单词 | reloaded |
释义 | reloaded是reload的过去式
第三人称单数:reloads 现在分词:reloading 过去式:reloaded 例句释义: 再装货,再装填,再装弹,重装上阵,娜妹好坏,狙击菁英-重装上阵 1. In a typical Web application, Web pages are frequently reloaded, wiping out the memory for that page and starting with a clean state. 在一个典型的Web应用程序中,Web页面经常重新加载,清除该页面的内存并开始一个干净的页面。 www.ibm.com 2. The new flash image will be verified after it is downloaded. The router is now ready to be reloaded to use the new IOS image. 新的快闪记忆体映像档将在它被下载后加以验证。路由器现在准备好可重新启动以使用这新的IOS映像档。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This allows a single JSP class to be reloaded when necessary, without affecting any other loaded JSP classes. 这使得在必要时可重新加载单独的JSP类,而不会影响到任何其它加载的JSP类。 www.ibm.com 4. If the disk copy has not changed since the workbook was loaded, the in-memory copy of the workbook is not reloaded. 如果自加载工作簿以来还未更改过磁盘副本,则不重新加载工作簿的内存副本。 msdn.microsoft.com 5. An image is reloaded any time that you programmatically change the properties of a control on which the image appears. 每当您以程式设计方式变更显示影像之控制项的属性时,就会重新载入影像。 technet.microsoft.com 6. A few hours later, the casket was reloaded into the hearse and delivered to another nearby building, this time covered in a blue cloth. 几个小时之后,棺材被重新放进了灵车里,随后送往另一个附近的建筑。这一次棺材上盖着一块蓝布。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A read-timeout-seconds with a value of 0 specifies that the read-only bean is not to be reloaded from the database. read-timeout-seconds值为0表明只读bean不从数据库重新加载。 www.ibm.com 8. An Adaptive Server Enterprise database can be unloaded and reloaded as long as the system is quiet and the transaction log is fully scanned. 对于AdaptiveServerEnterprise数据库,只要系统处于安静状态,而且事务日志已被完全扫描,就可以卸载和重装该数据库。 www.ianywhere.com 9. As a result of this call, the currently stored values for the application settings are reloaded into their corresponding properties. 进行此调用后,当前存储的应用程序设置值将被重新加载到其对应的属性中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Any of these files can also be reloaded in the warehouse to perform further analysis on specific steps. 还可以将其中任何一个文件重新加载到仓库中,用以对特定的步骤执行进一步分析。 www.ibm.com 1. The source file to be reloaded must be part of the currently executing program. 将要重新加载的源文件必须是当前正在执行的程序的一部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. 'Our elephant gun has been reloaded, and my trigger finger is itchy, ' he said. 他说,我们的猎象枪已经再次上膛,我扣动扳机的手指正在发痒。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Vector or graphical output: The output of the rendered area can be used to reproduce the same vector or graphics when reloaded. 向量或图形输出:呈现区域的输出可用于重新载入相同的向量或图形时予以重现。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Stop and resume writing a file later as the last entries used are always saved and reloaded at start up. 停止和恢复书面文件后,作为最后的参赛作品所用的始终保存和重新启动。 xtdownload.com 5. This means the application doesn't require the entire page to be reloaded every time the client needs to communicate with the server. 这意味着,应用程序并不需要在客户端每次与服务器通信的时候都重新加载整个页面。 www.ibm.com 6. This allows the same page to be stored in a page frame, then saved to disk and later reloaded in a different page frame. 这样允许同一页保存在一个页帧,在保存到磁盘后,重新冲磁盘装载到内存时可以放入另一个不同的页帧。 linux.chinaunix.net 7. The component granularity allows also very small bundles to be reloaded making the experience almost instantaneous. 组件的颗粒性也可以让很小的bundle被瞬时重新加载。 www.infoq.com 8. Whenever it is necessary to restart the simulation run, an appropriate set of positions and velocities can be reloaded. 在需要重新启动模拟时,可以加载一组合适的位置和速度。 www.ibm.com 9. When it has reloaded, you will see that you now have 100% requirements coverage (see Figure 20). 当该页面再次刷新时,您将会有100%的需求覆盖面(见于图20)。 www.ibm.com 10. When it has reloaded, you should see that you now have execution results (Figure 32). 当它再次载入时,您应该可以看到现在的执行结果(图32)。 www.ibm.com 1. The reloaded page does not flicker, because only small regions of the page get updated with each Ajax request. 重新加载的页面不会闪烁,因为仅仅是页面中的一小部分依据Ajax请求更新。 www.ibm.com 2. If the data is purged and needs to be reloaded, the image object loads that data again from the specified path. 如果这个数据被清除了那么需要重新载入,图片对象会从指定的路径再次加载数据。 www.cocoachina.com 3. But the plane has been cleared and is being reloaded for the next flight. 飞机已经被清空了,而且正在装下一次航班的行李。 talk.kekenet.com 4. If this option is enabled, no warning appears and the document is reloaded in the IDE to pick up the external changes. 如果启用此选项,将不出现警告并且文档将在IDE中重新加载以纳入外部更改。 technet.microsoft.com 5. The caller can display a message to the user if the designer cannot be reloaded. 如果无法重新加载设计器,调用方会向用户显示一条消息。 technet.microsoft.com 6. It means that the module's code pages can no longer be discarded and reloaded from the module's file image on disk. 它意味着模块的代码页面不再能够从该磁盘上的模块文件映像中删除和重新加载。 objectarx2008.spaces.live.com 7. the reference strings to be reloaded in a running system. 一个连续系统允许参考串被再装。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. To support the reflection API for reloaded classes, results of the API calls are modified accordingly. 为了给重加载类提供反射API支持,该API调用的结果也相应地被修改。 www.infoq.com 9. Indicates whether the designer should be reloaded. 指示是否应该重新加载设计器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You tried to edit code in an assembly that was modified during debugging and has been reloaded. 尝试编辑在调试过程中修改过并已重新加载的程序集中的代码。 1. The display does not blink as an entire page of data is reloaded. 在整个页面数据重载的过程中没有闪烁的显示。 www.lw777.net 2. When a singleton class is garbage-collected and then reloaded, a new singleton instance is created. 当一个单例对象被当着垃圾回收,然后该单例类又被重新加载,一个新的单例对象被创建。 www.bing.com 3. But it was the white officer who reloaded and fired 31 rounds. 三人都以为贝尔有枪,但白人警察重换了弹夹并发射了31发子弹。 www.ecocn.org 4. If the data flow engine runs low on physical memory, buffers not currently used are written to disk and then reloaded when needed. 如果数据流引擎运行时物理内存较低,则当前没有使用的缓冲区会被写入磁盘,然后在需要时重新加载。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. First, the RefreshInterval parameter tells the Web server how often the plug-in needs to be reloaded. 首先,RefreshInterval参数将告知Web服务器过多长时间需要重新载入一次插件。 www.ibm.com 6. In this article we'll review how classes can be reloaded without dynamic class loaders. 在本文中,我们会回顾类在没有动态类加载器情况下的重载方式; www.bing.com 7. The merchant quickly discovered the donkey's trick. He then returned home again but reloaded his donkey with bags of sponges. 盐商很快发现了驴子的伎俩。他回家后,又让驴子驮上几袋,不过这回不是盐,而是海绵。 blog.163.com 8. As required, it updates those general properties that depend on these reloaded settings properties. 如果需要,该方法会更新依赖于这些重新加载的设置属性的常规属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Please note that the change is not saved permanently -- as soon as the page is reloaded, the change is gone. 请注意更改并不会永久保存——一旦页面重载,更改就失效了。 www.ibm.com 10. The clients have to be refreshed or reloaded to get to the latest results. 必须刷新或重新加载客户机,才能获得最新的结果。 www.ibm.com 1. This feature, based on JSF PhaseListener interface, causes all the configuration files and classes to be reloaded. 这个基于JSFPhaseListener接口的特性会使得所有的配置文件和类被重载。 www.infoq.com 2. Also, if a fragment is modified on disk, only the modified fragment is reloaded, not the entire model. 同样,如果您在硬盘上更改一个片段时,只有变更的片段会得到重新载入,而不是整个模型。 www.ibm.com 3. Ensure that you have exclusive access to the database to be unloaded and reloaded. 确保您对要卸载并重装的数据库具有排它访问权。 www.ianywhere.com 4. In this condition, the research for the public search engine reloaded. 在这种情况下。公共搜索引擎出现了。 www.bing.com 5. This forces the cache to be reloaded from the disk, and thus the cache will be no more than 10 minutes stale. 这将强迫缓存从磁盘重新加载数据,因此缓存数据的过时不会超过10分钟。 www.ibm.com 6. jsp would be reloaded when these methods were called, and the list would be redisplayed in the correct order. 这样,listing.jsp将会在调用这些方法时重新进行加载,清单页面也会按照正确的顺序重新显示。 www.ibm.com 7. The big bear was still alive so he reloaded and shot it several times in the head. 这只熊仍活着。他换了弹夹,又向它的头部打了几枪。 cn.bbs.yahoo.com 8. "We're prepared, " Buffett wrote. "Our elephant gun has been reloaded, and my trigger finger is itchy. " 我们已经准备好了“,巴菲特写到,”我们的重型枪已经上了弹药,我的扳机手已经痒痒了。 www.bing.com 9. When the page is loaded, the PHP code determines whether the page is a "reloaded" page from the form. 在页面加载时,PHP代码决定此页面是否是一个从表单“重新加载”的页面。 www.ibm.com 10. Items listed in the manifest will only be reloaded when you modify the manifest itself, not when those resources change. 清单中列出的项目仅在修改清单本身时被重新载入,而不是在这些资源变更时载入。 www.ibm.com 1. The configuration file is now reloaded. 现在该是重新加载配置文件 www.qiyeku.com 2. Shut down the database and archive the transaction log before using the reloaded database. 先关闭数据库并将事务日志存档,然后再使用重装的数据库。 www.ianywhere.com 3. In these circumstances, the reloaded page needs to sync itself with the Cart data in session. 在这些情况下,重新载入的页面需要用会话中的Cart数据对自己进行同步。 www.ibm.com 4. The RENAME command is used to create the shadow table, the data is reloaded into the EMPLOYEE table using the LOAD FROM CURSOR command. RENAME命令用于创建影子表,而数据是通过LOADFROMCURSOR命令重新装载到EMPLOYEE表中的。 www.ibm.com 5. Usually 8 shots could be fired before the weapon needed to be reloaded. 通常每发射8发子弹就需要重新装填。 www.starwarschina.com 6. Nothing to configure, play will automatically start the JPA Entity Manager and magicallysynchronize it while the code is reloaded. 没有什么需要去配置,Play会自动启动JPAEntityManager而且在代码重载时会魔术一般的同步它。 www.bing.com 7. The program group has been modified by another program or user and will be reloaded; try the operation again. 该程序组已被其他程序或用户修改过,因此将会重新加载;请重新运行这项操作。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 8. You can also save the composition in case it needs to be reloaded for further adjustments (Fig. 03). 你也可以保存拼合的结果,然后再次载入进行更多的调整。 www.klnba.cn 9. The web cam image will be automatically updated and reloaded every few minutes. 摄影机的影像每隔数分钟自动更新一次。 discoverhongkong.com 10. When a JSP source file is modified and subsequently requested, it can be reloaded. 当JSP源文件被修改且随后被请求时,可以对其进行重载。 www.ibm.com 1. load anew with ammunition, She reloaded the gun carefully. 准备军需品时她小心地给她的枪以装上了弹药。 www.dictall.com 2. Property is updated to reflect this reloaded setting. 属性,以反映重新加载的设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The data in your application still has to be reloaded from the database. 应用程序中的数据仍必须从数据库重新加载。 technet.microsoft.com 4. TC5046XLJ 2009 with three standards of cross-country car kingdom again again bring reloaded, cross-country car lovers a surprise. 2009年TC5046XLJ符合国三标准的越野房车再次重装上阵,再次带给越野房车爱好者一个惊喜。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. If the Component is state-aware, its state will be reloaded if available. 如果组件有状态特点,已保存的状态会被重新加载。 www.360doc.com 6. The page is not reloaded for each test function. 页面不会为每个测试函数重新加载。 www.infoq.com 7. the mixture must be reloaded after 10 shots, and the weapon must cool down after each blast to prevent damage to the dampeners. 每开10枪就必须重新装填一次混合物,而且每次开枪后都必须让枪体冷却下来,否则会导致消声器的损坏。 www.starwarschina.com 8. We have already discussed the problem with losing data if the page is reloaded, so let's get to solving it. 我们已经讨论了刷新页面会造成数据丢失的问题,现在来解决它。 www.ibm.com 9. Bookmarks have changed on disk and are being reloaded. 已经在磁盘上更改了书签,正在被重新装入。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Easily spanning this distance. And it can be reloaded eight times faster than a traditional weapon. The effects are catastrophic. 足以轻易贯穿两军间隔,而且其重新上膛时间更短,比传统武器要快八倍,后果是灾难性的。 www.kekenet.com 1. When user clicks this link, whole web page is reloaded. 用户点击该链接时,整个Web页面会被重新加载。 www.infoq.com 2. They don't work on the RELOADED leak, you can find a patch from the reloaded leak to the razor leak on ThePirateBay. 对于重装漏洞它们并不支持,你可以通过个人防火墙找到重装漏洞和压缩漏洞的补丁 wenwen.soso.com 3. The URLs are accessed when the readers are started or reloaded. 启动或重新加载阅读器时,会对URL进行访问。 www.ibm.com 4. Configuration changes take effect as soon as you've reloaded the files, such as pg_ctl -D mycluster reload. 配置修改在您重新加载文件后立即生效,比如重新加载pg_ctl-Dmycluster。 www.ibm.com 5. Is reloaded, and the site map structure is rebuilt. 并重新生成站点地图结构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. In such case, by clicking a link, whole page is reloaded. 在这种情况下,点击一个链接就能重新加载整个页面。 www.infoq.com 7. Cached reports will be reloaded from where they are stored. 缓存报表将从其存储位置重新加载。 technet.microsoft.com 8. The UML model is reloaded to show the new changes. UML模型会重新载入以显示新的变更。 www.ibm.com 9. Classes are reloaded not only after class garbage-collection; they can also be reloaded at Java programs' request. 类不仅会在该类的对象被垃圾回收时加载,它同样会因程序的需要而被重新加载。 www.bing.com 10. As a result, the map is frequently reloaded. 结果,地图就会频繁地重载。 www.ibm.com 1. Fired when a program is reloaded, such as after a new build 当重新加载程序(例如在新的构建之后)时触发 www.ibm.com |
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