单词 | product brand | ||||||||||||||
释义 | product brand
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 产品品牌,代理品牌,产品牌号 1. An equipment not reaching in house standard will affect the production planning, quality of product, brand name of the company, etc. 达不到厂标的印刷设备能影响整个生产安排、产品质量以及公司的品牌公信力等。 www.cnprint.org 2. the company mainly devotes to provides the valuable service , including enterprise , product brand imageestablishment and promotion. 公司主要致力于提供有价值的服务,包括企业、产品品牌形象的建立和推广。 www.ichacha.net 3. Our company's motto is honesty, diligence, and pursuit of excellence. We are dedicated in building up a strong "QQ" pet product brand. 公司将秉诚“诚信、勤奋、追求卓越”的企业精神,打造“QQ”品牌宠物用品,走科技化,规模化,专业化的发展之路。 www.cipscom.com 4. Enter the name of your product, brand or website and get alerts when it's mentioned. 输入你的产品、品牌或网站名,即可得到提及通知。 www.looah.com 5. Looking at the product brand, how well articulated are colours, logos, symbols associated with the brand? 与品牌有关的色彩、logo、符号等是否阐述得够清楚? www.qg68.cn 6. Alpha - a low end product brand. It is no longer in production due to low margin. 低端产品,由于利润薄已不生产 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As a new brand after product brand and image brand, employer brand has been building and improving in foreign enterprises for some time. 作为继产品品牌、企业品牌之后新兴的一种品牌,雇主品牌在外资企业的已经得到广泛的重视。 www.13191.com 8. The business aspect tactics that Hewlett-Packard Company carries out now is new product brand strategy put into effect individuation. 惠普公司现在实行的业务方面策略是实行个性化产品的新品牌战略。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Corporation Goal: Set up notably product brand, Create a leading corporation among the lines. 企业文化:企业目标:创行业龙头、树知名品牌。 www.globalwood.cn 10. Continuously optimize the product brand to obtain competitive advantage and improve customers' brand loyalty. 不断优化产品品牌,使之获得竞争优势,提高顾客对品牌的忠诚度; www.28zhaopin.com 1. In product marketing promotion stage: implementing stereo marketing, expand product brand effect. 在产品营销推广阶段:实行立体营销,扩大产品品牌效应。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The implementation aquatic product brand strategy also has many restriction factors. 实施水产品品牌战略还存在很多制约因素。 www.fabiao.net 3. Through the font design in packaging method, the culture connotation of product brand will be upgraded. 以此通过产品包装中的字体设计方法探索并试图达到产品品牌的文化内涵提升。 www.packjour.com 4. To develop and execute marketing plan to promote company and product brand to support company's business targets. 制定和执行营销计划以达到推广和提升公司品牌,产品品牌来支持公司业务目标的目的。 www.jobems.com 5. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company. 品牌经营指提升产品、品牌或公司形象的各种方法。 www.bing.com 6. In theoretical circles, many studies have focused mainly on firm brand and product brand, while it is almost non-existent on cluster brand. 在理论界,众多的研究也主要侧重于企业品牌、产品品牌,而对产业集群品牌的研究几乎是一个空白。 www.fabiao.net 7. Researches on agricultural product brand and the regional trademark of agricultural products has been sprouting. 农产品牌、农产品区域品牌的研究如雨后春笋般发生长而来。 degree.fzu.edu.cn 8. Those with lower level of educational background are more bound by product brand when purchasing health food. 而教育程度较低的更年期妇女族群,相对于学历较高者更重视健康食品的品牌; www.cetd.com.tw 9. One in five tweets now includes a reference to a product, brand or service. 每五条信息就有一条里面包含产品、品牌或是服务的链接。 www.bing.com 10. When an enterprise brand and product brand for use with popularizing, adverse impact is obvious. 当企业品牌与产品品牌在推广中一起使用的时候,造成的负面影响就显而易见。 www.bing.com 1. Dayu registered service mark for the brand, product brand mark is Iron Army. 公司注册服务商标为大禹牌,产品商标为铁军牌。 www.tjtychina.cn 2. Third, individual series targeted to improve product brand awareness is most important clothing wholesale enterprises. 第三,有目标性地提升产品的单项系列品牌知名度是服装批发企业的重中之重。 www.texclo.net 3. We develop and nurture clear Alcoa and product brand identities. 我们建立并培育明确的美铝公司及其产品品牌的名声。 www.alcoa.com 4. Then, according to the authority, examine the situation of Chinese and foreign digital product brand preference. 随后,根据权威机构的调研数据,探查出我国数码产品市场的中外品牌偏好现状。 www.fabiao.net 5. The Product Brand for the Commons Is "the King Brand" “工薪牌”是永远的王牌 www.ilib.cn 6. The product brand quite is famous, has the very many faithful milk buyer. 产品的品牌比较有名,有很多忠实的牛奶买家。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. In retailer's brand strategy there are two dimensions: store brand and product brand. 零售商品牌战略包括企业品牌和商品及服务品牌两个层次。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. In 3, SA8000 can enhance corporate image and product brand reputation, make intangible assets. SA8000能提升企业的形象及产品品牌的声誉,使无形资产增值。 www.cnqr.org 9. Approach and Tactic of Independent Innovation Improving Competition Capability of Independent Product -brand 自主创新提升自主品牌竞争力的途径和策略研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Take district brand as a point to push forward agriculture product brand management strategy 以区域品牌为重点推进农产品品牌经营战略 www.ilib.cn 1. The separation of consumers'attitude object: from product (brand) to advertisement 消费者态度对象的分离——从指向产品(品牌)到指向广告 www.ilib.cn 2. Product brand development and promotion of enterprise's core competition 品牌经营与企业核心竞争力的提升 ilib.cn 3. strengthen and emphasizing on product brand management; 加强品牌管理,重视品牌营销; www.fabiao.net 4. On protecting mechanism of famous agricultural product brand 论农产品名牌的保护机制 www.ilib.cn 5. According to request, unifies the product brand style, be responsible for commodity display theme guidance; 根据品牌风格要求,结合产品主题,负责商品的陈列指导; 021.zp.com 6. Creating Strategy of Ecotourism Product Brand 生态旅游产品品牌创建策略探讨 www.ilib.cn 7. Establishing Measure of Farm Product Brand under New Era 新形势下农产品品牌的建立 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on building product brand leadership based on customer experience 基于消费者体验的产品品牌领导力建设研究 www.ilib.cn 9. To Model the Product Brand Continuously 企业要持续塑造品牌 www.ilib.cn 10. The Market Effect of the Product Brand 产品的品牌市场效应 www.commerce.sh.cn 1. Study on the Development in Creating Product-Brand for Bond Companies 证券公司品牌塑造演进研究 ilib.cn 2. The English Translation Problem of the Chinese Product Brand 中国产品商标的英译问题 service.ilib.cn 3. Our Country's Healthy Product Brand Aging and its Countermeasure 我国保健品的品牌老化及其应对策略 www.ilib.cn |
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