单词 | publicity | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
v. n. get publicity,attract publicity,avoid publicity,seek publicity adj. n. adverse publicity,unwelcome publicity publicity 显示所有例句
例句释义: 宣传,宣传业,广告宣传工作,传播工作,公开,公共性,公共宣传 1. It was hard to quietly close to the surface of the body, without any publicity, the quality and elegant as submissive Asian woman. 它悄然无语地紧贴在身体的表面,丝毫不张扬,如同东方女子温顺文雅的品质。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Yet at the same time they remain young girls, trying to grow up in a harsh glare of unprecedented publicity. 但与此同时,她们还是年轻的女孩,试图在前所未有的公众关注下成长。 www.bing.com 3. The publicity sent the bank's depositors running and caused other banks to stop doing business with it. 这种公开举动使在这家银行的储户纷纷挤兑,并导致其他银行停止与它进行业务往来。 c.wsj.com 4. China Harbin beer brands of beer in London to do publicity, London and the subject of ice in Harbin Brewery together with the model show. 中国啤酒品牌哈尔滨啤酒在伦敦做宣传,伦敦地标的冰雕模型与哈尔滨啤酒一同亮相。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. rain, waving her little guilty at all, this season does not belong to the same publicity to her wanton, and I want her cool. 雨,潇潇洒洒的挥舞着她的一切,在这个不属于她的季节也一样张扬肆意,我渴望着她的潇洒。 enwaimao.cn 6. It was the second time in less than a week that Bank of East Asia has had to fend off negative publicity. 这是该行在不到一周内第二次必须应对负面消息。 www.ftchinese.com 7. All others who claim to be his representative are just trying to generate publicity for themselves. 其他所有声称代表大卫的人只是为了提高自己在公众的知名度。 www.juvezone.com 8. On a more shallow level, the money raised from this publicity will provide for her motherless children. 从肤浅层面,公众募捐的钱将提供给她的两个孩子。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. But for a recent Mexican release it has turned out to be the best sort of publicity imaginable. 但是最近发行的一部墨西哥电影引起了可想见的的最大关注。 www.ecocn.org 10. Employing quantum cryptography to transmit the vote from polling stations to central counting house is thus a bit of a publicity stunt. 因此,使用量子加密将选票信息从投票站送往计票中心,也有那么点形象工程的色彩。 www.ecocn.org 1. The important point here is not so much that the British treated him forbearingly as that he was always able to command publicity. 这里的要点不是英国人待他多宽容,而是他总是能掌握公众的注意力。 www.bing.com 2. Between us, we've published more than 70 research papers, " he said. " This is the only one thAT's given us any publicity AT all. 他说:“我们合作研究发表的论文已有70多篇,而这是唯一一篇让我们出了点名的。” dict.ebigear.com 3. She said the producers played up her comment for publicity. 她表示之前是制作人为了宣传而炒作她说的话。 www.bing.com 4. Fiorina was fired from HP in a ferocious blaze of publicity, but demonstrates pride in her accomplishments at the company. 菲奥莉娜在一场公开宣扬的洪洪烈火中被惠普辞退,但依然为她在公司的成就而骄傲。 www.hjenglish.com 5. It has been cited by federal authorities for trying to avoid the publicity of a recall by quietly buying up tainted products. 为了避免召回行动引起公众注意,强生曾秘密回购被污染的药品,后因此事被联邦当局传讯。 www.bing.com 6. The blogosphere is awash with speculation that it had all been a publicity stunt by the parents. 博客世界纷纷推测,那完全是家长的作秀手段。 www.bing.com 7. My responsibility is to help improve as a team and I believe my actual ability doesn't like the media publicity of so glitz. 我的责任是帮助球队不断进步,我相信我的实际能力并不像媒体宣传的那样浮华。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Still, he achieved huge publicity (and got to pocket 25, 000 francs of the advance), and the idea took on a life of its own. 不过,他获得了巨大的知名度(还拿到了两万五千法郎的预付款),而且该创意本身被赋予了生命。 www.ecocn.org 9. Some excellent publicity should come your way this month as well, and you may be a guest in an important place in the media. 一些优秀的宣传应该是你的方式,以及本月初,您可能是客户在重要的位置,在媒体上出现。 www.douban.com 10. Enterprise publicity slogans, company, enterprise culture propaganda slogans chart, enterprise management slogan? How much. 企业宣传标语,公司标语,企业文化宣传挂图,企业管理标语?有多少要多少。 www.showxiu.com 1. In addition to that, the publicity of her to- be-pictured film Hua Hun. 与此同时,就是对筹拍《画魂》的宣传。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Of course, they are a bit of a publicity gimmick, but they work. 当然,它们在某种程度上是一种宣传伎俩,但它们奏效了。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Shaw did not know the purpose of the footage and believed it to be publicity, not for the film. 肖并不知道拍这个片段的用意,还以为这只是用于宣传,而非加入到影片中。 www.bing.com 4. It said the Red Cross had no role in managing blood donations, only in assisting health authorities with publicity. 报道称,中国红十字会在管理他人献出的血液方面没有任何贡献,仅仅是配合卫生部门宣传献血。 www.ltaaa.com 5. With a mortality rate of more than 50%, the bird flu outbreak in Asia is beginning to gain worldwide publicity. 禽流感在亚洲爆发后,死亡率已超过50%,且正蔓延向全球。 club.163.com 6. This was less because he sought publicity and more because his peers were in awe of him and talked a lot about the Thalberg touch. 这不是因为他宣传得力,而是因为同行们对他心存敬畏,对撒尔伯格风格津津乐道。 www.ecocn.org 7. A man who answered the telephone at the Beichuan publicity department confirmed the news but said he did not have any details. 北川县宣传部接听电话的一位男子证实了这一新闻,但表示不清楚事件的细节。 www.yingyu.com 8. University students are not always on BBS, the BBS only for publicity is not good, it would be better able to publicity posters. 我校同学不经常上BBS,只在BBS上作宣传效果不好,最好还是能通过海报宣传。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. That experience, or rather the ensuing brouhaha, seems to have awakened another passion, this one for publicity. 这一经历,或是随后发生的骚动,似乎激发了他的另一个嗜好——宣传。 www.ecocn.org 10. Are food companies trying to take a leaf out of pop stars' books by taking publicity-generating stands on political issues? 食品公司是在试图效仿歌星们的手段之一,利用政治立场来炒作? www.bing.com 1. Mother looked at for a while, ask where Aunt some publicity, so help me there were reported, as here let me learn to skate. 妈妈看了一会儿,就问那里的宣传阿姨一些情况,于是就帮我在那儿报了名,像让我在这里学会滑冰。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Broadcasting in the face of the audience, focuses on the words of the form of a problem, by means of publicity to the crowd sound. 广播是面对听众,集中阐述某个问题的说话形式,借助于音响向人群进行宣传。 www.xiami360.com 3. According to Fujimura people around that he was one of those things, though not to his publicity, but people who always do the task. 另据藤村身边的人说,他属于那种做事虽不张扬但交给他的任务总能做好的人。 www.englishtang.com 4. The product publicity is no longer limited to TV and newspaper. So it's of utmost importance for a trader to possess his own website. 商品宣传曾经不只限于电视和报纸,因而关于商家来说具有一个属于本身的网站是至关主要的。 www.591aimei.com 5. Nevertheless, putting a man in orbit remains a rather wasteful sort of publicity stunt. 话虽如此,将人类送上太空仍然是一种奢侈的作秀方式。 www.ecocn.org 6. They have consulted him on design decisions and had a photographer shoot him for publicity images. 小伙子们还向杰米恩征询对设计的意见,并请摄影师给他拍照做宣传。 www.tesoon.com 7. They will never be light aroma, aroma that just do not Oh, but I love them swinging in the wind treason publicity. 她们永远不会香气袭人,仅仅的一点香气都没有呵,但我只爱她们在风中张扬摆动的叛逆。 www.bing.com 8. property right of others, or violate the privacy or publicity rights of any other person. 他人的著作权、商标、商业秘密及其它知识产权,或侵犯他人的隐私权或公开权。 www.meijob.com 9. There has not been much publicity about this activity, therefore few people turned up in the hall yesterday. 翻译由于对这次活动的宣传不多,因此昨天几乎没有什么人到场。 www.bing.com 10. There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance. 他的失踪已为传媒广泛报道。 www.kekenet.com 1. It would be a great time to do a publicity or advertising campaign or to develop a website or blog. 这是一个大好时机去开展公关或广告战役,或去发展个网站或博客。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Through publicity, he learns that this made with charcoal trousers capable of launching far infrared. 通过宣传单,他了解到这种用竹炭纤维做的裤子能发射远红外线。 www.texclo.net 3. At home we know on the Sun machine, but it may be outside of your country our publicity also continues to strengthen, frequent. 在国内大家对太阳机械了解的可能比较多,但是在国外我们的宣传工作还要不断加强,频繁亮相。 www.bing.com 4. There was an anti-Semitic reaction both to the publicity he got and to the abstract and seemingly heretical nature of relativity theory. 对于他所获得的知名度以及那个抽象的看起来似乎是异端性的相对论都有反犹太的成分。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. This project, which he had masterminded with a couple of his associates, got a lot of publicity in Fortune. 这一方案是他和一两个同伴精心拟订的,《幸福》杂志曾为之大肆宣扬。 6. But he said he was pleased about the publicity his find had generated for the islands where he lives. 但他表示,他很高兴他的发现能让他居住的奥兰岛受到世人瞩目。 www.kekenet.com 7. Kind of book publicity, in cold blood with a fine fur, has long attracted a large number of consumers of the eyeball. 类图书的宣传,有细毛,冷酷长期以来吸引了眼球的众多消费者。 www.qiyeku.com 8. Especially love flying a plane flying in blue sky BaiYunZhong, as if only in heaven, and he thought launch can obtain the acme of publicity. 尤其喜爱驾驶飞机翱翔于蓝天白云中,仿佛只有在天上,他思维的发射才能得到极致的张扬。 www.tiantianbt.com 9. After boycotts and negative publicity, Monster's makers agreed to drop the matter provided that Rock Art did not start making energy drinks. 在收到抵制和负面的名声影响后,怪物饮料生产商同意撤销诉讼,条件是RockArt不在生产能量饮料。 www.kekenet.com 10. A television shot of a speaker that also shows the name of the hotel would be considered excellent publicity. 在映出会议发言人的电视画面上同时也显示出旅馆的名称,堪称是出色的宣传。 1. The publicity is in striking contrast to the many lawyers who have been quietly rounded up in a recent political crackdown. 与本次审理事件形成鲜明对比的是,在最近的政治打压中许多律师沉寂无声。 www.ecocn.org 2. And the bank does not mean that oral publicity contract, the contract is the product of the most regulated financial agreement. 而且银行的口头宣传不代表合同内容,合同才是对理财产品最规范的约定。 www.showxiu.com 3. A publicity campaign explained the matter to the British hosts so as to save their pride and preclude embarrassment. 当作一个公开的运动去对英国主人说明,以维持他们的面子,并避免窘迫。 www.jukuu.com 4. In 2003, she was offered a contract by a top Italian men's soccer club but turned it down, considering it a publicity stunt. 2003年,意大利的一家男子足球俱乐部欲与她签约,但被她拒绝了,她认为他们这么做完全是在作秀。 www.bing.com 5. If all this adverse publicity had indeed induced a bout of "climate conscience" in the brothers, it would be quite some story. 如果所有这些反面报道确实影响了兄弟俩的气候影响道德观,将有很多故事发生。 www.ecocn.org 6. GOVERNMENT crises in the Netherlands tend to be played out with little international publicity. 在荷兰,政府危机倾向于做很少的国际宣传。 ecocn.org 7. Cynics thought it was all a publicity stunt by the Virgin Group of companies and its flamboyant British boss, Sir Richard Branson. 怀疑者认为这不过是维珍集团公司及其爱显摆的英国老板理查德?布兰森爵士的作秀罢了。 www.ecocn.org 8. As one dealer puts it: "You might lose $2m, but if everyone is talking about this one work, the publicity might be worth it. " 有一位经纪人说得好:“你可能会赔上200万,但如果大家都在谈论这件作品,产生的新闻效应还是值得的。” www.ftchinese.com 9. The speech got a lot of national publicity and was her first brush with fame beyond the boundaries of her immediate environment. 那次演讲得到了全国范围内的许多宣传,那是她第一次体验声名远扬。 www.bing.com 10. The Company is close to publicity Highway, near the Yangtze River waterway. The traffic is convenient. 公司紧靠张扬公路,紧邻长江水道,交通十分便捷。 detail.china.alibaba.com 1. It was exactly the kind of publicity Mr. Arnault sought: Mr. Galliano made a splash with risque collections inspired by homeless people. 而这正是阿尔诺寻求的宣传效果:受无家可归者的启发,加里亚诺凭借一系列几近低俗的设计一举成名。 c.wsj.com 2. It had been closed for 60 years and the first Dada child project was partly aimed at garnering publicity for it reopening. 这个地方已经被关闭60年了,为了重新开放,第一个达达宝宝项目在一定程度上吸引了公众的注意力。 www.bing.com 3. There has not been much publicity about this conference at the top level. 对这次高级会议没有作什么宣传。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In a telephone interview, Mr. Liao said it was not a complete loss for him or other underground writers, given the publicity. 在接受电话采访时,廖先生说,不能来法兰克福的事情公开之后对于他和其他的地下作家也不完全是损失,由于宣传。 www.bing.com 5. There'd be some useful publicity for you and free tickets and hospitality for your guests. 这对你们来说是一些非常有用的宣传而且有免费的门票还可以招待你们的客人。 club.topsage.com 6. The actress attracted controversy in 2004 when she revealed that the publicity posters for her film King Arthur had been digitally altered. 这位影星在2004年饱受争议,原因是她爆料自己在电影《亚瑟王》海报里的身材被修改过。 www.bing.com 7. He denied the Kremlin has been behind any Web-based attacks on its critics, which he said only create bad publicity for the government. 施莱格尔否认克林姆林宫在幕后主持策划过任何对批评者的网络攻击,说这只会给俄罗斯政府造成负面宣传。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Formulating the draft of the company publicity strategy, designing, manufacturing, ordering and managing the company's propaganda materials. 制定企业宣传策略草案,对公司宣传品进行设计、制作、订购和管理。 jobs.zhaopin.com 9. An ill-timed piece of publicity could bring enraged Islamist activists banging down the door. 在错误的时间公开此事,可能会触怒伊斯兰教激进分子,招致他们破门闯入。 kk.dongxi.net 10. "Neither privacy nor publicity is dead, but technology will continue to make a mess of both, " she said. “隐私和公开都不会死,但是技术将继续使他们一塌糊涂,”她说。 www.bing.com 1. "It's provided publicity we couldn't have dreamt of, " he said. In Australia, the film now had a cinema release "previously unthinkable" . “我们没想到他对电影的宣传提供了条件,”他说,在澳大利亚,电影在电影院放映的效果是“以前没有想过的”。 bbs.m4.cn 2. Many acknowledged Ji as a responsible father, while others questioned if the report was an attempt at generating publicity. 大多数人说吉林是一个负责任的父亲。但也有人说这是作秀。 tutor.zoapiere.com 3. Most of the bloggers returned the favor by talking up the train and giving the railway an increasingly important type of publicity. 多数博主都投桃报李,表扬这趟车,他们给渝铁路公司的是一种日益重要的宣传。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. Tools that are commonly used for promotion are advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, publicity, etc. 通常用于促销的工具有广告、组织促销活动、面对面营销、公关、宣传等等。 www.wavehand.com 5. Roosevelt, having won a great deal of free publicity, generously asked for the smallest amount of damages the law would allow : six cents. 罗斯福既已赢得大量免费宣传,就慷慨的要求法定最低赔偿金额:六美仙。 forum.bomoo.com 6. If the Ubuntu strategy is to create a credible alternative to Windows, then the product must live up to the publicity and 'Just Work'. 如果Ubuntu的策略是创造一个可靠的Windows的替代品,那么这个产品的质量必须要大大提高。 www.bing.com 7. Determining environmental policy and objectives, to the company thorough publicity of environmental management substances. 决定环境方针与目标,向公司内彻底宣传环境管理物质。 www.cnqr.org 8. Innovative products, good publicity, the company is a corporate image and product marketing, promotional gifts to promote the best choice. 产品新颖,宣传效果好,是公司树立企业形象及产品促销,推广宣传赠品的最佳选择。 www.tonke.cn 9. Another was the camera after the send to speakers of other languages provides two Centre, out of a lot of publicity material. 另外一个中心是数码相机照完之后的发送,为笔者提供了两个中心,出了很多宣传材料。 www.bing.com 10. As they are also conservative and publicity-shy, it is often hard to know what they are doing. 同时,他们也较为保守与低调,所以,外界通常很难知道他们在做些什么。 www.ftchinese.com 1. More refuse collection points have been set up in busy areas and publicity and educational activities increased. 当局已在繁忙的地点提供更多垃圾收集站,并且加强宣传及教育活动。 www.jukuu.com 2. the noise serious influence organs of hearing, will cause the human to lose the hearing, this point publicity. 噪音会严重影响听觉器官,甚至使人丧失听力,这一点人尽皆知。 www.xici.net 3. QUESTION: So this is not going to be like the unfortunate incident with Air Force One [flyover of Manhattan for publicity photos] earlier? 提问:所以这件事情不会像先前那次“空军一号不幸事件”(为拍公共宣传照片而低空飞越过麦哈顿)? www.bing.com 4. Meanwhile, all the publicity surrounding the trial turned the once unmentionable business of birth control into a topic of daily discourse. 同时,所有的围绕审判曾经不可告人的事情变成了日常话语的主题。 www.bing.com 5. The unique publicity and promotion eventually helped the company seek more than enough attention from the public at the trade fair. 这家公司独特的宣传和推广活动使它最终在交易会上出尽了风头。 wenku.baidu.com 6. One of the pieces has also been used as our main publicity image! 其中一个字体还成为了我们宣传图片使用的字体哦! blog.omy.sg 7. Although duct tape has gotten all the publicity, it may be the case that other kinds of tape would do just as well. 尽管管状胶带已经被广泛宣传,但可能另外一种胶带也同样有效。 www.putclub.com 8. Because company executives are afraid of the bad publicity that would result if the public found out that their computer had been misused. 那是因为公司的高层管理人害怕公众发现他们的计算机被滥用而带来的负面宣传。 wenwen.soso.com 9. not too much publicity. "Stand up to the rafters rotten" life worthy of the old bear in mind the Millennium. 不要太张扬。“出头的椽子先烂”,这个千年古训值得终身记取。 www.bing.com 10. Generate publicity by writing for the company newsletter, volunteering for new projects, or teaching a class at a local college. 为公司写业务通讯,自愿参加新项目,或在当地大学教一堂课,这些都能起宣传作用。 www.hotdic.com 1. Puffery: Flattering, often exaggerated praise and publicity, especially when used for promotional purposes. 吹捧:尤指用于促销的常是夸张的赞扬和宣传。 old.24en.com 2. Foreign tourism as an important form of publicity, one of the translation related to tourism and culture. 旅游作为重要的对外宣传方式之一,涉及旅游与文化的翻译。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. But no concrete commercial initiative has so far been sparked, due to a lack of information on and publicity for the open hardware model. 到目前为止,由于缺少开放硬件模型的信息和公开性、还没看到具体的商业组织主动为这个领域燃起希望的火花。 www-128.ibm.com 4. THE past year or two has tested the idea that all publicity is good publicity, at least when it comes to business. 过去一两年,“一切宣传都是好宣传”的想法已得到检验,至少在商业上是这样。 www.ecocn.org 5. Never before in Europe has so much money been moved around the continent amid so much publicity. 在历史上,从来没有这么多钱在众目睽睽之下,在欧洲大陆移动。 www.24en.com 6. However, start-ups of that size are often making their first baby steps into the market and need publicity. 然而,这样规模的新成立的公司通常会迈着婴儿步进入市场并需要广告宣传。 www.hxen.com 7. Second, the company responsible for receiving the notice, documents, information communication and publicity to the work. 负责接收公司各项通知、文件、信息传达及宣到工作。 zhishi.sohu.com 8. For Jackson the break came when the demands of performance and publicity began to prevent him from having a normal boyhood. 至于杰克逊,当家人要求他公开表演节目时,他也就再也不能拥有一个正常的童年了。 www.bing.com 9. I think there's been a lot of publicity from reporters in the capital city, Beijing. But Shijiazhuang is not a well-trodden place, said Li. “我觉得,在首都北京,已经有很多记者宣传它,而石家庄并不是人们之首选,”李静标说。 wzksw.com 10. The company can organize online publicity campaigns to try to limit the harm done by negative comments or bad news. Mr. 该公司可在网上组织一些宣传活动来减少负面评论和消息所造成的不利。 voa.yeshj.com 1. Compulsory education is a public welfare enterprise, and publicity is one of the essential attributes of compulsory education. 义务教育是一项公益性事业,公共性是义务教育的基本属性之一。 www.fabiao.net 2. With all the negative publicity, quite a few consumers naturally stopped eating hot dogs. 有了这一切的反面宣传,不少消费者自然而然地停止吃热狗。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Facts had proved that the news reports in The Mass that concerned the masses, made a strong effect of publicity and the social impact. 事实证明,《边区群众报》贴近群众的宣传报道产生了极强的宣传效果和极佳的社会影响。 www.fabiao.net 4. Fifth, to television, newspapers, propaganda as the main form of publicity, supplemented by other forms of publicity. 可以电视、报纸、网络的宣传为主要宣传方式,辅以其他形式的宣传。 www.docin.com 5. It wasn't a book signing, it wasn't a charity event; it was not a publicity stunt of any sort. 这不是一个书本的签名,不是慈善活动,不是什么公开做秀。 bbs.arsenalcn.com 6. Because, the bottom line is, the sponsors love it, and he will expose her to television publicity all the time. 因为只要赞助商们喜欢,他就会随时向电视观众推介她。 www.ted.com 7. If he's gone too far, and the public simply view his stint in rehab as a publicity ploy, it could end up backfiring on him. 如果他做的太过分,大众觉得他的悔过自新只是宣传伎俩,那将适得其反。 www.bing.com 8. A few weeks before the lecture, a student in the Public Affairs Office at San Francisco State called me to arrange some campus publicity. 在讲座前的几周,旧金山州立大学外联部门的一名学生找到我,想组织一些校园宣传活动。 www.bing.com 9. Where lobbyists used to avoid notoriety and preferred to work behind scenes, many today seek publicity as a useful tool. 过去,游说者往往避免出名,喜欢在幕后工作,如今他们中许多人把抛头露面作为一种有用的手段来追求。 10. The truth is, for all the publicity, the scale of deals done by Chinese companies in Australia is still quite small. 事实是,尽管宣传声势浩大,中国企业在澳大利亚达成的交易规模仍非常小。 www.bing.com 1. A satisfied customer is the best publicity for the company and the person in charge of the sale knows this. 负责任一项目的销售人员都非常清楚一件事,顾客的满意就是对公司最好的宣传。 www.soufun.com 2. The Incident should be kept absolute confidential to all team members and the public to eliminate negative publicity of the hotel. 事件必须保证对所有队员和公众绝对保密,以消除对酒店的负面影响。 www.17u.net 3. They also have to treat male and female teams equally in terms of allocating resources, scheduling events, publicity and access to coaches. 学校还必须对男女球队一视同仁,均等地分配资源、安排赛事、进行宣传和提供教练指导。 www.america.gov 4. The company undertook publicity raise capital by floating shares first later (IPO) , the stock of its CEO fell subsequently 7% . 之后公司进行了一次首次公开招股(IPO),其CEO的股份随之下降到了7%。 itzhe.cn 5. Journalists were also eager to hear Kolonitskaya's tales of Gadhafi, lining up at her apartment door. But she has avoided publicity. 记者们希望听到巴林斯卡娅讲讲有关卡扎菲的故事,他们排队等在她公寓的门前。可是她总是避免惹人注意。 www.bing.com 6. By 2010, the Asian ratooning industry will take place in various Southeast Asian countries's massive road show publicity programmes. 2010年,亚洲再生业将在东南亚各国进行大规模的路演宣传活动。 www.bing.com 7. During the war, they received the most publicity of any unit in the army. 在战争期间,他们比任何一之军队得到更多的名声。 www.24en.com 8. A few responses have expressed that maybe this is a controversy that we have cooked up to get publicity for the film. 一些反应表示,也许这是一个争议,我们已经想出得到推广。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Some of his customers need help with urgent publicity problems. Others are seeking long-term management of their online image. 一些客户在紧急公关问题上需要帮助,还有些客户寻求长期的网上形象管理。 www.ebigear.com 10. The missteps and frailties of every one else in the world were canvassed here with the most shameless publicity. 在这里,人们毫无顾忌地公开谈论世上他人的失误和过失。 www.kuenglish.info 1. In addition to helping out with the harvest and wine-making process, she also had a keen eye for publicity. 除了帮助采摘葡萄,参与葡萄酒制作过程,她还善于宣传酒庄的品牌。 c.wsj.com 2. In this way, Jian Xu did not spend a penny on the hotel engaging in a publicity Dian things. 就这样,徐剑没有花一分钱,就为酒店搞惦了宣传的事情。 www.zgchef.com 3. Guinness agreed to take the part on the condition that he would not have to do publicity to promote the film. 在不必参加电影宣传的前提下,他才同意接受这个角色。 starwarsfans.cn 4. It's unlikely it would have been given so much publicity unless key decision makers were already on board. 若非已经获得重要决策人士的首肯,这桩交易不太可能获得如此大张旗鼓的宣传报导。 bbs.51ielts.com 5. He stood now, warped out of the perpendicular by the fierce light of publicity. 此刻他站着,被众目睽睽的眼光盯得不知所措。 6. In an interview with the Tribune, a spokeswoman for the National Pork Producers Council called the name change a "desperate" publicity ploy. 在接受论坛报采访时,美国猪肉生产者委员会的女发言人说她的改名是一场“疯狂”的炒作。 www.xici.net 7. It was a great ordeal for Mrs. West, but an even greater ordeal had been publicity. . 这对威斯特太太打击不小,但是宣传报道对她的打击更为沉重。 ting.qeto.com 8. I used to be a secretary of publicity in the Student Union, well-organized and coordinated. 担任过学生会宣传部干事和红十字会干事,具有很强的组织和协调能力。 www.tianya.cn 9. Owing to its inadequate publicity, the aiding policy has not been fully implemented. 在高校资助过程中,由于政策宣传力度不够,未能得到全面落实; www.ceps.com.tw 10. China will start shooting its first national publicity film in Beijing as part of its latest efforts to boost its image around the world. 我国首部国家形象宣传片将在北京开拍,该宣传片是我国最近向全世界宣传国家形象的举措之一。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. More publicity campaigns to promote energy saving and emission cuts were needed, he said. 温家宝还指出,我们还需要加强社会舆论来推进节能,减少排放量。 www.12edu.cn 2. Before the meeting got underway, Livni said she believed previous negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians had been hurt by publicity. 在谈判开始前,以色列外长利夫尼说,她相信以前举行的以巴谈判由于受到广泛的注意而受到损害。 www.voanews.cn 3. Public posters as a form of publicity, public welfare undertakings should be given more attention. 公益海报作为对公益事业的一种宣传方式,应当更加得到重视。 www.007china.com.cn 4. It also would be a perfect time to launch a new advertising or publicity campaign for your business or for your employer's. 这也是为你的生意或者雇主启动一个全新的广告宣传或者公众推广活动的最佳时机。 bbs.okshe.com 5. Attempts to stop piracy often take the form of organised publicity campaigns rather than legal action. 打击盗版经常采取有组织的宣传活动的形式,而不是法律诉讼。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Most of these micro-revolts can be classed as publicity stunts, with little real intention of founding an independent state. 不过,这些微型反抗行为大多可以归纳为哗众取宠的,真正意图并不在建国。 www.bing.com 7. Some of the recent publicity Mykonos received for being very expensive, full of gays and even a drug capital is in fact far from accurate. 近来的一些报道说迈克诺斯岛上的花费昂贵,充满了同性恋者,甚至存在一个毒品基地,这都是完全错误的。 bbs.sssc.cn 8. This ad is published, a great publicity play immediately, but apparently will also be extremely annoyed that the old shell. WantWant这则广告发布后,立即起到绝佳的宣传效果,但显然也将令老贝恼火万分。 www.englishtang.com 9. Certification of enterprises, the company's Web site, publicity materials, testing report can use the accreditation logo. 获得认可证书的企业,其公司网站、宣传品、检测报告上都可以使用认可标识。 www.cnqr.org 10. In fact, China has witnessed considerable industrial unrest in recent decades, much of it localised and attracting little publicity. 事实上,近几十年来,中国曾发生相当多的劳工骚乱,其中很多是局部事件,未曾吸引公众关注。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The report may not be used in any publicity material without the written consent of THE COMPANY. 报告不可能被用于没有公司的书面同意的任何的广告材料。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. advertising as modern society one indispensable means of publicity, have formed a relatively independent applied language. 广告作为现代社会一种不可或缺的宣传手段,已经形成一种相对独立的应用性语言。 www.51lunwen.org 3. In General, the publicity of the Expo: no more than a week, but the base-10 million viewers. 一般来说,展会的宣传不会超过一个礼拜,但观众却以10万计数。 www.bing.com 4. And the benefits to the sponsors is the sum of the publicity and societal benefits over the long term. 而赞助者的所得到的好处是长时期良好公共形象加上社会效益的总和。 www.ted.com 5. The publicity material sent out by the company stressed their concern for the environment. 这个公司散发的宣传材料强调了他们对环境的关心。 www.cfl.cqu.edu.cn 6. All this publicity over a photo with a bong? 这一切公众宣传在一张带有大麻烟斗的照片上? word.hcbus.com 7. OK, let me have all the sales literature, and any other publicity material. I like to keep that sort of thing on file in my office. 好的,把所有销售宣传品和其它的宣传资料都给我。我喜欢把这一类的东西放在办公室里。 www.jukuu.com 8. After publicity without objection or dissent to be unsubstantiated , registration and the registration results to the public. 经公示无异议或者异议不成立的,予以登记,并将登记结果予以公示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It is the highlight of the Theme Park, the heart for sponsors' brand publicity, cultural display and VIP reception. 接待中心是青岛奥林匹克主题公园的一大亮点,是奥运赞助商进行VIP接待、品牌宣传和文化展示的核心区。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. One of the issues that will get little publicity in the official Chinese media during the anniversary is the collapse of so many schools. 在地震发生一周年之际,其中比较受公众关注的问题之一,就是众多学校在地震中倒塌。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "Planning is really a form of publicity, " one researcher at the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in Beijing told me. 北京住房和城乡建设部的一位研究员告诉我说,“规划是公众宣传的一种形式”。 www.bing.com 2. A good domain allows you to save the cost of enterprise publicity. 一个好域名可以让您的企业节约大量的宣传费用; www.showxiu.com 3. China probably will not kill Mr Lai or at least not very soon (too much publicity). 中国很可能不会处死赖昌星,或者至少不会立刻处死(知道的人太多)。 www.ecocn.org 4. Refers to a product's performance, features, publicity, presentation, is to make consumer acceptance, approval, purchase. 是指对某个产品的性能,特点,进行宣传,介绍,是使消费者接受,认可、购买。 www.xiami360.com 5. She said the Taliban singles out women in government posts because they know that killing them will garner more publicity. 她说,塔利班之所以针对在政府中任职的女性,是因为他们知道,杀害这样的人会造成更大的影响。 cn.nytimes.com 6. In fund industry, the main things to be printed are publicity information, regular instructions of fund dividend and remained amount. 在基金行业,主要是发送给客户的宣传品和定期的基金红利和所剩金额的说明材料等。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. In terms of protecting and utilizing the right of "publicity " on buildings, there is no definite definition legally. 至于建筑物形象的保护与利用,没有任何一部法律给予明确规定。 www.fabiao.net 8. This candour is usually rewarded with more negative publicity. 这种坦诚的表现通常带来的是更多的负面报道。 www.ecocn.org 9. A publicity official with the Ministry of Railways explained that the delays were to ensure passenger safety. 铁道部一名宣传官员解释,列车晚点是为了保证乘客的安全。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. Colleges often say no to those who donate solely for commercial publicity, as it may affect the independence and traditions of the college. 大学经常对那些只是出于商业宣传目的而进行捐赠的人予以拒绝,因为这可能影响大学的独立性和传统。 www.hjenglish.com 1. iPhones account for 40 percent of Apple's revenue, so for the company, the bad publicity was a challenge. iPhone的占40苹果的收入的比例,为公司,坏的宣传,是一个挑战。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Foreign publicity is an important means of promoting the traditional Chinese sports. 对外宣传是传播中国传统体育文化的一种重要手段。 www.dictall.com 3. Carrying out the publicity work of the running program and achieving the goal of increasing the user and traffic of our network. 开展运营项目的推广工作,实现网站流量和用户量的上升; zhishi.sohu.com 4. Perhaps because of lack of publicity, the company's production of a science fiction version of Othello played to empty houses all week. 也许是因为缺少宣传,公司根据《奥赛罗》拍摄的科幻片上演了整整一个星期,但却一点也不叫座。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It has attracted a great deal of newspaper publicity for its relief work. 这项运动吸引了大量的新闻媒体来关注救灾工作。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Using exaggerated publicity or advertising or other improper methods to solicit insurance to a proposer, insured, or a third party. 对要保人、被保险人或第三人以夸大不实之宣传、广告或其他不当之方法为招揽者。 www.cntranslators.com 7. Various campuses have set up their own school website, to understand customer needs, providing quality services, publicity display. 各个校园纷纷建立自己的校园网站,以了解用户的需求、提供优质服务,加强宣传展示效果。 wenwen.soso.com 8. One of our competitors is getting all the publicity (and capital) -- but our product is better. 我们的一个竞争对手已经获得了所有的公众((以及资本)的关注--但我们的产品更好。 www.bing.com 9. One of the most demanding things for me is traveling with all the publicity everywhere I go. 对我来说最苛求的事就是我无论到哪里都有公众媒体。 www.tecsunhomes.com 10. But it's good publicity for Russia, and for Putin and Medvedev, it may be good news for domestic consumption. “不过对俄国是个很好的宣传,而且对普京和梅德维德夫来说,这对国内消费也是个好消息”。 www.bing.com 1. Riboud publicity with the original Ding subordinates are two of my colleagues have always been nice, to ju ren li xia . 张扬与吕布原都是丁原的部属,两人同僚,一向交好,得以寄人篱下。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. Much will depend, though, on whether he is prepared to risk the adverse publicity that would come with leaving Liverpool midseason. 但关键还是在于他是否愿意冒险在公众的注目下在赛季中段就离开利物浦转会切尔西。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Municipal Committee, Publicity Minister Jian-Ping Cheng, Xia Wang, vice mayor of the municipal government attended the meeting. 市委常委、宣传部长程建平,市政府副市长汪霞出席会议并讲话。 www.dw188.com 4. The box used to be dominated by the state-run CCTV, which is controlled by the Communist Party's publicity department. 过去,电视通常由共产党宣传部门控制的国营中央电视台一统天下。 www.ecocn.org 5. It will not be used to decorate their nutrients more, publicity themselves, just to get your short Huan-ai, after being away from you. 它不会将养分更多得用于装点自己,张扬自己,只为得到你短暂的欢爱,之后,离你而去。 enwaimao.cn 6. Any publicity by a party relating to the subject matter of this Agreement shall have the prior approval of both XXX and XXX. 任何一方向公众出示本协议内容时均需同时获得XXX和XXX的事前批准。 www.showxiu.com 7. There was further progress in publicity campaigns to promote legal knowledge, resulting in greater public awareness of the law. 普法宣传教育深入进行,公民的法制观念增强。 www.1stenglish.com 8. In today's social context, it is self-evident that external publicity is of great importance to a nation's development. 当今社会背景下,对外宣传对国家发展的重要性不言而喻。 9. 'They're so frustrated by all the negative publicity surrounding companies that went through a reverse takeover, ' Mr. Ma says. 马峻说,通过反向收购的公司受到的负面公众舆论让他们感到懊恼; c.wsj.com 10. Strengthen environmental publicity and education, enhance the environmental consciousness of the public. 加强环境宣传教育,提高全民环境意识。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The friend added: "Guy saw the pictures of her and Jesus and together and laughed out loud. He sees it as another publicity exercise. " 那位朋友还说:“盖看到她和约瑟在一起大声说笑的照片。他认为那只是另一场秀而已。” www.rr365.com 2. The company has endured a rash of bad publicity, including several staff suicides, that has affected morale. 法国电信接连受到负面形象所累,包括几名员工自杀影响了士气。 www.ecocn.org 3. to recover the source of white-collar group, you need to re-packaging and a great deal of publicity in order to have effect. 要抢回白领一族的客源,则需要重新包装和做大量的宣传才能有效果。 blog.soufun.com 4. Tracing a gem's provenance is hard. So, to avoid the risk of bad publicity, De Beers decided to market only those it dug up itself. 而追踪一颗宝石的原产地是件很难的事情,因此,为了避免负面宣传的风险,戴比尔斯决定只营销那些自己公司挖出来的钻石。 www.bing.com 5. The public media shall bear the obligation to carry out the public welfare publicity of population and family planning. 大众传媒负有开展人口与计划生育的社会公益性宣传的义务。 www.lawinfochina.com 6. Be on the lookout for troops celebrating, staging publicity stunts, and performing charitable acts all in the name of fun and good will. 百姓应四处留意部队以好玩及善心为出发点所参与的各项庆祝及慈善活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In the latter case, the publicity could bring your work to the attention of masses of people and be very good for you, too! 在后一种情况下,可以把你的宣传工作向人民群众十分关注,对你也有好处! www.chinatarot.com 8. Overseas trips by such figures can generate a great deal of publicity at home and abroad. 这些人物的海外之行能在国内外产生量的宣传效应。 www.100ksw.com 9. Apart from that, the publicity from this latest development is going to dampen general donations from overseas Chinese communities. 除此之外,事件的公开将会使海外华人社团的捐助热情受到打击。 hi.baidu.com 10. Emulative publicity, bloody romance with ideals, Setaria into her mouth, playing a flick of the wrist, attracted a few girls. 不服输的张扬,血色浪漫着残存的理想,狗尾草噙在口中,打一个响指,引来几个姑娘。 www.bing.com 1. The board had the intention of assign Mark to be the CEO of HP because HP met the difficulties in product publicity and sale. 董事们有意让马克接任惠普的CEO,因为在产品宣传与销售问题上,惠普遇到了难关。 hi.baidu.com 2. A major attraction of pay-what-you-want is free publicity, whether for an ageing rock band or the new cafe on the block. “随你付”做法的一个主要吸引力是其免费的宣传效应,不论是对于过气的摇滚乐队,还是街区的新咖啡店。 www.ftchinese.com 3. China launched a two-month campaign in the middle of April to crack down on illegal publicity activities on the Internet. 中国从四月中期开始一项二个月的活动,打击网络上的非法宣传行为。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 4. However, through our government's publicity on mass media, we gradually conquered the fear and set out to try out best to help her. 但是,通过我们的政府对大众媒体的宣传,我们逐步克服恐惧,并列明尝试尽力帮助她。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Combine to make use of a literature form effectively to strengthen the result of literature publicity. 结合实际有效的利用文艺宣传形式,以加强文艺宣传的效果。 www.13191.com 6. In the next year during the week of october 1, advertisement, publicity and selling are making good preparations for the coming week. 第二年公司在筹备十一黄金周的销售大战期间,广告、公关、销售几大板块都紧张地筹备着。 blog.163.com 7. Being 'green' provided useful marketing publicity though, at the time, many viewed CSR investment as an unnecessary expense. 但在那时,以绿色环保作为公共行销,许多观点认为公司的社会责任的投资是没有必要的费用。 hi.baidu.com 8. Publicity over the death of Baby Peter has led to many people turning away from key parts of the service. 众所周知的彼得宝贝之死导致很多人不再敢触及福利事业的核心。 www.bing.com 9. Mr Webb's detractors sometimes portray him as a publicity hound, and for local journalists he is indeed a reliable quote machine. 韦布的批评者们有时会把他描绘成一个爱出风头的人,而对于当地记者而言,他实际上是一台可靠的股价预测机器。 www.ftchinese.com 10. For their charity, Gates no special publicity, but said he is enthusiastic about charity from the impact of their parents. 对自己的善举,盖茨并没特别张扬,只是说自己热心慈善事业是源于父母的影响。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Well, you'd better consider it - and win or lose, think about the name it will give this place if I manage enough pretrial publicity. 那么,你最好考虑清楚——不论输赢,想想如果我诉诸法律大众的谈论给这里带来的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Academics and think-tanks need to be reminded that generating publicity is not a legitimate research objective. 需要提醒学术界人士和智囊机构,产生宣传效果并不是一个合理的研究目的。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It was ironic that for someone who lived in the glare of publicity, the death should have taken place in such shadowy circumstances. 这很讽刺那个人住在耀眼的宣传,死亡应该发生在这样情况。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Each company has its own corporate culture, regardless of whether the Publicity Division? These cultures, it is objective existence. 每个公司都有自己的企业文化,不论?司是否宣传这些文化,它都是客观存在的。 bbs.cnqr.org 5. finally accepted by the ambiguity of pointing my hand tired, doing publicity and show things to their children, I got a green laser pointer. 经终于接受了我的手的含糊指着累,在做宣传和展示的东西给孩子,我得到了一个绿色激光指针。 www.theultimatelive.com 6. Deputy sent a few students watch total solar eclipse of "protection lens" , took the opportunity to do publicity. 同学送来几副观看日全食的“防护镜”,借机做点宣传。 www.bing.com 7. And while they had tried to avoid publicity, the location was a familiar one; it's where Sir Paul married his first wife Linda. 虽说两人不想出风头,婚礼地点却不陌生,保罗与第一任妻子琳达的婚礼就在这里举行。 www.hxen.com 8. Addison: It has been spared the sensational and commercial publicity, that attends such questionable honors as the Pulitzer Prize. 艾迪生:它可不像普利策那种带有争议性的荣誉奖,单单颁给一些轰动的商业剧。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 9. Online marketing focuses more on generating publicity and creating a reputation for your Web site rather than on generating sales. 网上销售更多关注生成的宣传和创造一个信誉,为您的网站上,而不是产生销售。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. They just settled with him anyway to avoid the publicity. 但为了不影响校誉还是跟他和解 home.ebigear.com 1. Activities can range from massive publicity campaigns to a talk at a local elementary school or a poster in a storefront window. 活动形式可包括公众宣传工作,在当地小学进行宣讲,或在商店橱窗中张贴海报。 www.fao.org 2. China closely integrates publicity and education on human rights with the state's construction of a legal system . 中国把人权的宣传教育与国家的法制建设密切结合起来。 www.jukuu.com 3. The information about these restrictions also have to be included in publicity material. 公开文件里也必须包括这些限制规定的内容。 ceres-osc.com 4. Sales promotion consists of those promotional activities other than advertising, personal selling , and publicity. 产品促销指的是不同于广告、个人销售和宣传的推销活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Gourard was an astute businessman with a keen eye for publicity. 高洛德是一位精明的商人,对宣传目光敏锐。 www.bing.com 6. The British press has given considerable publicity to it. 英国出版界已经对它作了很多宣传。 www.hxen.com 7. Is it a publicity stunt or something local leaders should emulate, many wondered. 许多人认为这只不过是一次公开做秀亦或当地官员应当学习的榜样。 www.bing.com 8. 'It's been like a roller-coaster ride, ' Mr. Hayama says happily of the recent swirl of publicity for the movie. 谈到影片最近掀起的宣传攻势时,叶山豪高兴地说,就像坐过山车。 c.wsj.com 9. SFDA will be on the site of the drugs production enterprise " GMP inspection certificate" continue to be publicity. SFDA将在网站上对药品生产企业《药品GMP证书》延续情况予以公示。 www.cnqr.org 10. Campaigners say the publicity created by Miss Campbell's appearance can be used to highlight the issue of conflict diamonds. 活动家们说由坎贝尔小姐引起的公众效应使血钻冲突案达到高潮。 www.bing.com 1. Tourism products through the forms of advertising and publicity to promote and market the tourism industry as an important sign. 旅游产品通过广告形式进行宣传与推广,成为旅游产业市场化的一个重要标志。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Neighborhood also posted fliers all over the Chuncheng publicity every column, and provide venues. 邻居也都张贴传单宣传的春城每栏,并提供场地。 www.qiyeku.com 3. The publicity blitz is aimed at persuading Americans that government help will get them out of their economic mess. 这场公共闪电战的目标是说服美国人相信政府将帮助他们走出经济大混乱。 www.bing.com 4. Many are unwilling, or unable, to pay for downloads, and legal action results in bad publicity. 他们中很多人不愿或者无力为下载音乐付钱,而采取法律措施只会招来糟糕的社会影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Starving, weak and emotional, but the publicity-loving illusionist still strong enough to face the cameras and his fans. 他饥饿,虚弱而且情绪很激动,但这个喜欢出风头的魔术师仍然有力量坚强地面对媒体的摄像机和自己的崇拜者们。 www.kekenet.com 6. Taylor's lawyers say the prosecution's request is nothing more than a publicity stunt. 泰勒的律师说,控方的要求只不过是一个宣传的噱头。 www.voa365.com 7. Survey shows that promotional CD-ROM is one of the most popular understanding of women of childbearing age, knowledge of AIDS publicity. 调查显示,光盘宣传是最受育龄妇女欢迎的了解艾滋病知识的宣传方式。 zyynb.com 8. Reporters were expelled from the courtroom after it was decided that their coverage had resulted in prejudicial publicity FOR the defendant. 在他们的报道被认定已造成了对被告的不利宣传之后记者们被驱逐出法庭 dict.ebigear.com 9. Much of the media publicity around Web services envisions integrating enterprise applications on large supply chain projects. 许多关于Web服务的媒体宣传都设想在大型供应链方案上集成企业应用。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Now, they are all pulled the store table table cloth, paper tray, made a publicity for your business, easy, and cost savings. 现在,他们店已经全部撤下餐桌台布,换上托盘纸,为企业作了宣传,方便美观,又节省了成本。 www.bing.com 1. To open and consolidate the revolutionary base needs the cultural publicity work and as well the regional ruling. 根据地的开辟与巩固,必需文化宣传工作,区域性的执政需求亦必然如此; www.ceps.com.tw 2. Organizational structure, measurement and compensation in quality management training, publicity and no attention. 组织结构、测量和报酬在质量管理培训、宣传中没有引起注意。 www.517hb.com 3. However, the theoretical research on protection of right of publicity is still at the stage of exploration. 我国关于形象权的研究尚处于理论探讨阶段。 www.13191.com 4. Typically, he arrived in a blaze of publicity, wearing scruffy jeans and a casual shirt. 很具有象征意味的是,那天他穿着邋遢的牛仔裤和休闲衬衫出现在公众的面前。 www.qieerxi.com 5. Pacific Studios publicity for Li Yizhong, despite the recent release of the film more, "Lee meters guess" its own advantages. 太平洋影城的宣传负责人李毅介绍,虽然最近上映的电影比较多,但是《李米的猜想》自有优势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The hall, known as the Reitz men's residence, was shut after the video received worldwide publicity. 那个宿舍叫赖茨人的住处,录像受到全世界关注后,宿舍被关闭。 www.bing.com 7. Secondly, the publicity of government information on which the information dissemination depends is analyzed. 其次,分析了公共信息传播的前提和基础——政府信息公开; www.fabiao.net 8. Sum up, in fact, standing outside the role of soft is two effects, one is the role of publicity, one is the role of sales. 总结一下,其实站外软文的作用就是两个方面的作用,一个是宣传方面的作用,一个是销售方面的作用。 www.82g.com.cn 9. Though most ATS cases have been dismissed or settled, the costs of settlements can be high and the negative publicity damaging. 尽管绝大部分ATS案件要么被判驳回要么庭外和解,但庭外和解费高额不说,案件会对这些公司在人们心目中的形象产生巨大负面影响。 ecocn.org 10. Since Sichuan-Shaanxi revolutionary base exists shortly, the social practice of cultural publicity of its government is limited. 川陕革命根据地的存在时间较为短暂,苏区政府的文化宣传社会建设的实践也有限。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. My hometown never enjoyed more publicity, good or bad, than it has over the past two years. 过去的两年时间里,我的家乡从未赢得大众如此广泛的关注,无论是好的还是坏的方面。 www.bing.com 2. He gives simply because he wants to help but not for the publicity his donations may bring, and he , not want his good deeds to make news. 他给仅仅是因为他想帮助,但不是为了宣传他的捐款可能带来的,他不希望他的好事迹,使新闻。 www.xsk139.cn 3. If you have your own business and feel things have been slow, perhaps you were thinking of doing an advertising or publicity campaign. 如果你有自己的业务和感受的事情进展缓慢,也许你是想这样做的广告或宣传活动。 www.douban.com 4. At the time MGM publicity chief Howard Dietz said of Garbo, "I hate that name, It reminds me of garbage. " 当时,米高梅的广告总经理霍华德?迪兹对嘉宝的评价是“我讨厌嘉宝这个名字,它让我想到垃圾。” url.cn 5. From ancient humiliatory physical penalty to the open publicity of crime, the ancient shaming penalty has transformed to its modern type. 从身体刑到犯罪信息的公开披露是古代耻辱刑的现代流变形式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Even without the games and the lure of the international publicity they promise terrorists, India faces threats on a number of fronts. 即使没有这次比赛,也没有给予恐怖主义制造国际舆论焦点的希望,印度仍然面临着许多不同的威胁。 www.ecocn.org 7. Province reported that the provincial radio and television stations also highlight the item was presented by the publicity Reported. 省报、省电台、电视台也对本项目作了突出的宣传报道。 bookapp.book.qq.com 8. increase the publicity against illegal immigrants, the establishment of national public opinion against the environment. 加大对非法移民危害的宣传,建立全民防范的舆论环境。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The couple's engagement and the publicity surrounding it has helped him turn a healthy profit on his jewellery business. 他们的订婚以及关于订婚的宣传给他的珠宝买卖带来了丰厚的利润。 voa.yeshj.com 10. Some commentators even suspected I wanted to provoke my own arrest for publicity, a chess player's far-sighted strategy. 甚至一些评论员还猜测我试图利用被捕事件来煽动大众,是棋手的老谋深算。 www.ecocn.org |
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