to answer. I am too young, too fledgling. So I grasped one of my work and began to finish it. 像那样的东西过于深刻,很难回答我太年轻,太羽翼未丰的。所以我把握我的工作,开始把它做完。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. To ask the question is to display profound ignorance of the automobile as complex system. 问这种问题说明提问者对汽车这一复杂系统是多么无知。 sh.focus.cn 9. What was the New Deal program ? Why it was regarded as the most profound revolution in the history of American economic policy ? (罗斯福)新政是什么计划?为什么它被看成是美国历史上经济政策最深刻的变化?。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He was a man of profound vision and his music has deeply moved its listeners for generations. 他是一个有着深刻思想的人,他的音乐深深地感动了一代代的听众。 www.chinaedu.com 1. The publication of the law has had a profound impact on the Human Resource Management as well as the overall operation within enterprises. 该法案的出台,对企业人力资源管理乃至企业全面经营管理均产生了深远的影响。 www.intertek-labtest.com.cn 2. Savoring the profound voice which seems to be plain, your much troubled soul may find peace and quiet. 细细品味看似简单但却深邃的声音,却能净化芜杂的心灵。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. your ideological views to me are a sign of profound immaturity, you know. 你知道,你的意识形态观点对我来说是极其不成熟的表现。 www.24en.com 4. Pattern design profound nature as well as on behalf of the product on behalf of the production units, he said. 图案安排含义粗浅,既代外产物本质又能代外不入产单元。 www.bing.com 5. As a bland new culture, network culture has a profound impact on undergraduates in the information and globalization age of our day. 在当今的信息化、全球化时代,网络文化已成为一种全新的文化表达形态,对大学生产生了深远的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. He was a man of exceptional talent and profound humanity, grounded in a deep faith. 他是一个具有非凡才能和深厚人性的人,植根于深刻的信仰。 web.worldbank.org 7. Children's Day approaching, I, on behalf of the leadership struggle in the chat line to the children expressed the most profound greetings! 儿童节将至,我谨代表领导,向奋战在聊天一线各位小朋友们表示最深切的问候! edu.sina.com.cn 8. You can't learn to be a Black Belt in a martial art by learning a few techniques. It takes a DEEPER, more profound understanding. 你不可能仅仅靠学一点点技术就成为黑带高手。这需要更深刻的理解。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Let me have to think of new zealanders. Although the national intelligence, but not a profound culture, honest people. 让我不得不觉得新西兰人的聪明才智。虽然这个国家历史不久远,但是文化底蕴深厚,民风淳朴。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The opening ceremony showed the ancient Chinese civilization in about a hour . it let the word feel the profound Chinese culture. 开幕式在大约一个小时内显示了古老中国文明。 wenwen.soso.com 1. These changes are likely to be lasting and profound, but there is great promise in all that involves new directions. 这些变化可能是持久和深远的,但也有伟大的承诺在涉及新的方向。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 2. There is something profound and yet minimalist about this advice. 这个建议有其深刻性,及抽象性。 www.bing.com 3. There was a profound defect in interactions of parental chromosomes, a process known as synapsis , leading to death of germ cells. 亲代染色体的相互作用-联会发生严重缺陷,导致生殖细胞死亡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. From another point of view, this close viewing way enables the depicted object to have very deep illusion and profound sense of mystery. 从另一角度看,这种近观的方式,也使描绘的对象极具纵深的幻觉感和深远的神秘感。 sswwii.blog.163.com 5. One of the first conditions of learning in a woman is to keep the fact a profound secret. 了解女人的首要条件之一是把实情绝对守秘。 www.sgwritings.com 6. And Hebrew's Eschatology seems to be full of profound historic significance. 而缘起希伯来文化“末世论”的隐喻就颇有历史深意。 blog.99ys.com 7. Foreign Language Institute in the papers of many teachers have to complete in a positive direction and to help in this profound gratitude. 外语学院的很多老师在论文完成中也给予了积极的指导和大力帮助,在此表示深深的感谢。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Scientists have turned inanimate chemicals into a living organism in an experiment that raises profound questions about the essence of life. 科学家已把无生命的化学物质转化为有生命的有机体,这项实验对生命的本质提出了意义深远的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In a great degree, the artistic fascination of his urban novels consists in its exceeded irony art and profound irony meanings. 沈从文都市小说的艺术魅力,很大程度上就在于这种高超的反讽艺术及其背后深刻的反讽意蕴。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. This was their first exposure to the results of extreme and deliberate violence, and it had a profound effect on them. 对于他们来说,这是第一次被赤裸裸地暴露在极度的恶意暴力的结果面前,因此心里面难免受到震动,印象深刻。 www.elanso.com 1. "It is the profound tendencies of history, " he said at Berkeley, "and not the passing excitements that will shape our future. " 他在伯利城说、决定我们未来的,是历史的深远趋势,而不是一时的激动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It is possible due to the prevailing trend of the times and the important and profound changes in the international situation. 之所以如此,从根本上说,是由于时代潮流和国际局势发生重大而深刻的变化。 www.kouyi.org 3. She was adorably lovely. But what he was contemplating with that profound gaze was not her beauty but her soul. 但他用深邃的目光观望的不是美丽的容貌,而是灵魂。 www.ebigear.com 4. And then he shared the poem with me. The poem's simple, yet profound words immediately became part of my daily routine as well. 之后他和我分享了那首小诗,诗里那些间单但是韵味深长的词句,即刻融入了我日常生活之中。 www.showxiu.com 5. Art leads to a more profound concept of life, because art itself is a profound expression of feeling. 艺术引导人更深入地认知生活,因为艺术本身是情感的一种深入表达。 www.bing.com 6. What does it mean to be a musical genius in the wake of such a profound disability? 一个残障如此严重的人却是一名音乐天才,这代表着什么呢?。 qikan.syn.cn 7. Though born and brought up in Tokyo, Tanizaki eventually found his literary hometown in Kansai, a city with profound classical atmosphere. 做为土生土长的东京人,却在具有浓郁古典气息的关西找到了自己心中文学的故乡。 8. Meanings have been prescribed to the phrase which bears little resemblance at all to its profound connotation. 赋予这个短语的意义与它的深刻含义有着极小的相像。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Wuzhuhong: It is a story with a lighter tone and full of humor, but it has some profound meaning under the surface. 吴朱红:这是个轻松、幽默的故事,但在故事的表面下却蕴涵着深刻的道理。 www.zftrans.com 10. The heritage were made of ivory, bone, jade, stone, pottery, wood has left us with a number of ideas, meaning profound works of art. 遗产作了象牙,骨,玉,石,陶器,木给我们留下了一些想法,这意味着深刻的艺术作品。 q.sohu.com 1. One of the most profound changes afforded by the digital world is the ability to be asynchronous, in the smallest and largest time scales. 数字化世界所产生的最具深远影响的变化之一是非同步能力,不管是在最小还是最大的时间范围内。 cn.wordmind.com 2. The Fatherhood Institute said the benefits of the father's active involvement from birth were profound. 父权研究所说,父亲的积极参与孩子的出生是非常有好处的。 www.bing.com 3. The rumor turned out to be untrue, but it illustrates the profound implications of the sheer scale of China on business and policy. 传闻后来被证明不是真的,但它说明了中国的人口规模能对商业和政策产生的深远影响。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Capital credit theory was seemed to be the basis of the old Company Law of China and it has brought a profound influence. 我国修改前的《公司法》以资本信用论为立法基础,进而对公司登记制度产生了深远的影响。 www.13191.com 5. Guanghua farm of The Yenan time's agricultural scientific research outreach activities have had " the profound influence. " 延安时期光华农场的农业科研推广活动产生了深远的影响。 www.594wm.com 6. There is, I think, a more profound meaning in the Cross than is often understood. 我认为十字架的深刻意义,比大家一般所了解的要多得多。 www.bing.com 7. Since the classical age the West has undergone a very profound transformation of these mechanisms of power. 由于,西方社会自古典时期以降,权力装置经历了一场极为深刻的变革。 www.tianya.cn 8. Two weeks later , when she walked into a mountain village , her experiences had had a profound effect on her . 两个星期之后,当她走进了一个山村之时,过去的经历已经在她身上烙下了深深的印记。 www.bing.com 9. The testicle, more than any other glands, exerts a profound influence upon the strength and quality of the mind. 睪丸对心智的强度和品质,表现出非常深刻的影响,比任何其他的内分泌腺都要大得多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Seeing this miraculous recovery before my eyes was one of the most profound moments I have ever experienced. 亲眼见证这种奇迹的发生是我经历过的最有意义的时刻。 www.bing.com 1. Do these numbers indicate a profound rethinking of our political orientation or are they just a blip? 这些数目意味着我们对政治定位的深刻反思,还是仅仅代表一种迹象? www.zftrans.com 2. The birth and development of electronic publications of the publishing industry and even society as a whole have had a profound impact. 电子出版物诞生及其发展对出版业乃至整个社会产生了深远的影响。 study-abroad-web.com 3. This was a profound and passionate expression of views about how Africa and its leaders relate to the rest of the world. 这篇文章深刻并热忱地表达了非洲以及非洲领导人对国际交流的看法。 www.who.int 4. It would be a profound privilege for me to play a role in applying those principles to the questions and controversies we face today. 而如何使用这些准则来解决今天我们所面对的问题和矛盾,这一重大繁复的责任就将落在我的肩上。 www.bing.com 5. Germany's natural consensus-seeking will temper anything such a coalition dreams up, but the change in attitude could be profound. 德国自然而然希望达成一致的惯性将缓和温柔抹杀政府的任何凭空想象,但这种致力改革的态度具有深远的影响。 www.ecocn.org 6. One easy analysis, a group of people is not easy, To analyze the superficial, analyzes profound is not easy. 剖析一个人容易,剖析一群人不容易;剖析肤浅的容易,剖析深刻的不容易。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Such a profound and lasting impression until Einstein at the age of 67 still vivid memories out. 这种深刻和持久的印象,爱因斯坦直到六十七岁时还能鲜明的回忆出来。 wenwen.soso.com 8. As the corresponding measures of tuition system reform, student financial assistance has as well undergone profound transformation globally. 作为学费改革的配套措施,大学生资助也经历了世界范围内的巨大变革。 9. This will be a profound transition for each and every form identity, a transition of a magnitude you can only begin to suspect. 这对每一种形式的个体存有都将是一个意义深远的转变,一个你只能开始猜测的巨大转变。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Displacing the image on the easel by the magnetic field in the new situation is the profound meaning of "transform" I said. 将架上的图像置换成新状态下的磁场,这是我所说的深层次下的“置换”意义。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It was the hour of a profound human change, and excitement was generating on the air. 这是人事发生深刻变化的时辰,空气中洋溢着兴奋的情绪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Following English empiricist Francis Bacon, Popper as a critical rationalist who first studied the problem and made it profound. 批判理性主义者波普尔是继近代英国经验论者F。培根之后第一个时此问题作深入探讨的现代哲学家。 www.showxiu.com 3. The profound friendship and all-around cooperation between us are the results of many years of meticulous care and efforts. 我们的深厚友谊和全面合作,是经过双方多年努力精心培育起来的。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. But the term resonates with a generation struggling to make sense of profound social disruption rooted in economic changes. 但是这个词却映射出,这代人奋力去弄明白根植于经济变化的深层社会中断。 ido.3mt.com.cn 5. This assertion was so closely connected with realism advocated by DU Fu that it had a profound effect on the Xin Yuefu movement. 这一诗学主张与杜甫的现实主义紧密相联,对此后的新乐府运动影响深远。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The experience has had a profound effect on my outlook, shaped a unique model of medical care, and affirmed my desire to become a physician. 这些经验对我的观点产生了深刻影响,使我形成了独特的医疗思维模式,并坚定了我要成为一名医师的决心。 www.usastudy.com.cn 7. The general attitude of respect to magic in Song had a profound impact on social life in lots of areas. 宋代社会普遍崇尚巫术的态度对于社会生活的各个领域产生了深远的影响。 www.fabiao.net 8. While realization about others is a profound journey in its own right, it is still only a partial journey. 当认识关于其他人是一次深刻旅途因本身之能力,这仍然是唯一一次部份旅途。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. In financial markets, there is also a plausible explanation for summer crises -- or at least why they have such a profound impact. 至于金融市场,夏季常常爆发危机也能找到一个解释,至少能解释为什麽夏季动荡的影响深远。 cn.reuters.com 10. but when you lock your eyes with them, you know in an instant that they will affect your life in some profound way. 但当你的眼光锁到他们,你立即就知道他们会对你的生活有很大的影响 wenwen.soso.com 1. However, on the walls of one of the buildings an alien grins and profound graffiti covers the wall in a splash of color. 有一处公寓楼的墙上,一个浓墨重彩的涂鸦外星人在咧嘴狞笑。 www.bing.com 2. Dooce's mix of serious and silly, profane and profound, has found a lot of would-be imitators. Dooce的混杂着严肃和轻松、世俗和深刻,已经发现了许多相似的模仿者。 www.bing.com 3. Working in the garden. . . gives me a profound feeling of inner peace. 在田园内工作…给我深刻的内心平和的感觉。 www.hfu.edu.tw 4. A dimensionless physics is not so profound as it may sound, nor would it necessarily be a terminus of man's downward probing. 无量纲物理学不像听起来那么深奥,也未必是人们向深处探索的终点。 www.jukuu.com 5. It is not a profound book that you think it to be. 这本书并没你想象的那么内容丰富。 home.hjenglish.com 6. In the four years of university study, I deeply feel that the financial discipline of this profound and complex. 在四年的大学学习中,俺深深的觉得金融这门学科的高深与复杂。 www.007china.com.cn 7. Whether the earth or the sun revolves around the other is a matter of profound indifference. 地球绕着太阳转还是太阳绕着地球转,这只是个无足轻重的问题。 www.bing.com 8. His colorful life, like his profound surrealistic paintings, is extremely touching and startling to eyes and ears. 达利多彩多姿的一生和他的深奥超现实绘画一样,惊人视听,撼人耳目。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Like it or not, what has happened this week is of profound importance, and its lessons are profoundly important too. 无论如何,本周发生的这事必然意义深远,而且它的教训也具有相当的重要意义。 www.bing.com 10. For that reason alone this book is a remarkable accomplishment, a profound and purely unselfish autobiography. 仅仅因为这一理由,这就是一本了不起的书,一本深奥的纯粹无私的自传。 www.bing.com 1. and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness. 他永远不会觉得无聊,生命也不觉得短暂,他被深奥而又适度的幸福浸染透。 bbs.24en.com 2. Marxism profound relationship between man and nature used to thinking of our building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the road. 把马克思博大精深的人与自然关系思想运用到我国建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上。 www.edu-hb.com 3. Klee's works are not large but have profound depth. There are many things to look at in his paintings, some tinged with a sense of humor. 克利的作品尺寸都不大,却表达了深邃的意境,画面上可看的东西很多,还有些幽默感,我喜欢他的线条和对色彩的处理。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. No one can doubt that the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens . 没有人能怀疑1979年推出的改革开放政策对中国公民的生活产生了深刻的影响。 www.24en.com 5. My feelings are profound for the rivers of China's great north, for the air, water, earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world. 我对那些北方大地上的河感情深重,对那儿的空气水土和人民风俗,对那个苍茫淳朴的世界一往情深。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The heart of the problem is a profound uncertainty in both countries about where the relationship may lead. 问题的实质是两国的关系何去何从有巨大的不确定性。 rss.xmlchina.org 7. It has had a profound influence on game design, broadened the definition of a game, and become embedded in pop culture. 它不仅对游戏设计产生了深远的影响,也拓宽了游戏的定义,同时已然成为当下文化的一部分。 www.bing.com 8. These tories have mang profound insight, but most of them did not deeply analytical the back factors that rights of status variety. 其中尽管不乏真知灼见,但是普遍来看还是没有深入分析身份权变化的背后因素。 www.13191.com 9. Any death that occurs at the place where state power and public protest collide is always a profound test for the rule of law. 对于在国家权力与民众示威活动相互冲突时出现死亡事件,一直以来这都是对于法治的重大考验。 www.bing.com 10. The theory has profound effect on modern education and instruction and how to put it into education practice has been a hot research issue. 如何在教育教学实践中实施这一理论成为教育研究中的热门课题。 www.fabiao.net 1. Therefore, wars and military activities of taked place in Youzhou during this period were specially multifarious and profound significant. 因此,在这一历史时期,发生在幽州地区的战争和军事活动极其频繁,影响深远。 www.lw23.com 2. The spaciousness and gloom of this vast edifice produce a profound and mysterious awe. 这座大寺空旷幽暗,使人产生深沉而神秘的敬畏之念。 www.putclub.com 3. "Raising the average for the bottom rungs has had a profound effect on the overall result, " says MacIsaac. MacIsaac说:“从整体上看,提高底线水平获得了深远的效果。” www.bing.com 4. The forehead the stone that seem to a quilt for thousand years the profound lock live. 眉宇间似乎被千年的顽石深深的锁住。 bbs.scol.com.cn 5. An experienced teacher with profound knowledge is always welcome to his students. 知识渊博而又富有经验的老师总是受学生欢迎的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. That it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons we love , and that it makes many years to heal them . 只需要几秒钟就能给我们爱的人深刻的创伤,而要治愈伤口,我们却需要很多年。 www.bing.com 7. For the euro to survive, Europeans need to be prepared not just for painful fiscal adjustment but for profound structural reform as well. 为了拯救欧元,欧洲人不仅要做好准备迎接财政调整措施带来的痛苦,也要做好准备进行深刻的结构改革。 www.ecocn.org 8. It is of great and profound significance to improve relative lawmaking on age of criminal responsibility of China. 完善我国刑事责任年龄的相关立法,意义重大而深远。 www.dictall.com 9. For the moment, such places still feel too busy and comfortable to be ready for profound change. 目前,这样的一些地方还觉得太繁忙和太舒适而没有为长远的改革做好准备。 blog.163.com 10. I was often compared with Maradona by the Italian media, but there has also been a profound reciprocal respect that exists between us. 我们经常是意大利媒体比较的焦点,但是我们彼此都有深深的敬意。 www.tianya.cn 1. The world has been undergoing extensive, profound and complex changes since the beginning of the new century. 进入新世纪以来,世界发生着广泛、深刻而复杂的变化。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. One of the most profound examples of serving from a secure self-image is Jesus' washing the feet of his disciples. 其中一件意义深长的例子是,耶稣为门徒洗脚。 www.ebigear.com 3. Some movie has made the profound impression to me, this movie's name is called "To run out Amazon" . 有一部电影给我留下了深刻的印象,这部电影的名字叫《冲出亚马逊》。 su.maofaxx.com 4. Ethereal solo, be like, like, like a profound sadness, is the heart of the shock. 独奏,似空灵,似深邃,似惆怅,是心的震撼…… zhidao.baidu.com 5. His speech on the current international economic situation produce the profound influence on research work of that subject . 他的关于目前国际经济形式的讲话,对我们的研究工作产生了很大的影响。 www.bing.com 6. In fact, the children are so open-minded countries like playing "Indians" games, which have profound implications. 事实上,开明国家的孩子是那样的喜欢玩“印第安人”游戏,这具有深刻的意味。 q.sohu.com 7. Ace : Immediate decisions regarding affairs of the heart . Profound emotion which carries some risk . 直接决定关于中心的私事。意味着一些危险的深远的感情。 www.bing.com 8. The profound significance of theory of "intrinsic rhythm" is that this theory lays basis for the existence of free verse form. 郭沫若的“内在韵律论”的重要意义在于,它是自由诗形式存在的理论根据。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Such a profound demographic shift could take place while no one was watching because, officially, no one was watching. 人口组成上的这一深刻变化本来会在无人注意下悄然进行,因为官方的确无人理会这件事。 www.hxen.com 10. Londhar felt a profound sadness that he had been awakened once more to battle and death. Londhar为自己被再次唤醒并为新的战斗和死亡而深感悲哀。 www3.6sq.net 1. For a film aimed at such a young audience, Spirited Away is surprisingly profound. 为拍电影的目的是在这样一个年青的观众,神隐少女,是出乎意料的深刻。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Inheritance is one of the central concepts of the object-oriented methods and has profound consequences on the software development process. 面向对象方法的核心概念之一,在软件发展的过程中有着重要地影响。 blog.csdn.net 3. This broader definition of good living blends deep satisfaction and a profound connection to others through empathy. 这种对美好生活的更广泛的定义把深深的满足感和一种通过移情于他人建立的深切连死融合在一起。 wenku.baidu.com 4. It has even become a pronoun for the common people, acquiring a more extensive and profound cultural concept from a mere spatial concept. “市井”从一个纯空间的概念嬗变为更宽范、更深邃的文化概念。 blog.big5.voc.com.cn 5. Some might write her off as just a pop singer, but I think what Lady Gaga is doing is profound. 有人或许只把她写做一个歌手,但我认为LadyGaga所做的事是既有深度的。 www.bing.com 6. Don't you want it to cause you to see the world in profound new ways? 你不希望一部电影可以促使你用全新的角度看世界吗? bbs.putclub.com 7. The system of Feng Youlan's new rational philosophy contains rich and profound philosophic concept of harmony. 冯友兰先生的“新理学”体系中,包含着丰富而深刻的和谐哲学思想。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In so doing, by the time the dream is achieved, it has developed a real and profound meaning. 如此步步实践,到梦想达成之时,其意义已变得真切而深刻。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. 'It had a profound effect on me and seriously changed my life. I fell in love with Nepal, the people and the amazing scenery . 这次旅程对我的影响深远,并改变了我的生活,我深深的爱上了尼泊尔,以及这里的人和风景。 tr.hjenglish.com 10. At present, profound changes are tacking place in global political and economic patterns. 朱镕基说,目前,世界政治、经济格局正在发生深刻变化。 dict.veduchina.com 1. eg. All at once he fell into a state of profound melancholy. 他立即陷入无尽的忧思之中。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Yet what are more profound are the reasons why you and he have such mutual affinity. 然而更深刻的问题在于,你为什么与他如此心心相印? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Men have always focussed on water fragrance bottle show resolute lines, stylish modern, clean lines are like a building with a profound. 寄情水男香瓶身展现男性线条的刚毅,现代感十足,正有如一座线条干净的建筑物,内涵深刻。 baike.baidu.com 4. The consequences though slow to appear are likely to have a profound effect on both growth and macro policies over the next several years. 尽管这些后果呈现缓慢,但很可能在未来数年对两国的增长和宏观政策产生深远影响。 www.ftchinese.com 5. What you eat has a profound effect on your mood and thinking today and your risk for depression and dementia down the road. 吃的东西对你的情绪和思想产生深远的影响,关乎未来患抑郁症和老年痴呆症的风险。 www.bing.com 6. A profound silence prevailed over all and the only thing she could hear was the tap of ivy on the pane. 万籁俱寂,她唯一听到的是长青藤轻扣玻璃声。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Hardy himself said: "The people of each character in a profound experience of love to show it. " 哈代本人也认为:“人们的每种性格在爱情的体验中深刻地表露出来。” zhidao.baidu.com 8. Welch's profound grasp of General Electric stemmed from knowing the company and those who work for it like no other. 韦尔奇能将通用电器公司运之掌上,在于他对公司和员工的情况了如指掌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. As we stood at the threshold watching each other, I felt a sense of recognition so profound that I almost believed I would keep her secret. 当我们在门口相视而立,我竟有一种深切的认同感,几乎认为自己会保守她的秘密。第一章完·待续 www.bing.com 10. Asynchronous JavaScript XML (Ajax) has had a profound impact on the way information can be delivered to a client's browsing session. AsynchronousJavaScript XML(Ajax)对将信息传送到客户机的浏览器会话的方式产生了深远影响。 www.ibm.com 1. White House aides told reporters they could not recall a more intelligent or profound statement by the president. 白宫方面告诉记者对此事他们想不出更聪明更深刻的评论了。 www.bing.com 2. With information technology developing and application popularizing, a rapid, extensive and profound change is extending all over the world. 随着信息技术及应用的高速发展,整个世界也在发生迅速、广泛、深刻的变化。 www.fabiao.net 3. Nevertheless, it is clear that this vast land mass and population is undergoing a profound industrial revolution. 尽管如此,有一点是清楚的,这个拥有广阔土地和大量人口的国家正在进行一场深刻的工业革命。 www.bing.com 4. As part of the global Industrial, The Trelleborg Group has over 100 years of profound knowledge and experience with polymeric materials. 作为拥有百年悠久历史的大型跨国企业,特瑞堡集团在复合材料领域有着丰富的经验和深厚的底蕴。 www.5doc.com 5. Five years, company had gotten through the hardship date as well as me. I set up profound friendship with the company. 五年了,陪伴公司度过了最艰难的时期,取公司建立了深厚的感情,正在不同的岗位上本人也获得了很多。 www.va1314.com 6. Only Gao Qiu fortune, will the profound revelations of the Northern Song Dynasty years of social chaos and the ruler's incompetence. 仅高俅发迹一事,深刻的揭露了北宋年间的社会混乱与统治者的昏庸无能。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Nonetheless, supporters of the court passionately believe that the trial marks a profound moment in modern Cambodian history. 尽管如此,法庭的支持者强烈地认为这个审判在现代柬埔寨历史上是具有深刻意义的时刻。 www.ecocn.org 8. The years kept their profound secret, but the day did come . . . one of the darkest days that ever pass through a son. 几年来他们一直保守着这个深藏不露的秘密,但是揭开真相的一天终于来了----一名儿子曾经受的最黑暗的一天。 www.bing.com 9. Although Cai had profound feelings for the university, he understood that it was impossible to restore the situation with his own effort. 蔡元培本人虽对北大感情深厚,却也深知难以凭一己之力挽救颓局。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Cultivate a strong team spirit, so that this class is more united, more profound friendship. 培养较强的协做细神,那样使班级更连开、交情更深薄。 www.wz121.net 1. Welch's profound grasp on General Electric stems from knowing the company and those who work for it like no other. 韦尔奇对通用电气的深刻见解来源于他比任何都懂得他的公司及其员工。 english.31931.cn 2. Whether you agree with his political views or not, Franklin D. Roosevelt hit on something profound in his first inaugural address. 不论你是否同意他的政治观点,富兰克林·罗斯福在他的就职演说上确实提出了一些深刻的见解。 www.bing.com 3. All at once I fell into a state of profound melancholy. 我突然深深地陷入了忧思。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. For those with eyes to see, Of Gods and Men is a quiet, profound meditation on the glory of dying for Christ and the hope of resurrection. 然而,从信仰的观点看来,《神与人》是一种安静的、意义深远的关于耶稣之死和复兴希望的深思。 www.bing.com 5. And maintained the confidence of his African colleagues, and his faithfulness and loyalty to the African cause were profound. 他毕生致力于帮助他的非洲同事们培养和保持信心,他对非洲事业忠心耿耿。 east.jstu.edu.cn 6. That prevented Pakistan from tackling a profound handicap: the lack of a middle class between its feudal lords and the poor. 这使得巴无法克服一个巨大障碍:在封建地主和穷苦大众之间没有中产阶级。 www.elanso.com 7. Thousands of years of the glory history and the profound humanities of the Chinese nation are contained in the excellent classical Chinese. 中华民族几千年光辉灿烂的历史,深厚的人文底蕴,都蕴含在优秀的文言文中。 8. In the general sense it means that nous or spirit (the more profound idea of nous in modern thought) is the cause of the world. 广义来说,这话意思是,心灵或精神(精神意指心灵之较深刻的意义)是世界的原因。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In retrospect, profound changes and tremendous progress have taken place in East Asia. 回顾过去,东亚地区发生了深刻变化,取得了巨大进步。 www.ebigear.com 10. Very simple things like this that can have such a profound effect on the lives of refugees. 这类非常普通的事情却能对难民的生活产生一种深远的影响。 www.ebigear.com 1. In my opinion, an ideal sage king or sage should be very profound and recessive in action, without any pressure on his people. 我理想中的明王或圣人,他应是深不可测,飘缈无踪,不会给百姓增添丝毫的压力; blog.sina.com.cn 2. If the blood loss goes on long enough and the child is not consuming any iron-containing foods or supplements profound anemia is inevitable. 假如失血持续很长时间,孩子又不吃含铁食物或含铁补剂,那么严峻贫血是不可避免的; www.111580.com 3. This time I said may be true Is a lot of hurt people's feelings, I have to get to what you have said, I will draw profound lessons. 我这一次所说的话可能确实是伤害到了很多人的感情了,我必须得为自己所说的话负责,我会从中吸取深刻教训的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He warned that the local squall in the US could easily turn into a global tempest with profound consequences for economic growth. 他表示,美国本土的暴风雨很容易就会转化成全球风暴,给经济增长带来深远影响。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Has not yet gone with a bitter, let me understand one of profound meaning. 含着还未逝去的苦涩,让我深刻的理解了其中的含义。 www.bing.com 6. A dismantling of non-tariff barriers and a more rapid and profound reduction of import tariffs would accomplish several objectives. 拆除非关税贸易壁垒和更快、更深人的削减进口关税可以实现几个目标。 www.fzfanyi.com 7. The Bible is the Word of God. This is a simple statement, but profound. Do we believe it to be true? 圣经是神的话语。这是一个简单的陈述,但深刻。我们相信它是真的吗? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Words will not ever be able to express my sorrow and my profound regret for my actions and mistakes. 言语无法表达我的遗憾以及我对我的行为和错误所感到的深深悔意。 www.21gwy.com 9. When I look into a person's eyes, I have such a profound experience of the person that it's overwhelming. 当我看着一个人的眼睛时,我会对这个人产生一种十分复杂的体验。这种体验过于强烈,使我感到无法承受。 www.bing.com 10. The market competition rules, the economic growth mode and social life, profound changes have taken place in the way. 市场竞争规则、经济增长模式,以及社会生活方式都发生了深刻变化。 it.zhishi.sohu.com |
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