单词 | retaining |
释义 | retaining是retain的现在分词
第三人称单数:retains 现在分词:retaining 过去式:retained 例句释义: 保留,保持,留住,保有,固定的,矫正的,维持,保留型,挡墙式筒仓 1. The upshot was that the fat-retaining livers were rich in a variety of proteins known to help the body digest and store food. 结论是保留油脂的肝脏都富含一种能帮助身体消化和储存食物的蛋白质。 www.bing.com 2. The computation method of water and earth pressures on retaining wall is closely related with that of earth pressure. 挡墙上作用的水-土压力计算方法与土压力计算方法有着密切的关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The List To Group projection can only be used for lists, and it turns the list into a group by retaining only the first item of the list. ListToGroup映射仅可用于列表,它通过仅保留列表的第一个项目将列表转化成一个组。 www.ibm.com 4. Retaining older staff has also been a challenge for companies trying to avert a labor crunch. 留住老职员对试图避免劳动力危机的公司来说也是个挑战。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. After the bottom cover of the phone is removed, a small battery retaining bracket can be popped out of its socket. 取出手机的下盖之后,可以从里面取出一个很小的电池固定支架。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The whole race seems to be wearing make-up and smooth as a sex, while retaining its animal vivacity and its restrained violence. 整个民族似乎涂敷化妆品,婉约如女性,却又保留动物的活力跟抑制的暴力。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. Henry Crawford's retaining her hand at such a moment, a moment of such peculiar proof and importance, was worth ages of doubt and anxiety. 在这样一个时刻,一个面对特殊考验的重要时刻,亨利·克劳福德依然握着她的手不放,足以打消她长期以来的怀疑和忧虑。 novel.tingroom.com 8. And I think one of our highest priorities, over the next four years, is retaining that. 所以我想我们最重要的一件事情,在以后四年里,就是让她们保持着正常人的心态。 www.cedu.cn 9. Retaining wall with relieving plate has much superiority and is often adopted in practice. 卸荷板式挡土墙有自身的许多优越性,常用于工程设计中。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. It was developed as a low impact tool for retaining information that is often needed at a later date. 它是作为低冲击工具开发的,用于保留日后需要的信息。 osl.cssp.com.cn 1. After years of retaining these "extra" elements, which originated with RSS feeds on MSN Spaces, we've finally removed a few of them. 对源于MSN空间RSS订阅的“附加”元素保留多年后,我们决定移除部分元素。 forum.livetome.cn 2. When speaking to organizations about retaining talent, I often point out the 'dark side' of talent. 每每与用人机构谈到留住人才这个问题,我常指出人才的“阴暗面”。 c.wsj.com 3. the session, that we currently have possibly the best team in the world in terms of retaining possession of a football. 我们同样发现,雷。威尔金斯在公开日刚开始的所言非虚,即在保持对足球的控制方面,我们可能是目前世界上最好的球队。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. With five years of his presidential term still left, he has the luxury of reconsidering the method while retaining the same goals. 他的总统任期还有5年,有足够的时间重新考虑能达到相同目的的方法。 www.ecocn.org 5. Each request operates independent of each other and the SCA runtime makes no guarantees of retaining state information of that service. 每个请求操作彼此独立,SCA运行时不保证保留该服务的状态信息。 www.ibm.com 6. He was quizzed both about his own conduct this season and the difficulty of his team retaining the title. 他还谈了关于他自己对这个赛季的态度和球队卫冕冠军的难度。 bbs.qieerxi.com 7. It would have allowed engineers to demonstrate the strength of its retaining walls and the promised power of its hydropower turbines. 蓄水至最高水位后,工程师们将可以证明蓄水坝的强度,以及水力发电机组将来的发电能力。 c.wsj.com 8. Devise a strong value proposition and clear strategy for recruiting, developing, and retaining talent to prepare for the challenges ahead. 强有力的价值定位和清晰的人才招聘、培养及挽留战略。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A similar retaining wall provides security for the Lincoln Memorial, but here the topography requires additional intrusive bollards as well. 一个相似的挡土墙为林肯纪念堂提高安全保护,但这里的地形同样需要额外碍眼的护柱。 dongxi.net 10. any request for retaining a lower salvage value or not salvage value must be approved by the local tax authorities. 需要少留或者不留残值的,须经当地税务机关批准。 www.zftrans.com 1. And a limiting retaining mechanism is arranged between the outer cover and the valve cover, which achieves multiple guarding against theft. 并且外罩和阀盖之间设置有限位止退机构,实现多重防盗。 ip.com 2. With reinforced-soil retaining walls, the soil reinforcement is placed in horizontal layers throughout the height of the wall. 加紧挡土墙增是土筋设置在土体水平层,并且沿墙体高度方向整个布置。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Water retaining agent was an absorbing water polymer whose multiplying power was high and property of holding water was good. 保水剂是一种吸水倍率高、保水性能好的高分子化合物。 www.lykxyj.com 4. Designer's Drawings, which show the general location, width and height of the proposed stacked rock retaining walls. 设计师的设计图标明计划挡土墙的总体位置,宽度和高度。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Retaining walls are an essential element of every highway design. 保有墙壁是一种每公路设计的必要元素。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. reveals how a word can be transferred from one sphere of activity to another while retaining only a tenuous connection with its past. 单词cable的历史表现出一个单词在与其过去的含义仅保持微弱联系的情况下,如何能够从一个使用范围转向另一个范围。 www.cidianwang.com 7. I continued this method some few years, but gradually left it, retaining only the habit of expressing myself in terms of modest diffidence. 这种方法我连续用了几年,后来就逐渐抛弃,只保留了谦恭的不作肯定表述的习惯。 tr.bab.la 8. During the three-hour meeting, board members discussed difficulties of complying with pay policies and retaining talent at the company. 在这次三个小时的会面中,这些董事讨论了在遵守政府薪酬政策以及留住AIG的专才方面所遇到的困难。 c.wsj.com 9. No one expects the LDP coalition to keep its supermajority, but it has a chance of retaining a slim majority. 没有人指望自民党势力继续保持绝大多数的占有率,但要保持略微占有大多数的水平还是有希望的。 www.ecocn.org 10. The new building is situated at the edge of the pitch and leans against the hill slope with its terraced retaining wall and terraces. 新建筑沿路边排布,向着山的斜坡倾斜,它有着分层次的墙壁和露台。 www.julemei.com 1. Boosted by strong growth on the back of rising oil prices, he was able to eliminate rival sources of power while retaining broad popularity. 借着石油价格的上涨,他得以在保持广泛支持率的同时又将反对力量斩草除根。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. As a major component part of the retaining structure, the external wall of building is the important part of energy saving. 建筑外墙作为建筑围护结构的主要组成部分,是节能的重点部位。 lib.cqvip.com 3. Liability management exercises, adjusting risk-weighted asset models and retaining earnings will go only so far in closing capital deficits. 改善负债管理、调整风险加权资产模型和保留盈利的做法,在弥合资本缺口方面只能起到一定作用。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The long-term answer requires new training programs and better ways of attracting and retaining employees with the sought-after skills. 长远看这个问题,要求新的培训程序,还需要有更好的方法去吸引并留住那些具有很高超技能的员工。 www.bing.com 5. The main object of this project is to reduce network traffic in a NCS with retaining control performances. 本计划主要目标在研究于一定控制性能要求下,如何降低网路控制系统之资料传输量。 www.etop.org.tw 6. The drawer includes at least one retainer disposed therein for retaining the spare cutter blade in the drawer. 抽屉包括为保留备用的刀片配置的在其中至少一个保留在抽屉。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. said airfoil means includes a plurality of airfoil form retaining means for supporting and defining the chord length of said airfoil means. 说翼型的手段,包括多元化的翼型的形式保留的手段,支持和界定弦长的说,翼型的手段。 www.tech-domain.com 8. Because listening is more difficult than reading, narratives can be particularly effective in retaining the attention of your listeners. 因为听比读更困难,而小故事对保持听众对你的注意力有特别的作用。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. A priority of these organizations is understanding customer needs, offering value to customers, and retaining customers. 一个组织需要的优先作为是,理解客户的需求,为客户提供价值,并留住客户。 el.mdu.edu.tw 10. When set to "Leave running when idle, " DCOM leaves the dllhost. exe process running, retaining the cache and pools. 当设置为“Leaverunningwhenidle”时,DCOM会让dllhost.exe进程一直运行,因此会保留缓存和池。 www.ibm.com 1. After thorough consideration, the University agrees that the construction of a retaining wall is the most effective approach to the problem. 经详细研究后,大学同意使用护土墙为最具效益的方法。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 2. Failing to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting customers costs businesses huge amounts of money annually. 未能专注于保持吸引顾客每年会花费企业企业大量的成本。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The driveway and retaining walls were made out of quarried granite blocks, the material characteristic for the surroundings. 车道和挡土墙由花岗岩砌成。这种材料体现出了周边环境的特点。 www.archiant.com 4. capable of providing complete technical solution for the global leather industry from water field, retaining to overcoating . 公司的产品和技术可以向全球的皮革业提供水场、复鞣染色到涂饰全套的高档技术的解决方案。 dict.kekenet.com 5. Now, reinforced soils have been used widely in road, railway subgrade, slope, retaining wall, bank protection and so on. 目前,加筋土已广泛应用于公路、铁路路基、边坡、挡土墙以及河岸等工程。 www.fabiao.net 6. But even in such a society there would be great advantages in retaining competitive markets based on private ownership. 但即使是在这样一个社会中,保留基于私人所有制的竞争性市场,也会带来巨大的好处。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Adaptability is built on retaining the tactics employed not so much by start-up companies as by businesses still based in parents' garages. 适应性是建立在保留刚成立的公司不大采用的策略,正如业务仍以父母的车库为主。 www.bing.com 8. The paper was side retaining syndiospecific shield off, the hinge-knife vertically move the paper card-in two-fold rotation of the roll. 纸张被侧挡规挡住,折页刀垂直下落将纸张卡入两个相对旋转的折页辊中。 www.bing.com 9. Oracle Personnel: Improves the management of employee- related issues by retaining and making available every form of personnel data. 甲骨文人事:提高员工的管理有关的问题,保留和提供各种形式的人事数据。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In recent years, Qingdao launched "retaining the seagull" campaign, when in a calm sea, tens of thousands of seagulls fly freely in men. 近几年,青岛开展了“挽留海鸥”的活动,每逢风平浪静之时,成千上万只海鸥在湾内自由翱翔。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Consider eliminating as many elements as you can while still retaining your best performing ad networks and other sidebar elements. 考虑尽可能消除一些干扰因素,同时又能保持你最好的广告网络形式和其他侧栏因素。 www.elanso.com 2. Konjac fiber has multiple benefits. Konjac is much more viscous than usual fibers, retaining up to 17 times its weight in water. 魔芋有很多益处,它比普通纤维更具黏性,吸水量达到自身重量的17倍。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Retaining the rolling elements, where bearings are of a separable design and one bearing ring is removed during mounting or dismounting. 分离型轴承在安装或拆卸过程中一个轴承套圈被取下的情况下,保持滚动体。 www.kuenglish.info 4. That's precisely the kind stuff you want to show off, while retaining the ability to make it go poof. 你可以准确地展示那些你希望展示的照片,而且你可以随时让它们消失。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A scramble for financial expertise in the region is pushing up the cost of attracting and retaining talent. 亚洲对金融专才的抢夺正推动吸引并留住人才的成本的上升。 www.ecocn.org 6. The overall unemployment rate of 8. 3% looks better because companies are hunkering down and retaining staff in the hope of a recovery. 3%的总失业率看上去还不错,因为公司都收敛锋芒、留住兵马,期待经济复苏的到来。 www.ecocn.org 7. The utility model relates to the construction of deep foundation ditches, particularly a retaining wall body of a deep foundation ditch. 本实用新型涉及深基坑施工,尤其涉及深基坑支护墙体。 ip.com 8. Cold winters will be modulated by the Earth crust retaining heat from the friction of the shift, where the crust was dragged over the core. 寒冷的冬季将会受到地球地壳的调节(地壳在极移造成的摩擦中,被拖向地核,从而保留了热量); blog.sina.com.cn 9. The addition of an operational amplifier allows adjustment to higher or intermediate values while retaining regulation characteristics. 一个操作放大器的加法允许调整对更高或中间值,当保留章程特征时。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 10. An O-section rubber ring placed on the dolly is a simple means of retaining the bushing in position. 在冲帽上放置O型橡皮圈,是不让轴套移动的一种简易方法。 www.skf.com 1. In addition, GVPE is also easy to setup and configure as a restartable and permanent service, while still retaining security. 另外,作为一个可重启和永久的服务,GVPE还容易设置和配置,同时仍然保持安全性。 www.ibm.com 2. Position the door restraint in bracket with the holes aligned and insert the retaining pin. 用孔对齐方式将车门防护移至托架中并且插上固定销。 tr.bab.la 3. Japanese companies have had difficulty recruiting and retaining local talent, it stated. 报告称,日本企业在招聘和保留本地人才方面曾遭遇困难。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A knockout assembly consists of a plate , a push rod , and a retaining collar . 顶出的安装部件包括一个金属板,推杆,定位圈。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Retaining your customers is too important to put off another day and the quality of your program is critical. 维护客户群是一项刻不容缓的任务,这个项目的质量是至关重要的。 www.justing.com.cn 6. Training the operators and retaining them should become one of the top objectives. 现在培训和留住员工应该成为企业的首要目标之一。 www.bing.com 7. Chagrians were truly amphibious, retaining their ability to breathe underwater while also able to function without difficulty in air. 查格里亚人是真正的两栖种族,保留着水下呼吸的能力,同时也能在岸上毫不费力的作到这一点。 www.starwarschina.com 8. It claims the site has no safeguards such as retaining walls, that would stop the coal ash from entering surrounding agricultural land. 调查称,该地没有采取任何保护措施,比如挡土墙,用以防止煤灰进入周围的农田。 www.bing.com 9. The temperature shown for the corresponding rating shall be the metal temperature of the pressure retaining parts. 表中所示的温度是压力承受部件的金属温度。 www.gcvalve.com.cn 10. It is essential that the means of retaining the knockout assembly be secure, since serious damage would otherwise occur. 保证脱模安装的安全性是十分重要的,否则一些严重的危害就会发生。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Its plan to sell more than half of the asset-management division while retaining more than half of its profit smacks of sleight-of-hand. 它计划卖出资产管理部门的一多半,而于此同时通过巧妙的手法保持其利润的一大半。 www.ecocn.org 2. It is a mere shadow because despite retaining the civilised ways of the Roman legacy, the Byzantines have done little to further it. 拜占庭仅仅是个影子是因为:尽管它继承了罗马文明这笔遗产,但它也仅止步于此。 www.clanlong.com 3. Is the leaving of leaves the pursuit of the wind or the trees' not retaining? 叶子的离去是因为风的追求还是叶的不挽留。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Before it cooled, there was a so-called magma ocean on the Moon's surface - molten rocks, capable of retaining high quantities of water. 在月球冷却之前,它的表面有一个所谓的岩浆海洋-熔融岩,有保持大量水的能力。 www.bing.com 5. Preference is given to the use with compounds containing hydraulic binding agents, particularly as a water-retaining agent. 优选使用含有水力粘合剂的化合物,特别是用作保水剂。 ip.com 6. The method is used for retaining the body color of the ice fresh rabbit fish. 本发明用于保持冰鲜篮子鱼体色。 ip.com 7. He had three pillars to his policy: keeping Montenegro with Serbia, retaining Kosovo, and getting EU negotiations. 他的政策有三项支柱:保住蒙特尼哥罗与塞尔维亚共组的联邦,保住科索沃和进行与欧盟的谈判。 mailftp.lihpao.com 8. Therefore, attracting, retaining talents, taking advantage of talents have been the hot topics people concern and study. 而如何吸引、留住人才,充分挖掘和发挥人力资源的优势,成为人们关注和研究的焦点问题。 www.fabiao.net 9. But attracting and retaining students can be challenging when funding levels compare poorly with the salaries offered in the private sector. 但是当资助水平与私营部门提供的工资相比太少的时候,吸引和留下学生就是一项挑战性的任务。 www.scidev.net 10. The question isn't just vital in terms of keeping investors happy. It also is important for retaining staff. 这个问题至关重要,原因并不仅仅在于要取悦投资者,它对于能否留住员工也具有重大意义。 www.bing.com 1. Adding to that are a host of new technologies like stabilized-soil retaining walls that can even eliminate conventional walls. 再加上这是一种新技术,稳定的主机如土挡土墙,甚至可以消除传统的墙壁。 www.cfli.cn 2. a plurality of airfoil form retaining members for defining the chord length of said second airfoil means. 多元化的翼型的形式保留成员的界定弦长的说,第二翼型的手段。 www.tech-domain.com 3. When it comes to recruiting and retaining young talent, what are the greatest challenges your company is facing? 当提到吸收和留住年轻人才时,你公司要面临的最大挑战是什么呢? www.elanso.com 4. The invention relates to a water-retaining cofferdam mode in water and electricity construction. 本发明涉及一种水电建设中修建的挡水围堰型式。 ip.com 5. In any case, before you can think of retaining the best employees, you have to get them in the door. 无论如何,在你想留住最佳雇员前,你得先把他们拉进来。 www.ecocn.org 6. Medicine is a Native American term associated with the kingdoms that have often supported both individuals and tribes in retaining balance. 灵药是一个北美印第安土著的术语,它和那些经常既帮助个人也帮助部落维系平衡的王国有关。 www.lingyuan.net 7. Before the incident, I had considered myself a naturally inquisitive journalist with excellent instincts and a knack for retaining details. 在这之前,我认为自己是一个不折不扣的充满好奇心的新闻工作者,有着灵敏的触觉和追求细节的恒心。 www.bing.com 8. It applies to the slope retaining project in the general area, flooding region and the seismic region. 适用于一般地区、浸水地区和地震地区的边坡支挡工程。 www.fabiao.net 9. The Lapps who live here off fishing and reindeer herding have done an admirable job of retaining their distinctive culture. 居住在这里的拉普兰人依靠打鱼和放牧驯鹿为生,并绝妙地保存了他们独特的传统文化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Your company's name may be featured in the best case studies section of the report upon retaining your company's approval. 在征得贵公司同意后,贵公司名字和策略将可能出现在报告中优秀案例展示部分。 www.surveymonkey.com 1. CEO Whitman says retaining the division is right for everybody at the company. 执行长惠特曼说,保留这个部门对公司的每个人来说都是正确的选择。 times.hinet.net 2. The price of retaining the rule of law is to limit the access to the great and kind of unbridled power. 维护基本法则的代价就是对一些影响过大的权力进行权限控制。 www.ted.com 3. Not many years ago retaining walls were almost exclusively made of reinforced concrete, and were designed as gravity or cantilever walls. 在不多的数年以前几乎独家地保有墙壁是用加强的具体物做成的,而且被设计如地心引力或悬桁墙壁。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. talent wars , workforce development , attracting and retaining employees are issues that are taking away the sleep of organizations. 才能的比拼,劳动力的发展,吸引和保留人才,是当今组织面临的紧迫问题。 www.ichacha.net 5. Both the practitioner and the health insurance officer would have been extremely interested in retaining this method. 对于保留这种疗法,治疗从业员及健保官员本来会极端感到兴趣。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. The parallel seat gate assembly consists of two interchangeable spring loaded discs, a fully guided disc carrier, and retaining pins. 平行阀座闸阀由两个可互换弹簧负载阀瓣,一个全导向阀瓣托架和扣环销钉构成。 www.showxiu.com 7. Hyaluronic Acid is widely used in cosmetics as a desirable natural gene of retaining humidity. 透明质酸作为一种理想的天然保湿因子,广泛应用于化妆品中。 www.chemyq.com 8. Mind-mapping is becoming increasingly popular as a way of retaining information. 思维导图越来越受欢迎,因为它可以帮助你进行信息的联系。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The earth pressure against the retaining piles with interval consists of two parts: direct and indirect earth pressure. 将间隔布桩时护壁桩侧土压力分为直接土压力和间接土压力两部分。 tr.bab.la 10. He later proposed further tax breaks for businesses linked to a broad range of incentives, including retaining workers. 他还提议为一些采取广泛措施促进就业,包括保留员工的公司进一步减免税收。 www.ecocn.org 1. Then hand-tighten the pivot rod's retaining nut enough that the rod can still move up and down. 然后手动旋紧螺母但保证旋杆能上下移动。 www.bing.com 2. An O - ring provides a simple means of retaining the bearing on the mandrel . O型圈提供在芯棒上保持轴承的简单方法。 www.bing.com 3. Therefore, we must work out a win-win strategy to promote economic development while retaining our cultural heritage. 因此,我们必须制定出促进经济发展和保留文化遗产的双赢战略。 www.qnr.cn 4. Would you please help to call a meeting for retaining older staff? 你可以帮忙安排关于如何留住老职员的会议吗? bbs.ebigear.com 5. Property as a built- in structure for automatically retaining values between multiple requests for the same page . 属性作为内置结构,在对同一页的多个请求间自动保留值。 www.bing.com 6. The composition disclosed is easily and rapidly removed during the rinsing stage while retaining good rheological and dyeing properties. 披露的组成是轻易而迅速地在漂洗阶段取消,同时保持良好的流变和染色性能。 www.1168818.cn 7. It was rare used in clinical treatment. This study applied the attribution retaining to MDD, AD and OCD. 本研究将探讨团体归因训练对抑郁症、焦虑症和强迫症患者的临床治疗效果。 8. Others will assert that retaining a robust deterrent is at odds with our nonproliferation agenda. 还有人会说,保持强大的威慑力与我国防扩散的意图不相符。 www.america.gov 9. Barclays is committed to retaining BarCap and would resist any attempt to enforce a break-up. 巴克莱已决心保留巴克莱资本,并将抵制一切迫使其拆分业务的努力。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The water retaining integrity of a membrane dam is dependent on the condition of the membrane. 水大坝保留完整,是一个膜对膜的条件而定。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The sequential excavation and retaining are conducted during the experiment to simulate the actual construction procedures in situ. 在试验中,模拟深基坑开挖与支护的实际步骤,分步开挖与支护。 www.magsci.org 2. Getting smarter involves a combination of learning new information, retaining that information, and maintaing the health of your brain. 更加聪明的工作包括学习新的信息,并且记住它,保持脑部健康。 www.bing.com 3. Theoretical analysis and experimental results from effect anchor earth-retaining wall pressure distribution factor would very complicated. 从理论上分析和从实测结果来看,影响锚杆式挡土墙后土压力的分布因素非常复杂。 www.fabiao.net 4. the insert bendable along the hinge member(s) to fit within the bore, abutting the retaining shoulder. 插件可以沿铰链元件(一或多个)弯曲,以便装配到孔中,邻接保持肩部。 ip.com 5. A new technique and its basic principle for assessing retaining walls integrality by ground penetrating radar are introduced. 介绍了探地雷达技术检测挡土墙完整性的基本原理。 www.dictall.com 6. Ornaments, cornices, column bases and all sorts of other items can be added to your retaining wall design. 饰品,飞檐,柱基地和其他项目的各种可添加到您的挡土墙设计。 www.cfli.cn 7. The water retention component can be a water retaining grain polish, bran or cut mineral wool fibers. 该水分保持组分可为保持水分的谷粒磨料,糠或短矿棉纤维。 ip.com 8. Retaining customers also makes it difficult for competitors to enter a market or increase their share of a market. 保持顾客同时也能够增加竞争者进入市场的难度或增加他们的市场份额。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This means that French officials have to work out new ways of retaining their influence in Europe. 这就意味着法国的政客们要研究出新方法以保持自己在欧洲的影响力。 www.ecocn.org 10. If a retaining strap is attached to a holster, it must be applied or closed in the Ready Positions throughout the match. 如果枪套附有固定扣带,则在整个赛程的预备姿势时都要扣上或关上。 www.tdict.com 1. the behaviors of this supporting system include retaining-wall effect, reinforcing effect and anchor effect. 支护结构的工作机理主要为挡墙效应、加筋效应和锚固效应。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Fundamental theory, simplified model and stress analysis method for retaining structure design of the double-row piles are introduced. 论述了双排桩支护结构设计的基本理论、简化模型及内力计算方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Two-thirds of the men had the feeding tube removed during the follow-up period, with only 15 percent retaining the tube after 18 months. 三分之二放饲管的患者在随访期拔了管,只有15%的患者18个月后仍带着管。 news.dxy.cn 4. for the ideals of the Organization, the UN still has difficulty in attracting and retaining staff from countries with high pay levels. 尽管多数工作人员加入联合国是出于对这个组织理想的支持,联合国仍然难以吸引和留住来自高薪国家的工作人员。 www.jukuu.com 5. Discussion on "Strength property of RC net reinforced earth retaining structure and its experimental study" 钢筋(煤矸石)混凝土网格式加筋土挡土结构强度特性与试验研究“的讨论” www.ilib.cn 6. To avoid this startup cost while retaining flexibility, a plug-in statically defines its extensions in a manifest file. 为了在保持灵活性的同时避免启动开销,插件静态地将它的扩展定义在一个清单文件(manifestfile)中。 www.ibm.com 7. The retaining wall is widely used in highway engineering as a reconstruction. 挡土墙是公路工程中广泛采用的一种构造物。 www.fabiao.net 8. All this just further complicates the problem of learning and retaining the right lessons from the past. 所有这些都会使从过去学习教训或记住这些教训变得更加复杂。 www.bing.com 9. Getting the rectangular metallic retaining frame out (seen in the background) was the second hardest step in this process. 得到长方形金属保留的框架(参见在背景中)是第二坚硬步在这个过程中。 www.four-thirds.cn 10. This also applies to the pressure retaining external wall whose surface does not come into contact with the fluid. 该要求同样适用于不与流体接触的设备承压外壳。 www.jxcad.com.cn 1. The hierarchical case-based structure provides a knowledge representation format for retaining hierarchical knowledge. 阶层式案例库结构,提供了一个储存阶层式知织的知识表示格式; www.ceps.com.tw 2. Scale retaining ring should be hand-tight Do not over tighten. 刻度固定环应该用手紧固。不要过紧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This has the advantage of retaining some level of readability while making it equally clear what text has not been translated. 这样做的好处是,在同样可以指明什么文本没有翻译的同时,保持了一定程度的可读性。 www.ibm.com 4. The main measures applied in practice including modifying geometry of slope and building drainage and retaining structure. 在滑坡防治工程中,主要采取的措施包括坡体几何形态的改变、排水工程和支挡工程。 cnki.gzlib.gov.cn 5. Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, Underground Structures, Tunnels, Retaining Structures for Deep Excavations. 桥梁,高层建筑,地下结构物,隧道,深开挖挡土结构。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The retaining and protection structure for this deep excavation was concrete diaphragm wall supported by plane concrete frame inside. 深基坑支护结构为外部钢筋混凝土地下连续墙,内部设多道钢筋混凝土水平框架内支撑。 www.boshuo.net 7. The fluid, which may be either gas or liquid, passes through the bed of solids and through the retaining membrane. 流体,这可以是流体(液体或气体),经过床的固体,也通过固定的膜。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Retaining the hardware unchanged, this equipment can connect with different tools controlling and measuring through updating its software. 在基本硬件不变的情况下,设备能够通过软件升级进一步满足不同仪器控制和测量的需要。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a process of acquiring customers, retaining customers and increasing profitable customers. 而客户关系管理(CRM)正是一个获取、保持和增加可获利客户的过程。 www.fabiao.net 10. It provides a simple mechanism for services to register artifacts with other services while retaining ownership. 它为服务提供简单的机制使用其他服务在保留所有权情况下注册构件。 www.ibm.com 1. Manufactured concrete masonry blocks have stood the test of time as a core building material for retaining walls. 制造混凝土砌块块经受作为挡土墙核心建筑材料了时间的考验。 www.cfli.cn 2. Memorial and adornment can be put in the space formed between the retaining band and the inner box body. 在外罩和内画盒体间形成的空间可以摆放纪念品及装饰品。 ip.com 3. Kinetin. By encouraging collagen production, retaining skin moisture and being a potent antioxidant, kinetin may help decrease wrinkles. 通过刺激胶原蛋白的产生、保持皮肤的湿润同时作为一种有效地抗氧化剂,激动素可以帮助减少皱纹。 www.bing.com 4. Retaining and Mixing : an Inspection of the Immigrant Traditional House in SuiChang County, Zhejiang Province . 上海交通大学建筑系保留与融合——浙江遂昌清代移民民居考察。 www.bing.com 5. of form. . . between transforming itself completely into earth's particular camouflage pattern, and retaining its original pattern. 它真实的结构陷于形式的两难困境——在将它自身完全转换为地球的特殊伪装模式、和保有它原来的模式之间。 www.jukuu.com 6. A novel circular spatial filtering scheme is introduced and it is capable of smoothing noise as well as retaining the details in the image. 介绍了一种新颖的空间域循环滤波方法,它能在保留图像细节信息的情况下有效的平滑噪声。 www.dictall.com 7. In his speech, Mr Najib said there is no point in retaining privileges at the expense of economic growth. 在他的演讲中,Najib先生说,不值得用牺牲经济增长的代价来保持特权利益。 www.ecocn.org 8. Retaining deduplicated data longer will allow users to store even more backups on the same amount of disk storage for a longer period. 经重复数据删除处理后的数据保留更长时间,这允许用户在同样容量的磁盘存储器上存储更多个备份,保留更长的时间; 149408197.blog.163.com 9. Remaining at the experience control stage, mandrel reaming process in retaining rings lacks the guidance in the formulation of parameters. 护环的芯棒扩孔工艺一直停留在经验控制阶段,对其中工艺参数的制定缺乏指导。 www.fabiao.net 10. Many marketing experts say that acquiring a new customer costs six to seven times more than retaining an existing customer. 许多市场营销专家都说,获得新客户需要花费比留住现有客户高六到七倍的成本。 office.microsoft.com 1. Finding and retaining good staff is extremely difficult, but it's even more difficult when employees are working under unfair conditions. 找到好员工并留住好员工是件非常困难的事情,但是员工在不公平的环境下工作则是难上加难。 www.bing.com 2. The researches of retaining customers, promoting customer repurchase, improving customer loyalty become the focus of concern. 保留顾客,促使顾客重复购买、提高顾客忠诚度的研究成为营销学界的关注焦点。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Said retaining plate is one dead block connected on bracket, one add-on plate connected on bracket or side face of drive unit. 所述的固定板是一连接在支架上的缓冲板、一连接在支架上的附加板或驱动装置侧面之一。 ip.com 4. With the help of MATLAB programming calculation, we obtained the upper-bound solution of passive earth pressure of retaining wall. 通过MATLAB编制简单程计算,得出挡土墙被动土压力上限解。 www.fabiao.net 5. Nonetheless, destabilizing factors of uncertainty remain, with hegemonism and power politics retaining a foothold. 然而影响稳定的不确定因素依然存在,保全主义和强权政治不愿退出舞台。 www.putclub.com 6. Brick retaining ring is functioned as a stopper for axial sliding of lining bricks and increasing the rigidity of kiln shell. 挡砖圈具有阻挡砖的轴向滑动和增加筒体刚度的作用。 www.chemyq.com 7. The results showed that the water retaining and slow-release fertilizer could improve the yield components and increase the yield of millet. 结果表明:保水缓释肥料能改善谷子的产量构成因素,提高谷子产量。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Install the new element and gasket , checking for correct positioning . Reconnect the electrical terminals and tighten the retaining bolt . 安装新的加热棒和垫圈,确认是否位置是否正确。重新连接电气端子,旋紧固定螺栓。 www.bing.com 9. all external plaster with stainless steel beads & internal masonry and concrete corners have plaster retaining galvanized steel beads. 有不锈钢墙角护条并且内部砌石的所有外部灰泥和混凝土拐角含灰泥保留镀锌钢玻璃粉。 www.zftrans.com 10. I cannot agree more, as to retaining young managers with high potential, we may offer a fast-track program. 我很同意你的观点。为了留住高潜力的年轻管理者,我们应该提供快速通道方案。 club.topsage.com 1. A number of fishing-smacks and coasting boats, some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys, were discernible on the red Sea. 在红海上,飘浮着星罗棋布的渔舟和小船,其中有些船只,依然还保持着古代船只的那种美丽的式样。 wenwen.soso.com 2. and the repair of the existing retaining wall and the reinforcement, and class of temporary support instability in the rescue reinforcement. 以及现有挡土墙的修理加固和各类临时支护发生失稳时的抢险加固。 www.boshuo.net 3. Again, can China extend its control of world markets while retaining its grip on its own economy? 另外,中国会在维持对自身经济的控制同时,扩张其对于世界市场的控制力吗? www.bing.com 4. Many languages have techniques to make applications more efficient by retaining data and thereby reducing needed system resources. 许多编程语言都有这样的技术,即通过保留数据从而减少所需的系统资源使应用的效率更高。 www.ibm.com 5. The experience obtained can be helpful to the design of reinforcement of similar retaining walls. 可为其他类似的挡土墙的加固提供参考。 www.ilib.cn 6. The main elements of human resources management in four key: choosing people, educational, employing and retaining. 人力资源管理的主要内容有四项:选人、育人、用人和留人。 www.bing.com 7. Using the anchor bolt retaining wall is the technology of the formation of a soil retaining structures. 锚杆挡土墙是利用锚杆技术形成的一种挡土结构物。 www.fabiao.net 8. Retaining the restriction on repeated borrowing in respect of repo transactions involving debt securities other than Exchange Fund paper. 保留重复使用外汇基金债券票据以外的债务证券以进行回购协议的限制。 www.kuenglish.info 9. Anchored retaining wall can reduce the earth excavation quantity and avoid slope collapse in unfavorable geological conditions effectively. 锚杆挡土墙可减少土方开挖工程量,有效避免不良地质情况下的边坡塌方。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Skin Eternal Hyaluronic Serum features hyaluronic acid (HA), one of the skin's most important moisture-retaining components. 血清透明质酸皮肤永恒特征透明质酸(HA),皮肤的最重要的湿保留的组件之一。 www.011011.com 1. Returns the intersection of two input sets, optionally retaining duplicates. 返回两个输入集的交集,可以选择保留重复项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Therefore, optimizing weight retaining wall design to meet the global optimal solution becomes more important. 因此,对衡重式挡土墙的设计进行优化,得到满足各种条件的全局最优解,就显得比较重要。 cn.qikan.com 3. Suggest that separation of video files sound out, retaining only the image series, have to file for mpg! 视频文件建议先分离掉声音,仅保留图像系列,文件须为mpg! nulung.com 4. Objective To research the influence of partial hysterectomy by retaining ascending branch of uterine artery to adenomyosis patients. 目的研究保留子宫动脉上行支的子宫部分切除术对子宫腺肌症患者生活质量的影响。 www.cmed.org.cn 5. This they obtained by retaining traditional forms and theories of government and working within established patterns and structures. 为此,他们得到了保留传统形式和理论的政府和工作在既定的模式和结构。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. associated drainage , street lighting , landscaping , watermain diversion , retaining walls and slope works , and other ancillary works. 有关渠道街灯地势水流改向护土墙及斜坡,及其他附属工程。 ichacha.net 7. The simulation and the monitor data of the scene matches well . Therefore, the retaining measure is feasible. 模拟结果与实际监测资料基本吻合,说明现场所采用的支护措施是可行的。 stbcyj.alljournal.com.cn 8. Dutch baby-boomers have (until recently) enjoyed ever higher incomes, while retaining their taste for protesting and being experimental. 直到最近,荷兰婴儿潮一代享有更高的收入,但他们的品味保持着叛逆性和尝试性。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Fed's ability to delight politicians and investors depends on retaining its credibility over inflation. 美联储能否让政界人士和投资者感到满意,取决于它能否保住其在通胀问题上的可信度。 www.ftchinese.com 10. the retaining method and period shall be managed pursuant to the Business Accounting Act and other related regulations. 其保存方式及保存期限,并应依商业会计法及相关规定办理。 www.cntranslators.com 1. Returning to normal eco-environment and retaining sound cycle in Yellow River catchment are very important target at present and in future. 黄河流域生态环境的恢复和保持良性循环已成为黄河水利委员会当前乃至将来一个极其重要的工作目标。 www.chemyq.com 2. To the left, it undermines the notion of universal benefits which is crucial to retaining widespread support for a generous welfare state. 左翼分子认为,这一决定破坏了人民享有普遍利益的信条。而这一信条对维系人们对一个福利大国的支持是至关重要的。 www.ecocn.org 3. Second, Russia insists on retaining the strategic independence that characterizes a great power. 第二,俄罗斯坚持维护一个大国通常具备的战略独立。 www.america.gov 4. Minc said that Lula will veto Congress passed last month in a climate bill in three terms, while retaining the emission reduction targets. 明克称,卢拉将否决国会上个月通过的一份气候法案中的三个条款,但保留减排目标。 www.binv.org.cn 5. The method results in a lower pressure loss in the scrubber system, while retaining the same separation efficiency. 在洗涤器系统在低压力损失的方法的结果,而保持同样的分离效率。 www.1168818.cn 6. While most elite schools haven't had trouble retaining faculty, many local and regional players are more vulnerable. 尽管大多数精英学校在留住教师的问题上没遇到什么麻烦,许多区域性学校可是首当其冲。 c.wsj.com 7. Elevated urinary potassium levels with low blood potassium levels suggest the kidneys are having problems retaining potassium. 血钾水平降低的同时尿钾水平升高提示肾脏保钾异常。 www.haodf.com 8. Chinese space art is predictive of reality while retaining a certain charm, as can be seen in the images above. 从上图中可见,中国的太空艺术画比较有现实预见性,同时也有其独特魅力。 www.bing.com 9. Icons should remain simple and schematic, minimizing the number of colors and shades and retaining a modest size. 图标必须保持简单和示意性,使用最少量的颜色和阴影,保持适当大小。 www.jukuu.com 10. Some large project of retaining wall can improve construction process, economic values, and visual comfort by design optimization. 较大的挡土墙工程,经优化设计后可降低工程造价且能加快施工进度,使用方便,视觉舒适。 lib.cqvip.com 1. In recruiting and retaining foreign managers, Chinese companies face a challenge rooted in their global inexperience. 中国企业在全球化方面不成熟的现实,使其在招聘和留住外籍经理上面临挑战。 www.bing.com 2. Returns the first specified number of elements in a set, while retaining duplicates. 返回集中指定数目的前几个元素,同时保留重复项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The government wanted the benefits of commercial discipline while retaining control of these pillar industries. 中国政府希望在保留对这些支柱行业控制权的同时,实现商业规则的益处。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Retaining excess water can dilute the level of sodium in the body, which can have serious consequences. 过多的水分存留在人体内会使身体里的钠被大量稀释,而这可能会引发非常严重的后果。 www.langfly.com 5. By retaining its juvenile from, the axolotl can spend all its life within the safe confines of the water. 只有保持幼年形态,美西蝾螈才得以终生在安全的水域中生活。 www.suiniyi.com 6. The interface characteristics of georgia would directly influence the safety and stability of reinforced soil retaining wall. 土工格栅与土的界面作用特性直接影响着加筋土挡墙的安全与稳定性。 www.magsci.org 7. The report said: "Maintaining clean air is essential in retaining talent and attracting international investment. " 报告表示:“保持空气清新,对挽留人才和吸引国际投资十分重要。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Sermon notes are a transcript from the sermon with only minor editing, retaining the conversational style. 布道记是一个布道编辑的副本,并把它以谈话的形式保存下来。 www.bing.com 9. Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Characteristics required for use in earthworks, foundations and retaining stuctures. 土工织物和土工相关产品.用于土方施工,地基和挡土工程要求的特性 www.mapeng.net 10. meeting professionals expectation of value, attracting and retaining them effectively. 满足人才价值期望,有效吸引留住人才。 www.chemyq.com 1. Those retaining coverage tend to be people with high current medical expenses. 保留保险的人一般是那些现在医疗花费很高的人。 blog.163.com 2. There is still, she says, "an atmosphere of terror" , with the Taliban retaining much cultural, if not legal power. 她指出:“那里仍然笼罩着一种恐怖的气氛,如果没有法律力量的制裁,塔利班将仍主导阿富汗文化。” www.bing.com 3. Finally, the effects of the properties of backfilled clay and the smoothness of the retaining wall on the angle of rupture are discussed. 最后,讨论填土的物理力学参数和墙背摩擦因数对破裂角的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Retaining great people is just as vital for any company. 留住优秀人才对于任何公司都是至关重要的。 dongxi.net 5. Result: 50 cases of severe burn were treated with retaining deep venipuncture, all the patients tied over the shock stage. 结果:应用深静脉置管抢救重度烧伤50例,使患者渡过了休克期,赢得了抢救时间。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Lateral displacement of retaining and protecting piles has relations with embed depth, load grade and strength index parameter. 支护桩侧向变形是桩嵌固深度、荷载大小、土体强度参数变量的函数; www.fabiao.net 7. The officers also expect employment to worsen despite noting difficulty finding and retaining 'high-quality employees. 尽管感慨难以获得并留住优秀雇员,但这些高管也预计就业状况或将恶化。 gz.xdf.cn 8. In this article, I show you how to avoid repeating DAO code over and over again, while still retaining the benefits of a typesafe interface. 在本文中,我将为您展示如何避免再三地重复DAO代码,而仍保留类型安全接口的优点。 www.ibm.com 9. John Philpott, its chief economist, said employers should hold their nerve and focus on retaining talent and investing in skilled workers. 该协会首席经济学家约翰-菲尔波特(JohnPhilpott)表示,雇主应该保持冷静,把重点放在留住人才和投资于技术熟练工人方面。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Premium tubing grades have flush internal surfaces with no space to enable setting of the retaining dogs. 高钢级油管具有齐平的内表面,而没有空间来放置挡块。 www.infopetro.com.cn 1. So how can organisations balance efficiency with retaining and nurturing the best employees? 那么,在效率与留住和培养最优秀员工之间,组织如何能做到平衡呢? www.ftchinese.com 2. Retaining the unwelcome distinction of the world's worst city in which to live was Brazzaville, Congo. 在调查报告中,刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔“世界上最不适合居住的城市”。 www.ttxyy.com 3. Wood retaining walls lend a warm organic look to your landscape design, at a relatively low cost. 木护土墙伸出温暖的有机期待您的景观设计,在成本相对较低。 www.cfli.cn 4. eurocode 8 . design of structures for earthquake resistance - foundations , retaining structures and geotechnical aspects. 欧洲法规8。抗震结构设计。地基挡土结构和土工特性。 www.ichacha.net 5. So the present method is of theoretical value for studying the active earth pressure on rigid retaining walls. 该方法对刚性挡墙土压力计算具有理论价值。 www.cgejournal.com 6. The tester will continually update the results, while retaining the minimum and maximum readings until larger values are received. 测试人员将不断更新的结果,同时保留最低和最高值越大,直到收到读数。 www.gyzdhw.com 7. Rewards system and Compensation play a way role in attracting, motivating and retaining employee. 所以企业员工的薪酬制度在吸引、激励和留住人才上起着重要的作用。 www.13191.com 8. The proper management is the basis of retaining the talents. Equitably material treatment is a magic weapon to retain their talents. 正确管理是留住人才的基础,合理的物质待遇是留住人才的法宝。 www.fabiao.net 9. In this mountain, song dynasty xikou retaining golden hill sites listed jinjiang municipal units of cultural relics protection. 南朝溪口山窑址、宋代金交椅山窑址列为晋江市级文物保护单位。 www.wenhuayishu5.com 10. The supporting and retaining theory of tunnel in the depths are different from ones at a shallow level. 深部开采中巷道维护理论与浅部有十分明显的区别。 www.magsci.net 1. Some of them crossover into the script font world, while retaining their thick lines and curves. 它们中的一些跨入了手写体的世界,但仍保留了他们浓重的直线和曲线。 www.bing.com 2. Latches are disposed substantially diametrically opposite to the handle for retaining the cover in the closed position. 锁存处置重大对立的处理保留在关闭位置覆盖。 www.1168818.cn 3. Put forward SMW retaining wall design calculations according to the result of analysis. 根据分析结果,提出了SMW挡墙的设计计算方法。 www.qk114.net 4. Moss collections are quite often begun using samples transplanted from the wild in a water-retaining bag. 收集苔藓经常是由野外移植进一个装水的袋子中。 instapedia.com 5. with metal skeleton rubber, Road Machinery crawler plate, cushion, rubber, pad retaining ring, cushion sprinkler, et al. 带金属骨架橡胶制品,筑路机械履带板,减震垫,胶轮,护垫护圈,洒水车减震垫,等。 www.showxiu.com 6. And the retaining sediment abilities of burst soil-retaining dams doesn't stop at once, but it has certain hysteresis. 并且已溃决的淤地坝其拦蓄泥沙的能力并没有立即终止,而是具有一定的滞后性。 www.fabiao.net 7. Back-flushing is to eliminate the aging biological film, while retaining a certain amount. 物和老化生物膜,还必须保留适量的生物膜。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. The seal can be pre-formed in an elliptical shape or it can be formed into an elliptical shape by a retaining mechanism. 密封件可被预先变形为椭圆形或者可利用保持机构变形为椭圆形。 ip.com 9. The bearing pin is provided with a retaining bolt at end for preventing axial motion. 为防止承重销轴轴向移动,在其端部安装止挡螺栓。 ip.com 10. There may be warnings before the occurance of a landslide, or before a slope or retaining wall collapses. Watch. 斜坡或挡土墙塌下前,往往有迹可循,以下是一些常见的例子。 www.redcross.org.hk 1. The other big challenge facing multinationals is hiring and retaining enough talented locals to sustain their growth plans. 跨国公司所面临的另一个重大挑战,是雇用和留住足够多的本土人才,以维系其增长计划。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Bolt screw, nut, machine screw, washer, wood screw, tapping screw, retaining ying , rivet , pin key and many other hard ware products. 各种类螺栓、螺钉、螺母、机螺钉、平垫圈、弹簧垫圈、木螺钉、自攻螺钉、挡圈、铆钉、销子及五金件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. With view state, developers can focus on the programming model and user interaction without having to worry about retaining state. 使用ViewState,开发人员能够专注于编程模型和用户界面,而不用担心状态保持。 www.cnblogs.com 4. The indoor heat environment by indoor air temperature and quality of retaining structure surface temperatures. 室内热环境质量受室内空气温度和围护结构表面温度的影响。 www.jmhbjn.com.cn 5. Founded in 1955, WorldatWork focuses on human resources disciplines associated with attracting, motivating and retaining employees. 自1955年成立以来,该协会一直聚焦于与员工的吸引、激励和保留等相关人力资源科学。 baike.baidu.com 6. The lattice jib consisted of five sections and each section was connected together by four retaining pins at the four corners. 该猪笼吊臂由五个部分组成,各部分由四颗连接钉在四个角落连结一起。 www.oshc.org.hk 7. retaining paper feeder tray suction nozzle and a scroll wheel. 挡纸舌、递纸吸嘴、接纸滚轮行不静不纷争。 www.bing.com 8. At tunnel portals and portal slopes, engineers should strengthen aseismic design of retaining structures. 山区隧道洞口边、仰坡的抗震设计应重视支挡结构的耐震性。 9. Throw in the uncertainty of retaining a roster spot and the chance of serious injury, and you've got a recipe for job insecurity. 入选名单的不确定和严重受伤的可能使得这份工作如此不稳定。 dongxi.net 10. A reasonable method was proposed to calculate earth pressure on rigid retaining wall rotating outward about the top. 针对绕墙顶向外转动的刚性挡土墙,提出一种土压力计算方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Deep groove ball bearings are versatile, self-retaining bearings with solid outer rings, inner rings and ball and cage assemblies. 深沟球轴承是多才多艺,自护与固体外圈,内圈和球和保持架组件轴承。 www.gyzdhw.com 2. What they will end up with: The permanent signing of Varney looks likely, and retaining the services of Charlie Adam would be a big boost. 结果:永久签下瓦尼看起来比较靠谱,如果亚当也能够一起留下来则是个巨大的鼓励。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The effectiveness in capturing or retaining pollen varied among different plant species on natural hedgerows. 捕捉和保留花粉的有效性因天然灌木篱墙上的不同植物种类而有所不同。 www.bing.com 4. Ordinary Vietnamese have responded by buying up dollars and hoarding gold, or speculating on land in the hope of retaining their savings. 越南老百姓的应对办法是购买美元、囤积黄金,或者是炒地,希望自己的存款能够保值。 c.wsj.com 5. Conclusion The improved venous retaining needle can be applied in battle field aid. 结论:设计改进后的静脉穿刺留置针可应用于野战战救。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Thus it appears that the cause of retaining " " almost reluctantly. 如此看来,“事业留人”几乎是不得已而为之。 www.bing.com 7. Then, on this basis, an estimation method is proposed based on the four basic deformation modes of the retaining structures. 在此基础上,提出了基于围护结构变形模式的地面沉降估算方法。 www.cgejournal.com 8. All quick release fittings on hoses must be fitted with safety retaining clips . 软管上的快速释放配件必须配备有安全定位夹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The sale would include the Longbridge production plant, with BMW retaining the profitable Land Rover and Mini businesses. 出售将包括著名的朗布里奇生产厂,宝马将保留利润颇丰的陆地罗孚以及迷你车型系列。 martrix.hongen.com 10. It has a laid-back, truly European atmosphere retaining unspoilt and simple charm. 天然、简约的魅力令海滩保持着地道的欧洲悠闲气氛。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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