单词 | public-transit |
释义 | 例句释义: 公共交通,公共交通系统,大众运输,公交 1. Far from a Potemkin public transit system, the parts of the metro hidden from tourists seem to be less impressive but still functioning. 远离波特金公交系统,对旅游者隐藏的地铁部分看起来没什么印象,但却仍然在运行。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. Snowstorm blocking the public transit was the cause of his being late for work yesterday. 他昨天上班迟到是因为市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。 bbs.exue.com 3. As part of the agreements, the public transit systems had to have insurance companies as guarantors of the assets. 作为协议的一部分,公共交通系统都必须有保险公司作为担保人的资产。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. She showers after riding the public transit bus, and changes her socks at least twice a day. 每次乘公交车后她都要冲澡,并且每天至少换两次袜子。 www.bing.com 5. It points out 40 per cent of commuters say improved public transit would help and the number of people taking transit is up in most places. 调查指出,40%的通勤者认为改善公共交通有好处,在大多数受访地区,乘坐公共交通的人数也有上升。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Public transit agencies and riders won't be the only beneficiaries of hydraulic hybrid research. 公共交通部门和乘客将不会是液压混合动力传动系统研究的唯一受益者。 www.bing.com 7. Whether or not you're a believer in the universal benefits of public transit, this project deserves respect. 不论你是否相信公共交通能带来广泛益处,这项工程都是值得尊敬的。 www.bing.com 8. One of the reasons I love living in Chicago is the availability of mass public transit. 我热爱生活在芝加哥的理由之一是方便的集中公共交通。 www.elanso.com 9. Passenger Transport, weekly American Public Transit Association publication. 《客运周刊》,每周出版的美国公共交通联合协会刊物。 www.myoops.org 10. Prioritizing signal timing for public transit vehicles effectively improves the reliability and travel speed of bus services. 公交信号优先是提高公交系统运行速度和可靠性的重要手段。 www.chinautc.com 1. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a system involving advanced technology of public transit, bus operation new idea and management technology. 快速公交系统(BRT)是一种融合了先进的公交技术、公交运营新观念和管理技术于一体的系统。 m.qikan.com.cn 2. Students could recognize the elements, operation characteristics and management of public transit. 学生应能了解各种公共运输系统的组成元素与其营运管理特性。 ap09.emis.tku.edu.tw 3. Besides, several business shop and three automobiles of public transit station vicinity also meets with be destroyed to varying degrees. 此外,公交车站附近的几家商铺和三辆汽车也遭到不同程度的毁坏。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. American Public Transit Association, Transit Fact Books and Canadian Urban Transit Association. 美国公交协会,公交统计和加拿大城市公交协会。 brtchina.org 5. The next time you get in your vehicle you might want to consider the environmental impacts and start thinking about public transit. 下次当你考虑乘坐交通时应该想想它对于环境的影响这时就是开始考虑公交运输的时候了。 www.elanso.com 6. Urban public transit priority is an important method to resolve urban traffic problems. 缓解交通拥挤的重要方法之一是优先发展公共交通系统。 www.13191.com 7. We have imposed strict quarantine and prevention measures in public transit systems, major locations and ports of exit and entry. 对公共交通工具、重点部位以及出入境口岸,实行严格检疫和防范。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. Media organisations often use such tools to get a better handle on everything from government budgets to public-transit schedules. 传媒组织常用类似工具以更好地处理从政府预算至公共交通方案等方面存在的一切数据。 www.bing.com 9. Travel demand and supply analysis of public transit(PT) system is relatively weak in current traffic impact analysis(TIA). 在目前的交通影响评价工作中,针对公共交通系统的供需分析不足,研究较为薄弱。 www.dictall.com 10. Secondly, the characteristics of China's urban public transit industry have been analyzed. 其次,分析了我国公交行业的属性特征和发展现状。 www.boshuo.net 1. The process of integrative development advances new requests to the planning of the urban-rural and public transit system. 城乡一体化进程的推进对城乡综合交通体系与城乡公共交通的一体化发展提出了新的要求。 www.mur.cn 2. Lights stay green longer during peak traffic hours, and computer models help prioritize public transit. 在交通高峰期绿灯停留的时间往往较长,同时计算机模型也会被用来优化公共交通。 www.bing.com 3. Yet another symbols font, this one containing symbols for public transit, car and flight navigation. 另外一种符号体,包含各种公共运输、汽车和航行的符号。 www.bing.com 4. Mr Glaeser hopes, for the planet's sake, that China and India choose density over sprawl and public transit over the car. 格莱泽先生希望,为了地球的安危,中国和印度城市发展能选择高密度而非高扩张,选择公共交通方式而非小汽车。 www.ecocn.org 5. Public transit route choice algorithm is a key technology for public transit system planning. 求解公交网络最优路径是进行公共交通系统规划的一项关键技术。 lib.cqvip.com 6. The use of information technology to improve transit service levels, public transit trip contribution rate plays an important role. 信息技术的运用对于改善公交的服务水平、提高公交出行分担率具有重要的作用。 www.lw23.com 7. The construction of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system has been an major element in government's public-transit favored policies. 建设快速公交系统是公交优先政策中重要的内容。 www.fabiao.net 8. Fourthly, the evolutionary game model of institutional change of urban public transit industry has been built. 中国公交行业制度变迁过程是各利益集团和市场相互博弈的结果。 www.boshuo.net 9. Public transit route choice model is the key technology of transit passenger information system. 公交乘客出行路径选择模型是公交乘客信息系统的关键技术。 www.dictall.com 10. To qualify, customers must show the receptionist either a bicycle padlock key or proof they used public transit to get to the neighborhood. 若要获得优惠,顾客需向接待人员出示自行车钥匙或乘坐公共交通工具前往此区的票据凭证。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The purpose of optimizing urban public transit network is the basis of improving the level of service and promoting the competition. 优化公交线网是提高公交系统服务水平、提升公交竞争力的基础。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. In addition to Seattle, the New York and Chicago chapters plan to run ads on public transit this year. 另外在西雅图,纽约和芝加哥的分会计划在公共交通运输上实施这样的广告。 www.2muslim.com 3. Finally, we moved to San Francisco, and its great public transit was a big factor. 最后,我们搬到了旧金山,很大一部分原因是旧金山有很好的公共交通设施。 www.bing.com 4. This year's Toronto Auto Show is a great place for public transit agents to go to, since it presents a variety of double-decker buses. 今年的“多伦多汽车展”最适合城市公交人员参观,因为本次展会有各种各样的双层公交车参展。 jamieyzl.blog.163.com 5. It's possible to bike and walk most places, and take public transit and shared cars everywhere else. 骑自行车和走路可以去多数地方,乘坐公车或租车可以帮你到任何地方。 helldweller.banzhu.net 6. "When people get to their destination, they're either in walking distance of where they want to be or near public transit, " Mr. Moser said. Mose先生说,“当人们到达目的地的时候,车就停靠在距离他们想去的地方几步远,或者停在公共交通设施便利的地方。” www.bing.com 7. These timesaving cards can be used to pay for all kinds of goods and services, including public transit. 这种“省时卡”可以在购买各种商品和消费,其中包括乘坐公共交通工具。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Public transit employee Arthur Winston has been cleaning buses in Los Angeles for decades. 公共交通职员亚瑟·温斯顿已经在洛杉矶从事洗车工作长达数十年。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Woman: You can take public transit, bike or even walk to your office. 女:你可以搭乘大众运输,骑脚踏车或者甚至走路去公司。 www.christabelle.idv.tw 10. And since illness is costly, here's another way public transit saves money. 而且,由于生病的高昂代价,公共交通系统也从另一种方式上给大家省了钱。 www.bing.com 1. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the public transit of Xi'an city first. 因此,西安市公共交通优先发展是十分必要的。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Unsurprisingly, public transit makes up a big part of the top 10. 意料之中的是,公共交通场所占据了前十名的大多数。 www.lexuezu.com 3. While the public transit network of cities is growing up, finding out a proper traffic path is getting more and more important. 随着城市公交网络的扩展,选择合适的出行路线越来越重要。 www.dictall.com 4. if there aren't enough public transit options, too many people choose to drive, clogging roadways and adding to pollution. 如果出门没有足够的公共交通工具可选,那很多人就只能选择开车了,这样即造成交通拥挤又不环保。 www.bing.com 5. Gave up our car and walk, bike or use public transit everywhere. 不管去哪儿,放弃开车,选择走路、骑自行车或者使用其他公共交通工具。 www.bing.com 6. Longer life will have a huge effect on everything from immigration policy to public transit to housing. 平均寿命变长对从移民政策、公共交通到房屋等方方面面都产生巨大影响。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. With the development of society, public transit vehicle becomes the unobstructed important component of city. 随着社会的发展,公交车成为城市交通的重要组成部分。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Toronto has a good public transit system. 多伦多公共交通系统很方便。 www.hxen.com 9. Lastly, the paper gives few policy suggestions on the development of public transit (especially taxi) and non-motorized travel. 最后,就两市在公共交通(尤其是出租汽车)、非机动交通等方面的发展政策给出建议。 www.chinautc.com 10. People would avoid public places, such as shopping malls, community centers, places of worship and public transit. 人们会避免前往公共场所,如购物中心、社区活动中心、宗教场所和乘坐公交车辆。 www.america.gov 1. It can start to create equity between public transit, bikes and personal cars. 它可以用来平衡公共交通,自行车和私人汽车的使用。 dongxi.net 2. Traffic is convenient, leave the area 10 minutes, leave the area west railway station, 301, 521, 31 road public transit bus. 交通方便,离开发区10分钟车程,离开发区西站一站地,有301、521、31路公交车。 yantai.qite8.com 3. More than 10. 2 billion trips were taken on public transit in 2009. 2009年的全球公共交通出行数超过102亿次。 www.bing.com 4. And out of the 35% of people globally who changed the way they get to work or school last year, 45% switched to public transit. 而去年全世界有35%以上的人改变了他们通勤去工作或者学校的方式,其中45%转向公共运输系统。 www.bing.com 5. Is it because the situation itself is ludicrous (i. e. , the Queen of England using public transit)? 是因为情况本身很荒唐吗(比如,英国女王乘坐公共交通工具)? www.bing.com 6. In Nairobi, a whopping 70% of commuters take more public transit this year than last year. 在内罗毕,相比去年,高达70%的通勤者更多的使用公共交通。 www.bing.com 7. Public transit in a metropolitan area is all about balance; 大城市中的公共交通讲究的是平衡; www.bing.com 8. First, analyse of the content of public transit priority, means people priority, embodiment the justice and efficiency of the society. 第一部分分析了公交优先的内涵,指出公交优先是人民大众优先,体现了社会公平和效率。 www.fabiao.net 9. Add in extracurricular activities, and the school bus system becomes the single largest public transit system in our country. 加上课外活动,校车系统已成为我国最大的单一公共运输系统。 www.bing.com 10. Study of Forecast Modeling for Transit Passenger Flow between Urban Rail Transport and Conventional Public Transit 城市轨道交通与地面常规公交换乘客流预测模型研究 ilib.cn 1. A Matter-Element Based Approach to Evaluating Alternatives of Priority of Public Transit at Intersections 交叉口公交优先通行方案的物元分析评价方法 www.ilib.cn 2. A Study of the Key Issues on Integration of Shenzhen Public Transit Operation 深圳市公共交通运营一体化关键问题研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Study of Planning Technique of Integrative Public Transit in City and Country 城乡公交一体化规划方法研究 ilib.cn 4. Application of Petri Network Model in Simulation Analysis of Active Public Transit Priority Signal Intersection Petri网络模型在动态公交优先信号交叉口模拟分析中的应用 ilib.cn 5. Study of public transit network optimization method 公共交通线网优化研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Systematic Analysis on the Join between Urban Rail Transportation and Conventional Public Transit 轨道交通与常规公交衔接系统分析 scholar.ilib.cn 7. ShenYang manage the office by city public transit of bureau of traffic 沈阳市交通局公交管理办公室 www.shenyangbus.com 8. Benefit Analysis on Channelizing Public Transit into Transport Sector in Small and Medium-sized Cities 中小城市公共交通归属交通行业管理的优势分析 www.ilib.cn 9. disturbing the public order of buses, trolleybuses, trains, ships and other public transit vehicles; 扰乱公共汽车、电车、火车、船只等公共交通工具上的秩序的; www.chinalawedu.com 10. Speculation on the construction of integrated public transit transferring hub 关于城市公共交通综合换乘枢纽建设的思考 ilib.cn 1. Research on the Overall Arrangement and Linking Up Mode of the Urban Public Transit Network 城镇公交线网布局与衔接模式研究 2. Assessment on the Transfer Between Railway Passenger Transport and Urban Public Transit 铁路客运与市内公交衔接协调性的评价分析 ilib.cn 3. Countermeasure Study on Improvement of Public Transit of Zhongguancun Street 中关村大街公共交通改善对策研究 www.ilib.cn 4. People-oriented Ticket Management of Urban Public Transit and Dynamic Linking Strategy 城市公交票务管理的人本理念与联动策略 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on the Public Transit Planning of Fast Urbanizing Districts 快速城市化地区公交规划方法研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Research and Implementation on Initiative Public Transit Network Plan 主动式公交线网规划模式研究与实施 ilib.cn 7. Game Research between Public Transit Enterprises and Government 城市公交企业与政府博弈研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Strategic Planning Research of Sustainable Urban Public Transit 可持续发展的城市公共交通战略规划研究 ilib.cn 9. Public Transit Priority on Zhongshan Road in Shijiazhuang Urban Transit Project 石家庄城市交通项目中山路公交优先 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of data warehousing in intelligent public transit system 数据仓库在智能公交中的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Problems on the Planning and Management of Integrative Public Transit in Urban and Country 城乡公交一体化规划与管理若干问题探讨 ilib.cn 2. Application of SPSA Arithmetic to Real-time Dispatching Control in Public Transit Hub SPSA在公交枢纽内车辆实时调度优化中的应用研究 ilib.cn 3. GIS-based Standard Public Transit Elementary Information System 基于GIS的标准公交基础信息系统 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on Reliability Evaluation of Urban Public Transit Service Quality 城市公交服务质量可靠性评价研究 service.ilib.cn 5. Brief Talk about Evaluation Analysis of Operation System of Express Public Transit Automobile 浅谈快速公交汽车运营系统的评价分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on System Reliability of Complex Public Transit Network 复杂公交网络的系统可靠性分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Current OD status analysis for public transit trunk line of Dandong city 丹东市公交主干线OD现状分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Experience and Reference of Urban Public Transit Prior System in Tokyo, Japan 东京城市公共交通优先体系的经验及借鉴 wenku.baidu.com 9. A New Arithmetic for Finding Optimum Route in Urban Public Transit Trip Guidance System 城市公交出行系统中最优路线算法研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Scheduling algorithm and computer simulation of public transit operation based on multi-objective approach 基于多目标规划的公共交通调度算法与仿真 www.ilib.cn 1. Algorithms for public transit trip with minimal transfer times and stops 以最小换乘次数和站数为目标的公交出行算法 www.ilib.cn 2. Integrative Management of Urban Public Transit 城市公共交通的一体化管理 www.ilib.cn 3. Discussing the necessity of Xi'an city developing its public transit first 论西安市公共交通优先发展的必要性 service.ilib.cn 4. Study on Real-time Departure Control in Public Transit Hub with Multiple Bus Line 公交枢纽内多线路车辆实时调度优化方法研究 ilib.cn 5. Grey Forecast for Passenger Volume of Urban Public Transit System 城市公交客运量的灰色预测研究 service.ilib.cn 6. A Public Transit Business Mechanism for Small and Medium-sized Cities 中小城市的城市公共交通工作模式探讨 ilib.cn 7. Her home school is very distant , goes to school therefore she takes public transit bus every day. 她的家里学校很远,所以她每天坐公交车去上学。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Brief Talk about Construction and Development of Urban Express Public Transit System 浅议城市快速公共交通系统的建设与发展 ilib.cn 9. Transfer Matrix of Public Transit Network and Algorithm 公交网络换乘矩阵的分析与算法 service.ilib.cn 10. the site's maps for New York City, London, and other major cities now have public transit options; 纽约、伦敦等其他主要城市的地图目前能查看多种公共交通路线图; www.bing.com 1. Data Revision in Urban Public Transit Passenger Flow Survey 城市公交客流调查数据的修正 ilib.cn 2. Construction of new public transit system in TEDA 天津经济技术开发区新型公共交通系统建设 www.ilib.cn 3. Network of major centres linked by high-capacity public transit 在主要中心区建立大容量公共交通系统 www.rzhb.gov.cn 4. GIS-Based Public Transit Passenger Route Choice Model 基于GIS的公交乘客出行路径选择模型 www.analchem.net 5. On the problems in Nanjing public transit and the countermeasure 浅析南京公交问题与对策 www.ilib.cn 6. Model of Urban Public Transit Net Impedance Function 城市公交网络阻抗函数模型 www.ichacha.net 7. Research on Algorithm of Public Transit Transfer under the Adjacency Matrix 基于邻接矩阵的公交换乘算法的研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on Public Transit Optimizing Model for Medium City 中等城市公交线网优化模型研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Suggestion On Fastening Development Of Public Transit System In New Suburb 加快新郊区公共交通发展的建议 www.ilib.cn 10. BJ Public Transit Research Institute 公共交通研究所 www.bjall.com 1. Public transit transfer hub disposal in Yibin city 宜宾市公交换乘枢纽布设研究 ilib.cn 2. A Study on Optimizing Method for Dispatching Problem of Public Transit Hub under the Condition of APTS APTS下城市公交枢纽调度问题的实用优化方法研究 ilib.cn 3. The Realization Based on the Public Transit Dispatcher's System of Punctual Information 基于准时信息的公交调度系统的实现 www.ilib.cn 4. New rail public transit required in modern cities 现代城市需要新型轨道公共交通 www.ilib.cn 5. Costs of Public Transit System in Urban Rail Corridor 基于城市轨道交通走廊的公交线网成本研究 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Accelerating the Development of the Urban Public Transit in which Rail Transit is a Mainstay 加快发展以轨道交通为骨干的城市公共交通 ilib.cn 7. Bus company public transit trains a company 公共汽车公司公交培训公司 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Share of Public Transit decreased 公交出行分担率下降 wenku.baidu.com 9. regulate public transit in cities 调整城市交通运营 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Implications of Private Public Partnership on the Development of Urban Public Transit Infrastructure 城市公共交通基础设施公私合伙制的复杂性 www.upo-planning.org 1. Research on Rational Structure of Urban Public Transit Systems 城市公交系统结构合理性的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on the Optimization Method of Public Transit Network Based on Ant Colony Algorithm 基于蚁群算法的城市公交线网模型优化方法研究 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Ride in public transit saying comity 乘坐公交讲礼让 wenwen.soso.com 4. Public-transit Evaluation Based on Average Transfer Times 基于平均换乘的城市公交线网性能评价 ilib.cn 5. Research on the Model and Algorithm of Public Transit Assignment Based on Bus Stop 基于站点的公交网络配流实用模型与算法研究 www.analchem.net 6. Study on method of public transit hub and layout 城市公交枢纽布局方法研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on our city public transit fastsystem 我国城市道路快速公交系统分析 www.ilib.cn 8. New method of public transit network assignment based on GIS 基于GIS的公交网络配流新方法 www.ilib.cn 9. The Development of Public Transit Information System Based on GIS Technology 基于GIS的公交信息系统的研制 www.ilib.cn |
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